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出门在外也不愁求各位大神帮忙翻译一下,我要准备演讲,急用.The God in Youth: Michael Jordan
There were already signs that he had a good deal of talent. Harvest Smith, a classmate and close friend who in those days played basketball with him practically every day, thought he was the best player on their ninth-grade team — he was small, but he was every quick. “You’d see him get a shot off, and you’d wonder how he did it, because he wasn’t that bit,” Smith said, “but it was the quickness. The only question was how big he was going to be — and how far up he would take his skill level.”
The summer after ninth grade, Jordan and Smith both went to Pop Herring’s basketball camp. Neither of them had yet come into his body, and almost all of the varsity players, two and sometimes three years older, seemed infinitely stronger at that moment when a year or two in physical development can make all the difference. In Smith’s mind there was no doubt which of the two of them was the better player—it was Michael by far. But on the day the varsity cuts were announced — it was the big day of the year, for they had all known for weeks when the list would be posted — he and Roy Smith had gone to the Laney gym. Smith’s name was on it, Michael’s was not.“We knew Michael was good,” Fred Lynch, the Laney assistant coach, said later, “but we wanted him to play more and we thought the jayvee was better for him.” He easily became the best player on the jayvee that year. He simply dominated the play, and he did it not by size but with quickness. There were games in which he would score forty points. He was so good, in fact, that the jayvee games became quite popular.
青年之神:迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)他的篮球天赋早就表现出来了.嘉实史密斯(Harvest Smith)是他的同学和哥们,在那些日子里,几乎每天都和他打篮球,并认为他是九年级球队中最好的球员 —— 他个子小,但非常快. 「你只看到他投篮了,但你不知道他是怎么投的,因为就是那么一小个子」,史密斯说.「但那是速度.唯一的问题就是他会长多高大,这技术水平能提高多少.」九年级后的夏天,乔丹和史密斯一同参加了波谱赫里的篮球训练营.他们的体格都尚未发育,几乎所有的校队老手,年龄都比他们大两、三岁.但似乎在那时,一年或两年的体能锻练可令他们的身体发育强健,教人另眼相看.史密斯从未怀疑他们两者之中谁是更出色的球员 —— 迈克尔远胜于他.但在校队宣布裁员当天 —— 这是一年中的大日子,因为在几个星期前他们已知何时会公布名单 ——
他和罗伊史密斯(Roy Smith)都去了兰尼体育馆(Laney Gym).史密斯榜上有名,但迈克尔就名落孙山.「我们知道迈克尔很出色」,兰尼体育馆的助理教练弗雷德·林奇(Fred Lynch)后来说:「但我们想让他多玩,我们认为让他打大学运动队第二队(jayvee)是为他好.」他可以轻轻松松地成为jayvee当年的最佳球员.以他的速度,而非个子,他能横扫球赛.有些比赛他都能取得40分.其实,就是因为他打得那么出色,jayvee比赛才变得相当受欢迎.~~~~~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~~原文如下:The God in Youth: Michael JordanThere were already signs that he had a good deal of talent. Harvest Smith, a classmate and close friend who in those days played basketball with him practically every day, thought he was the best player on their ninth-grade team — he was small, but he was every quick. “You’d see him get a shot off, and you’d wonder how he did it, because he wasn’t that bit,” Smith said, “but it was the quickness. The only question was how big he was going to be — and how far up he would take his skill level.”The summer after ninth grade, Jordan and Smith both went to Pop Herring’s basketball camp. Neither of them had yet come into his body, and almost all of the varsity players, two and sometimes three years older, seemed infinitely stronger at that moment when a year or two in physical development can make all the difference. In Smith’s mind there was no doubt which of the two of them was the better player—it was Michael by far. But on the day the varsity cuts were announced — it was the big day of the year, for they had all known for weeks when the list would be posted — he and Roy Smith had gone to the Laney gym. Smith’s name was on it, Michael’s was not.“We knew Michael was good,” Fred Lynch, the Laney assistant coach, said later, “but we wanted him to play more and we thought the jayvee was better for him.” He easily became the best player on the jayvee that year. He simply dominated the play, and he did it not by size but with quickness. There were games in which he would score forty points. He was so good, in fact, that the jayvee games became quite popular.
歌曲:决斗演唱:刘丹萌词、曲:牛奶她花了脸颊你怎么知道那是她剪短了长发剩下根根还在分叉你爱的无暇我就快没有了办法干掉那个她我是不是可以变成她世界都订旦斥秆俪飞筹时船江在看笑话 你知道吗我 就快找不到自己的借口了她开着你的花 在每一个晚霞靠在你的身边 秀着枝桠每一天在挣扎 你给我的惩罚越来越不清楚你的想法我已尽全力的把自尊都放下你却爱着她我想 我傻 我要决斗的话也还是个输家
出门在外也不愁求各位英语大神帮帮小弟重点句子:1.你怎样学习英语?我通过小组学习来学习英语._______ do you study English?&#160; I learn _____ studying ______ a group.2.我怎样能提高我的发音?一种方法就是听磁带._____ can I improve ______ _______ &#160; One way is _____ _______ ______ _______.3.通过阅读句子的前后试着猜测词的意义.Try to guess a ______ ______ by ________ the sentences_______ or _______ it.4.你读得越多就会读得越快._____ ______ you read,______ _______ you ‘ll be.5.我只是躲藏在书后而什么也不说.I just ______ _______ my ________ and never said anything.6.我喜欢上这不使人兴奋且有趣的电影.I_____ _______ _______ _______ this exciting and funny movie.7.虽然我不能理解人物所说的一切,但他们的肢体语言和面部表情帮助我理解意义.Although I could not understand everything the ________ said,their _______&#160; ________ and the ________ _______ _______ ________ helped me get the meaning.8.通过听英语电影里的有趣的英语交谈,我的发音也提高了.My ________ also improved ______ _________ to the interesting _____________ in English movie.9.我发现听一些你感兴趣的内容是语言学习的秘诀.I ___________ that listening to something you _____ _____ ______ ______ the _____ ______ language learing.10.通过查字典我能得到生词的意义.I can get the ______ ______ the new words by _______ _______ _______ in a _________ .11.好的学习者时常吧他们需要学习的和他们感兴趣的联系起来.Good learners often ______ what they need ____ _____ _______ something they are interested in.12.即使你学得一些东西好,但你如果不用它将会忘记.________ _______ you learn something well.you will forget it ______ you use it.13..好的学习者也不害怕犯错误.Good learners are also _____ ______ ______ making _______ .14.他尝试了许多次成功了,并且从错误中学到很多.He succeeded by _____ _______ _______ and ______ _______ his mistakes.15.请按序号排下来,我是英语学渣
How & English byHow my&pronounce listen to the tape&word meaning breading &front backThe more The fasthide infall in love withpeople &&body language &facial expressions of facepronounce by listening&conversationfind &are&interested &content &&is &secret of&word meaning looking up word&dictionarycontact to learnEVen if unlessNot afraid of &mistakes.trying many times leaning from一个个打出来的,满意请采纳,谢谢,希望可以帮到您


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