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BRAINSTORM - Issue #17, 2015
English/Portuguese | True PDF | 110 pages | 26 MB
A Mag Brainstorm é uma revista online e por-tal, que fala sobre artes digi-tais, arqui-te-tura, cinema, foto-gra-fia, lite-ra-tura, moda, música e TV.
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Wouldn't it be nice to have a permanent email address and not have to
tell people when you change Internet access providers or when your
access provider gets gobbled up by some bigger company and THEY decide
you have to change your address?
Well there is a way to have a permanent email address - with an "email
forwarding alias".
What's an "email forwarding alias" ?
An email forwarding alias is a special address that just forwards email
to a "real account" elsewhere.
It solves the problem of changing ISP based
The Problem
Your "real account" is where your inbox actually stores your mail till
you (or your computer) comes to fetch / read it the usual way.
"real account" has an address (your "real address") and most people have
friends and correspondents send mail to their real address. But real
addresses change.
When some one's address changes, they need to inform
their correspondents who have to update their address books. In the
process some people don't get the change recorded and lose touch.
Tho it varies considerably I estimate that average real email address
might be good for 2 years or less.
For someone using an email forwarding alias, if their email program is
configured properly most correspondents will treat the alias address as
"real" and need not be concerned about what the real account's actual
address is.
This configuration change results in the "From: address"
being the alias address instead of the real address.
Unfortunately a few email providers don't allow accounts - particularly
web based providers
- to be configured to
send mail "From:" another address tho you may be able to set a
"Reply-to:" address.
The main advantage is that the real account can be changed and after the
alias setup is updated (easy to do) , then mail comes to the new account
and correspondents will not need to be notified of a change of address -
they'll continue to use the same address - the email alias. Without an
alias, people who send email to you at an old address will often get an
"unknown address" bounce message with no easy way to find your new
address - a good reason to give people an alternate way to reach you
such as your ( or your mom's ) phone number.
Starting to use an email alias involves several steps:
o Setup the email forwarding alias (see below)
o Configure your mail program to use the alias as it's "From:" address
o Inform people of / publicize the new permanent address - put it on your web pages etc
I maintain some aliases for some friends, relatives and associates.
(at cohousing.org , justcomm.org , hopework.org , muusja.org )
Unlike those "free" ones above, mine don't email me
for details. Some organizations and alumni associations also provide
email forwarding aliases that don't have advertizing.
Brainstorm what address
you'd like to have and make inquiries.
Regretably many orgs dont take advantage
of aliases that they already pay for - lobby them.
You may want to have an alias for your work address so when you change jobs
you have a work address that does not change.
Or an alias for a project
so when the leadership changes, the address does not.
Or an alias for
sending email to your cell phone so you can hide an ugly address behind
an easy to remember address. Tho I don't recommend it, you could use a
new alias when spam gets too bad. My aliases can easily have an
autoreply set up to inform correspondents that you've abandoned an
address and what your new adress is (spammers are unlikely to get / read
the auto reply).
Try this alias address with an auto reply: folson [at] cohousing.org
Made up for my newly elected US rep:
keith.ellison [at] MNactivist.org
keith.ellison-wk [at] MNactivist.org
( would go to DC after Nov election... :)
keith.ellison-cp [at] MNactivist.org
garden [at] justcomm.org
(This is real see )
BTW fholson at cohousing.org is not my "real account address" - it's an
email forwarding alias address.
In March 2005 as this is being turned
into a web page I am shifting how I do email but my address won't change.
Fred H. Olson
fholson [at] cohousing.org&&Digital Clock
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At any time, you may check whether we hold personal data about you.
If you would like us to update or delete your information from our database, please E-mail us at
and include your full name and your phone number in the body of the message.2008 Brain Awareness Week Featured photos
Project Brainstorm Information
The UCLA registered graduate student group, Project Brainstorm, is a K-12 science education outreach program sponsored by the UCLA Brain Research Institute (BRI). Its members include students from the Neuroscience Interdepartmental Ph.D. and Undergraduate Programs.
The goal of Project Brainstorm is to stimulate interest in science for children and young adults in grades K-12 by providing hands-on learning experiences that emphasize the function and importance of the brain. Currently, we are featured in the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Spring 08 quarterly, , and the Graduate Student Association's (GSA) Spring 08 Newsletter, . Also, to visit the UCLA Brain Research Institute website .
Project Brainstorm Upcoming Events
Brain Awareness Week (BAW), 2009
We will be bringing 500 students from low-income Title 1 LAUSD schools to BAW this year! Students will visit the UCLA campus and the BRI during March 9-13, 2009. The full-day events include Neuroscience educational activities (real human brain demos, interactive activities, and lab tours), UCLA campus tours, and Science Diversity Career panels. Funding for
transportation, lunch, and expenses is provided by the American College of Neuropsychoparmocology (ACNP), Society for Neuroscience (SfN), UCLA Brain Research Institute (BRI), and the UCLA Campus Program's Fund. This event is made possible through our Graduate, Undergraduate, and Faculty volunteers from the Neuroscience Interdepartmental Ph.D. Program, and student groups Project Brainstorm, STEM-PLEDGE (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics - Promoting Diversity and Enhancing Leadership in Graduate Education), Interaxon, SIGN (Student Interest Group in Neurology), and NUS (Neuroscience Undergraduate Society)! If interested in more information on upcoming BAW 2009, please email us!
Project Brainstorm Recent Events
Science-Education Dialogue
Goal of event was to promote communication between Neuroscientists and Educators. What can the Neuroscience of Learning and Memory tell us about how students learn? Event took place at the Baldwin Park Performing Arts Center and was open to teachers, parents, and students. Guest speakers included Dr. Susan Bookheimer (Clinical Neuropsychologist and Professor-in-Residence, UCLA Department of Psychiatry) and Dr. Barbara Clark (Professor Emeritus, Charter College of Education at CalState LA, Author of Growing Up Gifted). Project Brainstorm members planned activity stations and human brain demos on the Neuroscience of Learning and Memory.
NS195 classroom visits
Students in the Neuroscience 195 course visited Grant High School and South Gate Middle School
NSIDP classroom visits
Students in the Neuroscience Interdepartmental Ph.D. Program (NSIDP) visited Le Conte Middle School. Volunteers included Nanthia Suthana, April Ho, Dave Wozny, Angela Rizk-Jackson, Evan Lutkenhoff, and Anush Gevorgyan.
NS195 classroom visits
Students in the Neuroscience 195 course visited Culver City Middle School
EAoP Science Academy
Project Brainstorm worked with the UCLA Early Academic outreach Program on Saturday, April 19 for the annual Science Academy hosting up to 300 high school students from the Los Angeles area.
Brain Awareness Week at UCLA (2008)
Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Brain Awareness Weeek (BAW) at UCLA was held March 11-14. Over 300 students from Overland elementary, Ocean Charter middle, University elementary, and Fremont high school visited the UCLA Brain Research Institute to participate in Neuroscience educational activities including brain demos, interactive activities, and lab tours. Over 70 graduate, undergraduate, and faculty volunteers participated in the events. To visit the SfN BAW website


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