
<meta name="description" content="论文摘要怎么写:论文摘要怎么写摘要:简洁、具体的摘要要反映论文的实质性内容,展示论文内容足够的信息,体现论文的创新性,论文摘要怎么写" />
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论文摘要怎么写摘要:简洁、具体的摘要要反映论文的实质性内容,展示论文内容足够的信息,体现论文的创新性,展现论文的重要梗概,一般由具体研究的对象、方法、结果、结论四要素组成。对象&&是论文研究、研制、调查等所涉及的具体的主题范围,体现论文的研究内容、要解决的主要问题,是问题的提出,研究方向的确立与目标的定位。方法&&是论文对研究对象进行研究的过程中所运用的原理、理论、条件、材料、工艺、结构、手段、程序,是完成研究对象的必要手段。结果&&是作者运用研究方法对研究对象进行实验、研究所得到的结果、效果、数据,被确定的关系等,是进行科研所得的成果。结论&&是作者对结果的分析、研究、比较、评价、应用、提出的问题等,是结果的总结,显示研究结果的可靠性、实用性、创新性,体现论文研究的价值与学术水平,是决定论文被检索的窗口。中文摘要的写作要求:1.摘要以主题概念不遗漏为原则,中文摘要字数为200-300字,英文摘要为100-150words2.用重要的事实开头,突出论文新的信息,即新立题、新方法、结论与结果的创新性等3.叙述要完整,清楚,简明扼要,逻辑性要强,结构完整,删去背景与过去的研究信息,不应包含作者将来的计划,杜绝文学性修饰与无用的叙述4.摘要中涉及他人的工作或研究成果的,尽量列出他们的名字5.不以数字开头,中英文必须对应举例:题目:声带振动功能模式识别摘要:应用小波变换估计传导语音的谐波噪声比(具体方法),研究了不同发声方式、发音及声带病变对传导语音谐波噪声比的影响,并与口腔语音的谐波噪声比进行了对比研究(具体对象),发现发不同元音时,传导语音谐波噪声比的变化范围是5bB,口腔语音谐波噪声比的变化范围为20dB;不同发声方式的传导语音谐波噪声比的变化范围可达18dB,口腔语音的变化范围为12dB(具体结果)。结果表明传导语音谐波噪声比能够更好地反映声带振动模式,是一种研究声带振动功能和模式及喉部疾病诊断的有效方法(具体结论)。关键词:口腔语音;传导语音;谐波噪声比;小波变换(2)英文摘要实例THEME:Identification of vocal cords vibration functions and modesAbstract: This paper studied the estimation of harmonic to noise ratio (HNR) in transmitted sound signals(具体对象)by wavelet transform(具体方法). When normal and laryngeal pathological subjects phonate sustained vowels in breathy, falsetto, leakage and pressed modes in normal loudness, these HNRs in transmitted sound signals were estimted and compared with the HNR in human voice(过去时态). It is pointed that for normal subjects in a variety of vowels, the 20 dB. For normal subject in a variety of phonation modes, the variation of HNR in transmitted sound signals exceeds 18 dB and in human voice signals in within 12 dB(具体结果). The results indicate that the NHR in transmitted sound signals could more accurately image vocal cords vibration characteristics and could be an effective measurement for studying vocal cords vibration and clinical laryngeal disease diagnosis(具体结论)(现在时态).Keywords: har wavelet transform中文摘要摘要是对论文内容的简短而全面的概括,能够让读者迅速总揽论文的内容。与题名一样,摘要也是各种数据库中常见的检索对象。摘要是整篇论文中最重要的组成部分。就作者而言,一旦论文刊登在期刊上,论文摘要就将作为印刷版或电子版的摘要总集的一部分,开始其活跃而又长久的&生涯&。就读者而言,与某篇心理学论文的第一次接触多是从阅读其摘要开始的。多数人通过计算机检索系统对所需的文献进行搜索,计算机屏幕上显示的只有摘要部分。在翻阅学术期刊时,大部分人也是首先阅读论文的摘要,然后再依据摘要来决定是否阅读整篇论文。因此,摘要既要具有高度的信息浓缩性,又要具有可读性,还要结构完整、篇幅简短以及独立成篇。一篇好的摘要应具备以下特点:准确性。摘要应能准确反映论文的目的和内容,不应包含论文中没有出现的内容。如果该研究主要是在以前的某个研究的基础上进行的,是对以前研究的扩展,那么,就应该在摘要中注明以前研究的作者姓名和年份。将摘要与论文的层次标题进行对比是核实摘要精确性的有效方法。独立性。摘要应自成一体,独立成篇,所以要对特殊的术语、所有的缩写(计量单位除外)、省略语做出说明,拼写出实验和药品的名称(药品采用通用名称)。新术语或尚无合适中文术语的,可用原文或译出后加括号注明原文。在引用其他出版物时要包括作者的姓名和出版日期(在论文的参考文献表中要充分说明文献资料的出处)。简练而具体。摘要中的每一个句子都要能最大限度地提供信息,且尽可能地简练。摘要的长度一般不超过300字。摘要的开头要提出最重要的信息(但不要重复题名)。它可以是目的或论题,也可以是结果或结论。摘要里最多只需包括4个或5个最重要的观点、结果或含意。节省摘要篇幅的方法:(1)不要把本学科领域中的常识性内容写入摘要,但也不要过于深奥,令一般读者难以明白;切忌把应在前言中出现的内容写入摘要;(2)一般也不得简单重复题名中已有的信息。比如一篇文章的题名是《婴儿问题解决行为的特点与发展》,摘要的开头就不要再写&对婴儿问题解决行为的特点与发展进行了研究。&(3)除实在无法变通外,一般不用数学公式,不出现插图、表格。(4)不用引文,除非该文献证实或否定了他人已出版的著作。(5)用第三人称。建议采用&对&&进行了研究&、&报告了&&的现状&、&进行了&&调查&等记述方式,不必使用&本文&、&作者&等作为主语。非评价性。报告研究结果而不是对研究结果进行评价,不要在摘要中对论文内容做诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价)。连贯性和可读性。采用条理清晰、措辞有力的形式写作。尽可能地使用第三人称来取代第一人称。避免使用缺乏实质信息的&万金油&语句(例如:&具有一定的理论意义和实践意义&或者&由此推断...&)。一篇实验研究报告的摘要应该包括:研究的问题,如果可能,用一句话表达;被试,详细说明相关特性,例如数量、类型、年龄、性别、种类等;实验方法,包括仪器,数据收集程序,完整的测验名称,使用的任何药剂的剂量和方法(特别是当使用的药剂是一种新药剂或者对研究很重要时);结果,包括统计水平的显著性;结论、含意或应用。实验研究报告的摘要示例如下:研究了高频汉字识别中形音义激活的时间进程。被试为北京师范大学本科生120名。4种启动类型分别为形似启动、音同启动、义近启动和无关启动。启动字的呈现时间(SOA)分别为43,57,85,145ms。实验1中,要求被试判断目标字是否是动物名称,实验2要求被试判断目标字的读音是否为&yi&。用MANOVA分析了不同SOA条件下的启动效应,发现高频汉字形音义激活的时序为字形&字义&字音。这一结果说明了高频汉字的字义可直接由字形特征获得,语音是自动激活的。(资料来源:陈宝国,彭聃龄.汉字识别中形音义激活时间进程的研究(Ⅰ).心理学报,):1~6.有改动)一篇综述或者理论性论文的摘要应该包括:主题,用一句话概括;论文的意图、论题或组织结构和范围(全面的或有选择的);资料来源(例如个人观察资料,已发表的文献);结论。综述类文章的摘要示例如下:对发展性阅读障碍的产生机制的探讨有利于寻找适当的治疗方法。文章在简要回顾阅读障碍的界定、研究内容和有关理论争论基础上,重点介绍了阅读障碍的神经基础和遗传机制。文章从大脑结构和功能单侧化、完成认知任务时大脑的激活模式、激活时间进程以及视觉巨细胞等方面介绍了发展性阅读障碍者与正常读者之间存在的差异。文章还指出许多双生子研究都发现同卵双生子的阅读障碍同现率高于异卵双生子,尤其是近期的遗传学研究鉴定出几个与阅读障碍有关的染色体,如6号和15号染色体与语音障碍和拼写障碍有关。这些研究结果说明发展性阅读障碍有一定的脑神经基础和遗传基础。(资料来源:孟祥芝,周晓林.发展性阅读障碍的生理基础.心理科学进展,):7~14.有改动)一篇方法学论文的摘要应该包括:方法的类别;方法的基本特征;方法的应用范围;该方法在不同情况下的表现,包括它的统计力及在违反各项假设下的稳定性。一篇个案研究的摘要应该包括:被试及其相关特征;个案所能说明的问题或解决办法;对今后研究或理论建设的启示。一篇精确、简练、易懂和信息量丰富的摘要能够增加论文的读者数量和将来论文的可提取性,必须在此基础上认真考虑摘要的长度。例如,对于一些英文数据库而言,如果摘要长度超过960个字符的限制,摘要录用者可能会删减摘要的长度以满足数据库的要求。
Finally, the theoretical guidance and practical significance of semantic translation and communicative translation for Chinese-English translation of abstracts in sci-tech theses are testified at the lexicon, syntax and discourse levels.
Chapter Four: The applicability of semantic translation and communicative translation to Chinese-English translation of abstracts in sci-tech theses is validated with Newmark's discussions on the relationship between language functions and translation methods.
第四章是应用分析。 作者首先介绍了纽马克关于语言功能与翻译方法的论述,阐述了语义翻译和交际翻译对于科技论文摘要翻译的适用性。
In this paper types of the abstract of sci-tech articles in English are introduced,haw to write an English abstract of scitech articles is described,some points of traaslaling an abstract are offered.
The Influence of L1 Negative Transfer on C-E Translation of Scientific and Technological Paper Abstracts
The Writing of Abstracts in Sci-tech Papers: Problems and Countermeasures
Correct Method and Mistake Discrimination of Writing
Abstracts of Scientific and Technical Papers
Discussion on the Teaching of Separation of C/E Translation of the Abstracts for the Scientific Papers
:In order to heighten the quality of scientific and technical papers, some problems of the abstracts of botanic papers on the content and structure and format have been discussed, and the significance of standardization in abstracts of scientific and technical papers is illustrated, too?How to strengthen the standardization sense of both the authors and the editors is probed
为了使科技论文摘要写作进一步规范化、标准化, 以期提高科技论文的质量, 针对植物学论文摘要中存在的一些问题, 就其内容、结构、写作格式等进行了分析, 论述了科技论文摘要规范化与标准化写作的重要意义, 并就如何加强科技论文摘要规范化写作以及科技期刊编辑的标准化意识进行了探讨。
In this paper,the principles,methods and skills on translating of English abstracts of scientific and technological theses are analyzed,introduced and concluded.
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社您还未登陆,请登录后操作!
Supply chain and supply chain management is changing each has a business in the global economy, the location pattern. Practice has proved that success in the use of supply chain and supply chain management has become a business decision to have the competitive advantage of a key factor. To make use of the supply chain and supply chain management is a prerequisite for supply chain management system complete and accurate grasp of supply chain management system is premised on an accura
Supply chain and supply chain management is changing each has a business in the global economy, the location pattern. Practice has proved that success in the use of supply chain and supply chain management has become a business decision to have the competitive advantage of a key factor. To make use of the supply chain and supply chain management is a prerequisite for supply chain management system complete and accurate grasp of supply chain management system is premised on an accurate grasp of information technology should be as a theoretical study and practical support for the study. In this paper, in accordance with this line of thought initiated the contents of each chapter.
In this paper, the structure is divided into eight chapters.
Chapter I to Chapter III, respectively, research from the background papers, theses and scope of the study, data collection methods and process of the research paper designed to examine five aspects of the implementation process of this paper to the
Chapter IV as &#034;Information Technology Overview and Analysis of supply chain management&#034;, respectively, from the current state of information technology and supply chain management problems in the current implementation of supply chain management system of enterprises on the significance
Chapter V as a &#034;supply chain management system design and implementation&#034;, highlighted how the use of information technology to build and implement supply chain managemen
Chapter VI as &#034;the implementation of supply chain systems and analysis of existing problems&#034;, introduced in the implementation of supply chain problems, from information sharing, inventory, logistics, information techno
Chapter VII is &#034;to improve supply chain management strategies&#034;, respectively, from the information technology, logistics, personnel, cooperation between upstream and downstream impr
Chapter VIII of this thesis is the conclusions and recommendations, presented the conclusions of this thesis research, thesis research on the application of the value of the follow-up research papers and the corresponding recommendations.
In this paper, through analysis of the supply chain system and put forward: the core idea of the supply chain should be established with suppliers &#034;win-win&#034; s and use of information technology to achieve information sharing is to establish the preOUSHENNUO Corporation through the use of information technology companies to build and implement supply chain management system supply chain model of cooperation between upstream and downstream so as to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises and enhance competitive advantage. To be sure, in this regard, much work remains to be done, which is why I continue to work hard to be a goal.
This article looks forward to the enterprise supply chain management provides the workers from a reference.
Key words in sup Applied Research


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