
Hand, Left Hand》这本书籍获得了 Aventis Prize
for Science Books和
Wellcome Trust Prize以下为他在科学美国人发表的“Is It True That Left-Handed People Are Smarter Than Right-Handed People?”If by intelligent you mean someone who performs better on IQ tests, the
simple answer is no. Studies in the U.K., U.S. and Australia have
revealed that left-handed people differ from right-handers by only one
IQ point, which is not noteworthy.Left-handedness is, however, much more common among individuals with
severe learning difficulties, such as mental retardation. A slightly
higher proportion of left-handers have dyslexia or a stutter. Other
problems, such as a higher rate of accidents reported in left-handers,
mostly result from a world designed for the convenience of
right-handers, with many tools not made for left-handed use. Although
some people claim that a higher percentage of left-handers are
exceptionally bright, large research studies do not support this idea.If by smarter you mean more talented in certain areas, left-handers may
have an advantage. Left-handers’ brains are structured differently from
right-handers’ in ways that can allow them to process language, spatial
relations and emotions in more diverse and potentially creative ways.
Also, a slightly larger number of left-handers than right-handers are
especially gifted in music and math. A study of musicians in
professional orchestras found a significantly greater proportion of
talented left-handers, even among those who played instruments that seem
designed for right-handers, such as violins. Similarly, studies of
adolescents who took tests to assess mathematical giftedness found many
more left-handers in the population. The fact that mathematicians are
often musical may not be a coincidence.For other talents and skills, the benefits of being left-handed are less
clear. In one-on-one competitive sports, being in the minority can be a
tactical advantage. For instance, most right-handed tennis players have
little experience playing left-handers, whereas left-handers have
plenty of experience playing right-handers. Sports arenas can also be
asymmetric, which may give left-handers an advantage. In baseball, for
instance, a left-handed hitter is closer to first base after striking
the ball than a right-handed batter is. Whatever the advantages, handedness seems to be genetic. With 10 percent
of people preferring their left hand, there must be some selective
advantage, or else the genes would probably not survive.、简单翻译下几个点:如果“聪明”指的是IQ,那么答案是否定的。左撇子和右撇子IQ相差无几。在左撇子中,有更高百分比的人有学习障碍。而且,由于这个世界的工具是为右撇子设计的,左撇子使用不便引起的意外发生率高许多。左撇子在某些领域更有才能,如语言、空间想象、音乐和数学。在其它领域左撇子的优势/劣势仍是未知,但至少在一对一的比赛中,左撇子因为熟悉对手利手性而更具优势(纳达尔的天然优势)。结论:无论如何,人的利手性是天生的,而且达到了10%左右,这就证明了在演化上是有某种优势才被保留下来的。9222 条评论分享收藏感谢收起12添加评论分享收藏感谢收起左撇子和右撇子的抉择为什么不同?
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var sogou_ad_width=690;为什么右撇子会比左撇子多很多
  你是“左派”还是“右派”呢?我们并不是在讨论政治,而是惯用手的问题。除非你认识很多左撇子,否则的话惯用左手的人在我们生活中其实是很不常见的(大约1/10)。  虽然目前没人能够解释其中的机理,但百余年来出现了很多相关的假说,而且有证据表明惯用手会受到遗传因素的影响。举例来讲,在地球上任何一个地方,左撇子的比例都大约相同,这说明了其中一定存在某种遗传调控机制。  对于习惯踢球的人们来说,很容易就能够体会到机体的不对称性,比如说在踢球的时候会不由自主的选择有利脚。  这一不对称性在其它方面也有体现,比如我们的耳朵,眼镜,大脑等等。  如果你顺着手臂的方向伸出大拇指,并且分别用不同的眼睛去观察,就会感觉到其中一只眼睛能够看得更加清楚;另外,我们在接听电话或者隔墙偷听的时候都会自主地选择其中一只耳朵。  不过,为什么左撇子与右撇子的数量不是相等的呢?  一些专家认为在数千年的社会协作过程中右撇子逐渐占据了主导地位,换句话说,整个族群里使用相同的手进行工作能够起到最大的互助效果。  另外一些人则认为这是由于大脑存在左右两个半球,左半球控制身体右半部分的机能,而右手控制身体左半部分的机能。  如果大部分人通过大脑左半球操控语言与精细工作技术,那么理所当然他们的右手会成为右利手。  事实上,对此还有一个更加神奇的说法,即在我们的祖先时代,由于某个基因的突变导致大脑的语言中枢转移到左半球,从而导致了右撇子的大量出现。  虽然遗传因素对于右利手的形成存在一定的影响,但这并不是全部的答案。左撇子的父母相比右撇子的父母更有可能生育出左撇子的孩子,但整体人群中右撇子的数量仍占据主导地位。
  到目前为止,DNA相关的研究能够找到与左撇子形成有关的基因,而最近的研究结果表明其中存在数十个与右利手形成有关的基因。  另外,一些研究认为婴儿出生时体内的雌激素水平以及出生体位等都影响了最终右利手的形成。  总之,似乎有很多因素能够影响最终我们会成为左撇子或右撇子,如果能够得到解释,则同时能够解释为什么还有一部分左右手互利的人存在。
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研究者对全球多个国家的人进行了问卷调查,结果发现86%的人对自己的性生活“非常满意”,其中惯用右手的受访者只占15%。账号 电子邮箱地址
10:29 提供
通常认为左撇子比右撇子更容易出操作事故。这是一种误解。事实上,大多数家务事故,大到火灾、烫伤,小到切破手指,都出自右撇子。 以下哪项最为恰当地概括了上述论证中的漏洞?
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