
男, 27岁。大脚趾有点拇外翻,平时不痛,现在还能继续跑步吗,每天慢跑减脂,几十分钟内一般不会疼,如果运动量特别大,就会痛几下,运动还会不会恶化
男, 27岁。大脚趾有点拇外翻,平时不痛,现在还能继续跑步吗,每天慢跑减脂,几十分钟内一般不会疼,如果运动量特别大,就会痛几下,运动还会不会恶化
根据不同医院,收费标准不一致,市三甲医院约(3000 —— 5000元)
疼痛 相关药品
最新相关问题&figure&&img src=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-153eb004aea6d8a5edcd10_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&690& data-rawheight=&383& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&690& data-original=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-153eb004aea6d8a5edcd10_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&前段时间百科君写了一篇关爱“大肚子人群”的文章,不少「体重正常,常被人说不用减肥,但小肚子的苦只有自己知道」的宝宝们都表示感同身受。&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic4.zhimg.com/v2-6addd34573db5fdb72ebe7e5ff506690_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&498& data-rawheight=&278& data-thumbnail=&https://pic4.zhimg.com/v2-6addd34573db5fdb72ebe7e5ff506690_b.jpg& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&498& data-original=&https://pic4.zhimg.com/v2-6addd34573db5fdb72ebe7e5ff506690_r.gif&&&/figure&&p&&br&&/p&&p&不过,留言里还有另一部分的人大吐苦水:肚子不大,但臀腿肉肉顽固的心酸,你能理解吗?&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic4.zhimg.com/v2-35a84135c28faef0f6aeca66b1321eb1_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&604& data-rawheight=&307& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&604& data-original=&https://pic4.zhimg.com/v2-35a84135c28faef0f6aeca66b1321eb1_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&&br&&/p&&p&你们是根本不想让百科君歇&/p&&p&正如百科君上次讲的,肥胖分为三种类型:&/p&&ul&&li&均匀肥胖:脂肪集中于四肢和皮下,表现为全身肥胖。&/li&&li&臀型肥胖:浅层皮下脂肪造成,集中于屁股大腿。&/li&&li&腹型肥胖:深层皮下脂肪集中于胸腹部,肚子明显。&/li&&/ul&&figure&&img src=&https://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-c45ac454bb3fbdf6ec69bc4_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&690& data-rawheight=&383& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&690& data-original=&https://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-c45ac454bb3fbdf6ec69bc4_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&&br&&/p&&p&臀型肥胖正是另一种常出现的肥胖类型,也普遍叫做梨型身材。今天百科君就不多说废话,直接开始告诉大家,如何准确“狙击”下身肥胖的梨型身材。&/p&&p&&b&1.不友好的梨形&/b&&/p&&p&臀腿肥胖的梨型身材是相对于上宽下窄、肚子大的“苹果型身材”而言的,它表现在上半身瘦弱、胳膊细、肩宽小于臀宽、大腿丰满。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-eaf96df11f863cda723b_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&590& data-rawheight=&448& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&590& data-original=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-eaf96df11f863cda723b_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&&br&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&我们看图说话,减肥成功前的冰冰女神,就是典型的梨形:&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/v2-be4dae0e2caa7de279ef_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&640& data-rawheight=&647& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&640& data-original=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/v2-be4dae0e2caa7de279ef_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&和“体重正常、肚子大”比起来,“手臂纤细、腿却很粗”这两者,大家觉得哪种更委屈?&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/v2-25e564a252e28f0c3e5ed2bb2067ed09_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&361& data-rawheight=&167& data-thumbnail=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/v2-25e564a252e28f0c3e5ed2bb2067ed09_b.jpg& class=&content_image& width=&361&&&/figure&&p&&br&&/p&&p&&b&2.如何确定臀型肥胖&/b&&/p&&p&世界卫生组织推荐的测量方法是:被测者直立,双脚分开 25~30 cm。测量者将皮尺放在最下面一根肋骨下缘与骨盆上缘连线中点的水平位置进行测量。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-b7ac525f922dea207dee2c_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&350& data-rawheight=&200& class=&content_image& width=&350&&&/figure&&p&&br&&/p&&p&并不是最细处和最粗处···&/p&&p&腰臀比的测定方法是腰围 ÷ 臀围。其中臀围是水平测量臀部最宽部位的周径。如果男性小于 0.8,女性小于 0.7,则为梨形肥胖。&/p&&p&&b&3.臀型肥胖如何形成&/b&&/p&&p&&b&基因&/b&&/p&&p&这一点是比较没办法的,父母的遗传决定了自身骨架、以及不运动情况下的身形。而每个人激素分泌水平不同,就会导致脂肪囤积的部位也不同。&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/v2-41ff02b412ebb69cee46f26f65f47260_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&269& data-rawheight=&208& data-thumbnail=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/v2-41ff02b412ebb69cee46f26f65f47260_b.jpg& class=&content_image& width=&269&&&/figure&&p&&br&&/p&&p&强森式无奈&/p&&p&&b&久坐习惯&/b& &/p&&p&臀型肥胖和腹型肥胖的人,此时可以团结起来讨伐“久坐”了,因为这个习惯不仅会使腰围增长,还会因久坐血液不畅、导致下半身水肿、脂肪聚积,形成脂肪腿···&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-e9f04ee9da7b37c4de5a3fd58eae552e_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&955& data-rawheight=&625& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&955& data-original=&https://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-e9f04ee9da7b37c4de5a3fd58eae552e_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&&br&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&长期伏案工作的、爱窝沙发打王者农药的、废寝忘食当学霸的,大家一定要懂得久坐后起来活动,不然不是胖肚子、就是胖大腿(火辣君哇的一声又哭出来了)···&/p&&p&&b&内分泌失调&/b&&/p&&p&令人难过的是,梨形身材多出现在女生身上,内分泌失调也容易造成肥胖。&/p&&p&某些药物(比如已烯雌酚、倍美力、补佳乐、妈富隆、达英-35)也会影响雌激素分泌,导致梨形身材形成。这些避孕类、女性激素类药物,都可能会影响人体健康,火辣君希望女生们都能爱护自己、男生也要关爱自己的另一半,免受这些痛苦。&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic4.zhimg.com/v2-7b5f38c0baee_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&356& data-rawheight=&200& data-thumbnail=&https://pic4.zhimg.com/v2-7b5f38c0baee_b.jpg& class=&content_image& width=&356&&&/figure&&p&&br&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&&b&4.为什么臀型肥胖难减&/b&&/p&&p&臀部和腿部的脂肪,可能比腹部的脂肪还要难减。因为在臀部和腿部的燃烧脂肪的酶比较少。&/p&&p&值得一提的是,女生因其特殊的生育功能,所以吃下去的东西,会倾向于储存为脂肪,而且会储存在臀部和大腿为主,以供怀孕和哺乳时使用。所以女生也更容易产生梨形身材。(手动心疼)&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-47259d9facb016bbcba12349_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&447& data-rawheight=&600& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&447& data-original=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-47259d9facb016bbcba12349_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&不过,大部分臀型肥胖都是由于不良生活习惯形成,只要改掉这些习惯,加以科学训练,还是可以变成好看的身形的,即使你的基因如此。&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic4.zhimg.com/v2-13c40070dac_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&640& data-rawheight=&640& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&640& data-original=&https://pic4.zhimg.com/v2-13c40070dac_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&依然还是范爷现身说法&/p&&p&&b&5.如何应对臀型肥胖&/b&&/p&&p&饮食方面&/p&&p&? 少吃油炸食物,采用低脂肪的饮食结构; &/p&&p&? 多吃豆制品,特别是黄豆。黄豆和豆制品中含有异黄素,它具有平衡雌激素的作用,在食物中很难找得第二种;&/p&&p&? 富含硒和锌的食物对平衡雌激素也有特殊功效,牡蛎、青花鱼、鳗鱼、海带、豆类、芝麻、胡桃等都含有丰富的硒和锌。&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/v2-a553c7a716db2b_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&693& data-rawheight=&350& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&693& data-original=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/v2-a553c7a716db2b_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&&br&&/p&&p&小仙女原则:多喝豆浆,少吃油条 &/p&&p&&b&运动方面&/b&&/p&&p&要想减去多余的臀部脂肪,那就需要多做全身的力量训练,而不是只做深蹲(盲目深蹲还可能让你的大腿前侧更发达)。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&除此之外应再加入一些多种类的有氧,比如游泳、快走等。注意,每次 30 分钟左右即可,想瘦腿就狂跑步(不拉伸)可能会让你觉得自己腿更肿。&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-bbf9ba307fee4fcd3a0d2_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&1280& data-rawheight=&915& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1280& data-original=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-bbf9ba307fee4fcd3a0d2_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&再提醒一下,梨形身材的小伙伴,其实不太适合做爆发性的下肢动作,比如 HIIT、Tabata 中一些爆发跳跃动作。自己做的时候,可以减少这类动作,自主筛选其中的动作。&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-c099f47b9eaf0ade84c788ac25f46d97_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&500& data-rawheight=&266& data-thumbnail=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-c099f47b9eaf0ade84c788ac25f46d97_b.jpg& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&500& data-original=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-c099f47b9eaf0ade84c788ac25f46d97_r.gif&&&/figure&&p&最后推荐几个全身动作,能够很好地平衡上下半身,并且最大化热量消耗,把有氧和力量结合起来:&/p&&p&&b&芭蕾屈膝 V 拉&/b&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-3d01a9dce1a0006eba3cb9_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&720& data-rawheight=&359& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&720& data-original=&https://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-3d01a9dce1a0006eba3cb9_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&&br&&/p&&p&拿一组哑铃,双脚打开,脚尖向外 45 度,手举起呈 V 型,掌心朝内。接着下蹲,膝盖超过脚趾,手肘弯曲,手掌与肩膀成一直线,回到开始的姿势。重复以上动作 20 次。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&&b&弓步举腿+交叉弯举&/b&&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic7.zhimg.com/v2-e9ab412ac1dd6d6edfa4b2ef_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&720& data-rawheight=&360& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&720& data-original=&https://pic7.zhimg.com/v2-e9ab412ac1dd6d6edfa4b2ef_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&拿一组哑铃,双脚并拢,右脚打开呈侧弓箭步,哑铃向右碰到右脚,快速将右脚抬起,向外伸直延伸,右脚后踩呈弓箭步。再一次右脚离地,伸直延伸,甩至左侧,手肘弯,掌心朝上,接续右脚侧弓箭步,重复 10 次动作换左脚 10 次。&/p&&p&&b&平板+侧摆腿&/b&&/p&&figure&&img src=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/v2-8d9e9044bb1aabcc4c0eaa9_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&720& data-rawheight=&360& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&720& data-original=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/v2-8d9e9044bb1aabcc4c0eaa9_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&撑体动作,左脚向右打开,维持 10 秒回到原位,重复 10 次换脚。&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&.......................................................................................................................................&/p&&p&&b&公布一件大事情:&/b&&/p&&p&最近收到知乎的邀请,我将会给大家分享一个系列课:12节从头到脚的体态纠正课程,包括但不限于扁平足、拇外翻、O型腿、X型腿、XO型腿、骨盆前倾、脊柱侧弯、含胸驼背、颈椎曲度变直、颈后大包等的评估和康复,会非常精彩和干货十足,这应该是我最高经验的总结和分享了,教你更好自我康复,教你更好康复他人。&/p&&p&欢迎大家的支持与收听哟!&/p&&p&&b&详情了解和报名链接:&/b&&/p&&p&&a href=&https://www.zhihu.com/lives/courses/676160& class=&internal&&更美更健康:12节从头到脚体态纠正课程。&/a&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&blockquote&来源:火辣健身 转载已获得授权。感谢作者的分享。&/blockquote&
前段时间百科君写了一篇关爱“大肚子人群”的文章,不少「体重正常,常被人说不用减肥,但小肚子的苦只有自己知道」的宝宝们都表示感同身受。 不过,留言里还有另一部分的人大吐苦水:肚子不大,但臀腿肉肉顽固的心酸,你能理解吗? 你们是根本不想让百科君…
&figure&&img src=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/v2-90be938adb3dfbcc141afd4_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&750& data-rawheight=&482& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&750& data-original=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/v2-90be938adb3dfbcc141afd4_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&不知道大家有没有看过上个世纪七十年代的老电影《洛奇》。年轻时的史泰龙是一名坚强的拳击手,从默默无名奋斗到成为一代拳王。我特别喜爱这个系列电影的一首配乐《no easy way out》,其中有一句歌词是:&b&There’s no easy way out, there’s no shortcut home!&/b&&/p&&p&我经常把这句歌词在工作学习中反复默念,大道至简,这世界上确实没有什么轻轻松松的出路,更没有捷径让你最快获得想要的东西。 &/p&&p&然而我们身边有太多人不愿意相信这个道理,这些问题是不是很眼熟:“有没有最快的瘦拜拜肉的方法?”“有没有最快的瘦肚子的方法?”“有没有最快的瘦腿的方法?”“有没有什么东西让我吃了马上就变得强壮?”“有没有什么器械我练了就能马上解决我的颈椎问题?”“有没有什么动作我练了马上可以让我的腰舒服些?它老是酸痛!”&/p&&p&很多人真的离成功很近,但是他们可能一辈子也没有达到。&/p&&p&对于那些永远坚信在健身方面有捷径的人来说,只要有任何动作看起来轻松,却好像有效果,他们就会把全部希望寄托在上面。我们今天主要要讲的就是“平板支撑”和“仰卧起坐”。&/p&&figure&&img src=&http://pic2.zhimg.com/v2-61ef618a1c0b3cbc3c2221_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&400& data-rawheight=&254& class=&content_image& width=&400&&&/figure&&p&平板支撑多“容易”,什么大器械都不用,也不要多宽阔的场地给你蹦蹦跳跳,只需要一张瑜伽垫,就可以开始训练。手和脚一撑就可以让你瘦肚子,练翘臀,还能减肥,还能练出好看的马甲线。前些年最火的时候,在网络上看,那些大集团的老总也练习这个,那些专业的运动员也用这个动作比赛。这样看起来,这个动作一定是百利而无一害的了吧?&/p&&p&还是那句话,这世上没有捷径。你看看那些专业的运动员,练习平板支撑时,脸快速发红,额头冒汗,腹部颤抖,臀部也是紧缩的。而胡乱模仿这个动作的人,拿个手机一边看个视频,一边撑在垫子上,可能随便一撑就撑了个五六分钟才感觉腰和腹都有点酸,这个时候才想着休息一下。更有甚者,还会出去胡乱吹牛,说自己随意平板支撑做了五六分钟,一般的运动员训练做两分钟就全身发抖了。&/p&&figure&&img src=&http://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-a36c7a97cfb7ed557176_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&1109& data-rawheight=&614& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1109& data-original=&http://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-a36c7a97cfb7ed557176_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&不卖关子了,直接说。平板支撑这个动作的设计初衷是为了&b&增强腹部核心的肌耐力(等长收缩),卷腹之类的动作是为了增强腹部核心的肌力(向心与离心收缩)&/b&,当然,两者都可以负重。既然平板支撑需要增强腹部核心的肌耐力,那么一定要确保核心充分激活并且可以使用才行,用运动解剖的观点来说,你必须保持骨盆后倾,也就是臀大肌和腹直肌还有腹横肌那一圈都充分收缩,才能完成。而骨盆后倾会让腰屈消失,所以支撑时,&b&你的下背部应该是平的&/b&,这才叫做平板支撑。&/p&&figure&&img src=&http://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-36bc7edce67eabbba8cab98dcd6679b2_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&400& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&http://pic3.zhimg.com/v2-36bc7edce67eabbba8cab98dcd6679b2_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&&i&Gluteus maximus: 臀大肌&/i&&/p&&p&&i&Rectus abdominis:腹直肌&/i&&/p&&p&&i&Transversus abdominis:腹横肌&/i&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&再让我们说说那些“聪明”的自学者,可能平时也缺乏科学的健身训练,加之工作生活习惯,腹部和臀部始终是被未激活的,甚至是被拉长弱化的。所以他们训练时,自以为是的撑着,靠着一股不知道从哪里发出的力量,看起来做得挺轻松,比专业的运动员撑得还久,但是做完之后,往往后腰比腹部还酸得多。&/p&&figure&&img src=&http://pic2.zhimg.com/v2-96dd85cdbe4baa773fb358ba_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&377& data-rawheight=&300& class=&content_image& width=&377&&&/figure&&figure&&img src=&http://pic4.zhimg.com/v2-4d7afe0f3_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&252& data-rawheight=&200& class=&content_image& width=&252&&&/figure&&p&这全都因为,当这个动作做得不正确,或者说不清楚这个动作的要点时,人们自然会用髂腰肌的力量来维持躯干与下肢的支撑力。在行走奔跑过程中,髂腰肌和股直肌这一对骨盆前倾的力偶,本来就是提供&b&启动力&/b&的肌肉。同仰卧起坐一样,因为大部分人的腹直肌长期处于拉长弱化或者是未激活的状态,当他们做髋关节的屈曲时,理所当然的是髂腰肌优先发力,同时腹直肌本来的功能也不是髋关节屈曲,毕竟它只从胸骨剑突和肋骨长到耻骨,并没有跨越髋关节。&/p&&figure&&img src=&http://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-90be938adb3dfbcc141afd4_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&750& data-rawheight=&482& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&750& data-original=&http://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-90be938adb3dfbcc141afd4_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&&i&Tensor fasciae latae:阔筋膜张肌&/i&&/p&&p&&i&Sartorius: 缝匠肌&/i&&/p&&p&&i&Iliopsoas:髂腰肌&/i&&/p&&p&&i&Rectus femoris:股直肌&/i&&/p&&figure&&img src=&http://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-2fbf6cc9ceac_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&750& data-rawheight=&422& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&750& data-original=&http://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-2fbf6cc9ceac_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&&br&&/p&&p&这就明摆着的,别人做平板支撑和卷腹充分刺激了核心的肌肉,而你却用髂腰肌来帮你完成一个个看似相同的动作。久而久之,&b&髂腰肌被过度强化,骨盆前倾加重,腰曲持续加大,腰椎的压力也是越来越大&/b&。我们把这样的不良训练动作称为腰椎粉碎者是相当贴切的。&/p&&figure&&img src=&http://pic4.zhimg.com/v2-07e8dac6e8cd43e2a95ac3_b.jpg& data-caption=&& data-size=&normal& data-rawwidth=&800& data-rawheight=&420& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&800& data-original=&http://pic4.zhimg.com/v2-07e8dac6e8cd43e2a95ac3_r.jpg&&&/figure&&p&&i&Iliopsoas:髂腰肌&/i&&/p&&p&&i&Erector spinae:竖脊肌&/i&&/p&&p&&i&Rectus femoris:股直肌&/i&&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&图片来源于网络,版权归其所有者所有,侵删!&/p&&p&&br&&/p&&p&&b&大家还爱看:&/b&&/p&&ol&&li&&a href=&https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/& class=&internal&&真正厉害的肌肉是柔软的,真正正确的动作是美好的&/a&&/li&&li&&a href=&http://link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.toutiao.com/i3351693/& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&单一刺激三角肌,就能撑爆你的衣服!&/a&&/li&&li&&a href=&https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/& class=&internal&&十分钟解决老兵身上的“筋膜之伤”&/a&&/li&&li&&a href=&https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/& class=&internal&&从老兵之伤和大购物后手臂难以抓握的女生谈谈筋膜学派FM&/a&&/li&&li&&a href=&https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/& class=&internal&&FM技术—从坐姿推肩看代偿与肩痛&/a&&/li&&li&&a href=&https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/& class=&internal&&健身3大核心之“蜘蛛”和“腰带”篇&/a&&/li&&li&&a href=&https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/& class=&internal&&健身3大核心之“马达”篇&/a&&/li&&li&&a href=&https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/& class=&internal&&意识,不是吃多了才发胖,而是发胖了才会多吃&/a&&/li&&li&&a href=&http://link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.toutiao.com/i9693069/& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&基础代谢率—喝凉水都发胖的秘密&/a&&/li&&li&&a href=&https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/& class=&internal&&大脑的一半是脂质,高脂饮食可以治疗癫痫、帕金森、阿兹海默症,还可以减肥?&/a&&/li&&/ol&
不知道大家有没有看过上个世纪七十年代的老电影《洛奇》。年轻时的史泰龙是一名坚强的拳击手,从默默无名奋斗到成为一代拳王。我特别喜爱这个系列电影的一首配乐《no easy way out》,其中有一句歌词是:There’s no easy way out, there’s no shortcut ho…
&p&&b&Zig-Zag 循环饮食法高新陈代谢减脂&/b&&/p&&p&来自:&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.rippednaturally.com& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&How to get ripped naturally&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&&/p&&p&Zig zagging calories for fat loss is awesome! Been doing it for a long time now, I
got from 35% bodyfat to 3.5% bodyfat with it, in just a
matter of 4 months, that is MUCH faster than just eating low
calories most of the time!
Plus I maintained ALL my
muscle in the process.
This is (I believe) the secret
to getting ripped fast!
So read carefully..&/p&&p&&br&Zig Zagging(急转)卡路里法减脂法十分神奇! 通过这个方法,我在4个月里面,体脂率从35% 降到了3.5%。 这比一直吃低卡饮食快多了! 而且在这个过程中,我没有失去一点肌肉。我相信这就是快速减脂的秘密! 所以请仔细阅读下面的内容
The best zig zagging method I have came up with is to eat
calories for 2-3 days, then high calories for 2-5 days, then
repeat. On the
high days, you generally increase your complex carb intake,
and fat intake (near the end of the phase) as well, protein
should remain the same on both high and low days. Reading
down below on this page you will get a better understanding
of how to do &Clean Bulking&. that refers to getting and
staying lean all the time while gaining muscle at the same
time.&/p&&p&最好的zig zagging方法是:&/p&&p&低卡2-3天,&/p&&p&然后高卡2-5天,&/p&&p&重复。&/p&&p&在高卡日,逐渐增加复合碳水化合物的摄入,在阶段末期,逐渐增加脂肪摄入,而蛋白质的摄入在高低卡日持平。&/p&&p&继续读你会进一步理解如何做 &Clean Bulking(膨胀)&, 关于如何做到和保持一直瘦而且同时增肌。&br&&/p&&br&&p&The main
way this diet works is the zig-zagging of the starchy carbs,
where we avoid starchy carbs (like bread, pizza, pasta,
potatoes, rice) during the low days and only eat them
during the high days, this enables your metabolism to
run smoothly all the time (even during the low days), and keep the
hormone insulin low during the low days so fat loss
will occur.
Muscle maintenance is also there
thanks to all the high days and the carb load meals.&/p&&p&这种饮食奏效的主要方法在于 淀粉类碳水化合物的Zig-Zaggging,如,面包,披萨,意大利面,土豆,米饭等。&/p&&p&我们在低卡日要避免的淀粉类食物。&/p&&p&而在高卡日吃它们。&/p&&p&这样能够让你的新陈代谢在所有的日子正常运转,保持荷尔蒙激素低在低卡日,那样脂肪就会燃烧。&/p&&p&而肌肉的保持也多亏了在高卡日淀粉碳水化合物的摄入。&br&&/p&&br&&p&&b&NOTE:&/b&
Below is a
typical example of food a person will eat who's lean body weight (your
weight minus your fat weight) is about 160 pounds, and may
be different according to your physique.
This exact
same diet has been working very well for me.&/p&&p&注意:下面是典型的例子,一个人的饮食,他的体重是160磅,约145斤。(体重=体重-脂肪), 而且可能会根据体格的不同而变化。这个食谱对我很有效。&br&&/p&&p&
Also, as common dieting practices go,
you should eat
every 3 hours or so, which ends up to be about 5-6 meals a day.
These are the break down of the food intake for both phases:&/p&&p&而且,按照通常的饮食实践,你应该每3小时进食,也就是说每天吃5-6餐。&/p&&p&在高低日,他们将作为你进食的间隔。&/p&&p&&b&2-3 Low calorie days:&/b&&/p&&p&2-3天低卡日:&br&&/p&&p&&b&Meal #&/b&&/p&&p&&b&每餐&br&&/b&&/p&&p&&b&
calories - protein/carbs/fat grams&/b&&/p&&p&&b&卡路里-蛋白质/碳水化合物/脂肪 (克)&br&&/b&&/p&&p&&b&Contents:&/b&&/p&&p&&b&内容&br&&/b&&/p&&p&meal#1&/p&&p&第1餐&br&&/p&&p&660 -
oatmeal: 1 cup of plain oatmeal, 1 TBS raw honey, 1
TBS flax oil (or hemp oil), 2 scoops of whey
protein, 1 scoop of caseinate protein, and cinnamon.&/p&&p&美味的燕麦片: 1 杯纯燕麦片,1勺蜂蜜,1勺亚麻油,2勺蛋白粉,1勺酪蛋白酸蛋白,和肉桂&br&&/p&&p&meal#2:&br&第2餐&/p&&p&320 - 35/12/15&/p&&p&5 oz
of chicken breast, raw mixed vegetables, 1/4 cup of
brown rice, 1 TBS of extra virgin
olive oil. NOTE: Last
day of the low phase, eliminate the rice.&br&5盎司鸡胸,生混蔬菜,1/4杯糙米, 1勺初榨橄榄油。注意:低卡最后一天,减掉米饭&br&&/p&&p&meal#3:&br&&/p&&p&第3餐&/p&&p&320
- 35/12/15&/p&&p&5 oz
of chicken breast, raw mixed vegetables, 1/4 cup of
brown rice, 1 TBS of extra virgin
olive oil. NOTE: Last
day of the low phase, eliminate the rice&br&5盎司鸡胸,生混蔬菜,1/4杯糙米, 1勺初榨橄榄油。注意:低卡最后一天,减掉米饭&/p&&p&meal#4:&br&第4餐&/p&&p&320
- 35/12/15&/p&&p&5 oz
of chicken breast, raw mixed vegetables, 1/4 cup of
brown rice, 1 TBS of extra virgin
olive oil. NOTE: Last
day of the low phase, eliminate the rice&br&5盎司鸡胸,生混蔬菜,1/4杯糙米, 1勺初榨橄榄油。注意:低卡最后一天,减掉米饭&/p&&p&meal#5:&br&第5餐&/p&&p&225 - 25/0/14&/p&&p&1
scoop of caseinate protein, 1 TBS of FLAX seed oil.
NOTE: Add 1/4 cup of
oats on the first low day for this meal.&br&1勺酪蛋白酸蛋白,一勺亚麻籽油。注意:在低卡第一天,加上1/4杯燕麦&/p&Totals:总共:1,845 calories,
(last low day: 1,725 cal)总共:1845 卡路里, 195/91/79(低卡最后一天:1725卡)&br&&br&&br&&p&&b&2&/b&&b&-5 High calorie days:&/b&&/p&&p&&b&2-5 天高卡日:&br&&/b&&/p&&br&&p&&b&Meal #&/b&&br&&b&每餐&/b&&/p&&br&&p&&b&calories - protein/carbs/fat grams&/b&&/p&&p&&b&卡路里-蛋白质/碳水化合物/脂肪 (克)&/b&&/p&&p&&b&
- 65/55/20&/p&&p&
Tasty oatmeal: 1 cup of plain oatmeal, 1 TBS raw
honey, 1 TBS flax oil (or hemp oil), 2 scoops
of whey protein, 1 scoop of caseinate protein, and cinnamon.&br&美味的燕麦片: 1 杯纯燕麦片,1勺蜂蜜,1勺亚麻油,2勺蛋白粉,1勺酪蛋白酸蛋白,和肉桂&/p&&p&meal#2:&br&第2餐&/p&&p&440 - 35/42/15&/p&&p&5
oz of chicken breast, raw mixed vegetables, 1
cup of brown rice, 1-2 TBS of extra virgin
olive oil.&br&5盎司鸡胸,生混蔬菜,1杯糙米, 1-2勺初榨橄榄油。&/p&&p&meal#3:&br&第3餐&/p&&p&440 - 35/42/15&/p&&p&5
oz of chicken breast, raw mixed vegetables, 1
cup of brown rice, 1-2 TBS of extra virgin
olive oil.&br&5盎司鸡胸,生混蔬菜,1杯糙米, 1-2勺初榨橄榄油。&/p&&p&meal#4:&br&第4餐&/p&&p&440 - 35/42/15&/p&&p&5
oz of chicken breast, raw mixed vegetables, 1
cup of brown rice, 1-2 TBS of extra virgin
olive oil.&br&5盎司鸡胸,生混蔬菜,1杯糙米, 1-2勺初榨橄榄油。&/p&&p&meal#5:&br&第5餐&/p&&p&
- 25/23/14&/p&&p&One scoop of
casein protein, 1/2 cup of oats, 1 TBS of FLAX
oil.&/p&&p&1勺酪蛋白酸蛋白,1/2杯燕麦,一勺亚麻籽油.&/p&Totals:总共: 2,300
calories, 195/204/79总共:2300卡路里, 195/204/79&br&&p&NOTE: This is just a
typical diet that can be done with calorie cycling. You
can always use a different protein, carb, or fat sources
as you chose.
Such as choosing turkey, beef, tuna
instead of chicken, or choosing another whole grain carb
choice rather than brown rice.
You can even do a
more restricted calorie phase during the low days.
As a matter of fact my friend Matt lost 100 pounds in 6
months by doing
&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.yurtopic.com/health/diet-nutrition/before-after.html& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&
intermittent water fasting&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a& during his low days.&/p&&p&注意:这只是可操作的典型的卡路日循环食谱。你也可以选择不同的蛋白质,碳水化合物,或者脂肪原料。比如用火鸡,牛肉,金枪鱼来代替肌肉,或者选择完整的谷物类碳水化合物来代替糙米。你甚至可以在低卡日更加严格控制卡路日。事实上,我朋友Matt,通过间歇性饮水断食法,在六个月里面去了100磅。&br&&/p&&br&&p&&b&How Many High and
Low Days to do?&/b&&/p&&p&&b&高低卡日的分布&br&&/b&&/p&&p&Most
zig-zag programs for fat loss usually only have 1 high
day followed by 3 low days.
From my experience, if
you extend the amount of high days, you will crank your
metabolism up even further so once you go back on the
low, fat loss becomes even quicker than if you just did
one high day!
I have had great results doing: 2-low,
2-low, 3-high, 2-low, 2-high, 2-low, 3-high etc etc.
This keeps your
metabolism tricked so it know it doesn't get used to a
certain program.
Last thing you want is for your
body to find homeostasis for your metabolism, which fat
loss becomes almost impossible then!, which I think it
can find doing only 3 low and 1 high constantly.
But the whole principle here is that you want your metabolism (which is gets revved up during
the high days) to run quicker on the low days, so fat
loss can occur.&/p&&p&大多数的减脂的zig-zag 计划只有1天高卡然后跟着3天低卡。根据我的经验,如果你延长高卡的天数,你将启动你的新陈代谢,将来一旦回到低卡,比起1天高卡日,更快速减脂。我有着很棒的结果:2天低卡,2天高卡,2天低卡,3天高卡,2天低卡,2天高卡,3天低卡,3天高卡。等等。这样能够使你的新陈代谢被“欺骗”,使它不会习惯于这个计划。最后一件你需要的是 ,通过不间断的 3天低卡,1天高卡 ,那样会让你的身体找到新陈代谢的平衡 ,那样将不会减脂 ! 但是原则就是 让你的新陈代谢在低卡日运转的快些,这样减脂将会发生 。&br&&/p&&p&How many
high and low days you want to do is up to you, but I would keep
it in the range of 2-7 high days and 2-3 low days. You can experiment yourself to
see what works best for you (or see the chart below for
examples). Most zig-zag programs have
you do more low days relative to the amount of high
days. But I have found out through LOTS of experience,
if you double the overall amount of high days to low
days, your metabolism will run hot all the time and you
will burn fat faster overall, and your body will simply
look way better and more ripped.&/p&&p&高低卡日的天数随你决定,但我建议控制在 高卡2-7天,低卡2-3天 。你可以通过实验来看到底哪种分配适合你 。或者参照下面的表格例子。大多属的zig-zap计划会要求你的低卡日总数达于高卡日 。但我发现通过很多经验 ,如果高卡日是低卡日的2倍,你的新陈代谢将一直运行的很快而且总体上看你也能瘦的更快,你的身体会看起来更棒和更加有型。&/p&&br&&p&It's
important to make sure you do not extend the low days
past 3 days. Your metabolism will start to kick in
starvation mode and you will be much better off going
right back to the high days then to keep your metabolism
running hot.
You will most likely lose more fat on
your second low day than your first or third. Because on
the first day your body is getting rid of all it's liver
glycogen and nutrients in the intestines before it
starts to tap into bodyfat.
And the third day
won't be as much fat loss compared to the second low day
because your metabolism starts to slow down.
actually recommend sticking with 2 low day cycles most of the
time.&/p&&br&&p&确保低卡日不要超过3天,这很重要 。你的新陈代谢将开始进入饥饿模式,然后你将终止低开,进入高卡日让其高速运行起来。脂肪将在第二的低卡日燃烧的更多,高于第一和第三日。因为在第一日,你个身体刚刚脱离肠道中的糖和营养,在其开始转变为体脂前。而第三天比第二天相比,不那么容易减脂,是因为你的新陈代谢开始放慢。因此,我非常推荐大多数时候坚持2天低卡的循环 。&br&&/p&&p&I also
recommend cycling your cycles (see chart below for what
I'm talking about), this will prevent homeostasis (your
body remaining the same, thus fat loss coming to a
&br&&/p&&p&我也推荐你循环你的高低卡日 ,请参照下图。这将阻止身体达到平衡。如果身体保持平衡,那么减脂将会停止 。&br&&/p&&p&Take a
look at this chart to help you decide how many high days
and low days to do. My better recommendations are at the
top and least are at the bottom:&/p&&p&下图将帮你决定你的高低卡日的分配。我更好的建议在最顶和最低端 :&br&&/p&&p&&b&Cycles:&/b&&/p&&p&&b&循环&br&&/b&&/p&&p&&b&
3 high&br&
2 high&br&&p&
2 low&/p&&p&3 高卡日 &br&&/p&&p&2 低卡日&/p&&p&2高卡日&/p&&p&2低卡日&br&&/p&&p&5 highs / 4 lows&br&5 高卡日/4 低卡日&br&&/p&&p&This is the main
one I have used myself to drop to a very low
bodyfat percent very quickly!&br&这是我采用的快速减脂的主要方法&/p&&br&
5 high&br&
3 high&br&
2 high&br&&p&
2 low&/p&&p&5 高卡日&/p&&p&2低卡日&/p&&p&3高卡日&/p&&p&2低卡日&/p&&p&2高卡日&/p&&p&2低卡日 &/p&&p&10 highs / 6 lows&br&&/p&&p&10 高卡日/6 低卡日&/p&&p&I have recently
started to use this cycle, and let me tell you,
this one may even be better than my top choice.
Only difference is, it adds a 5 high day cycle
in the mix. I am experiencing a hotter
metabolism more often with this one! And fat
loss on the lows are incredible!
recommend for people with a 3% bodyfat and over!&br&我最近开始这个循环,让我告诉你,这个方法可能比之前的更好。唯一不同的是,添加了5个高卡日。我体会到这种方法的新陈代谢更高,而且在低卡日减脂令人难以置信! 这种方法适合 体脂3% 到0%的人。&br&&/p&&br&
5 high&br&
3 high&br&&p&
2 low&/p&&p&5 高卡日&/p&&p&3低卡日&/p&&p&3高卡日&/p&&p&2低卡日&/p&&br&8 highs / 5 lows&p&8 高卡日/5 低卡日&/p&I have not tried
this, but I would assume this would work good
for someone with a bodyfat % between 9%-14%.&p&我没有试过这种方法,但我估计这个适合体脂在9%到14%的人&/p&&br&
3 high&br&
2 high&br&
3 low&br&&p&3 高卡日&/p&&p&3低卡日&/p&&p&2高卡日&/p&&p&3低卡日&/p&&p&5 highs / 6 lows&/p&&p&5 高卡日/6 低卡日&/p&I have used this
one before during a high bodyfat percent and
worked real good. It started to work less
efficiently on me once my bodyfat percent got
lower and lower.
So this one is recommend
for someone who has a bodyfat percent over 18%.&p&在我体脂很高时,我使用过这种方法,真的很有效。但当我的体脂降低时,这种方法变得越来越不那么有效了。所以这种方法适用于体脂超过18%的人。&/p&&br&
2 high&br&
2 low&br&&p&2 高卡日&/p&&p&2 低卡日&/p&
2 highs / 2 lows&p&2 高卡日/2 低卡日&/p&This uses very
short cycles all the time, and it works very
well! If you feel like your metabolism might be
slowing down a tad, then stretch the high days
to 3-4 to keep it going hotter.&p&这种方法是很短的循环,但也很有效!当你发现你的新陈代谢可能降低了一些,可以把高卡日延长到3-4天。&br&&/p&&br&
5 high&br&
2 low&br&&p&5 高卡日&/p&&p&2 低卡日&/p&
5 highs / 2 lows&p&5 高卡日/2 低卡日&/p&This diet cycle is
the complete opposite of what most diet books
and &dieters& recommend. Most people would think
to do the opposite, which would be to eat low
for 5 days, then high for 2 days, such as eat
low during the weekdays, then pig out during the
Well guess what?
guarantee you, that you will lose fat 3-5 times
faster doing the opposite (5 high/2 low).
As long as you stick with the program correctly,
that is eat maintenance level (or even a little
above) with clean healthy foods for 5 days, then
cut carbs back for 2 days, while doing plenty of
intense cardio all the time, you will get LEANER
MUCH FASTER than what most people would do
instead (5 low/2 high).&p&这个循环跟大多节食方法完全相反。大多数人的做法也完全相反,低卡5天,高卡2天,比如工作日的5天吃的很少,周末吃的很多。猜猜看结果会怎样?我可以保证,使用5高2低的方法会比你的做法,减脂效率高3-5倍。一旦你正确的坚持这个计划,吃到稳定水平,或者更高,使用清洁健康食物,5天,然后减去碳水化合物2天,同时保证足够的高强度有氧运动,你将会比大多数坚持5低2高的人瘦得更快。&br&&/p&&p&But overall, I
still do not recommend doing this cycle because
the cycles are not being cycled.
point I am trying to make is, you simply need to
eat more food more often and only lower it
occasionally to burn fat off quick.&br&&/p&&p&但总体上来看,我还是不推荐做这种循环,因为这没有被循环。但我想说的是,很简单,你只需要经常吃多吃,偶尔少吃,这样可以更快减脂。&/p&&p&You will burn
off more fat in those 2 low days each time, than
you would doing 3 whole weeks of doing 5 low/2
high.&br&&/p&&p&在2天低卡日,你将燃烧更多的脂肪,比你5低2高快。&/p&&p&If you want to
get to an extremely low bodyfat percent, while
maintaining all muscles, this is how it is done
(not 5 low, 2 high bullcrap)!&br&&/p&&p&如果你想把体脂降到极致,而又不损失肌肉,这就是方法。&/p&&br&
1 high&br&
3 low&br&&p&1 高卡日&/p&&p&3 低卡日&/p&
1 high / 3 lows&p&1 高卡日/3 低卡日&/p&This is what most
diet books recommend, and I actually think this
is a horrible strategy compared to the ones
I think you need more overall high
days to low days to get to a low bodyfat percent
quickly and this cycle is not the answer in my opinion.
I do think this may work okay for obese people.&p&这是大多数节食书籍推荐的方法,但我认为跟上面的方法相比,这个方法非常恐怖。这个方法不是如何快速减脂的答案,我认为你需要总体上高卡日比低卡日多,才能快速减脂。我也同意这个方法适合超胖的人。&/p&&br&&p&&b&Cardio is Key!&br&&/b&&/p&&p&&b&有氧运动是关键!&/b&&/p&&p&You are
probably thinking, with all these high days compared to
low days, I am going to get fat and gain weight!
This is not the case because is order to make any of
these calorie cycling diets work correctly is to make
sure you do cardio workouts all the time!
it's a high day or low day, continue to do intense
cardio workouts (usually every day) or at the very
least, every other day.&/p&&p&你可能会认为,跟低卡日相比,在高开日,我会增脂体重增加!不是的。因为为了让卡路里循环饮食达到效果,必须保证,你一直在做有氧运动。无论是高卡日还是低卡日,持续的做高强度的有氧运动,通常每天 或者至少隔天 。 &br&&/p&&p&Cardio
prevents fat accumulation during the high days, and
allows you to eat more to increase your metabolism
without gaining fat!
This is VERY important to
If you read my
cardio article you will fully understand.&br&有氧运动防止脂肪在高卡日堆积,而且让你在多吃的同时提高新陈代谢却不长胖 。领会这点非常重要 。如果你阅读了我的关于有氧运动相关的文章,你将会完全理解 。&br&&/p&&p&On the
contrary, if you do not do cardio regularly and do any
of these calorie cycling diets, you will most likely
gain fat weight.
The opposite happens when you do
cardio, you will get slimmer and slimmer as time goes on
while maintaining all your muscles in the process, thus
getting closer to a ripped body.
And the more
intense you do your cardio, and the more often it's
done, the faster you will get ripped.&/p&&p&相反,如在做卡路里饮食计划的时候,没有规律有氧运动,你多半更容易长胖。相反,当你做有氧运动,随着时间的流逝,你将会越来越瘦,同时在整个过程中保持肌肉不流逝,离有型的身体更近。而且在做有氧运动时,越高强度,越频繁,你会更快有型。&br&&/p&&p&&b&High Day Tips&br&&/b&&/p&&p&&b&高卡日秘诀 &br&&/b&&/p&&p&On the
high days, don't worry about over eating as much, feel
free to eat some extra fruit if you like. Feel free to
go out to a restaurant and eat a good sized meal once or
twice. This will only help crank your metabolism up even
further. And remember, don't worry about gaining fat, it will not
happen as long as you keep doing intense cardio
workouts.&/p&&p&高卡日,不要担心会吃的很多 ,随意吃你想吃的其他水果。随意的外食,吃一两次合适大小的肉。这只会帮你让新陈代谢更快。记住,不要担心长胖,只要你坚持高强度有氧运动,这将不会发生 。&br&&/p&&p&For the
second half of the high phase, I recommend adding an
extra tablespoon of oil for each of the 3 middle meals,
that will add an extra 42 grams of fat and 378 calories
to your diet each day, and will further help raise your
metabolism..&/p&&p&在第二个半的高卡阶段,我建议三餐间额外添加一勺油,这会给你的饮食每天增加42克脂肪,378卡路里,而且将会帮你在未来提高新陈代谢。&br&&/p&&p&For the
last day on the high phase, have one of your meals be a super carb load meal, such as a big plate of spaghetti, ramen
noodles, potatoes, etc. But make it a different
carbohydrate than what you usually use for your meals.
For example if you normally use brown rice for your
meals all the time, use something different such as
spaghetti for the carb load meal.
This results in
a different stress to the digestive system, which will
help trigger more thyroid hormones.
Doing this
carb load will help add more muscle
glycogen to preserve muscle for the upcoming low days,
and also provides a nice metabolism boost.&/p&&p&在高卡阶段最后一日,吃一顿超级碳水化合物,比如一大盘意大利面,日式拉面,或者土豆,等。但需要确保跟你平时使用的碳水化合物不一样。比如你常吃糙米,使用一些不同的,如意大利面来最为碳水化合物餐。这将给消化系统带来不同的压力,会触发更多地甲状腺激素。做这样的负载碳水化合物餐会增加肌糖元,从而保持之后低卡日的肌肉,而且也为新陈代谢做了很好的推动。&br&&/p&&br&&p&I would
also keep fruit servings to about 1 on the low days, and
1-3 on the high days. Fruit still contains a lot of
sugar, and we want insulin to remain low most of the
You can eat as many raw vegetables as you
like though.&/p&&p&我也会保证低卡日1个水果,高卡日1-3个水果。水果保证了 糖,我们希望在大多数时候,胰岛素保持很低。你可以尽可能的吃生菜。&br&&/p&&br&&p&&b&Cardio is Key!&br&&/b&&/p&&p&&b&有氧运动是关键!&/b&&/p&&p&You are
probably thinking, with all these high days compared to
low days, I am going to get fat and gain weight!
This is not the case because is order to make any of
these calorie cycling diets work correctly is to make
sure you do cardio workouts all the time!
it's a high day or low day, continue to do intense
cardio workouts (usually every day) or at the very
least, every other day.&/p&&p&你可能会认为,跟低卡日相比,在高开日,我会增脂体重增加!不是的。因为为了让卡路里循环饮食达到效果,必须保证,你一直在做有氧运动。无论是高卡日还是低卡日,持续的做高强度的有氧运动,通常每天 或者至少隔天 。 &br&&/p&&p&Cardio
prevents fat accumulation during the high days, and
allows you to eat more to increase your metabolism
without gaining fat!
This is VERY important to
If you read my
cardio article you will fully understand.&br&有氧运动防止脂肪在高卡日堆积,而且让你在多吃的同时提高新陈代谢却不长胖 。领会这点非常重要 。如果你阅读了我的关于有氧运动相关的文章,你将会完全理解 。&br&&/p&&p&On the
contrary, if you do not do cardio regularly and do any
of these calorie cycling diets, you will most likely
gain fat weight.
The opposite happens when you do
cardio, you will get slimmer and slimmer as time goes on
while maintaining all your muscles in the process, thus
getting closer to a ripped body.
And the more
intense you do your cardio, and the more often it's
done, the faster you will get ripped.&/p&&p&相反,如在做卡路里饮食计划的时候,没有规律有氧运动,你多半更容易长胖。相反,当你做有氧运动,随着时间的流逝,你将会越来越瘦,同时在整个过程中保持肌肉不流逝,离有型的身体更近。而且在做有氧运动时,越高强度,越频繁,你会更快有型。&br&&/p&&p&&b&High Day Tips&br&&/b&&/p&&p&&b&高卡日秘诀 &br&&/b&&/p&&p&On the
high days, don't worry about over eating as much, feel
free to eat some extra fruit if you like. Feel free to
go out to a restaurant and eat a good sized meal once or
twice. This will only help crank your metabolism up even
further. And remember, don't worry about gaining fat, it will not
happen as long as you keep doing intense cardio
workouts.&/p&&p&高卡日,不要担心会吃的很多 ,随意吃你想吃的其他水果。随意的外食,吃一两次合适大小的肉。这只会帮你让新陈代谢更快。记住,不要担心长胖,只要你坚持高强度有氧运动,这将不会发生 。&br&&/p&&p&For the
second half of the high phase, I recommend adding an
extra tablespoon of oil for each of the 3 middle meals,
that will add an extra 42 grams of fat and 378 calories
to your diet each day, and will further help raise your
metabolism..&/p&&p&在第二个半的高卡阶段,我建议三餐间额外添加一勺油,这会给你的饮食每天增加42克脂肪,378卡路里,而且将会帮你在未来提高新陈代谢。&br&&/p&&p&For the
last day on the high phase, have one of your meals be a super carb load meal, such as a big plate of spaghetti, ramen
noodles, potatoes, etc. But make it a different
carbohydrate than what you usually use for your meals.
For example if you normally use brown rice for your
meals all the time, use something different such as
spaghetti for the carb load meal.
This results in
a different stress to the digestive system, which will
help trigger more thyroid hormones.
Doing this
carb load will help add more muscle
glycogen to preserve muscle for the upcoming low days,
and also provides a nice metabolism boost.&/p&&p&在高卡阶段最后一日,吃一顿超级碳水化合物,比如一大盘意大利面,日式拉面,或者土豆,等。但需要确保跟你平时使用的碳水化合物不一样。比如你常吃糙米,使用一些不同的,如意大利面来最为碳水化合物餐。这将给消化系统带来不同的压力,会触发更多地甲状腺激素。做这样的负载碳水化合物餐会增加肌糖元,从而保持之后低卡日的肌肉,而且也为新陈代谢做了很好的推动。&br&&/p&&br&&p&I would
also keep fruit servings to about 1 on the low days, and
1-3 on the high days. Fruit still contains a lot of
sugar, and we want insulin to remain low most of the
You can eat as many raw vegetables as you
like though.&/p&&p&我也会保证低卡日1个水果,高卡日1-3个水果。水果保证了 糖,我们希望在大多数时候,胰岛素保持很低。你可以尽可能的吃生菜。&br&&/p&&p&&br&&b&Benefits of the High Days&/b&&/p&&p&&b&高卡日的益处&br&&/b&&/p&&p&The high
days has many benefits and is VERY important to do to
help you lose fat and get ripped FAST.
Without the
stretch of high days you will experience plateaus of
never losing fat, muscle loss, and low energy.
key to the high phase is all the extra complex
carbohydrates you will consume.
Because these are the many benefits:&/p&&p&高卡日有很多好处,而且很重要的是他帮你减脂更快塑形。&/p&&p&没有延长高卡日,你将会体会到平台期而减脂体脂,肌肉损失,低能耗。在高卡阶段的关键是你将消耗所有的多余复合碳水化合物。因为如下很多好处: &br&&/p&&br&&p&
-Replenishes muscle glycogen (energy stores in muscles),
which gives you more energy and helps to maintain your
muscle.&br&-补充肌糖元 (能量存储在肌肉中),这将给你提供更多能量帮助保持肌肉。&br&&/p&&p&
-Facilitates many metabolism increasing hormones that
will keep your metabolic rate running smoothly all the
times for you to burn fat, and helps to prevent your
metabolism from ever slowing down and adapting to always
eating a low calorie diet.&br&-促进新陈代谢增加荷尔蒙,这将帮助保证所有的时间里,新陈代谢平滑的运转,从而燃烧脂肪,而且帮助你的新陈代谢去适应低卡日而不减速。&br&&/p&&p&-Allows
you to break fat loss plateaus, and I strongly think
this diet is the key to getting to a low bodyfat %
safely, effectively, and naturally while maintaining
your muscles in the process.&br&&/p&&p&-帮你打破平台期,而且我强烈的认为,这种饮食法是在安全的,有效地,自然的达到超低体脂率过程中,而又不损失肌肉的关键。&br&&/p&&p&-Allows
variety in your diet that allows you to have &pig out&
meals without guilt.&br&-允许你变换饮食,让你可以大吃特吃而没有内疚感。&br&&/p&&p&&b&Tips to increase health
factor!&/b&&/p&&p&&b&增加健康因素的秘诀!&br&&/b&&/p&&p&The diet I outlined above is VERY
healthy, and it can be done for a lifetime with many
positive anti-aging benefits!
It has been said that
when you mix raw honey with cinnamon (like for the breakfast
meal every morning), you are helping yourself prevent many
diseases, illnesses, and cancers.
Look it up on google
(honey plus cinnamon) and you will see all the benefits you
get from them together.
Plus all the raw fruits and
vegetables help to also prevent cancers and diseases, along
with cleaning out your intestines and colon.
oatmeal every morning also helps to clean out your colon and
your arteries.&br&我描述的饮食非常的健康,这可以持续一生,有着很多积极的抗老化的好处!我说过,当你伴着原蜜和肉桂,你正在帮自己赶走疾病。你可以在google上搜索关键字&蜂蜜加上肉桂&,你将看到你能从他们得到的所有益处。加之所有的生蔬菜水果也帮助阻止疾病,同时清洁你的肠道。每天早晨的燕麦也帮助清洁你的肠道和动脉。&br&&/p&&p&If you want to even crank up
the health factor a bit more, just make sure that all the
food you buy is organic, and you will be sure that all the
food you get is free of chemicals, hormones, antibiotics
etc..&/p&&p&For extra health benefits you
can add mushrooms to your salads.
Mushrooms such as
Maitake, Shiitake, and Crimini are tasty and add tons of
health benefits for you.
You can even take Reishi
mushroom supplements, which I recommend for
tremendous health benefits.&/p&&p&如果你想再增加点健康因素,那么只要确保你购买的食物是有机的,确保的的食物是没有化学,激素和抗生素添加。&/p&&br&&p&还有你可以在你的沙拉里面添加些蘑菇。蘑菇,比如茶树菇,香菇,不但美味而且对你的健康有很多益处。你还可以使用灵芝蘑菇补充剂,对你的健康有很极大的好处。&/p&&p&&br&&b&Don't believe these cycles
will work?&/b&&/p&&p&&b&不相信这样的循环有用?&br&&/b&&/p&&p&If you are skeptical at all
about calorie cycling or the cycles I outlined above, then
try this..&/p&&p&如果你怀疑所有关于卡路里的循环或者我上面描诉的,那么试试这个。。。&br&&/p&&p&Lets say you are dieting down
to lose fat, and you are sticking to a low calorie diet,
with a calorie range of about 1,600 a day, every day.
You came to the conclusion that you are not losing fat at
the rate you would like.
Now you are afraid to try my
diet because you are afraid to try long stretches of high
days all the time, and you think it simply will not work,
because you would be eating more than what you are now.
try this, do any of those cycles above (except the bottom
3), and just let your current calorie range (1,600, or what
ever it is) be your high days, and then lower it to like
1,200 - 1,400 (or accordingly for your diet) for the low
So lets say if you chose this cycle method here,
this is how you would eat:&br&你依靠饮食来减脂,而且你坚持低卡饮食,每天大概摄入1600卡。你会面临这样的结论,你将不会继续减脂,当到达一定的体脂率。现在你可能担心试试我的饮食法,因为延长高卡日,你会吃的比你现在吃的还多。但试试这样,试试上面任何一个方案,除了第三个,而且保持你现在的卡路里,1600 或者任何在高卡日,然后在低卡日,摄入 卡,或者按照你的食谱。如果你简直这样的循环方法,让我们看看你将如何吃:&/p&&p&5 high - 1,600 calories.&br&
2 low - 1,300 calories.&br&
3 high - 1,600 calories.&br&&/p&&p&
2 low - 1,300 calories.&br&&/p&&p&5天高卡-1600卡路里&/p&&p&2天低卡-1300卡路里&br&&/p&&p&3天高卡-1600卡路里&/p&&p&2天低卡-1300卡路里&br&&/p&&p&Alright?
nothing to be scared of, because you are still overall
eating your same amount of calories you were eating before,
you are just dropping them further only occasionally.
Now try that for awhile and watch the fat &b&MELT&/b& off
your body with a quickness.&br&怎么样?你现在没有什么好担心的了,因为你还是吃的跟之前一样多,你只是偶尔没有那么迟。现在坚持一下,看看你体内的脂肪是不是燃烧的更快了。&/p&&p&&b&Taking this a step
further...&/b&&br&继续。。。。&/p&&p&Now did you know that since
your body is not a machine, but rather a force of nature, it
will do anything in it's power to survive and adapt to your
environment accordingly (that's nature!), thus it is
not all about calories burned versus calories consumed
through your day that determines your fat loss rate (like
what most people think).
It is all about your
metabolism and adaptations that determine your ACTUAL fat
loss rate.
If you are doing intense
cardio every day, you have all the right to increase those
calorie ranges above and still burn fat off quick, and you
will experience a much more toned and defined body over
time, while experiencing fat loss about the same rate.
So for example you can start doing this and probably see
even better results:&br&现在你知道了你的身体不适一个机器,但是自然的力量,他会尽全力做任何生存和适应环境的事情,这不是关于决定你体脂消耗率的卡路里消耗或者燃烧的问题。这是关于你的新陈代谢和适应性来决定你实际体脂减少率的问题。如果你每天坚持高强度有氧,你就有权利增加卡路里的摄入而且仍然很快燃脂,当你减脂的同时,你将体会到更多的乐趣。因此例如你可以开始试试,很可能你会得到一个更好的结果:&/p&&p&5 high - 2,000 calories.&br&
2 low - 1,600 calories.&br&
3 high - 2,000 calories.&br&&/p&&p&
2 low - 1,600 calories.&/p&&p&5高卡日-2000卡路里&/p&&p&2低卡日-1600卡路里&/p&&p&3高卡日-2000卡路里&/p&&p&2低卡日-1600卡路里&br&&/p&&p&Funny, how now we are eating
the same amount of calories on the low as we did on the high
with the previous diet.
The point is, if you keep
juggling your calories on a higher end rather than a lower
end, overtime you will develop a much more defined and toned
body with much more muscle mass, and you will still lose fat
at the same rate as with the previous diet above.
is another VERY important secret you must grasp if you want
to get ripped with big muscles and very low body fat
percent.&br&有趣的是,我们在低卡日吃的跟之前高卡日吃的一样多。问题时,如果你在高卡日提高你的卡路里比低卡日还高,你会建立一个更加有型和健美的身体,有着更多的肌肉块,而且你将仍然以之前食谱相同速度减脂。这是另一个需要领会的很重要的秘密,如果你想要有着大块肌肉的有型身体,而且超低的体脂。&/p&&p&You can also use this
information to determine how big or how small you want to
look over all.
If your goal is to lose weight (that is
both fat and muscle), then juggle your calories on a low
If your goal is to have lots of muscle mass with
still a very low bodyfat percent (like a typical
bodybuilder), then juggle your calories at a higher end.
You will probably not find this information anywhere else!&br&你也可以使用这些信息来决定你希望自己看起来如何。如果你的目标是减重,也就是脂肪和肌肉,那么颠倒你的卡路里在低卡结束。如果你的目标是大肌肉低脂肪,那么颠倒你的卡路里在高卡结束。你很可能在其他地方都找不到这么有用的信息!&/p&
Zig-Zag 循环饮食法高新陈代谢减脂来自: Zig zagging calories for fat loss is awesome! Been doing it for a long time now, I
got from 35% bodyfat to 3.5% bodyfat with it, in just a
matter of 4 months, tha…
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