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Italy is known for delicious food and wine. A dinner prepared in traditional Italian style is a feast for the eyes and the palate. Though modern Italians eat meals with a sing&le course at home, the traditional Italian menu for a party or family get together is comprised of several courses. There are typically five courses you can expect, including antipasto, pasta, meat, a side dish, and, of course, dessert.The antipasto is the appetizer, and it is the first item to come out of the kitchen. It is often served with an "aperitivo" or before-dinner drink. This course may be served standing up as guests mingle or when everyone is seated at the table. Traditional antipasto foods inclu however, if a very rich meal is to follow, the host may elect to keep the antipasto simpler, serving just nuts, olives, or other light snacks.The primo is the first course and is generally served after everyone is seated at the table. In Italy, this course almost always consists of pasta. However, if a very heavy meal is to follow, it may consist of soup instead. Risotto, flavored soft rice, is a modern choice for this course. The food presented at the primo course is always small in quantity. Even if an antipasto course has been served, the primo is still considered an appetizer. There are still several courses to come.The secondo is the main course. It is generally comprised of meat or fish. In Italy, portions of meat are typically small. Throughout history, meat has been fairly expensive in Italy, so families generally do not serve it in large portions. In addition, since the meat is often served after a filling albeit small pasta dish, a small portion is appropriate.This is the side dish, which is served alongside the main meat course. In a traditional Italian menu, the cotorno is usually a platter of vegetables. The vegetables are simply prepared, sometimes roasted with a little olive oil. The preparation and flavor of the vegetables is one of the most notable things about Italian food. You don't find vegetables laden with sauces or prepared in casseroles. Rather, these are very fresh and simply prepared so that the flavor of the vegetable itself takes center stage.Dolce means "sweet" in Italian, and it refers to the dessert course. In Italy, traditional desserts vary from city to city, with each having its own special delicacy. If you visit Milan, you'll likely be served panettone, delicious sweet bread with candied fruits and raisins. In many other areas of Italy, cakes are traditional. In Vignola and many other parts of the Modena province you enjoy a cake such as Torta Barozzi, made from dark chocolate, vanilla, coffee, and almonds. Travel to Sicily, and you may be served lemon sorbet or cannolo, fried pastries filled with ricotta cheese and candied fruit. Coffee is usually served with dessert or sometimes taken after dessert.The courses that comprise an Italian menu aren't set in stone. For more formal dinners, for example, there may a fruit and cheese course served just before dessert. In addition, depending upon the contents of the cotorno course, a salad may be served with the secondo, as well. Once dinner is over, you can expect a "digestivo" or after-dinner drink to be served, particularly at more formal occasions.In Italy, the largest meal of the day is usually lunch, called "pranzo." If a family feast is planned, particularly on a weekend, it is usually eaten in the middle of the day. For most Italians, dinner or "cena" is a very light meal. It is often composed of soup, salad, or pasta.
Microsoft Excel has several powerful tools that can solve complex problems. Popular in business settings, Excel is a useful tool for creating, editing, and solving data. One o&f the most common functions used in Excel is the copy formula function, which makes copying data or formulas quite easy. Unfortunately, the copy function isn't that easy to use. Find the Excel icon on your computer. Double-click to open the program.Point your cursor to the cell that contains the copy formula. Click the cell once and check the "FX" bar to ensure it's displayed.Using the letter and number, identify each cell referenced in the copy formula. Try to determine why each number belongs in the formula.If you find that any numbers in the formula are a constant, insert a dollar sign right before the letter and number of the cell. For example: if the cell C3 has the number 3.14 (pi), then C3 should always be referenced as $C$3.When done, copy and paste the formula into your preferred cell. If you don't see the formula in the "FX" bar at the top, click once in the cell. Look through your cells to determine which cells need to be referenced in the pasted formula. If you find any missing or out of place, edit the incorrect references.When done, copy and paste the formula into the consecutive cells. To do this, click the bottom right of each cell with the formula and drag it down throughout the number of desired cells.If you are pasting down, instead of across, you may notice that Excel automatically alters the formula. This alternation changes the reference in each cell directly below the previous one. If you are pasting down, you may need to alter the formula. If you are pasting across, Excel does not apply this alteration.To override the automatic alterations set in place by Excel, simply type a dollar sign before the letter in each cell. This handy trick will override Excel and eliminate the automatic alteration.When done, save your work. Navigate to the "File" option, select "Save As," give your file a name, and select "Save" to confirm.This simple guide can help prevent errors with the copy function in Excel. Even better, it can help to reduce human errors in important spreadsheets. This guide can be used to copy both simple and complex functions. So take advantage of this handy trick. Excel is a bit picky about copying formulas. In order to copy formulas to other cells, you must use cell references. If you don't, you'll quickly find that the copy formula and function doesn't work.
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