谁有Pro 死侍deadpool电影下载 2015的BGM里面有一个挺好听的。(左边第一个应用)

& Pro Pool 2015
Pro Pool 2015
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Following the worldwide success of its sports games iWare Designs brings you Pro Pool 2015, probably one of the most realistic and playable pool games available on mobile devices. Boasting fully textured game environments and full 3D rigid body physics this game is the complete package for both casual and serious gamers.The simple click and play interface allows you to pick up and play the game quickly, or alternatively for the more serious players the game includes cue ball control allowing you to perform more advanced shots including back spin, top spin, left spin (Left english), right spin (Right english) and ball swerve. So whether you want a simple easy and fun snooker game or a full on simulation this game is for you. Download Pro Pool 2015 now and try it for free, you will not be disappointed. System Requirements: ? Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. ? Supports iOS 5.0 and above. ? Utilizes Retina displays on compatible devices. ? Game Center compatible. Game Features: ? Localized to English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Canadian French and Mexican Spanish.? Full High Def 3D textured environments. ? Full 3D physics at 30 FPS. ? Free online multiplayer games? Free local network multiplayer games? Practice: Fine tune your game by playing on your own with no rules. ? Quick Play: Play a custom match against another friend, family member or computer opponent. ? League: Participate in a league event over 7 rounds where the highest points total wins. ? Tournament: Test your nerves in a 4 round knockout tournament event. ? Configure up to 3 player profiles to keep track of all your statistics. ? Each profile contains comprehensive statistics and progression history. ? Select your handicap level with 5 levels of aiming and ball guide mark-ups. ? Select your preferred post shot camera through your player’s profile. ? Progress through the ranks from Rookie to Legend. Beware you can go down the ranks as well as up. ? Play against 25 different computer opponents spread over 5 difficulty levels. ? Fully customizable tables, choose from over 100 combinations of table finish effects and baize colors. ? Play pool on regulation 7ft, 8ft and 9ft rectangular tables. ? Test your skills on the non-regulation Casket, Clover, Hexagonal, L-Shaped and Square tables.? Play US 8 Ball, US 9 Ball, US 10 Ball and Black Ball based on WPA rules. ? Play World Eight Ball Pool based on WEPF rules. ? Fully featured ball control system allowing back spin, top spin, left spin (Left english), right spin (Right english) and swerve shots. ? Choose from various camera views including 3D, Top Cushion and Overhead views. ? 20+ game achievements to collect locally or via Game Center. ? Take action photos and share them via Email or save them to your device. ? In game tips and help.
Pro Pool 2015版本1.10中的新功能
? Minor bug fixes.
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Pro Snooker & Pool 2015
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By request iWare Designs has combined the free versions of Pro Snooker 2015 and Pro Pool 2015 including all in-app purchases into one game for a single price.
Try before you buy, download the free versions of Pro Snooker 2015 and Pro Pool 2015 from the App Store now.Following the worldwide success of its sports games iWare Designs brings you Pro Snooker & Pool 2015, probably one of the most realistic and playable snooker and pool games available on mobile devices. Boasting fully textured game environments and full 3D rigid body physics this game is the complete package for both casual and serious gamers.The simple click and play interface allows you to pick up and play the game quickly, or alternatively for the more serious players the game includes cue ball control allowing you to perform more advanced shots including back spin, top spin, left spin (Left english), right spin (Right english) and ball swerve. So whether you want a simple easy and fun snooker game or a full on simulation this game is for you. Download Pro Snooker & Pool 2015 now, you will not be disappointed. System Requirements: ? Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.? Supports iOS 5.0 and above. ? Utilizes Retina displays on compatible devices. ? Game Center compatible. Game Features: ? One purchase buys complete game, no hidden extras. ? No 3rd party advertising.? Localized to English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Canadian French and Mexican Spanish.? Full High Def 3D textured environments. ? Full 3D physics at 30 FPS.? Free online multiplayer games? Free local network multiplayer games? Practice: Fine tune your game by playing on your own with no rules. ? Quick Play: Play a custom match against another friend, family member or computer opponent. ? League: Participate in a league event over 7 rounds where the highest points total wins. ? Tournament: Test your nerves in a 4 round knockout tournament event. ? Configure up to 3 player profiles to keep track of all your statistics. ? Each profile contains comprehensive statistics and progression history. ? Select your handicap level with 5 levels of aiming and ball guide mark-ups. ? Select your preferred post shot camera through your player’s profile. ? Progress through the ranks from Rookie to Legend. Beware you can go down the ranks as well as up. ? Play against 25 different computer opponents spread over 5 difficulty levels. ? Fully customizable tables, choose from over 100 combinations of table finish effects and baize colors. ? Play snooker on regulation 10ft and 12ft rectangular tables.? Play pool on regulation 7ft, 8ft and 9ft rectangular tables. ? Test your skills on the non-regulation Casket, Clover, Hexagonal, L-Shaped and Square tables.? Play 6 Red Ball Snooker, 10 Red Ball Snooker and 15 Red Ball Snooker based on WPBAS rules. ? Play US 8 Ball, US 9 Ball, US 10 Ball and Black Ball based on WPA rules. ? Play World Eight Ball Pool based on WEPF rules. ? Bonus 8ft snooker table for pool games. ? Fully featured ball control system allowing back spin, top spin, left spin (Left english), right spin (Right english) and swerve shots. ? Choose from various camera views including 3D, Top Cushion and Overhead views. ? 20+ game achievements to collect locally or via Game Center. ? Take action photos and share them via Email or save them to your device. ? In game tips and help.
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Pro Pool 2015
开发商:iWare Designs Ltd.
Game Center
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Following the worldwide success of its sports games iWare Designs brings you Pro Pool 2015, probably one of the most realistic and playable pool games available on mobile devices. Boasting fully textured game environments and full 3D rigid body physics this game is the complete package for both casual and serious gamers.The simple click and play interface allows you to pick up and play the game quickly, or alternatively for the more serious players the game includes cue ball control allowing you to perform more advanced shots including back spin, top spin, left spin (Left english), right spin (Right english) and ball swerve. So whether you want a simple easy and fun snooker game or a full on simulation this game is for you. Download Pro Pool 2015 now and try it for free, you will not be disappointed. System Requirements: ? Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. ? Supports iOS 5.0 and above. ? Utilizes Retina displays on compatible devices. ? Game Center compatible. Game Features: ? Localized to English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Canadian French and Mexican Spanish.? Full High Def 3D textured environments. ? Full 3D physics at 30 FPS. ? Free online multiplayer games? Free local network multiplayer games? Practice: Fine tune your game by playing on your own with no rules. ? Quick Play: Play a custom match against another friend, family member or computer opponent. ? League: Participate in a league event over 7 rounds where the highest points total wins. ? Tournament: Test your nerves in a 4 round knockout tournament event. ? Configure up to 3 player profiles to keep track of all your statistics. ? Each profile contains comprehensive statistics and progression history. ? Select your handicap level with 5 levels of aiming and ball guide mark-ups. ? Select your preferred post shot camera through your player’s profile. ? Progress through the ranks from Rookie to Legend. Beware you can go down the ranks as well as up. ? Play against 25 different computer opponents spread over 5 difficulty levels. ? Fully customizable tables, choose from over 100 combinations of table finish effects and baize colors. ? Play pool on regulation 7ft, 8ft and 9ft rectangular tables. ? Test your skills on the non-regulation Casket, Clover, Hexagonal, L-Shaped and Square tables.? Play US 8 Ball, US 9 Ball, US 10 Ball and Black Ball based on WPA rules. ? Play World Eight Ball Pool based on WEPF rules. ? Fully featured ball control system allowing back spin, top spin, left spin (Left english), right spin (Right english) and swerve shots. ? Choose from various camera views including 3D, Top Cushion and Overhead views. ? 20+ game achievements to collect locally or via Game Center. ? Take action photos and share them via Email or save them to your device. ? In game tips and help.
版本 1.10 中的新功能
? Minor bug fixes.
此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计免费类别: 版本: 1.10大小: 70.9 MB语言: 英语开发商: iWare Designs Ltd.兼容性: 需要 iOS 5.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。
4.34781&&&&&23 份评分
&&&&&269 份评分
热门 App 内购买项目
US 8 Ball?6.00Tournament Game Mode?6.00US 9 Ball?6.00League Game Mode?6.00Pro Chalk?6.00No Adverts?12.00Clover Leaf Table?6.00L-Shape Table?6.00Baize Pack?6.00Hexagonal Table?6.00
更多iWare Designs Ltd.的产品台球2015(Pro Pool 2015) 安卓版v1.12_5577我机网
→ 台球2015(Pro Pool 2015) v1.12
2015年到来,台球游戏版本也发生了较大的变化,台球2015(Pro Pool 2015)是一款比较好玩的体育,玩法比较多样,可以参加的赛事也比较多,喜欢台球2015的玩家可以下载体验哦。【游戏特色】台球2015(Pro Pool 2015)是一款高清的3D台球游戏,游戏界面比较简单,可以帮助你快速的上手,同时还增加了许多新玩法,包括低杆,高杆,左塞,右塞和扎杆。因此,无论你想要一个简单有趣的斯诺克比赛或一个完整的模拟这个游戏都可以提供给你。1、完整高画质的3D纹理环境,30 FPS的全3D物理。2、免费多人在线游戏、免费局域网多人游戏。3、通过你的球员的个人选择您喜欢的镜头位置。4、选择不同的摄像机视图,包括3D,俯视和瞄准等。5、完全可定制的球桌,包括加工效果和台面呢颜色超过100组合选择。【玩法攻略】1、游戏的玩法和其它类的台球游戏玩法差不多,都是需要瞄准后,点击母球和杆子2、在5个难度级别对阵25种不同的电脑对手3、全功能球控制系统允许低杆,高杆,左塞,右塞和扎杆。4、游戏中的成就系统系统玩法也比较不错,玩家朋友可以自己前去体验,获得成就
【游戏特色】1、逼真的3D球动画 2、触摸控制移动棒 3、8球和9球台桌
台球帝国(billiards empire)是一款从IOS移植而来的在线桌球运动游戏,游戏拥有高质量的画面和超炫的特效,经典的模式与创新的玩法巧妙结合,让人玩之大呼过瘾。【游戏特色】1.联网对战---多场景体验异国风采,独创技巧得分系统,与全球玩家同台竞技,丰富道具体
2015最具科幻色彩的单机版台球游戏《魔术台球Magic Shot》火爆来袭!游戏在延续传统台球的击打元素的基础上,采用全新的不规则球桌为载体,玩家需要在有限的时间内,将球通过击打的形式,完成指定目标才能通关!
池台球8球是一款以台球为核心玩法的游戏,游戏中玩家需要在最短的时间内,把球全部撞进洞即可,耗时越少,白球进的越少,评分越高。千万别一不小心把黑球进了噢,如果黑球进了就提前GAME OVER了!!喜欢台球的小伙伴可以来玩玩~
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谁有Pro pool 2015的BGM里面有一个挺好听的。(左边第一个应用)
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