
[xiāo mó shíjiān] to stall for timeto procrastinate
[st?:l] n.货摊,畜栏,厩,出售摊 v.(使)停转,(使)停止,迟延 [pr?u'kraestineit] v.延迟,耽搁单词消磨时间的英汉对照例句我那趟班机误点了, 我只好看书消磨时间[打发了两小时]。The party's at eight, but don't kill yourself getting herekilled two hours reading a book.她在康复期间做些什麽来消磨时间呢?What did she do to pass the time (ie to make the period of boredom less tedious) while she was convalescing?阅览室有许多学生,也有一些消磨时间的人。The reading room held many students, as well as a few time killers.我那趟班机误点了,我只好看书消磨时间[打发了两小时]。My flight was delayed, so I killed time/killed two hours reading a book.我等她的时候,以浏览陈列窗而消磨时间。While I was waiting for her, I killed time by looking in the show window.为了消磨时间等待展览开始,我们逛了逛商场。To kill time until the exhibition opened, we looked round the shops.就我来说,电视游戏似乎总是更能消磨时间。As far as I am concerned, video game always seems better for killing time.妈妈只是和伯父聊天儿消磨时间,或者时不时给他做顿印度饭,很高兴他们的来访能给他带来快乐。Mama just enjoyed spending time talking to uncle or cooking him an indian meal from time to time happy in the knowledge that their visit was doing him good.我不知道怎么消磨时间。I don't know how to pass the time.闲荡悠闲地消磨时间;闲荡T loiter.消磨时间在1000以后到达广州。Lose time to arr guangzhou after1000z.学者是以学习来消磨时间的懒汉。A learned man is an idler who kills time by study.马西米兰很善于忍耐,于是就在心里比较着这两位姑娘来消磨时间——一个肤色白晰,有一对水汪汪温柔的眼睛,温雅地微微弯着身体,象一棵垂着的杨柳;And maximilian was patient and employed himself in mentally contrasting the two girls--one fair with soft languishing eyes a figure gracefully bending l他在睡眠中消磨时间。He spent his time in sleeping.我们在机场阅读杂志消磨时间We while away the time at the airport read magezines.提交更多消磨时间的相关例句
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[单词超市] 你会如何消磨时间呢 1125
今日短语一个人在消磨时间的时候往往都会做一些轻松开心的事。'To while away the time' 纯粹是为了放松而放松或者是以轻松的方式消磨时间以便等待其他事情。
例句The film doesn’t start for another hour. Why don’t we while away the time with a walk in the park?When I was a teenager I used to while away the time listening to music in my room. 请注意如果一件事做起来值得,有益处,就可以用“worth your while”来表达。不过,你会发现这个短语多用于否定句,说明没价值,不值得。 例句It’s not worth your while going all the way into university for the meeting. It’ll only take about 10 minutes. Let’s do it online.
It’s not a great job. The pay is really bad and it’s only a two-week contract. I don’t think it’s even worth your while filling out an application.小练习:躺在这里晒太阳真是打发这个下午的好方式!
躺在这里晒太阳真是打发这个下午的好方式!Lying here for sun bath&&is a good way to while away this afternoon.
It is a good way to while away the time with lying here for a sun bath.
This good!
Lying here in the sun is a very pleasant way to while away the afternoon.
It is a pleasant way to while away this afternoon to shine this man lying in the hammock.
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