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A Practical Guide To Presetters
Tool measurement devices help shops save time, control runout and improve tool management.
Modern Machine Shop,
Senior Editor
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One factor that affects measurement accuracy on a presetter is the location accuracy of the adapters that accommodate different toolholder types. The presetter shown here holds and locates adapters using a locking mechanism that provides for this accuracy. The operator is inserting an adapter for holding 40-taper toolholders.
Every machine shop has a tool measurement device, says Richard
McCarthy. In some shops, the tool measurement device is the machining
center itself. That can be an expensive way to go.
Mr. McCarthy is a national sales manager for tool measurement systems with
(Elk Grove Village, Illinois). The tool measurement devices he helps
shops to implement are commonly known as “presetters.” The term may be
somewhat misleading, because shops using these devices enjoy a range of
benefits even if they don’t literally “preset” their tools. Typically,
the most significant of these benefits is saving time at the machining
center. As an alternative to using feeler gages and test cuts to
determine tool offsets at the machine, using a presetter to perform
independent tool measurement away from the machine can free up
considerable productive time.
Who Needs A Presetter
Mr. McCarthy says job shops often assume they aren’t good candidates
for presetters because their production quantities are small. In fact,
job shops often represent the very best applications for presetters. A
process that might not need a presetter is one that runs the same part
all day long, day after day. A process like this requires tools to be
changed out only because of wear. By contrast, job shops change tooling
not only because of wear, but also because of new jobs. The more
frequently a shop has to load a fresh tool in a machining center, the
more savings off-line tool measurement can deliver.However, even facilities with long stretches of time between tool
replacements might benefit from off-line measurement. An additional
advantage relates to the impact of runout on tool life and
productivity. By using a presetter to set up its tools, a shop can
detect runout problems and hold each tool to a defined runout limit.
Without this kind of control, machining with too much runout
accelerates tool wear by forcing one edge to perform the brunt of the
cutting. A shop that doesn’t recognize this problem may run slowly or
take shallow cuts just to preserve the life of the tool. By identifying
and curing the problem, the shop can realize more aggressive material
removal.Controlling runout is particularly important for
small-diameter tools because the acceptable runout for any tool is
proportional to its size. According to Mr. McCarthy, this is the reason
why one high-volume manufacturer implemented presetting. While time
lost at the machining center was not a concern, the shop believed tool
runout might be a significant problem for its small-diameter tools.
After discovering runout error resulting from the toolholders, the shop
switched to holders that permitted faster production. Without using the
presetter to perform this diagnosis, the shop may never have considered
this fix.PrerequisitesShops implementing presetters often learn lessons like this because the
presetter forces a more disciplined approach to measuring tools. In
fact, it also tends to force a more disciplined approach to tool
management. Tooling stored in toolboxes and bins throughout the shop
needs to be gathered together in a central location close to the
presetter. Getting all the tooling in one place may save the shop
considerable time in its own right because operators no longer have to
roam the shop in search of tools.
centralization is just one of the requirements for successful off-line
tool measurement, Mr. McCarthy says. Another requirement is an
investment in having a sufficient number of tools and holders on-hand.
If the shop is no longer doing tool measurement at the machining
center, then it should have enough extra tooling to run production
while the presetter measures the tools that will be needed next.Which Presetter Is RightVarious presetters are available across a range of performance levels.
offers contact and noncontact models from Diaset and Speroni,
respectively. The contact measurement involves an indicator, while the
noncontact measurement is optical and might be performed either
manually or through CNC. The contact presetters are the least expensive. The noncontact
models tend to be both more accurate and more efficient. Mr. McCarthy
points out that optical models are upgradeable, so it’s usually not
necessary to begin with an aggressive menu of capabilities. “About the
only thing we can’t expand is the iron,” he says—meaning the
presetter’s size should be carefully chosen to match the largest tool
the shop is likely to need to measure in the future.The
other fundamental consideration is accuracy. If the shop accepts the
rule that gages should have 10 times better accuracy than the part
tolerance, then this rule can suggest the required accuracy of the
presetter. For example, if parts are to be machined to accuracies as
loose as ±0.005 inch, then tools can be inspected to ±0.0005-inch
accuracy using a contact presetter, Mr. McCarthy says. At ±0.002-inch
part tolerances or tighter, an optical system is necessary to achieve
the corresponding accuracy of tool measurement.Getting The Data To The MachineNo matter how precise the measurement, there is still the challenge of
getting the tool measurement data to the machine—a step that offers
plenty of opportunity for error. Some presetters offer a label printer
to avoid human error in writing numbers down. The correct measurements
are printed out and affixed to the toolholder. Even then, there is the
“fat finger” problem, which occurs when data from the label is miskeyed
into the control, Mr. McCarthy says. To avoid this error, some
presetters compose NC programs for assigning correct tool offsets. The
machine tool’s CNC runs this program before running the machining
cycle. The operator simply has to load the tools into the correct
avoid the potential for error even in this tool loading, a still more
aggressive approach is the use of tool ID tags capable of storing
electronic data at each toolholder. With a system such as this, the
presetter can write tool offsets to each tool-and-toolholder assembly.
The CNC using a reader for these tags can identify the tool
automatically, read its offsets, and cycle the tool magazine around to
the right pocket for loading.Qualified ToolsOne final way some shops try to avoid errors in communicating tool data
is by keeping the tool offsets always fixed. They use “qualified”
tools. That is, they use tools that literally are “preset,” because the
user employs the tool measurement system to help him adjust the tool’s
length within the toolholder until it matches a certain predetermined
value. (Only in a case such as this is the measurement device truly
used as a “presetter.”)
few types of machines demand these qualified tools because they have no
freedom to apply offsets. These machines include transfer lines,
twin-spindle machines that use identical tools in parallel processes,
and five-axis machines with CNCs that lack the capability to adapt
complex tool paths for tool offset changes. Boring tools also have to
be preset to specific dimensions. Apart from these applications, most
users of presetters employ the device to measure the tool as it is. However,
the potential to take this opposite approach—determining the offset
first and setting the tool to match—illustrates the increased range of
options the shop has available with a presetter. The need to transfer
data to the CNC can be rendered unnecessary as the shop applies the
presetter to standardize the tool dimensions and achieve even greater
control over the management of its tools.
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哈斯立式加工中心 TM-3工具铣床
Haas TM-3立式加工中心是美国制造的加工中心,结合了创新的设计原理,独树一帜的控制特点,和产品的高质量构造,使得我们的产品操作简易.种类多样,并且价格合理.TM-3更结合了使用简便,精密的哈斯CNC系统和操作简单的手动摇轮。可以实现三种模式操作:手动,半自动和全自动。
Haas CNC控制系统不用参考手册也一样可以方便操作,利用方便的逻辑操作步骤和内嵌在软件里的工具,使操作者在加工零件,理解程序方面获得指点.宽基座,铸铁结构的TM-3,与其他Haas机床一样, 以其刚性和减震而不同于其他经加工或焊接的结构的机床. 机床的设计能提供很好的刚性和清洁的加工区域.涂上外层,完全钢化的机床门的启闭,可以轻易地进入工作台.这些特征,再加当地经销商的服务.使Haas TM-3在设计创新,品质和价格方面都成为了标准权威.
All features, benefits and specifications are subject to change.
TM以下三种方式来操作。在全数控模式下,可通过标准G代码编程控制所有的轴。在手动模式下,X和Y轴是由手动摇轮控制,而Z轴是由推轮控制。高精度的数显装置使得手动定位精确到0.0001" (0.0025 mm)。结合手动和全数控模式,工具铣床可完成推进行程限位,手动进给和分度推进。而这些操作的定位精度都可通过高精确度,简单易读的数显系统显示出来。
7.5马力(5.6 kW)矢量驱动
哈斯矢量驱动包括闭环系统来提供您加工所需的速度。最大主轴转矩可在转速为1200转/分时达到33 ft-lb (45 Nm) 。
直接驱动主轴当切削铝合金时,产生4000转/分的速度。在切削钢材时,产生低扭矩。TM-3 的标准配置配有CT40 刀柄。
所有Haas CNC机床都使用美国制造的铸铁构成, 它的减震能力超过钢铁十倍.Haas铸铁件内配有加强筋,以抗弯减震,同时,所有Haas铸铁件在加工前都要进行彻底检验,以确保没有裂纹.
20GB硬盘提供了各项程序的巨大存储空间。可支持 ZIP™或闪存的接口。以太网可完成哈斯机器与王网络或其它电脑间快速,简便的数据传输,大型文件可以被多台机器读取。可允许以每秒1000字组的速度对大型文件进行DNC。可用于Windows XP, ME, 2000 Pro & Server, NT 4.0, 98和95。IPX/SPX 或TCP/IP协议,可以方便地从控制屏幕设定。
• Rigid tapping:
Synchronized tapping eliminates the need for expensive, floating tap holders, and prevents lead-thread distortion and start-thread pullout.
• High-speed machining:
The HSM option provides a powerful tool to reduce cycle times and improve accuracy. Using a motion algorithm called ”acceleration before interpolation,“ combined with full look-ahead of up to 80 blocks, HSM provides fast contouring feeds without distortion of the programmed path. The Haas HSM option accepts ISO standard G code, and is a fraction of the cost of other high-speed controls.
Haas HSM高速加工选项为缩短循环时间和提高精度提供了强大支持。高速加工选项使用被称为“插补前加速”的运动算法,加上能够预读多达80个程序块,可以让您快速进刀加工时,不会存在已编程路径失真的风险。哈斯高速加工选项接受ISO标准G代码功能,且价格只是其它高速控制系统的一小部分。
标准规格机床尺寸Chip Pan Extension standard on TM-3
Machine depth is 87" (2210 mm), and requires
additional 35" (889 mm) to open rear service panel
The Haas ControlHaas控制系统
CNC Control Features and Benefits
每台Haas加工中心的核心都是具有一流设计的控制系统, 它带有多重功能,而且目的只有一个:提高操作者的生产力.缩短操作者的培训时间,可下载现有的G代码控制程序,并可对程序做小幅度的修改或无需修改.
Additional features include:
LED Beacon Light
The Haas-designed beacon light uses two rows of ultra-bright LEDS that can be seen from anywhere in the shop. The LEDs generate very little heat and have a life expectancy of more than 10 years.
Haas设计的这一信号灯有两排超亮度LED - 12个绿色的和12个红色的 - 非常醒目,在车间的任何地方都可以很容易地看到。LED热量产生少,预期使用寿命达10年以上。
Color LCD Screen
Our full-color TFT LCD display is designed to work in the machine shop environment. The high-intensity, high-contrast LCD features a very wide viewing angle, and will not fade out in bright light. The panel is mounted behind anti-glare tempered glass for protection and easy viewing.
机床配置的彩色TFT LCD显示器设计适用于车间工作环境。高亮度、高对比度的液晶屏提供了非常宽的视角,且不会在明亮的光线下变淡。屏幕表面装有防眩强化玻璃加以保护。
Multi-FunctionJog Handle
Most machines use the jog handle only to move the axes around. On Haas machines, the jog handle can also be used in other modes to cursor through the program for faster editing, override spindle speeds and feedrates, or scan through offsets, parameters, etc.
One-Button Features
Common multi-step functions, such as powering up in the morning or setting tool offsets, have been reduced to the push of a single button. Other often used functions, such as setting part zeros, homing the machine, setting the offset to centerline and resetting the tool turret, are also one-button commands.
Dedicated Closed System
Our goal is to provide Haas users with a robust, dependable control that is seamlessly integrated with the machine. Our closed system is not reliant on PC-based controls or third-party NC suppliers. When you call Haas, you get a company that takes full responsibility for the entire machine.
Advanced Program Editing
A unique feature of the Haas control is an advanced program editor that allows the operator to edit programs in a dual-window format.
Dedicated Keypad
The Haas keypad has 131 keys. All common functions, including a full alphanumeric keypad, are clearly labeled for operator ease. If you have ever fumbled with hot keys, paging through screens looking for a specific function, then you will appreciate the simplicity of the Haas control. There are no encrypted codes to memorize, and many functions can be performed simply with the push of a single button.
Stainless Steel Bezel
Constructed of heavy-gauge T304 stainless steel with a fine-grained finish, the bezel of the Haas control not only looks great, it’s easy to clean, resists wear and will not corrode.
可视快速代码采用图形界面来编制简单的G代码程序。一旦您选择了符合您需要的模板,它就会要求您填写零件尺寸、速度、进给等。一旦信息填写完成,可视快速代码会为相应的加工生成正确的G代码程序。可视快速代码选项也包括标准快速代码,采用人机对话模式。操作者可以从菜单与相应的代码中选择“spindle forward” 等英语指令,这种情况下是M03,然后插入到程序中去。
提到这种机床的灵活性,TM-3有三种操作模式:手动, 手动与全数控结合,全数控。
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