NBA训练怎么玩 短跑巨星们的力量训练爱扎堆训练

引用4楼 @ 发表的:11年大多数也觉得没了不可预知性了,勇士并不是不可战胜的。再说这才两年了,热火但凡正常点韦德如果不是伤病也是三连冠,那会有预知性?说到底影响因素还是很多的,不要说的勇士想赢就赢一样。巨星团队篮球都赢不了,那就是天大的笑话。
引用18楼 @ 发表的:我大概有一点迷火箭队,(姚明时代后遗症),但甚至都不是哈登球迷,喜欢的是看各种球队策略推演和年轻球员成长世界本没有绝对的公平。克城和鹅城都是小城市,詹姆斯和雷霆三少不够优秀吗?都很优秀,但是老板不舍得掏钱,他们累死都不会有冠军。有的人含着金钥匙长大的,条件就好了,砸钱呗!不是黑唠嗑,唠嗑不在湖人能得五冠???
引用11楼 @ 发表的:他有自由选择的权力。我一样有不喜欢他的权力你有啊。所以要说出来让大家知道,其实大家不关心你喜欢不喜欢他,看开点吧。年纪应该不小了。
看了保罗心碎的样子特别感慨 mvp加入73胜球队让所有29个队拼尽全力依然铩羽而归 真的很残忍
引用18楼 @ 发表的:我大概有一点迷火箭队,(姚明时代后遗症),但甚至都不是哈登球迷,喜欢的是看各种球队策略推演和年轻球员成长居然一模一样…我也不喜欢哈登但是西决真心支持火箭,有姚麦的情怀在,也有火箭确实是唯一有击败勇士能力的队
引用61楼 @ 发表的:巨星扎堆和抱团还真是最近几年出来的稀奇事吧。。。凯尔特三巨头,热火兄弟篮球,宇宙勇。。。再之前真没见过这么玩的啊大概拉里伯德麦克海尔帕里什,埃尔文约翰逊贾巴尔沃西都不是巨星篮球,大概德雷克斯勒在赛季中期转会火箭不是想抱大腿,大概76人招募摩西马龙也不是扎堆巨星吧
引用5楼 @ 发表的:同样的原因,我在很多年也不喜欢老詹别人两大超巨,会在乎你?
引用46楼 @ 发表的:不觉得,足球偶然性更大。今年皇马欧冠三连,主要靠的不是玄学么哈哈哈联赛烂成狗,来欧冠就虎什么都是你说的。。。
我更喜欢篮球 我喜欢看球技 所以我喜欢看杜兰特
引用2楼 @ 发表的:你只站在你的角度想.巴克利都后悔死没找乔丹拿个冠军吧?楼主说的很清楚,不应该这样,不看的吗
引用81楼 @ 发表的:巨星团队篮球都赢不了,那就是天大的笑话。没错,所以迈阿密热队在10-11、13-14这两个赛季给大家开了两个玩笑。
LZ自己的价值观我觉得okay 但是不喜欢又如何,who care? 搞来搞去无非是自己人骂来骂去罢了,徒增笑耳。
引用97楼 @ 发表的:没错,所以迈阿密热队在10-11、13-14这两个赛季给大家开了两个玩笑。还好,比73胜总亚军,史上唯一一次3:1被翻盘钉在历史耻辱柱上强,那个已经不是笑话了,那是耻辱啊。
254人参加团购268.00元&599.00元Copyright (C) 2016 People.cn你叶良辰篮球打得好又如何?我赵日天并不服。|界面新闻 · JMedia扫一扫下载界面新闻APP
By Simina Mistreanu
One recent evening, I met a man at a restaurant in my neighborhood. He was American & from Wichita, Kansas, where I used to live & and a basketball player. He had come to China to work with a basketball club in Zhejiang Province training elementary and middle school children. He said basketball is becoming hugely popular in China.
I became curious and looked up some information about basketball in China. What I found was enough to make me want to write a story.
Basketball is indeed hugely popular in China, where it has been played since it was introduced by YMCA missionaries in the late 19th century. China is in fact the NBA&s second-largest market after the U.S. What&s even more interesting is that last October, the NBA and China&s Ministry of Education announced a partnership to develop basketball curricula in elementary, middle schools and high schools around the country.
Earlier in 2014, NBA and Yao Ming launched the NBA Yao Basketball Club, which offers after-school and weekend training for children of all skill levels. Smaller independent basketball clubs have sprouted all across the country in the past decade.
The main reason for this newfound interest in basketball education for children is the rise in Chinese living standards.
&People have more money to do extra things such as sports,& said Jet Su, founder of Beyond the Dream Basketball Club in Zhejiang province.
Coaches also see a slight change in culture: Whereas students were traditionally required to dedicate all of their time to studying for the National College Entrance Exams, now parents are starting to see the value in offering their children recreational opportunities through team sports, said Shaan Price, teaching director at NBA Yao Basketball Club.
For the Chinese government, the partnership with the NBA is partly a diplomatic move. Vice-premier Liu Yandong compared it with the &ping pong diplomacy& that helped China and the U.S. resume their formal relationship 37 years ago.
I&m not a fan of team sports. I have no interest in playing them or reading about them, and I don&t like to watch them on TV. (OK, maybe except for football during the World Cup.)
But I&m passionate about everything that&s collateral to sports & stories that illuminate social, economic and cultural issues, as they relate to sports.
In this case, the story about basketball education reveals something about the Chinese economy & people have more disposab its politics & the Chinese governments sees its partnership with the NBA as a tool to improve Sino-U.S. and its culture & Chinese students used to cram math, science, reading and English lessons to the exclusion of everything else, whereas now some parents allow them to make time for physical activities.
Some writers do a good job illuminating larger issues through sports stories.
My favorite is Wright Thompson, a writer for ESPN The Magazine. In his story &Ghosts of Mississippi,& he writes about the remarkable 1962 season for the American football team Ole Miss of the University of Mississippi, which coincided with riots sparked by the admittance of the first black student into the university. His story is about sports, that&s right, but it&s also about the unpleasant truth of racial hatred in the American South.
ESPN杂志曾刊登Wright Thompson的一篇文章,&密西西比的鬼魂&。他写到1962年美国密西西比大学足球赛季和同时期发生的第一个黑人学生走进大学造成的当时社会动荡的史实。故事本身是关于运动的,却也揭示了当时美国南部种族仇恨这一不愉快的事实。
In &Shadowed by the Hand of God,& Thompson illustrates the divides in the Argentinian culture, as illustrated by the supporters of football player Lionel Messi and his famous predecessor Diego Maradona. And in &When the Beautiful Game Turns Ugly,& he shows the racism that permeates the Italian society and affects the players of color in Italian football teams.
Another great sports writer is Gary Smith, of Sports Illustrated. He is known for his empathetic storytelling that sheds light on the human character. His story &Sports Illustrated& documents the Crow Indians& prowess at basketball, but also their inability to use it to escape the reservation because many of them become parents and alcoholics before they finish high school.It&s basically a story about the problems facing Native Indian communities, but told through the prism of high school basketball.
另一个著名的体育写手是《体育画报》的Gary Smith。他擅长以善解人意的叙事口吻勾勒出故事里的复杂人性。&一个国家的阴影&同时记录了克劳印第安人(北美大平原印第安人,美洲土著居民)在篮球场上的英勇和在生活中的无能为力,因为他们中的大多数在高中毕业前就已经开始酗酒或有了小孩。这是土著印第安人群体共同面临的问题,然而通过高中篮球教育这一棱镜被折射出来。
Add some of these stories to your holiday reading list, and then take a ball out and play.
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