
  淮北科汇有限公司,它座落在风景秀丽的淮北市杜集区滂汪工业园。是目前唯一一家专业从事、网架、管桁架、索膜结构、多层框架工程及与之配套的轻型、采光屋面、制造、安装的钢结构专业承包壹级企业。现拥有专业人员30名,专业人员近300人。公司拥有优秀的轻钢设机软件,先进的加工设备、高精度的测试分析仪器。业务遍及全国十余个省、市、自治区。2004年通过了ISO9001质量体系人证,确保为客户提供合格产品和满意服务。 多年来,公司在&细化流程、夯实基础、快速平稳地发展企业&的经营方针指导下,通过制度重建、顾客满意、成本控制、以人为本四项工程的建设,在企业内部形成了严密、科学的目标责任系统、绩效考评系统、工资薪酬系统,在制作生产和安装方面形成了快速反应机制,在员工队伍建设方面形成了一个作风优良、纪律严明、技术过硬的朝气蓬勃的战斗团队,确保在为社会、为客户提供优良的物质文明的同时,实现精神文明的提升。
学  历:
  联 系 人:杨波
  地  址: 安徽省淮北市杜集区肖淮路西滂汪村南
自成立六十多年来,中国中铁四局集团有限公司先后新建、改建、扩建铁路干线、支线13200多公里,建成大型铁路枢纽14个,并在高速公路、市政、水利水务、汽车试验场、城市轨道交通、工业与民用建筑、电气化工程等施工领域取得辉煌业绩和卓著信誉。同时,公司积极参与国际市场竞争,在20多个国家和地区完成或正在施工铁路、公路、房建、水利等工程百余项。所建工程中,先后有18项获中国建筑工程鲁班奖(国家优质工程);16项获中国土木工程詹天佑大奖;15项被评为全国用户满意建筑工程;8项被评为国家市政金杯示范工程;18项被评为全国优秀焊接工程;15项获中国建筑钢结构金奖;13项荣获国家优质工程奖;185项获省部级优质工程奖;8项成果荣获国家级科技进步奖,92项成果荣获省部级科技进步奖;所编制的工法中,19项被评定为国家级工法, 142项被评定为省部级工法。公司现拥有专利146项,其中发明专利28项。
As a large-scaled construction enterprise and a model subsidiary of China Railway Engineering Corporation, one of Fortune Global 500, China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group Co., Ltd.(CTCE), possesses a series of government-registered or issued qualification certificates as follows: super class general contractor of class A general contractor for highway engineering, municipal works, building works and electromechanical equipmen class A specialized contractor for more than a dozen of categories of works, inclusive of bridge, tunnel, highway bed and surface, railway track-laying and girder-erection, railway electric power, communications, signaling, electrification engineering, telecommunication engineering, architectural decoration, fire control facilities, hydraulic tunnel specialized contractor of highway transportation engineering and urban mass transit engineering, class B general contractor of water conservancy and hy grade-one contractor of environment protection engineering and geological hazard grade-one designer of steel structures, railways and buildings. It is also licensed to conduct business and contract engineering projects abroad. Besides, it engages in architectural survey and design, new construction material manufacture,railway operation services, construction machinery rental services, equipment and material export, real estate development and investment in infrastructure.
In the past over 60 years since its establishment, China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group Co Ltd has constructed, renovated, extended more than 13 thousand km of railway lines, as well as 14 large-scaled railway junctions. It has also made remarkable achievements and won a high reputation in the fields of construction of expressways, municipal engineering, automobile proving grounds, urban mass transit engineering, industrial & civil buildings, electrification engineering, and so on. By active participation of international market, it has been fairly internationalized by undertaking about one hundred projects including railways, highways, industrial & civil buildings, water conservancy works, in over 20 countries or regions. Of these above-mentioned projects, 18 won Luban Prize for National Architectural Engineering Project, 16 were awarded Zhantianyou Grand Prize for National Civil Engineering, 15 won State Consumer-Satisfying Architectural Project Prize, 8 obtained State Municipal Demonstration Engineering Golden Cup Prize, 18 won State Excellent Welding Engineering Prize, 15 got National Building Steel Structure Golden Prize, 13 won State Quality Prize, and as many as 185 obtained provincial or ministerial-level high-quality project prize. Due to its constant innovation, 8 scientific and technological achievements won State Scientific & Technological Progress Prize, 92 gained Scientific & Technological Progress Prizes at provincial or ministerial level. 19 construction techniques developed by the corporation were adopted as state-level construction methodologies, and 142 ones the provincial-level construction methodologies. And by now, the corporation owns 146 patents, of which 28 are patents of invention.
As a state-authorized hi-tech enterprise, CTCE has established a state-level technological center, as well as a post-doctoral work station. And among the over 11,700 technical personnel, it has 4290 medium or senior professionals, of which 55 ones enjoy the Government-offered Special Expert Allowance, 53 ones own the professional title of professor-level senior engineer. In addition, it is also staffed with about 8,651 skilled workers. It is equipped with more than 9,800 pieces or sets of advanced production facilities totaling 1.09 million KW. Among these ones, over 200 sets or pieces are large modern equipment for construction of metro tunnel, production, transportation and erection of 900t or 750t box girders of passenger special railway, manufacturing and laying of ballastless slab track, or for construction of highway asphalt surface. Based on the excellent management and achievements, it has in recent years been assessed as one of Grade-A construction enterprises consecutively through the credit rating activities organized by the Ministry of Railways, being the only construction enterprise which won such as an achievement among nearly 100 contractor of railway engineering, and has been given overall credit lines of ¥ 49.9 billion. In addition, it won the titles of National Excellent Construction Enterprise, State Excellent Enterprise for Ideological Work, State Contract-Observing and Promise-Keeping Enterprise, State Excellent Enterprise for Engineering Construction Quality Control, State Model Harmonious Enterprise for Labor Relation, as well as the Labor Honorary Credential of May Day.
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自成立六十多年来,中国中铁四局集团有限公司先后新建、改建、扩建铁路干线、支线13200多公里,建成大型铁路枢纽14个,并在高速公路、市政、水利水务、汽车试验场、城市轨道交通、工业与民用建筑、电气化工程等施工领域取得辉煌业绩和卓著信誉。同时,公司积极参与国际市场竞争,在20多个国家和地区完成或正在施工铁路、公路、房建、水利等工程百余项。所建工程中,先后有18项获中国建筑工程鲁班奖(国家优质工程);16项获中国土木工程詹天佑大奖;15项被评为全国用户满意建筑工程;8项被评为国家市政金杯示范工程;18项被评为全国优秀焊接工程;15项获中国建筑钢结构金奖;13项荣获国家优质工程奖;185项获省部级优质工程奖;8项成果荣获国家级科技进步奖,92项成果荣获省部级科技进步奖;所编制的工法中,19项被评定为国家级工法, 142项被评定为省部级工法。公司现拥有专利146项,其中发明专利28项。
As a large-scaled construction enterprise and a model subsidiary of China Railway Engineering Corporation, one of Fortune Global 500, China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group Co., Ltd.(CTCE), possesses a series of government-registered or issued qualification certificates as follows: super class general contractor of class A general contractor for highway engineering, municipal works, building works and electromechanical equipmen class A specialized contractor for more than a dozen of categories of works, inclusive of bridge, tunnel, highway bed and surface, railway track-laying and girder-erection, railway electric power, communications, signaling, electrification engineering, telecommunication engineering, architectural decoration, fire control facilities, hydraulic tunnel specialized contractor of highway transportation engineering and urban mass transit engineering, class B general contractor of water conservancy and hy grade-one contractor of environment protection engineering and geological hazard grade-one designer of steel structures, railways and buildings. It is also licensed to conduct business and contract engineering projects abroad. Besides, it engages in architectural survey and design, new construction material manufacture,railway operation services, construction machinery rental services, equipment and material export, real estate development and investment in infrastructure.
In the past over 60 years since its establishment, China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group Co Ltd has constructed, renovated, extended more than 13 thousand km of railway lines, as well as 14 large-scaled railway junctions. It has also made remarkable achievements and won a high reputation in the fields of construction of expressways, municipal engineering, automobile proving grounds, urban mass transit engineering, industrial & civil buildings, electrification engineering, and so on. By active participation of international market, it has been fairly internationalized by undertaking about one hundred projects including railways, highways, industrial & civil buildings, water conservancy works, in over 20 countries or regions. Of these above-mentioned projects, 18 won Luban Prize for National Architectural Engineering Project, 16 were awarded Zhantianyou Grand Prize for National Civil Engineering, 15 won State Consumer-Satisfying Architectural Project Prize, 8 obtained State Municipal Demonstration Engineering Golden Cup Prize, 18 won State Excellent Welding Engineering Prize, 15 got National Building Steel Structure Golden Prize, 13 won State Quality Prize, and as many as 185 obtained provincial or ministerial-level high-quality project prize. Due to its constant innovation, 8 scientific and technological achievements won State Scientific & Technological Progress Prize, 92 gained Scientific & Technological Progress Prizes at provincial or ministerial level. 19 construction techniques developed by the corporation were adopted as state-level construction methodologies, and 142 ones the provincial-level construction methodologies. And by now, the corporation owns 146 patents, of which 28 are patents of invention.
As a state-authorized hi-tech enterprise, CTCE has established a state-level technological center, as well as a post-doctoral work station. And among the over 11,700 technical personnel, it has 4290 medium or senior professionals, of which 55 ones enjoy the Government-offered Special Expert Allowance, 53 ones own the professional title of professor-level senior engineer. In addition, it is also staffed with about 8,651 skilled workers. It is equipped with more than 9,800 pieces or sets of advanced production facilities totaling 1.09 million KW. Among these ones, over 200 sets or pieces are large modern equipment for construction of metro tunnel, production, transportation and erection of 900t or 750t box girders of passenger special railway, manufacturing and laying of ballastless slab track, or for construction of highway asphalt surface. Based on the excellent management and achievements, it has in recent years been assessed as one of Grade-A construction enterprises consecutively through the credit rating activities organized by the Ministry of Railways, being the only construction enterprise which won such as an achievement among nearly 100 contractor of railway engineering, and has been given overall credit lines of ¥ 49.9 billion. In addition, it won the titles of National Excellent Construction Enterprise, State Excellent Enterprise for Ideological Work, State Contract-Observing and Promise-Keeping Enterprise, State Excellent Enterprise for Engineering Construction Quality Control, State Model Harmonious Enterprise for Labor Relation, as well as the Labor Honorary Credential of May Day.
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青岛同德赢钢结构有限公司(集装箱活动房/)是以同心同德,携手共赢为宗旨,以过硬的产品质量、良好的售后服务为保证,主营集装箱活动房、移动板房、集装箱移动房、移动车库、移动厕所、移动板房、彩钢瓦房、移动岗亭、移动警卫亭、集装箱宿舍、特种厢、改装厢、彩钢板。   同时兼营移动厕所租赁、成品厕所、生态厕所、移动厕所、流动厕所、活动厕所、生化厕所、工业卷帘门、聚氨酯夹心卷帘门(管状电机)、铝板压型卷帘门窗(管状电机)、工业卷帘门、澳式卷帘门、公厕改造、智能环保垃圾房、智能环保垃圾房、钢结构材料、集装箱房、轻钢别墅、彩涂压型板、彩钢复合板、EPS墙面板、C型钢、H型钢等产品专业生产加工的私营有限责任公司,公司总部设在青岛平度市三城路34号,青岛同德赢钢结构有限公司拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。   青岛同德赢钢结构有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。 欢迎各界朋友莅临青岛同德赢钢结构有限公司参观、指导和业务洽谈。...
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