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网易公司版权所有(C)杭州乐读科技有限公司运营:ISF for sample B at ? a ? q = 0.0155 &A &1 and ? b ? q = 0.0188 &A &1 for&
Contextwhere is the flory exponent. Although the DC model was developed primarily for conformation of star polymer solu- 5,7 tions, its extension to melts has also been studied. It has been found that the same scaling relation ? Eq. ? 3 ?? is valid for melts with an exponent of ? = 0.3, instead of 0.59, as observed for star polymers in good solvents. Using these values we find that ? f B / f A ? ? 1- ? ? / 2 ? ? 10 ? 0.3 ? 2.0. This is very close to the value of R B / R A ? 1.8 ? 0.2 ? , further confirming the starlike morphology of our polymer grafted nanoparticle 22 samples. This difference in morphology also leads to a significant difference in the dynamics of these systems, as discussed below. In Fig. 2 we show systematic dependence of the ISF for sample A for different wave vectors and five measured temperatures. Remarkably, the dynamics seems to be completely arrested bellow 378 K for all wave vectors while above it the relaxation seems to be liquidlike with the respective ISF decaying with a single relaxation. However, at 408 K we find clear deviation from a single relaxation behavior observed for the lower temperatures 388 K and 398 K. What is the reason for this observed behavior? We will discuss this shortly. First, let us compare the temperature and wave vector dependent dynamics of sample A with that from sample B as depicted in Fig. 3. Clearly no dynamical arrest is observed down to 368 K. Further all ISFs are seen to show just a single relaxation, with the relaxation time increasing with the reduction in measured temperature. This is also quite remarkable since melts of star polymers with f ? 50 are 9 expected to show arrested dynamics at such temperatures. Going back to the ISF at 408 K for sample A, we performed more careful analysis of the data using two step relaxation model for ISF,Join ResearchGate to access over 30 million figures and 100+ million publications – all in one place.Apr 2009The Journal of Chemical Physics[...]ArticleFull-text availableMar 2013ChapterDec 2012ArticleFull-text availableJun 2009J Chem PhysArticleApr 2010ArticleFull-text availableOct 2010J Chem PhysArticleFull-text availableSep 2011Show moreAdd comment广州拓威天海国际物流有限公司以广州,上海为基地,在东莞、佛山、中山、深圳、上海等地都设有自己的货物集散中心,为客户提供专业性强、体验度高、效益好的高端美国海运散货双清服务(门到门服务)...
&&&&&&& 一般来说,收货人委托目的港的清关行进行ISF申报。正常情况下,我司会先申报AMS,成功后再把资料提供给客户,让客户委托美国的清关行在规定时间内做ISF申报。但CIF和FOB贸易条款的运输过程中却经常发生ISF延迟申报或申报错误的情况,主要原因有:
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