
& 让球员发挥最大能量――FM体能基础
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译者:skylandsword (08.3)
原文: (可能很多人看过了,再看遍也无妨,别砸鸡蛋...)
身体状况(Fitness),疲劳(Jadedness),竞技状态(Match Exercise):
耐力(Stamina)和体质(Natural Fitness):
对于我来说,训练提高是放在第二位考虑的,因为如果你在体能方面找到错误的平衡点,那么球员几乎不可能提高。找对体能平衡点的标志是球员比赛前体力显示为<font color="#0%,并且球员不是“缺乏体能”的状态。
在比赛密集期,球员不太可能在比赛前体力达到<font color="#0%。这样是OK的,但是尽量根据现有球员及其能力合理统筹安排。关键性比赛用好球员,如果不是关键性比赛那么让他们休息一轮。如果球员不是“适合比赛”,那么持续的比赛会使他们更容易疲劳,从而影响场上表现和比赛结果(如果该球员对你的战术非常重要)。接下来便会导致士气下滑和成绩不稳定。应该替换越来越疲劳的球员。因为他们不会有最佳表现,而且最终会受伤。AI会的战术会针对他们的。
FM Fitness Basics
- By Leroy1883
Football Manager models fitness as a cycle of activities that need to be managed to get the optimum performance out of your playing squad. This is essentially a balancing act of tactical instruction, team selection, squad rotation, training schedules and rest. Regardless of the quality of the players at you disposal you can ensure that you players will achieve a greater consistency of performance by managing this cycle.
This introductory article introduces the key concepts of fitness management and aims to provide a better understanding of fitness cycle modelled in Football Manager.
Condition is the main indicator given to a manager to assess a players current fitness levels. Condition will decrease throughout games. Certain instructions can cause a players condition to decrease at a faster rate as can the state of the pitch and the weather, especially if the player in question has a low stamina rating.
Match Practice
In order for a player to be at their best, they need to be match fit. Match practice is gained by minutes on the pitch and subsequently lost by a lack of competitive football.
There are two main situations that involve the need for building up match practice. Firstly pre-season where a few friendly games will allow your players to regain sharpness after their break. The second is when a player is coming back after a long lay-off through injury. Use reserve games to allow the player to gain some match practice before putting them back in the first team where it counts. If you fail to do this it is possible that the player in question will lose form and possibly morale due to not being sharp enough to play to their best. A reserve match or two will allow the player to gain match fitness in a less important environment and hopefully get the bonus of a morale boost due to a good performance against lower quality opposition.
Fatigue is increased by playing in competitive matches and can be decreased by resting a player from a match and/or increased physical training. Another reason why pre season training is a good idea is the increased physical exercise builds up a resistance to fatigue meaning a good pre-season will see your players last longer when the matches start coming thick and fast. Sending players on holiday when they are are fatigued will see them recover, but this will be valuable time lost developing. Burning out potential stars should be avoided. Players with a high natural fitness will be more resistant to fatigue.
Before playing competitive football it is important that a player is match fit. Match fitness is gained through physical training, but this also has the effect of decreasing the condition of a player. Too much physical training will see not recover between match and will therefore suffer as a result. Try to balance physical training between allowing players to maintain fitness levels throughout the season. Too little and the player will not perform to their best due to lack of fitness, to much and they will be not perform due to tiredness.
Injuries are a fact of life, however there are several things as a manager that you can do to minimise injuries. Injuries happen mainly whilst a player is training or during a match. Training injuries are unfortunate, but can be minimised by devising sensible training regimes that are not too strenuous. Injuries also occur during matches. These can be minimised through tactical choices and team selection. Lower condition means that a player is more susceptible to injury, but also look to see who your players are matched up against. Mismatches in strength based physical attributes such set alarm bells ringing. In these situations consider playing someone who is much less of a target or setting your player to easy tackling. Condition sapping instructions should be only be given to players who have the stamina and work rate to carry them out.
Training Improvement
For me training improvement is a secondary concern, as if you get the balance wrong in the fitness side you will find that player will not improve anyway. A sign that you have the balance right in fitness is your players condition should nominally be 100% before a match and that you players are not lacking fitness.
English Weeks
In some leagues, where the fixtures come thick and fast, it will be impossible to get all your players to nominally 100% before a game. This is okay, but try to be a little bit considerate of your players and their abilities. If it's a key match then play them, if not consider giving their under-study a run out. Constantly playing the same players when they are not match fit wil increase the rate of fatigue and will impact on the performance and effort put in by the player. This will then lead to morale dropping and results becoming inconsistant. Subsitute players who are flagging. They will not perform to their best and could end up developing an injury. The AI will target this player.
You also need to keep an eye on your rotation/backup players fitness levels. If they need to do a job for you, they need to be fit or suffer from the same problems as playing tired first teamers. Arranging extra friendlies for the reserves is one way to achieve this.
Ensuring your squad are ready for action is just another in a long list of responsibilities of a football manager. Fitness management is so much more than balancing fitness based attribute increase verses risk of injury. Hopefully this short article identifies some of the key consideration in what I feel is an underrated and perhaps misunderstood aspect of the game.
文章开始我将介绍球员身体状态所包含的因素。首先,如同我们在游戏中所看到的,体力(Condition),范围是从<font color="#%到<font color="#0%。进一步,我们通过FMM可以看到这里面的隐含内容:身体状况(Fitness),
范围从<font color="#到<font color="#000;疲劳(Jadedness),范围从-<font color="#00到+<font color="#00,数值越大表示球员越疲劳;竞技状态(Match exercise),范围从<font color="#到<font color="#000。
我已经讲过了,体力是判断球员体能状况时唯一可见的数据。这个数据以百分数形式表示。不难想象,体力由隐含因素构成。体力不由三部分构成,而是只由身体状况和竞技状态两部分构成,而且这两部分的比例为<font color="#:<font color="#。例如,
身体状况为最大<font color="#000,竞技状态只有<font color="#00,
体力将会是<font color="#%。不会吧,骗人的吧,比赛时体力不是唯一可见的项,球员的体力不会持续降低,而且数值接近身体状况。你有没有注意到比赛结束后,只有赢得了比赛,体力值才会增加。这是比赛后身体状况和竞技状态重新计算的结果。
构成体力的因素之一,非常有趣。根据上场时间增加,每分钟增加<font color="#,一场比赛增加<font color="#70。老实说,这里的比赛没有计算补时,那么是不是应该将补时计算在内呢?我可以确定一定以及肯定地告诉你,游戏程序计算竞技状态增长时补时是不被计算的。如果球员<font color="#到<font color="#天打一场比赛,竞技状态不会降(如果这期间不打别的比赛的话),然后开始每天降<font color="#到<font color="#。降低快慢与球员体质属性有关,属性越高,降低越慢。
我要提醒一下,如果身体状况处于最佳,但不比赛,球员体力不会达到<font color="#0%。
构成体力的另一个因素。通过身体状况和竞技状态的关系(<font color="#:<font color="#),我们可以得出结论,身体状况比竞技状态更重要。身体状态范围从<font color="#到<font color="#000。比赛或伤病导致其降低,其它时候上升。增长有一定的规律,并且不依赖于任何球员属性。大概如下。
9700 - 112
9100 - 112
8750 - 290
8500 - 520
8000 - 520
7000 - 750
2000 - 995
1000 - 1300
有必要澄清一下,比赛球员(不是板凳球员),身体状况增长完全以另一个公式计算。模拟这个公式是不可能的,并且很漫长很无聊。但是这个数值大概是表中数值的<font color="#.5到<font color="#倍。例如只有赢了比赛的球员才会如此增加身体状况数值。
9875 - 100
9700 - 175
9500 - 200
9300 - 200
从上表可以看出耐力属性相当好的球员需要<font color="#到<font color="#天才能完全恢复。如果<font color="#天一场比赛,那么身体状况就会降低。我做了个试验,<font color="#个相同的球员打不同的位置(两个MC,MR,ML各一个)。位置相似的球员身体状况降低量相同。边后卫属于比较极端的情况,跑动多,相应的身体状况降低更多,并且更容易累。激烈和复杂程度不同的比赛导致的身体状况降低情况各不相同。
这一项决定球员的疲劳程度。一场比赛大概增加<font color="#到<font color="#点,增加的量取决于球员的位置和战术安排。中后卫增加较少,攻击性球员增加较多。守门员通常只增加<font color="#点。球员如果受伤或者受到强烈的撞击,疲劳会增加更多。对于任何球员疲劳每天降低<font color="#点。如果不考虑训练和属性,恒定降低<font color="#点。赛季中期球员表现不听指挥,赛季末表现好看来和疲劳有关。核心球员如果没有轮换,那么很快就能达到<font color="#0,然后开始表现不稳定,达到<font color="#0后,表现开始失常。总之,<font color="#1点疲劳是一个标志,球员需要休息了。
Conditions in FM2007 (Maks, shevelevee, fmfan.ru). Translated from Russian. sorry for mistakes, sorry for bad English, bit this arcticle is very interesting
For last week at our forum has arisen not one theme with questions of stability of performances of skills, unexpected recessions in game and questions of rotation in a team. In this article I shall not concern tactics and a moral condition of a team which too can lead to recession in game of a command. I shall consider training process and a physical condition of players.
I shall begin with that I shall tell from what the physics of the player consists. The first, as we see in the game, refers to it Condition, disorder from 1 % up to 100 %. Also, there are latent characteristics which we shall look by FMM. Fitness (further fitness), changes from 1 up to 10 000, Jadedness (further the weariness), is limited by numbers-1000 - +1000, the more, the worse and Match exercise (further match experience), can change from 1 up to 10 000, are hidden from our look
As I already spoke, it is a unique visible numerical parameter of readiness of the player to a match. It is measured in percentage. It is not complex to assume, that conditions develop from hidden skills. As it has appeared not from all three, but only from fitness and match experience. In a proportion 86 to 14. For example, at the maximal fitness in 10 000 and match experience only 6 000, conditions will be 94 %. By the way I likely have deceived you, conditions not unique visible skill when we play a match at the player not conditions constantly decrease, and figures close to fitness. You I think noticed that when the match comes to an end, the final whistle is distributed and at all players only won back match figures of conditions of that were visible during a match increase. There is a recalculation fitness + match experience.
Match exercise
One of making conditions. Very interesting skill. Changes depending on lead time for a field, namely +12 for every minute, and for a match of 1070 units. To tell the truth, there were no matches with additional time, whether that it will check up to increase in extra times, but I can precisely tell, that time added by the arbitrator to times is not considered. If the player has played a match in current of 7-8 days match experience does not decrease (if after that the player does not play), then it starts to decrease for a day losing 74-82 items. The size lost match experience causes skills player Natural Fitness. The more skill, the fewer players lose. Here so.
The first are skills, the second are points of falling.
Will fall match experience not infinitely and at all up to unit, and up to the minimal value established besides Natural Fitness.
The first skill, second minimally possible value match experience at such skill. I shall remind, that at the best readiness on skill fitness, but not having game practice, the player cannot act on 100 %.
Second constituent of conditions. If we look at correlations of fitness and match experience (86 by 14), it is possible to draw a conclusion, that this skill far more important, than experience. He changes from 1 to 10 000. Diminishes during matches and at traumas, in other time increased. Thus increased always on the defined value, set programmers beforehand, unconnected not with one player skills. Approximately it takes a place whew.
9700 - 112
9100 - 112
8750 - 290
8500 - 520
8000 - 520
7000 - 750
2000 - 995
1000 - 1300
The first is the size of the fitness, the second increase a day.
The truth it is necessary to tell, that playing players, instead of sitting on a bench, increase fitness absolutely under other formula. To trace it was not possible, and if fairly that it simply very long and tiresomely. But these figures approximately in 1, 5 - 2 times more resulted in the table. As an example, the player of the basic structure who only has won back the next match increases the fitness so
9875 - 100
9700 - 175
9500 - 200
9300 - 200
From this table it is visible, that with quite good stamina (namely it defines fitness in a match) for full restoration 5-6 days is necessary for the player. If games go in 3 days fitness falls.
In the experiment, I did 4 identical players who played on different positions (МС-2 and MRL). Players similar on positions lose about identical quantity of fitness. Extreme halfbacks run more and accordingly lose more, and get tired it is more. Different matches on heat and complexities reduce fitness on a miscellaneous.
And here this skill defines weariness of the player. For a match the player gets approximately 45-50 units, the quantity is defined by a position of the player on a floor and probably tactical installations. Defenders lose less, attacking it is more. Goalkeepers so in general lose only 15 points. The player can receive more points if has been traumatized or even simply painful impact. Increases and if to be exact decreases since positive value is angrily, and than it is better than themes less. And so, for a day it changes on-6 at any player. That you would not do with trainings or skill players-6 is a constant. This skill in the answer for recession of a command in the middle of a season, well or the end. It based on the lead research imho. Leaders of a command who play without replacements quickly enough reach value in 250 point () and start to play not stably, and after 300-from recession begins. To a word, 351 weariness and in a structure of the player appears an inscription <<Rest is necessary.&
Well, and that trainings are asked by you. Yes anything, they do not influence in any way a physical condition of players. They answer only for skills. Therefore do pre-season, do not do, all is uniform. By the way and rest can leave for something another, but only not for conditions, it too in any way will not change them.
As always will make and all of us with pleasure we shall discuss them with you directly in this theme.
Personally I have very much surprised, that restoration of fitness and conditions does not depend from player's skills. That there is no communication with trainings. Well also that rotation vital and only it can help to avoid recessions in game of a command. Theoretically, it is possible to calculate approximately when this or that player need a rest and approximately to develop as well as whom to replace.
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