
One possible version:
It has been decided that
the spring sports meeting will be held next Saturday on the school playground.
All the students should remember to take a chair to the school playground to
watch the game. Meanwhile, each class should choose at least 5 students as
athletes to take part in the event and another five students to join in the
cheering squad. Members of the school sports team can come to the school hall
this Saturday afternoon, as professional sportsmen and coaches will come to
give them special training. Please be there on time.
Students’ Union
March 22, 2016
[1]Why play sports You
might say “to get exercise” and you’d be right. To have fun That’s true, too.
But there’s more. In fact, there are at least 5 more reasons. According to the
Women’s Sports Foundation, girls who play sports get a lot more than just fit.
[2]Girls who play sports
do better in school. You might think that athletics will take up all your study
time. But research shows that girls who play sports do better in school than
those who don’t. Exercise improves learning, memory, and concentration, which
can give active girls an advantage in the classroom.
[3]Girls who play sports
learn teamwork and goal-setting skills. Sports teach valuable life skills. When
you work with coaches, trainers, and teammates to win games and achieve goals. You’re learning how to be
successful. Those skills will at
work and in family life.
[4] Sports are good for a
girl’s health. In addition to being fit and maintaining (维持) a healthy weight, girls
who p1ay sports are also less likely to smoke. And later in life, girls who
exercise are less likely to get breast cancer or osteoporosis (骨质疏松).
[5]Playing sports builds
self-confidence. Girls who play sports feel better about themselves. Why It
builds confidence when you know you can achieve your goals. Sports are also
a feel-good activity because they help girls get in shape,maintain a healthy weight
and make new friends.
[6] Exercise cuts the
pressure. Playing sports can reduce stress and help you feel a little happier.
How The brain chemicals released during exercise improve a person’s mood.
Friends are another mood-lifter. And being on a team creates tight bonds
between friends. It is good to know your teammates will support you―both on and
off the field!
56. What’s the main idea
of the text (no more than 8 words)
57. According to the text, list three advantages that
exercise can give you when you are in school. (no more than 6 words)
58. Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 3 with proper
words.(no more than 5 words)
59. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5
into Chinese.
60. What can lift your
mood while playing sports (no more than l5 words)
Dear Steven.
would like to invite you to the annual Coming-of-age Ceremony of our school.
(高三英语) 美国某高中提出德商由六大要素组成,你认为哪个要素是最重要的请以你生活中发生的事为例说明理由。
(高三英语)阅读表达Choosing the right university for you is a
big decision with many factors to consider. The institution that you choose
will not only be the one that ensures your academic goals, but it will also be
where you will live, learn, play sports, socialize and work for several years.
Therefore, before you start filling out those university application forms,
take a step back and consider the many variables that affect the “fit” of a university to your unique personality and
educational goals. Take a look at the following factors, and decide which ones
mean the most to you.
Consider your educational goals.
You will discover that different schools are
more recognized or progressive in your chosen field of study than
others. For this reason, talk to advisors, professionals
in your field, or go to clubs organized by the alumni(校友). When you check out school ranking for your
major, you may find that your first choice is not really a match, while another
fits perfectly.
Consider costs. It will be no
surprise to you at this point that not all schools cost the same. Some of the
more famous schools are so because they are difficult to get into and difficult
to pay for. Don’t let this necessarily stop you. Just keep this consideration
in mind as you narrow your list of potential schools.
Choosing a university should not
be done only on reputation, but also take the academic programs and overall
environment into consideration. Be aware that reputations are sometimes out of date or overstated, so
first-hand experience is often beneficial.
Once you’ve identified the
factors that are most important to you, you’ve taken the first steps towards
making a successful choice. Make sure you pick a university that will serve
your needs throughout your university career.
56. What does the passage mainly
talk about (No more than 10 words.)
There are many factors you need to consider before choosing a university
according to the passage, Can you list at least three of them (No more than 15
58. According to the passage, what
kind of university is the best for you to choose (No more than 15words. )
59. What does the underlined word
“variables” mean in Paragraph 1 (Only one word.)
____________________________________________________________________________60. In your
opinion, what other things do we need to take into consideration before
choosing a university besides the things mentioned in the passage (No more
than 20 words.)
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站长:朱建新2014春季运动会英语系团体操_土豆_高清视频在线观看&&&& Whistler Valley is an all-year round great place to take a vacation. In spring people can ride horses through the beautiful forest. In summer people can enjoy rafting which is an exciting sport. If you love fishing, Whistler will be the best place. &In autumn you will be very relaxed while fishing.&& It's a great place for& skiing lovers in winter. The brave people would like to try helicopter skiing and snowmobiling. However, children and the old like to take the sleigh or dogsled for sightseeing which are both relaxing and interesting.(答案不唯一。)
书面表达,根据中英文提示,写一篇60至100字的文章。(本题10分)Tom的星期天Tom’s Sunday(此处为草稿书写处,请将作文终稿抄写在答题纸上)
dream community”为题写一篇短文。
My dream community
1. 成龙(Jacky Chen)1954年出生于香港(Hongkong)。很小时,就开始练习功夫(Kongfu)。
2. 1978年,他在《醉拳》(Drunken
master) 里扮演主角。这部电影很成功,他立即就出名了。
3. 他在表演方面很有经验。他不仅在中国有名,而且在全世界都很有名。
4. 他的成就已经远远超越了电影界。他把他的业余时间致力于帮助贫困地区的孩子上。
5. 最近他出演了一些公益广告(charity
书面表达&& (5分) 请根据以下中文提示完成作文:
1. 在学校我最好的朋友是汤姆,他和我的年龄一样大;
2. 他长得很高,戴着一副小小的圆圆的眼镜;
3. 他酷爱体育,擅长打篮球;
4. 汤姆为人慷慨大方,认为一个真正的朋友应该愿意与他人分享任何东西;
5. 他长大后。。。。。。
Tom’s Sunday
(此处为草稿书写处,请将作文终稿抄写在答题纸上)等级:书童 |
春天,正是放松心情的好时节。结伴旅游,划船,登山都是不错的选择。但如果你觉得上述活动都缺乏新意 (innovation),不如来瞧瞧老外的点子。
  The Sun is shining, the birds are singing - spring is finally here! So, it’s time to put away your textbooks and get into the spirit of the season. But, how can you make the most of this warm, happy season? Here are some activities that you can try with your friends and classmates.  阳光明媚,鸟儿欢唱,春天终于来了!是时候抛开你的课本,体会春的气息了。但你要怎样才能好好把握这个温暖且欢快的季节呢?你可以和朋友或同学们试试下面的这几个点子。  Jailbreak   越狱  About the game  游戏说明  Some students from Lancaster University in the UK are going to have their annual Jailbreak Competition later this month. It is organized by the university’s division of Students in Free Enterprise, a non-profit organization, run by students, which helps to fund sustainable projects in developing countries.  英国兰卡斯特大学的一些学生计划于本月晚些时候,举办他们一年一度的越狱比赛。这个比赛由该校的大学生企业家联盟筹办,这个非盈利性组织由学生管理,旨在资助发展中国家的可持续项目。  Traveling in pairs, participants have 36 hours to journey as far as possible, without spending any money. Before setting off, they are given posters and T-shirts, in order that they might raise as much money as possible. When they reach their destination, students are required to take a photo and buy a newspaper to prove that they were there. Prizes are awarded for most money raised and furthest distance traveled.  玩法:两人一组进行旅行,参与者需在36小时内不花一分钱并能走多远走多远。为了能让他们在旅途中筹到尽可能多的钱,在出发前组织方会发给他们海报和T恤衫。当学生们抵达目的地时,他们要按照要求照张像,并买张报纸证明他们到此一游。筹钱最多、走的最远的小组将会获奖。  Game talk   游戏用语  Sorry to bother you, but we are trying to catch a ride west/east/north/south. Are you headed that way?”  请求搭车:抱歉打扰您了,我们想搭去往西/东/北/南方向的车,您顺路么?  I think this is a good spot to get out. Can you pull over please? /Here is good. Thank you.  要求下车:我觉得我该在这儿下车了。您能停一下车吗?/ 这儿就行,谢谢您。  Humans vs Zombies  僵尸大战  About the game  游戏说明  You don’t have to wait until Halloween to play a zombie game. Created in the fall of 2005 at Goucher College, US by students Brad Sappington and Chris Weed, the game Humans vs Zombies has taken the US by storm and is now played on more than 200 college campuses across the country. Many find that the game is a good way to make friends.  你不必非要等到万圣节才能玩僵尸游戏。美国古彻学院的学生布拉德•萨平顿和克里斯•威德在2005年秋天发明了一款风靡全美的僵尸大战游戏,现在全美超过200所大学校园的学生们都在玩这种游戏。许多人觉得这个游戏是个很好的交友平台。  How to play   玩法  Everyone playing the game starts as “human” with the exception of one: the original zombie.   每个人在游戏开始时都是“人类”,只有一人例外:那就是“原始僵尸”。  If a player is touched by the zombie, he or she then becomes a zombie and is required to “tag” at least one human every 48 hours to stay in the game.   一旦玩家被僵尸碰到,他就会变成僵尸,每隔48小时他都要“感染”一个“人类”才能继续留在游戏里。  If a human player manages to “stun” a zombie with a toy gun or a pair of rolled up socks (socks are recommended by school faculties), they are safe for the time being. The “stunned” zombie is not allowed to tag a human for a predetermined length of time.  如果一个扮演人类的玩家用玩具枪或一双卷起来的袜子打晕一只僵尸(袜子这个主意是由学校老师的提出的),那么他们就暂时安全了。“晕厥”的僵尸在预定时间内不能再传染人类。  The game can last days, weeks or even all semester. If less than a certain number of humans survive the attack, the zombies win.   这个游戏可以持续几天,几周,甚至是整个学期。如果人类的数量少于规定数量,那么僵尸就赢了。  Game talk   游戏用语  We survive this by pulling together, not apart.  找人并肩作战:团结起来才能生存下来,不要分开。  Just go. I’ll cover you.   掩护同伴撤退:快撤。我掩护你。  We don’t have to be afraid anymore. We are safe here.  到达安全地:我们不用再担心了,这很安全。
7月17日 11:5
7月12日 13:54
7月12日 11:55
&& &&& 2016年春季运动会比赛项目介绍
亲们!TRT2016年春季运动会最近就要开始啦!为提高大家的团队协作精神,这次运动会主要以团队协作项目为主,大家只要组成18人的团队即可参加比赛(记得每队要有不少于4名的女士哟),详情请见2016年春季运动会报名通知。下面给大家介绍一下这次运动会的比赛项目。项目:(一)疯狂毛毛虫参与人数:每队16人,男女不限。比赛方法:比赛开始前,8名队员跨骑在比赛器材上,双手握住固定把手立于起跑线后。裁判发令后,8名队员通过协作配合使比赛器材在跑道上行进,单向赛程25米,到达折返点绕桩与另8名队名调换接力进行折返以各参赛队毛毛虫尾巴过终点线所在垂直平面为计时停止,用时少者名次列前。比赛规则:1. & &比赛过程中,参赛队员不得越出其指定赛道,若有队员变道或阻碍其它非本队队员将直接取消其比赛资格(二)袋鼠运瓜参与人数:6人,3男3女比赛方法:比赛前6名队员在各自位置穿好袋鼠服准备,裁判发令后,1号队员取西瓜跳向2号队员,并将西瓜交给2号队员后折返自己起始位置取西瓜;2号队员带西瓜跳向3号队员,并将西瓜交给3号队员后折返自己起始位置接1号队员送来的西瓜---依次类推,3号队员带西瓜跳向终点并将西瓜放到终点环筺后,以最后一个西瓜放入球筺为计时停止。赛程为20M—30M,用时少者名次列前。比赛规则:1、比赛过程中,队员需在接力线处交接西瓜,若有西瓜落地,需从落地处捡西瓜并继续比赛。2、必须把全部西瓜运送到终点球筐,否则成绩无效。(三)财源滚滚参赛人数:6人,4男2女比赛方法:比赛开始前,6名队员双脚分别跨于比赛器材两边外侧立于起跑线后。裁判发令后,6名队员通过协调配合拨动比赛器材向前行进,赛程30M.以各参赛队所用比赛器材触及终点线为计时停止。用时少者名次列前。计分标准:秒表计时,以各参赛队员所用比赛器材触及终点线所在垂直平面为计时停止,用时少名次列前。比赛规则:1、比赛开始前,参赛队员必须立于起跑线后。2、比赛过程中,参赛队员不得越出其指定赛道,若有队员变道或阴碍其他非本队队员将直接取消参赛资格。3、比赛过程中,任何参赛队员被迫离开指定赛道,如非不正当竞争,可以继续保留其比赛资格。4、比赛过程中比赛器材必须向前转动,否则视为犯规。(四)动感五环参与人数:每队8人,4男4女比赛方法:比赛开始前,比赛器材置于起跑线后。1名男队员站在动感五环内,2名女队员在两侧掌控方向。裁判发令后,3名队员通过协作配合使比赛器材在跑道上行进,以比赛器材任一部位触及折返点后,男女队员互换位置,返回起点计分标准:秒表计时,以比赛器材任一部位触及起点线所在垂直平面为计时停止,用时少者名次列前。比赛规则:1、 & &比赛开始前,比赛器材必须放置在起跑线之后。2、 & &到达折返点,环内与环外的队员必须互换,否则成绩无效。3、 & &比赛过程中,动感五环不得越出指定赛道,若有方向偏离环外队员应迅速扶正使其回到指定赛道进行,否则工作人员有权停住器材让其回到指定赛道后继续比赛。4、 & &动感五环内的队员不允许戴眼镜、手表等饰物,且不允许穿钉子鞋,皮鞋。(五)同舟共济参赛人数:每队4人比赛方法:4名队员要在起跑线后,准备好充气舟,肢体及器材不得超出起跑线,裁判发令后,借助充气舟,在不接触地面的情况下“渡”过指定的20M区域,用时最短者名次列前.计分方法:乘充气舟“渡”过指定区域,计算所用时间,以用时最短者名次列前。比赛规则:1、 & &在比赛中,不得占用本队以外的赛道,如果得利,则成绩无效。2、 & &比赛中,本队队员不得干扰其他队的比赛,否则取消本队的比赛成绩。3、 & &比赛过程中,如掉落地面,将在最终时间成绩的基础上增加5秒/次。(六)协力竞走参赛人数:8名队员,4男4女比赛方法:比赛开始前,4名队员双脚固定在比赛器材上立于起跑线后(第1名队员握住安全把手,后面的队员将手依次扶在前方队员的肩部)。裁判发令后参赛队员通过协调配合在路道上共同前行,赛程40M。以比赛器材任最后部位触及折返点后,男女队员互换位置,返回起点计分标准:秒表计时,以各参赛队员所用比赛器材触及终点线所在垂直平面为计时停止,用时少名次列前。比赛规则:1、 & &必须在自己的跑道上前行,如有队员落下器材需马上返回器材继续比赛,否则加时10秒。2、 & &到达终点线时必须是四名队员和器材一起到达,否则比赛成绩无效。(七)沙包投掷参赛人数:每队8名代表比赛方法:比赛人员站在8M投掷线后准备,每人3次投掷机会,总得分多者名次列前。计分标准:投掷靶数,计分是沙包的落点为准,滚动停顿的点不算,落点如在两环之间,按高环数计成绩,在规定的沙包数量以投掷的靶数多者名次列前。比赛规则:1、 & &比赛开始前,参赛队员不得进行投掷。2、 & &比赛过程中不得干扰非本队员,否则视为犯规。3、 & &比赛过程中身体不得超越投掷线,否则视为犯规。8(八)鸿运彩球参与人数:每队6人比赛方法:比赛开始前,参赛队员托举比赛器材过肩立于起跑线后。裁判发令后,队员通过协调配合使队员能托举比赛器材顺利在跑道上前进。以各参赛队中的任一队员的身体触及终点线为计时停止。用时少者名次列前。计分标准:秒表计时,以各参赛队员所用比赛器材触及终点线所在垂直平面为计时停止,用时少名次列前。比赛规则:1、 & &比赛开始前,参赛队员必须立于起跑线后。2、 & &比赛过程中,参赛队员不得越出其指定赛道,若有队员变道或阻碍其它非本队队员将直接取消其比赛资格。3、 & &比赛过程中,任何参赛队员被迫脱离指定赛道,只要未获得实际利益,可以继续保留其比赛资格。4、 & &比赛过程中身体应在地面之上,否则视为犯规。(九)众星捧月参赛人数:每队6名,3男3女比赛方法:比赛开始前,5名队员分别拉住鼓的5个延长把手,另有1名队员负责放置大球。裁判发令后,开始原地掂球,在规定时间内,掂球次数多者名次列前。计分方法:定时计数,以各参赛队员在规定的时间内,按照规则要求,有效掂环数最多者名次列前。比赛规则:比赛开始前,大球不能放在气模上。比赛过程中,球被掂起的高度必须超过球的直径,否则不计成绩数。比赛过程中,参赛队员不得越出其指定赛区,若有队员移动或阻碍其他非本队队员将直接取消其参赛资格。比赛过程中,任何参赛队员被迫脱离指定赛区,如非不正当竞争,可以继续保留其比赛资格。(十)超级障碍赛参与人数:每队5人,3男2女比赛方法:比赛开始前,5名参赛队员按顺序在起跑线后做好准备,裁判发令后,第1名队员依次通过“跨栏、平衡木、钻网、龙门”环节后返回起点将接力棒交给第2名队员,第2名队员以同样的方式前进,以最后1名队员身体任意部位触及起点线所在的垂直平面为计时结束,用时少者名次列前。计分标准:秒表计时:待最后一名队员返回起点后,以各参赛队中的最后一名队员通过终点线所在垂直平面为计时停止,用时少者名次列前。比赛规则:1、 & &比赛过程中,参赛队员中途落地,要在原地重新回到器材上,继续比赛。2、 & &比赛过程中,每名队员到达折返点时,必须触折返点的地线,下一名队员要在上一名队员返回击掌后才能进入赛道。(十一)定点射门参赛人数:每队8名代表比赛方法:各队派出队员进行定点射门,射门距离为8米,上排三个球洞得分依次为3、5、3,下排三个球同得分依次为1、3、1,人数不够可循环。有意参加比赛的员工抓紧组团,到各工会小组长处报名,报名截止日期4月5日,过期不候的!感谢关注东海橡塑工会微信公众平台!!!
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