
1.Credit Card Purchasing and Static Consumer Behavior Theory Credit Card Purchasing and Static Consumer Behavior Theory Thomas L.Sporleder,Robert R.Wilson American Journal of Agricultural Economics,Vol.56,No.1 (Feb.,1974),pp.129-134 Abstract:This article treats the theoretical consequences of consumer credit card use.A delayed repayment model provides consumer optimization and indifference conditions between cash and credit card transactions.Under realistic interest and opportunity cost rates,consumers can rationally let a balance revolve about 39 percent of the time and maintain indifference over time.Key words: marketing.2.Credit Cards and Interest Rates:Theory and Institutional Factors Robert F.Stauffer Journal of Post Keynesian Economics,Vol.26,No.2 (Winter,),pp.289-301 Published by:M.E.Sharpe,Inc.3 The Effect of Credit on Spending Decisions:The Role of the Credit Limit and Credibility Dilip Soman and Amar Cheema Marketing Science,Vol.21,No.1 (Winter,2002),pp.32-53 Published by:INFORMS Abstract The objective of the present research is to study consumer decisions to utilize a line of credit.The life-cycle hypothesis from economics argues that consumers should intertemporally reallocate their incomes over their life stream to maximize lifetime utility.One form of intertemporal allocation is to use past income (in the form of savings) in the future.A second form is the use of future income in the present.This can only be done if consumers have access to a temporary pool of money that they can draw from and replenish in the future-a function performed by consumer credit.However,our research reinforces prior findings that consumers are unable to correctly value their future incomes,and that they lack the cognitive capability to solve the intertemporal optimization problem required by the life-cycle hypothesis.Instead,we argue that consumers use information such as the credit limit as a signal of their future earnings potential.Specifically,if consumers have access to large amounts of credit,they are likely to infer that their lifetime income will be high and hence their willingness to use credit (and their spending) will also be high.Conversely,consumers who are granted lower amounts of credit are likely to infer that their lifetime income will be low and hence their spending will be lower.However,based on research in the area of consumer skepticism and inference making,we also argue for a moderating role of the credibility associated with the credit limit.Specifically,we argue that the above effect of credit availability would be particularly strong for consumers who believe that the credit limit credibly signals their future earnings potential (i.e.,a naive consumer who has limited experience with consumer credit).However,as consumers gain experience with credit,they start discounting credit availability as a predictor of their future and start questioning the validity of the process used to set the credit limit.Hence,with experience the effect of credit limit on the willingness to use credit should be attenuated.We test these predictions in five separate studies.In the first experimental study,we manipulate credit limit and credibility and pose subjects with a hypothetical purchase opportunity.Consistent with our prediction,credit limit impacted the propensity to spend,but only when the credibility was high.In the second experimental study,we rep- MARKETING SCIENCE 2002 INFORMS Vol.21,No.1,Winter 2002,pp.32-53 licate these findings even when subjects were given information about their expected future salaries,and also show that the credit limit influences their expectation of future earnings potential.In the third study,we show that the mere availability (and increase) of current liquidity cannot explain our findings.In the fourth study,we conduct a survey of consumers in which we measure a number of demographic characteristics and also ask them for their propensity to spend in a given purchase situation.In the fifth study we use the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) dataset,a triennial survey of U.S.families that is designed to provide detailed information on the use of financial services,spending behaviors,and selected demographic characteristics.Results from both studies 4 and 5 provide further support for our proposed framework-credit limits influence spending to a greater extent for consumers with lower credibility:younger consumers and less-educated consumers.Across all studies we achieved triangulation by using a variety of approaches (surveys and experiments),subjects types (young students and older consumers),nature of predictor variables (manipulated and measured),dependent measures (purchase likelihood,credit card balance,new charges),and methods of analysis (ANOVA and regression),and consistently found that increasing credit limits on a credit card increases spending,especially when the credibility of the limit is high.This paper joins a growing body of literature in marketing and behavioral decision theory that goes beyond the traditional domains of inquiry (e.g.,product choice,effects of marketing mix variables) and focuses on consumer decisions relating to the appropriate use of income to finance consumption.Our framework differs from prior research on the effect of payment mechanisms on spending in two significant ways.First,we are interested in the effects of the availability of credit on spending,and not necessarily in the effect of the transaction format that is associated with each payment mechanism.Second,while prior research has studied the point-of-purchase and historic (i.e.,prepurchase) effects of credit,the present research is concerned with the availability of credit in the future.Specifically,our framework is invariant to the current and prior usage of credit by the consumer.(Consumer C Credit C Intertemporal C Mental A Self-Control) 涓嶅?鐨勮瘽鍚变竴澹
09-09-22 & 发布
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改革开放新的历史时期,社会生活的巨大变革使这一时期中国戏曲走出低谷。困境中的戏曲开始全方位革新,探索新的出路。国家花大量的钱扶植传统戏曲,但中国戏曲仍困难重重,前途茫茫找不到出路。老百姓宁愿选择电视和其它娱乐方式而远离戏曲。症结不在于社会多元化,娱乐形式多元化,是戏曲首先选择了抛弃最广大的人民群众,一张门票高达几百元,戏曲界追求所谓的“贵族化,舞台美术、道具、服装、音乐、灯光趋于奢华,太长的排演期,过分的追求形式,中国戏曲越来越呈现出“小众艺术”的趋向。这种戏剧已经不是为老百姓服务的。或者说不是为最广大的普通老百姓服务的!脱离观众,使得戏曲重新成为了少数人欣赏的贵族艺术。这当中,动辄耗费上百万,甚至几百万的舞美设备、灯光、音响,舞台美术起着推波助谰的作用。过于超前的消费把观众挡在了艺术的殿堂大门之外。   如果说,人类物质与精神生活的需要是设计的动力,那么科学技术的发展就是设计的基础。在市场经济大潮中,在社会大舞台上显示身手,中国戏曲要寻求发展的空间,重要的条件之一就是舞台美术设计观念的更新,中国戏曲在艺术上既有共同风格,又有丰富多采的艺术表现能力和千差万别的艺术个性。它从来就不是保守的,而是随着时代的发展而不断革新。而这种革新的标志就是重视科技与设计的关系。而这种物质与精神的辩证关系,正是设计及舞台美术设计的规律之一。这是万万不能忽视的。   戏剧是以表演艺术为主导的,而表演的核心就是动作。对戏曲来说,就是载歌载舞的程式化动作。我们在考察舞台美术的功能时,必须紧紧围绕戏曲动作这一中心环节来研究舞台美术与动作的各个方面关系,并且着眼于各要素间相辅而成的综合关系,做总体考察。这就是“软科学”的审视方法。时代在变迁,社会生活在变化,人们的思想观念、审美观念也在不断地更新。有着深厚传统的戏曲艺术,当然可以按照原有的艺术形态保留、承传下来,精益求精,让当代与后世的观众去欣赏古典的&美&,去感受过去时代的人与事,去认识历史。它关系到我国整个的民族文化事业,更关系到我国民族的根,民族的繁荣昌盛。寻求一种形式上的突破,对戏曲艺术的发展、创新有所建树,也是我们这代人义不容辞的历史责任。我们不能仅仅因为自身的观念上的偏失而丧失了观众的欣赏热情,从而坐失中国戏曲事业发展的机遇。
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