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NBA常规赛 勇士97-95热火
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NBA常规赛 勇士97-95热火
91年的乔丹替代13年韦德联手LBJ,那支热火能击败现在的勇士吗?Put '91 Jordan on the '13 Heat in place of W Can they beat '17 Warriors? (self.nba)把2013年的韦德换成1991年的乔丹,这样的一支热火能击败2017年的勇士吗?[–]joeypeepy 444 points 14 hours agoI mean you're adding the greatest of all time, in his dead prime, to join Lebron at his peak and a very, very good Bosh. Who's ever going to slow MJ down w/o the hand check? I love the Heat here...还打个锤子,你都把历史第一人乔丹,巅峰詹姆斯和强力波什放一队了。Hand check(手测)被禁止了之后谁能阻挡得了乔丹?我选热火。译者注:04-05赛季NBA废除了Handcheck(手测),规定罚球区以外防守者不许用手以及小臂接触进攻球员身体以阻挡进攻。[–]BNC6 42 points 10 hours agoPeople really like to overrate the impact removing the hand check had on the game, there is still tons of hand checking going on every game. Not to mention the addition of zone defense is, at the very least, just as difficult to deal with as hand checking现在的人真的很喜欢夸大手测的禁止给比赛带来的影响,当今球场上仍有许多人用到这招呀。还没说区域联防的引入呢,它在防守端的威力怎么样都不会逊于手测。[–][NYK] Steve Novakalexyxray 7 points 7 hours agolol Jordan was an incredible slasher, but having him and LeBron only creates a greater version of him and Wade, they still are both league average 3pt shooters at best, i think in a 7 game series, the 3 pointers created by KD, Steph and Klay would be insurmountable.Also the Warriors would run a semi zone and with Bosh there'd be no one like Tristan Thompson to grab a shit ton of boards so the Warriors could be as aggressive as they wanted trapping on the perimeter since they wouldn't need to freak out about boxing out too hard呵呵,乔丹所具有的破坏力确实空前绝后,但是巅峰乔詹充其量就是升级版的詹韦,詹姆斯和乔丹再怎么说都只是较为平庸的三分射手。我认为在季后赛里,KD,库里和克莱的三分投射是无可比拟的。再有,当勇士打半区域联防的时候,他们面对的波什并不具有像TT一样的篮板能力,这样勇士就可以更肆无忌惮的包夹、给外线进攻人员设陷阱,因为他们不需在卡位抢篮板上花太大功夫。[–][BOS] Paul PierceSilktrocity 7 points 4 hours agoYou're severely underestimating MJ's defensive skill in this scenario.并且你这个分析还严重低估了乔丹的防守能力。[–]Wizards Bandwagonlivefreeordont 20 points 7 hours agoStick Allen and Battier in each corner and just let MJ and Bron work off Bosh. They'd be a better offensive team than this Cavs team and he waaaaaaaaaaaaay better defensively. Bron doesn't have to carry the offense and he can focus on guarding KD. KD will have to put in more effort on offense and he won't be as focused on D. All that and you add in the greatest scorer ever and one of the best ever perimeter defenders? Give me the Heat all day当你有雷-阿伦和巴蒂尔在两个底角的时候,只管让乔丹詹姆斯波什三人翻江倒海就好了。这支热火的进攻端比现在的骑士强,防守更是强出好几条街。詹姆斯不用在进攻端独挑大梁,从而可以把更多的精力注入到防守KD上。反之,KD会在进攻端更加吃力,使得他并不能百分之百的投入到防守中。除此之外,你再加上乔丹这个大bug,他不光是有史以来最佳的分手,还是最佳外线防守球员之一。热火赢,下一题。[–]Knicksunderhunter 5 points 3 hours agoMJ would avg 35-40 with LBJ at like 12-15 apg乔丹场均会拿35到40分,然后詹姆斯场均会得12到15个助攻。[–]majorthrownaway 4 points 6 hours agoZone d will slow down Jordan more than hand check ever did相对于手测,区域联防会更有效的限制住乔丹。[–][SAS] Manu Ginobiligsgspursgsg 11 points 5 hours agoMid range game is the antidote to zone. Jordan had the GOAT midrange可是中距离进攻是化解区域联防的良药好伐。乔丹拥有史上最强的中距离。[–]Cheryltunt69 4 points 2 hours ago40 year old Jordan scored 20 a game on zone defense. Prime Jordan would be harden on steroids乔丹40岁的时候面对联防都能场均20分,巅峰乔丹破联防会像打了鸡血的哈登一样。[–]Knicks BandwagonISHLDPROBABLYBWRKING 108 points 14 hours agoWith bosh and battier and birdman.. I think so. That's a nasty 2-3-4 mj bron battier on defense and then mj and bron being single covered.拥有波什,巴蒂尔和鸟人的话,我觉得热火会轻松取胜的。2到4号位上是乔丹,詹姆斯和巴蒂尔,这个阵容的防守强的令人发指,而勇士在防守端则要分别单防乔丹和詹姆斯。[–]og_coffee_man 65 points 14 hours agoAllen and Miller for perimeter off the bench. Not bad.同时板凳上还有阿伦和米勒来打外线,稳了。[–]Mavericksilive4this 33 points 11 hours agoI miss ol one shoe mike miller还记得那年三分线外一只鞋的米勒吗。[–][GSW] Stephen Curryawsomoo8000 28 points 9 hours ago2013 Birdman couldn't miss a shot, I loved watching him play in those playoffs.13年的鸟人命中率高的吓人,当年的季后赛看他打球还是挺享受的。[–]RaptorsLaFlame_Pablo 484 points 14 hours agoPrime Lebron and Prime Jordan are probably the best 2 way wing players in league history, so yes, they beat the Warriors.巅峰乔丹和巅峰詹姆斯是史上最强的攻防兼备的侧翼。毫无疑问,热火赢,下一题。[–]NetsBigbadbuck 245 points 13 hours agoIts not probably and its not just limited to 2 way wing players. They are the best players in league history period, and at worst Jordan is the best of all time and lebron is top 5. So thats 1 top 5 player all time in his absolute prime with the GOAT, and they still had chris bosh and other good players. Yea I'm taking them over the warriors everyday.讲真,不只是攻守兼备的两个最强侧翼球员,他们俩分明就是史上最强的几个球员之一。乔丹毫无疑问是历史第一人,詹姆斯也至少能排到历史前五。一个历史第一和一个处于完全巅峰期的历史前五,加上波什和一群实力不俗的角色球员,热火赢,下一题。[–]Trail Blazersbiggii2 114 points 14 hours agoIt wouldn't be a blow out series...but I take the Heat....no question. Jordan can keep Curry human.....but Curry ain't stopping Jordan. LeBron is in his prime so he can play way better D on Durant than he did in 2017....he can shoot from the outside....and he can pass the fuck out of the ball to shooters galore and...a cutting Jordan....who can also light up the Warriors way easier than Kyrie....he can drive...and shoot....and pass....to a cutting LeBron. You have the two best players ever...and two of the best defenders ever....with a much better supporting cast than the 2017 Finals Cavs....若这两队之间真有一战,局势不会一边倒的。不过我还是会选热火,没毛病。乔丹会限制住库里不让他进入日天模式,然而库里不可能防得住乔丹。13年的詹姆斯去防KD效果肯定会比17年的时候好的多,同时13年的詹姆斯外线能力还未退化,他给外线射手们的突分也具有可怕的杀伤力,并且一个频繁切入的乔丹是能让勇士瞬间团灭的存在,和欧文比不是一个级别。乔丹能投能突,同时也能传给空切的詹姆斯。当你阵中有两个历史最佳球员,而且这两个历史最佳球员还是历史顶尖的防守人,再配上比17年骑士高一档的角色球员,热火赢,下一题。[–][NOP] Jrue HolidayGood_NewsEveryone&28 points&1 day ago&Thinking too directly about the defensive matchups. Defending Jordan, LeBron, Curry, or Durant is a team sport. And both teams here are like defensive versatility on steroids. I don't think the Warriors have the inside presence to cope with LeBron AND Jordan but at the same time chasing the Warriors around screens all day is a tall task for anyone, and would be an especially different task for Jordan.我也考虑到了这些球员们单个间的直接对话。但是防守如乔丹,詹姆斯,库里或者杜兰特这样的球员时需要的是团队合作。这两支队伍在防守端全面的表现真像是嗑了药。我不认为勇士的内线有实力去对付乔丹和詹姆斯的冲击,但与此同时,满场绕着勇士的单挡追着防也是这支热火每一个球员的责任,特别是对于乔丹,这将会是一个完全不同的任务。[–]Trail Blazersbiggii2&7 points&23 hours agoDifferent...bit not really a problem. They would probably stick Jordan on Durant, Lebron on Green as a free safety...and have Chalmers/Battier run around screens all day going after Curry. And then you have Bosh who can switch when needed as well. All in all...you're right though. It's gonna be a team effort and no one stays on any one guy the whole time anyways. But Jordan...one of the best defenders ever, and one of the very, very smartest, if not the smartest, players ever...is not going to have a hard time figuring out how to run around more screens than he used to.不同是不同,但对于乔丹来讲是小事一桩。他们应该会让乔丹去防杜兰特,詹姆斯作为协防者去守格林,然后让查尔莫斯或者巴蒂尔绕着单档追着库里到处跑。波什在必要的时候也可以大防小。总体来说,两边的防守到底还是需要整个团队的协作,不会有人一直单防同一个人的。但是乔丹,史上最好的防守者之一,同时也是拥有顶级球商的人,就算是在面对以前从没出现过的如此多的单挡,他也会很轻松的找到解决方法。[–]WarriorsMarchHill&25 points&22 hours ago&They would probably stick Jordan on DurantMJ never played against anyone like Durant, this would be a terrible matchup when it happens.让乔丹一直单防杜兰特?你要知道乔丹从未与杜兰特这样的球员交过手,如果真让他们对位我觉得会惨不忍睹。[–]WarriorsMarchHill&6 points&15 hours ago&Yes it is, it's not like MJ was guarding 7-footers often. Let's not romanticize the guy. Just because he was DPOY and First Team All-Defense for however many consecutive years does not mean he could guard one of the most efficient volume shooters of all time. Even KD's contemporaries like Kawhi and DPOYmond would, IMO, be better defensive matchups than prime MJ, and even they can only limit KD so much.If you think it's a good matchup, do you happen to have footage of him guarding players like James Worthy, Charles Barkley, Karl Malone, and Shawn Kemp in the Finals? Not the regular season, since this hypothetical would be a Finals-caliber game.Like, I really don't think I'm being biased right now, and I have no reason to be. A prime MJ never had to guard anyone similar to KD, because there's never been a 7 footer who could simultaneously move around the floor like a guard and be super efficient at volume scoring as KD.勇士球迷:是的,乔丹可不是天天在防这些七尺大汉。我们也别把乔丹神化了,只因他拿了最佳防守球员和连续不知道多少年和防守一阵,并不代表他就可以防得住史上最高效同时也高产的射手之一。在我看来,与KD同时期的球员,比如伦纳德和最佳防守球员格林,和KD对位都会比乔丹强,但就算是他们也无法完全限制住KD。如果你真的认为乔丹单防KD是一个合理的对位,你能碰巧拿出乔丹在总决赛里防守像詹姆斯-沃西,查尔斯-巴克利,卡尔-马龙和肖恩-坎普这类球员的录像带来证实你这一说法吗?不是常规赛的录像,因为理论上我们讨论的这场对决是总决赛级别的。我真的不觉得我这么说是带有偏见的,也根本没必要。巅峰时的乔丹从不需要去防守任何与KD相似的球员,因为历史上从未出现过像KD一样拥有七尺身高,能像后卫一样在场上跑位,同时还可以高效地去得分的人。[–][DAL] Brian Cardinalmgmfa&11 points&20 hours&agoI think '91 Jordan + the Heat are probably dead even with the Warriors. Rodman + the Heat beats the Warriors, however. Shaq and the Heat (not '06 Shaq) beat the Warriors. To beat this dubs team you need to outrebound them. That's how OKC almost beat them and that's why the Cavs beat them once Bogut went down two years ago.The Heat started Joel Anthony at C. The Warriors could go small-ball all day and not have to worry for a second. They'd get a ridiculous number of open 3's or shots in the paint. Jordan is a defensive upgrade over Wade, but you either Chalmers on either Klay or Steph, neither of which is a good matchup. Also who stops Dray? Anthony? Bosh? And who do you hide Ray Allen on if he comes in the game?Meanwhile Jordan shot 31% from deep that year. He didn't develop his deep shot til later in his career. He shot 55% from 2, and the dubs easily shoot better than 37% from deep - the equivalent of shooting 55%. Not to mention unlike when Jordan was playing, the Warriors can switch anything so Jordan can't get a mismatch on a big or get a bunch of teams going under screens. If they can stay in front of him, they can win. If Jordan gets to the rim regularly, well, good luck.I'm not saying the Warriors would curbstomp them, but it'd be a lot closer than most posters are giving the Warriors credit for. I think it goes all 7 games.我认为1991年的乔丹加上2013年的热火会与勇士不相上下。但加上罗德曼的这支热火能赢。加上鲨鱼(不是2006年的鲨鱼)也能赢。要战胜这支勇士,你必须在篮板球上制服他们。这就是为什么雷霆曾经在西决几乎淘汰勇士,也是为什么两年前骑士在博古特受伤后击败了他们。那支热火的首发中锋是乔尔-安东尼。勇士可以毫无顾虑的打一整场小球战术。他们会创造数量惊人的空位三分或者禁区里的投篮机会。乔丹相对于韦德是一个防守上的提升,但你避免不了让查尔莫斯去防克莱或者库里,两种情况下他都会被打爆。然后谁去防格林?乔尔-安东尼吗?还是波什?当你换上雷阿伦的时候,你又让他去防谁好呢?乔丹在1991年的三分命中率是31%。他直到职业生涯后期才开发了远程投射。乔丹两分命中率为55%,勇士的三分命中率上37%就跟玩儿似的,换算过来就是2分的55%命中率。更不用说,和乔丹所处的那个年代不同的是,勇士可以任意的换防,致使乔丹不会得到错位的机会,也不用挡拆绕后。只要勇士能站在乔丹面前去防他,这场比赛就能打赢。但如果乔丹能轻易的反复攻击篮筐,那就,只能祝勇士好运了。我并不是说勇士会摧毁这支热火,多数在这发帖的人并不看好勇士,而我则认为这场比赛要比他们想象中的更加胶着,会打满七场。
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勇士主帅:韦德是历史第三得分卫 仅次于乔丹科比


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