篮球中corsroll over是什么意思思

javascript - CORS and Origin header? - Stack Overflow
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When we need to invoke an Ajax request we do :
if(typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var versions = ["Microsoft.XmlHttp",
I already know that using XMLHttpRequest-2 ,we can make a cross origin request AND that the ORIGIN header is added.
When does this header added ?
Is it added when a browser (that support CORS) is performing a request
domain or non-cross-domain?)
Or is it added automatically when the browser "sees" that the request target origin is different from the current origin...
I mean : what the He** does the bold line mean ?
Cross-origin HTTP requests have an Origin header. This header
provides the server with the request’s origin. This header is
protected by the browser and cannot be changed from application code.
In essence, it is the network equivalent of the origin property found
on message events used in Cross Document Messaging. The origin header
differs from the older referer [sic] header in that the referer is a
complete URL including the path. Because the path may contain
sensitive information, the referer is sometimes not sent by browsers
attempting to protect user privacy. However, the browser will always
send the required Origin headers when necessary.
The Origin header
When this header is added ?
During the header's stage, before the document's body is sent (after open, before send).
Is it added when a browser (that support CORS) is doing a request ? ( cross domain or non-cross-domain?)
It is added when the origin doesn't match the page from which the XMLHttpRequest is created, but may also be sent in a same-origin request.
Or does it added automatically when the browser "sees" that the request target origin is different from the current origin...
However, the browser will always send the required Origin headers when necessary.
This is part of the XMLHttpRequest if you're making a cross-domain request, in the request headers an extra header is sent. This header is e.g. Origin: http://www.stackoverflow.com and is appended by a standards-following browser without user interaction.
You can read more on the specification in ,
and . It is implemented by (that I know of) FireFox and Google Chrome. I don't believe it is part of W3C yet. Further do not assume the origin header is true, as it can be set manually by modified borwsers or other software.
The origin header is added automatically (generally) when you do a cross domain request.
To test it, I opened the console on this page and made two different requests: one for another domain and one for '/' and just the first got the origin header added.
BTW, I'm using JQuery for it and I'd really advise you to use it too in order to have the same behavior cross-browser.
For complementary info on the subject, check this:
The first thing to note is that a valid CORS request always contains
an Origin header. This Origin header is added by the browser, and can
not be controlled by the user. The value of this header is the scheme
(e.g. http), domain (e.g. bob.com) and port (included only if it is
not a default port, e.g. 81) from which th for
example: .
The presence of the Origin header does not necessarily mean that the
request is a cross-origin request. While all cross-origin requests
will contain an Origin header, some same-origin requests might have
one as well. For example, Firefox doesn't include an Origin header on
same-origin requests. But Chrome and Safari include an Origin header
on same-origin POST/PUT/DELETE requests (same-origin GET requests will
not have an Origin header).
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