
【来源: 总局政府网站】
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&&& 什么是娱乐?娱乐就是通过表现喜怒哀乐或各种技巧而使观看者感到喜悦,并带有一定启发性的活动,而这种活动广泛来讲是包含了悲喜剧、各种比赛和游戏、音乐舞蹈表演等等。从这方面来说,体育本身,特别是竞技体育也是包含在其中的。
&&& 常说&文体不分家&,从文娱表演和竞技体育比赛的本质来说,两者都是通过自己的行为表现,给观看者带来一种精神上的享受,只不过前者通常更注重精神上的愉悦感,而后者则往往在愉悦的同时让人从运动员的拼搏精神中感受到激励作用。
&&& 因此,在全球娱乐化越来越显著的今天,美国的NBA、超级碗,虽然竞技的意味仍然非常明显,但娱乐性也越来越占据重要位置。每一场比赛更像是一个大PARTY,拉拉队表演、娱乐明星秀,观众和球员都乐在其中。而作为竞技体育的主体,运动员身上的娱乐性也愈发广泛起来。一些大牌球星更是频频参演电影,参加娱乐节目,其中最著名的莫过于迈克尔&乔丹的那部动画真人电影《空中大灌篮》。
&&& 然而在我们国家,由于金牌争胜的情结过于浓重,运动员往往强化了胜负以及自强拼搏精神对于自己和大众的影响,对于体育的娱乐功能并不了解,更别说主动参与娱乐节目了。
&&& 其实,中国的竞技体育应该也必须有开放的态度,放下高冷的身段,更加大众化,多些娱乐性,无论是对竞技项目还是运动员本身来说,都是有益无害的。这也是NBA为何能推向全球的一个重要原因。而作为运动员,如果说在比赛中是为了维护严肃和规范而失去了个人的自由发挥,无法让大众更多了解,那么在平时就更应该积极沟通外界,通过各种方式展现自己以及自己所从事的项目。像孙杨参与《奔跑吧兄弟》、林丹参加《最强大脑》、邹市明参加《女婿上门了》,都取得了非常好的收视效果,不仅没有影响他们的运动成绩,对于他们所从事的项目也进行了很好的宣传。
&&& 因此,运动员身上适时多些娱乐性,不仅能够在参与活动的过程中展示多面的自己,从中释放压力,对运动成绩也会有正面的推动作用。
&&& 运动员身上多些娱乐精神,又有何妨!
国家体育总局版权所有 国家体育总局体育信息中心承办
国家体育总局通讯地址:北京市东城区体育馆路2号 邮政编码:100763  联系电话:010- 咨询信箱:zixun@sport.gov.cn
网站联系电话:010-82280  E_mail:webmaster@sport.gov.cn关于文娱体育、互金和医疗,一家研究型风投详解其投资逻辑 - 互联网 - 科技讯
  当前的风险投资界,一批本土化的外资基金风头正劲,国内独立运作的民营基金还为数不多。同时,在操作上,大批基金押注纯互联网的商业模式,真正布局线下实体资产端的也不多,如果再加上重点布局医疗生物技术和重视宏观研究等特点,凯泰资本这样的基金属于少数派。  这样一家有特色的投资机构,其投资策略却很少为外界所知,如今其总裁接受 36 氪独家专访,首次系统地梳理了各个领域的策略。热门概念一直在不停切换:互联网金融由热转凉,医疗行业只在外围做文章的商业模式似乎将迎来一轮泡沫破裂,文娱体育正加速升温,在此背景下,对创业者来说,机会有哪些?凯泰资本总裁段钧锴对此一一进行了详细拆解。  这家作风低调的风险投资基金规模在 50 多亿人民币,参与管理的产业基金达 300 多亿元。一共有 11 个执行团队,其中,2 个团队关注金融行业,2 个团队关注旅游户外运动和体育,在 TMT 领域则聚焦在虚拟现实、人工智能,同时,还会投入不少精力在生物技术、精准医疗和医疗服务领域。  值得一提的是,凯泰还配置了并购重组和宏观研究团队。其中,宏观研究占凯泰近 40%的工作量,目前由首席合伙人徐永红主抓,行业研究也占了 30-40%的工作量,再往后,才是一般的风投基金们所重视项目分析和投后管理。  保有一支 10 人左右规模的宏观研究团队,在风投行业并不多见。但在凯泰看来,长周期投资必须做宏观研究和产业分析。况且,被投企业上市后要退出,何时减持差别很大。并且,团队形成的内部研究成果也能外溢,既为基金自身服务,也为 LP(出资人)服务,还会作为一项投后服务分享给被投企业。  宏观研究的作用,主要是为决策做参考,一是对投资方向进行选择,二是当基金逐步做到很大体量,创投、并购、证券等多条业务线少不了宏观研究。其结论还认为,要走出经济危机,一是靠消费驱动,二是靠技术创新,因此,团队的架构就依此来设置。  宏观最核心的结论认为,未来娱乐将占 GDP 的 20%,医疗也占 20%,旅游体育和户外则占到 13%,金融占 8%,这也是发达经济体的主要经济构成,因此,凯泰在 2011年 就确定了娱乐、体育、医疗和金融这些方向。事实证明,重视宏观研究为凯泰带来了一定回报。确定了大方向后,具体到不同领域,凯泰又是怎么理解的?  娱乐怎么投?  据段钧锴介绍,从 2011年 开始凯泰投了十几家娱乐类公司,共计投入几亿,累计退出回报为大几十个亿,投的大多是内容,比如网络小说、音乐、动漫、电影、电视剧(综艺栏目没投)、游戏、广告营销和衍生品,而对于视频这种渠道和平台,受法规影响,段钧锴认为民营基金参与的风险还比较大。  在游戏方面,凯泰的思路是,要么投有版权的运营类公司,要么投有用户的渠道类公司,所投的诺游和哲信就分别属于这两种类型。内容方面,有一些优秀的团队如万合天宜、奇葩说等表现可圈可点,段钧锴认为这一类团队有投资机会,但单一团队持续稳定地供给创意有难度,因此更愿意投多个专业团队形成的组合。  接下来,在娱乐领域,凯泰看好的一个方向是现场娱乐,包括现场演艺和连锁娱乐终端,比如英国最大的酒吧集团有数千个酒吧,每年销售额达几十个亿英镑,所以可以预见现场娱乐终端在中国会有很大机会。其次是投资创新的娱乐类内容,比如适合 90 后的体裁和形式。第三,就是关注新技术对娱乐的改变,比如虚拟现实技术。  总的来说,在娱乐领域,凯泰过去投了不少内容类公司,但也在等待投平台和渠道的机会,段钧锴认为,巨头们都在争抢渠道,最终目的都是希望做电视台。目前的趋势是,优酷、爆米花这类从短视频切入做精品内容,9158 这类则从美女主播入手,而电竞、二次元、体育类内容都是很好的切入口。  押注医疗  凯泰认为机会不亚于娱乐领域,所以投了近 20 家相关企业,市面上重仓投入这个领域的机构并不多。那么,敢下如此重注,凯泰是如何看待医疗的投资机会?  段钧锴认为,要沿着医疗改革的方向,第一,医疗要素要市场化,也就是从国家垄断的到市场化;第二是医疗服务要社会化。  团队会研究国内外医疗改革和医保的发展方向,来判断中国医改向何处去,基于这些判断,来寻找未来医改过程中,哪些要素资源比较有价值,哪些新的环节在产业链中产生,然后再有针对性地去寻找项目。  只要是涉及医院里的要素,凯泰都在布局。在医疗体制改革中,一些要素非常适合市场化,医院的很多非核心功能可以外包出去,比如医学检验和医学影像,凯泰就投了一家第三方影像分析平台,用互联网方式,邀请全球范围内的优秀专家来看片子,解决一些医院缺乏看片医生的问题,把这些医院服务的边界扩展了。  第三方的康复护理机构也有很大机会,因为床位护理费盈利空间不大,一些医院愿意把这个业务脱离出来,病房常常人满为患,不缺客源。而第三方的体检,也值得投入,因为是医疗的入口,能衔接后续其他服务。医生集团这类经纪团队也是投资的机会,医生资源是医疗要素很重要的一块。  除了要素市场化,在医疗服务的社会化方面,大医院面临改制,充满着机会,凯泰打算通过收购或投资的方式去改造一些大型中心医院或是连锁的专科门诊,并把前述的各种产品和第三方服务叠加进去。  “互联网医疗”、“移动医疗” 等概念曾风行一时,但凯泰没有盲目跟风,段钧锴认为,一些利用医生零碎时间的商业模式,并没有切入医疗的核心——医院体系,只有在掌握了医疗服务资源和要素资源的情况下再去借助提升效率,可能比较合适。  医疗方面除了围绕要素市场化和服务社会化,凯泰也在投入技术创新,比如医院的信息化、医疗大数据与数据变现和医疗设备,并持续投入生物技术和精准医疗领域,大多是肿瘤相关的项目,比如液体活检技术。  供职于某 PE 机构的李鹏说,他观察到中信等投资医疗机构的主力军显露出撤出的迹象,但段钧锴认为医疗领域的机会只会越来越多,凯泰会加大投资力度,原因是这个产业规模足够大,百姓的需求没有得到满足,而且医改的方向已经明确,公立医院正在改制进程中,再加上新技术在不停涌现,产业链的各个环节都有机会,病种很多,每个病种都有各自的机会,都意味着医疗行业值得重仓投入。  金融项目的投资策略是什么?  而对于金融,凯泰同样放在很高的位置,尽管因为监管原因,行业步入冷却期,但段钧锴认为,互联网金融其实能够提高效率,把资金端和资产端的距离大大缩短,而且等社会的信用和数据体系足够发达之后,能够降低风险,在方向上是有前景的。  从用户的角度来看,消费者有理财需求,并且已经形成了在互联网上消费的习惯。所以在这种场景下,金融也要和互联网的新消费场景结合。此外,原来的金融体制,还有很多群体没有服务到,比如中小企业、蓝领工人、大学生甚至一些白领,当互联网的消费数据丰富后,这些人群有可能被服务到,而且风险可控。  那么,互联网金融怎么投?凯泰主要分为四部分,第一块是资产端,第二块是中间的服务机构,比如征信,第三块是消费的虚拟社区,比如住宅类、类的平台,第四块是资金端。在资产端,会去投资现金流比较好的,符合中国经济未来核心方向的这些资产,比如医院和景区等。投金融企业的一大意义是,可以跟其他所有被投行业相结合,进行证券化。  凯泰还投了一些金融大数据方面的公司,目的是为金融服务提供数据支撑,以一些 B2B 交易平台为切入,代表性的案子是电商 ERP 系统服务商,因为电商的数据化和结构化最好,可以获得大量交易数据,有助于向企业放贷。这个领域,蚂蚁金服占据优势,但也有覆盖不了的部分,就可交给凯泰的创业公司。  未来,凯泰还会循着这种路径去选择类似的 B2B 交易平台或社区平台合作,围绕物流、旅游、医疗等领域去切入金融服务——通过扶持一些 B2B 的交易平台获取数据,反过来再为行业本身提供金融服务。  户外运动和旅游如何投资?  户外和旅游这两个行业高度相关,模式和资源类似,凯泰把二者交给一个执行团队来看项目。大力布局这个领域是因为凯泰观察到一个趋势——当前的普通观光游模式正在向休闲度假和深度体验转型,比如露营、潜水、跳伞的项目正在愈发热门,就体现了这种趋势。  因此,在户外和旅游上,目前凯泰主要投资两个方向,一个方向是投资产端,也就是投资景区、目的地和旅游产品,另一个方向是投资聚集着消费者的 C 端社区,对比来看,前者有资产,后者有用户。  其中,凯泰投资 11 亿给一家做景区综合开发的公司,这家公司专门寻找和改造游客量在一百万以上的传统景点,获得运营权,再往里面添加各类旅游产品,比如露营、集装箱、木屋酒店等住宿类产品,其次是索道、接驳车、透明栈道、地方小火车等交通类产品,交通能起到分流作用,还能实现景区扩容。此外,还可以提供演艺节目,打造 IP。  过去是有旅游没产业,散兵游勇不成体系,而凯泰希望投资地方特色的街区运营,效仿乌镇模式做整体开发,以封闭街区为入口,在供应链上把酒店品牌和特色餐饮娱乐等产品整合进来,引入景点设计运营方,来进行统一规划运营,打包式的整套解决方案能帮景区省去很多麻烦。  这与万达的模式类似——把全球最优秀的产品线接入进来,比如 LV 等奢侈品牌和地方餐饮,形成城市坐标,从而把一天的观光游变 2-3 天的度假游,因为带来税收,地方政府同样也很欢迎。  一旦这种产业投资由点到面铺开,各个景区的流量可以进行互换,比如买北京的门票会附送一张 “张家界” 门票,游客互相转换,不同季节可以互相导流,还能在所有的景点植入露营,酒店,演艺等垂直品牌。  如何把握体育的机会?  易凯近期发布的研报称,未来五年,观赏性体育(即职业体育)将从 3000 亿元增长至 1.6 万亿元,参与性体育将从 1.2 万亿增长至 3.5 万亿。  段钧锴认为,前者的机会属于巨头,比如欧洲五大联赛、CBA、中超等顶级的体育内容,是国家推动的产物,大资本入场,民营投资机构机会不大。巨头也在布局体育类的媒体,试图建立以头部体育版权和媒体平台为基础的体育生态型公司。  因此,凯泰打算重点投资民众参与类体育项目,比如,足球和篮球的连锁终端和社区,同时还会打造体育娱乐综合体,纳入各种品类的运动场地,提供专业培训。形成几十个场地后,就可以联合举办社区赛事,和景点的思路一样,使其成为城市目的地,让家庭三口能在里面停留一天,成为周末休闲消费的终端。  经测算,一个综合体一年能有大几千万的营收,一千多万的利润。不过每个点也都需要大几千万的投入,目前还在寻找好的团队去执行。连锁的户外运动基地也是效仿城市体育一样的思路,在核心景点周边建设大型目的地。  户外体育领域也有投资媒体的机会,比如 discovery 和侣行,可直播户外赛事也可制作户外娱乐节目。同时,还可以以绿野这类线上旅游社区为入口来进行用户的导流,段钧锴认为,旅游的本质还是线下体验,纯线上和纯工具属性很难单独成为一种商业模式。  体育领域的特点是重资产投入,商业的扩充性比较差,边际成本递减的效应很弱,资产回报率稍微差一点,而且商业壁垒低,难以诞生大市值的公司。优点则是形成资产端后,和金融业务打通,接入消费金融,进行证券化。据 36 氪了解,九鼎也有类似打算,便于获得资产端后再进行证券化。  通过上述这些投资策略也可以看出,资管行业也有不同的商业模式,凯泰的商业模式就是寻找中国经济未来的方向,然后找细分领域,再找核心环节,围绕产业链做全部投资,执行团队按宏观研究 + 行业研究 + 细分领域设置,投早期为主,未来也会参与后期的并购重组,喜欢做领投,很少跟投,持股比例较高,常常占 15-20%,做大股东,这样一个项目的成功会使得收益较高。 (加入新浪创业社群,直通新浪创业专属活动,对接一线投资机构。微信号sinavc)
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聚集全球最优秀的创业者,项目融资率接近97%,领跑行业2016高考英语文娱体育话题作文预测及范文_高三网当前位置: >> 正文2016高考英语文娱体育话题作文预测及范文 13:38:48文/叶丹  文娱体育话题是每个考生都比较熟悉的话题,写起来也有话说。文娱体育话题作文一般会考介绍各类文娱与体育运动项目、某个影视节目、亚运会、中国的民乐种类、中国的民族乐器、人们对某一部电影或电视剧等的评论等。还可能就体育锻炼对人的健康的好处、音乐对人的成长的作用、公平竞争的体育精神、公众过度关注明星的私生活、明星的高收入问题、明星的偶像作用、明星的不良行为对粉丝产生的不良影响、怎样去做一个文明的体育比赛的观众等话题发表看法。1高考作文文娱体育话题常见考法  (1)简介某个亚运场馆的总建筑面积、造价、建筑材料等,可以承担的比赛项目,可容纳多少观众。  (2)假如你是校报的记者,你写一篇关于某场运动会或比赛的新闻报道。  (3)介绍体操(gymnastics)的起源、竞赛方式和项目、比赛规则等。  (4)假如你是2010亚运会的志愿者,请你给外国人介绍广州亚运会吉祥物的寓意。  (5)介绍中国的民族乐器二胡的起源、发展历史、材质以及著名的二胡演奏家等。  (6)“每天运动一小时,健康生活一辈子”,就体育运动对人的工作、学习和生活方面带来的好处发表看法。  (7)就“体育明星是否应该成为青少年的学习榜样”发表看法。  (8)就“明星的志愿者行为”发表看法。  (9)就“中国田径运动员在田径方面取得突破”发表看法。1高考英语作文文娱体育话题必备词句  1.文娱类  (1)a cross talk相声  (2)lines台词;director导演  (3)character人物,角色  (4)TV programs 电视节目  (5)TV series 电视系列片  (6)comedy喜剧;tragedy悲剧  (7)Oscar Awards奥斯卡奖  (8)cartoon / animation卡通片/动画片  (9)instrument 乐器  (10)folk music 民乐  (11) science fiction film科幻片  (12)romance爱情片  2.体育类  (1)event体育项目  (2)game/competition 比赛  (3)champion 冠军  (4)championship锦标赛  (5)stadium运动场、体育场  (6)ground/field场地;track跑道  (7)tennis网球;court网球场  (8)gold medal 金牌  (9)performance 表现  (10)break the record打破记录  (11)record holder记录保持者  (12)audience/spectator 观众  (13)coach教练员;judge裁判  (14)competitor/player/athlete运动员,参赛者  (15)applause (n.)/ applaud (v.) 鼓掌欢迎,热情称赞1高考英语文娱体育话题作文预测1  [写作内容]  1.以约30个词概括短文的要点;  2.以约120个词就“要做一个文明的观众”这个主题发表你的看法,内容要点包括:  (1)以射击,艺术体操(artistic gymnastics)或网球比赛等为例,说明保持安静的重要性;  (2)假如你是运动员,观众干扰了你的比赛,你会有怎样的表现?  (3)对这些违反条例的观众是否应该受到惩罚?1高考英语文娱体育话题作文范文1  The passage implies that it is important to be a good sports spectator. It also advises audiences to control themselves during games, to be careful with their words and applaud warmly and properly.(33 words)  To be a good spectator, you should take time to learn the game-specific rules and related culture of each event. Enjoying artistic gymnastics requires silence and mobile phones are not allowed in shooting centers, because the noises you make will certainly distract the athletes’? concentration, which will cause them to fail in the game.  In my opinion, the audience who annoy the players in games should be punished. That’s because not only do they break the rules for spectators, but also their bad behaviour would lead to the players’ failure in the game.(129 words)  If I were the athlete who was annoyed by the audiences, I would be unhappy and upset. I might even play badly and finally lost the game. Besides, I would complain to the referee about the noises.1高考英语文娱体育话题作文预测2  学音乐对小孩成长的好处  假如你是Do Re Me音乐培训班的老师,请你为前来咨询的家长做一个演讲,说说学音乐对培养小孩的好处。内容包括:
老师的鼓励和家长的热情会增强小孩的自信心  参考词汇:coordination n. 协调1高考英语文娱体育话题作文范文2  Good afternoon. Welcome to Do Re Me Music Training Class! Today I’m going to share with you the benefits of music. Researchers acknowledge that certain types of music can aid relaxation by lowering heart rates and blood pressure. In addition to improving creativity, learning music cultivates many skills that will continue to be useful to your children throughout their lives. Besides, learning a musical instrument will help your children develop concentration, patience and perseverance, which will help them later in life to tackle difficult challenges. What’s more, practicing musical instruments improves your children’s hand-eye coordination. Finally, the encouragement of a teacher and the enthusiasm of parents will certainly build in a child a sense of pride and confidence.高三网小编推荐你继续浏览:推荐阅读日日日日日日日日日日日日日日点击查看更多内容文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)(1)Movies and theatre(2)Music and dance (folk music and dance, popul——精英家教网——
文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)(1)Movies and theatre(2)Music and dance (folk music and dance, popular music and classical music, etc.)(3)Team games (football, basketball, volleyball, etc.)(4)Games of two or four (table tennis, golf, etc.)(5)Racing (running, swimming, horse racing, etc.)(6)International sports events (Olympic games, World Cup, football league, etc.)(7)spectators and fans(8)Physical exercises 【】
学校体育课与体育锻炼 现代社会人们越来越重视健康和体育锻炼,学校更是重视体育课的开设,规定高中生体育课至少两节。请根据以下提示写一篇关于短文: [写作内容] 1. 你校每周有几节体育课? 2. 体育课的内容; 3. 你校另外还有哪些体育锻炼形式; 4. 谈谈你或的同学对体育锻炼的看法和做法。
书面表达 2010年广州亚运会即将来临。为了迎接亚运,你们班级将举行一次“我与2012广州亚运”的主题班会。假如你是班长,请你就以下内容拟一个发言稿。[写作内容]2010年广州亚运会1.&&&&&是21世纪初重大体育赛事之一;2.&&&&&包括中国在内的亚洲各国都在为此做准备;3.&&&&&亚运会的作用;省、市政府1. 修建体育场馆、亚运村等;2. 美化城市;我们中学生1. 学好英语,争做自愿者;2. ……[写作要求]1.只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;2.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3. 注意:发言稿的开头和结尾已给出(不计入5个句子中)。Hello, my dear fellow classmates. Today we’re having a class meeting here whose topic is “2012 Guangzhou Asian Games & Me”.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Thank you for your attention and next, I hope all of you will share your idea with one another about the coming great Games.
目前,我国中学生的健康水平严重下降,引起了父母、学校和专家的忧虑。为解决这一问题,有人提出将体育纳入高考。结合实际,谈谈你的看法:&&& 1.是否赞成体育纳入高考及原因;&&& 2.简述健康与学习的关系;&&& 3.你认为学校应该做什么来提高学生身体素质。注意:1.词数120左右;&&& 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;& &&3.文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;&&& 4.文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。& Chinese students' health has been getting worsethese years, and some people believe putting PE into the College EntranceExamination might be a way out.& In my opinion,____________________________________________________________&
信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)请阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。&首先,请阅读下列不同类型汽车的信息:Toyota Electron - 2006 (new): Toyota's newcar is both powerful and economical. Using a combination of fuel andelectricity this car will not only save money on petrol bills, but it will alsosave the environment. Has air conditioner and leather seats. Price: $17,500BMW Series 7 - 2006 (new): Judged the&Car of Year& by Wheels Magazine this is the best high-class car onthe market.& It is big enough for 5 people but is smooth andfast.&&& Has all the latest safety equipment and computermapping system. Price: $84,900Porsche 911 - 2006 (new): This newestPorsche is packed with the latest safety equipment and engine technology.&It can hold 2 people and the roof can come down automatically for you to enjoythe fresh air. Has DVD entertainment system and computer mapping system. Price:$72,000Chrysler Minibus - 2005(second-hand):& With its unique seating design, this vehicle can hold upto 14 people.& Silver outside with black leather inside and in excellentcondition.Has 2 automatic sliding doors plus DVDentertainment system. Price: $19,200Ford Fairlane - 1998 (second-hand): With atraditional Ford design, this car is dark blue and is an ideal second car forthe family. Mechanically in good condition. Has air-conditioner and CD player.Price: $6,900Honda Civic - 1996 (second-hand): Thissmall, white, two-door car is easy to park and cheap to run. Inside and outsideboth in excellent condition.& It uses very little fuel and is the perfectcar for city driving. Has CD player. Price: $2,500请阅读下列购车者的信息,然后匹配购车者与拟购买的汽车:Robert Anderson.& Robert has just beenappointed the manager of a large international company. He wants to get a carthat will impress his business colleagues yet is also suitable for transportinghis wife and three children.Julie Sunderland. Julie has recently movedinto the city where she is studying. She needs a car that is cheap to buy andrun so she can get to university and to her part-time job.Bill Woodward. Bill is the coach of thelocal football team and needs a car that can take the players and equipment toand from their games.Mary Alderson. Mary's rich dad promised hewould buy her a new car for graduating from university. She wants somethingthat is safe, that will allow her to enjoy listening to music and show off toher friends.Kate Power. Kate needs to get a car totravel to her new job. But she feels guilty about the pollution she will causeso she wants a car that will do the least amount of harm to the environment.&
Ⅳ 写作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 基础写作 (共1小题,满分15分) 你校将在假期组织部分学生赴英国学习。作为该项目的负责人,你需负责将两位赴英学生的情况介绍给英方家庭。 [写作内容]&&&&&& 请根据以下表格内容,写信给英方家庭介绍这两位学生的情况。信的开头和结尾已给出。
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Thank you for your offer to host two of our students. Their names are Li Hua and Chen Wei. Here is a little bit about them. Once again thank you for your generosity. Sincerely yours, Secretary of the project [写作要求] &&& 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。 [评分标准] &&& 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。
He is a magazine
He writes to Mr
Zhu for some help with his son.(3)
He refuses to do
almost everything his parents ask him to do .He is rude to them and refuses to
spend time with them. Sometimes he acts as though he doesn’t even love his
family at all.(4) He
refuses to do his homework and insists on wasting time watching DVDs and
listening to foreign music. He also spends too much time in Internet cafes,
where he either plays games or chats online.(5)
He is worried that
his son may fail at school, or worse.2(1)
She suffers from
liver failure.(2)
She took the
weight-loss pills. They contained a harmful chemical that caused her liver to
She needed a new
liver, but her mother was too old for such a long operation although she was a
match for her.(4)
The doctor found a
man named Li Dong who was an exact match for Amy, and he donated more than half
of his liver to save her life.(5)
She thinks people
should look after their bodies. They should not damage their health for a slim
and attractive figure. It isn’t worth it.3(1)
Miss Burke,(2) Because the students had to
move to different classrooms for different classes and they had different
classmates in some classes.(3) Because all his teachers were very
helpful and he enjoyed all his subjects.(4) There were 29.(5) English, history, English Literature,
Computer Science, Maths, Science, PE, Art, Cooking and French.4(1)&&
He was a famous explorer of Australia .(2)&&
He reached it early in the 18th century .(3)&&
He unexpectedly saw an unusual animal.(4)&&
It had a large mouse-like head and jumped along on its large legs.
It carried its young in a special pocket of flesh .(5)&&
When Captain Cook pointed to the strange animal and asked the
guide its name, the guide said, “kangaroo”, which meant, “I don’t know what you
are pointing at.” Captain Cook thought “kangaroo” was the name of the animal
and worte it down. Since then, people have always called that animal that
animal kangaroo.5(1)&&
It was a passenger ship. It was the largest and most comfortable
ship ever built when it was finished.(2)&&
It set sail on the 10th of April, 1912.(3)&&
After hitting an iceberg it sank into the sea. Of the 2,200 people
on the ship, only 705survived.(4)&&
He had searched for it for more than 20 years before he found it.(5)&&
When new technology was developed, he used it to send cameras down
into the sea. Finally, he found the ship.6(1)
Yes. They think that making the most of our senses when we are young can keep
us healthy later on in life. (2) It is that we misuse our senses in our
everyday life. Although our sense of sight is over used, our senses of touch
and smell have been ignored. (3) They suggest that we do the following
things more often. While having dinner, listen to some enjoyable music rather
than watch TV. While relaxing at home, have some flowers next to us that smell
nice .Before going to bed, turn the lights down .While sleeping, wear a
nightshirt that is pleasant to touch.(4) Because they will make us sleep deeply
.Good sleep gives us the chance to dream and dreams keep us young and healthy.(5)We should make the most of
our senses to keep healthy. 7(1)
It is held in Hong Kong.(2)
It has been held
in November every year since 1981.(3)
People above 18
years old can form groups of four to join Trailwalker.(4)
It aims to raise
money to help poor people in Asia and Africa.(5)
Yes, it is,
participants have to walk 100 kilometers within 48 hours, without sleep.
They’ll walk through eight country parks and over twenty mountains and hills.8(1)It can show all kinds of feelings,
wishes and attitudes and is sometimes more important than spoken language.(2)It can also hide anger, fear
or worry.(3)In most countries people nod their
heads up and down to show agreement. They shake their heads to show
disagreement.(4)He may be protecting himself
form a conversation he doesn’t want (5)He does not believe what the
reporter is saying, or he does not like what he or she is saying.9(1)
Because they need
money and working experience.(2)
They work as
servers, cashiers and lifeguards at swimming pools.(3)
Internet-based companies which offer goods and services online.(4)
The job is
enjoyable .Students can learn more and are treated with respect. The pay is
usually much better.(5)
Imagination and
She won the
She bought a new
house and a new car. She had a vacation in the sun. She stopped working.(3)
She was broken
.The money was all gone .So were her friends. The new life was over.(4)
Winners of sudden
wealth often stop working, and then don’t know what to do with their time. They
may find that close friends, grow distant, and that it’s difficult to make new
ones. The new house in the new surroundings often only leads to more
She realizes that
money isn’t everything.11(1)
It looks like a
newspaper a photo of the monster and said he took the picture when he suddenly
saw the animal in the lake.(3)
He said that the
photo of the Loch Ness Monster was a fake. He and some friends had created it
themselves, then Wilson
had given it to the newspaper as a practical joke.(4)
They are spread
using e-mail.(5)
Some of them can
be funny, but others can cause trouble.12(1)
Today about 15
percent of the population is left-handed.(2)
Because they have
a strong right brain.(3)
It controls
language, maths and logic.(4)
The right side (5)
No. There are many
She had polio and
could not walk easily. She had to wear metal supports on her legs to stand up
on her own(2)
Her mother took
her for swimming lessons every week Swimming made her legs so strong that when
she was 15 she was able to throw away her supports.(3)
She got work
acting as a mermaid. People paid to come and see her.(4)
She swam in Paris
Olympics and won two gold medals.(5)
In 1915 she went
to Hollywood
and was the star of two films.14(1)
Frenchman, He invented the Braille system.(2)
When he was four,
a sharp tool went into his left eye. An infection started and spread to the
other eye. A few weeks later, he was blind.(3)
He invented a
system of night-reading, which used dots for the letters.(4)
Barbie’s system
was difficult .Braille made it easier.(5)
Yes, it is .It is
used for all languages, for maths, science, writing music .and for computers
for the blind.15(1)
There are about
seven million.(2)
Because many of
them will soon be in charge of the country.(3)
It is necessary
for older people to understand what young people think and feel.(4)
They have strong
opinions about right and wrong.(5)
The different
ideas and opinions of parents and children often cause trouble in American
Because his
computer was broken.(2)
A stranger in China.(3)
She is an actress.(4)
They go on diets
or take weight-loss pills.(5)
Because Amy is
feeling better and is recovering 17(1)
He was born in
In the 1960s, the
Mothers Club at his school bought a computer for the students. Gates discovered
it and soon became a computer fan.(3)
He didn’t finish
his college education. Because of his passion for programming, he dropped out
of Harvard.(4)
He became the
company's chief software architect.(5)
He is very fond of
reading, and enjoys playing golf and bridge.18(1)
The use of the
Internet can be an addiction like alcoholism or drug use. People are unable to
control the time they spend on the Internet.(2)
They spend at
least thirty or forty hours online every week.(3)
He surfed the net
for seven days straight.(4)
They worry particularly
about young people, because the Internet is taking the place of the mall or the
playing field for some of them .They spend more time in cyberspace than in the
real world of friends and family.(5)
People must set
strict limits on their time for Internet use.19(1)
They believe that
we must not drink it and that if we do we shall be very ill because of all the
salt in the water.(2)
He didn’t believe
this. He though that people could stay alive by drinking sea water and eating
animals and plants from the sea.(3)
He set out in a
small boat to cross the Atlantic Ocean without
any food or water with him (4)
Every day he drank
just a little sea water. He also caught fish and drank the water in them. He
could not cook the fish so he ate them as they were .He took small plants from
the sea, which gave him more food.(5)
He succeeded .He
lived on the sea for 65 days. He lost 20 kilos but showed that people can live
on sea water and the animals and plants in the sea.20(1)
He thinks they are
all important parts of American popular culture (2)
They are world
famous and lots of them have huge houses in Hollywood.(3)
Because once you
have ordered your food you only have to wait a couple of minutes for your meal
to be ready.(4)
Try not to eat
fast food too often because it is unhealthy.(5)
They support a
team in the NBA. 21(1)
Because the drive
had fallen asleep and the bus crashed into a huge building.(2) He woke up three days later and it was then that he realized
that he had lost one of his arms.(3) During the accident a sharp piece of metal had cut off his
arm.(4) At first he found it difficult to adjust to left without one
of his arms. He had to learn to do many things with just one arm instead of
two. However, after some time he got used to it and began to be motivated to do
many things again.(5) Because it keeps him fit and healthy.22(1) A pyramid is a very large structure with four sides. Each side
is shaped like a triangle, and the four sides meet to form a single point on
top.(2) No, pyramids were built in many parts of the world, but the
most famous were located in Egypt.(3) Zoser, an Egyptian king did.(4)It is over 450 feet high today, and it was once higher. Each of
its side is 755 feet long. It takes about twenty minutes to walk all the way
around it.(5) It took 100,000 people twenty years to build it.23(1) On 15th October 2003.(2) He loved science and technology.(3) He was born in 1965.(4) His parents as well as his older sister and younger brother.(5) Just over 21 hours.24(1) About 30 types.(2) Because they have seen the movie Jaws.(3) They are the tiger shark and the bull shark.(4) There are nearly 400 different types of sharks.(5) It proves that sharks do not feed on humans if they have the
choice.25&(1) It consisted of an
Anglo-Saxon base mixed with many words from other languages.(2) They used oral poems to record the history of England.(3) In the 10th century.(4) Because so many different people from other countries came to England.(5) It was King Henry IV.26(1) Because it uses characters which have meanings and can stand
alone as words.(2) Chinese writing began thousands of years ago.(3) By combining different characters.(4) A man named Cangjie.(5) One winter day while he was hunting, he saw the footprints of
birds and animals in the snow and realized that each one was different. Then he
had the idea that he could use different shapes or pictures to represent
different objects.27(1) He wants to recommend Paul Wang for a post.(2) Charles Yu has been Paul Wang's art teacher for the past four
years.(3) Because he has never missed the deadlines for his assignments.(4) Because he has a natural flair for art and design. He is
highly original and creative, and is not afraid to try out his own ideas.(5) He is warm, friendly and popular. He fits in well and gets
along with people from all walks of life.28(1) The country's spots and fitness industry is taking off.(2) About 34 percent of China's population between the ages
of 7 and 70 are taking regular physical exercise.(3) In1995.(4) In order to enhance the development of national public
fitness. (5) It calls on people to build a harmonious society.29(1) Depend on Yourself.(2) They knew they had nobody to depend on. They worked their own
way up to fame.(3) He told them that he could not make worthy men of them, but
that he could help them make men of themselves.(4) Because they have no ambition to do anything.(5) They must see their foolishness and change their courses. They
must accept the advice of parents and teachers and depend on their own honest
and serious efforts.30(1) Most lakes are linked by rivers or channels in Finland.(2) One can tour most of the country by boat.(3) The northern tip of Finland has 50 days without sunrise
during winter.(4) One quarter of Finland's
industrial output value comes from the forest.(5) It is &The country of a Thousand Islands&.第二部分 情景对话根据所给提示用英语交谈 1Talking&about&New&Zealand提示:假如去年你去过新西兰,有人向你了解这个国家的概况,你告诉他,新西兰是澳大利亚东南海岸外的一个岛国,首要是惠灵顿,新西兰人口约400万,其中14%左右是毛利人,毛利人最早来到新西兰;这个国家气候宜人,以其优美的自然风光文明于世.你建议他去新西兰一游.
A: Have you ever been to New
B: Yes, I have. I went there last year.
C: Could you tell me where New
Zealand is?
B: Certainly. It's an island country that lies off the south-eastern coast of Australia.
A: What's the capital of New
B: Wellington.
A: What's New Zealand's
B: Its population is about 4 million, of which about 14 per cent are Maori.
A: Were the Maori people the earliest people in New Zealand?
B: Yes, they were.
A: What do you think of New
B: It's a country with a good climate. It's famous throughout the world for its
natural beauty. I suggest you go there for a visit. 2Talking&about Writing in
A: I find writing in English very hard. What should I do?
B: Well, I think you should work hard at it.
A: I know I should, but how can I do that?
B: Well, firstly, you should try to have a large vocabulary. If your vocabulary
isn't large enough, you can hardly express yourself.A: I agree with you. Then
secondly?B: Secondly, you should learn
some grammar. A good command of grammar can guide you to write in a correct
A: Please go on.
B: Thirdly, try to ask others to help you.
A: Please be more specific.
B: Well, when you write something in English, show it to your teacher or
classmates. They might be able to help you improve it.
A: Well, I have thought of that, but I am a little shy.
B: You must overcome your shyness.3Making a Telephone Call提示:假如你是吴东,现正在接李萍打来的电话。她告诉你,要她开会的口信已获悉,因下周五外出,她准备请别人参加会议。你表示她的办公室必须来一个人参加。你还告诉她,会议将于下&周五下午两点在603室召开,由公司经理主持,内容为商讨怎样提高服务质量,估计要开一个半小时。
A: Hello! This is Li Ping. May I speak to Wu Dong?
B: Yes. Speaking.
A: Hi! Thank you for the message about the meeting .But I'm sorry I won't be
there next Friday, because I will be away then. Can somebody else go to the
meeting instead of me?
B: Yes, I think so. Please make sure one of your office workers will be present
at the meeting.
A: OK. But I don't know what the meeting is about. Could you tell me
something&about it?
B: Certainly, It's about how to improve our service.
A: When and where will the meeting be held?
B: The meeting will begin in Room 603 at two o'clock next Friday afternoon .
A: How long will is it last?
B: For about an hour.
A: Who will chair the meeting?
B: The manager of our company.4Talking&about&Pollution提示:假如有人问你有关污染的问题,你告诉他,污染有空气污染,水污染和噪音污染等。空气污染主要来自工厂和汽车。水污染是由废物引起的。如不防止污染,我们的生活环境就会越来越差;为了关爱自然和环境,我们应该“节俭,再利用,回收和回报自然”。
A: Do you know something about pollution?
B: Yes, I do.
A: What kinds of pollution have you learnt about?
B: There are different kinds of pollution, such as air pollution,
water&pollution and noise pollution.A: Where does air pollution
come from?
B: It mainly comes from factories and cars.
A: What is water pollution caused by?
B: It is caused by waste.
A: What will happen if we don't stop polluting the earth?
B: If we don't stop polluting the earth, our living environment will be worse
and worse.
A: What should we do to care for nature and the environment?
B: We should &Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Respond&.5Talking about Zhongguancun提示:假如你的朋友向你了解中关村的一些情况,你告诉他,中关村是在北京海淀区的一个科学园,这一经济特区创建于20世纪80年代末,现在那里云集了8000多家高科技公司。其中有联想公司,方正公司以及20多家其他国际知名公司。中关村取得成功靠的是科技人员的创新精神和科学技能,不少人想去中关村工作是为了更好的机遇和更丰厚的报酬。
A: what do you know about Zhongguancun?
B: It's a science park in Beijing's
Haidian District.
A: When was Zhongguancun set up as a special economic zone?
B In the late 1980s
A: How many hi-tech companies are there in Zhongguancun ?
B: More than 8000.
A: What are some famous companies there?
B: Lenovo, Founder and over twenty other internationally famous companies .
A: What do you think makes Zhongguancun a success?
B: The scientists' and researchers' craetiveness and their scientific skills.
A: Why do so many people want to work there?
B: They want to work there for better opportunities and higher pay.&6At the Shop提示:假如上周五下午你在一家商店买了一条裙子,洗后就褪色。你没有用热水洗,洗前也没有浸泡在水里。裙子现已不能再穿。于是,你昨天上午去这家商店退货。可是营业员说退货有困难,建议你另换一条,你答应看看别的裙子再调换。你希望此裙子不再褪色。
A: Good morning .Can I help you.
B: Yes, I bought this skirt here, but the colours ran when I washed it. I can't
possibly wear it.
A: When did you buy it?
B: Last Friday afternoon.
A: Did you wash it in hot water?
B: NO, I didn't.
A: Did you leave it in water before you washed it?
B: No, I didn't do that, either.
A: I'm sorry for that. What do you think I should do then?
B: I'd like to get my money back.
A: I'm afraid I can't do that. But you should change it for a new one.
B: OK. I'll have a look at those skirts and cry to choose one. I hope this time
the colours won't run.&7Talking about Music提示:假如你的朋友请你今晚去听摇滚乐音乐会,你说你不太喜欢听摇滚乐,而喜欢听流行音乐,特别是乡村音乐。你说乡村音乐歌手边弹吉他边唱歌,你也喜欢吉他。乡村音乐所表达的是人们日常生活的主题,而摇滚乐表达真是感情;流行乐与摇滚乐的最大区别在于多爱护流行歌星当作职业,而摇滚歌手把音乐当作生命。 A: I've got to tickets for the rock concert tonight. Would you
like to go with me?
B: Sorry, I don't like rock music&very much.A: What kind of music do you like?
B: Pop music, especially country music?
A: Why do you like listening to country music?
B: Well, the country singers often play the guitar while singing.And I like to play the guitar, too.A: What's country music about?B: It's about the every day life of common people.A: How about rock music?B: It's expresses true feelings.A: What the greatest difference between pop music and rock music?B: Most pop singers make music their career while rock singers make
music their life.8Meeting Somebody&at
the&Airport提示:假如你是格林夫人,昨天晚上七点一刻乘飞机离开巴黎来南京,途中曾在香港停留50多分钟,现在李明先生在机场迎接你。他要帮你拿行李,你表示感谢,当他问你是否还有别的事需要帮忙时,你告诉他,你需要一张南京地图。你想有空时去观察几个景点A: Hello. I'm Li Ming. Are you Mrs Green?B: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Mrs Li.A: Nice to meet you too, Mrs Green. When did you leave Paris?B: At a quarter past seven yesterday evening.A: Was it a direct flight?B: NO. it stopped at HONG KONG
for a while.A: How long did you stay there?B: For more than fifty minutes.A: Would you like me to take this luggage for you?B: Thanks. It's very kind of you.A: Is there anything else I can do for you?B: I'd like
to have a map of Nanjing.
Please find one of me. I'd like to visit some of the beautiful places when I'm
free.9Talking&about&the&Holiday提示:假如你是李梅,张东问你有没有决定去哪儿度寒假。你说没有,问他有什么建议。他建议你去哈尔滨,因为在那儿你会看到在国内其他地方看不到的东西,比如国际冰雪节。你说那倒是真的,可是你怕冷。他说那好对付,多穿衣服就行了。你问该怎么去那儿。他说可以乘火车,如果想节省时间也可以乘飞机。你说你会乘火车去。A: LiMei, have you decided where spend your winter holiday?B: Not yet. Do you have suggestion, Zhangdong?A: I suggest you go to Harbin.B: Why do you suggest going there?A: Well, there is something you won't see in other parts of the
country.B: Such as?A: Such as the International Snow and Ice Festivals.B: That's sure, But isn't too cold there? You know, I'm not quite
used to cold.A: That's easy to deal with: wear more clothes.B: How shall I go there then?A: You can go there by train,or by air if you want to save time. B: Then I think I'll go there by train.10&Talking about Britain假如你是迪克,英国人。有人向你询问英国的组成。UK&的含义以及英国的气候情况,你作出如下的回答:英国有大不列颠和北爱尔兰做成,大不列颠由英格兰和威尔士组成。字母UK 代表“大不列颠及被爱尔兰联合王国”。英国的 是冬季不太冷;夏季不太才热;多雨;冬季有时有雪;但北爱尔兰很少下雪;英国最冷的季节是一月和二月。A: Where are you from, Disk?B: I’m form the UK.A: What does “UK” stand for?B: It stands for “the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland”A: Can you tell me something about the UK?B: Ok .the UK
is made up of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland Great Britain consists of England,
Scotland and Wales.A: How is the weather there?B: Generally, the weather is neither too
cold in winter nor too hot in summer, it rains quite often.A: Does it sometimes snow in winter?B: Yes, it does, but it seldom snows in Northern Ireland.A: Which are the coldest months in the UK?B: January and February.11Saying goodbye to somebody假如你是汤姆,下周就要回国,回国前你向一位朋友告别道:你在中国已经呆了四年多的时间,过的十分愉快;这位朋友给你许多的帮助,大家对你十分友好, 你表示感谢;你的学生准备去机场送行。他请你星期六吃晚饭,为你饯行,你欣然接受。A:Hello, Tom, do you mean you’re going away?B:Oh, yes .and it’s time for me to go back home.A:I’ll miss you .how long have you been in China?B:I’ve stayed here for more than four years.A:Have you enjoyed your stay here?B:Yes, indeed, I should say I’ve had a
wonderful time in the past four years .you have given me a lot of help. People
here are very friendly .Thank you very much.A:
When are you leaving?B:Next week, I’ve come to say goodbye today.A:Is anybody seeing you off at the airport?B: Yes, my students are going with me to
the airport.A:I’d like to invite you to dinner before you go .what about this
Saturday?B:I’m free this Saturday .I’d like to come .you are so kind!12Thanking about
china daily假如有人询问你有关《中国日报》的情况,你告诉他你最喜欢读这份报纸。《中国日报》每星期一至星期六在北京出版,星期天是商业周刊版。你还告诉他,你经常读这份报纸是为了提高自己的英语水平,此外,也可以从此报纸获取许多其他报上没有有用信息。A: Which
English newspaper do you like best?B: China daily, I think.A: Can
you tell me where it is published?B: Yes
.it is published in Beijing.A: Is it
a weekly newspaper?B: No, it
comes out form Monday to Saturday.A: I hear
there is an edition of business weekly every Sunday B: Yes, there is.A: Do you
often read it?B: Yes .I
often read it in
order to improve my English.A: What
else can you learn from
this paper?B: I can
also get a lot of useful information that I can‘t get from other
about the Olympic Games&假如你的外籍英语老师问你一些关于奥运会的问题。你逐一给予了回答。你说第一届现代奥运会于1896年在希腊举行;夏季和冬季奥运会、都是每隔四年举行一次;因为战争的原因,奥运会曾停办五次;奥运会的口号是“更快;更高;更强”。在2004年奥运会上,中国队共获得32块金牌。2009年,第29界奥运会在我国举行,中国队获得了51块金牌,我们为此而感到自豪。你没有去北京看比赛,你是在电视上看的。A:
Here are some questions about the Olympic Games .when and where were the first
modern Olympic Games held?B:
They were held Greece
in 1896.A:
How often are the Olympic Games held?B:
Both the summer and winter Olympic Games are held every four years &A: How many times have the Olympic Games
been stopped because of war?&B: Five times.&A: What’s the Olympic motto?&B: It’s “faster, higher, stronger ”.A:
How many gold medals did china win in the 2004 Olympic Games?&B: Thirty-two.A:
ever hosted any Olympic Game?B:
Yes, we hosted the 29th Olympic Games in 2008. We won 51 gold
medals, and we’re proud of it.A:
Did you go to Beijing
to watch the games?B:
No, I watched them on TV. 14At the Doctor’s假如你腿痛,去看医生。你告诉医生说,你是左腿痛,是你昨天夜里上床时开始疼的。每次疼痛都要持续大约十秒钟。疼痛每次都会把你弄醒,并使你好一会无法入睡。医生问你现在是否感到疼痛,你说、仍然感到疼痛,每次按那个部位时都能感觉的到。医生说疼痛可能与神经有关,要你每天服用三次药片,每次一片,如果不止痛再来找他。;A: What’s the matter with you?B: Well, I’ve got a pain in my leg .A: Which leg?B: The left one.A: When did the pain start?B: Last night when I went to bed A: How long did the pain last each time it
came?B: About ten seconds .Each time the pain
came, it woke me up and made me sleepless for quite a while.A: Do you feel the pain now?B: Yes .it’s still there .When I press
this part of my left leg. I can still feel the pain.A:
The pain might have something to do with the nerves. Take these pills three
times a day, one pill each time. Come again if they don’t stop the pain.B: Thank you, Doctor.15The Differences between American and British English&假如你是一位来自英国的教师,有人向你了解美国英语与英国的英语的区别。你告诉他,两者区别不大,书面语大体相仿,口语的区别主要是发音。你举例说:“美国人将 ‘dance’读成 将‘hot’ 读成 。”你还说两者区别的由来找不到直截了当的答案,当被问及两者在语法上有何差异时,你说差异很小,美国人和英国人在交谈时都能很容易的听清楚对方的话。实际上,两者的差别越来越小。A: Where do you come from?B: England.A: Could you tell me something about the
difference between American English and British English?B: Yes. The differences between American
English and British English are not great, written English is almost the same
,the differences between the spoken languages are mainly in their pronunciations.A: Can you give me some examples in spoken
English?B: Sure .For example .Americans pronounce
”dance” as\ \ .and “hot as”\ \A: How did these differences come about?B: There is no quick answer to this
question.A: Are there many difference in grammar?B: No .just a few.A: Can people from the two countries
understand each other easily?B: Yes, they can, in fact, the difference
between the two are becoming smaller and smaller.16Talking about happiness朋友告诉你长大后要挣许多钱,他认为钱意味着幸福。你听了很吃惊,问他为什么这么想。他说有了钱就可以买新房子和漂亮的衣服,还可以游山玩水。你认为金钱虽然重要但并不意味着一切。爱因斯坦要求很低的工资。为什么?他说不知道。 你告诉他,对爱因斯坦来说。幸福意味着能够取得科学成就。许多有钱人并不感到幸福,因为金钱买不到友谊,也买不到爱情。他感谢你使他懂得了幸福的真谛.A: I want to make lots of money when I
grow up .You know, money means happiness.B: I’m surprised to hear that .why do you
think so ?A: Because with money we can buy new
houses and beautiful clothes we can even do a lot of sightseeing.A: I don’t think you’re right in saying so
.though money is important, it doesn’t mean everythingB: I’m puzzled! Why?A: Take Einstein for example. He asked for
a very small salary.B: Well to him happiness means being able
to make scientific achievements .do you know why many rich people are not
happy?A: No. I don’t understand. Could you tell
me?B: That’s because we can’t buy friendship
or love with money.A: Ah, I see .Thank you for letting me
know so much about happiness.B: You’re welcome!17Talking about generation gap假如你母亲休假回来发现一些情况并产生一些误解,她问你刚才为什么摔门跑出房间,你说因为刚才自己发脾气了;她说能理解并到底发生了什么事情,你说一言难尽她问你是否她做错了什么,你认为是的,她问她留下的零钱哪去了,你说因为小狗兽医了,你又不想打扰她度假。所以就用了她留下的钱并加上自己的钱带小狗看病了;她问他你为什么家里弄的乱七八糟,你说你一整天都等在那儿,所以没有时间打扫屋子;误解消除了,她和你都很高兴。A: Why did you run out of the room and
slam the door like that? B: I’m sorry, but I was so angry then!A; I can understand, but what really
happened?B: Well, there’s long story to tellA: Do you mean I made a mistake?B: To be frank, you did, I think.A: Ok. I admit, but can you explain what
you did with the cash I left?B: The dog was sick and I and didn’t want
to call you on your vacation, so I used the money you left and some of my own
to take him to the vet A: I see. And can you also explain why the
house was a mess.B: I stayed and waited there all day.
That’s why I didn’t have time to clean the house.A: Now, everything is clear .It’s my
fault.B: I’m glad you can say that , Thank you。&18Taking about advertisementsA: I dislike ads. Shall we change the channel?B: But ads are part of modern life. Everyone must face
them.A: Ads are no good.
They always try to persuade you to buy what you actually don’t need.B: Well, do you mean
some ads even tell lies to cheat consumers?A: That’s what I
really mean.B: But I think what
you have said is only partly true. In fact, some ads are very good.A: Very good? Could
you show me some examples?B: Yes, some public
service ads try to educate people about safety, health and so on. What do you
think?A: I agree, but commercial
ads are quite different. The advertisers always suggest their products are the
best. So we can never believe them.B: But commercial
ads can also give us a lot of information about products. They promote
competition and sales, which benefit consumers. If we are good at comparing
them, ads are good for us.19&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Talking about UFOs提示:你弟弟在电视上看到了UFO的照片,问你世界上是否真有UFO。你告诉她UFO的意思是不明飞行物。虽然世界上许多人都自称看见过UFO,但还没有人能说清楚它们到底是什么。他问你有没有听说贾斯汀失踪的消息。你说警察已经询问了贾斯汀的姐姐。她认为贾斯汀是被外星人抓走的,她看见一艘宇宙飞船飞向贾斯汀的房间,她还听见贾斯汀叫喊,然后宇宙飞船不见了。警察还没排除贾斯汀是被外星人抓走的可能,但他们也在调查其他可能性。A: Look at the photos of the UFOs on TV!
Do you think they are real?B: I really don’t know, my dear brother. You know, UFOs means
Unidentified Flying Objects.A: But there’re many people in the world
who said they had seen the UFOs.B: That’s true, but no one really knows
what they really are.A: By the way, have you ever heard the
news that Justin has disappeared?B: Yes, the police have questioned Justin’s sister, who said that
Justin was taken away by aliens.A: Why did she think so?B: Because she said she saw a spaceship flying towards Justin’s
room and heard him cry. Then the spaceship disappeared.A: Do the police believe her story?B: They haven’t ruled out the possibility that Justin was taken
away by aliens, but they are also looking into other possibilities.A: I wish Justin could return home soon.B: So do I.20Talking about Colours提示:你在服装店购物时遇见一名美国女士,她不理解店里为什么有这么多红色衣服。你告诉她中国人喜欢红色,因为红色代表喜庆,与喜事有关。中国人经常在婚礼上穿红色婚礼服。她告诉你在美国红色在大多数情况下代表危险和暴力。在不同的国家相同的颜色可以代表不同的意思。你在南非看到人们穿着红色衣服时,还以为有人在结婚,使你大吃一惊的是,实际上人们在举行葬礼。A: Hi, could you tell me why there are so
many red clothes in the shop? I don’t like them.B: Well, in China the colour red is often
associated with happy things like joys and celebrations.A: Do you mean people like to be in red on
happy occasions?B: Exactly so. For example, some people
here wear red wedding dresses. What about this colour in your country?A: It’s the opposite. In the States, red
mostly represents bad things, such as danger or violence.B: Oh, really? So the same colour may
quite different things in different countries.A: You’re quite right. I have never
expected it to be so different?B: So we should be careful in choosing
colours.A: I degree. Could you tell me more about
it?B: Once I was in South Africa.
When I saw many people wearing red clothes, I thought there must be a wedding.A: What really happened then?B: To my surprise, they were holding a
funeral ceremony!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
&&&第三部分&&&&& 话题简述1School Life例一 要点:1.&&&&&
在那一年里,我有过许多老师,每位老师只教一门课;我最喜欢的老师是教我们英国文学的格林小姐;我们班上一共有29 个学生,英国中学的班级差不多就是这么大;我们得去不同的教师上不同的课;3.&&&&&
我发现这里布置的课外作业不像在原来学校时那么繁重,但是,觉得有些挑战性;感到幸运的是,所有老师都非常热心地帮助我。Going to a British school for
one year was a very enjoyable experience for me. I was very happy with the
school hours in British because school starts 9
a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m. This means I could get up an hour
later than usual, as schools in China
begin before 8 a.m. I had
many teachers in that year and they each taught only one subject. My favourite
teacher was Miss Green who taught us English literature. In our class there
were 29 students. This is about the average size in British schools. We had to
move to different classrooms for different classes. I found the homework was
not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit
challenging. I felt lucky as all my teachers were very helpful.例二 要点:1.&&&&&
下周将是我们学校的开放日;我们已邀请戴维做演讲嘉宾;他将做一次关于自己在中国的经历的演讲。After graduating from
university, David came to China
to study Chinese. Two years later, he was able to speak very good Chinese. In China he
developed an interest in teaching English to Chinese students. Most of the
students he taught have become his friends. When he visited Britain two months ago, he brought back from England many
interesting books, dictionaries, paintings and photographs. He donated most of
them to our library. We wish to thank David for his kindness. Next week, we
will have our school open day. We have invited David to be one of our guest
speakers. He will make a speech about his experience in China.2Looking Good, Feeling Good例一 要点:1.&&&
在青少年时期,给予你的身体所需的足够能量是很重要的;如果你不吃饭,你就不能摄入足够的卡路里;就会感觉到疲劳;顺便说一句,“卡路里”其实就是能量的代名词。The truth is, the diet and lifestyle of teenagers are often a
headache to adults. But, the good news is that you can feel better and have
more energy if you eat the right food and exercise regularly. Healthy eating,
along with regular exercise, is the only way to become fit. Diets just don’t
work in the long term. About 19% of teenagers say they have tried dieting and
not having meals to control their weight! If you take in the correct number of
calories and exercise regularly, you will lose weight, keep fit, and feel
great. During your teenage years, it is important to give your body the energy
it needs. If you don’t have meals, you don’t get enough calories. And then you
feel tired. By the way, “calorie” is just another word for energy.例二 要点:1.处在青少年时期的女孩一天需要大约2200卡路里,而男孩需要稍微多一点;人体摄入的卡路里50%应该源自米饭、面包、蔬菜和水果;2.&&&&&&&
每晚保证充足的睡眠对你的健康也是很重要的;睡眠中,你的身体帮助你为即将到来的一天做好准备;青少年每晚需要8至10小时的睡眠;事实上,减少睡眠会使你面带倦容,甚至导致你发胖。Teenager girls need about 2200 calories a
day. Boys need a bit more. 50% of your calories should come from rice, bread,
vegetables and fruit. You also need a lot of water, 6 to 8 glasses a day. Water
helps keep your system clean. Drinking enough water will improve your skin and
give you healthy hair. A good amount of sleep every night is also important for
your health. When you sleep, your body prepares you for the day to come.
Teenagers need 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. As a matter of fact, loss of
sleep can make you look tired, and even cause you to put on weight.3The Olympic Games例一&
要点:1.古代奥运会月于公元前776年开始于希腊;许多项目与现在的一样,但是妇女不允许参加;约于公元393年之后,奥运会停办;几个世纪没有举办奥运会,但奥运会并未被忘记;2.第一届现代奥运会于1896年在希腊举办;仅13个国家的311名运动员参加角逐;此后,越来越多的国家参加;3.奥运会的口号是:“更快、更高、更强”。The ancient Olympic Games began
around the year 776 BC in Greece.
Many of the sports were the same as they are now. Women were not allowed to
take part in the games. After about the year 393 AD the Olympic Games stopped.
For centuries there were no Olympic Games. But they were not forgotten. The
first modern Olympic Games happened in 1896. They were held in Greece. In the
Games there were 311 competitors from just 13 countries. After that more and
more countries joined in the Games. The Olympic motto is “Faster, Higher,
Stronger”. 例二 要点:1、每隔四年,全世界的运动员相聚在一起参加奥运会。日至24日 ,北京举办了第29届奥运会;来自204个 国家和地区的 1万余名的运动健儿为 我们展示了体育的影响力。
2、在 整个国际奥林匹克大家庭的 支持和帮助下,北京奥运会获得了巨大成功。中国运动员一共赢得了100枚奖牌,包括51枚金牌。
3、中国人民的 热情和 好客为奥运会增添了光彩,给 全世界留下了深刻的好印象。中国实现了诺言,办了一届“绿色奥运.科技奥运和人文奥运”。通过奥运会,世界更多地了解了 中国,中国更多得理解了世界 。
Every four years,athletes from all over the
world gather to take part in the Olympic Games. From August 8 to24, in 2008,
the 29th Olympic Games were held in Beijing,
where more than 10,000 athletes from 204 countries and regions showed us the
power of sport.
Beijing Olympic Games achieved a great success with the support and help of the
whole international Olympic family Chinese. Chinese athletes won 100 medals in
all, including 51 gold medals.
The passion and hospitality of the Chinese people added colour to the Games and
impressed the whole world. China
realized the promise to hold “Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People’s
Olympics”. Through the Games, the world learned more about China, and China learned more about the world.4Save the Environment例一 要点:
We have to save our environment for our future generations. Many people think
that pollution cannot be stopped if we want the economy to continue developing.
However, many things can be done. For example, people should be encouraged to
buy recycled products,which
are much friendlier to the environment. It means we do not need to cut down
more trees and cause the destruction of more forests. Our industry will still
grow, but the earth will not have to suffer.
We also have the population problem. As the number of people in the world keeps
growing, we are producing more rubbish. For our future generations, we must all
work together to keep our earth clean and healthy.
例二 要点:
The Yangtze River is the third longest river
in the world. With the rapid development of agriculture and industry, plus huge
growth of population, the Yangtze River has
been heavily polluted. In2000, it was reported that 23.4 billion tons of
untreated human and industrial waste were poured into the river. The problems
of the Yangtze River have raised concern both
at home and abroad.
Thankfully many people have recognized the importance of protecting the Yangtze River. Many environmental organizations have been
set up to deal with the problem. For example, the Green
River organization aims to educate and advise people on the
importance of protecting this great river. Some special government projects are
under way to protect the river.
As a result, the environmental situation of the Yangtze
River is slowly improving. We believe that it will be getting
better and better.5Education例一 要点:1.&教育是很重要的。首先,它教导并帮助人民更好的认识这个世界。其次,它告诉人们有关他们自己国家的历史和文化。第三,教育还可以帮助人民形成自己的个性。
3.&总之,教育为年轻人的未来做准备,帮助创造一个更和平,更富有的社会,并有益于国家的发展。 Education is very important. Firstly, it educates people and helps
them better understand the world. Secondly, it lets people know more about the
history and culture of their own country. Thirdly, education also helps develop
people’s personalities.Through education, young people learn to respect and tolerate
others. They will become more friendly, cooperative and helpful. Through
education, young people academic knowledge and learn the skills they need for
their future careers. Through education, young people gain experience and learn
practical skills in different fields of science.In short, education prepares young people acquire for the future,
helps create a more peaceful and wealthy society and benefits the development
of the country.例二
要点:1. 关于什么造成了一个好学生这个问题,不同的人有着不同的见解。照我


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