
帮忙看看编辑是什么意思?PRISMA checklist什么意思_百度知道
帮忙看看编辑是什么意思?PRISMA checklist什么意思
编辑是一种工作,也是一类职业身份。指对作品等进行编写。从事此项工作的人士,中文被称为“编辑”或修改.PRISMA checklist 普里斯马的清单
出门在外也不愁&& 查看话题
I am writing in response to your request to reconsider the above
manuscript.&&I have re-examined the reviews and I believe that the original
decision was the correct one.&&Both reviewers questioned the novelty and
the clarity of the paper. You also ask about other journals, and I must say
that I am a little uncomfortable giving you advice on this regard.
Certainly many papers on this topic are published in journals related to
electroanalytical chemistry, sensors, and biosensors.&&One may also find a
good audience in biochemical or chemical biology journals.&&One piece of
advice that I can offer you is that for further submissions to our journal,
please have a person who is a native English speaker review and edit the
manuscript before submission.&&That may help with the clarity of
presentation and offer you a better chance.
下次投到他们杂志,找个母语为英语的人帮你先看看文章,也就是委婉的说你的英语不行 这个你不要说是修改重投,两个审稿人都说novelty 不够,那你一定要增加内容,重投算新稿件,不需要问编辑。 : Originally posted by chuzhufei at
下次投到他们杂志,找个母语为英语的人帮你先看看文章,也就是委婉的说你的英语不行 谢谢!:P : Originally posted by visitor958 at
这个你不要说是修改重投,两个审稿人都说novelty 不够,那你一定要增加内容,重投算新稿件,不需要问编辑。 谢谢!:P丁香客App是丁香园社区的官方应用,聚合了丁香园论坛和丁香客的精彩内容。医生可通过丁香客App浏览论坛,也可以在这个医生群集的关系网络中分享和互动,建立更广泛的学术圈子。
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【交流】帮忙看看编辑是什么意思?PRISMA checklist什么意思?谢谢
【交流】帮忙看看编辑是什么意思?PRISMA checklist什么意思?谢谢
===================================IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAILIf you are unable to complete any points that are requested in this email, please explain why in the &Enter Comments& tab of the online submission form prior to re-submitting your manuscript. This will enable us to promptly assess your response and progress your manuscript to an Academic Editor at the earliest opportunity.=============================================Consumption of Coffee Reduces Risk or Recurrence for Liver Cancer: A Meta-Analysis Dear Mrs ,Thank you for submitting your manuscript entitled &Consumption of Coffee Reduces Risk or Recurrence for Liver Cancer: A Meta-Analysis& to PLoS ONE. Your manuscript files have been checked in house but before we can proceed, we need you to address the following issues:We note that this manuscript is a systematic review or meta- we therefore require that you upload a copy of the PRISMA checklist. Information about these documents and PRISMA can be found via the following link:
Please note that if your study analyses clinical trials, we cannot proceed with consideration of your article until we have this information. If your meta-analysis or systematic review looks at studies other than clinical trials, then we request that you complete all parts of the PRISMA flow chart and checklist that are applicable. If you feel that this requirement should not apply to your study, please briefly explain the reason for thisPlease include your tables as part of your main manuscript and remove the individual files. Please note that supplementary tables (should remain/ be uploaded )as separate &supporting information& filesYour manuscript has been returned to your account. Please log on to PLoS Editorial Manager at
to access your manuscript.Your manuscript can be found in the &Submissions Sent Back to Author& link under the New Submissions menu. After you have made the changes requested above, please be sure to view and approve the revised PDF after rebuilding the PDF to complete the resubmission process.Please note that these changes have been requested to comply with submission guidelines and your manuscript will *not* be sent to review until you have fully adhered to our requests. Once your paper has been seen by an Editor we may return it to you for further information or amendments.Thank you for submitting your work to PLoS ONE.
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sanglixuan ===================================IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAILIf you are unable to complete any points that are requested in this email, please explain why in the &Enter Comments& tab of the online submission form prior to re-submitting your manuscript. This will enable us to promptly assess your response and progress your manuscript to an Academic Editor at the earliest opportunity.=============================================Consumption of Coffee Reduces Risk or Recurrence for Liver Cancer: A Meta-Analysis Dear Mrs ,Thank you for submitting your manuscript entitled &Consumption of Coffee Reduces Risk or Recurrence for Liver Cancer: A Meta-Analysis& to PLoS ONE. Your manuscript files have been checked in house but before we can proceed, we need you to address the following issues:We note that this manuscript is a systematic review or meta- we therefore require that you upload a copy of the PRISMA checklist. Information about these documents and PRISMA can be found via the following link: http://www.prisma-statement.org/. Please note that if your study analyses clinical trials, we cannot proceed with consideration of your article until we have this information. If your meta-analysis or systematic review looks at studies other than clinical trials, then we request that you complete all parts of the PRISMA flow chart and checklist that are applicable. If you feel that this requirement should not apply to your study, please briefly explain the reason for thisPlease include your tables as part of your main manuscript and remove the individual files. Please note that supplementary tables (should remain/ be uploaded )as separate &supporting information& filesYour manuscript has been returned to your account. Please log on to PLoS Editorial Manager at
to access your manuscript.Your manuscript can be found in the &Submissions Sent Back to Author& link under the New Submissions menu. After you have made the changes requested above, please be sure to view and approve the revised PDF after rebuilding the PDF to complete the resubmission process.Please note that these changes have been requested to comply with submission guidelines and your manuscript will *not* be sent to review until you have fully adhered to our requests. Once your paper has been seen by an Editor we may return it to you for further information or amendments.Thank you for submitting your work to PLoS ONE.PRISMA是系统综述和荟萃分析优先报告的条目声明请参考附件中的详细介绍
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一点之见即可成文 PRISMA是系统综述和荟萃分析优先报告的条目声明请参考附件中的详细介绍 这个怎么填呢?填标题还是页数啊行数啊?
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回复:【交流】帮忙看看编辑是什么意思?PRISMA checklist什么意思?谢谢
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