
FIFA 巴西世界杯2014_百度百科
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日,由EA与神州泰岳携手,正式发布FIFA唯一官方授权的足球游戏《FIFA 巴西世界杯2014》的新款手游产品。FIFA系列在手机游戏领域的又一力作,里面包含了球员卡片收集、球员升级、球员进阶等多种养成玩法。本作将在本届巴西世界杯的推广期间同步上市,成为世界杯期间最火爆足球游戏。原版名称2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil其他名称FIFA 2014巴西世界杯游戏平台安卓状&&&&态内测
《FIFA2014巴西世界杯》是FIFA正版官方授权的足球产品 ,模拟了世界杯决赛阶段32只球队的真实信息 。玩家需要根据自己拥有球员的属性,打造出最适合自己的阵型,才能发挥出队伍的最大潜力,这一次你也可以过一把豪门球队教练的瘾。[1]作为FIFA在全球的首款卡牌养成策略游戏,FIFA2014巴西世界杯在保留卡牌游戏传统魅力的基础上,更创造了独特的卡牌养成系统。《FIFA2014巴西世界杯》游戏恰如其名,在游戏中也融入了众多巴西世界杯的元素。游戏采用真实的巴西场馆地图,此外,游戏还将采用世界杯决赛阶段球队的真实信息,让你身临其境打造属于你自己的梦之队。要想将球员升级我们需要使用游戏里的“球员训练”功能,在训练的时候要先选定一个要训练的球员以及陪练的球员,需要注意的是,陪练球员在每次训练结束之后都会消失,所以玩家们在训练的时候要注意多多通过闯关或是招募的方式获得卡片。
新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看2014FIFA怎么玩?
- 我运动,我快乐!
其他回答 (1)
基本操作应该会吧,建议用按键,手指划划划的不好用(个人认为)一开始,你就打新手难难度的吧,用一开始就有的球员(虽然烂一点,但是攒钱,后面要用),然后去转会中心,低价买入球员,价格提高一点卖出。新手的你只要对准球门,他就90%接不住,他也几乎不会抢断。 熟悉基本操作业余的你只要对准球门70%对方守门员接不住。他会一点抢断。 联系配合和特技接下来的难度就要靠特技和球员的配合了,走到球门前,吊射或假射来欺骗守门员。祝lz玩得愉快。求采纳
该问题来自:我爱运动网让更多的人了解了运动,同时让更多的人加入了运动,让人越活越年轻。足球系列游戏领域专家FIFA World Cup 2014 Final Tickets
Say hello to the FIFA 2014 World Cup championship as it finally heads forth to Brazil. Last 2010, was a spectacular event as we have witness it in South Africa. Nevertheless, Brazil is alive and ready to host this upcoming event.
The venues have already been selected and the winners are the capital city, Brasilia, Rio and Sao Paulo. Other event also includes games in Porto Alegre, Curitiba in the South as well as Cuiaba in Central Brazil. For the North eastern part of the country, Salvador, Recife/Olinda and Fortaleza have been chosen. And in the north-eastern part, Recife and Salvador have each got their own new stadiums being build. While others, will still use existing stadium but with major or minor improvements and modernization projects currently at hand.
With all of these stadiums being built, it is impossible that FIFA World Cup 2014 tickets are already been sold today. Thousands of people will continue to join this worldwide event as soccer fans will move in to the city to pay support for their country.
There are 31 slots for the national team to compete. These slot allocations are shared with many participants depending on your bracket. Africa is given 4 or 5 slots of their best national teams in the 52 countries that have been screened. On the other hand Europe has 13 slots. According to FIFA rules, Brazil already qualifies, as the host country is already given a slot.
Each team will compete in an intense match with other countries leading to the world championship. If you are a true soccer fan and you don’t want to miss, we suggest that you already book your World Cup 2014 tickets in advance as it will be sold out during the event.
Tickets Sales Phases
FIFA have divided the process up into three phases, first phase comprising a lottery and a first-come-first-served basis sale. The Phase One lottery has already closed, with over 6 million tickets requested already.
The dates for the remaining phases are:
5 November 2013 – 28 November 2013: Phase One first come first served
6 December: World Cup finals draw
8 December 2013 – 30 January 2014: Phase Two lottery
26 February 2014 – 1 April 2014: Phase Two first come first served
15 April 2014 – 13 July 2014: Last minute first come first served
is considered to be one of the most memorable soccer tournaments of all time and will start on the 12th of June until the 13th day of July 2014. Exactly 1 month of games will be played and by July, the finals will already be set. It is best to book your world cup 2014 final tickets in advance as during these months prices will surely have increase and tickets will already be sold out. However, early bookings are already underway, and this is a good time to save money if you are purchasing.
Almost everyone is excited but feel a bit nervous, as Brazilian’s know that the spotlight will be upon them, and reveal to the world their country, their games and the love of the sport.
Reserve your
now before it will sell out.
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