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自信展示自我 感受演讲魅力
来源:德钦法院网 &&&作者:王希 &&&发布时间: 20:45:31 &&&点击:4663次
自信展示自我 感受演讲魅力
&&&&人们常说,演讲是一门艺术,既然把它当成了一门艺术,那么它就不是简单的技巧性的东西了。演讲不仅是讲,更重要的是演,表演。一个好的演讲者可以做到的是让听者对他认同,产生共鸣,进而转化为对自身的影响。那么怎么才能演讲好呢? 现从比赛的角度,将其间些许的思考和感悟整理如下:
&&& 首先,一切艺术都是&功夫在诗外&。长期的积累,素质修养的培养,人格的锻炼,是根基,是源泉。
&&&&以上就是我参加演讲比赛的一些体会。每一次比赛都是一次成长,我会珍藏演讲之旅带给我的收获,常思这些要感谢的人,不断激励自己前行。第四届希望之星英语风采大赛参赛选手自备演讲赏析(大学组) C1 上海 曹一俊 Love Who can really comprehend this unique world? Who can truly live with happiness? For a long time, I have been thinking about that somewhat philosophical q
uestion, which actually misleads me by memories of the rich or some important person like that. But I don’t think this is the right answer. So how can we be motivated and empowered to face the world with joy? I remember Vincent Van Gogh, one of the greatest artitists in the 19th Century. Maybe the hues demonstrated in his works are so touching and energetic, and these bright colors, lines were actually the traces of his soul and existence. Vincent surpassed every one of us. Masters are no different from us. They never run counter to life, on the contrary, they love life more than we do. As for myself, I’m usually thinking about the meaning of life: trust, sincerity, ambition, but the most important thing is love. By all means, love. I want my life to be the demonstration of “ love ”, though it may mean sadness. I don’t want it to be contaminated by the hazy, pessimistic attitude to life. As a student majoring in Arabic, at last I just wanna recite a few lines written by Gibran: “ To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for a To rest at the noon hour and meditate love’ To return home at eve And then to sleep with a pray for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips. ” C2 福建 严懿 Going through the Cornfield All seasons begin with a rain in the spring, all lives start with the baby’s loud cry, and every story begins with a question. Why am I coming to this contest? Many people have asked me the question ever since I made the decision to compete in the contest. I always replied with a smile and a story from my reading. The story is called “Going through the Cornfield”. You are the leading character in the story. You and your rivals are supposed to get to the other side of the field as quick as possible while finding the best corn you have come across in the field. But you have never given a serious thought to the reason why you are in the contest. However, the intricate roads in the field prompt you to reckon whether you should have a try when the the traps in the field have brought you to the realization that cooperation is the best course of action when the difficulty is the enemy of all. At last, you find the answer. After all these things, you finally come to the conclusion that life is a huge cornfield and you would never know what’s going to happen. You decide to go because you do not want to miss t you decide to go because you know the cornfield is a place of growth, a place where you grow up with the corns, not a place that produces the end. And right here and now, I am going through my cornfield. C3 山东 闫婷婷 Definition of Beauty Beauty, such a charming and radiant word, is what numerous ordinary people have been searching for and striving for, but it doesn’t mean we have really got the true definition of beauty, A large number of heads lose their directions on the way of their achieving beauty. One obvious and decisive reason is that they don’t have the right outlook on life, and world, they have just got the surface meaning of beauty instead of the deeper content of it. Wandering about streets, youngsters with dyed hair and fashionable clothes can be seen everywhere, but can they really be called beautiful? No, I don’t think so. There is still a long distance between those champions of various beauty contests and them. Apart from those beauties who are close to perfect, there are also other kinds of beauties. Deng Yaping, who is very short, is crowned in world table-tennis field. Her perseverance and strong will won respects from all over the world. Of course she is also a beauty in our hearts. Woopie Goldberg, an unattractive woman, won her wide recognition in Hollywood, she is so indomitable and unyielding to fate and we can’t deny that she is also a beauty. So in another word, beauty contains internal beauty and external beauty. External beauty is temporary and it will fade away with the days passing by, while internal beauty is ever lasting and the trace of time will add flavor to it. So dear fellows, let’s all strive for the true definition of beauty and let you be a real beauty. C4 广东 谢睿 Through the Camera Lens Believe it or not, my hobby of taking pictures has changed the way I look at our world. I used to see, through the camera lens, only the good things in nature, and in society. Then a trip in Yunnan made a big change in what I see through my camera. As you all know, Yunnan has beautiful scenery―green hills and clear waters. During an excursion in the countryside, I was attracted by some nice little houses in tranquil surroundings. I pointed my camera at them. As I was about to press the button, my eyes fell on some grayish queer-looking things dangling form a bamboo pole spanning (or “resting on”?) two small trees in front of a house. When I took a closer look, I saw a dozen carcasses of birds, all plucked and gutted, being dried in the sun. I was shocked by this scene. How can human beings be so cruel to these innocent creatures? Don’t we share the earth with them? If the ecological balance is upset, how can the human race survive and be happy? I was sickened by such wonton killing of protected animals, by this downright stupid act. I took a picture of this awful scene, not to show that I have been to this place, but to remind myself and all who see it, that we are faced with ecological disasters. It’s not enough just to record and condemn such a savage act. Let’s do something before it is too late. C5 辽宁 孙婧姣 About love The best and most beautiful thing in the world cannot be seen or even touched. It must be felt with the heart, and that is love. Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in the world. With this thought, I find myself a phenomenal girl. Even though not tall or beautiful, the love for myself makes me feel confident and happy every day. I try to appreciate everything around me- the people, the life I am living and the world that I am in and thus I have noticed how nice it is to love and be loved. I can’t forget grandma’s response when my little cousin spilled honey all over her brand new carpet. Instead of blaming her, she just knelt down, looked tenderly into the little girl’s tearful eyes and said: “Don’t worry dear, we can get you more honey later.” And we can all imagine how warm that little girl finds her heart is. See, those kind words are short and easy to say, but their echoes are truly endless. That’s where the greatness of love lies. I can still remember the poor little boy’s thankful look when my big brother took him into the store and bought him a Christmas present. He was so surprised that he asked: “Are you God, sir?” “No, I am just one of his children.” “Oh, I know you had to be some relation.” and I see this as what love means to be. The love we give away is the only love we keep. So don’t be so mean only to bury your love in the corner of your heart. When living in the world that is full of terror and war, doubt and sorrow it’s everyone’s duty to send their love to themselves and to others. If your love can stop one heart from breaking, if your love can ease one life from aching or cool one pain, if your love can help one fainting robin onto his nest again, you are not living in vain. And I am sure the spreading love is the only way to save and heal the world as well as ourselves. C6 重庆 成林 Challenges Make My World Colourful Good morning, ladies and gentleman.Can you guess how old I am? I’m thirty years old now and probably the oldest contestant to participate in this glorious English competition. But half a month ago when I got the information that I could take part in the final competition, my friends and relatives advised me not to come. One of their two strong reasons is that the contest is for the young, and I’ the other is that I will possibly meet my students on the same stage. If I failed, I would feel ashamed. I only smiled to them kindly. They couldn’t understand me, not knowing that I was trying to win an enormous challenge for myself and this challenge could add brilliant colour to my passionate world. . In fact, life is full of various challenges when one is born into this world. I remember when I was a junior middle school student, I always stumbled over my words when I answered my English teacher’s questions. That nearly made me lose my confidence in learning English. As a teacher now, it is not easy to establish a good relationship with all my students and make every class lively, interesting and productive. At home, to be a capable and considerate husband is a great challenge, too. But a different challenge provides me with a different experience--a different colour that I cherished dearly. Life is a colourful journey to me, full of different challenges. Only with a clear goal, a strong will, great courage and extensive knowledge, can I put the challenges under my feet. I have tasted the sweetness of success. I have tasted the bitterness of failure. But failure is the mother of success and makes my life more colourful. So my dear friends: Enjoy challenges! Enjoy life. C7 天津 张良 Who Moved My Cheese Dear judges and honorable guests, Good afternoon! I’m so glad to make a presentation here and my topic is “Who Moved My Cheese? ” It’s a popular story in modern society that you may hear of. There are four heroes in the story: two little mice, two little men, and it happened in a maze. Everyday, the four creatures went to the maze to look for cheese. Finally, they all found enough cheese, the little men fully enjoyed its food without thi while the mice paid attention to the change every moment, they found cheese became less and less. So at last when all cheese disappeared, they were not surprised, they continued to look for new food. While the little men got quite sad and confused, and they did nothing but complain. I think now you’ve got the main idea of this story. Changes can take place anytime, anywhere, if we want to keep our status or to make a progress, we need learn to cope with change. We can not assume we’ll hold present forever. We should confess life is always changeable. More and more unstable factors appear in our life. Compared with the past, Nowadays, people are easier to lose jobs, love is easier to be hurt. It seems someone moves our cheese. In fact, that’s not surprising at all . You know, change will become worse if we don’t notice from the very beginning. So, dear friends, keep alert to change all the time, I believe you will certainly get your own cheese. Let's believe in it and try our best to do it! Thanks a lot for your time. C8 湖北 赵为 Books Books have been important to me ever since I could read. No, even before that, cause my mother would always described vividly that, as a two years old how I loved to sit there clutching a picture- book and murmur things that no one could understand. As I grow, books are going more and more indispensable to me. When I was exultant, books hold me back from being over high. When I was depressed, books help me to pull myself together and get going again. The books I read then could mark all the major changes in my life. Some books in the long run, could even be viewed as life --shaping to me .As the western proverb says,” books are the only immortality,” Books I read kindle my interests in different aspects of life, and my experiences motivate me to find more books that can explain things I encounter. Through reading, my insight into things around me and into myself is greatly deepened. I try to view things from different standing points and in this way, I get a better understanding of other people's feelings. Instead of shutting myself in books, I open up to the world with an utmost spirit and a healthy attitude. Yes, how limited would our ken is, were it not for the knowledge passed on through books! How superficial would our understandings of the world and ourselves be? Was it not for the wisdom of the great minds communicating with us through books! Books are patient teachers who never answer a question in haste. Books are loyal friends who never give us a cold shoulder in our times of trouble. They were, they are and always will be there for us. So why not enjoy their company? C9 北京 郑晨光 My slogan for the Beijing Olympic Games Good morning, ladies and gentleman, Today I would like to share with you my self-created slogan for the coming Beijing Olympic Games, that is “Beijing Olympics, everyone’s invited”. Literally this slogan tells us that this grandest sports event will be held in Beijing, China and at the same time it can be seen as an invitation to everyone in this world as a whole. Besides all that, there is something much more profound in this slogan. Firstly, Olympic Game is, in a way, a grand festival that brings people worldwide together. In this festival, everyone is invited to appreciate the art of sports, no matter what language you speak, what color of skin you have or what country you come from. So I think my slogan has been created in accordance with this fundamental theme of Olympic Games. Just as the Olympic motto goes: It’s more important to participate than to win. Beijing, as the capital of this nation with the greatest hospitality, will embrace with its open arms all the friends coming from afar. Secondly, my slogan is also a nation’s call to mobilize its entire people. Beijing Olympics, everyone’s invited, will you accept this invitation? As the saying goes: United, we stand. Olympic Games need the entire nation’s joint effort. We need you to come up with brilliant ideas to settle various problems. For instance, we need many volunteers to serve as interpreters, doctors, drivers and tour guides to ensure the success of this grandest sports event. And my slogan “Beijing Olympics, everyone’s invited” can stir our nation’s blood and encourage everyone to do his part so that this Olympic Games can run smoothly. All in all, my slogan “Beijing Olympics, everyone’s invited” is a perfect example that embodies the Chinese people’s hospitality and the nation’s coherence. Let’s look forward to the complete success of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games! Thank you! C10 四川 张涵冰 Staying Connected Or Losing Connection? Recently, I was walking in a park with a friend, and his mobile phone rang, interrupting our talk. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and oops, I become invisible, absent from the conversation. I’m wondering how strange it is that the telephone used to connect you to the absent, but now, it makes people who sitting next to you feel absent. That’s the funny thing happened on the way to the communications revolution, we stopped talking to another. It is that all the communications technology tools make me feel lonely. Every advance in communications technology is a setback to the intimacy of human interaction. You can’t even call a person to get the phone number of another person anymore. Directory assistance is becoming increasingly automated. I’m not a Luddite. I know that if I dial 110,I could get instant help in only 3 minutes from policeman whenever and wherever. What’s more, I own a cell phone, an ATM card, a voice-mail system, and E-mail account. Giving them up is an option. But as a matter of fact, they are great for what they are intended to do, it’s their unintended consequences that make me cringe. The communications industry devoted to facilitating my anti-social instincts. So, I’m starting my own technology revolution: no more instant messaging with peo no more talking on the mobile in the no more letting the voice-mail pick up a call when I’m free. Can you imagine that: if there is no one in the room to hear you exclaim: that’s miraculous! So, tell me what good is all this miraculous technology? C11 北京 孙健 Good morning ladies and gentlemen, When I was in high school, I once did very poorly on an important exam. My father didn’t punish me, but told me one simple sentence “fishing itself is more important than the fish.” I was a bit unsure hearing that. I know that my father loves fishing. I often saw him release the fish after catching them. And he had told me more than once that he went fishing just because he wanted to feel the rod in his hands as the fish plays with the hook, and to feel the thrill of lifting the fish out of the water. But I could not find out what his words have to do with me. I repeated his words over and over again. Then I began to understand what he really meant. To his way of thinking, the process of doing something is much more important than the result. And I realized a truth that I could cherish: those who are optimistic and self-confident, and who enjoy doing something new, worry less about failure. They see in every activity a process of self-discovery and self-fulfillment that can not be measured by an exam or the number of fish in one’s basket. Unfortunately, too many people think differently. These people insist that it is only the result that matters. A bad result makes them dissatisfied with themselves far more than it should. And the more they feel this way, the more they forgot what little they learned. Yes, I now said to myself, fishing itself is much more important than the fish. Although four years have passed, I can still remember the moment when my father said that sentence to me. We need to appreciate the value in living, despite its many setbacks. Roads are for the journey, not the destination. Sunshine awaits those who keep the path! C12 河北 刘卜毓 My Happiness Many friends of mine who plan to go abroad are facing 2 perplexities: dreams of seemingly bright future. And uncertainty of a totally new life and happiness. Going abroad to America, for example, is just like living in paradise to most dreamers. Well. Come to think about it. Is it really an ideal life to live in a foreign country? How much does it relate to happiness? I remember when I was a kid, the picture of my ideal life was to live in a big city, carrying a walkie-talkie, driving a car to work, and owning a big house. However, I myself by and by have found that to be happy is not easy. I have been trying to get somewhere and it is definitely not here! I remember Oscar Schindler, a German war profiteer. He was happy when the world was filled with his pots and pans, and he was even much happier after he spent all his money in saving more than 1100 Jewish lives and left penniless. He found his happiness. I also remember my friend and my senior high school foreign teacher, Susan. After graduation from Cambridge University, she came to China to teach English and made it a life-long career. She found her happiness too. I thought a lot and wondered: what determines my everyday life and where is my happiness? Finally, I got a clue. That is: a person’s happiness is not only decided by his external possession of property, but also by his internal beauty of spirit. So I ask myself To be independent, free, happy and honest. To be confident, determined, self-respective and creative. To have the sense of protecting the nature, the willingness to help others and the great passion for life. My dear friends please remember: Life is a gift and shouldn’ be true to yourself and be happy! Thanks for your attention! C13 吉林 潘玉 If you become the famous person, what will you do? Well, what a wonderful topic! How I wish it could become true now! Oh, a famous person, but if it did become true, I would fly to the war-torn Iraq right away. Why? I would go to meet the people there who have been afflicted by famine and devastation. I would work as a goodwill ambassador and try my best to raise the public awareness of the plight faced by people in Iraq. Too many times, I saw the bloodshed in Baghdad, the tears on children's faces, and the desperation in mothers' eyes, I can't help crying. The war was called &Iraqi Freedom&, but the true freedom can't be given. Freedom is like the seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations, sprouting, blooming with the care and love, no fighting or gun. Everybody dreams of doing great things, but everyday we are called to do small things with great love. Therefore, I am always ready to give my hands to those who need them. I am confident that my hands with all of the loving hands in this world would bring peace and happiness to the needed. And if I became the famous person, my hands would reach further. I do hope Iraq will not be enveloped in smoke again, and the splendid sunshine could warm the frozen land. No sirens, no fears and smiles will shine through over these tearful faces and all of these would never be taken away. C14 江苏 王倩 Joy on the Tip of Thumb “If I had one million yuan, I would buy you a palace! Do I have one million yuan? No, I don’t! So I only can spend ten fen on this short message, sending you my best wishes.!” Five years ago, the most popular electronic devi Three years ago, e- Today, SMS―Short Message Service is in fashion, and it is now considered as the 5th media ! China Mobile says that per second, there are 410 messages being sent. Look around you! People are attentively watching their mobiles. Smiling or sighing, their facial expressions are worth observing. Thumbs are flashing over buttons, bringing happiness to recipients. The humor hidden within limited characters shows how charming language is! Through SMS, we make appointments, share jokes and latest news. We even reserve weather report and book tickets. Sweethearts express love in the form of text. This “Thumb Culture” is no longer only for delivering information. It becomes a communication tool, enriching our mental life and solidifying our relationship. When a phenomenon is modified by the word“culture”, the tendency is for it to become fashionable. According to statistics, 67% of young people like to “Short” to greet each other. SMS is now linked to internet, to provide more convenience to people. I am grateful for the progress in telecom because SMS saves much money on my phone bill. Just on the tip of thumb, so much joy can be found! C15 河南 程悦 This Is Me Please close your eyes for just a moment and picture yourself strolling along the beach of a vast sea. Pressing against your feet are countless pebbles of countless shapes. Some are large, some small, some are round, some uneven, still some are triangles, and some may even resemble the shape of a cute rabbit. If we individuals are these pebbles along the beach, which shape would you like to have? Well, as to me, I would choose to be a fat round pebble. Why? Well, as you see I am so thin and weak, I always dream to be a stronger and fatter boy with a round face and bubbling muscle. But this is part of the reason, I have more to tell you. Firstly, by nature I am a definite perfectionist. I always strive to do everything perfectly, just like drawing a circle―a good beginning, a beautiful curve and then a happy and complete ending. Secondly, being a round pebble, I can move along the beach easily, which means in real life I can go traveling easily and rapidly than others. I am crazy about traveling. I spent most of my holiday going out. Now I can proudly say that all these years of traveling experience have equipped me with a sense of perseverance and an open mind. In addition, this ideal fat and round body of mine helps me to present myself as a warm-hearted and considerate young man and this is indeed what I am like in my dealing with others. This is me. Please do remember that I will say hello to you every time you go to the beach―best wishes from a fat round pebble 中学组的 Facing Applause Correctly Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Today I’m very glad to be here to share with you some of my thoughts on the topic of an attitude towards life----facing applause correctly. There was a philosopher who once said that applause is one of the most wonderful extras in life. I personally couldn’t agree more. Applause gives us the power which enables us to show our talents in competitions. It is a cluster of exuberant flowers which continues to bloom time and time again on one’ it is the perpelling force which pushes one forward on and on through everything. If one becomes successful in a certain field of study, applause will make him much happier, telling him to keep up the good work and make better progress. If one fails to do something, applause will give him enough courage to get over it, helping him to have more confidence and never say die. It is difficult to imagine what the world would be like if no applause existed. Everything would turn out to be lacking in energy and everyone would turn out without passion. A it brightly warms every corner of the earth and offers us enthusiasm to conquer every difficulty. However, too much sunshine can make plants fade and give us sunburns. A it unselfishly feeds the thirsty grass and also clears our troubled minds. However, too much water may wash away all of our houses and destroy our homestead. A it gently touches creatures all over the world and calms our nerves when we get anxious. However, too much wind will stir up the ocean and cause a huge disaster. All in all, different people may have different reactions to applause, and these may even be opposite sometimes. Therefore, face applause correctly. And then, success can be achieved by him, her, you and I. Thank you, everyone! My view on opportunity Good morning! Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen : Different people might take different views upon opportunity. Some people regard opportunity a rare thing that is difficult to get. But other people think that every one has some kind of opportunities from time to time. As for me, I prefer the latter opinion. A western saying tells us, “Every dog has its day.” Everybody has opportunities to be successful. In fact, no one can be denied by opportunities. Those who claim they don’t have good luck just can’t recognize or make good use of opportunity. So we must try our best to find it and make best use of it. Opportunities are not windfalls. Opportunities belong to those who are prepared and qualified. For example, before Newton many people had seen an apple falling down from a tree, but only Newton discovered the Law of Gravity. The reason is that he had developed a habit of thinking over answers to problems and stuck to his studies in spite of difficulties. As we all know, China is a country with a large number of young people. We are compared to the rising sun, giving youth, energy and new blood to our nation. So we must try to live up to the expectations of our motherland by squarely facing and taking every opportunity we meet in order to make the most worthwhile contribution we can to the world as well as our motherland. Yes, opportunites are coming. With our talents and with our wits, with our courage and with our creativity, let us whisper, loudly in our minds: Let it come! Let it come! Thank you. The Dream We Have Some days ago, I saw a picture in a newspaper. In the picture is a frightened girl. The four-year-old girl has just become motherless and homeless, and is lying in the arms of a doctor. Her pink clothes are bloodied and her hollow eyes are staring at something only she can see. People can always see images like this on TV. We see little children begging food and water from soldiers. We see dead bodies of common people deserted in the dust of bombing. We see heavy smoke rising from the burning cities, covering the solid blue sky. Every time we see these sad scenes, the only word that bursts out of our heart is “Peace, peace, peace!” But where on earth is the real, sweet peace? Actually, peace has always been the most beautiful wish of all the humans on the globe, but when we look back on the human civilization, there are millions of war nightmares flashing before our eyes―tears in mothers` eyes, birds standing on burnt logs, cameras in dead journalists` hands, wastelands after inhumane killings. Faced with all these terrible sights, our hearts are weeping. We are wondering why killings are found everywhere when we know peace is our desire. We are wondering why we can’t bring an end to wars which are making us suffer. We are wondering why we have to destroy our only home instead of making efforts to decorate it. Maybe we haven’t found the answers to these questions, but we’ll try to pursue them. Maybe peace is still far away, but we still hold strong belief in it. We have a dream that one day the sky will no longer be covered with the clouds of bombing, so that white doves can fly freely. We have a dream that one day the earth will never cry, and the world will be full of the fragrance of flowers. We have a dream that one day all the people in the world, no matter they are white or black, yellow or red can join their hands together like brothers and sisters. We have a dream that one day there will be true harmony of humans and animals, without famine, without diseases, without pollution, without conflicts and without killings. Just as a famous song goes, “Heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me, and for the entire human race.” Gratitude Is The Right Attitude Good morning dear friends: Now standing in front of you is an optimistic and confident girl, but no more than half a year ago, things were quite the opposite. I was recommended for admission to Fudan University, so my parents sent me to study with undergraduates. I really had a hard time fitting in. Since it was the first time for me to live in a dormitory, and all the students around me are two or three years older. Worst of all, I couldn't get use to the food there. I kept complaining to my father on the phone, hoping to get some comfort. To my surprise, he said to me:& Stop complaining, my dear. You are so lucky. You don't have to take part in the college entrance examination, so you can manage your time freely. The difficulties you have now will make you braver. Just remember: gratitude is the right attitude everyday.& After my father told me the last few words, I realized how I should lead my life. That is to take a grateful attitude towards my family, my friends, the people who helped me, and even the difficulties I had. I should thank my family for taking care of me, and always being there to support me. I should thank my friends for sharing good times and bad with me. I should never miss a chance to smile and say &thank you& to others. I should also thank the difficulties I have, because by overcoming them, I will improve a lot. I tried to communicate more with the people around me, and find that they were all kind and friendly. Now we have a wonderful time together. This experience taught me how to make friends, and how to be independent. Life becomes much easier for me now. Everyday I take some spare time to meditate, and to appreciate all I have. My living principle is: &Gratitude is the right attitude.& What about yours? Thank you! By: Zhouyixue from Yinchuan No.1 Middle School, Ningxia My First English Teacher Good morning, everyone! Most Chinese people these days know what it is like to have an “English teacher”, since almost all pupils study English from Year three. Usually that first English teacher will be a young and lovely lady in primary school. But my first English teacher is none other than my father. Looking back, I can see that, when I was only a little carefree girl, he created an English environment by providing me with flash cards, fun English-language toys and even dolls which sang English songs! My interest in English had definitely been awakened when I began to learn the English alphabet at school. Just imagine, he went a step further and asked me to learn “New Concept English” by myself! I was confused and even angry. I could not understand how a father could be so strict with his little girl. All the same, he never gave up and he gently insisted that I follow through with his ideas. At first, I read stories with tears in my eyes and I actually hated them because they were too difficult for me. I eventually came to love the funny stories and, my father was always there with a helping hand. I am sure that my English would never have come so far without his support. And that’s how my father is not only my first English teacher but also my lifelong teacher. He is the one who awoke my interest, who gave me confidence and who offered me much needed help. One Chance Hi, I’m Alex from Bei Jing No.80 middle school. It’s an honor for me to have this opportunity to share some of thoughts with all of you at this moment. As we all know, Beijing has the opportunity to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Game. We have been waiting for years for this chance to show others around the world to our very home, and show them the combination of technology, history, and environment that we all cherish well. We’re pretty satisfied with our nationality, locally. But as I traveled to a few foreign countries, I realize that some children with Chinese backgrounds are unwilling or ashamed to be what they are, because of some unavoidable racism and racial discrimination. And some are just embarrassed because they have black hair, brown
they think being like this makes them look ugly, some even wished that they were Caucasian. It’s a sad reality that these people really exist. So I realized that how important it is to make understanding between others and us. So, what does racism have to do with the 2008 Olympics? As I have mentioned, it’s a chance. But it isn’t just a chance for us to go and show others our culture. It’s a chance for us to go and show some people who we really are, it’s a chance for us to go and show some people that if they can do it, we can do it, too. It’s a chance to let them change their view about us forever, and then they will know that no matter what race you are we are all the same, no race is more better then the other in any field. But this chance only comes fo let’s not waste it. I don’t think anyone wants to wait for the future is now. So don’t stand there and wait, you have to run to it. Maybe things will happen during this marathon, but one thing is for sure, we will all make it. So let’s not lose faith. Grandpa, the Great On the day of my departure at the railway station, when the train began heading north, I caught sight of the silhouette of my grandpa swaggering away home bound. His voice echoed, reassuringly: ”Boy, cheer up, show your best to the world!” Grandpa had been a constant figure in my childhood, much more available than my office-bound parents. He was there to see me grow up, caring and nurturing me. I used to be a shy boy, taciturn and self-isolated in my books. Little had I imagined that I’d be facing this kind of English contest some day. When I was 7 years old, my elementary school once held a biennial poem recitation contest. As you could have imagined, I balked at the idea of partaking in. I dreaded the thought of delivering a mini-speech in front of a horde of people, with din and pandemonium in the school auditorium. To make it worse, the silly extravaganza was likely to be spoiled by those parents seemingly sneering at childish voices, making fun of our innocence and naiveté. Alas, what a holy shame to get involved. Nevertheless, grandpa insisted that I should join in, with his reassuring voice he went:&Boy, don’t take yourself seriously, come on and show your best!” Eventually, I did it and succeeded. As my grandpa always said, life is full of joy and challenges with challenges predominating, that I shall never panic and lose sight of my priorities in face of it, rather to adhere to my principals of hard work, perseverance and self-confidence. Thus now I look forward to challenges rather than shying away from them and I value the determination that guided my through the struggles. Thanks to his sustained support, I made my way here. Though the challenge ahead is tough, I can still believe this gentle old man: Oh yes, cheer up, SHOW MY BEST TO THE WORLD.” If I Have a Magic-stick After I read the books of Harry Potter,I am greatly touched by the fantastic magic world. How I wish if I could have a magic-stick just like Harry to make all my wishes come ture! If I have a magic-stick,I’ll make President Bush stop the war on Iraq. I don’t think it’s a rightful war, because America neither care about UN,nor other countries’ complaining,and started the war all by itself! From the news,we all know clearly,that a lot of citizens of Iraq died or hurt seriously. I feel very sorry to see that. If I can stop every war in the world with my magic-stick,I believe the whole earth will be a paradise for everyone else. If I have a magic-stick,I will build a new school building for all my schoolmates. As the building is built by itself and it’ll finish in one night,we don’t need to move to other schools,we don’t need to spend any time or money on it. It’ll be very quiet and without any pollution. It’ll have the greatest facilities in it. If I have a magic-stick, will design a new kind of uniform for all the students In summer, I when it’s very hot,the uniform will spray some small drops of cool water on your legs and arms. In winter,it’ll get thicker with the temperature. You even don’t have to wear sweaters,only this uniform can make you feel that the spring is here right now!When it rains or snows,it can shop your form getting wet. When it’s windy,it can shelter your eyes from sandstorms,too. And we girls will like it a lot,because it’ll keep us away from the sunburn! If I have a magic-stick,I will go back to the past to learn more about history,I’ll travel around the world to revise my store of knowledge. I’ll protect our environment and the wild animals… If I have a magic-stick,I want to do so many things. Although I can never have one,I still want to tell everybody, sooner or later, my dreams will be done! all Because at the time, hands will be the magic-sticks! my Believe me!I can! Bring Chinese music to the world Hello, everyone: I’m sure all of you would still remember the Chinese traditional music performance in Vienna Golden Concert Hall. That night, spectators were all entranced by the undulating rhythm, the entire hall was flooded by long time applause . It’s a time to be proud of not only by the Chinese music world but also the whole nation where the music was nurtured. For decades, we are constantly concerned about lots of questions. Can national music permeate into more foreign lands? Can the fancy melody fuse with more foreign races? And can the profound culture grow into prosperity in more foreign countries? People often say: What belongs to one nation becomes universal. As a treasure of our ancient culture, traditional music reflects this wise saying. In China, the famous music can be cherished deeply in every Chinese’ in foreign countries, it arouses the nostalgia of the overseas C in the whole world, it can one day inspire resonance between people with different skins and languages. Look at the enthusiastic and persevering warriors who dedicated themselves to bring Chinese music to the world, I have a dynamic impulse to join them immediately. Please believe me, my friends. I will exert my utmost strength for it. Please walk by my side, my friends. Let’s strive together for the bright and glorious future of Chinese traditional music in the world! Thanks for your attention! On Friends I remember when I was younger, my grandmother used to tell me many stories. Today I would like to share with you one of my favorites. Once, there lived a young boy. He was very sad because he couldn’t keep his friends. One day he asked his father why this was so. His father only replied:“Son, each time you say or do something that hurts one of your friends, hammer a piece of wood into the ground.” The curious boy did as he was told and soon he had made a fence out of the wood. “Father!” he cried, “ I can’t get out! I am blocked by this fence! ” “Well, son, each time you say something nice to a friend, you can take one piece of wood out.” The boy did this, too. On the first day he took out one piece of wood and on the second day he took out another two. On the third day he took out some more. Finally he had removed all of the wood. “ But Father!” he cried again, “ Look at the holes in the ground! They are big and dark! Oh, how ugly!” “Son,” his father said, “ This is why you aren’t able to keep your friends. Remember: when you hurt someone’s feelings, no matter what you do to make up for it, there will always be a scar in their heart. ” From that day on, this young boy was always very careful of his words and actions and he never hurt his friends’ feelings again. To this day, I always keep this story close to my heart. It has taught me a lot. I as always careful not to hurt any of my friends because they are people that I wouldn’t want to lose. Smile First I’d like to ask you a question: Do you think the war in Iraq could be solved in another way? I cannot remember how old I was when I heard this story for the first and only time. Once there was a king, who didn’t like his infant daughter and wanted to get rid of her. So he asked a strong knight to kill her . A smile is the cutest facial expression of all. It can show your friendliness, it can raise your confidence, and it can change embarrassment into harmony. The knight took the baby into the forest and lifted his sword, as the sword was going to come down, he saw a sweet smile on the baby's little face, the knight's arms couldn't drop, his braveness crumbled before the baby’s smile. Beyond all doubt, this is the power of a smile. Actually, a smile is the best weapon in the world. But during the war in Iraq, I couldn't see a single smile on any of the role players' faces. Last year 287 000 Chinese committed suicide because of stress. Research shows, that a smile every hour, gives people immediate relief and reduces stress by 70 %. It opens our minds to think clearly. I want to conclude with the famous saying: &A smile converts problems into challenges.” I hope by sharing my speech with you, will give you more understanding of the value of love and life. Please remember this important point: A smile is the cutest facial expression of all. It can show your friendliness, it can raise your confidence, and it can change embarrassment into harmony. Most reliable friend never forgotten I never thought anyone of the same age of me could be more special than me until a half-year-younger girl came into my life three years ago. Once in this term I met her in the English corner and both of us were so excited because we had not seen each other for so long since the day we were distributed into different classes at the beginning of out senior year. She looked me in the eye and said, “Suzy, since the day we were not in the same class , I’ve been feeling lost, but what's more, I can definitely feel that you have left something in my mind or body that my new classmates who know you said I was so much like you!” I smiled ,feeling so touched inside and suddenly a word jumped into my mind “permeate”. Yes, we permeated each other because I felt the same way as her. Lynda, the girl , my best friend, would like to call me the most reliable friend and I would ,too. We were in the same class in junior school and we shared the same room with six other girls. To tell you the truth, I didn’t like her at all first because of her boyish manners, hardly ever making the bed, never cleaning the dormitory, and she was less talkative than anyone of us in our dormitory---totally special. Maybe this kind of personality never appeared in my life so I felt uncomfortable quite a bit. But when I began to talk to her, I thought it was a wonderful beginning because if I hadn’t talk to her I would lost the most valuable friend in my life. Actually, she was optimistical and rakish and that’s why she was boyish ,and it was her boyish way of thinking ,that our friendship remained long with no quarrels. I mean, the longer I was with her , the more I behaved smartly like a boy. People’s mind changes, but friendship will last forever. The hard school life occupies most of our time and we seem to be kept away from each other though we are in the same Grade. But distance makes beauty , when we see each other and say such simple worlds like “What’s up”, “Catch you later” ,“ Don’t forget to call me”…… make both of us feel warm and satisfied. A New Starting Point Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! I’m Marcus Doo,a boy from Wuhu. First of all, I must say standing here makes me feel really honored and excited. Maybe you can guess what has brought me to this spot. My English journey started when I began to utter Englis. Later, New Concept English cultivated in me a genuine passion for English. And furthermore, Li Yang Crazy English convinced me that it’s my destiny to pursue English learning all my life. I mean, English has opened up a new world to me and English means everything to me. April 3rd is the date I’ll never forget . On that day I received the call from CCTV, informing me that I was admitted to the National Final. That news came out of the blue , I couldn’t believe my ears, my mind went blank ,my head swirled and I felt as if I was in a dream. Shortly after that, when I calmed down, I began to realize this competition is not my final goal, but a new starting point. Today, we are gathering here to compete for the highest mark. All the contestants present are so outstanding that it is a real challenge for me to come out top,at the same time, I’ve got the fine chance to learn from their experience and acquire fresh knowledge. And most important of all, I have the honor to hear the comments given by our respectable judges. All this will certainly give a good push to my English study. Issac Newton once said, “If I have seen further than most men, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” So far I’ve become fully confident of myself simply because I’m standing at a new and high starting point. Setting off from this point, I’ll fulfill my colorful dreams. Maybe several years later, there will be a young man sitting on this judge’s seat and his name will be Marcus Doo. I hope that day will come soon. Thanks for listening! Midsummer night’s dream in Cambridge Today I ‘d like to share my experience with you. People often think of Cambridge as a diamond on an imperial crown, which means it is a world-famous seat of academic authority. in the summer vacation of 2002, I luckily had an opportunity to go to Cambridge. When I finally reached her, Cambridge welcomed in her particular approachable way. Besides the imposing buildings of the university, the honest and warm local people also gave me wonderful memories. Here I have a story to tell you. There was a traditional festival during my stay in Cambridge in memory of William Shakespeare. I decided to go to the Girton college to enjoy the famous play:” midsummer night’s dream .“ The open-air performance took place in the college yard. actors’ lively perfermanc made me involved in it immediately. But unexpectedly, it started to rain cats and dogs during the beginning of the play, I forgot to take my umbrella. When I was annoyed , an old lady lent her raincoat to me. On the stage, the actors just kept performing, regardless of the heavy rain. When the performance finished, it was late in the evening and very dark outside. Though the downpour, I saw my hostess drove to pick me up with her two little children in her car. I think that the true love between people is beyond nationalities. Which can build a bridge between people of different nations and colors of skin. I believe that the whole world is a family. And at that moment, I just immersed myself in the fragrant atmosphere that was as sweet as a midsummer night’s dream.


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