
为什么说「现在我们的国人这么冷漠,冷漠到让人心寒」? - 知乎211被浏览<strong class="NumberBoard-itemValue" title="3分享邀请回答10322 条评论分享收藏感谢收起131 条评论分享收藏感谢收起围观完马里兰大学毕业生演讲事件,你更需要看看她怎么说
People often ask me: Why did you come to the University of Maryland?
I always answer: Fresh air.
Five years ago, as I step off the plane from China, and left the terminal at Dallas Airport. I was ready to put on one of my five face masks, but when I took my first breath of American air. I put my mask away.
The air was so sweet and fresh, and oddly luxurious.
I was surprised by this. I grew up in a city in China, where I had to wear a face mask every time I went outside, otherwise, I might get sick.
Every breath was a delight. As I stand here today, I cannot help, but recall that feeling of freedom.
At the University of Maryland, I assume feel another kind of fresh air for which I will be forever grateful — the fresh air of free speech.
Before I came to United States, I learned in history class about the Declaration of Independence, but these words had no meaning to me— Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.
I was merely memorizing the words to get good grades.
These words sounded so strange, so abstract and so foreign to me, until I came to University of Maryland.
林三土:“ 喻俐雅是我在哥大政治系的同门学妹,也是我们一家的至交好友。她生于中国,长于德国,负笈英、美,2008年从剑桥大学本科毕业,今年获得哥大博士学位,并被选为研究生院唯一的学生代表,在几天前的博士毕业典礼上发言。
Columbia University 2017 Ph.D. Convocation Student Speech
Dear Provost Coatsworth, Executive Vice President Madigan, Dean Alonso, faculty, and
dear families and friends, but most important, dear Ph.D. class of 2017,
I feel extremely honored to deliver the student speech today, and would like to start by thanking my two advisers in the political science department, David Johnston and Jack Snyder, as well as my committee members Robert Jervis, Helen Verdeli from TC, and Lasana H as well as my parents, husband, son and friends who are sitting in the audience today.
I am here today to talk about what Columbia means to me as a place – as an enigmatic place of arrival and possibility, as a place that marks my intellectual biography, as a tangible place in which a multitude of my identities found a space to speak to each other.
On one of my first lush summer evenings on campus seven years ago, when I was sitting with a newly made friend on the steps of Low Library, we were watching how the lights of Butler Library opposite of us were beginning to pierce brightly into the soft, darkening sky, one small window after the other.
My friend and I talked about how for our hypermobile generation, places and locations are often piled onto each other without clear order, whereas recounting specific years provides more structure and clarity. For this generation, the memories of places that we travel to and from, and that we leave behind and immerse ourselves in anew, can quickly become a jumbled and bewildering collection of facts. Instead, specific years begin to structure us – almost as if they light up in front of our eyes, like the row of bright windows of Butler Library, into the darkness of the sky.
Yet today I want to make the case that our memory of Columbia is especially precious for a hypermobile generation like ours, because it is deeply etched into us as a memory and experience ofplace, above all.
I came to Columbia from having studied political philosophy in the UK, I grew up in Germany, was born in China, and thus arrived at Columbia with many question marks about my cultural and intellectual belonging.
I wrote an interdisciplinary dissertation that employs the social neuroscience on prejudice, stereotyping and dehumanization of others, to build a neuropolitical theory of how we can live together cooperatively in hyperdiverse and divided societies. Columbia’s campus, its winded corridors in the prewar buildings, the seminar rooms, the libraries, and above all, its people became a physically tangible and contained place where I could draw connections between my conflicting identities.
Academically, it became a place where in my quest to create a new neuropolitical language and interdisciplinary theory for today’s identity politics, I could literally cross disciplinary boundaries by walking over to the offices and seminar rooms of different departments and library rooms on Morningside campus, within a matter of hours, within a whole long day. As I was contemplating during my graduate years what impact the brain has on politics, and how politics reflects in the brain, I criss-crossed campus and connected the disparate intellectual fieldsin my mind – neuroscience and political philosophy – by walking across the campus space.
But just like any physical place that is able to grip our imagination, Columbia is a place that at once attracts our most daring visions and yet most vulnerable longings. If, like me, you have ever wondered and despaired about who you are, how you are supposed to think, and how you are supposed to talk about yourself in light of the often conflicting cultural, racial, linguistic and gender identities that you carry within you, then you will know that words such as belonging, home and liberation are not just abstract concepts but powerful and enticing sounds that compel you to explore them with an almost irrational yearning and resolution.
When I arrived at Columbia, I wanted to understand the force of social identities such as race, culture and class, in determining political outcomes in our post-Cold War world order. I was motivated by my upbringing by Chinese parents in post-War, unified Germany: I was puzzled how identity politics could lead to such disastrous outcomes such as the Holocaust and the Cultural Revolution, but at the same time, how it could also lead to empowering triumphs such as the Civil Rights Movements and Desegregation in the U.S., as well as the Feminist Movement and postcolonial liberation. Why did identity politics in the 20th century lead to such disastrous and yet triumphant outcomes? And how are we to learn from this for the identity politics of the 21st century, in our increasingly hyperdiverse and divided societies?
But of course, as is so often the case, the deepest and most hidden, but also most desperate and powerful drive behind these questions came from my own Self. They came from my own experience as an intercultural minority woman, who did not know whether she belonged to the West or the East. From my experience of being rejected as too Western by fellow Chinese and as too foreign by fellow Western colleagues, professors and friends.
From my experience of not knowing which history was truly writing me, and which history I should help writing. From yearning for a place that I could call my intellectual home, where I belonged without being put into a set of identity categories, where I could ask questions and try to answer them in a crispness and unfussiness that allowed me to focus completely on the question itself.
A place where the beginning of each day was not marked by that stinging sense of shame that still too many of us who move from identity margins into the center allow to wash over ourselves. I was looking for a place where it didn’t matter so much who you once were but where what you said, thought and responded to in this very moment in a seminar room, a research lab and a lecture hall, took on importance and reality. Columbia as a campus and New York as a city became that place where the words belonging, home and liberation could be uttered completely anew.
However, I am not trying to idolize Columbia: my memory of Columbia is also marked by contestation of its place, and by who is represented and allowed entry here. I am thinking back of my time as student senator when I engaged in heated debates about Columbia’s global identity in light of ROTC’s return to campus, about Columbia’s responsibility to invest ethically, low-income students who confessed about their struggles with food stamps and finances, Black Lives Matter demonstrations, as well as the historic erection of a plaque that honors the Lenape people in 2016.
Therefore when I think back, my time here at Columbia is marked both by the liberation that the space offers to intercultural people like me, but also by the constant awareness that this space needs to be continuously contested, reclaimed and transformed by a diverse assembly of voices.
The meaning of a place also comes from seeing it through someone else’s eyes. I would not be the person I am today without the undergraduate students that I have taught – to consider the identity challenges of our time through the perspective of this youngest generation on campus has been deeply humbling for me, giving me true joy and purpose. Likewise, our parents and family who are sharing this special moment with us today carry within them the knowledge of other continents, histories and political eras – which is why seeing us on stage today, in this place, in this city, at this moment, is deeply touching and meaningful to us, but perhaps even more so to them.
Dear class of 2017, I leave you with this image of Butler Library’s lights lighting up like the years that are to unfold before us after our graduation, but also, with a visceral sense of place connected to Columbia – of that period in your life where the fractured identity parts within you found enlightenment and meaning, and a true sense of belonging in a single haven of time and place.
今日搜狐热点& 新闻客户端 &
用微信扫描二维码分享至好友和朋友圈相关词典网站:运动员背离国家,所有人都骂她们,你怎么看?运动员背离国家,所有人都骂她们,你怎么看?家乡体育百家号有一些运动员,因为各种原因,离开了中国,加入外国国籍,选择了继续追梦,比如我们很熟悉的王越古,冯天薇等乒乓球运动员,她们是幸运的,因为国人理解她们,但是有许多加入外籍的运动员,受到国人的不解,甚至是辱骂。我排出了,我所知道的这5个曾经是中国远动员的外国人。黄穗前中国国家队羽毛球运动员,从1999年到2007年一直在国家队非常有名的双打选手,并且拿到过三届世锦赛冠军,2007年突然选择退役,2008年放弃了湖南羽毛球运动管理中心副主任一职,选择消失,2009年还为她搞了寻人启示。当大家都以为她真的消失了时候,2012年她代表澳大利亚出战,才让大家知道她没有消失,而是为了等三年才能出战。这时国内骂她的声音就开始一波接着一波。诸宸这个人大家都不陌生,因为很多媒体都曾经报道过她,世界冠军,天才棋后,但是由于爱情的魔力,她嫁到了卡塔尔王室,真正让她受到中国攻击的是一篇报道,诸宸放弃中国国籍,选择卡塔尔国籍出战亚运会,这个小高潮让她饱受争议,紧接着诸宸又做了一件让大家更加不理解的事情,宣传伊斯兰等一些奇怪思想,遭到网友追着骂。何智丽不知道应该叫她中国名字何智丽好,还是日本名字小山智丽好,她原本是中国国家队的,并且是中国国家队的主力,但是由于让球事件,让她很不服气,退役之后嫁到日本,改名小山智丽,并且选择复出,她曾经两次在亚运会上战胜中国选手,站在最高领奖台上,其中一次是乒乓女皇邓亚萍。本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。家乡体育百家号最近更新:简介: 你家乡的那点好玩儿的体育故事,都在这儿 作者最新文章相关文章


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