
出门一双鞋,技能全靠捡。LOL新英雄佐伊在还未上线之前就受到了众多LOL玩家的关注,毕竟她这个捡技能的机制是所有玩家以前都没有见识过的,但是因为操作系数太高,佐伊的胜率并没有想象中的那么高。据游戏日报Aggro君了解到,在美服因为佐伊已经上线了一个星期的时间,但是胜率还是不到一半,从30%多到40%这样增长之中,而韩服因为近日才上线,所以胜率更加惨不忍睹,连40%都没有,这实在是有点出人意料。估计随着玩家的熟练度不断提升,慢慢的可能胜率也会提高到平均线上。但是Aggro君想说的是,如果国服上线之后,小伙伴们打排位还是Ban掉这个英雄吧,因为玩的好的伤害爆炸,玩的不好的就是一个送财童子。Aggro君已经预料到接下来在国服一群被佐依坑哭的小伙伴在网上抱怨的场景了,要知道Faker直播时玩了几把,结果也是成了一个送财童子啊。Dopa再玩新英雄佐依 骚操作爆炸输出团灭
如果佐依秒了你,你为什么不该感到惊讶。Me_ADC_Me_SMASH 於 20小時前 發表佐依是一个爆发型的法师英雄。辛德拉是一个很吃大招的英雄,而且操作要求也不是非常高。辛德拉的球可以使你眩晕,也可以对你造成伤害。她的大招是一个由球的数量决定的指向性技能。另外辛德拉还具有极强的清线能力。如今佐依出现,有一些手残的人即使躲在小兵后面也会被佐依的气催眠,然后就开始抱怨这个新英雄怎么会有这么高的伤害。划重点:佐依是一个和辛德拉一样的爆发型法师。如果你被她秒了,与其抱怨这个英雄是多么BT,还不如好好想想你面对其他英雄是不是也会被秒。毕竟佐依秒人,要满足更多的条件呢。[–]Pur1tas 1656 指標 19小時前&Don't forget syndra also has a lot better waveclear.不要忘记辛德拉有着比佐依更强的清线能力。[–]lPizzaboxl 319 指標 18小時前&But less range但她的手比佐依短。[–]tamranes 453 指標 18小時前&You are overestimating Zoe's range.Her Q doesn't have as huge of a range as you may think. It's the animation that makes you think she has a really long range.你太高估佐依的技能范围了。她的Q并不像你想象的范围那么广。只是它的动画让你觉得好像有一个很长的距离而已。[–]qwertygasm 150 指標 18小時前&With ult her range is pretty big.加上大招她的技能距离就很变态了。[–]LightWolf73 386 指標 18小時前&Also risky af to use. Her R is literally a slef root as she cannot move while casting it, during it or just after it ended.但同时也是极具风险的。她的大招就像是一个自带的根一样把自己束缚在原地,直到施法结束前你都无法移动。[–]mishipoo 297 指標 21小時前&exactly... she is basically rooting herself for 2 seconds on the same spot... just imagine all those j4's, cho, swain, leona, blitz, thresh etc. who would love to know when some squishy mage would be on that exact spot a second after using an ability.确实...她在施法过程中有将近2s的时间都得呆在同一个地点...想想看像皇子、科加斯、乌鸦、日女、机器人和锤石这样的英雄,如果他们知道一个脆皮法师必须在特定位置释放技能,他们会怎么做吧。[–]Zenith_Tempest 32 指標 20小時前&i played against Zoe mid as Vlad and my supp roamed mid and helped me kill her easily. She is a character who always has to be on the offensive, she has no escape aside from sleep (which I've found to be a ridiculously telegraphed move and is much easier to dodge than her Q). And even when she's played as support, you can bodyblock the Q if she manages to sleep your ADC if you're playing a tanky supp.我昨天用吸血鬼中单对线佐依,我们的辅助经常游走中路,因此我能够很轻松地击杀她。佐依是一个需要一直保持侵略性的英雄,并且除了催眠别人之外几乎没有别的逃生手段(我觉得她的气泡催眠相比于她的Q要来的好躲多了)。而当你面对佐依辅助的时候,你可以选择用肉辅助来挡住她的Q,这样即使她催眠了你们的AD也没法打出伤害。[–]Aoyune 17 指標 17小時前&Lol if you know it's a Zoe support, just picking Braum or Tahm makes it feel like they don't even have a support如果你发现对面是佐依辅助的话,只需要选出布隆或者塔姆,这样你就会发现对面仿佛没有辅助一样。[–]PM_me_fox_gifsNew age cancer 38 指標 19小時前&Played against Vlad yesterday as Zoe. I couldnt kill him due to his sustain and him playing properly behind minions so I just opted to roam bot and focus on farming instead of trying to pressure him.If she manage to hit you with her bubble you'll just pool as the sleep is going to happen so you'll stay untargetable during the entire duration. Same thing happens with every champion with an untargetability spell.我是个佐依使用者,我昨天用佐依对线吸血鬼。因为他一直躲在兵线后面吸血我完全没法单杀他,所以我只能找机会去支援下路以及专心发育。我完全没办法给他造成对线压力。佐依一切伤害的来源于她必须得先用她的气泡控制住你。如果你被她的气泡泡住了,你在整个阶段都将处于不可被选定的状态。她的E技能和其他英雄的非指向技能相比其实没什么不同的。[–]Actually_GodlikeI love balls 379 指標 20小時前&There's one, absolute big difference between Zoe and Syndra though, and why they shouldn't be compared solely on the fact that they're both classified as a burst mage.Ignoring the fact they have entirely different kits, Zoe's burst and combo is not gated by a long cooldown. She can keep trying and trying untill she succeeds or has chunked you low enough, because since her ult isn't a damage ult, all of her damage is shoved into Q/E and passiveMeanwhile Syndra, Veigar, Orianna and Annie will absolutely need their ult to burst someone, atleast untill 30+seconds, which is why i don't think it's fair to compare Zoe's damage with another burst mages damages佐伊和辛德拉之间有一个根本上的区别,这就是为什么她们不能仅仅被视为一个爆发型法师来进行比较。她们有着完全不同的技能组,佐依的爆发和combo的cd都很短,她可以一次又一次地尝试直到她秒掉你,或者压低你的血线,由于她的大招并不是一个伤害技能,因此她的伤害几乎都来源于他的Q、E技能还有她的被动。反观辛德拉,小法师,发条这些英雄,他们几乎都依靠他们的大招来制造伤害,而且大招的cd都至少在30s以上。所以我觉得你这样拿佐依来和其他的传统爆发型法师来比较伤害是不公平的。[–]coldize 88 指標 16小時前&I 100% agree with this. I've been watching some of my favorite streamers play as and against Zoe and it's ridiculous how the Zoe can just spam Q off cooldown and they could miss 95% of the time but the one time they hit, it's a total game changer.I know Zoe is showing some bad numbers winrate wise but I really think they need to change her kit so her Q does half the damage but if she hits a sleeping target then it does 4x dmg (only her Q gets that boost, anything else that breaks the sleep gets the normal 2x)That way her spam isn't as abusive but she gets the full burst if she successfully catches a target with e.我完全同意这点。我这几天看了几位主播在使用佐依或者对线佐依时的情况,我当时就觉得最荒谬的一点就是佐依一直在用自己短cd的Q技能进行poke,尽管95%的时候这个技能都会落空,但是只要一旦被她命中,她就将会改变战局。我知道现在佐依的胜率还不算很高,但我真的觉得她应给被削弱了。至少去改变一下她的技能机制——她的Q的伤害降低为原来的一半,但如果她的Q能够击中睡眠状态的英雄,则将造成原有的4倍伤害(只有她的Q享受这个加成,其他打破睡眠状态只造成2倍伤害,就和现在的伤害一样)。这样玩家就不会乱扔佐依的技能了,只有她能够控住别的英雄的时候,她才能打出爆炸伤害。[–]Speedy06RIP MY MAINS,AZIR, AND FIZZ :( 14 指標 15小時前&Can't do that unless u want to destroy her already shitty wave clear如果这样的改的话,她原本屎一般的清线能力就会更屎了。[–]TheEuMid 693 指標 23小時前&Zoe is super abuseable to be fair. She has a limited aggression pattern which is easily played around. I Feel its much harder on the Zoe to perform than it is on you to dodge her really telegraphed Dmg..平心而论我觉得现在的佐依有些被滥用过度了。她只有一种单一的进攻模式,还很容易操作(疯狂扔技能)。我觉得真正要玩好一个佐依,应该要比去躲避她该死的伤害要难得多。[–]GreenshortsLoL 47 指標 21小時前&If her e had a longer cooldown, i'd be fine with her. However, she can almost chain sleep in current form and that's fucked up.如果她的cd时间加长,我觉得会更合理一些。然而,现在她几乎可以一直尝试催眠你,这太特么无耻了。[–]KingJimmyX 116 指標 23小時前&I just hate that I can't black shield her stupid e我只是很讨厌黑盾不能挡住她那愚蠢的E技能。[–]economic___anxiety 472 指標 23小時前&You can. Just shield before it hits you like every other ability in the game.可以的。在她的击中你之前开黑盾就好了,和躲掉游戏里的其他技能一样。[–]Mikhail512 233 指標 23小時前*&I only take two issues with Zoe right now.First is the RNG of summoner spells. The scarra clip yesterday or two days ago exemplified that. He got two barriers during a fight and then a teleport right after narrowly winning the fight. That's such a huge edge over his opponent that he got for no other reason than for RNG (what if he'd gotten cleanse and ghost?).Second, her E is really awkwardly balanced right now that calling it balanced is probably incorrect. Its range through a wall makes it doubly annoying because if she casts it from out of sight (and sometimes she's going to be out of sight, regardless of how well you ward), you get less time to react to a longer range skill, and then it sits for several seconds as a zoning tool. And then it doubles its own damage if you land even a decent Q. It's a weird mechanic, and it feels pretty bad to play against.And fuck you to everyone saying that only bronze players are getting hit by these skill shots. That's a load of shit and you know it, which is why zoe's ban rate in challenger is over 90% last I saw, and why AP nidalee was a ban/pick before her rework. You can dodge skillshots 95+% of the time and still lose if a single spear/zoe combo hits you.我对于现在的佐依有两点疑问:一是随机的掉落的召唤师技能。在昨天还是前天Scarra(北美知名主播)的一局游戏里,他们在之前拆掉了对面的两座门牙塔,结果凭借一个正好掉落的传送,让他有惊无险地偷掉了对面的基地拿下胜利。一个游戏的随机生成系统,就能让游戏的一方拿到这么大的好处吗?(试想一下如果他拿到的是净化或鬼步呢?)二是她现在的E技能太无脑了,甚至有些破坏游戏平衡。如果隔墙释放E技能的施法距离还会更远,那假如她在你的视野范围外施法呢?你根本没有足够的反应时间去躲这么远的一个技能,何况它的控制时间还非常长。然后你会稳稳地被他的Q技能击中,并承受额外伤害。这个太无脑了,每次都打得我想砸键盘。还有别他娘的说只有青铜选手才会吃这些技能啦。这简直就是放屁,你要知道佐依在王者局的ban率也高达90%以上,还有重做前的AP豹女为什么会非ban必选?何况即使你能躲掉95%的非指向技能,但吃到一次佐依就能送你升天。[–]Magnesiumbox 166 指標 23小時前&Sleep is strong AF."Skill shot" that is hard to fail. You can side step to avoid the skillshot and then get hit anyway when it leaves its effect on the ground because the area of effect suddenly grows. The Drowsy gives her tons of time to q backwards pop forward and smack you with q then gtfo as she pops back out. To make it worse you also take bonus damage while sleeping.催眠是一个强大的控制。这个技能很难去躲避。即使你通过走位来避免被气泡击中,但也有可能被留在地面上的陷阱所影响。睡眠状态给予佐依足够的时间让她能够打出二段Q的伤害,更糟糕的是处于睡眠状态下的你还得吃到额外的伤害。[–]Shodore 612 指標 18 小時前&Yeah Syndra can one shot you...with her 80 seconds ult.Zoe can one shot you with her 3.4 seconds Q...是的辛德拉可以用80s一个的大招秒你。佐依可以用3、4秒一个的Q秒你...[–]Alibobaly 39 指標 23小時前&The range is a big factor. Dying to a one shot from someone in fog because there over a screen away doesn't feel fair. At least I can see Syndra walking up to me or spend a summoner spell.主要施法距离是一个大问题。我总是吃到从视野外飞来的技能,甚至她在一个屏幕的距离外就能秒你了。至少我看到辛德拉向我走来我还能用召唤师技能来溜之大吉。[–]Roxstar30 9 指標 18小時前&Just pick Fizz and all in at level 2 with ignite and win game.对付佐依只要选出小鱼人带上点燃,然后在2级all in你就能赢下比赛。[–]morganrbvnSSG/BBQ, CLG 6 指標 17小時前&I went 0/5 in lane as top fizz, but i could still easily 1v1 their 4/2 zoe mid.是的我的上单小鱼人即使0-5,也能把对面4-2的中单佐依在1v1中吊起来杀。[–]matzi194 12 指標 16小時前&zoe sucks really hard against hard engage. she has no way to escape it, her dmg falls heavily off because she cant bounce her q a long range, and she has to survive 2 seconds until the drowsy applies. (considering she manages to hit it)佐依确实不擅长对付那些硬骨头。首先她很难逃跑,她的Q如果飞行距离不够远伤害就会大减,另外她的催眠要在2秒后才能生效。(前提是她能命中目标)[–]GekkoPie 3 指標 15小時前&Fizz, Yasuo, Talon, Zed, Kat all shit on her in lane. Anyone who can close in to melee range on her. As soon as she misses an E, you can literally just all-in her.小鱼人、亚索、男刀、劫、都能在佐依头上拉屎。只要能和佐依近身,一旦她丢空了她的E技能,你可以把所有技能都往她身上招呼。来源:官方论坛:官方微博:
[&此帖被圣剑Saber在 12:29修改&]
引用4楼 @ 发表的:我怎么觉得这个英雄挺弱的呢。。。顺便前排支持一下对线很强的。。2分钟给对面yasuo挂了俩点燃一个蓝cj,q还可以绕风墙。。
对线能吃太多技能就不能说这英雄多厉害 还是反省下自己的走位
说到Q伤害 能比EZ 更无脑吗 同样一个Q三分之一血还不用怎么操作 乱扔就是了
引用7楼 @ 发表的:说新英雄一直能秒人所以要削的估计也是吃技能吃的太多了,zoe三四秒一个q不假,但他清线能力不及辛德拉,打团能力也不及辛德拉,这英雄强势的一点在于他可能是最容易偷人的,比妖鸡都容易,但是他能像妖鸡一样单带吗?他容错率有妖鸡高吗?你说的这些缺点在大乱斗都不是问题,佐伊在大乱斗不要太恶心。。
引用5楼 @ 发表的:伤害来源类似于旧版的豹女,摸奖性质很强,同时也不用付出很大代价他一旦失误要付出的代价比豹女高多了吧
每次被这人睡到了那种感觉是真的绝望 死了后心里绝对要骂队友就不能帮我挡一下吗……
引用12楼 @ 发表的:他一旦失误要付出的代价比豹女高多了吧失误那属于不熟练不是英雄问题
引用15楼 @ 发表的:失误那属于不熟练不是英雄问题逃生能力差导致的容错率低这应该算英雄本身问题吧
引用16楼 @ 发表的:逃生能力差导致的容错率低这应该算英雄本身问题吧手这么长结果去贴脸还不是熟练度的锅?


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