英文 明天我们打网球,不踢足球作文

我喜欢踢足球用英语怎么说呢?I like playing football.这样说对吗?足球前面要不要加定冠词the._百度作业帮
我喜欢踢足球用英语怎么说呢?I like playing football.这样说对吗?足球前面要不要加定冠词the.
I like playing football.这样说对吗?足球前面要不要加定冠词the.
I like playing football.乐器前要加the,如play the piano/the violin.球类前则不加,如play football/basketball/volleyball/ping-pong.
您可能关注的推广朋友家庭的英语作文 他爸爸是mamager 40岁可打篮球不可踢足球 他的妈妈是secretary38岁可弹琴不可打网球_百度知道
朋友家庭的英语作文 他爸爸是mamager 40岁可打篮球不可踢足球 他的妈妈是secretary38岁可弹琴不可打网球
出门在外也不愁  我英文不错,而且是很不错,原因是英文曾经为工作语言。    本来想通过免费教英文结识踢足球的朋友。    呵呵,想学英文的还真不少,索性就免费多教一些。    老少不限,男女不限,从口语入手。    学英文没有捷径,勤奋是关键,方法对了,会减少你学习的痛苦。    当然,学习英文是离不开学习英美文化的,所以呢,口语与听力的教学会结合奥斯卡获奖影片的观赏。    不要把英语的学习看成高不可攀的事情,但也不要觉得掌握5000核心单词你就可以玩转英文。    慢慢学,慢慢练,3年下来,你一定会有很好的阅读能力及不错的听力。    
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  我想学英语 我已经有你Q了
13:32:00  我也想学  -----------------------------  没问题,到三亚就通知大家。
  我的QQ号是:    学英文,踢足球都行。    
22:47:00    楼主,我很奇怪,这么多学生,程度各不相同,你打算怎么教呢?能说说你的想法吗?谢谢  -----------------------------  口语入手
  没问题,只要想学。    请留下QQ号。
16:32:00    开班吧  -----------------------------  我住美丽新海岸小区,你和想学英文的朋友约好时间。    我争取每周教你们2-3次,每次2个小时左右。    只要你努力,学好英语没问题。
  我建了一个QQ群,无论练习口语,语法纠错,都在QQ群里交流学习。    QQ群是:
19:21:00    有意思,LZ怎么联系呀?  -----------------------------  QQ群是:
  each day a word or a phrase    call off    call off means &cancel&    for example    House Speaker Boehner calls off debt talks with Obama.          
  来自ABC的消息,众议院领袖,共和党人Boehner 终止了与白宫关于美国国债上限的谈判。    CALL OFF     事情谈到一半或者没有谈完,而终止。    Boehner在突然中断谈判后给共和党人的一封信里这样说道:    &In the end, we couldn’t connect. Not because of different personalities, but because of different visions for our country,&     你可以看到美国是这样一个国家啊,呵呵。        
  5 Consequences If America Doesn’t Raise the Debt Ceiling.    这句话的意思是:    如果美国不提高国债发行上限会有5种后果。    Debt ceiling 是今天的每一日一词,它的表面直译是“负债天花板”。    这里的Debt指的是美国的国债总额,ceiling 是上限意思。    因为本人之前是金融从业者,所以资讯基本与金融相关,呵呵。    稍稍深一些分析这句话啊,为什么不用虚拟语态来表述?    比如:    there were 5 Consequences , If America did not Raise the Debt Ceiling.    虚拟语态是一种假设,一种多半不会发生的假设。    但请注意,美国国会否决提高国债上限的可能性是有的,所以虚拟语态就不合适。此外,以这样的直述来强调美国国债不能提高上限的后果从新闻英语的行文上,很有冲击力。    明天继续我的每日一词。    由于美国国债上限提高对于全球金融市场乃生死攸关之事,在8月2日前,所教授英文暂时以金融英语为主,如果感到有难度,我对大家表示歉意了。    职位已离开金融行业,但心怎么可能彻底离开呢?毕竟是曾经钟爱的事业啊,呵呵,私心了。                          
  每日一词。    今天关注的是挪威恐怖事件。    英文单词的学习一定要融于句子,文章中,学单词的过程也是理解英美文化的过程。     The far right in Europe has enjoyed a renaissance over the past 30 years, driven by resentment of the growing powers of the European Union and by rejection of the &multiculturalism& that has accompanied rapid immigration from the developing world.    这句话对英文程度不高的人有些长。    没关系,你只要关注一个单词就好-----far right    far right 这个词组的意思是:极右派或极右势力。    呵呵,中国的文化大革命中,far right们都被干掉了,只剩下far left.    如今的中国,你是属于哪一派呢?    如果感兴趣,可以单独要对整句话的翻译。    我继续享受三亚湾的海风啊。
  back-to-back.    是今天的每日一次。    直译过来是“背靠背”。    WASHINGTON (AP) -- In unprecedented back-to-back appearances on nationwide television, President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner clashed Monday night over the cause and cure for the nation’s debt crisis.    从上面的句子里,我们看到“back-to-back ”可以翻译成“走马灯般”。    back-to-back 也可以翻译成“马不停蹄地”    说的是美国总统奥巴马连续不停地在全国发表电视演说,之后还要对付国会议长。  
  继续今天的每日一词    今天是decline    decline的意思是
下降,减少,下跌。      Stocks were set for a third straight day of declines as the political deadlock over raising the debt ceiling and a decline in durable goods orders kept investors away.    这个decline在这里要与 set for 一起翻译。      Stocks were set for a third straight day of declines 的意思就是股市连续第三天低开。    set for.......declines
  金融工作对新闻的敏感性成了职业习惯,今天我要写点和这次动车追尾有关的。    这个帖子在天涯杂谈里被删了,但我希望看到这个帖子的朋友如果你认为我分析的有道理,请转告你们的朋友,如果中国有全民公投,我会对执政的CHINA COMM PARTY 所组成的GOVERNMENT投不信任票,为什么?    以下是个人分析,请做参考。    就 地 掩 埋 谁的命令?  在动车追尾,四节车厢追桥后,是谁发出的就 地 掩 埋车 厢的命令?    是铁 道 部的高官吗?    肯定不是,铁老大虽牛,但是还没有牛到如此胆大包天。动车追尾追桥这样的重大事故一个区区的铁 道 部是不敢有如此的决策的。    那是谁有此本事下达这样的命令?    下命令者或者下命令幕后那个决策人一定是正直 局常 委中的一员,否则像这样决定,谁敢下?    贪几十个亿还可以侥幸逃脱,几十个人死了,几百人受伤这样的事情想侥幸逃脱是根本不可能的,在资讯如此发达的当代中国,除了弱智者,谁都不可能幻想把这样大的事情瞒过去。    “就 地 掩 埋”这个决定来自C 裆 中 央高 层是铁定的事情了。    在这里,我想问一个问题。    C 裆的一 裆 专 政在中国,乃至全世界是尽人皆知的,这一点也无须讳言。    过去30年C 裆 专 政下中 国的经济发展还是有很大成绩地,这个也是事实。    邓
小 平先生的改 革 开 放的决策还是很有智慧地。    30年后的今天,C 裆 高 层的决 策还能用智 慧来形容吗?    突 发事件最能考验人的智慧,几十人死亡(按事故当时高 层拿到的数据,而高 层也必然知道死亡数据中的水分)这样的突发情况在政 客脑子里本能地会想“坏 事变 好事”,然后调动自己和几个智囊的脑细胞快速做出应对的策略。    民 主国 家的此类事故的处理就不敷述了,自己去网上找,专 政 国 家基本上是一个人决策,那这样的关键时刻是绝对的考验。    在我们的假设里,C 裆 高 层的决策一定不会弱智,因为这事关政 权安 危。在正常情况下,即便有突 发事件出现,高 层会马上表示对事态的关注,想做秀的会在事故5个小时左右出现在现场,现场指挥救人。    “救 人是 第一位的”,一定是挂在嘴边反复说的,而且要争取在现场自己参与救出那么一个两个的,媒体的报道是必须的,镜头要对向感人的那一刻,死者,伤者面对来自C 裆 领导的关心都不禁流出热泪(对不起,死者以为已经睡了,听不到领 导的讲话,所以就暂时不就感动泪水了,等上天堂后再流不迟),然后是领导慰问死者,伤者家属,家属也表示感谢的动人场面。    中 国的老百姓是很善良的,是好糊弄的,我们中国人,从小就被父母打骂长大,被老师训斥长大,很少有尊 严可言,C 裆 领 导的亲切握手绝对是给中 国 老百姓以莫大的尊重。    作为老百姓,怎么不会识大体,懂大局呢。    人死不能复生,我们老百姓懂这个道理,只要安慰到了,接下来的赔偿也满意,这几十人的死亡还不和矿难死亡一样,就蒙混过关了!!!    我们的C 裆 是非 常了解中 国人的民族性的,也是很会利用地,从C 裆 的毛XX就开始了。      这次的“就 地 掩埋”好像不太符合常理啊?这个命令显然是有悖政 治常 识,缺乏政 治智慧的一个命令啊。    而且感觉这个命令下的有些仓促。刚搞了建 裆90周 年庆;《建 裆 伟业》刚感动完爱 国青年;突然出了动车追尾这样的事故,应该像08年汶 川地 震一样啊,把抢救生命的过程做成C 裆 的宣传片继续献礼啊!!!    难道大家献 礼献 累了,不想再 献了?    “变 坏事为 好事”,这种政 治智 慧在过去的 中国被演绎的淋漓尽致,怎么突然就歇菜了?    我只能得出一个很坏的结论----另有隐 情!!    如果是一次阴 谋,你信吗?    反正我信。    人既可以创造奇迹,也可以创造无耻,能把二者完美结合的人本身就是个奇迹。    
  今天看到WEN 总 理在事故现场的讲话,我得出的结论是 WEN已经失去了总 理的位置,所谓失去是指他已经失去了对政 府职能部门的掌控力。    请注意他的这两句话    1.要大家牢记这次事故。  2.保护人民生命安全是政府的职责。    这两句话的意思是    1.与7.23当晚匆忙销毁事故现场证据,“把影响降到最低”的具体做法相矛盾。  2.指责“就地掩埋”的命令是草菅人命。    WEN已经说话不灵了.
  继续今天每日一词    今天三亚来台风,好的,台风的英文是Typhoon    三亚刮台风,美国经济刮衰退风。下面这段话就是这个意思。      The economy likely grew in the first half of the year at the slowest pace since the recession ended, and the second half isn’t looking much better.    今年上半年,美国经济经历了自2008年金融危机以来最差的半年。    likely
意思是很可能    展望美国下半年经济也好不到哪里去。     recession
衰退。    大家一定要在阅读中去理解生词,然后记住他们,一定不要单独背单词。这也是为什么我总是在从一句话或一段话中摘出一个单词给大家解释。    有兴趣的朋友请阅读完下面的段落,不明白的就回帖问我,或者加QQ。    The economy likely grew in the first half of the year at the slowest pace since the recession ended, and the second half isn’t looking much better.    Weak consumer spending, dismal hiring and cuts in government spending likely held back growth in the April-June quarter. The government will report on second-quarter growth on Friday.    Economists forecast the economy expanded at an annual rate of 1.7 percent, according to a FactSet survey. That follows a 1.9 percent growth rate in the first three months of the year. Those are the slowest back-to-back quarters since the economy began recovering from the recession two years ago.          
  今天的每日一词是    loggerhead
争吵    pressure-packed
在这里翻译成高压,这里的高压与high-pressure 完全不同。这里的pressure-packed 是指所有的压力都挤在一起,在同一时间出现。    来形容debt default 对美国国会,政府的压力之大,双方在谋求compromise,  但巨大的分歧根本无法令双方达成agreement.请参考原文如下。      The GOP-controlled House and the Democratic Senate remain at loggerheads over debt legislation required to avoid a first-ever default on U.S. financial obligations as lawmakers and the White House head into a pressure-packed weekend in search of compromise.  
  趁着不困,再多说一点。    tomorrow i share &the lord of the rings& with you.    the script of &the lord of the rings& will be a recruit
  coolblue2000这个号已经被封杀。现在启用COOLBLUE2011和大家联系。    英文的金融新闻主要渠道:        杂一点的可以参考
  @lmty-1 17:25:00    八卦下,楼主,你为什么被封杀呀,呵呵  -----------------------------  我发表了关于动车事故的敏感性文字。  我能理解天涯。  
  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stock index futures pointed to gains of more than 1 percent at the open on Monday on relief over a last-ditch deal in Washington to raise the U.S. borrowing limit and avert an unprecedented default.    Stock index futures
股指期货    Stock index 股票指数。    Stock 股票    future 是将来的意思,而futures则是期货的意思。    avert 我们复习一下,是避免,避开的意思。    
17:38:00    算是木有基础的人路过,可以学吗  -----------------------------  如果可以基本看懂英语新闻,就可以。
  Wall Street falls as debt, economy worries weigh      NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks declined on Tuesday, putting the S&P 500 on track for its longest down streak since October 2008, on worries over the United States’ debt and economic outlook.    Investors feared a possible downgrade of U.S. credit despite passage by the U.S. House of Representatives Monday of a last-minute compromise to raise the U.S. debt ceiling and avert a U.S. debt default.    上面的两段文章谈到标普500指数下跌的程度及原因。新闻英语的标题往往需要传达更多的信息却要用最少的文字。    所以,大家注意到标题是Wall Street falls as debt, economy worries weigh      意思是由于对债务,经济问题担心的加重,华尔街股市下跌。    Wall Street falls 是指美国股市下跌,而不是华尔街真的下沉。    debt的重点已经不是debt ceiling的问题,而是possible downgrade of U.S. credit。而经济问题是economic outlook。    所以,标题如果把英文写全,则是    Wall Street falls as Investors are feared a possible downgrade of U.S. credit and warried about US economic outlook.    但是显然这样的标题太长,所以大家看到的是醒目,但却简单的Wall Street falls as debt, economy worries weigh。    题目的翻译一定要结合文章内容。    今天的每日一词是weigh    在这篇文章中被翻译成加重,加剧。                
  specter         幽灵。        WASHINGTON (AP) -- Moody’s Investors Service said Tuesday that the United States will retain its triple-A bond rating following passage of legislation to boost the debt ceiling. But the agency put a &negative& outlook on the rating, raising the specter of a future downgrade.        文章大意是穆迪没有调降美国国债的3A评级,但是将展望调至负面。        昨天我们看到这个单词“outlook”。和economy组合在一起是经济前景的意思,但是也可以翻译成经济展望。        outlook在这篇文章里最好的翻译是“展望”,因为这是一个术语,就是我们在翻译金融英语时约定俗成的。同样有negative,在这里最好翻译成“负面”。        Moody’s Investors Service 是一家评级公司。        triple-A bond rating 3A等级债券,这里的rating 是等级的意思。        今天所学这句话不难,但是术语较多。  
  顺便学习一些金融方面的知识,请参考如下:        Moody’s said in a statement that the bill signed into law by President Barack Obama dealt with the immediate threat of a default that would have resulted from a failure to raise the country’s borrowing limit.        But the agency assigned a negative outlook to the triple-A rating to indicate that there is still a risk of a downgrade if the government’s fiscal discipline weakens or the economy deteriorates significantly.        A credit-rating downgrade typically leads to higher interest rates, and would have a huge impact on the economy by making it more expensive for the government, companies and consumers to borrow money. Moody’s has never given the U.S. government anything lower than its top rating since it began evaluating the country’s debt in 1917.        穆迪进一步解释了调降原因        there is still a risk of a downgrade if the government’s fiscal discipline weakens or the economy deteriorates significantly.        而文章作者进一步解释了债券评级调降的坏处        A credit-rating downgrade typically leads to higher interest rates, and would have a huge impact on the economy by making it more expensive for the government, companies and consumers to borrow money. Moody’s has never given the U.S. government anything lower than its top rating since it began evaluating the country’s debt in 1917.        这段话的核心意思是债券评级---bond rating 如果被downgrade 那整个经济体的运行成本会上升,标志就是interesting rate rising.            rate 这里指利率。。。。。。    rating是指等级。。。。。。
  Unemployment aid applications tick down to 400K    WASHINGTON (AP) -- The number of people seeking unemployment benefits dipped last week, a sign the job market may be improving slowly.    The Labor Department says that applications for unemployment benefits edged down 1,000 to a seasonally adjusted 400,000. That’s the lowest level in four months. The previous week’s figure was revised upward from 398,000 to 401,000.      Unemployment aid applications
失业救济申请    unemployment benefits
还是 失业救济的意思    The Labor Department 指美国劳工部    edged down
慢慢降下来    seasonally adjusted
  &&常语言&&是中国老师在美国授课10多年的一个交流空间,有兴趣可上新浪微博《常语言》或QQ: 了解或英语在线交流
  US stocks fall as optimism about jobs report fades    Stocks are falling again on more fears of economic weakness in the U.S. and Europe’s debt crisis.    European leaders are calling emergency meetings and seeking to contain spreading fears that a large nation such as Italy or Spain might default on its debt.    A government report that hiring improved in July sent stocks sharply higher just after the market opened. The rally lasted less than a half-hour.    US stocks fall和wall street falls 意思同样是美国股市下跌。    jobs report
包括 unemployment and employment reports. 理解为就业报告。    A government report that hiring improved in July sent stocks sharply higher just after the market opened.    美国政府公布的7月就业数据改善推动股市在在开盘不久后大幅走高。    sent stocks sharply higher 推动股市大幅走高。    那为什么随后下跌了呢?    European leaders are calling emergency meetings and seeking to contain spreading fears that a large nation such as Italy or Spain might default on its debt.    下跌的原因在欧洲。    译文是:欧洲领导人召开紧急会议,希望控制住恐慌的蔓延,因为欧洲的大型经济体如意大利,西班牙可能发生债务违约。    seeking to contain 在这里是希望控制住的意思。    通常。。。seek是找寻的意思,但是一个简单的紧急会议怎么可能找寻到呢,所以seeking的更准确意思应该是希望。    
  US loses AAA credit rating from S&P  绝对是重要新闻啊。    标准普尔调降美国主权债务评级,从AAA降至AA+。    Standard & Poor’s, the credit rating agency, said Friday it was dissatisfied with the plan Congress came up with earlier in the week to reduce the country’s debt.    This is the first time the nation’s credit rating has fallen below the highest level, AAA. The U.S. had held that rating since 1917. The move came just days after a gridlocked Congress finally agreed to spending cuts that would reduce the debt by more than $2 trillion.    标普说它调降的主要原因是对国会削减国债的计划不满意。    另外两家评级机构也表示,if Congress did not cut spending far enough, the country faced a downgrade.    如果国不能“狠狠”地消减政府支出,他们也会将美国国债降级。    债务违约,主权债务级别被调降,对美国国债的持有者会是致命打击吗?    好像看不出俩吧。    为啥呢?    看看下面这段。    However, even without an AAA rating from S&P, U.S. debt is seen as one of the safest investments in the world. And investors clearly weren’t scared away this week. While stocks were plunging, investors were buying Treasurys and driving up their prices. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note, which falls when the price rises, fell to a low of 2.39 percent on Thursday from 2.75 percent Monday.    即便美国国债失去标普的AAA评级,但是美国国债目前依然是世界上最安全的债券之一。上周美股大跌,而投资者却买入美国国债,从而推动美国国债价格上升。以10年期美国国债为例,收益率从周一的2.75下跌至周四的2.39.    yield 收益率    说个小常识:一国国债的收益率如果上升,意味着国债的价格下跌,如果国债价格上升,则收益率下跌。    不明白请自行翻阅有关书籍。              
  you did not updated today  are you busy?    sorry, i don’t think this is a very important news for us ,hehe    US loses AAA credit rating from S&P  
  @lmty-7 20:19:00    you did not updated today    are you busy?        sorry, i don’t think this is a very important news for us ,hehe    ......  -----------------------------  you do not think the US credit rating downgrade matters........    you are very impressive.............
  sorry.for late update the financial news.    the downgrade of US debt rating or called credit rating by S&P really matters .    with the downgrade credit rating by S&P,global stocks on monday.......    are plunging.    A share index dropped over 100 points in its early trading.    yeah.    the downgrade really matters.
  Geithner: S&P showed terrible judgment    WASHINGTON (AP) -- The credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s showed &terrible judgment& in lowering the U.S. government’s credit rating, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Sunday.    是地,标普给出了一个“terrible judgment----可怕的判断”。    judgment 有判断,裁判,审判的意思。    为什么在这里要翻译成判断而不是裁判,审判呢?    Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner 美国财长盖特纳said Sunday。    我们都知道judgment day 在施瓦辛格主演的未来战士中的意思。    judgment day 意思是 审判日。    judgment这个词总是出现在与法律相关的文章中。    在文章中 Timothy Geithner 攻击标准普尔    &They’ve handled themselves very poorly. And they’ve shown a stunning lack of knowledge about the basic U.S. fiscal budget math,& Geithner said in his first public comments about the credit rating decision.    其中谈到标准普尔they’ve shown a stunning lack of knowledge about the basic U.S. fiscal budget math,&     这里盖特纳用了stunning这个词。    接下来,盖特纳继续表示对标普调降美国债务评级的不屑。 &Look at the quality of judgments they’ve made in the past.&    到这里,我们知道盖特纳的所谓“terrible judgment”的意思是令人震惊的判断。而且这个terrible judgment包含着贬义在里面。    这篇新闻稿堪称了解美国各利益集团博弈的经典之作。今天我会把全文翻译给大家。              
  抱歉,先把新闻链接给大家。    /news/Geithner-SampP-showed-apf-.html?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=main&asset=&ccode=
  the news from yahoo finance.    written by Martin Crutsinger    the following is the news and translation.      Geithner: S&P showed terrible judgment    美财长盖特纳:标准普尔做出了令人震惊的判断    Geithner attacks S&P for terrible judgment in downgrading government credit rating    美财长批评标普下调美国主权信用评级是一种令人震惊的判断。    WASHINGTON (AP) -- The credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s showed &terrible judgment& in lowering the U.S. government’s credit rating, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Sunday.    信用评级机构标普在下调美国主权信用评级的过程中做出了令人震惊的判断。美国财长周日表示。    &They’ve handled themselves very poorly. And they’ve shown a stunning lack of knowledge about the basic U.S. fiscal budget math,& Geithner said in his first public comments about the credit rating decision.    “标准普尔他们连自己的事情都处理的一塌糊涂,更别提其它了。他们在美国财务预算的计算方式方面的知识之匮乏令人难以置信。”盖特纳首次就美国信用降级一事发表观点。    Interviewed on CNBC, Geither said that U.S. Treasury securities were just as safe now as they were before S&P announced its downgrade. He predicted that China and investors would remain strong purchasers of U.S. government debt.    在接受CNBC采访时,盖特纳表示,美国国债依然非常安全,安全程度与标普调降前一样,没有任何分别。盖特纳认为如中国及其它美国债券投资人会一如既往地继续购买美国国债。    Republicans have blamed President Barack Obama for the first-ever downgrade of the government’s credit rating.    共和党谴责奥巴马令美国主权债务评级下调。    
  But Geithner said Congress owns the credit rating because the Constitution gives Congress the power to tax and spend.    盖特纳反击说,国会拥有信用评级的决定权,因为美国法律赋予了国会决定美国政府税收及支出的权利。    Late Friday, S&P announced it was lowering its rating for U.S. debt one notch from AAA to AA+.    周五晚些时候,标普宣布调降美国债务评级从AAA减至AA+。    The other two major credit rating agencies, Moody’s Investor service and Fitch Ratings, have not lowered their AAA ratings, although they have warned of a possible downgrade if more is not done to deal with soaring federal deficits.    另外两个评级机构,穆迪,惠誉没有对美国信用评级做出调降,虽然他们也发出警告说,如果不采取措施控制飞涨的联邦政府赤字,他们将会调降评级。    The rating agencies were sharply criticized after the 2008 financial crisis for continuing to give top ratings securities backed by subprime mortgages. When the mortgages went bad, investors lost billions of dollars and the resulting financial crisis sent the country into a deeper recession.    2008年金融危机,评级机构受到猛烈批评,就是因为这些信用评级机构没有及时下调次级抵押债券的评级,当这些抵押债券无法兑现时,债券持有人损失惨重,而金融危机的结果是把美国推入重度衰退中。    Geithner alluded to those problems in his interview Sunday, saying about the credit agencies: &Look at the quality of judgments they’ve made in the past.&    盖特纳在周日的采访中提到评级机构在金融危机中的问题所在时说,看看这些评级机构过往的历史表现吧,看看他们的评判质量。    The administration has also accused S&P of a $2 trillion error in its estimate of the size of the deficits over the next decade because the agency made a fundamental error in interpreting budget projections of the Congressional Budget Office.    此外,盖特纳还批评标普在评估报告中提到未来10年美国政府赤字规模时,把2万亿美元的概念弄错了,因为标普在解释美国国会预算办公室的预算规划时犯了常识性错误。     Congressional Budget Office
美国国会预算办公室,第三方独立机构隶属国会,不属于任何党派。有兴趣了解这个机构的请参见http://www.cbo.gov    S&P officials say they changed the part of the draft press release where Treasury said it discovered the mistake but that this did not alter their basic assessment.    标普管理层说他们已经对财政部所指错误之处加以改动,但这一改动不会影响标普对美国信用的评估。    S&P said the political &brinksmanship& on display in the prolonged battle over the raising the nation’s borrowing limit underscored a deep divide between the political parties that raised concerns over the ability of Congress to come up with a credible plan to deal with the long-term deficit problem.      brinksmanship 这个词我找不到对应的汉语词汇,所以我就把它处理为“达不成协议就完蛋。”    标普说,无休止的有关债务上限的论战所反映出的这种“达不成协议就完蛋”的政治格局,让人们看到政治党派间分歧的加深,而这样的一种局面的确令人担心国会是否能拿出一套令人信服的方案,从长期的角度去处理美国巨大的财政赤字。    S&P had been warning for months of a possible downgrade and said that a credible plan would need to achieve $4 trillion in deficit reduction. The plan that Congress passed last week seeks to achieve between $2.1 trillion and $2.4 trillion in deficit cuts.    标普警告说,不排除未来几个月再次调降美国信用评级的可能,同时还表示,一个切实可行的削减4万亿美元赤字的方案必须拿出来。而国会上周通过的方案中仅仅是涉及2.1至2.4万亿美元赤字的消减。    Geithner refused to forecast whether the credit downgrade would result in higher interest rates for the government, businesses and consumers.    盖特纳拒绝就信用调降所带来的利率升高而对美国政府,商业,消费所带来的影响发表评论。    
  But he said, &I think everyone can be confident around the world, that Treasuries are the ... most liquid, the strongest place to put your money at a time like this.&    但是盖特纳强调,“我想全世界任何都相信,美国国债是最具流动性,最安全,最值得投资等等的言论。”    He said he had &absolutely no concern& that China, the largest foreign holder of U.S. government debt, would stop buying that debt.    盖特纳还强调,他完全不用担心像中国这样的美国国债最大持有人会停止购买美国国债。    我也强调一点啊,我怎么觉得盖特纳比中国自己的财政部长,或政府高官更像一个决策者?
    &They’ve been very strong and I’m sure they’ll be strong investors in the U.S. going forward as will investors around the world,& he said.      盖特纳还说:包括中国在内的美国债买家,过去是大买家,将来还会是美国国债的大买家,放眼未来,全世界的投资者都会成为美国国债的买家。    这话听着怎么那么慎得慌。。。。。。。。    A critical editorial by China’s state-run news agency on Saturday said that the United States must &cure its addiction to debts.&    一份隶属中国官方的时评杂志周六指出,“美国应该摆脱对发债的依赖。”    这话真是他妈的等于放屁!!!    全文翻译完毕。
  people talked about the financial crisis in 2008.  people talked about the recovery of the economy in 2010.    now a days,people talk about the approaching recession.    we people chinese are talking about inflation.    price of crude oil plunged in these trading days,and would not seen any recovery in the future.    a recession will come back again.........so.......quickly?    the futures of stocks
recoups speculating the U.S. Federal Reserve may announce another round of monetary easing.    
monetary easing
  Dow soars 429 points on Fed statement    Stan Choe, AP Business Writer, On Tuesday August 9,
pm EDT   NEW YORK (AP) -- The Fed spoke -- and financial markets rallied.    The Dow Jones industrial average surged more than 429 points, its tenth-highest point gain in history and the biggest since March 2009. It was just one day after the Dow had its worst point decline since 2008.    The Federal Reserve pledged to keep its key interest rate at its record low of nearly zero through the middle of 2013. The central bank also said that it has discussed &the range of policy tools& it can use to spur the economy.    http://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/monetary/a.htm      市场的飙升来自美联储Federal Open Market Committee (公开市场操作委员会)所发布的For immediate release 。    原文请参见美联储网站链接,原文随后附上。    这两天真是刺激啊,新闻点太多了。  
  Press Release     Release Date: August 9, 2011     For immediate release     昨天晚上的Release挽救了崩盘中的美国股票。    这就是美国的做法,大家可以对照着中国看啊,呵呵。
  Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in June indicates that economic growth so far this year has been considerably slower than the Committee had expected.     6月份美联储FOMC会议所得到的信息显示,美国经济到目前为止的表现明显弱于之前的分析。     Indicators suggest a deterioration in overall labor market conditions in recent months, and the unemployment rate has moved up.
Household spending has flattened out, investment in nonresidential structures is still weak, and the housing sector remains depressed.    数据显示近几个月整个就业市场表现不佳,失业率上升。家庭支出疲弱,商业地产欲振乏力,住宅建筑行业持续低迷。
  However, business investment in equipment and software continues to expand.
Temporary factors, including the damping effect of higher food and energy prices on consumer purchasing power and spending as well as supply chain disruptions associated with the tragic events in Japan, appear to account for only some of the recent weakness in economic activity.
    不过,好的方面是商业设备,软件投资在增加,临时因素包括升高的食品能源价格阻碍了消费者的消费热情,以及由于日本地震带来的供应链紧张问题,这些因素只占经济表现疲弱的一小部分。    Inflation picked up earlier in the year, mainly reflecting higher prices for some commodities and imported goods, as well as the supply chain disruptions.
More recently, inflation has moderated as prices of energy and some commodities have declined from their earlier peaks.
Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.     通胀在今年早些时候开始抬头,这是对大宗商品及进口货物价格上升,也包括日本地震所引起的供应链紧张的反映。最近,通胀开始变得温和,主要是能源及大宗商品价格的下跌的原因。长期来看,通胀预期会保持稳定。    
  supply chain disruptions
按照直译的讲法是供应链中断,或者受到损害。    我绝对,按国人文化传统的理解,中断,损害是很厉害的程度。而且容易让人联系起中国的7.23动车事故。所以把supply chain disruptions翻译成供应链紧张比较合适。对于国人,紧张这个词就相当于美国的disruption。
  在FOMC的声明中,这句话是最关键。Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable。    这也是美联储维持超低利率的基础。
  Police calm London, but riots flare across UK  上英国骚乱的新闻,呵呵。
  back to financial news around the world    last night..........    DOW declined a again for over 500 points plummets.    Back to reality and back down, Wall Street focused on the bleak landscape ahead for the economy Wednesday and wiped out its big gains from a day earlier -- and then some.    Back to reality and back down,这句话有诗意,意思是“回到现实,恢复下跌。”    
  The stocks of leading banks in Britain, Italy and Germany were hammered. The fear is that if European governments default on their bonds, it will hurt the European banks that own them.    因为担心欧洲政府违约,所以欧洲银行大跌。    That could start a chain reaction that hurts the United States because large U.S. banks have loans to European banks. The result on Wall Street, which already has economic problems to worry about, was a dramatic turnaround.    又因为担心美国银行持有欧洲银行债务而令美国银行股票大跌。    这叫a chain reaction
链式反应。    On Tuesday, the Federal Reserve said it planned to keep interest rates ultra-low for two more years. After some initial confusion, the stock market staged a huge comeback and had one of its best days.    But the interest-rate news proved to be a distraction. The Fed made the pledge because it sees almost no chance that the economy will improve substantially by 2013, and when investors focused on that, they dumped stocks again.    什么叫事物的两面性。。。MAO主 席教导的。    前天还因为美联储承诺的未来2年维持超低利率的声明而欢呼,道琼斯大涨超过400点,一转身,投资者又感觉不对,之所以维持超低利率那是因为美国经济到2013年才有转好的可能,那就说明未来两年经济的不确定性很大啊,那就抛吧。于是就有了they dumped stocks again.      
  关于英国骚乱的。    David Cameron is expected to outline further measures to deal with recent disorder in England when MPs are recalled for an emergency debate.    A huge police operation and heavy rain in some areas appear to have prevented a fifth night of disorder.    And magistrates in several cities have been working through the night to deal with those arrested on previous nights.    In Birmingham, a vigil has been held for three men who died after being hit by a car while protecting property.    RIOTS 终于由于增加的警力和大雨,暂时平息了。  还有一名嫌犯由于撞死3人而被捕。    
  Harpreet Singh, 28, who helped to organise the vigil, told the crowd: &Let this be a message to other communities, not just Muslims and Sikhs, let’s stand together, let’s hold candlelight vigils.    &People have been hurt, families have been hurt, if we don’t stop this, and the people who are rioting do not stop this, there will be more people dying. It has to stop and we are standing here united.&    请看这是一位穆斯林小伙子所说,呵呵。我们平时所知的穆斯林通常都是伊朗,阿富汗塔利班之类。这位小伙子,及失去自己孩子的父亲值得尊敬。
  Nordstrom’s 2Q earnings up 20 pct on strong sales    NEW YORK (AP) -- Nordstrom Inc. said its annual anniversary sale and wealthy shoppers’ demand for its shoes, makeup and designer clothing helped its second-quarter net income rise 20 percent. The company also boosted its full-year profit outlook.    终于有点好消息,Nordstrom美国奢侈品牌零售商业绩增长。不要小瞧这个20%的增长,在中国不稀奇,这是在美国。    second-quarter net income 二季度净收入。  net income 财务术语,净收入。    
we give a word----equity.    definition of equity     stocks or securities representing an ownership interest.    股票或者有价证券等可以表明所有者权益的。    ownership interest 所有者权益。    举了例子    On a company’s balance sheet, the amount of the funds contributed by the owners (the stockholders) plus the retained earnings (or losses). Also referred to as &shareholders’ equity&.       在公司资产负债表上,所有者的出资(股东),加上retained earnings (留存盈余)或者亏损,也可以表示是股东的资产。    
  WASHINGTON (AP) -- Consumers spent more on autos, furniture, clothing and gas in July, pushing up retail sales by the largest amount in four months. The gain signaled that Americans are a little more confident in the economy and could helped dispel fears that the country is headed for another recession.    Retail sales rose 0.5 percent last month, the Commerce Department said Friday. It was the best showing since March. The government also revised sales higher in the previous two months.    Even after excluding sales at gas stations, which were influenced by an increase in gas prices, sales rose 0.3 percent last month.    The better-than-expected retail sales report is the second strong signal on the economy in as many days. Stocks rose in early trading. The Dow Jones industrial average gained 120 points.    On Thursday, the Dow closed up 423 points for the day after the government said the number of people applying for unemployment benefits dropped below 400,000 for the first time since early April.    &Don’t write off the American consumer or economy   
  &Don’t write off the American consumer or economy just yet,& said Sal Guatieri, senior economist at BMO Capital Markets. &The solid July retail sales report should help allay recession fears.&    A batch of poor data and a gloomy outlook from the Federal Reserve this week have made investors more nervous that the economy could fall back into a recession. Stock markets have tumbled in recent weeks. The Dow has lost more than 1,400 points, or more than 11 percent, since July 22.    But data for July suggest the economy may be in better shape than some had feared. Layoffs are down, retail sales are up and gas prices are falling. Employers added 117,000 net jobs last month. That’s not enough to significantly lower the unemployment rate, but it was a notable improvement after two dismal months of hiring.    
  &Don’t write off the American consumer or economy just yet,&     这句话是在怎么的context中说的,我们所谓结合上下文,context.    write off
有一笔勾销的意思。    上面两大段的新闻说的是美国个人消费表现优于预期,这增强了人们对美国经济有可能摆脱“double-dip recession的信心。 但是“不能因为仅仅一个月的数据好,我们就把美国的消费疲弱,经济前景堪忧一笔勾销。”      &Don’t write off the American consumer or economy just yet,&   把美国消费及经济疲弱一笔勾销的时候还没到。    这就是我们所说的according to the context,来翻译文章段落。  
  /news/Consumers-splurge-in-July-apf-.html?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=4&asset=&ccode=    是这篇文章的出处。    如果有时间,青铜度原文,这篇文章不算难,术语不多。
  It’s a good time to remember one of Warren Buffett’s classic rules:
&Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.&    who can tell me...............    what did WARREN intend to tell us?
  顺便提一句,因为Ccoolblue2000这个账号被封杀了,这个帖子随时可能被和谐掉。所以我会在我的新浪博客中同时更新,以备不测。    新浪博客是    .cn/25iw    
  美国的三权分立,见识了。    请看    Court strikes down Obama health insurance mandate    ATLANTA (AP) — A federal appeals court panel struck down the centerpiece of President Obama’s sweeping health care overhaul Friday, moving the argument over whether Americans can be required to buy health insurance a step closer to the U.S. Supreme Court.    The divided three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals concluded Congress overstepped its authority when lawmakers passed the so-called individual mandate, the first such decision by a federal appeals court. It’s a stinging blow to Obama’s signature legislative achievement, as most experts agree the requirement that Americans carry health insurance — or face tax penalties — is the foundation for other parts of the law.    The 207-page opinion, written by Chief Judge Joel Dubina and Circuit Judge Frank Hull, found that lawmakers cannot require residents to &enter into contracts with private insurance companies for the purchase of an expensive product from the time they are born until the time they die.&    美国上述法院法官觉得国会越界,这可是关系到美国“人权”的大事。  管你总统,国会,我就是不同意。      
  Libya conflict: Rebels fight for key towns near Tripoli    Libyan rebels have advanced into two strategic towns controlling access to the capital, Tripoli, from the west and the south.    Fighting was reported in both Zawiya, just 50km (30 miles) west of Tripoli, and Gharyan, 80km to the south.    If the towns fall to the rebels, they would have Tripoli surrounded by land, with Nato blocking sea access.    In comments broadcast on Libyan TV, Col Muammar Gaddafi called on supporters &to get ready for the fight&.    A spokesman for his government said both Zawiya and Gharyan remained &under our full control&.    Col Gaddafi’s short speech was his first public address since the rebels launched their offensive around Tripoli.    &Move forward, challenge, pick up your weapons, go to the fight for liberating Libya inch by inch from the traitors and from Nato,& he said, in a statement in poor-quality audio early on Monday, described as live by Libyan TV.    The BBC’s Matthew Price in Tripoli says social networking sites have been reporting that the government and opposition are in talks to get Col Gaddafi out of the country.    反对派开始对卡扎菲形成真正的威胁,Rebels fight for key towns near Tripoli 反对派开始进攻利比亚首都附近两个重镇。两个重镇一个距离首都50公里,一个距离80公里。    据BBC报道,政府和反对派正在谈判,卡扎菲可能会被赶出利比亚。      
  A gauge of manufacturing in New York State showed the sector contracted for the third month in a row in August, as new orders fell to their lowest level since November 2010, the New York Federal Reserve said in a report on Monday.        &Empire State& general business conditions index fell to negative 7.72 from negative 3.76 the month before.     Economists polled by Reuters had expected a reading of zero.    The survey of manufacturing plants in the state is one of the earliest monthly guideposts to U.S. factory conditions.    New orders worsened to negative 7.82 from negative 5.45, while inventories fell to negative 7.61 from negative 5.56.     
  The survey of manufacturing 制造业总体表现
  try ................again
  German economic growth slows sharply----from BBC    德国经济增长步伐明显放缓。    Growth in the German economy slowed sharply between April and June, and was weaker at the start of the year than previously thought, figures show.    二季度德国经济增长步伐明显放缓,数据显示,德国2011年前半年的经济增长速度不及预期。         The economy grew by just 0.1% in the quarter, according to provisional figures from the national statistics office, while growth in the first three months of the year was 1.3%.    Previous figures had estimated growth of 1.5% in the first quarter.    Germany had been driving the economic recovery in the eurozone.    The weak German growth figures are expected to raise further questions about the strength of the eurozone economy, particularly in light of figures released last week showing that French economic growth came to a standstill between April and June.    Growth figures for the rest of the eurozone will be released this morning.         来自德国国家统计局数据显示,二季度德国经济增长仅仅01%,第一季度为1.3%,而之前的预期是一季度增速为1.5%。德国是欧元区经济复苏的引擎。疲弱的数据不由得使人对欧元区经济增长的能力表示怀疑,数据表明,作为欧元区第二大经济体的法国经济在二季度经济增长为零。    欧元区其他经济体的经济表现会在英国格林威治时间的早间发布。    
  rejecting double dip recession,we need monetary release.    rejecting debt increase,we need cut government spending.    declined government spending,contracted personal income.    no spending,no shopping,no active economy.    no active economy.........on way to avert double dip recession.    to be or not to be...............it is a question should be answered.        
  i am very sorry.    a mistake in the sentence&no active economy.........on way to avert double dip recession.&    the currect one is&no active economy.........NO way to avert double dip recession.    
  july home building slips after early summer bump    经历了初夏的强势,七月新房开工数下滑  big losses in single-family home building offset gains in apartment construction.    新房开工数大幅下滑抵消了在公寓开工数上的增加。    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Builders broke ground on fewer single-family houses in July, leaving home construction at depressed levels.    建筑商7月份新开工房屋数太少,令整个房屋建筑市场承压。    The Commerce Department said Tuesday that builders began work on a seasonally adjusted 604,000 homes last month, a 1.5 percent decrease from June. That’s half the 1.2 million homes per year that economists say must be built to sustain a healthy housing market.    Single-family homes, which represent 70 percent of home construction, fell 5 percent.    single-family homes 建筑在房屋市场中的比例为70%,开工数比去年同期下降5%      single-family homes
不是单一家庭房屋的意思,而是独栋房屋。    single family home 的特点是带花园,通常是前后花园,还有泳池,有些single-family home还有扩展的空间。基本不会受到邻居噪音影响。  
  US stocks fall on European economic, debt worries  美国股市下跌,投资者担心欧洲经济及欧债危机。      Strong earnings from US blue chips not enough to offset concerns about slowing global growth     美国大型蓝筹股的良好业绩不足以抵消投资者对全球经济放缓的担心。  
  NEW YORK (AP) -- Worries about Europe’s economic and debt problems sent stocks Tuesday to their first loss in four days.  由于担心欧洲经济及欧债危机,周二美国股市继连涨三天后首次下跌。    The major indexes bounced up and down in another volatile day. The Dow Jones industrial average fell more than 120 points in the first half hour of trading after a report showed that Germany’s economy stalled last quarter and dragged down growth for Europe.    主要股指出现较大振幅的上下波动。道琼斯工业平均指数在开盘半小时内下跌了超过120点,主要是来自德国的信息显示德国经济出现止步迹象,这将会拖累欧洲经济的增长。    The Dow recovered and had a slight advance at midday, but resumed its drop after the leaders of France and Germany tried to calm worries about Europe’s debt problems by pushing for long-term political solutions. Investors were hoping for immediate financial measures like the introduction of a single bond jointly backed by the eurozone’s members. The Dow fell as many as 190 points in the early afternoon before again recovering.    中午时分,道琼斯工业平均股指跌幅得到修复并一度走高,但在得知德国,法国领导人会晤的结果是想通过长期的政治手段来平复投资者对欧洲主权债务危机的担心时,道琼斯股指掉头向下,投资人本希望以立竿见影的方式去解决危机,例如以欧元区成员国联合担保的形式发行单一欧洲债券。在下午交易时段的前半段,道琼斯工业平均股指大跌190点,之后修复大部分跌幅。    
  interested in?    please get to /news/US-stocks-fall-on-European-apf-.html?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=main&asset=&ccode=
  the following news     China Forecasts Cut by Morgan Stanley, Deutsche  
  Morgan Stanley (MS) and Deutsche Bank AG cut estimates for China’s economic growth as the debt burdens and elevated unemployment of developed nations threaten demand for exports.     摩根斯坦利,德国银行下调中国经济增长预期,原因是中国的地方债务负担以及由于发达国家上升的失业率会对中国出口造成冲击。    Morgan Stanley cut a forecast for next year to 8.7 percent from 9 percent, in an e-mailed note today. Deutsche Bank lowered a prediction for this year to 8.9 percent from 9.1 percent, in a report yesterday.     在一份电邮中,摩根斯坦利把中国2012年的经济增长目标由9.1%下调到8.7%。而昨天,德意志银行把今年的中国经济增长从9。1%调降到8.9%。    China’s trade growth will slow in the second half and fiscal tightening in Western nations means their demand will wane, Commerce Minister Chen Deming said yesterday in Hong Kong. The nation is the world’s biggest exporter and the largest contributor to the global economic expansion.     中国的对外出口在下半年会减速,西方国家的财政紧缩也意味着需求的疲软,中国商务部的部长陈德铭昨天在香港说。中国式世界上最大的出口国,同时也对世界经济增长的贡献最大。    “Europe’s slow and inadequate response to sovereign stress” and the prospect of more fiscal tightening in Europe and the U.S. will limit growth in developed nations, Morgan Stanley analysts including Chetan Ahya wrote in the note. “Emerging markets including China are unlikely to stay completely unaffected from these developments.”     摩根斯坦利分析道:欧洲经济的减速以及应对主权债务危机的无能,包括美国,欧洲的的财政紧缩,会令西方发达经济体增长受限。包括中国在内的新兴市场国家不可能在危机中独善其身。    The Shanghai Composite Index fell for a third day, slipping 0.2 percent as of 10:06 a.m. local time.     China’s economy expanded 9.5 percent in the second quarter from 9.7 percent in the first three months of this year, maintaining momentum even after the government raised interest rates and stepped up curbs on the housing market. Companies from Volkswagen AG to McDonald’s Corp. are relying on sales in the world’s fastest-growing major economy.     中国经济一季度经济增长为9.7%,二季度为9.5%,在加息后,及对房地产市场进一步严厉的措施出台后,中国经济依然保持了平稳发展。像德国大众汽车,美国麦当劳公司都在依仗这个世界上发展速度最快的经济体。    Morgan Stanley left its 2011 growth forecast unchanged at 9 percent.   摩根斯坦利对中国2011年的增长预测没有做出调整,依旧是9%。    China may rely more on fiscal policy than monetary measures to support growth, Morgan Stanley economists said. Fiscal boosts may include support for social housing construction and incentives for consumer spending, they said.     摩根斯坦利经济学家指出,中国的经济整张更多是依靠财政政策而不是货币手段去支持其经济的增长。财政支持包括保障房建设及刺激消费。    social housing construction 这个词相对准确的翻译是保障房,而不是社会福利性房屋建设。  


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