
新视野大学英语读写教程第二册unit2-c Earth — a Living Planet
Earth & a Living Planet
Earth looks like a big blue marble(玻璃球); from high above the Earth and from the moon, the planet gleams and shines. The blue water in the oceans and seas of the Earth makes a dramatic image. The white clouds above the Earth add beauty to the picture. Water is the source of this beauty and the source of life on Earth. It is the reason people can live on this planet. Water is everywhere. It is in the air that people breathe. It is in the soil, the ground that grows the food. Water is in rock deep under the ground, in natural holding areas & in storage. In a real sense, water keeps Earth alive.
Nature has an unchanging amount of water. Nature has a perfect system for recycling water. Water is used again and again. It falls as rain. Then it goes to one of three places. It might sink slowly through the soil into the natural holding areas in the rock. It might disappear into the air quickly & by becoming vapor, or gas. It might run off into streams, rivers and oceans. By itself, nature can keep the balance and provide plenty of clean water for us. Nature recycles water.
However, people cause problems for this natural recycling system. Nature's recycling system can work well only if people work with the system and not against it. Some ways that people upset nature are easy to understand. For example, dirty sewage (污水沟系统) water from homes and factories must not mix with drinking water. People get sick from drinking contaminated water. Sometimes water from factories goes into streams and rivers. It enters into the groundwater. It can flow into lakes too. This kind of contamination from industry (waste water from factories) can be dangerous for people. If water contains poisons and chemicals, it is poison. Pois some poisons kill people as well as birds and animals. Without knowing, people can upset nature's recycling system.
Lakes and rivers add beauty to the world. People enjoy water for entertainment purposes, too. People enjoy swimming and playing in the cool water of a lake in the summer. They like to ride on boats on rivers. Many people enjoy catching fish in the rivers. They fish for food and for sport. However, in some places, the water of the lakes and rivers is no longer safe. These rivers and lakes are contaminated. The fish are dying because of the chemicals from farms and factories. People cannot swim in the polluted water.
There are other ways that people disturb nature. Some of these ways are not easy to understand. For example, of what use is a wetland? No one can plant crops on it. No one can build a house on it. Therefore, engineers have removed the water from some wetlands in order to make useful land. Many shopping centers stand on dry land today, land that was once wet and full of marshes. Yet the soft and wet ground of a marsh serves an important purpose in nature. In a marsh, the surface water can sink slowly down through the soil into the rock below. Nature's holding area fills slowly with that clean, filtered water.
Housing developments and shopping centers cover much of the Earth with paved and concrete surfaces. Water cannot sink through these hard surfaces. Rainwater cannot sink into the ground because of the buildings, roads, and parking lots. So it floods parking lots and flows into basements. Engineers build huge storm pipes or sewers (污水沟) to carry the storm water away, but these cause another problem. They carry all of the water away. Not much water can sink into the holding areas under the ground. The once unlimited supply of fresh, clean water is now limited. Nature's recycling system is in danger.
Because of water, Earth is a living planet. People can live here because of water. They build large dams to store water in huge man-made lakes. The water in these lakes can water farmland and provide water for cities. Water from the dams can make electricity, called hydroelectricity since it is made from water power. These hydroelectric (水电的) projects produce electricity for the people of nearby cities and towns. However, these dams also cause problems. In some places, the holding areas behind the dams have destroyed the environment for animals, birds, and plants.
One thing is certain & the balance of nature on this water planet is easily upset. And upsetting the natural water cycle (循环) on Earth makes significant problems for its inhabitants. All of us share these problems. Water gives life to our planet. We must learn to live in balance with nature, or our shining planet Earth will die.
Words: 796
&&& 地球- 一个有生命的行星
&&& 地球看上去就像一个巨大的蓝色玻璃球, 从高高的地球上空或从月球上望去,这颗行星熠熠生辉,闪闪发光。 地球上大洋大海里的蔚蓝色的水构成了一幅激动人心的图画。 地球上空漂浮的白云使这幅画变得更美了。 水是地球上的美丽之源、生命之源。 水是人们能在这颗行星上生存的根本。 到处都有水。 人们呼吸的空气中有水。 土壤,生长食物的土地里都有水。 水深藏于地底下的岩层里、在天然蓄水区里 -- 水就储存在那里。 从真正的意思上说,是水维持着地球的生命。
&&& 大自然里水的总量是不变的。 大自然拥有一套循环使用水的完美系统。 水可以无数次地反复利用。 它以雨的形式落下来。 然后它流向下面三个地方中的一处: 它也许会通过土地慢慢地渗透到岩层里的天然蓄水区; 也许会很快地变成蒸汽或水汽消失到空气中; 也许会流入小溪、河流和海洋里去。 大自然本身能够保持水的平衡并给我们提供充足的净水。大自然能够使水得到反复循环利用。
&&& 但是,人类却给这种大自然的水循环系统制造了许多麻烦。 只要人们顺着这个系统,而不是对它造成破坏,大自然的水循环系统就能很好运转。 人们搅乱大自然的某些做法是显而易见的。 例如:从家里和工厂里排放出来的污水是绝不可和饮用水混在一起的。 人饮用了被污染的水就会生病。 有时从工厂里排放出来的水流进了小溪和河流, 也会渗透到地下水里, 或流进湖泊。 这种工业污染 (工厂排放的废水) 会危及人类。 如果水里含有有毒物质和化学物质,水就成了毒物。 毒物会使人生病;有些毒物不但会毒死鸟和动物,还会毒死人。 人们就是在不知不觉中扰乱了大自然的水循环系统。
&&& 江河湖泊让世界变得更美。 人们还因为娱乐的目的而喜欢水。 夏天人们还喜欢在清凉的湖水里游泳和玩耍。 他们喜欢在河上泛舟。 许多人喜欢在河里钓鱼。 他们钓鱼不仅是为了美食,而且还是为了消遣。 但是有些地方的湖水和河水已不再安全。 这些湖泊和河流已被污染。 由于农场和工厂排放的化学物质,鱼儿正在死亡。 人们不能在受污染的水里游泳。
&&& 人们还以其它方式扰乱大自然。 其中有些方式就不易被人们理解到。 例如, 湿地的作用是什么? 没有人能在它上面种庄稼, 也没有人能在它上面造房子。 为了利用湿地,工程师们把一些湿地里的水抽干。 在如今的干地、但曾经是潮湿的、布满了沼泽的土地上矗立着许多购物中心。 然而沼泽地潮湿、松软的土地在大自然里起着重要作用。 在沼泽地里, 地表水会通过土壤慢慢地渗透到下面的岩层里。 大自然的蓄水区就会慢慢蓄满干净的过滤水。
&&& 住宅区和购物中心使地球上许多地方的表面都铺上了混凝土。 水无法渗透过这些坚硬的地面。 由于建筑物、道路和停车场, 雨水无法渗入地下。 因此雨水就淹没停车场,流进地下室。 工程师们就建造了巨大的雨水管道或下水道来把暴雨雨水排出去,但是这些设施会引起另一个问题。 它们会把所有的水都排走, 能够渗透到地下蓄水区的水就不多了。 曾经能无限制供应的干净淡水,现在变得有限了。 大自然的水循环系统正变得岌岌可危。
&&& 因为有水,地球才成了一个有生命的行星; 因为有水,人类才能居住在这个星球上。 为了把水储存在巨大的人工湖里,人们建造了巨大的水坝。 这些人工湖水能浇灌农田,并向城市供水。 从大坝里流出的水还能发电,叫做水力发电,因为它是利用水力发的电。 这些水力发电工程能向附近城镇的居民供电。 然而这些水坝也造成了问题。有些地方, 水坝后面的蓄水区已经破坏了动物、鸟类和植物的生存环境。
&&& 有一点是可以肯定的- 这个有水的行星上的自然平衡是十分脆弱的。 扰乱地球上水的自然循环会对它的居民造成严重问题。 我们所有的人都会因此身受其害。 水给我们的星球带来了生命。 我们必须学会与大自然和谐相处。不然的话, 我们这个熠熠生辉的星球就会死亡。
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好课推荐 新概念英语视频课程
>>>书面表达。 寒期你打算与父母一起去昆明度假,大约在那儿待一个星..
&&&& 寒期你打算与父母一起去昆明度假,大约在那儿待一个星期。打算在那儿钓鱼、游泳、观光和赏花(enjoy the flowers)。&&&& 要求:1、开头和结尾已给出,不算入总词汇。 &&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2、总词数不超过60词。
&&&& Winter holiday is coming.&_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ What a great vacation! I can't wait!
&&&& Winter holiday is coming. I am going to Kunming with my parents for my vacation. I will stay there for about one week. I am going fishing,going swimming there. I also plan to go sightseeing. I hear the flowers in Kunming are very beautiful. So we decide to enjoy the flowers there. What a great vacation! I can't wait! 答案不唯一
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“书面表达。 寒期你打算与父母一起去昆明度假,大约在那儿待一个星..”主要考查你对&&提纲作文&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
提纲作文:即是对作文要求中有提纲限定或叫做提纲提示,要求作文内容中包括提纲内容的一种作文形式。提纲作文注意:1. 仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确有哪些要点。 2. 提纲是文章的总体框架,要在提纲的范围内进行分析、构思和想象。要依据提示情景或词语,&& 按照一定逻辑关系来写。 3. 根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;语言表达要符合英语习惯。
与“书面表达。 寒期你打算与父母一起去昆明度假,大约在那儿待一个星..”考查相似的试题有:
出门在外也不愁我想去钓鱼而不是去游泳的英文翻译I want to go fishing_______________百度作业帮
我想去钓鱼而不是去游泳的英文翻译I want to go fishing______________
我想去钓鱼而不是去游泳的英文翻译I want to go fishing______________
I want to go fishing rather than go swiming
rather than 是一个词组 加上前后 就表示
A rather than B
宁愿A, 而非B一个晴朗、炎热的下午,三个男孩正朝河边走去。他们要去那里钓鱼、游泳。路上,他们经过一片绿色的农田。农田的四周装有破旧的木栅栏。一头公牛正在田里安静的吃草。 “哈哈!看那只又老有懒的公牛!"一个男孩教导。“难道他看上去不够愚蠢吗?”另一个男孩笑到。他们拣起石头朝公牛扔了过去。公牛看看男孩,继续吃草。男孩们哄笑着走了。很快,男孩们到了河边。他们脱掉衣服,跳进水里。他们在水里嬉戏了大约一小时。然后在太阳底下晒干身子,接着,他们又爬上了一棵大叔。树上有许多好吃的苹果。他们大吃一惊,还把口袋也装满。然后他们开始往下爬。然而,他们惊奇地看到,树的附近站着一头公牛。公牛非常愤怒,它就是他们来河边的路上看到的那头公牛。男孩们不敢下来。这回轮到他们看
参考译文1: 正在翻译,请等待... 参考译文2: A clear, hot afternoon, the three boys are moving in the River. They want to go fishing, and swimming. The road, they passed a green farmland. Fitted with a dilapidated wooden fences around the farmland. A Bull is quietly grazing in the fields. "HA! look at the old bull with lazy!" A boy teaches. "H参考译文3: A clear, hot afternoon, the three boys are moving in the River. They want to go fishing, and swimming. The road, they passed a green farmland. Fitted with a dilapidated wooden fences around the farmland. A Bull is quietly grazing in the fields. "HA! look at the old bull with lazy!" A boy teaches. "H参考译文4: 正在翻译,请等待...
angus bull photoA bull has two horns
公牛有两个角Bull Porn
肉牛Bull has been working hard
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If I were a boy, I'll be wearing leather shoes语义参照:don't kid me
You should stay in bed a few days offMannequin
假人We will let you know the information soon and please kindly advise what is your attachment regarding for?
我们会让你知道的资料,请尽快告知您有什么关于扣押的?请输入您需要翻To crush the sham of life with gun译的文本!
Please enter you need To crush the Sham of life with gun translated text!爱你爱我
Love you love me没命中
Didn't hitwe were most surprised.
shaineciq quality final
最后CIQ质量kite day
风筝一天.Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends. The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Vo
.哈利波特 》 是一系列的七个幻想翻译公司的英国作者 J.K.罗琳。这些书历史记录同名的青少年向导哈利 · 波特,与罗恩 · 韦斯莱和格兰杰,他最好的朋友一起的冒险。中央剧情涉及哈利的邪恶向导伏地魔主杀害哈利的父母在他追求征服了魔法世界之后,他设法翻译公司麻瓜 (非魔法) 世界,他的统治的斗争订货室人员知识的增长
Ordering staff growth of knowledgegood luck wish
好运希望This year,great changes have taken place in Grade 1
这一年,很大的变化已经发生等级 1我想爱的轰轰烈烈,可你却扼杀了我
I love the sensation, but you are killing me为了长高
In order to grow tallerdarling, you have to Happiness
[object Object]I think I have that in the cold, the cold point!
正在翻译,请等待...and what a lovely saddle!
什么可爱的鞍!It increases blood pressure the heart beating and breathing:it also works several groups of muscles in the face,the stomach and even the feet.
它增加了血压心跳和呼吸: 它还工程几个组的肌肉在脸上、 胃和脚。PARTY INVITE
nullthat we need a date they can supply the parts.
The workplacehow much did you spend to buy
Nice to meet every student就是他
His(eg. metal, cardboard etc.)
(比如。 金属,纸板等。)want to see
要查看yes you know we are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on sunday
She is one of the snake will die under the animalterminal building and a hotel nearby (i.e. within 15min walking time). The latest
晕倒,全身无力he happliy saw agroup of eagles flying
他 happliy 看见鹰飞一组decorated top panel
I intend to find you out fishingcareer and jobs
You anything important is telling me?与我的朋友们一起度过
And my friends spent togetherI don't expectation you to forgive me but pls accept my honestly apologize.
I finally contacted you学校阅读俱乐部
School reading club是,他是
Is that he was张涛今晨起床晚了,他跑去学校。
Zhang Tao this morning after waking up late at night, he went to school.Hope all is well with you, my love.
希望是你,我的爱。Keep growing and fuck anything else
This is so interesting a book, that everyone wants to readEscape from Captivity
正在翻译,请等待... 正在翻译,请等待...你最好不要把药放在孩子能拿得到的地方
You'd better not put the medicine in the place where children can beKangKang don t be angry with Michael
My hair, I'm sorry快轨
Fast-trackFvery day fallin'in love
法林fvery天'在爱i miss the simple happiness with rourou but where are u
Heard the news that his favorite football team won last night he stayed up the whole night我想我只能说谢谢
I think I can say is thank you大傻
Big fool全校有40%左右的同学有每天读报的习惯,
40% of school students have the habit of reading newspapers every day,Reaction Cycles
Especially frequent consumption of food quality and safety of the outbreak of the event
I just want to know you better life is not good
咖啡是从欧洲的 continent。 introduced___england
Give me strong
Pistachios caramel egg custard
Our school students will need to recruit a student learning consultants
More books good for us
He and I are married, received a marriage certificate, there is no wedding, he was hit by a car, this incident took place on December 31, 2005.
Restored the college entrance examination system
Nick usually do on Sunday
Why don't you go home
I listen back now
The balance of the future will be out of balance!
A deep breath you will calm down


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