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【楼主】(9561166) 20:40& 有些有腹肌的我感觉还不如没有啊!有些人的腹肌很整齐很有型,有些人的腹肌排列特别不整齐,你们见过吗?不可能再练整齐了吧!?
&&&&网友评论() 20:42
&&&&----sent from my Lenovo 3GW101,Android 2.3.7
&&&&网友评论(9561166) 20:42
&&&&网友评论(9561166) 20:43
&&&&Reply to Reply Post by skipmoon ( 20:42)
&&&&网友评论(1274177) 20:44有些有腹肌的我感觉还不如没有啊!有些人的腹肌很整齐很有型,有些人的腹肌排列特别不整齐,你们见过吗?不可能再练整齐了吧!?
&&&&腹肌不齐是基因问题 练不齐 好像可以植入个什么东西弄齐
&&&&网友评论() 20:44
&&&&网友评论(591314) 20:45
&&&&----sent from my samsung Galaxy Nexus,Android 4.0.2
&&&&网友评论() 20:45
&&&&网友评论(2268803) 20:46
&&&&网友评论(5362011) 20:46
&&&&网友评论() 20:48
&&&& 我的腹肌就是不对称的
&&&&网友评论(9561166) 20:50
&&&&Reply to Reply Post by vevix ( 20:44)
&&&&网友评论(9561166) 20:51
&&&&Reply to Reply Post by alexvincent ( 20:44)
&&&&网友评论(190675) 20:53
&&&&网友评论(597686) 20:54
&&&&网友评论(5766240) 20:54
&&&&网友评论(1274177) 20:58有些有腹肌的我感觉还不如没有啊!有些人的腹肌很整齐很有型,有些人的腹肌排列特别不整齐,你们见过吗?不可能再练整齐了吧!?
&&&&Post by 小拱火
&&&&Reply to Reply Post by alexvincent ( 20:44)
&&&&增加点脂肪让腹肌别太明显 或者把胸肌肩膀什么的练壮些分散注意力 看起来好看些
&&&&网友评论(393927) 21:00
&&&&Reply Post by vevix ( 20:44):
&&&&网友评论() 21:01
&&&&网友评论(712766) 21:03
&&&&Reply Post by leowalker ( 20:53):
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Copyright & 日Friends S04E13 The One With Rachels Crush-英语广播-单曲-酷我音乐-好音质用酷我
Friends S04E13 The One With Rachels Crush
I get to have sex with the star of the play! 我在跟女主角上床
-People can hear you. -I know! 别人都听见了 我知道
She looks great,doesn't she? 她很漂亮吧?
That is one good-looking man. 那个男的可真帅
Is it just me,or can you actually see his abs through his overcoat? 是我眼花 还是他的腹肌真的露出来了?
So you been doing this long? 你做这行很久了吗?
No. You're my first. Put the money on the table. 没有,你是第一个 把钱放在桌上
That's nice. 好舒服
Dude! 不会吧
-ls that an expensive blouse? -lf you want it to be. 这件上衣很贵吗? 你说贵就贵
Here's your girlfriend's button. 你马子的钮扣
The One with Rachel's Crush 本集播出:“假戏真做?”
Do you still have your old blouses and dresses from high school? 你高中的衣服裙子还在吗?
Yeah,I think I have some around here somewhere. Why? 应该还有几件,怎样?
Maternity clothes are so expensive. 孕妇装都好贵
Rach,I made a pile of your stuff. If you could just... 瑞秋,那一堆是你的东西 看你要不要…
...throw your purses at it. 拿皮包扔它
Bloomingdale's eliminated my department. 布鲁明戴尔裁了我的部门
Are you out of a job? 天哪,你失业了吗?
No,but they stuck me in Personal Shopping,which is a huge step down. 没有,但我被塞到专人采购部 当场矮了一大截
What is that? 专人采购部是什么?
Where you walk around with rich people and tell them what to buy? 陪有钱人逛,帮他们挑衣服?
That sounds great! 听起来好棒
We switched apartments. You can't eat our food. That gravy train has ended. 很抱歉,我们换房子了 你不能再吃我们的 好康的没了
There's gravy? 有好康的?
If you have the big apartment,you have to deal with people coming over. 房子大就得应付人来人往
That fridge has to be stocked. That's your apartment now. 冰箱要塞满东西 对面是你们的了
-What are you doing? -I think I left a doughnut up here. 你干什么? 我留了个甜甜圈在这里
How was Kathy's play? 凯西的戏怎样?
Kathy gets half-naked and simulates sex with a real good-looking guy. 凯西半裸跟一个大帅哥演床戏
It's like somebody wrote down my worst nightmare... 这就像有人把我的恶梦写成戏
...and then charged me $32 to see it. 还要我花32块去看
That's a good idea for a business. 这个点子有赚头
I'm totally screwed. They're gonna be hot and heavy on stage every night... 我毁了 他们会夜夜在台上打得火热
...then they'll go to their cast parties, and he's gonna try to undermine me. 然后去参加剧组派对 他会设法中伤我
He'll be like,"Where's your boyfriend? What's his name? Chester?" “你男朋友呢?” “他叫什么?钱斯特?”
She'll go,"It's Chandler." He'll go,"Whatever!" 她会说“是钱德” 他就说“随便啦”
That is a good trick. 这招不错
All right,look. What am I going to do? 我该怎么办?
They're actors. They're there to do a job. 他们是演员,那是工作
It doesn't mean they're gonna get together. 假戏不一定就会真做
Just because it happened with Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins... 苏珊莎兰登和提姆罗宾斯的事
...doesn't mean it's gonna happen with them. ...不一定适用于他们
Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger. 亚历鲍德温和金贝辛格
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. 汤姆克鲁斯和妮可基嫚 对
Mel Gibson and Clint Eastwood. 梅尔吉勃逊和克林伊斯威特
They're not a couple. 他们不是一对
I get the game now. 喔…我听懂了
All these people were in movies together. It's much different with plays. 他们都是演电影 舞台剧差多了
You were in acting class together,and she slept with you. 你们只是一起上表演课 她就跟你上床了
Acting class is a lot more like a movie than a play. 表演课就像舞台剧里的电影
When they were doing it on stage, was it really hot? 我问你 他们演床戏时很火辣吗?
Oh,yeah. 是!
So you're fine. 那就没问题了
The rule is when two actors are actually doing it off-stage... 如果两个演员私底下在一起
...then all the sexual tension between them is gone. 他们之间的火花就会消失
As long as it's hot on stage, you got nothing to worry about. 只要台上很火热 你就不必担心
When the heat goes away, that's when you're in trouble. 热度不见了才麻烦
Really? 真的?
You guys have been to every play I've been in. Have I ever had chemistry on stage? 你们看过我演的每出戏 我有擦出过火花吗?
-No. -No! 没有 对吧
Are you gonna go see the play with me tonight? 你晚上要陪我去看戏吗?
I don't know how comfortable I am going to see how hot the sex is between them. 要我看你马子跟别人有多火热 我觉得很尴尬
-I know,but -No,I'm there. 我知道,但是… 我人在现场
-Want some pancakes? -You made pancakes? 摩妮卡,要煎饼吗? 你做煎饼?
Grab a plate. 对,拿个盘子
No,no. Stay right there. 别过来
Getting closer. 越来越近了
Don't worry... 放心...
...we also have cereals, muffins,waffles and... ...也有谷片、松糕、松饼
...jams,jellies and marmalades, which I'm sure are the same thing. ...和果酱、果肉酱和果皮酱 其实是同一种东西
Please eat,because Joey opened everything. 吃吧,乔伊什么都拿来开
We're watching the game here Saturday night,if people wanna come over. 星期六要看球赛,欢迎加入
I was thinking about having people over. 我正想找你们到对面看球
Yeah? Who's playing? 是吗?谁跟谁比?
The players. 球员跟球员
Somebody seems to be missing being the hostess. 有人在怀念当女主人喔
Please. It's a relief,is what it is,is what it is. 拜托!我不知道有多轻松
Pheebs,stick out your plate. 好,菲比,盘子准备
Monica,I'm quitting. 摩妮卡,我要辞职
I just helped an 81-year-old woman put on a thong,and she didn't even buy it. 我帮一个老女人塞上丁字裤 结果她也没买
I'm quitting. 我要辞职
I'm talking to my boss right now. 我现在就要跟老板说
Yes,I am. Yes,I am. 我要 我要我要我要…
Okay,bye. Call me when you get this message. 听到留言请回电
Mr. Waltham? I really need to talk to you. 沃森先生?我有事找你
In a moment,please. I'm in the middle of a task. 等一下,我忙得不可开交
And you have a customer. 你有顾客上门
Hi,I'm Joshua. 我是约书亚
I'm Rachel Greene. What could I do for you,Joshua? 我是瑞秋葛林 有什么需要,约书亚?
I need a whole new wardrobe. My wife Well,my ex-wife 我的衣服都要重买 我老婆…我的前妻…
I'm so sorry. 我真遗撼
Anyway,she burned all of my clothes. 她把我的衣服都烧了
I got away with this suit and what turned out to be a skirt. 我救回两件,这件外套 和一条裙子
Well,at least that's a great suit. 这件外套很好看
It wasn't much fun dropping it off at the dry cleaners in the skirt. 穿裙子去干洗店可不好玩
I need everything down to underwear. If you're willing,I'm all yours. 我连内衣裤都要,如果你愿意 我整个人就交给你了
You needed to speak to me? 瑞秋,你有事找我?
No,no,that wasn't me. 没有,不是我
We should get started. Let me show you my underwear. 走吧,我带你看我的内衣…
The selection of underwear that we carry. 我们的内衣专柜
I'm sorry. 对不起
-It's this way. -This way? Sorry. 是这边。 这边?抱歉
I'm right. Right? There was no chemistry between them. 对吧?他们一点感觉也没有
Before,they had heat. Now,there's no heat. 之前的热度不见了
You know what this means. Joey told us what this means. 你知道个中含意,乔伊说过
Let's not jump to any conclusions. There was some sexual chemistry. 先别急着下定论 还是有一点点火花
Come on. It was like cousins having sex. 拜托,就像表兄妹在做爱
Here she comes. Don't say a word. Just be cool. Don't be,you know,you. 她来了,什么都别说 冷静,别跟平常一样
Hey,you guys! 你们好
Thank you so much for coming again. 谢谢你们又来了
-Did you like it tonight? -Absolutely. 你喜欢吗? 那当然
Wasn't Nick funny when he couldn't get his match lit? 尼克点不着火柴时好好笑
It's a good play,isn't it? 这是一出好戏吧?
I loved the play. You were great. 我很喜欢 你演得很棒
And Nick,ditto. 尼克也是
Clearly,you're having sex with him. 你显然跟他有一腿
Okay.... 好…
Clearly,I'm having sex with him? 我显然跟他有一腿?
It was so obvious. There was no chemistry between you two. 太明显了,你们之间毫无火花
You're accusing me of cheating on you, and you're insulting my performance? 让我搞清楚,你先指责我不忠 又侮辱我的演技?
I can see how this could happen. You're up there every night naked,touching,kissing. 这也难怪 你们每晚都光着身体爱抚热吻
Acting. Chandler,this is my job. 那是演戏,这是我的工作
I'm playing a part in a play. How can you not trust me? 我是在演出 你怎么可以不信任我?
You can understand, given how we started. 我们就是这样开始的
I can't believe you're throwing that in my face. 你居然拿这个来攻击我
That is what happened. I don't even see you denying this. 事实如此,你刚才也没否认
I'll tell you what,Chandler. You call me when you grow up. 够了,等你成熟了再跟我联络
Don't expect that to happen any time soon! 那你可有得等了
I have the best job in the entire world! 我的工作最棒了
The most adorable guy came over, and I got to dress him up all day! 来了个最帅的帅哥 我整天都在打扮他
Rachel has a new doll! 瑞秋有新洋娃娃了
I wish he was a doll. I'd get a Rachel doll and bump them together... 真希望他是 我会把他跟瑞秋娃娃凑在一起
...and make kissing noises. 让它们玩亲亲
He's got the most beautiful name. I never realized. Joshua. 他的名字最好听了 我以前都不觉得,约书亚
Joshua. 约书…亚
Joshua. Josh. 约书亚,约书…
What do I smell? 什么味道?
I don't know. It smells good. 不晓得,好香
Fresh cookies! Hot from the oven. 热腾腾的饼干,刚出炉的
Please,have some. 请用
I've been fiddling around here, making delicious treats for everyone. 我随便弄了一些好吃的
The new Playboy. 新的“花花公子”
Just something I picked up. 我随手买的
Cookies and porn? You're the best mom ever! 饼干和黄色书刊?好棒的妈妈
What? 什么啦?
It's just something Joshua said about V-necks,but you had to be there. 约书亚对V字领有些看法 现场听才好玩
How does Jason look in a V-neck? 杰森穿V字领好看吗?
-It's Joshua. -Whatever. 是约书亚
Wait. Wait. This isn't takeout! 等等,那不是要拿走的
-Hate to eat and run. -No,wait. Please,don't go! 先走了 别走
I've got porn for you too. 也有女生看的黄色杂志
I don't need it. 我不需要
People are supposed to want to hang out here. 大家应该赖在这里的
Why? What is the big deal? 有什么关系?
I'm the hostess. 我是女主人
Not those guys. I'm always the hostess. 不是那些臭男生 我一直都是女主人
Even when I was little,the girls brought their dollies to my tea party. 连小的时候 别的女生都会来参加我的茶会
I served the best air. 我泡的空气最好喝
Why'd you make a big thing out of everyone hanging out in the big apartment? 那你干嘛叫大家去大的地方?
'Cause they took our apartment. I wanted to punish them. 我想罚他们抢走我们的公寓
I'm done now. They've suffered enough. 我罚完了,他们吃到苦头了
If you wanted to punish them,you should have just made them hang out here. 要罚他们应该逼他们来这里
That is true. 那倒是
This place is gonna be 10 times better than that place. 我一定会让这里比对面好十倍
Are we gonna trash their place? 我们要捣毁对面吗?
There's steps! 台阶
Slut! 贱人
You'll all be very happy to hear that Kathy is sleeping with that guy! 你们一定很乐于听到 凯西在跟那个人上床
-What? -You were right? 什么? 你猜对了?
I confronted her, and she didn't deny it. 我当面问她,她没有否认
I don't live here! 我不住这里
Wait,are you sure? 钱德 你确定吗?
I may be drunk, but I know what she said. 我是醉了,但我听得懂她的话
Then I went over to Beefsteak Chewley's.... 所以我跑去朱理牛排…
-Beefsteak Charlie's? -Yes! 查理牛排? 对
You and l have always been like: 我们一向都很…
Man,I am so sorry. 真不敢相信 太糟糕了
The bartender taught me a trick,though. 酒保教了我一个小把戏
I don't remember it. 我忘了
-Do you need help with that? -I got it. 需要帮忙吗? 不用了
I just feel bad. I never vacuum. 真惭愧,我没吸过地板
I was with Joshua for an hour today, and he has not asked me out. 我跟约书亚在一起1小时 他却没有约我
-Just so frustrating. -Why don't you ask him out? 真泄气 那就你约他嘛
Totally. That's such a turn-on. 没错,感觉会很辣
Really? It doesn't seem desperate? 是吗?不会很饥渴吗?
That's the turn-on. 所以才辣
He just got a divorce. Right? He's probably really nervous around women. 他刚离婚 跟女人相处可能会紧张
Maybe you just need to make the first move. 你就先主动嘛
-I've never asked a guy out before. -You've never asked a guy out? 我没约过男生 你没约过男生?
No. Have you? 没有,你有吗?
Thousands of times! 几千次
That doesn't make me sound too good,does it? 这不是什么光荣的事对吧?
I don't even know how I would go about it. 我连怎么开口都不会
What I do is,I look a woman up and down,and I say... 我会打量一个女人,然后说
..."Hey. How you doing?" “你好吗?”
Oh,please! 拜托
Hey. How you doing? 你好吗?
You know what? I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna call him up and ask him out. 好,我现在就打给他 约他出来
I can do that,ask him out. 有什么难的,约就约
"How you doing?" 你好吗?
Hi,Joshua. It's Rachel Greene from Bloomingdale's. 约书亚 我是布鲁明戴尔的瑞秋葛林
I was just wondering if you...? 对,我想问你…
If you... 问你…
...Ieft your wallet at the store today? 是不是掉了皮夹?
We found a wallet,and we 我们检到一个皮夹…
The license? That is a good idea. 看驾照?真是好主意
Well,let's see. This license belongs to... 我看看,驾照是一位…
...belongs to a Mr. Pheebs. 菲比先生的
So sorry to bother you at home. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye. 抱歉打扰你,明天见,再见
-You've done that a thousand times? -I've never done that. 你做过几千次? 没那么矬
I just got so nervous that he'd say no. 我好怕他会拒绝
You gotta give him something he can't say no to,like... 你得让他无法拒绝,像…
...Knicks tickets. Invite him to a Knicks game. You're guaranteed he'll say yes. 尼克队的球票 找他去看尼克队的比赛 他一定会答应
-Really? You think that'll work? -Absolutely. And if not,can I go? 你觉得有用? 绝对的,否则我去行吗?
What the heck is that? 什么声音?
Did she call? 她有打来吗?
No. Sorry. 没有,抱歉
Maybe I should call her. 也许我应该打给她
Forget her,man. You don't need her. 不要,别理她了,你不必受气
He's right. What she did was unforgivable. 没错,她的行为很不可原谅
Well,yeah,but,you know, what if I was wrong? 对,但要是我弄错了呢?
How might you be wrong? 你怎么会弄错?
What if she didn't actually sleep with the guy? 要是她没跟那个人上床呢?
Tell me she told you this. 大哥,她有亲口证实吧?
She didn't have to tell me. I saw the play. There was no heat. 她不必,我看了戏 他们毫无火花
-Back me up. -That's all you're basing this on? 罗斯,说句话 你就根据这个?
That's not backing me up! 这不是在帮我
Look,you said, "With the offstage and the heat" 你说私下如果有,台上就没有
That was just a theory. There's a lot of theories that didn't pan out: 那只是个理论 很多理论都行不通
Lone gunman,communism,geometry. 孤枪侠、共产主义、几何学
Oh,my God! 天哪
"Would you like to go to a basketball game with?" 你要不要去看篮球?
"It's funny,basketball, because I happen to have tickets" 篮球,真意思,我正好有票…
"Who likes the Knick?" 谁喜欢尼克队啊?
What do you think? 你觉得如何?
Well,as a single woman, who is available... 以一个没对象的单身女郞来说
...I think you look great. 我觉得你很帅
Oh,yeah. You look great. 没错,帅呆了
This looks great. 看起来真配
So you like it? 你喜欢吗?
I do. I love it. In fact,I think I'll wear it home. 很喜欢 我决定直接穿回家
-Great. -Thank you so much for all your help. 太好了 谢谢你的帮忙
Well,I guess this is it. 那就这样罗
Thanks. 谢了
Maybe I'll see you in the spring for the bathing suits. 春天再来找你买泳衣
You don't want to do that now? 你不现在买吗?
That's okay. 不用了
I'll see you around sometime. 改天见
Basketball! 篮球
Sorry? 什么?
I have two tickets to the Knicks game if you're interested... 我有两张今晚尼克队的球票
...just as a thank-you for this week. 好谢谢你这星期的惠顾
That would be great! 太好了
-Really? -That would be fantastic! 真的? 对啊,太棒了
My nephew is crazy about the Knicks! 我外甥最迷尼克队了
This is fantastic. Thank you so much,Rachel. 太棒了,谢谢你,瑞秋
Good morning. 早安
I just wanted to come over to say that I'm sorry. 我来说声对不起
I acted like the biggest idiot in the world. 我真是最白痴的白痴
I can completely understand why you were so upset. 我明白你为何那么生气
I really wish you'd called me. 你怎么不打来
Yeah,I know. I wish I had too. 我知道,我也很后悔
I think this is a good thing. 不过我觉得这是好事
We've had our first fight, and now we can move on. 我们吵了第一次架 可以进展下去了
I know for me,but 至少我确定…
Nick's pants? 尼克的裤子? 对
I think our second fight is going to be a big one! 看来第二次有得吵了
-For next time,what do you say? -"l have an extra ticket." 下次要怎么说? 我多一张票
"An extra ticket." Not "two tickets." 是多一张票,不是两张票
The first time you asked a guy out he turned you down? 你第一次约男生被拒绝了?
He didn't turn me down. He's at the game. 他没有拒绝,他正在看球
I got the date. I'm just not on it. 我约到他了,只是我没去
Okay,it's ready. 都弄好了
-Come on. -What's ready? 来吧 什么弄好了?
Just come. 来就对了
Oh,my God! 天哪
This is beautiful! 好漂亮喔
Did you work for two days straight? 你整整忙了2天?
Pretty much. 差不多
What do you think of the floor? 这个地板好不好?
I don't know. Looks the same. 看起来一样
You used to have carpet. 以前是铺地毯
Oh,yeah. 对喔
I made snacks. 我做了点心
Please,just hang out. 你们随便坐
I'm just gonna rest my eyes for just a little bit. 我要稍微眯一下
Do you want us to come back later? 要我们待会再来吗?
No,no,no. Stay. Just keep talking. 不,留下来,继续聊天
I'm always the hostess. 我一直都是女主人
How'd it go? 怎么样?
-She wasn't sleeping with him. -Good! 她之前没跟他上床 太好了
She is now. 现在有了
-What are you saying? -I'm saying that she is a devil woman. 什么意思? 意思是她很邪恶
You think you know a person,then they turn around and sleep with Nick. 才一转身她就跑去跟尼克上床
Nick and his rock-hard pecs and his giant man-nipples. 尼克和他的大胸肌,大咪咪
I hate him. And I hate her. 我恨他,我也恨她
I don't hate her. I love her. This is all my fault. 我不恨她,我爱她 都是我的错
How? How is it your fault? 怎么会是你的错?
I should have called. 因为我应该打给她的
If I had called her,she never would have gone out with Nick. 要是吵完我打给她 她就不会跟尼克约会
They wouldn't have ended up in bed. I threw her at his man-nipples! 他们就不会上床 我亲手把她送给他
This is not your fault. 错不在你
Your fight does not justify her sleeping with someone. 就算吵架她也不该跟别人上床
Well,if she thought they were on a break.... 除非她以为他们分手了
Rachel,one of your customers seems to have left his billfold,a Joshua Burgen. 瑞秋,你的客人掉了皮夹 约书亚柏根
Really? 真的?
-Will you call him? -Yes,I will. Absolutely. 麻烦你通知他 好,没问题
Hello,Rachel. 瑞秋
Hi,Joshua. 约书亚
-I left my wallet here on purpose. -Really? 我是故意留下皮夹的 真的?
Yes. I just wanted to see you again. 我想再见到你
I'm glad. 我好高兴
Rachel,I'd like to say something to you. 瑞秋,我有话要对你说
Yes? 什么话?
"How you doing?" 你好吗?
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