
出门在外也不愁网友调查:您认为对阵马刺魔登组合表现怎么样?,13年季后赛勇士对阵马刺,nba-正播马刺vs火箭,追忆马刺gdp组合,科比对阵马刺数据,2015常规赛火箭马刺 | 网友,调查,认为,对阵,马刺,魔登,组合,表现,怎么样,13_女性资讯_滕州生活网
来源:搜狐体育 发布时间:
摘要:北京时间2月28日,2015-16赛季NBA常规赛继续进行,火箭主场迎战马刺。全场打完,火箭94-104不敌马刺,并送给了对手5连胜。 您认为本场比赛魔登组合表现如何 还可以,最后表现不错 不好,开局表现太差 一般,表现起伏不定
网友调查:您认为对阵马刺魔登组合表现怎么样?,13年季后赛勇士对阵马刺,nba-正播马刺vs火箭,追忆马刺gdp组合,科比对阵马刺数据,2015常规赛火箭马刺皇室战争迫击炮即将削弱 皇室战争官方声明亲证实
皇室战争迫击炮即将削弱 皇室战争官方声明亲证实?我们来看一下的图文信息:4月20日,《皇室战争》官方推特号(Twitter简称)明确放出了“迫击炮”要被削弱的消息。事情的来由是两位《皇室战争》玩家在Twitter上聊天,其中一位可爱的玩家“Stephen ELLis”表示他在部落中申请支援了“迫击炮”这张卡,并且用的相当不错。Stephen ELLis表示了不想看到迫击炮被削弱,并@了SUPERCELLL和皇室战争官方Twitter号。不要削弱啊!官方满足了这位玩家的愿望,@并回复了他“It`s coming”。(即将到来!)即将到来削弱即将到来,希望大家准备好自己迫击炮来迎接削弱吧!即X弩神教灭亡后,迫击炮神教也要消亡了吗?以上是皇室战争迫击炮即将削弱的消息,爱玩将会继续为大家后续报道!
219回复/18亮 78918浏览
&()[C]Bullskennious 144 分/分 8 小时 agoWE READY.我们准备好了!!&[C]SpursBrianDawkins 739 分/分 8 小时 agoDUNCAN VS DIRKLETS FUCKING DO THIS邓肯VS德克!好好干他一炮!――[C]Mavericksdirk-41 421 分/分 8 小时 agoyay好!!!!!――[C]MavsNoPleaseDont 154 分/分 8 小时 agoyou sound excited感觉你很性奋啊。。――[C]Mavericksdirk-41 316 分/分 8 小时 agoso pumped超鸡动!!!――[C]MavericksPlud 188 分/分 8 小时 ago[anticipation intensifies]远超预期!&――――[C]MavericksDontDoubtMe 40 分/分 8 小时 agoBoth teams are beefed up too. Clash of the titans双方军备齐整蓄势待发!诸神之战!――[C]MavericksI_Love_Bacon_Cookies 19 分/分 8 小时 agoWho's gonna be the new Terry that doesn't back down and just takes it to the Spurs?&My bet is VC.谁将成为我牛新的特里?我赌卡特――[C]Sunsireaditonredditsir 44 分/分 8 小时 agoEllis I hope我投埃利斯――――[C]Grizzliestsbarn29 38 分/分 8 小时 agoDuncan vs. Dirk part 53 (and then some)!《邓肯VS德克》第53集继续上演!――――[C]Mavericksparisfrance44 30 分/分 7 小时 agoLETS GO! I WANNA SEE SOME VINTAGE DIRK FADE AWAYS VS. SOME FILTHY&DUNCAN POST MOVES!老板!给我来一份德克金鸡+老邓低位套餐[C]Lakersstahiro 91 分/分 8 小时 agoClippers vs warriors Damn that's gonna be a good series!!!VS绝逼超级精彩啊!――――[C]Nuggetslwal 45 分/分 8 小时 agoNo Bogut for the Warriors greatly hurts their chances though.Clips in 6少了博古特对勇士太伤了。快船6场拿下――[C][IND] Lance Stephensononlyblackguyonreddit 15 分/分 8 小时 agoBut what if playoffs harison barnes shows up again看好巴恩斯季后赛扮演奇兵――[C]HeatLeBosh_Wades 8 分/分 8 小时 agoThat Bogut injury has really dampened everyones enthusiasm for the series,&i think it'll still be very exciting and probably go 7博古特的报销确实打消了大家的热情。不过我还是觉得会超精彩,目测抢七[C]CelticsUSS_Ronald_Reagan 177 分/分 8 小时 agoMj comes out of retirement one last time... to face Lebron乔丹再复出一次吧,对决勒布朗[C]Mavericksderplindo 314 分/分 9 小时 ago....fuck。。。。尼玛(要打了)――――[C]GrizzliesFuturescope 112 分/分 8 小时 agoHave fun!祝你平安!――[C]Knicksajonstage 87 分/分 7 小时 agoDude y'all have to guard Kevin Durant.你以为杜兰特就很好对付?――[C]Sunsireaditonredditsir 103 分/分 7 小时 agoThey got mike miller怕毛,他们有迈克米勒――――[C]MavericksBIG_OLE_TURKEY 35 分/分 7 小时 agothe spurs... the giant pain in my balls. can't deny that's gonna be some good&basketball though.打马刺真是蛋疼菊紧。。虽然过程会很精彩。。――――[C]SpursTonyxxbaloney 159 分/分 8 小时 ago;)(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……[C]Trail BlazersBlazerManiac 55 分/分 8 小时 agoMy body is not ready for the saltiness that will be in the gamethreads of Portland&vs. Houston. But I am ready for the awesome series it will be!!波特兰VS休斯顿! 我已经准备好了!!不过我还没准备好该如何面对VS开拓者热线的口水战。。――――[C]WizardsDrewChambersDC 15 分/分 6 小时 agoEvery Harden flop will be a 100-post flame war. I'm excited.目测哈登的每个假摔都能吵他个100回帖,好期待!![C]RaptorsLinuxUser4Life 51 分/分 8 小时 agoPlayoff BracketSource季后赛对决图――――[C]New Jersey Netskdiuro13[S] 36 分/分 8 小时 agomay i add this to the post?请问我可以把你的图贴到主贴吗?――[C]RaptorsLinuxUser4Life 38 分/分 8 小时 agoGo ahead, I don't own the site.要就拿去,这网站又不是我家开的――[C]Raptorsjoevicious 99 分/分 8 小时 agoStupid Nets fans can't fool us with their may-i's and how-do-you-dos.傻吊网密,别想用“请问”“你好”这种语气来迷惑我们。――[C]New Jersey Netskdiuro13[S] 19 分/分 8 小时 agomay we please beat you in like 6 or 7 games?请问我们能在第六场或者第七场干翻你们吗?&[C]Raptorsrapidfire5 221 分/分 8 小时 agoYou wanted us Brooklyn?!?!??! FUCKING BRING ITTTTTTT你不是想打我们吗?篮网!?TMD有种来啊!!!――[C]Canadapduggal 200 分/分 7 小时 agoThe only thing Kidd is going to beat is his wife.基德谁都打不过,只能回家打老婆![C]Brooklyn Netsbroompunch 134 分/分 8 小时 agoI can't help but think that the Nets lost these last 2 games on purpose. The 6th seed&significantly increases their chances of winning, considering they are 2-2 against the&Raps this season, and 4-0 against the Heat, as opposed to 1-2 against the Bulls and&0-4 against the Pacers.我老觉得我网最后两场是故意输的,考虑到常规赛打猛龙2-2,打4-0,而打1-2,打0-4,六号种子对我们来说可是大大的好啊![C]RocketsTsuruta64 313 分/分 8 小时 agoPortland, Poland, what's the difference? Hitler's coming for you anyways. :P波特兰,呼叫波兰,这里是希特勒(哈登),你那边是什么情况 :P――[C]Trail BlazersNoveson 109 分/分 8 小时 agoHitler suicide pls希特勒吗?请你速速自裁。――[C]Rocketsturtlechef 60 分/分 7 小时 agoMaybe in the Finals but Poland is the first round!等到总决赛吧,窝火XJBD(西决保底),首先干翻你拓。――[C][HOU] Hakeem OlajuwonAvadesh 31 分/分 8 小时 agoHere hoping Aldridge doesn't evolve into Kevin McHale and dominate Terrence jones阿德可别在季后赛进化成麦克海尔虐爆琼斯啊――[C]Rocketsgrandmasterfunk 17 分/分 8 小时 agoLMA will get his, we just can't let their perimeter guys kill us.就让阿德随便打吧,锁住他们外线就行。[C]WarriorsPatrickWillis 205 分/分 9 小时 agoHouston Portland and Toronto Brooklyn look like a lot of fun. We are so fucked though.火箭VS开拓者和篮网VS猛龙估计超好看,哎,我勇反正是完蛋了――――[C]Clippersiliketowhispertoo 116 分/分 8 小时 agoEh, Curry has the ability to go supernova at any given moment and the Oracle is gonna&be bumping regardless who you're staring at center.额,别太灰心,库里有随时变身超赛的能力,而且季后赛无论打谁,勇士主场肯定会沸腾的!――[C]WarriorsPatrickWillis 76 分/分 8 小时 agoThe corpse of Jermaine O'neal. I mean I don't think Curry would let you sweep us butI can't see a scenario where we rebound enough to win this series now. Hell i'd love to&be wrong though.小奥已是一具死尸。我意思是,我们可能因为库里暴走一两场避免被你船横扫。我是不看好缺少博古特的勇士有反弹的机会。哎,希望是我自己太悲观。――[C]Warriorsitshappening1 34 分/分 8 小时 agoYou got no faith bro. Steph Curry god mode+O'neal and Lee playing at the minimum&decent defense, we got a good chance. and don't forget BDD哥们你也忒不自信了。库里的上帝模式+小奥+至少打出一段不错防守的,我们就有很好的机会。别忘了我们还有大雕格林!(BIG DICK DRAYMOND)[C]Spursdaninoz 86 分/分 9 小时 agoThe battle for the 7th seed made me appreciate my team even more.赫赫,笑看小潘壳7号种子,更加觉得我刺牛逼了。――――[C]SpursBrianDawkins 44 分/分 8 小时 agoImagine how the Suns feel.别这么春风得意。。考虑一下太阳的感受吧。。――[C]Sunsireaditonredditsir 101 分/分 8 小时 ago[C]Maverickspienthasky 149 分/分 8 小时 agoCan't wait to get swept迫不及待被横扫啦!!――――[C]Clipperstylerjehills 94 分/分 8 小时 agoNo. There's some 2011 Dirk magic left right?不可能,2011德克大魔王还留下不少法力值,不是么?――[C]Maverickszaphodplaysitsafe 178 分/分 8 小时 agoMagic don't work against the Spurs. They are a cold calculating machine with a&ridiculous bench. My only hope this series is that They actually play Parker and&Ginobli and don't beat us with Kawaii and Patty Mills, it'd be too embarrassing.马刺免疫魔法攻击,他们是冷酷无情的精密仪器,拥有深不见底的板凳席。我唯一希望的就是他们好好用帕克和打败我们。而不是用卡哇伊和米尔斯,否则也太丢人了。――[C]Clipperstylerjehills 110 分/分 8 小时 agoNow what kind of attitude is that??? 2011 Mavs weren't supposed to even beat Portland&in the first round. They weren't supposed to sweep the defending champion Lakers.&They really shouldn't have beaten the younger, more athletic Thunder. And they&DEFINITELY were not supposed to beat the LeBron, Wade, Bosh trio in the Finals.&HAVE SOME FAITH BRO.Sorry, but as a lifelong Clippers fan you have to develop a ton of irrational optimism.你这是什么态度??2011年小牛不也不被看好吗?甚至认为连首轮开拓者都过不了。被认为没法横扫卫冕,被认为没法击败天赋雷霆,击败三巨头更是不敢想象。有点自信啊哥们!对不起有点激动,不过身为一生的船密,我必须拥有无比的乐观。――[C]Mavstamuowen 52 分/分 7 小时 agoThe last time we beat San Antonio was March 17, 2012. Since then:That's an average score of 97-110I'm all for optimism, but expecting a close series is extremely irrational.上次击败马刺是日然后是这么个战绩L 87-104L 91-129L 86-111L 107-113L 91-92L 107-116L 90-112L 106-112L 109-100平均下来110-97我是个乐观的人,不过要是觉得我牛能黑八,也太扯淡了。――[C]KnicksIDlOT 8 分/分 5 小时 agoDayum卧糙!――[C]NBASytherus 39 分/分 8 小时 agoThe 2011 Mavs were on a 60 win pace when Dirk played. This team isn't that team.是的,当年小牛60胜,早已今非昔比。[C]Bullscookiemonster575 114 分/分 8 小时 agoBest possible setup for Chicago. Here we go.对我牛来说最理想的对阵!!GOGOGO!!!――――[C]BullsTheInspirationalTurd 24 分/分 7 小时 agoPeople in this sub are sleeping too much on the Wizards. I'm not being pessimistic&here but I'd be lying if I said that they don't worry me. We have a legitimate shot&and I like our odds but it's all dependent on our defense AND our offense keeping up.贴子里的人都太低估奇才了。不是我悲观,不过要是说奇才不会给我们造成麻烦那就是扯淡。我们投射不错,胜算也高。不过这一切都得建立在防守进攻能流畅运转的基础上。――――[C]Raptorszayme 112 分/分 8 小时 agoWORST POSSIBLE setup for Toronto. Fuck the Heat!对我龙来说是最不理想的对阵!热火草泥马!――[C]Raptorsdrspg99 45 分/分 8 小时 agoFuck the Nets!应该草篮网才对![C][TOR] Vince CarterMineALLthethings 374 分/分 9 小时 agoOh man so many good match ups. I'm looking forward to these playoffs so much.&Customary FUCK THE HEAT for all of you!哇哦,很多精彩的对决啊!太期待今年季后赛了! 老规矩“热火草泥马!”我替你们先说了!――――[C]ThunderGhoullio 296 分/分 8 小时 agothanks, fuck the Heat.谢啦!热火草泥马!――[C]SpursZenThrashing 271 分/分 8 小时 agoOur standard /r/nba greeting?"Hi, nice to meet you. Fuck the Heat. Good evening."REDDIT日常打招呼方式?“嗨,很高兴见到你,热火草泥马,晚上好”――[C]Spurstarek619 140 分/分 8 小时 ago"Excellent, Fuck the Heat. How about you?"“我很好,热火草泥马,你呢?”――[C]SpursZenThrashing 84 分/分 8 小时 agoMarvelous! I got my car back from the shop today, fuck the Heat. It turns much more&smoothly as of late. How's the family?“我感觉好极了,今天从厂里提了车,热火草泥马,车子性能好了不少,家里人都无恙吗?”――[C]Spurstarek619 79 分/分 8 小时 agoOh you know, Little Fuck the Heat Eric is all grown up now, how about the weather&nowadays eh?“都还好啦,热火小赤佬斯波都长大了,最近天气怎么样?”――[C]SpursZenThrashing 95 分/分 8 小时 agoI had to mow 2 lawns this afternoon with no shade anywhere. Fuck the Heat.“哎不提了,一会儿聊,我还有2个草坪的草没割呢,草泥马的热火(HEAT)”――[C]Spurstarek619 71 分/分 8 小时 agoI know how you feel with the recent rise in temperatures! Fuck the Heat. Fuck the Heat.“最近天气越来越热了,我能理解,草泥马的热火(HEAT),热火草泥马”――[C]RaptorsrudyNOTTHISGUYgay 46 分/分 7 小时 agoIts only getting warmer up in Toronto. Fuck the Heat“多伦多的天气是越来越好了,热火草泥马”本期翻译题目,请你亲自动手:[C]Vancouver GrizzliesShakespeareSaidYolo 18 分/分 8 小时 agoEach Western Conference match up is going to be amazing. The battle of Texas, one of the greatest scorers vs grit and grind defence, two California teams who hate each other, and then two dark horses trying to make noise after much improved seasons.I am going to fucking die.翻译此句,最准确信达雅的3名将获得300卡奖励!You can You up 啊!手工作业,有误请指出。&前期回顾:订阅请@制作不易,你的推荐是我最大的动力阅后请推荐, 谢谢支持!&有喜欢的朋友可以加入 美国JRS之声 爱好者QQ群:
正在努力加载...[ 此帖被SmithKobe在 09:21修改 ]
一篇帖子中我找找有多少”Fuck the Heat“好吧,根本就数不过来,操的根本停不下来
[C]SpursZenThrashing 271 分/分 8 小时 agoOur standard /r/nba greeting?"Hi, nice to meet you. Fuck the Heat. Good evening."REDDIT日常打招呼方式?“嗨,很高兴见到你,热火草泥马,晚上好”――[C]Spurstarek619 140 分/分 8 小时 ago"Excellent, Fuck the Heat. How about you?"“我很好,热火草泥马,你呢?”――[C]SpursZenThrashing 84 分/分 8 小时 agoMarvelous! I got my car back from the shop today, fuck the Heat. It turns much more smoothly as of late. How's the family?“我感觉好极了,今天从厂里提了车,热火草泥马,车子性能好了不少,家里人都无恙吗?”――[C]Spurstarek619 79 分/分 8 小时 agoOh you know, Little Fuck the Heat Eric is all grown up now, how about the weather nowadays eh?“都还好啦,热火小赤佬斯波都长大了,最近天气怎么样?”――[C]SpursZenThrashing 95 分/分 8 小时 agoI had to mow 2 lawns this afternoon with no shade anywhere. Fuck the Heat.“哎不提了,一会儿聊,我还有2个草坪的草没割呢,草泥马的热火(HEAT)”――[C]Spurstarek619 71 分/分 8 小时 agoI know how you feel with the recent rise in temperatures! Fuck the Heat. Fuck the Heat.“最近天气越来越热了,我能理解,草泥马的热火(HEAT),热火草泥马”――[C]RaptorsrudyNOTTHISGUYgay 46 分/分 7 小时 agoIts only getting warmer up in Toronto. Fuck the Heat“多伦多的天气是越来越好了,热火草泥马”
Mj comes out of retirement one last time... to face Lebron乔丹再复出一次吧,对决勒布朗
[C]WizardsDrewChambersDC 15 分/分 6 小时 ago
Every Harden flop will be a 100-post flame war. I'm excited.
美国网友也净是看热闹不怕事大的 反正季后赛也没我湖啥事了,俺也做个看热闹不怕事大的球迷吧,热火草泥马[ 此帖被bestpirlo-04-17 22:31修改 ]
-my name is Li Lei,Fuck the Heat.
-my name is Han Meimei,Fuck the Heat too.
-How are you?
-I'm fine thx,Fuck the Heat,and you?
-Fuck the Heat too.
备注: 我热公交车人人轮
末节~~全是f.u.c.k the heat~~跟我热是多大仇,求山猫轻虐。
Stupid Nets fans can't fool us with their may-i's and how-do-you-dos.
[C]Raptorsrapidfire5 221 分/分 8 小时 ago
You wanted us Brooklyn?!?!??! FUCKING BRING ITTTTTTT
[C]Canadapduggal 200 分/分 7 小时 ago
The only thing Kidd is going to beat is his wife.
@,请问基德xx真的这么牛吗?[ 此帖被Capt.eustass在 20:59修改 ]
引用5楼 @ 发表的:
[C]SpursZenThrashing 271 分/分 8 小时 agoOur standard /r/nba greeting?"Hi, nice to meet you. Fuck the Heat. Good evening."REDDIT日常打招呼方式?“嗨,很高兴见到你,热火草泥马,晚上好”――[C]Spurstarek619 140 分/分 8 小时 ago"Excellent, Fuck the Heat. How about you?"“我很好,热火草泥马,你呢?”――[C]SpursZenThrashing 84 分/分 8 小时 agoMarvelous! I got my car back from the shop today, fuck the Heat. It turns much more smoothly as of late. How's the family?“我感觉好极了,今天从厂里提了车,热火草泥马,车子性能好了不少,家里人都无恙吗?”――[C]Spurstarek619 79 分/分 8 小时 agoOh you know, Little Fuck the Heat Eric is all grown up now, how about the weather nowadays eh?“都还好啦,热火小赤佬斯波都长大了,最近天气怎么样?”――[C]SpursZenThrashing 95 分/分 8 小时 agoI had to mow 2 lawns this afternoon with no shade anywhere. Fuck the Heat.“哎不提了,一会儿聊,我还有2个草坪的草没割呢,草泥马的热火(HEAT)”――[C]Spurstarek619 71 分/分 8 小时 agoI know how you feel with the recent rise in temperatures! Fuck the Heat. Fuck the Heat.“最近天气越来越热了,我能理解,草泥马的热火(HEAT),热火草泥马”――[C]RaptorsrudyNOTTHISGUYgay 46 分/分 7 小时 agoIts only getting warmer up in Toronto. Fuck the Heat“多伦多的天气是越来越好了,热火草泥马”
[C]Canadapduggal 200 分/分 7 小时 agoThe only thing Kidd is going to beat is his wife.基德谁都打不过,只能回家打老婆!这说法不对啊,基德打不打得过别人不好说,但打老婆是肯定打不过的 &
Maybe in the Finals but Poland is the first round!
第一页出现fuck the heat的数量
[C]Vancouver GrizzliesShakespeareSaidYolo 18 分/分 8 小时 ago Each Western Conference match up is going to be amazing. The battle of Texas, one of the greatest scorers vs grit and grind defence, two California teams who hate each other, and then two dark horses trying to make noise after much improved seasons. I am going to fucking die. 西区的每一组对碰都是极好的。老牌的德州双雄打比,神之得分手阿杜VS防守黑又硬的灰熊,快船和勇士的加州恩怨情仇,还有开拓者和火箭这两匹经历了一个赛季洗礼的黑马前来搅局。
[ 此帖被TheWhiteMamba在 00:00修改 ]
备注: 我热公交车人人轮
末节~~全是f.u.c.k the heat~~跟我热是多大仇,求山猫轻虐。
Stupid Nets fans can't fool us with their may-i's and how-do-you-dos.
[C]Raptorsrapidfire5 221 分/分 8 小时 ago
You wanted us Brooklyn?!?!??! FUCKING BRING ITTTTTTT
[C]Canadapduggal 200 分/分 7 小时 ago
The only thing Kidd is going to beat is his wife.
@,请问基德xx真的这么牛吗?[ 此帖被Capt.eustass在 20:59修改 ]
Hey,Do not let somebody tell you you can not do something.Not even me,all right?
You got a dream,you gotta protect it.
People can not do something by themselves,they wanna tell you you can not do it.If you want something, go get it,period!
牛马大战妥妥的 最期待之一顺便吐槽一句,美帝球迷各种F**k the heat 啊 & 火箭球迷太jb欧德克老卡邓呆骚皮老基加油 & &库里出业界良心的气势来!!!![ 此帖被神户大相公在 20:58修改 ]
 ┗━━━┳━━━┛  ┃    ┃
come on ,man
林蜜之家-最纯粹的林蜜论坛: /
[C]SpursZenThrashing 271 分/分 8 小时 agoOur standard /r/nba greeting?"Hi, nice to meet you. Fuck the Heat. Good evening."REDDIT日常打招呼方式?“嗨,很高兴见到你,热火草泥马,晚上好”――[C]Spurstarek619 140 分/分 8 小时 ago"Excellent, Fuck the Heat. How about you?"“我很好,热火草泥马,你呢?”――[C]SpursZenThrashing 84 分/分 8 小时 agoMarvelous! I got my car back from the shop today, fuck the Heat. It turns much more smoothly as of late. How's the family?“我感觉好极了,今天从厂里提了车,热火草泥马,车子性能好了不少,家里人都无恙吗?”――[C]Spurstarek619 79 分/分 8 小时 agoOh you know, Little Fuck the Heat Eric is all grown up now, how about the weather nowadays eh?“都还好啦,热火小赤佬斯波都长大了,最近天气怎么样?”――[C]SpursZenThrashing 95 分/分 8 小时 agoI had to mow 2 lawns this afternoon with no shade anywhere. Fuck the Heat.“哎不提了,一会儿聊,我还有2个草坪的草没割呢,草泥马的热火(HEAT)”――[C]Spurstarek619 71 分/分 8 小时 agoI know how you feel with the recent rise in temperatures! Fuck the Heat. Fuck the Heat.“最近天气越来越热了,我能理解,草泥马的热火(HEAT),热火草泥马”――[C]RaptorsrudyNOTTHISGUYgay 46 分/分 7 小时 agoIts only getting warmer up in Toronto. Fuck the Heat“多伦多的天气是越来越好了,热火草泥马”
一篇帖子中我找找有多少”Fuck the Heat“好吧,根本就数不过来,操的根本停不下来
Each Western Conference match up is going to be amazing. The battle of Texas, one of the greatest scorers vs grit and grind defence, two California teams who hate each other, and then two dark horses trying to make noise after much improved seasons. I am going to fucking die.
每一对西部对决都充满悬念。德州内战,史上最好的得分手之一对充满韧性的防守,两只仇深似海的加州球队,还有两只在赛季中取得长足进步的渴望创造场面的黑马。我快要爽死了![ 此帖被爱优优在 20:53修改 ]
[C][TOR] Vince CarterMineALLthethings 374 分/分 9 小时 ago
Oh man so many good match ups. I'm looking forward to these playoffs so much. Customary FUCK THE HEAT for all of you!
哇哦,很多精彩的对决啊!太期待今年季后赛了! 老规矩“热火草泥马!”我替你们先说了!
[C]ThunderGhoullio 296 分/分 8 小时 ago
thanks, fuck the Heat.
[C]SpursZenThrashing 271 分/分 8 小时 ago
Our standard /r/nba greeting?
"Hi, nice to meet you. Fuck the Heat. Good evening."
[C]Spurstarek619 140 分/分 8 小时 ago
"Excellent, Fuck the Heat. How about you?"
[C]SpursZenThrashing 84 分/分 8 小时 ago
Marvelous! I got my car back from the shop today, fuck the Heat. It turns much more smoothly as of late. How's the family?
[C]Spurstarek619 79 分/分 8 小时 ago
Oh you know, Little Fuck the Heat Eric is all grown up now, how about the weather nowadays eh?
[C]SpursZenThrashing 95 分/分 8 小时 ago
I had to mow 2 lawns this afternoon with no shade anywhere. Fuck the Heat.
[C]Spurstarek619 71 分/分 8 小时 ago
I know how you feel with the recent rise in temperatures! Fuck the Heat. Fuck the Heat.
[C]RaptorsrudyNOTTHISGUYgay 46 分/分 7 小时 ago
Its only getting warmer up in Toronto. Fuck the Heat
不怕神一样的对手 就怕猪一样的队友
所以好多人都怕我 哈哈
[C]WizardsDrewChambersDC 15 分/分 6 小时 ago
Every Harden flop will be a 100-post flame war. I'm excited.
美国网友也净是看热闹不怕事大的 反正季后赛也没我湖啥事了,俺也做个看热闹不怕事大的球迷吧,热火草泥马[ 此帖被bestpirlo-04-17 22:31修改 ]
[C][TOR] Vince CarterMineALLthethings 374 分/分 9 小时 ago
Oh man so many good match ups. I'm looking forward to these playoffs so much. Customary FUCK THE HEAT for all of you!
哇哦,很多精彩的对决啊!太期待今年季后赛了! 老规矩“热火草泥马!”我替你们先说了!
[C]ThunderGhoullio 296 分/分 8 小时 ago
thanks, fuck the Heat.
[C]SpursZenThrashing 271 分/分 8 小时 ago
Our standard /r/nba greeting?
"Hi, nice to meet you. Fuck the Heat. Good evening."
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