跪求一腔热血 工艺广告创意研究 论文 谢谢了亲

The twenty-first century, accelerate the pace of modern society, extraordinary amount of information, advertising as apowerful form of publicity a profound impact on our lives, aesthetic and consumption. As modern advertising information, more and more attention on your audience more and more intense competition, it will be many a day surrounded by all kinds of advertisements. If the ad and its mode of transmission of the lack of creative expression, then, will not be a cause for concern, not to bring any benefits to the enterprise.Advertising Federation of outstanding giving a fresh feel, to give products unlimited vitality. As Coca-Cola’s advertising, the last century, continues to introduce new and constantly inject new creativity, as Coca-Cola people’s minds forever. At the same time, advertising a consumer guide consumers through advertising that consumers can choose their desired lifestyle items, which are provided with advertising information choices. There is another important function of advertising is to stimulate the consumer’s personal consumption. Consecutive advertisements, is on the consumer’s interest and desire to continue to stimulate the material, which led to the desire of consumers to buy, thus contributing to its purchase.Powerful media in the modern context of the rapid development of the advertising industry, has become an important promotional power. Whether we watch television, to the movies or surf the Internet, can see the ads. As more and more information of modern advertising, the advertising competition for the audience’s attention more and more intense. As more and more information of modern advertising, the advertising competition for the audience’s attention more and more intense.Every day each person will be surrounded by many kinds of advertising, but a conscious note, and enter the minds of advertising are only a dozen.Only enter the consciousness of advertising is valuable, can affect the consumer.People of modern advertising is an important basic necessities of life factors, we live in the purchase of goods, consumer goods, the general’s will choose those with advertising, brand of products that allow consumers to feel assured, reliable quality.Therefore, advertising must be products and markets, consumer psychology combine in order to better achieve the purpose of advertising. The topics to study from a creative point of view what consumers buy goods, driven by motives, and then explore the motivation for such purchases raised design creativity, and tap the potential buyers.And to promote the art of advertising and entertainment, to meet the aesthetic needs of consumers psychologically, many advertising campaigns that only a strong expression of art and advertising much more easily aroused the attention and interest of consumers, play a consumer guide effect.Before doing research, I reviewed in a rigorous manner at all times a lot about creative design, advertising target market analysis, consumer psychology literature, comparing the different times of the advertising practices in different creative expression but also through the analysis of the advertising development process, the design of modern advertising creative interpretation of the performance impact on consumers. In our hands a lot to prepare the theoretical basis, the combination of the development background of the times, truly the combination of theory and practice, dialysis, creative design embodied in the market value. Creative process in business are many factors to consider, and one for research and analysis of consumer psychology is very important. Only by understanding the consumer psychology to practical methods and strategies used for targeted advertising campaign, and in the campaign process, to produce consumer goods attention, arouse interest, enhance memory, stimulate the desire to buy at the same time to take expeditious action to encourage consumers to buy. In the purchase process, the ads for different
作者:付帆&&年度:2008广告作为一种视觉传达设计的形式,在现代商业社会中受到人们广泛的注意和重视,学术界对广告学的研究已经较为完善,从心理学、营销学、美学、管理学、文化学、视觉传达等各角度入手,建立了较庞大的研究体系。服饰平面广告作为这一体系的一个分支,从上个世纪八、九十年代我国服装业兴起开始,已成为促进销售的重要手段而起到举足轻重的作用。本人通过大量的文献资料阅读和大量广告作品分析后发现,相对于较成熟的广告学理论体系来说,国内对于服饰平面广告的研究明显不足。同时,通过与国内外服饰广告的比较,发现在形式、内容,特别是创意上,国内的作品存在较为明显的差距。尽管差距的根源不能简单概括为某一方面,但创意是广告的灵魂,是根本,特别是在服饰平面广告这种最容易同质化的广告形式中,创意尤显重要。因此,本文将服饰平面广告创意问题作为研究的中心内容。 本文对服饰平面广告创意问题,分五部分加以论述。第一章为概述,主要介绍了国内外服饰平面广告的发展现状,并指出问题所在,得出本课题研究的必要性和迫切性;第二章明确了本文的研究视角——创意,借鉴广告创意基本理论对服饰平面广告的创意进行多层次论述;第三章承上启下,从符号学的角度进一步论证服饰平面广告的“...
The advertisement took one kind of visual transmission design the form, receives the people widespread attention in the modern commercial society and takes, The academic circles already was perfect to the school of advertising research, from the psychology, the marketing study, esthetics, the management study, the culture study, the visual transmission and so on various angles obtained, has established the huger research system。 The clothing plane advertisement took this system a branch, from an on century ...
With the diversification of social development and women lifestyle change, thestatus of women in the field of consumer is getting higher and higher, and graduallybecome the main audience of corporate marketing products. Due to the multiple roleswomen play in society, women are key decision makers and buyers in householdconsumption. Today’s era of consumer image known as the $$ Her age$$, we can see theenormous influence of women on the consumer market the fact that not allow toignore.Chinese female population base is huge, nearly40per cent of women in the25-45age group, which in effect constitute a potentially huge consumer market. Howto cater to the female consumer demand to develop marketing strategies, Be the setbefore the operator a new topic.And print ads as one of the most common medium ofadvertising, more and more used in today’s female consumer. Print advertisingcreative for the female consumer psychology has become a topic of common concernof the advertising industry at home and abroad in the design world. The interactionbetween the female consumer psychology and graphic advertising creative, femaleconsumer psychology, creative print ads, all looking forward to people to go morein-depth exploration.In this paper, advertising, art design, and theoretical knowledge of consumerpsychology, semiotics, marketing and other disciplines, through the analysis of thepsychological characteristics of female consumers, seriously grasp the link betweenthe female consumer psychology and print advertising creative and influence to theviewpoint of the consumer culture to guide the new direction of the print ad creativeexpression. The article focuses on the consumer psychology of women’s performanceand print advertising creative interaction between a detailed exposition of the firstchanges of the consumer society and consumer psychology, female consumerpsychology and advertising creative concept, and subsequent analysis of the femaleconsumer psychology and the plane The link between advertising design and impact, followed by print ads of the audience of female consumer psychology cognitivepsychology research analysis obtained the psychological characteristics of femaleconsumers. Consumption characteristics of these women, the print ads for the femaleconsumer psychology of creative expression strategy, and performance demands oftechniques from the creative and innovative performance elements, creative form ofexpression strategies discussed in three. Through a combination of specific cases todeepen of this conclusion. Finally, the print ads for the female consumer psychologyis How to guide women to move toward benign consumption and puts forward someopinions and suggestions.The paper aims to analyze the complexity and differentiation of the femaleconsumer behavior through the study of the female consumer psychology. In order toexplore the plane advertisement creativity strategy and skills,to find more effectivemarketing strategies. Help operators make a reasonable positioning of the brand, toprovide goods and services better meet the needs of women, in order to attract andretain female consumers. For the advertising company to the female audience creativeprint ads performance research also has certain practical significance.
作者:付帆&&年度:2008您所在位置: &
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毕 业 设 计(论 文)
学生姓名: Y Y
2 广告创意与中国文化传承的关系 4
2.1 本土优秀广告植根于深厚文化传统中的意义 4
2.2 中国现代广告的发展历程对中国文化传承产生的作用 5
3 广告创意与中国元素 5
3.1中国元素对广告创意的影响 5
3.1.1中国元素的含义 5
3.1.2 中国元素的特征以及各特征对广告创意的影响 6
3.1.3 中国元素的类型 7
3.1.4 中国元素的运用分类 8
3.2广告创意和文化的传承需要从文化元素中寻找灵感 8
4 中国元素在广告创意运用中所存在的问题 8
4.1 忽略本国优秀广告元素,使中国创意缺乏文化个性 8
4.2 缺乏完善理论 8
4.3 缺乏能在世界范围内有影响力的载体 9
4.4 广告创意中误用、滥用中国元素 9
5 现代广告中的文化传承 10
5.1文化传承对现代广告的作用 10
5.2 如何正确运用中国元素从而进行文化传承 11
5.2.1 寻找中国文化与广告创意的最佳契合点 11
5.2.2 着力提高中国人民对中华传统文化的认知水平 12
5.2.3 完善法律条例,增强文化监管力度 12
5.2.4 认真思考中国元素的运用方法 12
6 中国文化传承在现代广告中的运用实例 13
参 考 文 献 15


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