invalid code hintszip code.简体中文怎么写

Table of Contents
Quick Reference Guides
Test Credit Card Numbers
The following list of test credit card numbers maybe used either on the
The use of live credit card information in a test environment is strongly discourage.
It is recommended that the card numbers on this page be used instead.
If you need physical test cards to test a swiper or other pos device please order them .
For more information on the response codes and their meanings see:
Please note that while the sandbox test platform does its best to simulate what you will see in production, there may be subtle differences depending on the platform being used. At this time we are only simulating the FDMS Nashville responses on the sandbox server.
Card Number
AVS Response
CVV2 Response
CAVV Response
Card Level
CVV2 Responses
Card Number
AVS Response
CVV2 Response
CAVV Response
Card Level
CVV2 No Match (Decline)
CAVV Responses
Card Number
AVS Response
CVV2 Response
CAVV Response
Card Level
Card Level Responses
Card Number
AVS Response
CVV2 Response
CAVV Response
Card Level
Decline Responses
Card Number
Decline Code
Pickup Card
Do not Honor
Invalid Transaction
Invalid Issuer
Unable to locate Record
Insufficient funds
Invalid Pin
Transaction Not Permitted
Restricted Card
Excess withdrawal count
Allowable number of pin tries exceeded
No checking account
Declined for CVV failure
Fraud Profiler Response
Card Number
Profiler Response
Referral Response
Card Number
AVS Response
CVV2 Response
CAVV Response
Card Level
Partial Authorization Cards
Card Number
Authorized Amount
Slow Processing Cards
Card Number
Processing Time
Test Check ACH Data
The following list of test check information is made available for testing check processing functionality on our .
The account data should not be used in production.
Any Error Invalid routing Number
Any Any 5.99 Decline Returned check for this account
Any Any 9999.99 ManagerApproval Warning: You have exceeded your allocated monthly transaction volume
* Any other combination of 9 digit routing number and account number will return an approval.
AVS Result Codes
The following is a list of result codes for the Address Verification System (AVS) and what each one indicates. These codes are returned in the UMavsResultCode variable, and serve to provide developers with greater control over the AVS system. Many developers may choose to capture and display the UMavsResult variable instead. The UMavsResult variable contains the meaning of the code, rather than the code itself. Most merchants will receive the codes listed in the code column but depending on the platform they are using, they may receive codes listed in the Alternates column.
Address: Match & 5 Digit Zip: Match
Address: No Match & 5 Digit Zip: Match
Address: Match & 5 Digit Zip: No Match
Address: No Match & 5 Digit Zip: No Match
Address: Match & 9 Digit Zip: Match
Address: No Match & 9 Digit Zip: Match
Card Number Not On File
Address Information not verified for domestic transaction
Retry / System Unavailable
Service Not Supported
Address Verification Not Allowed For Card Type
Global Non-AVS participant
International Address: Match & Zip: Not Compatible
International Address: Match & Zip: Match
International Address: No Compatible & Zip: Match
Card ID Result Codes
The following is a list of result codes for the CVV2/CVC2/CID verification system and what each one indicates. These codes are returned in the UMcvv2ResultCode variable and provide developers with greater control over the CVV2 system. Many developers choose to capture and display the UMcvv2Result variable instead. The UMcvv2Result variable contains the meaning of the code rather than the code itself.
Not Processed
Should be on card but not so indicated
Issuer Not Certified
No response from association
No CVV2/CVC data available for transaction.
Errors by Code
Numeric Code
Additional Information
00001 Password/Username Incorrect. Sent by login screen when the username and/or the password are incorrect.
00002 Access to page denied. The user has attempted to access a page they don't have permission to access.
00003 Transaction type [type] not supported. Please contact support. Is returned by /console/vterm.php when an unknown transaction type (sale, credit, etc) is attempted.
00004 Processing gateway currently offline. Please try back in a few moments. Return by processing engine when the gateway cannot establish a connection with the processing backend.
00005 Error in verification module [module]. Please contact support. The given fraud module was did not load correctly. An upgrade may be in progress.
00006 Merchant not found. The system was not able to locate the requested merchant.
00007 Merchant has been deactivated. Merchant account has been marked as deactivate. Contact USAePay customer service.
00008 Unable to retrieve current batch. Failed to get the id of the current batch. Typically this indicates that the merchant account is not active or batches are out of sync. Verify all merchant account info provided to usaepay.
00009 Unable To Create Transaction. Please Contact Support. Internal database error, system may be in the process of failing over to backup database server. Retry transaction.
00010 Unable To Allocate Transaction Slot. Please contact support. Internal database error, system may be in the process of failing over to backup database server. Retry transaction.
00011 Invalid Card Number (1) The cardnumber contains illegal characters. A card number may only include numbers.
00012 Invalid Card Number (2)
Card Number was not between 13 and 16 digits.
00013 Invalid Card Number (3) Cardnumber failed Luhn Mod-10 Checkdigit Method (ISO 2894/ANSI 4.13)
00014 Invalid Credit Card Number (1) Cardnumber passed length, format and checkdigit tests but didn't match any of the cardnumber profiles enabled in the system. Contact USAePay to verify support of cardtype.
00015 Invalid expiration date. Must be in MMYY format. Expiration contains invalid characters (nothing but numbers allowed)
00016 Invalid expiration date. Must be in MMYY format. Could not guess format of date. It wasn't MMYY or MMYYYY or MMDDYYYY or even MMDDYY format.
00017 Credit card has expired. The credit card expiration date has passed.
00018 Gateway temporarily offline. Please try again shortly. Unable to contact processor backend. Failed bank link maybe in the process of coming back up. Retry transaction.
00019 Gateway temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again in a few minutes. Processor backend is offline for maintenance. Retry transaction.
00020 User not configured correctly, please contact support. User not configured correctly. Remove the user and readd.
00021 Invalid username. The merchant didn't type in a valid username when adding a new user.
00022 You do not have access to this page. The user tried to access a page they don't have permission to access.
00023 Specified source key not found. The source key provided did not match any of the currently active keys.
00024 Transaction already voided. The transaction was already marked as voided and wasn't going to be settled anyway.
00025 Unable to find transaction in batch. The batchid on the transaction references a batch that doesn't exist. If there isn't a valid batch then trying to void a transaction isn't going to do much.
00026 The batch has already been closed. Please apply a credit instead. The specified transaction has already been settled. Once a transaction has been sent in for settlement it can not be voided.
00027 Gateway temporarily offline. Please try again shortly. (2) Error communicating with the processing backend. Retry transaction.
00028 Unable to verify source. VerifySource couldn't find the source or the source was disabled.
00029 Unable to generate security key. VerifySource wasn't able to create a source on the fly. Trouble finding a key.
00030 Source has been blocked from processing transactions. Merchant has disabled the specified source key.
00031 Duplicate transaction, wait at least [minutes] minutes before trying again. The duplicate transaction fraud module detected a dupe.
00032 The maximum order amount is $[amount]. Fraud module response.
00033 The minimum order amount is $[amount]. Fraud module response.
00034 Your billing information does not match your credit card. Please check with your bank. AVS Response fraud module blocked this transaction.
00035 Unable to locate transaction. Was not able to find the requested transaction for voiding.
00036 Gateway temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again in a few minutes. VeriCheck link has been brought down for maintenance. Retry transaction.
00037 Customer Name not submitted. Cardholder field was blank.
00038 Invalid Routing Number. Check Routing number did not meet requirement of 9 digits.
00039 Invalid Checking Account Number. Check Account number is not at least 4 digits long.
00040 Merchant does not currently support check transactions. The merchant doesn't have a valid tax id or password entered for check processing.
00041 Check processing temporarily offline. Please try again shortly. Internal system error encountered while communicating with check processor. Please contact USAePay support.
00042 Temporarily unable to process transaction. Please try again shortly. A corrupted response (unparsable) was received from vericheck.
00043 Transaction Requires Voice Authentication. Please Call-In. Processor returned a referral.
00044 Merchant not configured properly (CardAuth) The merchant has payment authentication enabled but does not have a processorid/merchantid entered.
00045 Auth service unavailable. Internal system error was encountered while connecting to authentication platform. Contact USAePay support.
00046 Auth service unavailable (6). A corrupted response was received from the authentication platform.
00050 Invalid SSN. Social Security number must be 9 digits.
00070 Transaction exceeds maximum amount. Transaction exceeds the maximum allowable amount of $99,999.
00071 Transaction out of balance. Transaction does not add up correctly: subtotal + tip + tax + shipping - discount must equal the amount.
00080 Transaction type not allowed from this source. The requested command (sale, authonly, etc) was blocked by the merchant's source key. The command must be checked on source key settings screen to be accepted by the gateway.
02034 Your billing address does not match your credit card. Please check with your bank. The AVS result received from the platform was blocked by the Merchant's fraud preferences. Funds were not held for this transaction.
10001 Processing Error Please Try Again Error from FDMS Nashville. Invalid Transaction Code
10003 Merchant does not accept this type of card (1) Error from FDMS Nashville: Terminal ID not setup for settlement on this Card Type.
10004 Merchant does not accept this type of card (2) Error from FDMS Nashville: Terminal ID not setup for authorization on this Card Type.
10005 Invalid Card Expiration Date Error from FDMS Nashville Terminal ID not setup for settlement on this Card Type.
10006 Merchant does not accept this type of card (3) Error from FDMS Nashville. Invalid Process Code, Authorization Type or Card Type.
10007 Invalid amount Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Transaction or Other Dollar Amount.
10008 Processing Error Please Try Again (08) Error from FDMS Nashville. Invalid Entry Mode.
10009 Processing Error Please Try Again (09) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Card Present Flag.
10010 Processing Error Please Try Again (10) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Customer Present Flag.
10011 Processing Error Please Try Again (11) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Transaction Count Value.
10012 Processing Error Please Try Again (12) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Terminal Type.
10013 Processing Error Please Try Again (13) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Terminal Capability.
10014 Processing Error Please Try Again (14) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Source ID.
10015 Processing Error Please Try Again (15) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Summary ID.
10016 Processing Error Please Try Again (16) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Mag Strip Data.
10017 Invalid Invoice Number (17) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Invoice Number.
10018 Invalid Transaction Date or Time (18) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Transaction Date or Time.
10019 Processing Error Please Try Again (19) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid bankcard merchant number in First Data database.
10020 Processing Error Please Try Again (20) Error from FDMS Nashville File Access Error in First Data database.
10026 Merchant has been deactivated (26) Error from FDMS Nashville Terminal flagged as Inactive in First Data database.
10027 Invalid Merchant Account (27) Error from FDMS Nashville. Invalid Merchant/Terminal ID combination, verify numbers are accurate.
10030 Processing Error Please Try Again (30) Error from FDMS Nashville. Unrecoverable database error from an authorization process (usually means the Merchant/Terminal ID was already in use).
10031 Processing Error Please Retry Transaction (31) Error from FDMS Nashville. Database access lock encountered, retry transaction.
10033 Processing Error Please Try Again (33) Error from FDMS Nashville. Database error in summary process, retry transaction.
10043 Sequence Error, Please Contact Support (43) Error from FDMS Nashville. Transaction ID invalid, incorrect or out of sequence.
10051 Merchant has been deactivated (51) Error from FDMS Nashville. Terminal flagged as not usable (violated) in First Data database, Call Customer Support.
10054 Merchant has not been setup correctly (54) Error from FDMS Nashville. Terminal ID not set up on First Data database for leased line access.
10057 Merchant does not support this card type (57) Error from FDMS Nashville. Terminal is not programmed for this service, call customer support.
10059 Processing Error Please Try Again (59) Error from FDMS Nashville. Settle Trans for Summary ID where earlier Summary ID still open.
10060 Invalid Account Number (60) Error from FDMS Nashville. Invalid account number found by authorization process.
10061 Processing Error Please Try Again (61) Error from FDMS Nashville. Invalid settlement data found in summary process (trans level).
10062 Processing Error Please Try Again (62) Error from FDMS Nashville. Invalid settlement data (i.e., 'future' date found, erroneous Pserve data found) (summary level).
10080 Processing Error Please Try Again (80) Error from FDMS Nashville. Invalid Payment Service data found in summary process (trans level).
10098 Processing Error Please Try Again (98) Error from FDMS Nashville. General System Error.
10099 Session timed out. Please re-login. Session timed out - (checkout timeout setting).
10100 Your account has been locked for excessive login attempts. The user failed login too many times. Their account has been locked for 60 minutes.
10101 Your username has been de-activated due to inactivity for 90 days. Please contact support to re-activate your account. VISA Cisp requires locking of accounts that have not been accessed in the past 90 days.
10102 Unable to open certificate. Unable to load required certificate. Contact Support.
10103 Unable to read certificate. Unable to load required certificate. Contact Support.
10104 Error reading certificate. Unable to load required certificate. Contact support.
10105 Unable to find original transaction. A capture or void operation was not able to locate the original transaction.
10106 You have tried too many card numbers, please contact merchant. The transaction was blocked by the MultipleCardTries module.
10107 Invalid billing zip code. The ZipCodeVerification module was not able to locate the billing zip code.
10108 Invalid shipping zip code. The ZipCodeValidation fraud module was not able to find module.
10109 Billing state does not match billing zip code. ZipCodeVerification database came up with a conflict.
10110 Billing city does not match billing zip code. ZipCodeVerification database came up with a conflict.
10111 Billing area code does not match billing zip code. ZipCodeVerification database came up with a conflict.
10112 Shipping state does not match shipping zip code. ZipCodeVerification database came up with a conflict.
10113 Shipping city does not match shipping zip code. ZipCodeVerification database came up with a conflict.
10114 Shipping area code does not match shipping zip code. ZipCodeVerification database came up with a conflict.
10115 Merchant does not accept transactions from [country]. IpCountry module blocked transaction.
10116 Unable to verify card ID number. CVV2, CID, etc result was blocked by CVVresponse fraud module.
10117 Transaction authentication required. The merchant has set a pin for this transaction but the api did not receive a UMmd5hash. They need to either upgrade their software to send the hash or they need to remove the pin on the source.
10118 Transaction authentication failed. The UMmd5hash did not match the hash that was calculated for the transaction.
10119 Unable to parse mag stripe data. Could not determine the mag data format that was sent in.
10120 Unable to locate valid installation. Please contact support. A wireless transaction came in with an install id that wasn't found in the system.
10121 Wireless key disabled. Please contact support. The install id submitted has been deleted/disabled.
10122 Wireless key mismatch. The wireless key submitted does not correspond to the source id created for this installation.
10123 Success Operation was successful.
10124 Unsupported transaction type. Only authonly, sales and voids may be captured. An attempt was made to settle a transaction that can not be captured. This error will occur if you attempt to capture an echeck transaction.
10125 Original transaction not approved. You are trying to capture (settle) a transaction that was declined or resulted in an error. You can only capture approved transactions.
10126 Transactions has already been settled. You are trying to capture a transaction that has already been settled.
10127 Card Declined Hard decline from First Data.
10128 Processor Error ([response]) Unknown response code from First Data Nashville.
10129 Invalid transaction data. PHP Library detected missing or invalid fields.
10130 Library Error. CURL support not found PHP Library was not able to find curl support. You must compile php with curl and openssl.
10131 Library Error. Unable to initialize CURL PHP Library was unable to initialize CURL. SSL support may be missing or incorrectly configured.
10132 Error reading from card processing gateway. PHP Library was received a bad response from the gateway.
Errors by User Message
Currency Codes
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4.sketchup 2014 新增功能
3D 模型库的全新外观
对于 SketchUp 2014 而言,我们已从头开始重新建设了 3D 模型库。 新的模型库比以往任何时候都更加容易使用,外观也好上了一百万倍。 为您需要的任何东西寻找模型、创建您自己的收藏以组织内容,并通过与世界共享作品成为模型大师。
WebGL 查看器
新型 3D 模型库上的每个模型现在都能与我们的集成 WebGL 查看器配合工作。 这意味着,将它们下载到自己的项目之前,您可以在全 3D 下预览模型。 您甚至可以在其他网页上嵌入 3D 模型,这样访问者就可以使用 SketchUp 的标准浏览工具或您自己预设的情景来搜索项目。
有了全新的 3D 模型库,您就可以直接从网络浏览器上载 3D 模型 - 无需首先在 SketchUp 中打开它们。
我们增加了您在 3D 模型库以 5MB 为单位(10 到 50 MB 之间)上传和存储的最大模型大小。
添加目录之后,在 3D 模型库中寻找某个旋塞或某台洗衣机更加方便了。 可以使用您的终极确切组件建模时,为什么要粗略估算设备呢?
用重要的元数据丰富您的模型并提升它与其他建筑信息模型 (BIM) 工具的兼容性。 我们新的分类器工具用行业标准的对象类型(墙壁、平板、屋顶和数百种其他类型)来为几何图形制订标签。 与现有的分类系统合作,或解开全新的文本文件并创建您自己的分类系统。
在您的模型中归类对象后,导出 IFC(工业基础分类)文件,将您的项目打包,用于另一个建筑信息模型应用程序。 您可以与您的模型几何一起,访问您添加在 SketchUp Pro 中的所有有价值元数据。
Ruby 编程语言是使整个 SketchUp 扩展世界成为可能的语法规则。 在此次发布中,我们把应用程序接口升级至 Ruby 2.0 标准,为开发者提供一种创建新 SketchUp 工具的闪亮平台。 我们的应用程序接口目前提供对非英语字符、剖面插件、文本和轮廓工具以及其他项目的改进支持。
3D 模型和性能
现在您可以使用三种不同方法中的任何一种来画弧:默认的 2 点弧形工具允许您选取两个终点,然后选取第三个来定义“凸出部分”。或者选取弧形的中心点,然后在边缘选取两个点,根据其角度定义您的弧形。 Pie Arc 工具以同样的方式运行,但生成的是一个楔形面。
当您处理真正大型、复杂的模型时,铸造阴影不再是您必须牺牲的东西。 我们深入挖掘了 SketchUp 的阴影引擎代码(实际名称:ShadowMaster)并发现了一些优化处理的宝石。 我们对十几个笨重的、顾客得出的模型进行了测试,显示出平均速度提升了 15 倍。 您的结果可能会有不同。
在您的文档中使用自动文本标签,提升准确性并节约数小时的重复工作时间。 让布局使用规则自动插入文本,例如:“今天的约会”、“页码”和“项目名称”。 从预设标签列表中选择,为了您自己的目的而订制它们,或者从草稿中自己制作。
正如在 SketchUp 中一样,您在布局中添加的标签会自动预填充相关文本。 当您为组或组件贴标签时,其名称就会出现。 为面贴标签会显示其面积,为边缘贴标签会提供其长度,为点贴标签会生成其坐标。
Ho hum。 另一种版本的布局,对您的矢量渲染模型景观进行另一次 15 倍提速。 您的图画需要它时,矢量渲染在您操作大型视口时提供清爽、洁净的线画和更加理想的性能。
在布局的旧版本中,有很多页面的文件可能操作起来比较慢:对于喜欢享受频繁咖啡休息时间的用户而言是种优势,但对于几乎所有其他人而言,却是种烦恼。 令人悲伤的是,懒人可能要对 SketchUp Pro 2014 中的布局感到失望了,其长文档的功能性已得到了显著提升。
<p id="rate_" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="这个下载后怎么解压不了啊&威望 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="&威望 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
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