
Good afternoon, everyone! It’s a great honor to have the opportunity to share my excited feelings of being grown-up with you today. As I stand here, words can not begin to describe what I feel. For today is a significant turning point in my eighteen years of life, a day that seems likes any other on the outside, but which marks the threshold of adulthood. Today, I am officially grown up.Attending the formal adulthood ceremony held by our school has opened our eyes to what being grown-up really entails and what the role of a citizen in society requires of us.Bearing in mind a sense of responsibility is the first step I will take towards the goal. Every time somebody lends out a hand, I’ll accept it with gratitude and pay it back by helping those in need. My steps may be humble, but it is they that make the wag.This is my declaration towards adulthood. Thank you for listening.略
书面表达(满分15分)请根据下面表格的内容提示,用英语写一篇短文比较绵阳和唐山两座城市。绵阳唐山四川省西北部,距成都以北98公里地处渤海西北海岸,与北京、天津毗邻面积2万平方公里,人口520万总面积13472平方公里,人口714.5万干燥少雨,总体气候宜人冬干、夏湿;四季分明我国重要的科研基地百年历史的沿海工业城市注意:1、文章必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;2、文章开头已为你写出,不计入总词数;3、词数:120字左右;4、参考词汇:四季分明& four distinctive seasons If we compare the two cities, we can find both differences and similarities……&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
写作 (满分30分)&目前,父母对孩子的生活、学习等方面包办现象非常普遍。请你根据以下提示,以We Want to Be Independent为题,用英语写一篇短文。1.描述这一现象及其弊端;2.你认为父母应该……;3.孩子应该….。注意:1.词数:120-150;2.可适当增加细节。
手机给人们的日常生活提供了许多方便。如:便于与父母和朋友联系;能增加乐趣。但是手机的使用也存在着一些弊端。如:上课时使用手机不利于教师教学和学生听课;课间用过后会分散上课注意力;用手机聊天、发短信费时费钱费精力。作为一名中学生.你对中学生的持有手机有何看法?最好能提出些合理建议。提示词语: mobile phone. Offer a lot of convenience(便利). send short messages(短信). bring come trouble. necessary. in a proper way(以合适的方式)请根据上述内容请一篇120个字左右的短文,短文的开头已给出(不计入词数中):Nowadays mobile phones are very common around us. __________________________________
书面表达(15分)根据中文意思,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑的英文文段。中文提示内容不必逐句翻译;可适当加入与话题相关内容.题目已拟 (80词左右)?几年以前我家只有一间小屋。三个人住一间屋真是艰难。现在我们已经搬进了一套两室一厅 的单元房。我非常高兴。当我父母做. . . , 我能. . . 。我爱我的家。?单元房:a new flatI love my home
假设你们班最近就科学家是否应该克隆人展开了辩论,请根据下面提供的信息,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,说明这次辩论的情况并表明你的态度。赞成(20%):1. 有利于促进科学领域取得突破; 2. 克隆智力过人的伟大科学家,人类将拥有更多有非凡贡献的人。反对(80%):1. 违背社会公德; 2. 克隆人没有父母,无法象正常人一样生活。你的态度:…注意:开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Recently our class has had a debate on whether scientists should clone the human beings or not. The results of this debate are as follows:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
某英文报“读者来信”专栏正在就家长是否允许孩子课后看电视的问题开展讨论。请你用英语向该报编辑部写一封信,发表你的观点,信的开头已写好,你只需接着写。注意:1、下面的提示可能会帮助你构思:(只选其中一方的观点)For (正方)Against (反方)broaden our view(开拓视野)waste timeimprove our Englishform some bad habitsrelax ourselvesbecome near-sighted…………2、你不必根据上面的提示逐条进行写作,可自由发挥,适当拓展。3、词数100个左右。Dear editor,I (don’t) think it is right for us to watch TV after school.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
书面表达(满分30分)我们选修四的第一单元学习了人物的介绍,第二单元学习了袁隆平和他所研究的杂交水稻。结合二者根据下列提示写一篇介绍我国著名的水稻专家袁隆平的文章。要点如下:1 袁隆平,日出生在重庆的一个贫困农民家庭。2. 1953年毕业于西南农学院,毕业后被分配到湘西农校任教。3. 1964年开始从事水稻研究。1981年荣获我国第一个国家发明特等奖,在国际上被称为“杂交水稻之父”。4. 生活简朴,不计名利。______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
书面表达(满分30分)下表对比了中国和美国的中学生在寒假期间的主要活动,请你根据表格所提供的信息,给某英文报纸写一篇文章,并就中国学生应该如何度过有意义的假期提出合理建议。中国中学生完成假期作业、看电视、上网等美国中学生&读书、参加社区活动、参加比赛等给中国学生的合理建议:1.科学安排假期时间,多读书;&&& 2.多接触大自然,多外出参观。注意:字数在100字左右求一片有关中国文化的英语演讲稿,在线等!急急急急急_百度知道
2008 Olympic Games, will be the product which the traditional Chinese culture and the traditional Olympics culture unifies. But two traditions breed are already not disorderly piece together the thing, is also not another tradition, but is one kind of novel richer vigor harmonious culture. It looks like the water to be the same, seeps the s It looked like the fire to be ordinary, has ignited all the people' Looks like the trees to be equa Looks like the eart Also has the iron general rules and regulations. It enabled China the ancient civilization to contain the new significanc...
2012龙年说龙:关于龙生九子的传说英语故事 附中文版含九子的名字及习性
kira86 于发布 l 已有人浏览
2012 is the year of Dragon. Some people say 2012 is a Black Dragon or Water Dragon year. This is because the Stem-Branch Calendar is connected to the Five Element theory. Chinese calendars used the Stem-Branch system to count the days, months and years. There are 10 Stems and 12 Branches in this system. Stems are named by the Yin-Yang and Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth). The Stem sequence order is& Yang Wood, Yin Wood, Yang Fire, Yin Fire, Yang Earth, Yin Earth, Yang Metal, Yin Metal, Yang Water and Yin Water. Branches use animal names.
The Branch sequence order is&& Rat, Cow, Tiger, Dragon, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Chicken, Dog and Pig. Stem and Branch are used together to form a cycle of 60 counting systems which begin with Wooden Rat and end with&&&&& Water Pig. You can see the entire sequence from the Chinese New Year's page. From 1924 to 1983 is a complete cycle. Year 2012 is Male Water Dragon&& the 29th of the Stem-Branch in the system. Because Water is connected to Black in the Five-Element system, Year 2012 is also called the Black Dragon year.
Dragon has Nine Sons
A dragon is a legendary creature. All legendary stories about Chinese dragons are from the sky, which means heaven in China. The image of dragon is blurred, misty, mystic, occulted, noble and untouchable. For China, it is the symbol of power from heaven. The Chinese emperor was considered the son of heaven. An emperor has the authority to send command to Dragons. One Chinese story mentioned an emperor killed a dragon in his dream. After 581 AD, Chinese emperors began to wear imperial robes with dragon symbols. During the Ching Dynasty ( AD), the dragon can be seen everywhere on the roofs, doors, pillars, bridges, utensils in the forbidden city. The most powerful dragon is the five-clawed dragon. It appears only on the yellow imperial robe. Because of this, Dragon is one of most auspicious animals in China.
They say that Dragon has nine sons. People didn't know too much about the Nine Dragons until Ming Dynasty ( AD). However, there is more than one version of the Nine Dragons story. One story is the following.
The Dragon sent its nine sons to help the first emperor of Ming Dynasty to conquer China. After completing the mission, nine dragons were preparing their journey to return to heaven. But the emperor wanted them to continue to help the Ming Dynasty. The nine dragons wouldn't stay and the emperor couldn't stop them. However, the emperor decided to play a trick on the most powerful dragon, the 6th son. He tricked the sixth dragon son to carry a magic stele with a carved inscription, which could suppress any ghost, spirit or evil creature. The 6th dragon couldn't move under the magic stele, and all of his other brothers wouldn't leave without him. However, they wouldn't work for the emperor anymore. They decided to no longer show their dragon identities and turned themselves into evil creatures. Since then, the nine dragons have stayed in China.
The nine dragon have different themes, and they all have different versions too. We skip their names because all of their names are hard to remember. One version is:
The 1st son loves music. The head of Number 1 son becomes a decoration for music instrument, such as two-stringed bowed violin (huqin).
The 2nd son loves fighting. Many different handles of weapons have the symbol of Number 2 son.
The 3rd son loves adventure and keeping guard. He has prestige and is the symbol of safety, harmony and peace.
The 4th son loves howling. The image of Number 4 son can be found on the big bells. It is a symbol of protection and alertness.
The 5th son loves quietness, sitting, fire and smoke. His image is often found in temples, such as on incense burners.
The 6th son has the power of strength. He loves to carry heavy stuff to show off his magic energy. He is a symbol of longevity and good luck.
The 7th son loves to seek justice. Chinese like to apply his symbol around law, court, or jail.
The 8th son loves literature. Chinese like to put the 8th son as a symbol around steles. When used in this way, it is a symbol of knowledge or education.
The 9th son loves water. He is a symbol to prevent fire disasters
《中国吉祥图说》中描述为:九子之老大叫囚牛,喜音乐,蹲立于琴头;老二叫睚眦(ya zi),嗜杀喜斗,刻镂于刀环、剑柄吞口;老三叫嘲风,平生好险,今殿角走兽是其遗像;四子蒲牢,受击就大声吼叫,充作洪钟提梁的兽钮,助其鸣声远扬;五子狻猊(suan ni),形如狮,喜烟好坐,倚立于香炉足上,随之吞烟吐雾;六子霸下,又名XX(bi xi),似龟有齿,喜欢负重,碑下龟是也;七子狴犴(bi gan),形似虎好讼,狱门或官衙正堂两侧有其像;八子负质,身似龙,雅好斯文,盘绕在石碑头顶;老九螭(chi)吻,又名鸱尾或鸱(chi)吻,口润嗓粗而好吞,遂成殿脊两端的吞脊兽,取其灭火消灾。
& 在《大千传统图案网》中解释比较详尽:
& 龙生九子之一&囚牛
& 囚牛,是龙生九子中的老大,平生爱好音乐,它常常蹲在琴头上欣赏弹拨弦拉的音乐,因此琴头上便刻上它的遗像。这个装饰现在一直沿用下来,一些贵重的胡琴头部至今仍刻有龙头的形象,称其为&龙头胡琴&。
& 龙生九子之二&睚眦
& 睚眦,是老二,平生好斗喜杀,刀环、刀柄、龙吞口便是它的遗像。这些武器装饰了龙的形象后,更增添了慑人的力量。它不仅装饰在沙场名将的兵器上,更大量地用在仪仗和宫殿守卫者武器上,从而更显得威严庄重。
& 龙生九子之三&嘲风
& 嘲风,形似兽,是老三,平生好险又好望,殿台角上的走兽是它的遗像。这些走兽排列着单行队,挺立在垂脊的前端,走兽的领头是一位骑禽的&仙人&,后面依次为:龙、凤、狮子、天马、海马、狻猊、押鱼、獬豸、斗牛、和行什。它们的安放有严格的等级制度,只有北京故宫的太和殿才能十样俱全,次要的殿堂则要相应减少。嘲风,不仅象征着吉祥、美观和威严,而且还具有威慑妖魔、清除灾祸的含义。嘲风的安置,使整个宫殿的造型既规格严整又富于变化,达到庄重与生动的和谐,宏伟与精巧的统一,它使高耸的殿堂平添一层神秘气氛。
& 龙生九子之四&蒲牢
& 蒲牢,形似盘曲的龙,排行第四,平生好鸣好吼,洪钟上的龙形兽钮是它的遗像。原来蒲牢居住在海边,虽为龙子,却一向害怕庞然大物的鲸鱼。当鲸鱼一发起攻击,它就吓得大声吼叫。人们报据其&性好鸣&的特点,&凡钟欲令声大音&,即把蒲牢铸为钟纽,而把敲钟的木杵作成鲸鱼形状。敲钟时,让鲸鱼一下又一下撞击蒲牢,使之&响入云霄&且&专声独远&。
& 龙生九子之五&狻猊
& 狻猊,形似狮子,排行第五,平生喜静不喜动,好坐,又喜欢烟火,囚此佛座上和香炉上的脚部装饰就是它的遗像。相传这种佛座上装饰的狻猊是随着佛教在汉代由印度人传入中国的,至南北朝时期,我国的佛教艺术上已普遍使用,这种造型经过我国民间艺人的创造,使其具有中国的传统气派,后来成了龙子的老五,它布置的地方多是在结跏趺坐或交脚而坐的佛菩萨像前。明清之际的石狮或铜狮颈下项圈中间的龙形装饰物也是狻猊的形象,它使守卫大门的中国传统门狮更为睁崃威武。
& 龙生九子之六&霸下
& 霸下,又名赑屃,形似龟,是老六,平生好负重,力大无穷,碑座下的龟趺是其遗像。传说霸下上古时代常驮着三山五岳,在江河湖海里兴风作浪。后来大禹治水时收服了它,它服从大禹的指挥,推山挖沟,疏遍河道,为治水作出了贡献。洪水治服了,大禹担心霸下又到处撒野,便搬来顶天立地的特大石碑,上面刻上霸下治水的功迹,叫霸下驮着,沉重的石碑压得它不能随便行走。霸下和龟十分相似,但细看却有差异,霸下有一排牙齿,而龟类却没有,霸下和龟类在背甲上甲片的数目和形状也有差异。霸下又称石龟,是长寿和吉祥的象征。它总是吃力地向前昂着头,四只脚拼命地撑着,挣扎着向前走,但总是移不开步。我国一些显赫石碑的基座都由霸下驮着,在碑林和一些古迹胜地中都可以看到。
& 龙生九子之七&狴犴
& 狴犴,又名宪章,形似虎,是老七。它平生好讼,却又有威力,狱门上部那虎头形的装饰便是其遗像。传说狴犴不仅急公好义,仗义执言,而且能明辨是非,秉公而断,再加上它的形象威风凛凛,囚此除装饰在狱门上外,还匐伏在官衙的大堂两侧。每当衙门长官坐堂,行政长官衔牌和肃静回避牌的上端,便有它的形象,它虎视眈眈,环视察看,维护公堂的肃穆正气。
& 龙生九子之八&负屃
& 负屃,似龙形,排行老八,平生好文,石碑两旁的文龙是其遗像。我国碑碣的历史久远,内容丰富,它们有的造型古朴,碑体细滑、明亮,光可鉴人;有的刻制精致,字字有姿,笔笔生动;也有的是名家诗文石刻,脍灸人口,千古称绝。而负屃十分爱好这种闪耀着艺术光彩的碑文,它甘愿化做图案文龙去衬托这些传世的文学珍品,把碑座装饰得更为典雅秀美。它们互相盘绕着,看去似在慢慢蠕动,和底座的霸下相配在一起,更觉壮观。
& 龙生九子之九&螭吻
& 螭吻,又名鸱尾、鸱吻,龙形的吞脊兽,是老九,口阔噪粗,平生好吞,殿脊两端的卷尾龙头是其遗像。《太平御览》有如下记述:&唐会要目,汉相梁殿灾后,越巫言,&海中有鱼虬,尾似鸱,激浪即降雨&遂作其像于尾,以厌火祥。&文中所说的&巫&是方士之流,&鱼虬&则是螭吻的前身。螭吻属水性,用它作镇邪之物以避火。
There was once a young huntsman who went into the
我们也在这里:急求一篇英语演讲稿 有关Successful and opportunity_作业帮
急求一篇英语演讲稿 有关Successful and opportunity
急求一篇英语演讲稿 有关Successful and opportunity
Opportunity is one of the elements of success.But opportunities don’t come often.And not all the opportunities can certainly lead to success.Moreover,opportunities are usually di therefore most people don’t recognize them.So if you want to achieve something,you must make efforts and get prepared.Otherwise,you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to you.In my opinion,there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society,but only those who have made enough preparations and are highly talented can make use of them to achieve their purpose译:机遇是成功的因素之一.但是机遇并不经常光顾,而且并不是所有机遇都必然导向成功.除此之外,机遇通常就在刻苦的工作中,只是许多人觉察不到而已.因此如果你想成就事业,就必须努力工作以做好迎接机遇的准备.否则,即便机遇来了你也会失去它.我认为,我们社会中的每个人都有许多机遇,但只有那些做好充足准备的有才能的人才会利用机遇取得成功.求一篇英语演讲稿,一百词左右!以友谊日常生活经历有关,高一学生水平!急急急_百度知道
What is friendship? It is to relate with somebody without needing for money or objective. It is to need emotion and over wealth is friendship , no matter what their background , age , sex or personality.
Friendship can be pure. We hear , nowdays, however, how one can be cheated by friends. Many people get along with someone because they have a lot of money. It is doultful that is real friendship.
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