youtube热门频道 Rewind 2014出现了哪些热门事件

Drumroll, please: The Top 10 YouTube videos of 2014
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Of the hundreds of viral videos you shared with friends this year, it's likely these 10 made your list.
While brands like Budweiser and Nike won big with viral success, borderline insane pranks came out on top.
See which videos ruled the Internet with
list of the top 10 viral videos of 2014 (as measured by "views, shares, comments, likes and more").
Top YouTube videos of 2014
1. "Mutant Giant Spider Dog"
Views: 113.3 million views
This "spider dog" is actually just a cute little pup dressed in a spider costume. But try telling that to the poor victims of this terrifying prank.
Video: YouTube,
2. "Nike Football: Winner Stays"
Views: 98.8 million
Nike's short film starring the biggest soccer players of our time (including Ronaldo, Neymar Jr., Rooney, Ibrahimovi? and Iniesta) came out amid the rising World Cup hype.
Video: YouTube,
3. "First Kiss"
Views: 94.1 million
Women's clothing brand Wren enticed the Internet with a flirtatious video in which 20 "strangers" (read: actors) were paired off and asked to kiss for the first time on camera. The sexy advert inspired plenty of parodies, none cuter than the puppy-themed
Video: YouTube,
4. Sister Christina Scuccia on "The Voice of Italy"
Views: 66.1 million
Sister Christina Scuccia stunned the judges on The Voice of Italy when she sang her heart out to to Alicia Keys' "No One."
Video: YouTube,
5. "iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test"
Views: 59.2 million views
Unbox Therapy's video of the iPhone 6 Plus seemingly bending under pressure started the ultimate first world non-problem:
Video: YouTube,
6. Bars & Melody, Simon Cowell's Golden Buzzer act on "Britain's Got Talent 2014"
Views: 56.8 million
Known hard-ass Simon Cowell pushed young musical duo Bars & Melody through to the semi-finals with a push of the Golden Buzzer, Britain's Got Talent's latest attempt to drum up buzz for the show.
Video: YouTube,
7. Budweiser Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial: "Puppy Love"
Views: 53.5 million
One of this year's Budweiser Super Bowl commercials starred a young pup torn from his best friend, only to be reunited.
Video: YouTube,
8. "Devil Baby Attack"
Views: 48.8 million
This elaborate prank terrified concerned passersby with its animatronic "devil baby" and remote controlled stroller.
Video: YouTube,
9. "Goku vs Superman" on "Epic Rap Battles of History" Season 3
Views: 40.9 million
Among the many popular Epic Rap Battles of 2014, this one starring the Man of Steel and your favorite Super Saiyan was the most watched.
Video: YouTube,
10. "10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman"
Views: 37.5 million
This Hollaback! video of a woman walking in New York City sparked serious conversations about street harassment, and backlash when it was revealed that .
Video: YouTube,
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BONUS: YouTube Rewind: Turn Down for 2014
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Image: Facebook,
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What's Hot来看看 YouTube 炮制的 2014 年度精选视频大杂锦吧!
圣诞的走近,也代表新一年快将来临,近来多网站都开始做 2014 年的"结算",YouTube 也不例外。他们刚刚发放了一段长达 6 分 35 秒(实际只有 5 分 15 秒)的 2014 年度精选视频大杂锦,是他们自家炮制的。它的内容当然是取自今年度,在 YouTube 上多段最人气的视频来重制吧,相对 ,今年这个版本的音乐元素更强,而且节奏和气氛也更轻快。快点继续阅读,看看到底你能认出里面多少个画面吧。
youku是个什么鬼 感谢优酷! 少年不可欺 看到了~开放严禁 为了证明自己不out,我只看冰桶那一截 噫看到Pentatonix! 怎么回事,今天youtube刷存在感吗?看着很心烦。菩提本无树,明镜亦非台;本来无一物,何处落尘埃? 一不小心脑补成“一段长达 6 分 35 秒(其实是金牌)的 2014 年度精选视频大杂锦”了 扣熊囧鹅……囧叔表示基情永存 抠叔还有几集就木有了。。。要不要飞到扭腰去。。。 看完深感跟某国的差距啊。。。 接手莱特曼秀,这个不是更大么可以参考当年囧叔接手daily show顺便一提,要是淼叔你随便报个考研班听听政治老师瞎掰一会,就会知道好多中国人不知道的中国 I'm so fancy! 妈的,当我还被来得及紧握,2014就过去了,2015,读了5年大学终于毕业了 每一年的谷歌精神什么时候出, 居然没人评论截图的村井 慢慢慢您当前位置:
& 匆匆这一年!YouTube推出2014年Rewind...
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Links 威锋网
  每年年末,YouTube 都会推出 YouTube Rewind 视频短片,将一整年内所有类型的热门视频压缩成一段几分钟就能观看完的短片。威锋网 12 月 11 日消息,日前,YouTube 团队发布了今年的 Rewind 视频:Turn Down for 2014。  据悉,为了制作这部视频,YouTube 团队去了 6 个不同的城市拍摄这段视频,从洛杉矶到东京,约 100 位 YouTube 的用户参与其中,总共花费了 9 天时间才完成主要拍摄任务。另外,有 5 位电视节目主持人参与了今年视频的剪辑。  我们可以在视频中看到 Katy Perry 的“Dark Horse”和 ALS 冰桶挑战等内容。但是很可惜的是,有些热门视频由于推出时间过晚而没能被选入这段短片,比如 Beyonce 的“7/11”。  值得一提的是,为了让各个视频可以流畅、无缝的衔接,YouTube 团队为每一段场景的跳转都精心绘制了图像。该团队表示,他们整整一天可能只能拍摄出 50 秒左右的视频内容,如果出错了就需要一遍又一遍的重拍。  不仅如此,每个参与表演的演员只能了解到自己的那部分内容,没有自己参演的部分,演员完全不知情。保密工作做得如此到位,为的就是让这段视频在最终登陆 YouTube 的时候能给观众带来足够的惊喜。  让我们一起来看看这段 Turn Down for 2014 短片吧,还有精彩的幕后花絮哟。
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