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  之所以要进行房地产税费变革,我国社会科学院财经战略研讨院税收研讨室主任张斌给出了答案:“在我国现行税制下,房地产在开发、建造、生意的进程中,前端的税费担负较重;但保有环节税负较轻,除重庆、上海试点区域外,自用住地点保有环节不征收房产税和城镇土地运用税。因而,在财税变革中着重房地产税费的归纳变革,这么有利于税负的均衡。”今日: 0|主题: 9491|排名: 8&
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体球足球比分-百度 知道
时间: 09:48&& &文章来源:jinriedu&& &点击次数:75&& &参与评论 727人
  BERLIN, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) -- Germany's Social Democrats (SPD) approved the party's deal with Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives on forming a &grand coalition& government, results of a binding members' ballot showed on Saturday.The approval clears the way for Germany's two biggest parties to rule Europe's biggest economy for the next four years.About 76 percent of all the valid ballots cast were in favor of a grand coalition with Merkel's conservative bloc of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party the Christian Social Union (CSU), SPD treasurer Barbara Hendricks told a press conference.SPD chief Sigmar Gabriel said the party has &set a new standard& in terms of member participation and is &not only the oldest but also the most modern party& in Germany, adding that &it's been a long time since I was so proud to be a Social Democrat.&Merkel congratulated Gabriel on the positive outcome of the vote and is looking forward to working with the SPD in a grand coalition, news magazine Spiegel reported on Saturday.CDU General Secretary Hermann Groehe also congratulated the SPD, saying the CDU is &pleased to see that the joint government work can now quickly start.&&The coalition agreement makes a good foundation to ensure that Germany remains successful and people will live a even better life in the next four years,& Spiegel quoted Groehe as saying.The line-up of the 15-member cabinet will be announced by the leaders of the three parties on Sunday. Negotiators of coalition talks had said the CDU and the SPD will get six ministerial posts each, and the CSU will take three.Local media quoted party sources as saying that Gabriel would be vice chancellor and &super-minister& on economy and energy issues, putting him in charge of Germany's green energy transition, while Frank-Walter Steinmeier would be foreign minister, a post he served during Merkel's first term from .Meanwhile, local paper Rheinische Post said Friday that CDU veteran Wolfgang Schaeuble would remain as finance minister.Merkel will be reelected chancellor in a vote in the lower house of parliament on Tuesday and the new government will then be sworn into office.END OF POLITICAL LIMBOAnd thus Germany has a new government at last. The SPD approval put an end to more than two months of political limbo after the Sept. 22 elections when Merkel's CDU and CSU bloc proved to be the biggest winner with 41.5 percent of votes, while the SPD took 25.7 percent.However, without a majority of the parliament seats, the CDU/CSU bloc had to form a coalition with the center-left SPD as in Merkel's
first term.Such a grand coalition is supported by most Germans, as a poll for public broadcaster ZDF published Friday showed that 49 percent of Germans welcome a grand coalition while 33 percent opposed it.  TOKYO, Dec. 27 (Xinhua) -- Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe should also visit Nanjing and other places victimized by Japan during WWII, other than the Pearl Harbor, said a Japanese civic group dedicated to upholding and developing the well-known Murayama Statement.Abe should apologize for Japan's invasion of Asian countries during the war, the group went on to say in a statement issued here on Tuesday.&The Japanese Imperial Army killed far more civilians in the Nanjing Massacre, the germ warfare in Harbin and in some other places in Asia, and it is intolerable just to memorize the dead of the U.S., while ignoring the victims in Asian countries,& said Takakage Fujita, director general of the Association for Inheriting and Propagating the Murayama Statement.&Japan should face up to history, and only by doing that can Japan reconcile with its Asian neighbors and make an important step towards coexistence and co-development,& he said.The Association for Inheriting and Propagating the Murayama Statement was founded in 2013, aiming to uphold the 1995 Murayama Statement, and to reflect upon Japan's wartime history and memorating the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II, the then Japanese Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama issued a statement on Aug. 15, 1995, apologizing for the tremendous damage and suffering Japan had caused, through its colonial rule and aggression, to the people of many countries.In China, Japanese forces attacked the barracks of Chinese troops in Shenyang, northeastern province of Liaoning on Sept. 18, 1931, marking the beginning of a Japanese invasion and occupation that lasted 14 years.As the nadir of an era in which China was bullied and humiliated by the Japanese invaders, the Nanjing Massacre left a deep psychological scar on the Chinese for generations to come.On Dec. 13, 1937, Nanjing, the Chinese capital for six dynasties, fell to Japanese invaders who went on to slaughter civilians for more than a month. About 300,000 Chinese were killed, and 20,000 women raped.Shinzo Abe, the incumbent Prime Minister of Japan, left for Pearl Harbor on Monday where he is slated to attend a ceremony with U.S. President Barack Obama to remember the thousands of U.S. soldiers and civilians killed during a surprise attack by Japan there on Dec. 7, 1941.Abe has intended the trip to be a symbol of reconciliation.However, his top spokesperson, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, made it clear that during Abe's visit that &no apology would be offered& for the attack on Pearl Harbor.Abe's no-apology stance has evoked doubts and criticism that the visit is only a diplomatic show aiming to score political points and strengthen Japan's alliance with the U.S. while constituting no reflection upon the war.  SEOUL, April 4 (Xinhua) -- South Korea's foreign reserves rose to 298.6 billion U.S. dollars in March mainly due to increased conversion value of non-dollar denominated assets, the country's central bank said on Monday.As of the end of March, the country's foreign reserves stood at 298.62 billion U.S. dollars, up 950 million dollars from 297.67 billion dollars the previous month, the Bank of Korea (BOK) said in a monthly report.The March reading marked the record high of reserves and the fourth consecutive month of growth.The increase was attributable to rising investment profits and growing conversion value of non-dollar denominated assets caused by weaker dollar, according to the BOK.The nation's foreign reserves consisted of 271.71 billion dollars of securities, 21.93 billion dollars of deposits, 3.7 billion dollars of special drawing rights (SDR), 1.19 dollars of International Monetary Fund (IMF) reserve positions and 0.08 billion dollars of gold bullion.As of the end of February, South Korea was the world's seventh- largest holder of foreign reserves following China, Japan, Russia, China's Taiwan, Brazil and India, the BOK added.  MOSCOW, March 19 (Xinhua) -- Moscow has begun to issue Russian passports to residents in Crimea as the peninsula has signed an accession treaty with Russia, head of Russian Federal Migration Service (FMS) said Wednesday.&The treaty was signed yesterday. Its temporary application started yesterday and, of course, all Crimean residents who applied to the Federal Migration Service will get passports. This work has started. Some of the passports were issued today,& Konstantin Romodanovsky was quoted by Itar-Tass news agency as saying.He did not elaborate how many people have applied for Russian passports, but voiced belief that the intensity of issuing documents would grow each day.Romodanovsky also said Russia was concerned by symptoms of a growing &humanitarian catastrophe& in Ukraine.&As a sign, the number of elderly people and children entering Russia has grown twofold,& he said, adding that the number of Ukrainians crossing the Russian border without any clear purpose was also increasing.He did not give exact figures or periods of which he was comparing.&This only strengthens our fears,& Romodanovsky said, noting that the FMS has shared those concerns with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees about the worsening humanitarian situation in Ukraine.Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday signed the treaty with leaders of Crimea to accept the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol as part of Russian territory. Crimea, a Ukrainian autonomous republic, held a referendum on Sunday, with some 96.6 percent of voters opting for joining Russia.The referendum capped months of political unrest triggered by the Ukrainian government's decision in November not to sign an agreement on broader European integration.  参加观影活动的孩子们写下自己的新年愿望 团福州市委供图  中国青年网北京2月7日电(记者 王家乐)2月4日,团福州市委联合福州市青年志愿者协会、福州市青年联合会和福州青年社会组织联盟共同举办的"陪伴&暖冬"青少年公益观影活动正式拉开序幕,110多名福州市残疾青少年、城区困难家庭子女和留在福州过年的农民工子女在青年志愿者的陪伴下走进影城,观看专场原创3D动画大电影《猿创世界之熊孩子部落》。  孩子们在家长、青年志愿者的陪同下观赏 团福州市委供图  该影片讲述了石器时代的原始人类在冒险中找回勇气和爱的故事。影片光怪陆离的事件和近身感极强的3D环境令观影的青少年恍若置身于石器时代的大森林,迎来一场"脑洞大开"的原始旅行和人生的一次美妙历险。   青少年影评员走进影城 团福州市委供图  团福州市委相关负责人介绍,"这是一部关乎成长的电影,通过这次观影活动,能引导青少年从中看到现实社会的轨迹,成年人则由此重返童真的时代,在那个距今遥远的部落中,共同学会了勇敢和担当,学会了互助和协作,学会了追求和陪伴。"虽然古往今来,人类的生存环境发生了巨大的变化,但是励志的正能量却永远不会与现实生活脱节。  农民工子女与电影中的卡通人物"小可"互动 团福州市委供图  从世代居住在山沟里到受益于搬迁造福工程,日子过得越来越红火,这是赤溪村畲族柚农钟而钊的获得感;从全家挤在一条渔船上到搬上岸住新房,做海产品加工致富,这是溪邳村连家船民林友华的获得感;从靠种田砍柴艰难度日到大搞水蜜桃经济、发展美丽乡村游,带领乡亲脱贫奔小康,这是虎头村村民主任吴树灿的获得感&&精准扶贫的&宁德模式&成效,正是在一座座脱贫村庄、一个个脱贫群众的获得感中得以集中体现。纵观&宁德模式&带来的启示,聆听新一轮扶贫攻坚战的号角,如何以精准扶贫提升群众获得感,确保贫困人口如期脱贫,成为摆在各级党政部门面前一项重大而又艰巨的任务。&宁德模式&启示我们,以精准扶贫提升群众获得感,既要有&滴水穿石&的韧劲、久久为功的精神,又要有时不我待、机不可失的紧迫感。在宁德地区工作过的习近平曾指出,脱贫是一项长期艰巨的任务,要有打持久战的思想准备。1984年6月,人民日报头版上一封反映赤溪村下山溪畲族群众贫困状况的来信,拉开了全国性扶贫攻坚工作的序幕。30多年的扶贫实践提醒我们,幻想毕其功于一役,寄希望上重大项目一下子抱个&金娃娃&,往往是不负责任的脱离实际,是好大喜功的政绩心理作祟。只有实事求是地笃定&功成不必在我&的信念,拿出敢为总体成功牺牲的&滴水穿石&的韧劲,一茬接着一茬干,才能扎实推进扶贫工作向前走。我们也要看到,按照我国现行扶贫标准衡量,农村贫困人口比例从1990年的73.5%,下降到2014年的7.2%。伴随着改革开放的飞速发展,持续30多年的扶贫攻坚工作大格局,已渐具备由量变到质变的基础,进入啃硬骨头的精准决战阶段。&没有贫困地区的小康,就没有全面建成小康社会&的深刻认识,&确保贫困人口到2020年如期全部脱贫&的庄严承诺,时刻敦促我们紧抓战略机遇期,把扶贫攻坚工作推向新的起点。&宁德模式&启示我们,以精准扶贫提升群众获得感,既要靠让弱鸟&丰满羽翼&的发展路子、政策机制,又要靠奋战扶贫一线的&核心力量&。习近平在《弱鸟何以先飞》中谈到,&要使弱鸟先飞,飞得快,飞得高,必须探讨一条因地制宜发展经济的路子&。从连江船民上岸、边远贫困村整村搬迁,到大念&山海田经&、发展特色生态产业,宁德扶贫一直在探索因地制宜、因村制宜的发展路子。加之各种务实的政策设计、高效的机制配套,一条体制活、产业优、百姓福、生态美的脱贫路径被生动演绎。在扶贫过程中,广大优秀的基层党员干部这股&核心力量&,在推动政策科学落地、带动群众精准脱贫上发挥着关键作用。有群众面对驻村第一书记,发出&他走了,我们怎么办&的感叹,这背后是对干部的信任信赖,也是对工作成果的肯定。不少普通青年由个人脱贫到带头致富,成长为村干,有的连任多届支部书记、村民主任,颇受群众认可。越是干群关系和谐稳定的地方,越是党员干部冲在一线的村庄,扶贫工作越是搞得有声有色、卓有成效。&宁德模式&启示我们,以精准扶贫提升群众获得感,既要着力于当下&扶志&、&扶智&,又要立足长远,彻底摆脱物质贫困、精神贫瘠。在《摆脱贫困》一书的跋中,习近平指出,&全书的题目叫做摆脱贫困,其意义首先在于摆脱意识和思路的贫困。&作为昔日全国18个连片贫困区之一,宁德的扶贫开发是甩掉等靠要、穷自在等落后思想的&扶志&过程,也是从输血到造血的&扶智&过程。幸福不会从天而降,美好的生活最终要靠勤劳的双手创造。充分调动贫困群众主观能动性,坚决&扶志&精准&扶智&,扶贫举措才更有威力,扶贫成效才更加持久。同时,精准扶贫要立足长远,除了加强对贫困人口进行动态管理,对因灾因病等致贫返贫人员重点定向扶持等;还要解决部分脱贫群众精神文化生活不足的现象,注重对脱贫群众精神文化生活的涵养与引导。脱贫不仅要摆脱物质上的贫困,让群众腰包切实鼓起来;更要摆脱精神上的贫瘠,让群众享有健康丰富的精神文化生活。&全面建成小康社会,13亿人要携手前进。让几千万农村贫困人口生活好起来,是我心中的牵挂。&习近平的2016年新年贺词犹在耳边回响。面向2020的扶贫攻坚战已经打响,让我们踏实精准扶贫的节奏,带领贫困群众在脱贫奔小康的路上&一个都不能少,一个都不能掉队&。  SEOUL, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) -- Hundreds of thousands of South Koreans marched in central Seoul on Saturday to surround embattled President Park Geun-hye's office, forming a so-called &human chain& to demand the president's resignation.As of 4 p.m. local time, organizers estimated over 200,000 people gathered around the Gwanghwamun Square in central Seoul, just over a kilometer away from the presidential Blue House where Park's office and residence are located.The demonstrators marched up to 200 meters from the Blue House as a Seoul court allowed it. Park's office was encircled by a chain of protesters in three sides along the wall of police bus that were parked to prevent an attempt to enter inside the presidential office.The association to let the Park Geun-hye administration resign, composed of about 1,500 civic groups, held a preliminary event for three hours before the march to the Blue House.An official candlelight rally is set to kick off at 6 p.m. and the second march would be staged after a lights-out event for a minute from 8 p.m.Protesters on the streets are supposed to put out candles, while people watching the nationwide demonstrations on TV are to turn off lights in offices or apartments to indirectly participate in the outside rally.The advocacy groups' association forecast that around 1.5 million people would take to the streets in the Seoul protest alone.It would become the country's largest-ever demonstration in downtown Seoul. At the third Saturday rally on Nov. 12, around 1.3 million marched in the capital city, surpassing the June 1987 demonstration that drew about a million protesters.This Saturday, about 500,000 people are forecast to turn out in major cities across the country, according to the estimate by organizers.Public anger is escalating as President Park has dismissed growing calls for her voluntary resignation. Instead, the presidential office encouraged politicians to push forward impeachment.Impeaching President Park could be a political challenge for opposition parties as the impeachment process can take months and cause division.At least two-thirds of the 300-seat National Assembly is required to vote for the impeachment bill to be passed in the parliament. Opposition parties said it would put the bill to vote as early as next Friday.By law, the impeachment motion must be endorsed by six out of nine judges of the constitutional court. Two judges are set to end their tenures in January and March next year, indicating the need to get approvals from six of the remaining 7 judges.Saturday's protest may beat the organizers' expectation given that the previous four rallies ended in an orderly and peaceful manner. Ordinary citizens, ranging from couples with children to secondary school students and grey-haired people, are expected to join the festival-like rally.Police reportedly mobilized 25,000 police officers in Seoul to brace for a possibility that the rallies turn violent and to prevent some protesters from marching inside the Blue House.  UNITED NATIONS, Feb. 21 (Xinhua) -- The UN Security Council on Tuesday paid tribute to the late Russian UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, mourning the veteran diplomat with a series of condolences.Ahead of a meeting held here, diplomats stood for a minute of silence in memory of Churkin. Ambassadors of the 15 council members paid tribute to Churkin with short speeches.Churkin, who became the Russian permanent representative to the United Nations since 2006, reportedly died of an apparent heart attack in New York on Monday morning at the age of 64. He would have turned 65 on Tuesday.Peter Iliichev, Russia's first deputy permanent representative to the UN, expressed gratefulness for the &warm words and condolences.&He said Russia has lost &a striking diplomat& who is a high professional with deep knowledge and talent working at one of the most crucial positions to defend his country.Chinese Ambassador to the UN Liu Jieyi said China is &deeply saddened& by the passing of Churkin, and he expressed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and the government of Russia as well as the Russian mission to the UN.Liu praised Churkin as &an able, experienced and senior diplomat& who has made a huge contribution to the UN and multilateralism.&He worked till the last minute of his life, illustrating what it's meant by dedication and professionalism, and is thus an outstanding representative of diplomats,& said Liu.Ambassador of United Kingdom Matthew Rycroft described Churkin as &a diplomatic giant.&&We disagree on many issues, but I always find him an honest and descent colleague no matter the issues, no matter the positions,& said Rycroft.UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also expressed his regret at Churkin's passing which &represents a deep loss for all of us in the United Nations, including in this Council, where his distinctive voice was ever-present for the past decade.&Born on Feb. 21, 1952 in Moscow, Churkin was ambassador-at-large at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation from 2003 to 2006. He was his country's ambassador to Canada from 1998 to 2003, and to Belgium from 1994 to 1998 before he represented Russia at the United Nations since 2006.His sudden death stunned the diplomatic community, staff of the UN secretariat and reporters here.  新华网太原11月3日电(徐壮志、张坤平、李国利)他熟练掌握4型坦克的使用与维修技能,是全军少有的集驾驶、射击、通信、修理专业于一身的&坦克兵王&;他紧盯打仗难题开展技术革新,攻克了变速箱不转向等12个训练保障难题,摸索出32种应急修理办法&&10多年来,北京军区某兵种训练基地一大队三级军士长郭峰,为装甲机械化部队培养出2000多名战斗骨干,为大队教出158名特级、一级坦克驾驶员,为营连带出53名班长,他先后被总部评为全军爱军精武标兵、学习成才先进个人等,荣立一等功1次、二等功2次。 &只要部队需要,我愿意当一辈子兵&当兵,是郭峰从小的愿望,也是他一生的志向。郭峰出生在太行山革命老区,这里山山埋忠骨,岭岭皆丰碑,户户住过八路军,家家出过子弟兵。小时候,爷爷常给他讲八路军打鬼子的故事,在他幼小的心灵里播撒下&英雄&的种子。入伍后,郭峰来到了&装甲兵的摇篮&&&北京军区某兵种训练基地。他希望能驾驶坦克冲锋陷阵,事与愿违,却被分到炊事班,负责烧火。但他很快调整好心态,经过努力,成为煎炸炒样样过硬的优秀炊事班长。3年后,基地实行社会化保障,郭峰转行来到随车保障学兵训练的助教岗位,开上了梦寐以求的坦克。一次,坦克突然转向失灵。他急得满头大汗,向旁边一名上等兵请教,却受到奚落:&都是老兵了,最简单的故障都不会排除,还是回炊事班蒸馒头吧!&这句话刺痛了郭峰,也激起了他心底的血性&&白天,他在训练场向技术骨干请教问题;训练保障中,他利用倒班间隙跟学兵一起听教员讲课;坦克回场后,他坚持在驾驶舱练习手脚协调配合。晚上,他攻读专业理论,把《坦克原理》等专业书籍至少读3遍,记下的学习笔记摞起来有一尺多厚。磨烂笔头钻研新型坦克,磨穿鞋底维修故障装备,磨破嘴皮传授战斗技能&&郭峰终于&磨&出了一身好功夫。一次,一辆坦克从他身边疾驶而过。突然,他用电台大喊:&127号坦克,立即停车熄火!&赶来的装备助理上前一看,倒吸一口冷气:&幸亏他叫停及时,要是再晚一会,机油就会漏光,坦克发动机就报废了。&长期在一线保障,郭峰深深体会到,一人精不算精,人人精才算精。为此,他把自己摸索的修理技能、革新的维修器材,毫无保留地拿出来共享;为让年轻骨干早日挑起大梁,他多次把比武夺冠的机会让给别人,自己甘当陪练。一诺十余载,全大队80%以上的教学和技术骨干由他培养而出。由郭峰和其徒弟组成的&郭峰班组&,人人立功,他们完成的&野外条件下吊装更换某新型坦克动力舱&等课题,填补了我军坦克驾驶专业培训空白。2014年的一天,他接到战友的电话:&班长,我开了个汽车4S店,要是咱俩一起干,保你一年能挣十几万&&&放下电话,郭峰意识到,他又面临着进退走留了。正在这时,大队领导找到郭峰:&现在正是需要人的时候,希望你能继续留队。&站在人生的十字路口,何去何从?郭峰毅然上交了留队申请:&我的这点本事都是基地培养的,现在新装备越来越多,我这时走就会愧对组织,只要部队需要,我愿意当一辈子兵。&  ABUJA, April 3 (Xinhua) -- More than 30 insurgents were killed in an early morning raid by military operatives in Nigeria's north central Nasarawa State, witnesses told Xinhua on Thursday.Residents said 10 lifeless bodies of suspected insurgents littered Mararaban Giza, a community in Keana local government area of the northern state, after an invasion by security operatives deployed to restore normalcy in the locality, following series of recent communal clashes between herdsmen and the local people.More than 20 corpses were also deposited at the morgue of a state-run hospital in Lafia, capital of the state, said Audu Abubakar, a resident. &Many other bodies are yet to be recovered from bushes in our area,& he added.According to him, the soldiers, who drove in a convoy, launched an offensive on the suspected insurgents based on an intelligence report received about their activities and hideouts in Mararaba Giza and Tse-Azer communities where they were sheltered.Sophisticated weapons were also recovered from the insurgents, by soldiers who shot indiscriminately during the raid, he said, adding the criminals were caught unawares. He identified rifles and improvised explosive devises, among other items recovered from the insurgents.State police spokesperson Umar Ismaila confirmed the incident but declined to comment on the casualties figure. &It is a military operation and they are in a better position to issue any statement. On our part, we are trying to see how the situation can be brought under control,& he said.The police would address the media on the incident, after investigation had been concluded, he added. So far, the Nigerian military has not issued any official statement to give details of the attack and casualties figure.Speaking with Xinhua, Ardo Sodangi Audu, a leader of the community said he could not give a detailed account of the incident but feared that the death toll might increase. &More bodies are being recovered,& he added.Nigeria, with approximately 170 million population, shares land borders with Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east and Niger in the north.The northern part of the country is plagued by violence, including attacks by the Boko Haram sect. The southern part of the country is said to be a hub of criminal activities which include oil theft or bunkering, kidnap and armed robbery attacks. Communal clashes often paralyze commercial activities in the central state of Plateau, which shares borders with many northern states, and pockets of violence in the north central state of Benue are mostly attributed to herdsmen.  TEHRAN, Jan. 30 (Xinhua) -- In a conference held in Tehran on Monday, the Islamic republic and Russia marked 515 years of relations between the two countries, official IRNA news agency reported.Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Reza Salehi Amiri, hailed the high level of Iran-Russia politico-economic relations, urging for further expansion of cultural relations.As a major step in cultural front, both countries should play an effective role in the campaign against the thought of extremism in the region, Salehi Amiri told the gathering.The conference is an auspicious move at the time when the bilateral ties have reached a new strategic level, he said, describing the gathering as a suitable opportunity to promote new ties between the two countries.Such a gathering will play an important role in bringing elites of the two states closer to each other, he was quoted as saying by IRNA.Also, in a message to the conference, Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called for diversification of relations with Russia.&Stronger ties between the two countries will contribute to peace and stability in Central Asia and the Middle East,& Zarif said, according to Tasnim news agency.Zarif said that the two neighbors should maintain broad relations and try to diversify and promote ties in all directions, adding that the conference could pave the way for closer cultural interaction and stronger links between the two peoples.Attended by Russia's Ambassador to Tehran Levan Jagarian and Iran's envoy to Moscow Mahdi Sanai, the conference was held at the Iranian Foreign Ministry's Center for International Research and Education.  UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena on Sunday voiced his country's full commitment to dealing with climate change and taking great efforts to minimize risks of possible environmental hazards.President Maithripala Sirisena made the statement while addressing the UN Summit for the Adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, a three-day event which began here Friday.&Sri Lanka will be fully committed to dealing with the 13th Sustainable Development Goal relating to climate change,& the president said. &We will strive to minimize risks of possible environmental hazards.&The Sri Lankan president believed that a proper study is required to ascertain how climate change aggravates Sri Lanka's contemporary development challenges such as poverty alleviation, food security, increased aging population and natural disasters.To tackle climate change is one of the 17 targets contained in the Sustainable Development Goals, which was adopted by world leaders here Friday to serve as the blueprint for the global sustainable development efforts for the next 15 years.&Sustainable development cannot be achieved by a single country alone,& he said. &Our strategy will therefore envisage a framework for cooperation between the United Nations, regional organizations and other states.&  The Obama administration is trying to attract more foreign investors to boost the U.S. economy. Washington is encouraging U.S. firms to get out and compete for a larger share of the international market.U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the reason behind this push for greater foreign investment is clear: Americans need jobs.She says free-trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama have helped put the United States on track to double U.S. exports over five years as Washington moves to keep pace with emerging economies.&Our power in the 21st century depends not just on the size of our military but also on what we grow, how well we innovate, what we make, and how effectively we sell. Rising powers like China, India, and Brazil understand this as well, and we cannot sit on the sidelines while they put economics at the center of their foreign policies,& Clinton said.Secretary Clinton spoke at a global business conference that joined U.S. business support groups from more than 100 countries with private sector leaders and government officials from the departments of State, Commerce, Treasury, and Energy.She says &jobs diplomacy& means bringing more foreign investors to the U.S., selling more domestic goods abroad, and ensuring that companies compete fairly across borders.Part of leveling that playing field is fighting corruption, forced technology transfers, the piracy of intellectual property, and preferential treatment for state-owned firms to ensure that the global economic system is transparent and fair.She says the United States will not stand by when its competitors do not play by the rules.&This administration has already brought trade cases against China at nearly twice the rate of our predecessors. And now a special new Trade Enforcement Unit is being established to go after unfair trading practices. Last Friday, the president announced that when other nations provide unfair financing for their exports, we will offer matching support to competing U.S. firms,& Clinton said.For all the changes she says the Obama administration is making to better help U.S. businesses compete abroad, Clinton says it is up to the private sector to take advantage.&Foreign leaders often say to me, &Where are the American businesses? How come they are not here competing for this construction contract or that mining deal? What are they waiting for?& As I have described today, this administration is doing everything we can to help American companies, large and small, compete and succeed. But ultimately, we know it is up to you. We can not help you if you are not hungry enough to get out there and compete for the business that is going to be available,& Clinton said.The global business conference continues Wednesday with regional sessions targeting specific opportunities for private sector investors in individual markets.  李克强总理在第九届夏季达沃斯论坛上的特别致辞中强调,中国经济目前正可谓形有波动,势仍向好。所谓形有波动,是指中国经济进入新常态,正处于新旧动能转换阶段,实现制造业从粗放增长到集约增长的升级发展,从过度依赖投资拉动到消费和投资协调拉动的转换,是一个充满阵痛、十分艰难的过程,其间经济增长难免有波动起伏。所谓势仍向好,是指中国新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化进程处在深入推进阶段,蕴含着强劲的国内市场需求,中国经济有巨大潜力和内在韧性,发展势头稳中向好。《资治通鉴》中荀悦论曰:夫立策决胜之术,其要有三:一曰形,二曰势,三曰情。形者,言其大体得失之数也;势者,言其临时之宜、进退之机也;情者,言其心志可否之实也。故策同、事等而功殊者,三术不同也。用现在的语言来说,决定胜负策略的方法涉及三个方面:一是发展趋势,二是相机抉择,三是心态意志。简言之,要成大事者,必须要认清发展趋势,采取灵活措施,心志坚定不移。结合目下我国现实,所谓认清发展趋势,就是要认清经济新常态下经济未来发展的走向。当前世界经济前景复杂多变,我们在继续保持扩大开放的同时,也要认清开放红利在全球经济环境趋紧的形势下边际收益递减的现实。尤其是世界主要经济体前景不容乐观所带来的贸易摩擦之增多、国内经济政策外部性之增强,会对中国商品出口以及资本走出去产生相当的阻力。在此状况之下,必须将经济社会可持续发展、和谐发展的立足点依托于国内。对外开放要一如既往,对内深化改革更要砥砺前行。事实是中国城乡二元经济及区域差异所产生的发展压差,如水之就下,在全面深化改革的进程中,会引致资本、劳动、技术等自然地符合市场需求地合理转移。这样一个过程,至少会持续一二十年的时间,仍会是一个保持中高速增长的发展阶段。在中国大陆内部,会自然形成一个雁阵模式,东部沿海地区在加速推进产业转型升级的同时,自身成熟的产业会逐步向中西部转移,带动促进中西部地区的现代化进程。之所以说中国经济具有韧性,就在于中国地域幅员辽阔且产业类型多样,东方不亮西方亮、这业不兴那业兴。中国经济的支撑并非独木一根,而是&四梁八柱&,具有很强的抗冲击能力和韧性。认清了发展的大势,就有了信心和底气。但在处理经济问题的过程中,需要采取更为稳妥的且具灵活性的政策工具。这种工具的使用,必须让市场主体感受到资源的可得性更加便利和公平。比如货币政策的使用,在经济不景气的情况下,无论是降准还是降息,不仅要讲究精准性,更要讲究公平性。不能让大部分资金流向对资金成本不敏感的具有垄断性的生产主体,造成资金的沉淀和无效使用。当然,这不仅取决于发放资金的金融企业是否多元化,同时也取决于是否有适当的比如政府贴息之类的政策对处于弱势地位的中小企业的帮助。再比如,多层次资本市场的建设亟需加快推进,以增强企业直接融资比重,降低企业融资成本。还有,在经济预期较为悲观的时候,对处于生产链低端的中小企业采取直接减税或税收减缓征收的措施,当更是及时之雨。需要指出的是,在拉动经济增长的各种措施中,我们仍有依赖于大项目甚至超大项目的思维惯性和行为习惯,对于一些润物细无声的政策工具和支持措施有时不大看得上,只是急于通过一些大工程的实施迅速提振经济。殊不知病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。冰冻三尺非一日之寒,中国经济三十多年的超高速增长所带来的增长之病痛,尚需慢慢调理,是急不得的。以全面深化改革为大背景的大众创业、万众创新,就是一剂调理稳定经济&脉象&的好药。最后还要强调信心的重要性。我们总说信心比黄金还重要,在经济下行压力增大的当下,更凸显其真理性。此处的关键在于,要通过切实的措施和效果让市场真正感受到政府深化改革扩大开放的毅力和决心。政府要有壮士断腕之勇气,将以简政放权转变政府职能为主要内容的行政管理体制改革彻底推进,将以市场化为方向的生产要素领域改革彻底推进,将从严治党依法反腐进行到底;破除与民争利的思想,打破行政垄断,为市场松绑,激活市场潜力。果如此,中国经济前景可期,中国未来前景可期。(作者:杨英杰)  TOKYO, Aug. 15 (Xinhua) -- Three ministers of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Cabinet visited the notorious war-linked Yasukuni Shrine Friday on the 69th anniversary of Japan's defeat in the World War II.State Minister for Public Servant System Reform Tomomi Inada joined her associates of Yoshitaka Shindo, Japanese internal affairs minister, and Chairman of Japan's National Public Safety commission Keiji Furuya to pay her respect to the shrine in the afternoon.Abe sent an offering to the shrine through his aide Kouichi Hagiuda who told reporters after his visit to the shrine that the prime minister sent the offering as the president of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).Local reports said Abe's avoiding to pay his respect this time aims to prepare for a meeting of the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation to be held in Beijing later this year, during which Abe wants to hold talks with Chinese leaders.Abe worshiped to the shrine last year in December on the first anniversary of his taking office and the Yasukuni visit triggered fierce criticisms worldwide, including Japan's key ally the United States which said the move was &disappointing.&Earlier on Friday, Shindo and Furuya visited the controversial shrine. Shindo's visit came minutes after Furuya's worship and the minister said his visit was a private behavior.Meanwhile, Furuya said after his visit that it is reasonable for him, as a Japanese, to pay worship to the shrine that he called as a place not to whitewash Japan's wartime history.&It's natural to pray for the souls of those who died for a country,& Furuya was quoted as saying.The state minister visited the shrine during its spring and autumn festivals since he became state minister of the Abe's Cabinet launched in 2012. He also paid his respect to the Yasukuni on Aug. 15 last year.Shinjiro Koizumi, lower house lawmaker from the ruling LDP and son of former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, also paid a visit to the controversial shrine Friday.Also on Friday, a herd of about 80 Japanese lawmakers from a bipartisan group aims to promote Yasukuni visits also paid their homage to the shrine. The number of those who visited here on the anniversary last year was 102.During a ceremony to commemorate Japanese war dead the day, Abe delivered a speech and said &today is the day to renew our pledge for peace,& adding that the country will make contributions to lasting world peace.But the conservative leader, in his speech, skipped Japan's aggression during wartime in its Asian neighbors and again he did not pledge that Japan will not to fight a war.The omitted part has done at the annual ceremony since 1994, the year that then Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama released his statement expressing remorse over Japan's wartime invasion in neighboring countries.Concerns have arose since hawkish Abe drastically changed Japan 's defense stance in July by reinterpreting the country's war- renouncing constitution to allow the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) to exercise right to collective self-defense, making the SDF could engage fight overseas for countries have close ties with Japan.The majority of Japanese public is worried about that the move, on one hand, violates Japan's legislative system, on the other hand, could drag Japan into war again. For neighboring countries, the move made Japan's military strategy more ambiguous.Japan's relations with its neighboring countries, especially South Korea and China, have frayed not only for territorial disputes, but also due to the Yasukuni and &comfort women& issues, which are considered as a test stone to Japan's reflection on its wartime history.Repeated worships to the shrine angers Japan's neighboring countries that suffered Japan's brutal aggression in wartime as 14 convicted Class-A Japanese war criminals during the WWII are enshrined here.Both of the two Japan's neighbors urged many times that Japan and its officials should face up to its past history and act concretely to mend ties with its neighboring countries.On Friday, South Korean Foreign Ministry condemned Abe for sending an offering to the shrine, demanding Japanese politicians to confess their country's wartime crimes.The ministry's spokesman Noh Kwang-il said in a statement that the government &cannot help deploring& Japanese politicians' visit to the shrine as it is a symbol of Japan's colonial rule and reflects the country's attempt to whitewash its wartime aggression.Meanwhile, China's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said China is &firmly opposed& to Abe's offering and cabinet officials' visit to the infamous shrine.  ?
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Our people have lost a father.&&Although we knew that this day would come, nothing can diminish our sense of a profound and enduring loss,& he said, &His tireless struggle for freedom earned him the respect of the world. &&His humility, his compassion, and his humanity earned him their love. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Mandela family. To them we owe a debt of gratitude.&Zuma said &This is the moment of our deepest sorrow. Our nation has lost its greatest son,& adding &Yet, what made Nelson Mandela great was precisely what made him human. We saw in him what we seek in ourselves.&&As we gather to pay our last respects, let us conduct ourselves with the dignity and respect that Madiba personified,& he said.Zuma said that as people gather, wherever they are in the country and wherever they are in the world, they should recall the values for which Mandela fought.&Let us reaffirm his vision of a society in which none is exploited, oppressed or dispossessed by another,& he said.He also urged South Africans to commit themselves to strive together - sparing neither strength nor courage - to build a united, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous South Africa.Zuma also announced a state funeral for Mandela and ordered all national flags to be lowered to half-mast starting Dec. 6 until after the funeral.Mandela, who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, had battled health problems in recent months, including a recurring lung infection that led to numerous hospitalizations.Mandela was released from hospital in early September following an 85-day stay for a recurring lung infection, the result of his longtime imprisonment during the apartheid times.  SANTIAGO, Dec. 25 (Xinhua) -- A 7.6-magnitude earthquake rattled southern Chile on Sunday, sparking fears of a tsunami, but causing no casualties.Chile's National Emergency Office (Onemi) initially ordered the evacuation of residents along coastal areas, but later lifted the tsunami alert.&The state of alert for the coast along five southern regions has been cancelled,& Onemi Director Ricardo Toro said.&There are no waves, only changes in tide, so it is necessary to get away from the beach areas, but not to evacuate the coast, in the Los Lagos Region,& Toro added.Chile's Los Lagos Region includes four provinces.&No human lives have been lost,& said Toro.The strong quake hit at 11:22 a.m. local time, and was centered 67 km northwest of Melinka, a community situated on the Island of Chiloe, in Aysen province, just 1.5 km south of the capital Santiago.Regional Radio Bio Bio reported one area resident saying, &I have been living in the south for 10 years and I have never felt anything like this.&In recent days, quakes have been reported in northern Chile, including the towns of Antofagasta, Coquimbo and Valparaiso.Chilean daily El Mercurio Online published images of supermarket aisles filled with products that had been thrown to the floor from the quake.At least one area highway was also partially destroyed.  BAGHDAD, April 7 (Xinhua) -- Six people were killed and 28 others wounded in separate violent attacks across Iraq on Monday, police and medical sources said.In Anbar province, a suicide car bomber rammed his explosive- laden car into a checkpoint manned by members of a government- backed Sahwa paramilitary group and blew it up in al-Soufiyah district in the eastern part of the provincial capital city of Ramadi, some 110 km west of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, a provincial police source said.The blast killed two Sahwa members and wounded seven others, the source said.Iraqi army helicopter gunships attacked al-Askari neighborhood in the eastern part of the city of Fallujah, some 50 km west of Baghdad, and killed a militant, believed to be a leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL).Separately, artillery and mortar shelling on several neighborhoods in the besieged city of Fallujah left a civilian killed and nine others wounded, a medical source from the city hospital said.Meanwhile, several mortar rounds landed on the town of Garma near Fallujah, damaging several houses and wounding four civilians, including a child, a local police source said.Anbar province has been the scene of fierce clashes that flared up after Iraqi police dismantled an anti-government protest site outside Ramadi in late December last year.Meanwhile, near Baghdad, a soldier was killed and three others were wounded when gunmen attacked an army patrol in Abu Ghraib area, some 25 km west of Baghdad, a local police source said.In northern Iraq, soldiers in eastern Mosul, some 400 km north of Baghdad, shot dead a gunman and blew up his car while he was approaching their checkpoint, a local police source said.Also in Mosul, five people were wounded when a roadside bomb explosion missed an army patrol in the southern city and hit civilian cars instead, the source added.Iraq is witnessing its worst violence in recent years. According to the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq, a total of 8,868 Iraqis, including 7,818 civilians and civilian police personnel, were killed in 2013, the highest annual death toll in years.  光明网讯(记者 伍月明)&实施网络强国战略,实施&互联网+&行动计划,发展分享经济,实施国家大数据战略&。十八届五中全会公报对中国互联网发展明确指出了未来发展方向。互联网时代里,南开大学校长助理、经管学院院长刘秉镰认为,互联网革命是重塑国家竞争力的好契机,&十三五&也将成为我国经济提速升级的契机。提供契机 互联网革命带动市场&洗牌& 不管是实施网络强国战略,拓展网络经济空间,支持互联网上的各类创新,加强网上思想文化阵地建设&& 无一不说明了互联网在当今时代扮演了不可或缺的角色。刘秉镰在分享研究课题坦言:&我们是一个大国,但是还不够强,后发大国的赶超强国的战略靠什么?靠创新。&他分析,每一次大的经济危机后便会迎来一次技术革命,市场上的企业与产业间将获得重新&洗牌&,这是重塑国家竞争力的好契机。互联网产业的发展,也为新兴国家改写世界经济格局,实现弯道超车提供了难得的机遇。改革开放以来,中国经济增长突飞猛进。然而,如今人口红利等优势日趋消失,人口、土地、资源、环境的矛盾日益凸显。必须转变依托人口等要素驱动经济发展的方式,走以科技驱动创新发展的新路。&互联网+&将提速我国经济结构调整,或迎来传统产业升级的高潮,也将引发创新创业的热潮。作为技术,互联网将被广泛应用于国防、通讯、交通、金融、零售、服务等各个国计民生领域。刘秉镰表示,互联网革命满足了人们对于衣食住行等最为基本的生理需求,创造着崭新的生活环境和生活方式。互联网的发展也促进了产业业态的变革。比如在传统农业方面会采用较为精准化和自动化生产模式,工业制造业则会向定制智能化生产以及加速服务发展模式的创新方向发展。转型升级 互联网革命引领业态革命 《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》提出实施&互联网+&行动计划,发展物联网技术和应用,发展分享经济,促进互联网和经济社会融合发展。互联网新一代技术革命的发展,发达国家和新兴国家无一不将信息产业作为国家未来发展的重要战略,将提升互联网和信息技术的应用水平作为谋求国家在未来世界经济地位的着力点。尽管互联网对传统产业造成了巨大的冲击, 但对于传统产业而言,更多的是为传统产业注入了新的活力,也提供了升级转型的机遇。刘秉镰认为,互联网作为引领经济创新发展的新引擎,正向各个行业全方位的渗透。在服务业方面,互联网影响了信息获取模式、产业组织模式、服务产品等领域。金融行业则通过互联网获得了新的创新载体和平台,传统金融业务不断演进发展,成为互联网影响较为深入的行业之一。在制造业方面,刘秉镰表示,国务院发布《中国制造2025》明确指出了要&深化互联网在制造领域的应用&,这必然会对我国制造业生产方式、商业模式等产生巨大的影响。制造业在过去长期处于经济运行中的统治地位,商业作为负责销售制造业的库存,现在制造业和商业发生了本质性转移变化,商业为制造业提供了一个导引。此外,互联网对于国民经济的基础产业农业也有着较大的影响,如今的农业生产、加工、销售等多个环节都与互联网技术有效结合,对于促进我国农业生产方式、经营模式变革等方面有着重要意义。抢占制高点 推动大国迈进强国 刘秉镰在发言中指出,纵观美、德、日韩等国家的互联网发展历程,便可以发现这些国家和地区的政府密切关注互联网领域的每一次革命性的变化。&十三五&期间是我国由互联网大国迈进互联网强国的关键时期,互联网作为我国抢占国际竞争制高点的基础性创新平台,我们应如何把握互联网这一竞争的制高点?他分析,不少发达国家充分认识到了政府在培育互联网创新中的重要作用,积极扮演互联网创新引领者、推动者和监督者的角色,营造了良好的互联网环境。我国互联网的发展发展速度很快,也非常重视基础设施投资,但是有两个方面是我们所欠缺的。一是基础研究,二是资源整合,特别是欠缺&软&的管理。&十三五&期间,互联网发展的具体目标是什么?刘秉镰表示主要有五个方面:基础设施的优化升级、应用服务全面普及、对社会经济贡献持续提高、产业国际影响力、发展环境明显改善。如何去实现?他表示,一是建设高速、泛在的下一代互联网基础设施。二是抢占全球互联网产业发展和网络空间竞争制高点。三是将互联网作为推动发展方式转变和转型升级的突破口。四是将发展互联网作为节能减排和传播先进文化重要手段。五是掌握下一代互联网技术发展主导权。六是将互联网作为大众创业、万众创新的主阵地,惠及民生。 更多《新常态&光明论》大型访谈系列报道请点击:【新常态.光明论】脱贫的信心:释放七千万的人口红利【新常态.光明论】胡鞍钢:中国已成为全球发展的中坚力量【新常态&光明论】&十三五&是第一个百年目标的最后冲刺【新常态&光明论】胡鞍钢:五大发展是&十三五&最大亮点【新常态&光明论】张立群:五位一体发展理念是新突破【新常态&光明论】&五大发展&是全面建成小康的轴心【新常态&光明论】李稻葵:中国不是世界资本波动的源头【新常态&光明论】创客说:创业要善用政策&借力打力&【新常态&光明论】增长潜力加改革红利仍可保经济中高速增长【新常态&光明论】胡鞍钢:我给上半年经济打91.7分【新常态&光明论】专家点赞中国经济:全年增速或超7%【新常态&光明论】6大亮点支撑中国经济持续向好【新常态&光明论】新常态下中国有能力参与国际经济规则的制定【新常态&光明论】&一带一路&是适应新常态的重大战略举措【新常态&光明论】郑新立:新常态是经济发展的新动力  WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama plans to tap Navy Vice Admiral Rogers to be the next director of the National Security Agency (NSA) which has stirred up huge controversy following Edward Snowden's leaks, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced on Thursday.Rogers will be nominated to replace Army Gen. Keith Alexander as Commander of U.S. Cyber Command and Director of the National Security Agency.&This is a critical time for the NSA, and Vice Adm. Rogers would bring extraordinary and unique qualifications to this position as the agency continues its vital mission and implements President Obama's reforms,& said Hagel in a statement.Hagel said he is confident that Rogers &has the wisdom to help balance the demands of security, privacy, and liberty in our digital age.&Alexander plans to retire in March. If confirmed, Rogers will take over the currently troubled agency as the Obama administration has vowed to take some measures to reform its secret surveillance programs.Obama offered a series of changes to the NSA's controversial surveillance practices earlier this month, about seven months after leaks by Snowden sparked controversy and furor around the world. His outlined proposals including to pull back part of the NSA's bulk collection of U.S. citizens' phone records.But he also made it clear again that the NSA's surveillance practices remain critical tools for U.S. anti-terrorism efforts in the post 9/11 era.Moreover, part of the president's proposed reforms will require authorization by Congress. Thus it is not clear what measures will finally be taken into effect in the coming months.  WASHINGTON, Dec. 28 (Xinhua) -- The World Bank announced Wednesday that Hasan Tuluy, a Turkish national and a strong supporter of inclusive growth, will become the new vice president.Tuluy will assume the post as of Jan. 1 and will be responsible for Latin America and the Caribbean issues, the World Bank said in a statement. He replaces Pamela Cox, who will take the position of vice president for the East Asia and the Pacific Region.Tuluy will lead the activities of more than 700 staff working in Latin America and the Caribbean region and will oversee a portfolio of over 17 billion dollars in loans, grants and credits. The World Bank serves 31 countries in the region, home to more than 540 million people.The World Bank said Tuluy's emphasis in Latin America and the Caribbean, shaped by his previous experiences, will consolidate the role of the World Bank as a trusted partner, helping countries deliver opportunities to all citizens through sustained and socially inclusive growth.Prior to becoming vice president for Latin America, Tuluy was the World Bank's vice president for human resources.  SEOUL/WASHINGTON&The U.N. Security Council said Wednesday that it was working to craft new sanctions against North Korea after its latest nuclear test, while the United States and other world powers voiced skepticism about Pyongyang's claim that the underground blast was a successful test of a hydrogen bomb.After an emergency session, the Security Council said North Korea's actions posed &a clear threat to international peace and security.& The council said the nuclear test was &a clear violation& of previous council resolutions aimed at blocking North Korean leader Kim Jong Un from developing nuclear weapons.In Washington, the White House sharply criticized North Korea, while also saying that initial U.S. analysis of the blast was &not consistent& with North Korea's boast that it now has hydrogen bomb technology. Such technology would signify a significant boost in the reclusive state's nuclear expertise and power.National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said in a statement that the U.S. had consistently made clear it would not accept a nuclear North Korea.&We will continue to protect and defend our allies in the region, including the Republic of Korea, and will respond appropriately to any and all North Korean provocations,& Price said.U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, &This act is profoundly destabilizing for regional security and seriously undermines international noNPRoliferation efforts. I condemn it unequivocally.&Earlier Wednesday, North Korean state television declared, &We've now become a nuclear state that also holds a hydrogen bomb.& The statement called the test a matter of self-defense to protect the country's sovereignty, and it made several critical references to the United States.The U.S. Geological Survey reported a 5.1-magnitude earthquake near Punggye-ri, where North Korea conducted three previous nuclear tests in
and 2013.North Korea's Kim said last month that his country possessed a hydrogen bomb. That was widely discounted as an unsubstantiated claim, and Wednesday's test drew the same reaction, since there were indications that it might have been less powerful than Pyongyang's bomb test in 2013. Rand Corporation nuclear analyst Bruce Bennett told VOA he doubted it was a hydrogen bomb being tested.Yukiya Amano, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said the explosion less than 100 kilometers from the Chinese border was a &clear violation& of Security Council resolutions and &deeply regrettable.&International condemnationNATO, China and Russia also quickly condemned the test. NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said the test &undermines regional and international security.& Moscow described the test as a &flagrant violation of international law,& but its U.N. ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, later called for a &proportionate response.&After North Korea&s third nuclear test in 2013, the U.N. Security Council passed resolutions banning Pyongyang from conducting further nuclear and offensive weapons tests and imposed harsh economic sanctions against the Kim Jong Un regime.North Korea analyst Shin In-kyun with the Korea Defense Network said Wednesday&s nuclear blast was more powerful than its past nuclear tests. Based on the seismic activity generated, he estimated the bomb produced 40 kilotons of power, significantly more than the atomic bomb that hit Hiroshima, Japan, during World War II.&The Hiroshima atomic bomb produced 16


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