
如果骑士用欧文换来库里,勇士是否还能战胜骑士? - 知乎39被浏览<strong class="NumberBoard-itemValue" title="6分享邀请回答3521 条评论分享收藏感谢收起66 条评论分享收藏感谢收起各队曾想用哈登、乐福、乔治、欧文分别单换克莱,你是勇士会换吗?各队曾想用哈登、乐福、乔治、欧文分别单换克莱,你是勇士会换吗?采荷雨柔百家号4 All-Star players in their primes right now have at some point in the past been offered forKlayThompson.四名正处于巅峰的全明星球员都曾被主队当作交易的筹码,试图换来——克莱-汤普森。2012: Harden (Bill Simmons: Multiple sources have told me that, when Oklahoma City's Sam Presti decided to shop James Harden,GoldenState was his first call. He wanted Klay Thompson. Golden State said no, so then Presti offered Harden for Beal.)2012年:詹姆斯-哈登(比尔-西蒙斯:多方消息源向我透露,当俄克拉荷马城雷霆队总经理萨姆-普雷斯蒂决定交易詹姆斯-哈登时,他第一个联系的是金州勇士队,想得到克莱-汤普森,勇士拒绝了他。所以后来普雷斯蒂用哈登报价布拉德利-比尔)。2014: Love (SI: Jerry West threatened to resign his position as the Golden State Warriors head consultant if the team went ahead with a proposed trade last summer with the Minnesota Timberwolves involving guard Klay Thompson and forward Kevin Love, SI.com's Chris Ballard reports.)2014年:凯文-乐福(体育画报:Chris Ballard报道称,杰里-韦斯特曾向金州勇士队摊牌:如果勇士同意森林狼的报价,决定将汤普森送去森林狼换来乐福,他将会辞去勇士首席顾问的职务)。2017: PG (Woj Pod: One offer I was told was made. Indiana offered you to Golden State for Klay Thompson, Golden State said no, (and) talks didn't go anywhere. Were you aware that conversation happened and can you imagine the reaction from the league if you had somehow ended up on that team.)2017年:保罗-乔治(Woj在播客中对话乔治:“有人告诉我,步行者曾向勇士开出乔治换汤普森的报价,勇士拒绝了,所以两边也就没再往下谈。乔治,你知道有这么一回事吗?而且,假如你最后真的落脚金州勇士,你能想象联盟的反应么?”)。2017: Kyrie (ESPN:MarcJ. Spears of ESPN's The Undefeated reported Wednesday that the Cleveland Cavaliers contacted the Golden State Warriors about a potential trade involving Kyrie Irving and Klay Thompson before sending Irving to the Boston Celtics)2017年:凯里-欧文(ESPN《The Undefeated》的MarcJ. Spears周三报道称,在将欧文送到波士顿凯尔特人队之前,克利夫兰骑士队接触过金州勇士队,讨论过有关凯里-欧文与克莱-汤普森交易的可能)。[–][MIN] Jimmy ButlerRev指標 11小時前Imagine the cavs with klay instead of IT 要是骑士换来的是克莱而不是小托马斯...画面太美。[–][POR] Damian Lillard5-dollar-milkshake 854指標 11小時前There is no way that trade would have ever happened and Golden State would have gotten worse defensively, but goddamn, a Curry/Irving backcourt would be absolutely filthy.那笔交易根本没可能发生,真那样的话勇士的防守就变差了,但是我勒个去,库里与欧文的后场组合绝对会骚到不行啊。[–][CLE] J.R. Smithproblynotkevinbacon 467指標 11小時前I'd probably have to take a year off watching basketball for grief counseling骑士球迷:那我可能得花一年时间远离比赛,进行心理悲伤辅导。[–]CavaliersGarfield-1-23-23 132指標 8小時前This year looks good for that. It's not easy watching Kyrie in green as it is.骑士球迷:今年也不耽误你去看心理医生啊。欧文身着绿军队服...哎,看的我真不是滋味。[–]Lakersk4f123 272指標 7小時前I actually think it would be a massive downgrade. Klay is the perfect guy next to Curry because he is an all-defense caliber defender while also being a flamethrower from 3. With Curry & Irving out there, their back-court defense would be terrible. They don't have trouble scoring anyway, so adding more offense and getting rid of your best perimeter defender makes no sense at all.我真觉得这笔交易会让(勇士的)实力大为下滑。克莱是库里的完美搭档,一/二防的防守水准、三分大杀器。如果把克莱换成欧文,勇士的后场防守会变得很糟糕。反正勇士在得分方面不成问题,所以,以失去球队最好的外线防守球员的代价补强进攻是不合逻辑的。[–][CLE] J.R. SmithMagic-Pipe 207指標 7小時前Well if don't like that you don't like Cavaliers basketball骑士球迷:补强进攻、舍弃防守?嗯,听上去是我们克利夫兰的风格。[–]RaptorsCharwinger21 69指標 6小時前The Cleveland Cavaliers, except every time it's the off season they add an older injury prone player and get worse at perimeter defense.猛龙球迷:倒也有点差别,你骑每到休赛季都会补充一名高龄玻璃属性的老将,然后外线防守自动降级。[–][MIA] Alonzo MourningPM_ME_UR_INSECURITES 22指標 6小時前Pretend it wasn't a downgrade and Kyrie somehow was a massive upgrade over Klay, Golden State still shouldn't have done it. It's the exact opposite situation that Kyrie was looking for. He said he wanted his own chance to shine and lead his own team instead of living in Lebron' going toGoldenState to play behind Curry and Durant is like jumping out of the frying pan and into the much larger, hotter frying pan. He probably wouldn't have re-signed.就算,就算,我说就算克莱换欧文对勇士来说不是降级而是巨大的升级,勇士也还是不该这么做。这与欧文想要的环境截然不同。他说过,他希望自己成为焦点领导球队,而不是活在詹姆斯的阴影之下;前往勇士去做库里和杜兰特的身后的三当家?这不就等于从一个坑里爬出来后跳进了更深的坑吗。他很可能不会跟勇士续约的。[–][GSW] Stephen Currysnap_wilson 57指標 6小時前Imagine the Dubs with Harden instead of Klay. Holy shit.勇士球迷:想象下把克莱换成哈登的勇士吧。我的乖乖哦。[–]i_am_very_dumb 115指標 6小時前Fuck honestly I'm not sure they'd be better. Klay is this weird player where he's got a lot of limitations as a player that (probably) hold him back from ever being a true #1 option, but his skillset just perfectly complements basically any superstar. He doesn't need the ball to be effective, and he plays elite defense.I feel like on the current Warriors Curry and KD share the offensive load so well that you don't gain a ton by adding another offensive superstar. Meanwhile Klay is a really important defensive piece for them, and he just fits so nicely with their offense.Then again, you could stagger minutes and basically always have two of Curry, KD, and Harden on the floor. Sheesh.靠,老实说,我不确定勇士会不会变得更好。汤普森这个球员怪的很,作为一名球员他有很多缺陷,而这些缺陷(可能)限制他成为球队真正的第一进攻点,但是他的技能点刚好与其它大多数超级球星完美互补。他的无球很有威慑力,防守非常出色。我觉得在现在的勇士队里,库里与杜兰特进攻端的火力分享得很好,所以你不用再增加一名进攻大咖来补强。与此同时,克莱在防守端对球队而言是块非常重要的拼图,而且他刚好非常适合球队的进攻套路。不过话是这么说,要是克莱真换成了哈登,然后科尔在分摊出场时间上下下心思,基本上能保证库里、杜兰特、哈登三人中的两个一直同时在场。叼炸天啊。[–][GSW] Stephen Currylotsarice 487指標 12小時前And thank God those didn't push through because I can't imagine the Warriors without him勇士球迷:感谢上帝,幸亏这些交易没有通过!没有克莱的勇士是什么样我真的想象不到。[–][MIN] Mickael GelabaleRoyalLake 145指標 11小時前Yeah, but I'd be curious about Love on the Warriors.I think he'd fit well there, and having Dray next to him would be interesting...森林狼球迷:没错,不过我挺好奇乐福在勇士会怎么样。我觉得他会适合那里的,跟格林搭档应该会挺有意思的……[–]WarriorsFuturemfhendrix 143指標 10小時前It's not a guarantee Draymond would’ve started if Love was on the team in 2014-15. I say this because Draymond was penciledin as David Lee’s backup up until right before the season started Lee got hurt. Dray got his shot as the starter and ran with it. With Love on the team who knows maybe Lee never gets hurt. Crazy how an injury to Leeledto us finding our heart and soul of the team.勇士球迷:如果2014-15赛季乐福在球队的话,格林就不一定还能打首发了。那个赛季初,格林在大卫-李受伤之前一直都是他的替补。后来大卫-李受伤了,格林被提上首发,把握住了这个机会并这么打了下去。乐福在球队的话,谁知道呢,可能大卫-李永远也不会受伤呢。大卫-李的伤病让我们找到了球队的心脏与灵魂人物,太不可思议了。[–][GSW] Calbert Cheaneyswollencornholio 13指標 7小時前Warriors would have for sure been worse off. Mostly because at the time:1. the Warriors had serious depth issues and that trade cut deeper into their depth. Their startinglineup was actually the best in the league the previous year by Net Rating. Warriors would have to give up Klay and Lee to get KLove and Kmart. Did not solve their depth issue.勇士球迷:勇士实力肯定会下降的。主要因为当时:1.勇士球队深度很有问题,那笔交易会更加削弱球队深度。他们的首发阵容确实是联盟近年来每百回合净胜分最高的。而勇士为了得到凯文-乐福和凯文-马丁[译注1]就会付出克莱和大卫-李。这并没有解决他们阵容深度的问题。2. KMart was Klays replacement. You go from one of the better wing defenders to nothing on that end of the floor and he'd be playing alongside Curry. Warriors would have no wing defenders2.凯文-马丁顶替克莱的位置。勇士的得分后卫从一个相当出色的侧翼防守人降级到防守端毫无存在感的人,而且这个人还跟库里搭档后场。勇士的侧翼防守告急。3. Lee was still very serviceable and was a Kevin Love lite at that point of time. Was coming off a 2012-13 all star.3.那时,大卫-李仍然很有实力,而且算是低配版的凯文-乐福吧。毕竟是2012-13赛季的全明星啊。4. May have prevented Drays emergence but I'm putting this last because that's the biggest &who knows& on this list.1-3 were my arguments against the trade at the time4.这可能会阻止格林的崛起,但是我把这条放在最后,因为这是其中最大的未知因素。所以前3条是我反对当时这笔交易的理由。[译注1]:原文表示为“KMart”,实际上这通常代表的是肯扬-马丁。[–]CelticsParamoreFanClub 22指標 9小時前I mean you'd have harden and still probably would have won a few championships我觉得勇士拥有哈登的话,依旧有可能赢下几个总冠军。[–][GSW] Andris Biedrinsalisial3 10指標 5小時前Idunno... Harden might not have become the player he is today if he didn't go to a team where he was the #1 option and our back court defense would get roasted. I don't know if we would've gotten Kerr leading to a system overhaul like this since Harden runs the least on the floor out of any current star player accident to nba.com and a lot of our system is predicated on movement, especially Klay and Steph.勇士球迷:我不确定啊……如果哈登当初没去一个树立自己为第一核心的球队,能不能发展成今天这样还是未知数,而且真要是用克莱换了哈登,我们的后场防守会没法看吧。而且要真在2012年休赛季把克莱换成了哈登,史蒂夫-科尔也不一定会来了,我们如今的体系也就无从谈起了。从NBA官网的数据来看,哈登是目前所有球星中场上跑动距离最短的,而我们的很多体系都是以球员的跑动为基础的,尤其是靠汤普森和库里的无球跑动。[–][GSW] Stephen Currysnap_wilson 11指標 6小時前It's almost like a guy who spaces the floor, plays decent defense and doesn't care about numbers is actually worth more to a winning team than all these All-Stars (although imagine Harden in Klay's place, OMG).勇士球迷:对于一支志在赢球的球队而言,一个在场上能拉开空间,防守出色,不在乎数据的球员实际上要比这些全明星球员更有价值(不过,把克莱换成哈登的勇士足够让我浮想联翩了)。[–]Warriorsshootermcgavin30 51指標 11小時前id rather klay than PG any day of the week tbh勇士球迷:克莱还是乔治?当然是选克莱了,都不用考虑啊![–]RaptorsProcese 4指標 10小時前Pg is better on defense, klay better shooter, pg better handles. Durant and Pg with draymond on the floor, yikes保罗-乔治的防守更好,汤普森的投射更出色,而乔治的控球又更占上风。摆上杜兰特和乔治再加格林,苍天啊。[–]WarriorsFuturemfhendrix 53指標 10小時前Klay doesn't need the ball in his hands as much as PG to be effective. Plus he literally fits the system perfectly. We don't need Klay to be able to dribble when we have Curry, Green, Durant who all can facilitate. Klay's amazing coming off pin downs and off ball cuts. Exactly what we need him to do. And you just don't take that risk when things have gone pretty smooth with Klay so far. Last but not least we have Klay's bird rights and he's said he's willing to take a paycut so re-signing him is easier than it could've been with Paul George.勇士球迷:汤普森不像保罗-乔治那样需要持球才能发挥威力。此外克莱真的非常适合我勇的体系。当我们有库里,格林还有杜兰特这些能轻松持球的球员时,我们不需要克莱的运球功夫。克莱的神奇之处表现在高低位掩护与无球空切上,而这正是我们需要他做的。有谁会在克莱与球队水*河蟹*融顺风顺水的时候冒这个风险呢。而且,我们有克莱的鸟权,他也说过自己愿意降薪,所以比起保罗-乔治,跟他续约会更容易些。[–]NBAefuipa 215指標 10小時前They wouldn't do it because Klay fills a lot of their needs, but goddamn Harden or Kyrie on the Dubs would be filthy.他们才不会这么做呢,因为克莱满足了勇士的很多需求,不过,要是哈登或者欧文在勇士的话,我去,那画面太美我不敢看啊。[–]WarriorsFuturemfhendrix 79指標 10小時前*Not a guarantee Harden would’ve reached his ceiling to become the player he is today if he was on the Warriors. Same scenario as if he stayed in OKC because Durant and Westbrook were the alphas. Many others believe Harden needed his own team/opportunity to develop into the great franchise player he is today, which I believe as well.勇士球迷:要是哈登在勇士的话,他能否达到上限变成今天这样的球员可就不一定了啊。这和“要是哈登还在俄城的话……”是一个意思,因为杜兰特和威斯布鲁克是球队的大当家二当家。其他很多人,也包括我在内,都相信哈登需要一支自己的球队或者机会来成长为如今这般出色的基石球员。[–]CelticsVonNeumass 146指標 8小時前*What are you talking about Harden, literally from day 1 in Houston, showed why OKC were stupid to trade him.He was always wonderful just poorly utilized.Edit: yeah he put up 37 and 45 in his first two gameslol扯淡。哈登到火箭的第一天就证明了雷霆的愚蠢。他向来都很出色,就是在雷霆的时候没怎么被好好利用而已。编辑:哈哈我查了下,他在火箭的前两场比赛分别拿下37分和45分。[–]derozansmole 333指標 11小時前I honestly never understood the idea of trading away Klay. He is quite honestly the best 3rd/4th option in the league and flirting with alltime. He is what? A shooting guard who is an alltime shooter, who doesn't care about dribbling or holding onto the ball who defends premier permieter threats and does not seem to possess a huge ego.You also have Steph Curry and a DPotY in your core.Entertaining trading Klay is like winning the lottery and donating it to charity老实说,我一直都不理解为什么要交易克莱呢。他真的是联盟中最好的三、四当家,而且还这么有趣。克莱是个怎样的球员呢?历史级别的射手,不关心运球或持球在手,他负责防守对方优秀的外线得分手,看上去也没那么自负。何况球队核心中还有斯蒂芬-库里和一位最佳防守球员啊。有交易克莱的想法就好比你好不容易彩票中奖后全都捐给红十字会了。[–]Bulls_Flashpoint_ 193指標 11小時前It doesn't sound like Klay has been offered. All the offers are for him. The idea being he could have a Harden-esque rise as the #1 option.勇士队可没有主动把汤普森摆上货架啊,是所有其它球队的交易报价都指向了他啊。那些球队(可能)觉得,汤普森作为球队的第一核心可以打出哈登式的蜕变表现。[–]CavaliersGarfield-1-23-23 94指標 8小時前This is from 2014:这是篇2014年的报道:ESPN.com reported earlier Thursday that the Warriors have greatly increased their chances of winning the Love sweepstakes by making Thompson available to the Wolves in trade talks. The Warriors, after initially resisting Minnesota's push for Thompson, have relented and now are including Thompson in various trade proposals.ESPN周四早些时候报道称,勇士在与森林狼的交易谈判中把汤普森摆上桌面,这使他们在乐福争夺战中大为领先。勇士在初期拒绝了森林狼对汤普森的追求,目前态度有所缓和,并将汤普森纳入到多种交易方案内。This didn't happen because Jerry &I Am Smarter Than You Dumbfucks Who Want To Trade Klay& West threatened to resign over it.这次交易并没有发生,原因是杰里-老子特么比你们这帮想交易汤普森的蠢货都聪明-韦斯特以辞职相逼。[–]KyKid98 37指標 6小時前Jerry West is the undeniable GOAT talent evaluator毫无疑问,杰里-韦斯特是历史第一慧眼。[–][BOS] JaJuan Johnsonjimjamiam 37指標 9小時前Doesn't have the handles to dominate the ball汤普森手活不太行啊,球控不稳。[–]CavaliersThe_NA_Deft 13指標 7小時前Klaywould be an awful first option. His ball handling skills are rather subpar and his playmaking is basically non-existent.让克莱当球队第一选择可不怎么样吧。他的控球技术很差,基本上也没什么组织能力。[–]KyKid98 25指標 6小時前You can be a first option without being the primary ball handler and playmaker. MJ on his last few bulls seasons was like that.非第一持球人和进攻组织者也能成为球队的第一进攻选择呀。乔丹在公牛的最后几个赛季就是这种角色的。本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。采荷雨柔百家号最近更新:简介:治天下者必先立其心志作者最新文章相关文章


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