
&& ()&& ()有些人是属狗的,哄着不走打着走.自己队员都进国家队了,还假悻悻的质疑领队,要是真的按标准制定.在奥运会上一拿球就失误的陈4号天才,还想进国家队?全国人民都是傻子?请球迷自己找找奥运期间,球迷对你们陈4号的评价.别睁眼说瞎话.&&&据报道刚刚当选国家二队主教练的李群回答记者:他也刚拿到球队,表示其中人员大部分都比较熟悉,“打过CBA的基本都认识,个别人像孙础⒗钗盎剐枰私庖幌隆&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& ()&& () ”  &  很明显,二队的并非李群制定,他甚至不认识这些队员,更不用说了解他们的技术特点,5月25日,男篮二队开始集训,6月10日就要开打了,还有不到一个月的时间,这样的安排国家二队的战斗力会大打折扣真不明白,既然教练不用竞聘不用“选举”,全靠任命,为什么不早作安排?为什么非要教练临急抱佛脚?如果早通知李群,他可以在联赛中考察队员,并根据手上队员的特点制定战术,实在是事半功倍  &  一支仓促成军只经过2个星期磨合再搭上一个菜鸟教练,篮协成立国家二队参加“亚锦赛东亚区预选赛”的目的是什么?李群说“我们参赛的任务,主要是锻炼球员,争取为一队多输送些人才”真怀疑这样的比赛会不会成为锻炼球员面对失败的能力,很担心李群会成为下一个带国二大败的阿的江  &  北京时间5月15日,中国篮协公布了新一届男篮国家一队和二队的新一届国家男篮领队宫鲁鸣也对着两份进行了解读我“臆测”郭士强是不是和李群一样也是刚刚拿到国家队员的,对于这份郭士强说“现在我正在带着辽宁队备战全运会预赛,眼前最重要的是全运会”&&&&&为什么是宫鲁鸣出来解读而不是郭士强?是不是的制定郭士强身兼三职不用费心宫鲁鸣才是制定者?能力差得远的江苏进入国家一队让人看出了一些端倪  &  是“老将”了,是易建联、王仕鹏、王磊的国青队友,今年联赛表现一般,不知道还有什么培养前途,希望不要辜负宫鲁鸣为家乡作贡献的美意&&&&上面红字来之一位很数据的球迷文章,其出身也是靠诋毁江苏球员出名.&&下面我来回答你的这些质疑,虽然在我看来,你更多的是因为李春江不能进国家队的小肚鸡肠.别装,可以不?别装的那么清高.可以不?&&&据报道刚刚当选国家二队主教练的李群回答记者:他也刚拿到球队,表示其中人员大部分都比较熟悉,“打过CBA的基本都认识,个别人像孙础⒗钗盎剐枰私庖幌”  &  很明显,二队的并非李群制定,他甚至不认识这些队员,更不用说了解他们的技术特点,5月25日,男篮二队开始集训,6月10日就要开打了,还有不到一个月的时间,这样的安排国家二队的战斗力会大打折扣真不明白,既然教练不用竞聘不用“选举”,全靠任命,为什么不早作安排?为什么非要教练临急抱佛脚?如果早通知李群,他可以在联赛中考察队员,并根据手上队员的特点制定战术,实在是事半功倍&&&&上面的问题很怪异,前面说李群对大多球员比较熟悉,后面却又说李群不认识这些球员.那么李群到底是认识还是不认识这些球员?还是你需要的时候就认识?你不需要的时候就不认识?为了方便拿来攻击宫指导的时候就是不认识的?是这样吗?人攻击别人不无耻,可攻击别人的证据都是前后矛盾,那就很无耻了.很数据的球迷,能解释一下吗?到底是认识还是不认识?还是只是很无耻?&&一支仓促成军只经过2个星期磨合再搭上一个菜鸟教练,篮协成立国家二队参加“亚锦赛东亚区预选赛”的目的是什么?李群说“我们参赛的任务,主要是锻炼球员,争取为一队多输送些人才”真怀疑这样的比赛会不会成为锻炼球员面对失败的能力,很担心李群会成为下一个带国二大败的阿的江&&&李群自己都说了.目的是“我们参赛的任务,主要是锻炼球员,争取为一队多输送些人才.难道你看不明白吗他说的话吗?你的意思是李群带队如果输了,是因为磨合期的问题,时间太少了是吗?那李群如果认为自己干不了,可以辞职嘛.不行就别占着位置了.当年中韩全明星对抗赛,李群率领的全主力为首的中国明星队,连续输给韩国,当时李群还喊着一定赢呢.结果不一样输了.那可是中国男篮全明星.所以,别拿李群对比阿的江,他们不是一个档次的.&&北京时间5月15日,中国篮协公布了新一届男篮国家一队和二队的新一届国家男篮领队宫鲁鸣也对着两份进行了解读我“臆测”郭士强是不是和李群一样也是刚刚拿到国家队员的,对于这份郭士强说“现在我正在带着辽宁队备战全运会预赛,眼前最重要的是全运会”&&&&&为什么是宫鲁鸣出来解读而不是郭士强?是不是的制定郭士强身兼三职不用费心宫鲁鸣才是制定者?能力差得远的江苏进入国家一队让人看出了一些端倪&&&不明白这又有什么好奇怪.在中国的体制下,领队出来解释下,有什么奇怪的?在尤纳斯时代,难道不是领队出来解读队员的吗?还是你一定龌龊的认为,现在宫指导当了领队就不行了?人不能龌龊的把自己的想法强加给别人&&如果说能力差的远的进国家队让你看出了一点端倪,那么一点能力都没有的陈江华进国家队,就让我们连端倪都看不出来了.球迷,能解释下吗?为什么呢?行不行,至少要到国际赛场上去试一下,可陈江华在奥运会上已经证明了就是一失误天才.为什么还进国家队了呢?裙带关系?&&是“老将”了,是易建联、王仕鹏、王磊的国青队友,今年联赛表现一般,不知道还有什么培养前途,希望不要辜负宫鲁鸣为家乡作贡献的美意&&千万不能说是老将,那样易建联很危险.阿联刚进NBA的时候可是说自己才18岁的,要是国青同期的是老将,那么会证明阿联18岁是假的,那样篮网不会培养他了.难道你希望易建联回来打CBA吗?一直为阿联自豪的球迷.&&至于说今年联赛的表现,他在受伤前一直是江苏最稳定的得分点.季后赛因为受伤复出,所以没那么好.但也谈不是一般.至少比只能在垃圾时间上场的陈江华好吧?再怎么差,不能比垃圾差吧?更何况,如果说联赛表现,那些连季后赛都没有进的队员,就不能进国家队了?这是什么逻辑呢?逻辑?就因为你是冠军队的?&比上可能不足,但是比陈肯定有余.&&人不能龌龊到因为自己球队的主教练进不了国家队.就到处乱咬.人不能因为领队的地域关系到处诋毁宫指导.要是这样,我很想知道,***执政的时候,你是不是认为他***了?因为他也是江苏人.&&向好友推荐本贴:&&&& 标题:《广东球迷质疑国家队名单谁制定的可笑理论》&&&& 地址: .cn/Article/200905/showp1.html
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Jeremy Lin says racist remarks he heard from opponents were worse in NCAA than NBA
Jeremy Lin has dealt with racist remarks as an Asian American in the NBA, but he said nothing compares to what he repeatedly experienced while playing in college.
Lin, the first American-born NBA player of Chinese or Taiwanese descent, said he heard deplorable racial slurs hurled at him from fans, opposing players and even an opposing coach during his four years at Harvard while playing on the road from 2006 to '10.
"The worst was at Cornell, when I was being called a c---k," the Brooklyn Nets point guard said in an interview on his teammate's podcast, "Outside Shot with Randy Foye." "That's when it happened. I don't know ... that game, I ended up playing terrible and getting a couple of charges and doing real out-of-character stuff. My teammate told my coaches [that] they were calling Jeremy a c---k the whole first half. I didn't say anything, because when that stuff happens, I kind of just, I go and bottle up -- where I go into turtle mode and don't say anything and just internalize everything."
"To this day in the NBA, there are still some times where there are still some fans that will say smaller stuff, and that is not a big deal," Lin said. "But that motivates me in a different way."
“最糟糕的一次是在康奈尔,我被称作chink,”这位布鲁克林篮网控卫在他队友Randy Foye的博客采访“Outside Shot with Randy Foye”中说道,“然后这件事就发生了。我不太记得了……那场比赛,我最后打得很糟,并且有一些进攻犯规和完全不是我性格的东西。我的队友们告诉教练对面一整个上半场都在叫我chink。我并没有说什么,我只是走开并且克制自己。我隐藏了一些并且什么都没说只是把一切埋在心里。”
[–]Wizards BandwagonJoetheshow1 1449 指標 15小時前
Makes sense, it's a bunch of 18 and 19 year olds who know they won't be making millions of dollars so they have nothing to lose
[–]Not_Artem_Lobov 524 指標 15小時前
Also because nba is like a fraternity. Top selected group of people who see each other repeatedly. Generally they are going to be nicer to each other. On the other hands ncaa competitors have no relations to each other
[–]Sunssaharizona 433 指標 15小時前*
its not just youth, its alumni and older fans of the team too. the guy that said something that pissed off Marcus Smart in Texas was like in his 40s
edit: I guess dude wasn't racist but that is still the general situation, adults screaming obscenities at kids
PS: 我猜这哥们不是种族主义者,但大多数情况还是这样的,成年人向孩子们喊出了污言秽语。
[–]Knicks Bandwagonludwigmiesvanderrohe 345 指標 15小時前
The truly troubling issue is that the referees and coaches heard all these racists remarks and did nothing! A COACH even called him an oriental! When grown men/people in power hear this type of disgusting racism and do nothing, that's when you know there is a deep and entrenched problem.
[–]SupersonicsDioBando 98 指標 12小時前
Everyone is fine with "casual" racism when they're not on the receiving end.
[–][LAL] Kobe BryantPaladinoras 84 指標 12小時前
Happens everywhere really, probably because Asians aren't really prominent in Western culture as much as black people.
I read an article where French-Vietnamese people (so French people of Vietnamese ethnicity) was disenfranchised by the government so it's definitely not just an American thing.
[–]BigCountryBumgarner 1097 指標 15小時前
I didn't say anything because when that stuff happens, I kind of just, I go and bottle up where I go into turtle mode and don't say anything and just internalize everything."
Extremely relatable as an Asian-American who heard the same type of shit in middle school.
[–]Lakersdubear 339 指標 15小時前
This is why asians are a "model minority". We are taught culturally not to make waves. Everything we do is about saving face. That's why I was always grateful when I was around people who who go out of their way to argue for something for me such as remaking food at a restaurant because I would never do that myself.
这就是为什么亚裔是“模范少数民族”。 我们的文化中就是不要引起争端。我们做的任何事都是为了面子。那就是为什么我对那些站出来为我说话的人总是非常感恩,就比如在餐厅让别人重新制作食物,因为我自己可能永远不会做。
[–]Warriorsflagroller 44 指標 13小時前
I think it is because Asian culture tends to pay a lot of attention to what others think and can be materialistic. I feel like these kind of parents want to show off a kid who gets good grades and hasn't gotten into any trouble. Anything else would be "embarrassing" for the parents because of what others think. Kids usually accept it because America is a much better opportunity than other places.
[–]LakersLou-Peachum 75 指標 12小時前
I'd choose a different word than materialistic. It's ingrained in many Asian cultures that hard work should lead to success. Unfortunately, that means avoiding anything that causes trouble and risks that success.
And if you are provoked, you have to we is it worth fighting back and possibly getting in trouble or is it better to just ignore what other people do and avoid risking everything you've worked for. It sucks but this is the situation that faced me when I was younger. In middle school, I had this kid call me chink, squinty eyes, and make small dick jokes about me to everyone. Punched him in the gut, and he started rolling around out of breath. Teacher comes over, and I ended up getting suspended. Kid never bullied me again, but the tradeoff was that I got in trouble.
[–][NYK] Amar'e Stoudemiresomeonesavetheknicks 132 指標 15小時前
Off Topic: Was Yao Ming subject to racism as well? I can only recall Shaq saying like "ching chong" or some shit but Yao was always lighthearted and wasn't too offended about it
偏下题:姚明也经历过种族主义吗?我只记得沙克说了一些“ching chong”之类的屁话,但姚明总是乐呵呵的并且没有很生气。
[–]Warriorsjinxy 指標 14小時前
There's definitely a difference between the Asian and the Asian American experience. AA's are more sensitive to that stuff since they've had to live their entire lives in a culture that still largely sees them as alien even though they self-identify into that culture. Asians like Yao Ming are like "don't give a fuck I'm Chinese"
[–]Rockets BandwagonYungbull234 53 指標 10小時前
Spot on bro. My international student friends I met in college have this exact attitude, while I'm more aware because I grew up here. I just think more asians should be like Dion Waiters and ball the fuck out no matter what in life. No matter what we do somebody is gonna be there hating(i guess this isn't just true for asians) so do you and puff your chest out every now and then.
[–]LakersNotTheBomber 140 指標 15小時前
Yao's first game @ Miami, the stadium passed out a few thousand fortune cookies.
Yao wasn't offended even after he was told of the context (he didn't know what fortune cookies were), but that was still pretty bad of them to do.
姚明在迈阿密的第一场比赛,体育场中 发了数千个幸运饼干(国外中餐馆饭后都会发一个)。
[–]Bulls Bandwagonfingerlessgarypayton 150 指標 14小時前
Fortune cookies are an american thing passed off as a Chinese thing
[–]Netsj_cruise 93 指標 14小時前
To be absolutely precise:
They were invented by a Japanese immigrant in California.
So yeah, American and not Chinese at all.
[–]LakersNotTheBomber 30 指標 12小時前
Ironically, that's pretty much what Yao said.
He said fortune cookies are not Chinese, and that if it were him trying to welcome a special player he would have given out something bigger
[–]Rocketspmill105 54 指標 15小時前
Yao was enormous, they were probably afraid to say anything
[–][NYK] Amar'e Stoudemiresomeonesavetheknicks 107 指標 14小時前
Also remembered that he was a bit braggadocious as a player. There was one game (against LAC?) where he hit some clutch 4th q shots and looked at the team and said YALL CANT STOP ME. Also wasnt afraid to stare guys down after dunks too
Tl;dr he was bout dat life
也别忘记他作为球员有些会吹嘘。有一场比赛(好像是打快船)他在第四节命中了一些关键投篮后看着对方说:谁能挡我? 他颜扣后也敢于怒视对手。
[–]Heat Bandwagonsurreptitioussloth 100 指標 16小時前
And he played in the Ivy League
[–][GSW] Zarko Cabarkapasathyyyy 127 指標 15小時前
Ivy League is one of the most subtlely racist college environments. There's a shit ton of ignorance and elitism floating around those places
[–]Lakersboobdood 38 指標 13小時前
As someone who was being recruited to play at several ivy leagues, I can say theyre all not the same but all do have a certain degree of elitism especially to those who arent in their tax bracket. Armie Hammers character in the social network isnt a trope, its the real deal over there.
作为一个在常春藤联赛打过球的人,我可以告诉你们这里确实不同,但也有一定程度的精英主义尤其对于和他们不在一个纳税等级的人来说。 艾米汉莫在电影社交网络中的角色不是空穴来风,那是有生活原型的。
[–]Knicks BandwagonBiniti123 51 指標 15小時前
I miss Jeremy, Linsanity was one of the great highlights of our team in a century full of garbage, only behind sending the Big 3 Celtics home for the last time and drafting Porzingis


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