what did you dothe boy do?(他准备游泳)

What did the boy do last weekend?
A. Did h..._百度知道Hi, my name is Sam. I am a weather reporter. People loved Flint's invention. They had a lot to eat. But then it began to rain bigger and bigger food pieces. The food smashed (砸烂) houses! Flint had to stop it.
Will Flint stop the food rain? Go to see the latest cartoon movie Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (《多 云,有时有肉丸雨》) and find out.
1. People in a small American town have nothing to eat.
2. Flint can change water into food by using a special machine.
3. Steve can speak English.
4. Steve was both Flint?s best friend and good helper.
5. Sam?s job is to stop the food rain.
6. There was a big meatball rain in the small town because of the food machine.
B. Choose the best answer(根据事故报告表,选择最恰当的答案): ( 6分)
A middle school organized a “No TV Week” programme. All the teachers, parents and students worked together for this programme and most of them found it to be a very good one. The headmaster said, “The idea was not to stop watching TV completely but for the students just to find how much time they watch TV and try to use this time for other things. ” What did the students say about this “No TV Week”? One boy said, “I can?t believe I haven?t watched TV for a week, but it?s been fun doing it.” A girl student said, “I'm going to give up all TV
programme except for ?Our Animal World? and other
language-teaching programme. I'm really pleased that I have more
time to do things like walking and thinking. I enjoy this ?No TV
Week? very much...” But not all the students thought it was good.
Here one student said something different, “ I don't like ' No TV
Week' because I like watching TV. I have lots of favourite programmes and I don't want to miss them. But we have to do it.”
1. “No TV Week” programme was organized________.
A) for all the students in the country
B) by one middle school
C) in middle schools all over the country
D) by teachers all over the country
2. The headmaster wanted the students ________.
A) to have much time to sleep
B) to study harder
C) to use time for other things
D) to do some housework
3. Watching no TV was ________the boy thought.
A) as hard as
B) more difficult than
C) harder than
D) easier than
4. The girl decided ________ .
A) only to watch some of the TV programmes
C) to watch no TV at all
B) not to watch TV at all. D) to watch TV all the time
5. ________ took part in “ No TV Week”.
A) All teachers, students and parents.
B) None of the students in the school
C) All the students in the school
D) All the teachers in the school except one
6. The writer wanted to tell us ________ .
A) not to watch TV
B) to stop watching TV for a week
C) that it was good to give up watching TV
D) the different ideas about& No TV Week& among the students
C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语 完成短文):(6分)
One day, two friends were walking through the desert.
____1_____the journey they had a quarrel, and one friend hit
____2____one in the face. The one who was hit was hurt,
____3____he didn't say anything. Instead, he wrote in the sand,
“Today my best friend hit me in the face.” They kept on ____4_____until they found an oasis(绿洲). They decided to get some water. The one who had been hit fell into the mire(泥潭) and was in danger, but the friend saved him. When he felt all right, he wrote on ____5_____, “Today my best friend saved my life.” The one. who had hit and saved his best friend asked him. “After I hurt you ,you wrote in the sand ,and now you write it on a stone, why? ”The other friend replied, “when someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness(宽恕)can blow it away .But when someone does something ___6____ for us, we must write it on stone where no wind can ever blow it away. ”
1. A) During
2. A).some
B) another
C) the other
4. A) jumping
D) walking
D) the desert
D)interesting 5. A) the sand
B).a stone 6. A) good
D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(6分)
Do you really care about your parents? Hearing this question,
most of you may give a q__1_____ answer “Of course, I do.” But
maybe you don?t.
It is true that all parents can remember clearly to celebrate their children?s birthdays. H___3____ , it is a pity that few children know exactly when their parents birthdays are. If you love your parents well, let them feel your love. Give them a birthday gift on their special day, help them do some housework as o___4___ as possible. Don?t always say things a____5____ your parents. Talk with them more often and understand them more. I hope you can keep healthy and enjoy your l___6_____.
E. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): ( 6分)
My father said that he, my mother and I were going to travel around the world. My mother and I smiled. Dad loved us and worked hard in a shop, but we did not have enough money for a long holiday.
There was a shed(小屋)in the garden. Dad started going there every day, but he put paper over the windows and locked the door so we didn?t find out his plan. He brought boxes home and put many things in the shed. It was very strange.
Then one day he told us the holiday was ready. We went into
the shed. Inside, it was a train! We sat down and the train started.
We saw pictures through the windows. “Look. We are going
through Beijing.” and a few minutes later we were passing the Great Wall of China. Dad brought lunch in: Beijing duck!
We spent the next three days in the train and they were the most exciting days of my life. We saw Paris, London, Rome, Venice and many more places. We ate French pancakes, British fish and chips and Italian pizza. We heard the music of different countries. Thank you, Dad, for a wonderful holiday!
1. Why didn?t they buy tickets and fly around the world?
Because they________________________________
2. What was the father doing in the shed?
He was ____________________________________
3. Did the writer?s father tell them his plan at first?
4. What did they see through the windows?
They _____________________through the windows.
5. How did the writer like the days they spent in the “train”?
He thought_________________________________
6. What do you think of the writer?s father?
II. Writing (写话): (共12分)
Write at least 60 words about the topic ‘ My favourite sport ’.(以“我最喜爱的运动”为
( 注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) Use the following points as a guide. (短文须包含下列要点) .........
? What sports do you usually do in your free time?
? Which is your favourite sport?
? When and where do you do it?
? Why do you like doing it so much? (Give at least two reasons.)
推荐:    what did the boy do at christmas time_百度知道


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