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  Hunan Construction Engineering Group&
HUNAN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING GROUP consists of Hunan Construction Engineering Group Corporation (the parent corporation with its core enterprises, founded in July 1952 and being the first corporation that has gained the Qualification of Super Grade for building construction) and its close subsidiary companies which are respectively the First Engineering Company, the Second Engineering Company Ltd., the Third Engineering Company Ltd., the Fourth Engineering Company Ltd., the Fifth Engineering Company Ltd., the Sixth Engineering Company Ltd., the Industrial Equipment Installation Company Ltd., the Concrete Co., Ltd., and Hunan Professional Institute of Urban Construction Technology (each with various qualifications of Grade I for general contracts) . Based on all these facts, HNCEG is a large state-owned enterprise that has developed comprehensive capabilities of building & installation, road & bridge construction, survey & design, scientific research, personnel training, advanced professional education, equipment manufacturing, real estate development. In addition, HNCEG has gained special permits for general contract of overseas business, labor expert service and import & export trade business. HNCEG has more than 218000 employees, who are technical personnel of various specialties. HNCEG is a large enterprise with assets of RMB&6 Billion and a production capacity of over RMB 60 Billion. It figured consecutively among the front ranks of the top 500 enterprises in China and the top 60 of China Contractors and the top 80 of Engineering Designers for&11 years.
HNCEG has set up its branches or offices in autonomous districts or cities in China except Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao. Presently, HNCEG has established projects in more than 30 countries, such as Liberia, Tanzania, UAE, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Mongolia and so on.
Ever since its founding sixty years ago, HNCEG has successfully completed a great number of various design and construction projects in such fields as industrial & civil building construction, road & bridge construction, hydropower generation, mechanical & electrical installation, interior & exterior decoration, information technology and municipal infrastructure. More than 300 of these projects have respectively won “Hunan Provincial Super Quality Awards”, “Hunan Provincial Lotus Awards”,“National Super Quality Awards” and “The Zhan Tianyou Awards”. Particularly in the last 15 years, HNCEG has consecutively won 70 national “China Building Construction Luban Awards”.
In the recent years, HNCEG has been insisting its business spirit of “First-rate, Superiority, Excellence, Dedication” and it has been honored respectively “National Outstanding Construction Enterprise”, “National Model Unit of Good Faith”, “The National Star Construction Enterprise”, “National Contract and Trust Worthy Enterprise”, “Especially Honor of Achievement Luban Awards”,“National Construction Technology Progress Advanced Collective”, “National Advance and Excellent Primary Party Organization”, “National Labor Awards”,“National Technical Talents Outstanding Contribution Company”“Hunan Civilization Unit”, “Unit of AAA Credit & Credence in Building Industry of China”, “National AAA Credit Construction Company” and“National Model Home”.
At present, HNCEG is deepening the reform, adjusting the industrial structure, developing construction and investment. In the ways of innovation, transformation and upgradation, HNCEG is making effort to become the leading and competitive company of provincial construction industries and pioneer company of national construction industries. HNCEG will make more and better contribution for the economic and social development of the country.
Hunan Construction Engineering Group Corporation
HUNAN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING GROUP CORP. is the first Hunan Province based construction firm to have gained the Qualification of Super Grade for building construction, and it has developed comprehensive capabilities of road & bridge construction, hydropower generation,municipal infrastructure, mechanical & electrical installation, real estate development, interior & exterior decoration, information technology, survey & design, science & research training, import & export trade business. In addition, it is the only enterprise of construction and installation that owns the special permits for overseas contract business operation, foreign trade business, labor expert service, general contract of economic-aid project in Hunan Province. Registered working capital of HNCEG is more than RMB 30 Billion. It figured consecutively among the front ranks of the top 500 enterprises in China and the top 60 of China Contractors and the top 80 of Engineering Designers for 11 years.
HNCEG’s business map has now covered many provinces, cities or autonomous districts in China, and over 30 countries and regions worldwide. Ever since its founding sixty years ago, HNCEG has successfully completed a great number of various design and construction projects in such fields as industrial & civil building construction, road & bridge construction and municipal infrastructure. HNCEG has been insisting its business spirit of “First-rate, Superiority, Excellence, Dedication”and has been honored respectively “National Outstanding Construction Enterprise”, “National Model Unit of Good Faith”, “The National Star Construction Enterprise”, “National Contract and Trust Worthy Enterprise”, “National Construction Technology Progress Advanced Collective”, “Especially Honor of Achievement Luban Awards”, “National Advance and Excellent Primary Party Organazation”, “National Labor Awards”,“Hunan Civilization Unit”, “Unit of AAA Credit & Credence in Building Industry of China”, “Unit of AAA Banking Credence” and “Gold Customer of Banks” and so on. Moreover, many projects have respectively won “China Building Construction Luban Awards”, “The Zhan Tianyou Awards” ,“National Super Quality Awards”, “Hunan Provincial Lotus Awards” and “Hunan Provincial Super Quality Awards”.
With its sustainable sound development, HNCEG is starting to take the lead of all competitors in the same trade, and become an enterprise group as a general contractor and a general business assembler that has been characterized by a collectivized proprietorship structure, a diversified industrial structure, and an intensified product structure. Now HNCEG is making all efforts to build up a “China Aircraft-Carrier of Building Construction” and making its way toward the goal to figure in the rank of World Top 500 Enterprises!
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