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3月15日讯 2011年夏天,用状元签选中了凯里-。很多人都以为骑士的状元签来自于他们自己,实际上则不然。据《克利夫兰老实人报》报道,骑士2011年夏天确实有很高几率得到状元签(20%),但抽签结果并不理想,只抽中4号签。他们真正抽中状元签的签位来自的小几率签位(2.8%)。北京时间3月13日,在骑士128-125逆转的比赛中,凯里-欧文三分7投7中,全场比赛飚下57分,创下骑士队史得分纪录。这是欧文本赛季第二次打出得分55+的比赛,让他成为2006-07赛季的(3次55+)以来,首位单赛季2次以上得分达到55+的球员。赛后直言欧文是一个特别的球员,认可了欧文的巨头身份。那当初骑士是怎样选中欧文的呢?在过去三个赛季里边,很少人关心这个话题。因为欧文虽然优秀,但他连续三个赛季未能将骑士带进季后赛,在2013-14赛季还暴露出很多问题——他个人的表现有所退步,在带领球队方面,还和迪昂-韦特斯发生内讧,闹得不可开交。实际上,欧文加盟骑士有意外因素。2010-11赛季,是在快船效力的第三个赛季,因为伤病等原因,打得并不好,惹得时任快船老板唐纳德-斯特林很不开心,当面奚落他。快船想将交易出队,骑士愿意接受戴维斯,但开出了一个条件,需要得到2011年快船的选秀权,还必须是不受保护的快船选秀权。快船为了摆脱戴维斯3000多万的合同,最终答应了。时任骑士总经理的克里斯-格兰特做这笔交易的时候还有些犹豫,觉得可能多花几千万。骑士老板丹-吉尔伯特不在乎,拍板达成了这笔交易。后来的事实证明,骑士这笔交易赚大了。骑士2010-11赛季的战绩也不好,只取得19胜63负战绩,有20%的几率获得状元签,但他们最终只抽中了4号选秀权。快船那个赛季取得32胜50负战绩,只有2.8%的几率获得状元签。就在骑士上下开始失望的时候,他们凭借快船这个只有2.8%几率的签位抽中状元签,并选中欧文,作为吸引勒布朗-詹姆斯重新回家的主要筹码。值得一提的是,骑士2014年抽中状元签的几率只有1.7%,但他们成功抽中,并选中安德鲁-维金斯,换来凯文乐福()。可见,骑士近年的人品确实没话说。(童心)
Copyright & 1998 - 2018 Tencent. All Rights Reserved欧文和到底为了什么离开骑士?
Kyrie Irving and LeBron James were always an arranged marriage. So if there is ever any confusion over why Irving demanded a trade from the Cleveland Cavaliers
and no longer wants to play with James anymore, just understand: Irving never asked for this. James did all of the arranging.
Irving never would’ve been in position to clinch a title in Game 7 with thatswinging, one-legged 3-pointer,
知识点:swinging (愉快活跃的,多姿多彩的; (使) 摇荡; (使) 旋转; (使) 突然转向)
never would’ve been able to hug the Larry O’Brientrophyor ride around shirtless along East 9th Street for a championship parade before his 25th birthday
知识点:trophy 纪念品,战利品; 奖品,奖杯(牌); 胜利纪念柱; 战利品雕饰; 显示身份或地位的; 提高身价的; 有威望的;
if James hadn’t decided that the best place to spend the post-Miami portion of his career was back home in Cleveland with an electrifying point guard whose ridiculous handles brought him almost everything except wins.
But James chose Irving. It wasn’t the other way around. And that’s something Irving always had to grapple with over the past three seasons as a reluctant sidekick.
While James’ presence elevated him to stages where Irving always felt he belonged and where he might still behustlingto reach, it came at tremendous cost in other areas that mattered to Irving.
知识点:vt.催促; 硬挤,乱推; 硬逼,逼使; 强夺; vi. 赶紧; 硬挤过去; 拼命挣钱; n 忙碌,奔忙; 挤,推; 拥挤喧嚷
James’ homecoming in 2014 was celebrated nationally – and especially in Northeast Ohio – but it forced Irving to surrender a franchise to which he committed by signing a five-year extension two weeks before “The Decision II” and that, for as lousy as it was at the time, belonged to him.
Irving made headlines All-Star weekend in New Orleans last February, revealing a quirky side he often conceals, when he shared his ridiculous belief that the world is flat (an argument from which he still has yet to back away).
During that weekend, Irving also spoke about what it meant to have James join the Cavaliers at a time when he was still trying to understand the responsibilities of a leader and potential franchise player.
“I was trying to figure it out all at once, so it took a while. It didn’t look perfect. A lot of the arrogance that I had, and aura I had, I had to let go of completely,” Irving said.
“And let go of that complete ego, the selfishness that we all want to have and being that player every single night. The truth is, you can still be that player with other great players, you’ve just got to think about how to do that.”
In his mind, Irving is a leading man. But he would never get the starring role in a show that James is writing and directing. He’d always be eclipsed.
知识点:eclipsed [物]遮掩[键] 位形;
The Mamba Mentality that pushed Irving to challenge Kobe Bryant to a game of one-on-one before he made his NBA debut and to later hit the biggest shot in Cavaliers franchise history is the same one that made him anxious for the moment when he would finally stop having to defer.
The wins were fun but they weren’t enough, because they came with so much extra James sauce – an angry glare for looking him off, an eye roll for a missed defensive assignment and a sometimes joyless atmosphere, especially in the early, dramatic days of this union.
James and Irving butted heads at times on the floor. And, other times off the court, James struggled to get Irving on board with his other teammates. Though he accepted it, Irving resented being the little brother.
After Cleveland upset the Golden State Warriors with that thrilling comeback from a 3-1 deficit in 2016, James and Irving were on such good terms that coach Tyronn Lue could crack jokes about the two of them fighting without igniting the next controversy or having anyone take it seriously.
But after the Cavaliers lost in five games to the Warriors in a three-match that feels a lot longer ago than last month given this wild NBA offseason, that relationship seems to be more transactional than transformative. If they can’t help each other win, then why do they need each other anymore?
The Cavaliers are the best team in the Eastern Conference with James and Irving on the same side. But James, at age 32 and chasing Michael Jordan’s ghost, is in a championship-or-bust portion of his career when second place isn’t good enough.
And Irving, at age 25 and still trying to establish himself amongst the current NBA hierarchy, is in the I’ve-already-won portion of his career when being second fiddle is no longer the ideal scenario.
James’ decision to return to the Cavaliers caught Irving off guard but now this is his chance to return the favor with a stunning power move of his own. Irving, for once, got out ahead of James, who has strategically been setting the stage for his second Cleveland exit – the Decision Part III – next summer.
This month, James has done little to quell rumors that he’ll take his talents to the Los Angeles Lakers. He attended a summer league game in Las Vegas – in purple, no less – to watch Lonzo Ball share the ball in a way that Irving rarely did.
He also allowed his frustrations to leak out in USA Today and gave departed general manager David Griffin props after Dan Gilbert declined to reward him with a suitable contract. Now, all that the Cavaliers had built over the greatest three years in franchise history stands tocrumble.
vt. 弄碎; 把…弄成碎屑;
vi. 瓦解; 破碎,破裂; 碎成粉末; 崩裂;
n. 碎屑,面包屑; 已崩溃的东西; 瓦砾堆;
Irving described this offseason as “peculiar,” and what’s bound to follow from his trade demand is almost too difficult to bear for Cavaliers fans. Because even if James had chosen to leave, Irving represented the promise of the future.
欧文将自己的休赛季描述为“罕见的( peculiar)”。在他要求被交易后,随后而来的是骑士球迷无法承受的后果。因为詹姆斯也可能选择离开骑士,所以欧文代表了球队的未来。
But that’s no more, if Irving gets his way. San Antonio (where he could play for the next U.S. Olympic coach and a five-time champion in Gregg Popovich), Minnesota (where his good friend and business partner Jimmy Butler resides),
Miami (where he has spent several summers and James found championship salvation after leaving the Cavaliers the first time) and New York (where he’d play close to where he grew up in New Jersey), all appeal to Irving. Cleveland,
unfortunately, does not. Irving has his ring and has now decided it’s his turn to determine his fate, his turn to do the arranging. And his other comments from All-Star weekend ring louder than ever.
“Young players are becoming a lot better. The change of hand is happening. You see it,” Irving said. “The veterans that were leading this thing for a while, that everyone was talking about,
well now it’s young players and ‘This is going to be his team over the next four or five years.’ It’s interesting to see how that is transpiringand things just get better.”
知识点:transpiring 发生; 泄露; (事实,秘密等) 被人知道( transpire的现在分词 ); 显露;
Enjoy The Process


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