一个富有挑战的时代 英语演讲比赛演讲稿稿

作者:佚名 文章来源: 点击数: 更新时间: 21:34:37
注意:1.词数100左右。 2.开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。
My fellow classmates: Needless to say, we will meet many difficulties and challenges in our life. Friends are important .Having a friend(=When you have friends), you'll never feel life is too hard and a friend is like an umbrella ,preventing you from being hurt. Many people walk in and out of your heart, but only the footprints of true friends will be left in your beautiful memory forever. A true friend is someone with whom you can share your happiness and sadness, making happiness double and sadness half. A friend is a person that you should always treasure from the bottom of your heart. The best way to make friends is to be a person who is true, loyal and helpful to others, and you'll find you are the happiest person in the world. Let's make more friends and make our life more beautiful. Thank you for listening.
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  网友评论:(只显示最新10条。评论内容只代表网友观点,与本站立场无关!)求一篇英语演讲稿 作文也行1.“Challenges and Opportunities for College Students in Today’s Competitive World”(在当今竞争的世界中大学生面临的挑战和机遇).2.An unforgettable experience3.My entertainment4.How can_作业帮
求一篇英语演讲稿 作文也行1.“Challenges and Opportunities for College Students in Today’s Competitive World”(在当今竞争的世界中大学生面临的挑战和机遇).2.An unforgettable experience3.My entertainment4.How can
求一篇英语演讲稿 作文也行1.“Challenges and Opportunities for College Students in Today’s Competitive World”(在当今竞争的世界中大学生面临的挑战和机遇).2.An unforgettable experience3.My entertainment4.How can I save the earth 5.My favorite sport 6.How will I spend this summer vacation 7.What are the ways to relieve pressure 7选1 100字以上 百度复制+黏贴的就免了 .要锻炼英语的来哦.100分.有木有接的呀.有的吱一声.
Challenges and Opportunities for College Students in Today’s Competitive World
It goes without saying that
we college students are facing great challenges nowadays,one of which are the employment.As we can see,with the increasing enrollment of the colleges,more and more graduates step out of the campus,crowding in society and making every effort to hunt a job.Hower,the positions available are limited thanks to the decreasing economy.It is reported from time to time that in some cities during the graduation reasons thousands of graduates stand in lines in the Talent Recruitment Markets for all day long only to gain one chance for job interview.
Hower,everything has two sides.The world are giving us great opportunaties as well.时间关系,今晚写完.关于英语节的中文演讲稿!急,内容是呼吁到家积极学习英语,英语节是我们学校的一个传统什么的_百度知道
出门在外也不愁你校将举行一次以“MyFuture”为主题的英语演讲会,假如你被推选去参加演讲,请你按你与英语老师一起拟定的提纲写一篇演讲稿。(字数120个左右)提纲:(1)我决定当一名中学教师。当教师是我孩提时代的..域名:学优高考网,每年帮助百万名学子考取名校!问题人评价,难度:0%你校将举行一次以“My Future”为主题的英语演讲会,假如你被推选去参加演讲,请你按你与英语老师一起拟定的提纲写一篇演讲稿。(字数120个左右)提纲:(1) 我决定当一名中学教师。当教师是我孩提时代的梦想。(2) 我认为,和孩子们打交道,并不是浪费时间,而是很幸福的。(3) 我国教师奇缺。想当教师的人不多,主要原因是当教师工作艰苦,收入不高。可我决心献身于教育事业。马上分享给朋友:答案My FutureMy fellow classmates, Everyone of us is thinking about the future. What is mine? I have decided become a middle school teacher . Does it sound surprising? I had his dream when I was only a child. I love children . I don’t think to deal with them all years round is just wasting time . On the contrary , to me it would mean happiness . As we all can see, teachers are badly needed in our country, but not many of us want to become teachers. One of the main reasons for this is that teachers work too hard but get too little . In spite of that, I’m determined to devote all my life to the cause of education.点击查看答案解释本题暂无同学作出解析,期待您来作答点击查看解释相关试题青帮我把下面的句子翻译为英文 ‘我的英语很差,对于这次演讲我准备了很长时间,虽然只有一两分钟,但这对于我来说是一个很大的挑战.不怕大家笑话,这是我第一次当着这么多人的面说英语,_作业帮
青帮我把下面的句子翻译为英文 ‘我的英语很差,对于这次演讲我准备了很长时间,虽然只有一两分钟,但这对于我来说是一个很大的挑战.不怕大家笑话,这是我第一次当着这么多人的面说英语,
青帮我把下面的句子翻译为英文 ‘我的英语很差,对于这次演讲我准备了很长时间,虽然只有一两分钟,但这对于我来说是一个很大的挑战.不怕大家笑话,这是我第一次当着这么多人的面说英语,所以有什么错误的单词或者语法请大家谅解.我们现在已经高2,所以已经认识到时间的紧迫,接下来的学习生活,我会更加努力,相信大家也是这样想的’
跪求啊 大神们帮帮忙
My English is very poor,but I tried my best to give you an excellent lecture, so I spent much time getting ready for it. Though the lecture lasted only one minute or two, it was a big challenge for me. To be honest, this was the first time I had spoken English in the face of so many people. So, if there are any mistakes, please forgive/understand me. I am a senior high school student in Grade Two. I'm aware of the importance of time. I will study harder later on. I think everyone thinks the same.


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