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今日搜狐热点猛龙队何去何从?是续约洛瑞还是放走他开始重建? - 篮球新闻 - 观球网
转眼间小钢炮也已经31岁了,而在多伦多球迷眼里洛瑞比德罗赞还倍受欢迎。而近年来伤病侵扰了洛瑞,这个30岁的控卫打出了出色的表现,可以说是联盟前10级的球员。那么猛龙队在再次败在骑士队脚下之后会选择留下洛瑞重建还是续约他呢。 洛瑞过去几年每年只拿800万美元。他是球队在常规赛的关键核心。没有洛瑞,就等于要重头开始。要么给他钱,不管要花多大代价,猛龙得珍惜现在所有的,要么就别给他钱,让他走人再开始重建。 这并不是“噢我们很看重他,但我们不想每年多给他800万美元”的问题。 而且也没有放走洛瑞留下现有其余核心的意义。 这支球队不会有进一步突破,但也不会烂到足够去有效摆烂的地步。 所以要么就是给他最大的合同,如果猛龙看重他的价值不想完全重建,那也没必要压价来衡量洛瑞价值的意义。 所以猛龙必须留住洛瑞。他们必须得围绕德罗赞开始建队,虽然他不足以成为一支冠军球队里的大当家,他们没有别的选择,因为已经一棵树上吊死了。交易瓦兰丘纳斯是他们唯一其余的选择了,能否交易来有价值的球员是关键。 但是目前有消息称洛瑞想加盟一支西部球队,因为在东部拥有詹姆斯的情况下是在无法突破。洛瑞在2017-18赛季拥有球员选项,下面就看洛瑞自己怎么抉择了。(翻译)留下洛瑞,猛龙赚了,还是赌了?
喜欢洛瑞,祝福他拿到人生第一份大合同。闲翻此文与诸位迷共享原文刊在&作者:Stephen Babb &&&如果有衡量球员价值的神奇公式,自由球员签约就容易多了。然而事实并非如此。所以,每个人看洛瑞的新合同,自然各有说辞。据雅虎WOJ大神说,洛瑞签约后宣称:“多伦多,就是我该待的地儿!”确实有这样的情况。一个特权球员喜欢一座城市,对上眼儿了。任他弱水三千,我只取你这一瓢饮。似乎,猛龙也是这么看:多伦多,就是洛瑞该待的地儿。不过4年4800万,价格合适吗?洛瑞,已经28岁不年轻了,上赛季之前表现平平而已。4800万,美金,有点多了吧?然而追求洛瑞的,不止猛龙一家。紫金,以洛瑞为后备。三巨头,把洛瑞入计划。前东家,直接派上门面求。追求者众,也许恰恰反映洛瑞市价。猛龙抛出4800万,不算多!洛瑞遭抢,也是控卫市场供求失衡造成的。利文斯顿签,血布、托马斯都是受限球员,而、都有意留人。剩下控卫中能看过去眼的,就尼尔森了。身处这样一票人中间,洛瑞当然可以随意要价。洛瑞这一档的控卫,算是稀缺资源了。供不应求,价高者得,这是市场规律。然而,上赛季洛瑞的表现,不会也是稀缺现象吧?17.9分,7.4助,4.7板,1.5断。此前高光赛季,场均得分不过14.3,那还是2011-12在的陈年旧事。再往前,洛瑞NBA前5年场均得分尚未上双。如此看来,上赛季的洛瑞,恐怕是非典型的洛瑞。或者,他和猛龙终于阴阳契合,方有惊天泣地之作?常规赛不用说了,洛瑞在季后赛表现更加剽悍。首轮对蓝网,洛瑞让老板睡不着觉了。场均21.1 分,是猛龙阵中最具持续性的攻击点。关键第5战,暴砍36分。1分落败的第7战,洛瑞独取28分。数据分析越深入,越发现洛瑞的好。真实命中率 .567,列控卫13位,直追,领先、威布。这源于洛瑞38%的三分命中率,和每场4.9次罚球。即便助攻率仅28.9,依然领先和库里。总之,无论从哪个角度看,洛瑞就算不是顶级控卫,也是最好之一。好到什么程度?年薪1200万美元水准吧。只看上赛季,没有人不说猛龙签回洛瑞得值,绝对值。不过还是老问题:洛瑞未来能不能保持或高于上赛季水准?洛瑞对于速度非常依赖。或控或投,或造犯规,要靠速度。如果3年以后的合同尾期,洛瑞失去速度,会怎么样?自进入NBA以来,洛瑞还没有打出连续的高光赛季。莫非,上赛季已是洛瑞巅峰?总经理手中的选择并无多。洛瑞是猛龙能选的最好控卫,这是再明显不过的事。多伦多必须抉择,如果失去洛瑞,等于一夜回到解放前。猛龙还年轻,团队如逆水行舟,宜进不宜退。退则一泻千里,不复收拾。这样看来,洛瑞之签,既是赚,也是赌。洛瑞能否重现或超越上赛季,没人打保票,但如不续约洛瑞而选择他人,无论选谁,都是风险更大之赌。世上没有百分之百,资产评估也一样。签回洛瑞,乌杰里唯有尽职而已。如今,静观洛瑞为大家重现精彩。Is Kyle Lowry's New Contract a Bargain or a Gamble for Toronto
Raptors?By Stephen Babb , Featured Columnist Jul 3, 2014If measuring a player's worth in the NBA were a perfect science,
this whole free-agency thing would be a much simpler process.Reality isn't so kind.So there are bound to be a multiplicity of opinions when it comes to
Kyle Lowry's new deal. Yahoo Sports' Adrian Wojnarowski cites league sources
claiming the point guard "has reached agreement on a four-year, $48
million contract extension with the Toronto Raptors."Per Wojnarowski, Lowry said, "Toronto is just the right place
for me."And sometimes that's all it takes—a belief that a certain franchise
and city are the right fit, that the pastures elsewhere aren't so much greener
as they are merely a different shade of green.It turns out the Raptors thought Toronto was the right place for
Lowry, too. But the bigger question is whether four years and $48 million was
the right price. That's big money for a 28-year-old whose track record prior to
the 2013-14 campaign was nothing spectacular.It's a flexible deal as well. Wojnarowski explains, "The deal
has an early termination option allowing Lowry the opportunity to become a free
agent after the third season."The Raptors weren't the only club enamored with Lowry's most recent
season.He was a backup plan for the Los Angeles Lakers, according to
's Ramona Shelburne. He was on the Miami Heat's radar, per Wojnarowski,
though perhaps not a high priority. Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey
even traveled to Philadelphia early Tuesday morning to meet with Lowry, also
per Wojnarowski.If his suitors are any indication of Lowry's market value, the pact
he signed with Toronto may have indeed been a bargain.The market for Lowry was in part a function of the other available
point guards. There weren't many.Reserve guard Shaun Livingston reached an agreement with the Golden
State Warriors on Tuesday. Eric Bledsoe and Isaiah Thomas—both impressive young
floor generals—are restricted free agents, meaning their respective teams (the
Phoenix Suns and Sacramento Kings) can match any offers they receive from other
clubs.After that, there's a significant drop-off in talent, with Jameer
Nelson arguably the best available unrestricted free agent.So to some degree, Lowry could name his price. With so many bidders
and so few options at the point, Lowry was a rare commodity, and rare
commodities tend to be worth quite a bit.So are seasons like the last one Lowry had.The Villanova product averaged 17.9 points, 7.4 assists, 4.7
rebounds and 1.5 steals per contest. His previous best scoring average was 14.3
points per game (with the Houston Rockets in 2011-12). Lowry didn't crack a
double-digit scoring average until his fifth year in the league.For the moment, then, the latest output is something of a
statistical anomaly—albeit perhaps a sign of things to come in the event
Toronto is indeed the right fit.Even more than his regular-season performance, Lowry's first round
against the Brooklyn Nets looks to have left a favorable impression on his once
and future employers.He averaged 21.1 points in the series, serving as Toronto's most
consistent offensive option and exploding for 36 points in a crucial Game 5
win. Lowry posted another 28 in a Game 7 loss that was decided by just one
point.More advanced metrics add further reason to believe in the Lowry of
late.His .567 true-shooting percentage ranked 13th among point guards,
just behind Damian Lillard and ahead of All-Stars such as Tony Parker and
Russell Westbrook. That's partly a function of Lowry's success from beyond the
three-point arc (where he made 38 percent of his attempts last season) and
partly due to his ability to get to the free-throw line 4.9 times a game.And while not as spectacular, Lowry's 28.9 assist ratio ranked him
ahead of prolific passers such as John Wall and Stephen Curry.So even if you haven't associated this guy with the league's very
best point guards, the numbers suggest he was among the elite last season.Certainly good enough for a deal that averages $12 million per
season.In fact, only two point guards were estimated to have added more
wins for their teams last season: Curry and Chris Paul.So if we're measuring Lowry's worth by what he's done lately, the
money part of this deal was right on target.The bigger question is whether he'll be able to keep it up. Lowry
relies on his speed to get to the basket (and draw all those fouls), and he could
struggle if he begins to lose a step toward the end of his new contract.He also has yet to prove that he can string together several
exceptionally productive seasons in a row. There's a very real chance that we
just witnessed the kind of season that won't be repeated any time soon.If you're Raptors general manager Masai Ujiri, however, you probably
didn't have much of a choice. While the organization is set to acquire combo
guard Lou Williams from the Atlanta Hawks, per Marc Stein and Brian Windhorst
, there's little doubt Lowry was the best point guard option Toronto
had at the moment.'s James Herbert put it, "Toronto has to be
relieved, as losing him would have been a massive step backward."For a young team that could be on the verge of something special,
regression could be costly.Put in that perspective, Lowry's contract may be a bargain and a
gamble at one and the same time. Though there's no telling whether he'll
continue playing at the high level we saw in 2013-14, this much is certain:
Plan B—whatever it was—would probably be even riskier.There are no sure things in this business, and valuing assets
reflects as much. But Ujiri and Co. did what they had to do.
Now it's time for Lowry to do the same.
[&此帖被蛟龙号深潜在 19:24修改&]
引用1楼 @ 发表的:
喜欢洛瑞,祝福他拿到人生第一份大合同。闲翻此文与诸位洛瑞密共享。原文刊在&作者:Stephen Babb &&&如果有衡量球员价值的神奇公式,自由球员签约就容易多了。然而事实并非如此。所以,每个人看洛瑞的新合同,自然各有说辞。据雅虎WOJ大神说,洛瑞签约后宣称:“多伦多,就是我该待的地儿!”确实有这样的情况。一个特权球员喜欢一座城市,对上眼儿了。任他弱水三千,我只取你这一瓢饮。似乎,猛龙也是这么看:多伦多,就是洛瑞该待的地儿。不过4年4800万,价格合适吗?洛瑞,已经28岁不年轻了,上赛季之前表现平平而已。4800万,美金,有点多了吧?然而追求洛瑞的,不止猛龙一家。紫金湖人,以洛瑞为后备。三巨头热火,把洛瑞入计划。前东家火箭,直接派莫雷上门面求。追求者众,也许恰恰反映洛瑞市价。猛龙抛出4800万,不算多!洛瑞遭抢,也是控卫市场供求失衡造成的。利文斯顿签勇士,血布、托马斯都是受限球员,而太阳、国王都有意留人。剩下控卫中能看过去眼的,就尼尔森了。身处这样一票人中间,洛瑞当然可以随意要价。洛瑞这一档的控卫,算是稀缺资源了。供不应求,价高者得,这是市场规律。然而,上赛季洛瑞的表现,不会也是稀缺现象吧?17.9分,7.4助,4.7板,1.5断。此前高光赛季,场均得分不过14.3,那还是2011-12在火箭的陈年旧事。再往前,洛瑞NBA前5年场均得分尚未上双。如此看来,上赛季的洛瑞,恐怕是非典型的洛瑞。或者,他和猛龙终于阴阳契合,方有惊天泣地之作?常规赛不用说了,洛瑞在季后赛表现更加剽悍。首轮对蓝网,洛瑞让老板睡不着觉了。场均21.1 分,是猛龙阵中最具持续性的攻击点。关键第5战,暴砍36分。1分落败的第7战,洛瑞独取28分。数据分析越深入,越发现洛瑞的好。真实命中率 .567,列控卫13位,直追利拉德,领先帕克、威布。这源于洛瑞38%的三分命中率,和每场4.9次罚球。即便助攻率仅28.9,依然领先沃尔和库里。总之,无论从哪个角度看,洛瑞就算不是顶级控卫,也是最好之一。好到什么程度?年薪1200万美元水准吧。只看上赛季,没有人不说猛龙签回洛瑞很值,绝对值。不过还是老问题:洛瑞未来能不能保持或高于上赛季水准?洛瑞对于速度非常依赖。或控或投,或造犯规,要靠速度。如果3年以后的合同尾期,洛瑞失去速度,会怎么样?自进入NBA以来,洛瑞还没有打出连续的高光赛季。莫非,上赛季已是洛瑞巅峰?总经理乌杰里手中的选择并不多。洛瑞是猛龙能选的最好控卫,这是再明显不过的事。多伦多必须抉择,如果失去洛瑞,等于一夜回到解放前。猛龙还年轻,团队如逆水行舟,宜进不宜退。退则一泻千里,不复收拾。这样看来,猛龙签回洛瑞,既是赚,也是赌。洛瑞能否重现或超越上赛季,没人打保票,但如不续约洛瑞而选择他人,无论选谁,都是风险更大之赌。世上没有百分之百,资产评估也一样。签回洛瑞,乌杰里唯有尽职而已。如今,静观洛瑞为大家重现精彩。Is Kyle Lowry\'s New Contract a Bargain or a Gamble for Toronto Raptors?By Stephen Babb , Featured Columnist Jul 3, 2014If measuring a player\'s worth in the NBA were a perfect science, this whole free-agency thing would be a much simpler process.Reality isn\'t so kind.So there are bound to be a multiplicity of opinions when it comes to Kyle Lowry\'s new deal. Yahoo Sports\' Adrian Wojnarowski cites league sources claiming the point guard \"has reached agreement on a four-year, $48 million contract extension with the Toronto Raptors.\"Per Wojnarowski, Lowry said, \"Toronto is just the right place for me.\"And sometimes that\'s all it takes—a belief that a certain franchise and city are the right fit, that the pastures elsewhere aren\'t so much greener as they are merely a different shade of green.It turns out the Raptors thought Toronto was the right place for Lowry, too. But the bigger question is whether four years and $48 million was the right price. That\'s big money for a 28-year-old whose track record prior to the 2013-14 campaign was nothing spectacular.It\'s a flexible deal as well. Wojnarowski explains, \"The deal has an early termination option allowing Lowry the opportunity to become a free agent after the third season.\"The Raptors weren\'t the only club enamored with Lowry\'s most recent season.He was a backup plan for the Los Angeles Lakers, according \'s Ramona Shelburne. He was on the Miami Heat\'s radar, per Wojnarowski, though perhaps not a high priority. Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey even traveled to Philadelphia early Tuesday morning to meet with Lowry, also per Wojnarowski.If his suitors are any indication of Lowry\'s market value, the pact he signed with Toronto may have indeed been a bargain.The market for Lowry was in part a function of the other available point guards. There weren\'t many.Reserve guard Shaun Livingston reached an agreement with the Golden State Warriors on Tuesday. Eric Bledsoe and Isaiah Thomas—both impressive young floor generals—are restricted free agents, meaning their respective teams (the Phoenix Suns and Sacramento Kings) can match any offers they receive from other clubs.After that, there\'s a significant drop-off in talent, with Jameer Nelson arguably the best available unrestricted free agent.So to some degree, Lowry could name his price. With so many bidders and so few options at the point, Lowry was a rare commodity, and rare commodities tend to be worth quite a bit.So are seasons like the last one Lowry had.The Villanova product averaged 17.9 points, 7.4 assists, 4.7 rebounds and 1.5 steals per contest. His previous best scoring average was 14.3 points per game (with the Houston Rockets in 2011-12). Lowry didn\'t crack a double-digit scoring average until his fifth year in the league.For the moment, then, the latest output is something of a statistical anomaly—albeit perhaps a sign of things to come in the event Toronto is indeed the right fit.Even more than his regular-season performance, Lowry\'s first round against the Brooklyn Nets looks to have left a favorable impression on his once and future employers.He averaged 21.1 points in the series, serving as Toronto\'s most consistent offensive option and exploding for 36 points in a crucial Game 5 win. Lowry posted another 28 in a Game 7 loss that was decided by just one point.More advanced metrics add further reason to believe in the Lowry of late.His .567 true-shooting percentage ranked 13th among point guards, just behind Damian Lillard and ahead of All-Stars such as Tony Parker and Russell Westbrook. That\'s partly a function of Lowry\'s success from beyond the three-point arc (where he made 38 percent of his attempts last season) and partly due to his ability to get to the free-throw line 4.9 times a game.And while not as spectacular, Lowry\'s 28.9 assist ratio ranked him ahead of prolific passers such as John Wall and Stephen Curry.So even if you haven\'t associated this guy with the league\'s very best point guards, the numbers suggest he was among the elite last season.Certainly good enough for a deal that averages $12 million per season.In fact, only two point guards were estimated to have added more wins for their teams last season: Curry and Chris Paul.So if we\'re measuring Lowry\'s worth by what he\'s done lately, the money part of this deal was right on target.The bigger question is whether he\'ll be able to keep it up. Lowry relies on his speed to get to the basket (and draw all those fouls), and he could struggle if he begins to lose a step toward the end of his new contract.He also has yet to prove that he can string together several exceptionally productive seasons in a row. There\'s a very real chance that we just witnessed the kind of season that won\'t be repeated any time soon.If you\'re Raptors general manager Masai Ujiri, however, you probably didn\'t have much of a choice. While the organization is set to acquire combo guard Lou Williams from the Atlanta Hawks, per Marc Stein and Brian Windhorst , there\'s little doubt Lowry was the best point guard option Toronto had at the moment.\'s James Herbert put it, \"Toronto has to be relieved, as losing him would have been a massive step backward.\"For a young team that could be on the verge of something special, regression could be costly.Put in that perspective, Lowry\'s contract may be a bargain and a gamble at one and the same time. Though there\'s no telling whether he\'ll continue playing at the high level we saw in 2013-14, this much is certain: Plan B—whatever it was—would probably be even riskier.There are no sure things in this business, and valuing assets reflects as much. But Ujiri and Co. did what they had to do.Now it\'s time for Lowry to do the same.
萝莉对猛龙 值1200W
但到了火箭 过了800W 就是垃圾合同了
对有顶薪SG的球队 PG不能过中产
当年湿乎乎SB懂球帝 说你不如劳森,不如康利,对你各种黑。
引用7楼 @ 发表的:
当然 火箭的老人 希望他 多赚点钱,后半辈子 好过点。。。。。。但是就事论事的话,猛龙亏了。。。。
引用11楼 @ 发表的:
当然 火箭的老人 希望他 多赚点钱,后半辈子 好过点。。。。。。但是就事论事的话,猛龙亏了。。。。
引用12楼 @ 发表的:
[quote]引用12楼 @ 发表的:
萝莉这样的有点类似去年在 勇士的杰克。。。。
巨星+童工+底薪 的策略 也许是不错了,当然 你同时拥有 5个位置上的 萝莉 那又当别论了
引用16楼 @ 发表的:
[quote]引用12楼 @ 发表的:
萝莉这样的有点类似去年在 勇士的杰克。。。。
巨星+童工+底薪 的策略 也许是不错了,当然 你同时拥有 5个位置上的 萝莉 那又当别论了
引用10楼 @ 发表的:洛瑞有水准的,在火箭逆袭小布时期就有点崭露头角了。可惜,小布洛瑞德拉季奇一个都没留下。话说小布还真倒霉,如日中天的时候受伤了,然后被洛瑞逆袭,自由球员的时候联盟停摆了,于是签了CBA合同。合同签完,NBA停摆结束了。一个赛季后,再去NBA已经边缘了。当初的最快进步球员,对火箭忠心耿耿,最后回到火箭,只能沦为了第三控卫,当老东家再次要交易他的时候,他本来有权拒绝,但还是选择为老东家送上最后一次助攻。


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