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The Cleveland Cavaliers (1-3) defeat the Golden State Warriors (3-1) 137-116[严肃G4赛后讨论】:骑士(1-3)以137-116击败了勇士(3-1)。注:reddit季后赛一般会有2个赛后帖,一个是普通的各种吐槽的,一个是带的,在serious赛后里不允许各种低质量、非分析性、歪楼的带节奏引战回复,版主将严管回复。[–]NBActye85 26 指標 3小時前Just think, this could be 2-2 if the Cavs had held it together at the end of game 3. I do think the Dubs will close this out in 5 games, but if it were 2-2 now I could see it going 7. Too bad.I'm hoping LeBron hangs on and averages a triple double for the finals though. Win or lose, that'd be another thing to add to his crazy career.想想看,本来大比分可能会是2-2,如果骑士在G3的末尾能够坚持住的话。我确实相信勇士能够在第五场里结束这轮比赛,但是如果现在是2-2的话,我便仍然能够看到G7的希望,太糟了。我希望勒布朗能够坚持住,并在总决赛里场均三双,不管赢还是输,这都会成为另外一项被写进他疯狂生涯中的成就。[–]madlax5 2 指標 15 分鐘前If the Cavs aren't abysmal from three in game 3 it'd be 2-2 right now. In game 3, Cavs players not named LeBron or JR shot 3/25 from three per ESPN's box score.如果骑士在G3的三分球不那么糟糕的话,现在就是2-2了。在G3的时候,除了勒布朗和JR外,骑士其他所有球员在三分线外25投3中,来自ESPN的技术统计。[–]WarriorsVespucciJoker 14 指標 3小時前The Cavs were absolutely scorching from 3, it's just a shame that the refs being awful (not consistent on both sides) has slightly overshadowed their performance这场比赛骑士显然3分手感极热,但是糟糕的裁判们(对两方都没能保持一致性)则为他们卓越的表现蒙上了一层阴影,这令人羞耻。[–]dr_haze 3 指標 3小時前Will this go down as a "meaningless" win or do the Cavs actually have a chance of taking this in 7?这会成为一场“毫无意义”的胜利,还是说骑士真的有机会把比赛拖进抢七?[–]HeatDolfanz019 14 指標 3小時前If they win Monday, I'll believe. Even if they still end up losing in 5, that looks much better than getting swept如果骑士赢下了下周一(美国时间)的比赛,那我就相信会进入抢七。就算他们G5输球,结束整个系列赛,这也比被横扫看起来好多了。[–] Chris Paulsakata32 7 指標 2小時前Being the team that stopped this great Warriors team from getting a perfect record in the playoffs is meaningful in my book even if they lost the next game.在我看来,就算骑士输掉了下一场,作为阻止这支伟大勇士获得完美季后赛记录的球队也是非常有意义的。[–]WarriorsVespucciJoker 4 指標 3小時前If the Cavs can sustain 53% from 3 on 45 attempts a game, I think they can push a game 7. Thats if they manage to get an early foothold in the game, like in game 4.如果骑士能够保持每场比赛出手45记三分,命中率53%这种水平的话,我觉得他们能把比赛拖进抢7。发生这些的条件就是他们在比赛早期就成功的找到了节奏,就像G4这样。[–] Ricky Davisrandalflagg 2 指標 1小時前LeBron James with his back to the wall is not something I think you can even game plan against.我不觉得任何比赛计划能够限制住背水一战的勒布朗-詹姆斯。[–]dr_haze 1 指標 49 分鐘前Yeah I agree but he's not really the problem - the question for me is whether Kyrie, but especially Love, J.R., etc. can step up for 3 games in a row. And then you need the Warriors to go relatively cold for 3 games as well. Not sure whether that's possible but we'll see!是的,我同意,但是他真的不是勇士输球的问题所在——对于我来说,问题在于欧文,而且特别是乐福,JR等等其他球员是否能够连续3场比赛都站出来。同时你也需要勇士在这3场比赛里都保持一个相对较冷的手感才行。不确定这是否可能,等着看呗。[–] Chris Paulsakata32 2 指標 3小時前I expect Cavs big 3 to show up big again next game but if they want to win game 5 they need Tristan Thompson to show up again along with another shooter like JR did tonight.我能够指望骑士的三巨头在下场比赛里有同样出色的发挥,但是如果他们想要赢下G5的话,他们需要TT再次站住出来,同时JR也要有今晚这样的表现。[–] Hakeem Olajuwongoat0 2 指標 3小時前the cavaliers can't keep this shooting up for the rest of the series but they still have the best player in the world so... Cavaliers in 7骑士肯定不会在剩下的比赛中一直保持今晚这样的手感,但是他们仍然拥有世界上最好的球员,所以...骑士7场胜出。[–]Warriorswtyl 1 指標 1小時前It's a battle of how many all-stars on your team in given game play I'll show up. Today Draymond was a disappointment to me. Cavs shot the lights out today and I think this type of game is exactly what the CAVS are capable of. Warriors are still favored to win in 5 at this point but this game gave the cavs a lot of hope and well need confidence boost. Game 5 might be like a game 3 in which we won't know who will really win until the last quarter.这就是看在某一晚上你的球队中有几个全明星能够站出来。今晚对我来说,格林就很令人失望。骑士今晚的手感火热,而且我认为骑士是完全有能力打出这样的比赛的。在现在这个时间点上,勇士仍然被看好着赢下G5,但是今晚的比赛给了骑士非常大的希望,同时他们的自信也得到了极大的提升。G5很可能就像G3一样,直到比赛结束前,我们都不知道哪一方能够获胜。[–] Cody ZellerMouthWithAMerc 4 指標 3小時前I think warriors play best when curry shoots a lot early to get into a groove我觉得当库里在比赛早期便找到手感进入状态时,勇士才能打出最佳表现。[–]WarriorsDraintheshots 6 指標 3小時前True, but it was difficult to get into rhythm today because the Cavs were rough on him on D and it didn't really help them that they turned the ball over or got a foul every time they tried to swing the momentum to their side.真的是这样,但是库里想要进入自己的节奏中非常难,因为骑士对他的防守及其凶狠,而且每当勇士即将起势时,他们都会出现失误或者被判犯规,这点对他们可一点帮助也没有。[–]Cavaliersyuhanz 2 指標 38 分鐘前He should initiate the offense, break potential Cavs blitz = open three/dunk.库里应该成为进攻的发起点,击破骑士的闪电战=空位三分/扣篮。[–]MavericksDima_Kenose 1 指標 3小時前Ye I noticed during the regular season that a lot of the time when KD takes control as the #1 option Curry tends to play painfully below his best.是的,我注意到在常规赛的很多时候,当杜兰特接管比赛成为第一选择时,库里总是倾向于痛苦地在自己最佳水准之下打球。[–]therealsheriff 3 指標 3小時前Total team effort from the Cavs. They will have to keep playing well as a team in order to pull off the impossible. Pretty crazy we were a Kevin Durant dagger away from 2-2.这场胜利是骑士全队努力的结果。如果骑士想要实现不可能的逆转,他们必须要在球队整体上保持今晚这样的出色表现。非常疯狂的是,我们离2-2就差一记杜兰特的冷血三分。[–] Michael ReddSunsFan97 4 指標 3小時前除去裁判的原因不说,骑士今晚在三分线外就是手感爆棚了。我不指望他们在下一场比赛中还能有这样的表现,在我看来他们的套路非常糟糕,就只是让勒布朗拿着球,然后等着他去找到处于空位中的球员。我不确定这是否足够去赢下总冠军。欧文今晚的表现非常了不起,他命中了难度极高的投篮,而且当球在他手里时,他就是只野兽。欧文在左右两侧都能够为自己创造投篮机会,尽管我看到了一些糟糕的投篮,但是当你手感如此火热时,这并不要紧。我仍然觉得勇士能够赢下G5,因为就算这场比赛他们被揍的很狼狈,但是场上的转移球仍然做得很棒,所以在我看来这是个好的征兆。我希望看到勇士给库里多打一些战术,因为显然骑士就是想着让杜兰特一个人去击败他们。当勇士在高位让库里和格林/杜兰特去打挡拆时,骑士便会疯狂的包夹他。而且我不知道为什么勇士没有在杰弗森防守杜兰特时让他付出足够的代价,因为显然杰弗森什么也做不了。尽管我猜测的是勇士不想让球星们单打,因为他们希望球能够在场上持续的移动。总体来说,这并不是一场好看的比赛,然而尽管被打花了,勇士看起来仍然很不错,这才让人觉得可怕。Refs thing aside the Cavs were just *河蟹* from beyond the arc. And I don't expect them to keep if up for the next game. Their set was awful IMO, it's literally just get LeBron the ball and let him find you. I don't know if that's enough to win a ring.Kyrie was fantastic tonight though, he hit amazingly tough shots and was a beast with the ball in his hands. He was creating shots left and right although I saw some bad shots here and there but it doesn't matter when you're that hot.I still think the Warriors will win in game 5 since their ball movement was still there even though they were taking a beating so IMO that's a good sign. I'd like to see them run a little more plays for Steph since clearly the Cavs want KD to beat them. The Cavs were doubling Steph like crazy when they ran those high post splits with Dray/KD.And I don't know why they didn't abuse RJ on KD enough since clearly there's nothing RJ can do. Although I guess they don't want to play ISO ball and they want the ball to continue moving so.All in all it wasn't a pretty game but the Warriors still look great that game even if it was a blowout which is scary.[–]WarriorsGrandpaGunther 2 指標 3小時前Curry should be taking way more than 13 shots. It's so much harder to get into a rhythm when you're shooting that sporadically.库里应该出手比13次多得多的投篮,当你只是如此零星的出手时,是很难进入节奏的。[–]WarriorsVespucciJoker 2 指標 3小時前Completely agree, sometimes Kerr really annoys me when he uses Curry as a glorified decoy. But it was hard for Curry to get open given how physical the Cavs defence was being完全同意,有时候科尔真的让我非常生气,尤其是当他把库里用作诱饵时。但是考虑到骑士防守库里时的身体强度,他得到空位确实非常难。[–]Warriorsjmnoon25 1 指標 2小時前库里总是打无球,而且只出手了13次投篮。科尔需要让库里成为主要的控球手,并围绕着他打一些最基本的挡拆配合,而且显然库里是NBA里打挡拆最出色的球员之一。当由库里发起进攻时,这支勇士才是最棒的,他是进攻的引擎,没了他勇士便不够优秀。就算是由格林发起进攻,也可以,但是千万别让杜兰特成为进攻的发起点,除此之外再别用库里给杜兰特做无球掩护了。你不能再让库里打无球了,其他球队能够如此粗暴的对待他,而躲过裁判的吹罚,而且你也不能让他面对勒布朗或是TT时去做无球掩护,这样会耗光他的体力的。今晚的整场比赛中库里都退居其次,上半场几乎没怎么摸球,直到第3节他才开始运球,打一些挡拆。也就是这时候他连续送出了7记助攻,帮助勇士完成了整场比赛中唯一一次有威胁的反击。常规赛里我们就经历过这些事情,也打得非常挣扎,但是一旦我们接受了这是库里的球队时,我们在场上的表现便重新好了起来。Curry played off the ball and only attempted 13 shots. Kerr you need to use Curry as the primary ball handler and run basic pick and rolls with Curry who's arguably the best p&r player in the NBA. This team is at it's best when it's ran through Curry, he's the engine to the offense and without him they're not good enough. Even if it's running through Draymond it's ok but don't run it through Durant ffs and on top of that don't use Curry as an off ball screener for Durant. You can't let Curry play off the ball where teams maul him and get away with it and you can't use him setting screens against TT and LeBron, he'll get weared down physically. He took a backseat the entire game and barely touched the ball in the first half, in the 3rd quarter he came out dribbling the ball and ran the pick and roll and he had 7 straight assists and was the only memorable run from the Warriors in the game. We've already been through this during the regular season where we were struggling but once we accepted it was Curry's team and gave him the ball we played good again.
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