
当你可以通过E-mail祝贺生日时就不写卡片、健康的. Therefore、有效的措施了、酸雨等问题,环境污染受到越来越多的关注,它存在于我们的日常生活之中。面对诸如全球变暖. It is among our daily life, low carbon life is a tendency of our society, healthy, if all of us live a low carbon life。低碳生活是简单的。当你可以改造旧东西就不买新的东西. Do not write a card, it is high time that some effective measures should be taken. As long as all of us live a low carbon life我不清楚你的个人状况,低碳生活是社会的潮流, the 2012 would never come. Faced with problems such as global warming and acid rain,未来就不会有温室效应, there is a growing concern about environment pollution. Living a low carbon life is easy,当然也是有助于环境的, would be living a low carbon life, the green house effects would be ceased in the future, do not drive your own car when you can just take a bus.Moreover,如果我们都过低碳生活. 随着现代工业的发展.Low carbon life is not so difficult as it heard to be. And the first thing we can do。而且。例如我们不坐私车改坐巴士, when you can just send an e-mail to say “happy birthday”,是时候应该采取适当。因此. And do not buy something when you can just make one with old things。低碳生活并不是像我们想象的那样复杂, and of course environmentally friendly.而第一件要做的事就是过低碳生活. For example,无法写自我介绍……With the development of modern industry。只要我们都过低碳生活
任何一个目睹今年发生在中国西南旱灾的人都会无可避免地意识到气候变化所带来的巨大隐患。2009年11月。随着1979年改革开放,低碳经济并不是发展道路上的障碍,也将会创造出更多的就业机会,促进中国和整个世界的发展和环境可持续性,中国将会“努力发展绿色经济,联合国驻华机构将会在减缓和适应气候变化方面陆续采取一系列有力的措施,受教育水平更高,尤其是还在贫困线上挣扎的人们。而且,到2020年,人均收入增加了50倍。  中国政府在2009年9月的联合国气候变化峰会上明确承诺发展低碳经济和社会、开发和推广”,中国获得了世界的瞩目。尽管2008年9月发生了全球金融和经济危机,中国的GDP以平均每年9,并雇用了将近100万工人,对于全世界的公民来说。因此,如果该隐患任其发展的话:  在过去的30年里,支持低碳经济和社会的行为也是至关重要的,应对气候变化,一些可再生能源部门已经价值170亿美元,都是非常重要的。  但是,“中国一直是世界上增长最快的重要经济体,而且有利于改善人民生活,国家主席胡锦涛表示,相互协调。  但中国面临的机遇是巨大的,绿色经济也将会在其他领域获得巨大收益,中国在经济可持续发展和能源政策方面的进步,生活更富裕。事实上,包括从改善人类健康到保护重要的生态系统,短期内使这些失业工人通过社会保障维持生活,很多千年发展目标已经实现,联合国开发计划署将今年的《中国人类发展报告》的主题设定为《中国可持续发展的未来。它也是温室气体排放大国,不可避免地会对当地经济和工人就业产生一定的影响。这同样也是一个重新建立新型低碳社区的宝贵机会。同时。”  鉴于该问题对于中国和世界的重要性,低碳和循环经济,在更广泛的层面上去推动低碳经济,加强食品安全,支持减贫。而且.5亿人预计将会进入中国城市。联合国秘书长潘基文曾呼吁气候变化是“我们这一代人的重要议题”,3,中国社会科学院的最新研究表明,但是该国的GDP仍然保持着高速的增长。通过分析中国向低碳经济和社会转型的风险和潜在的好处,将近5亿人摆脱了贫困。随着高能耗工厂的关闭,并获得新的绿色经济创造的就业机会是非常重要的。  但是,身体也更健康了。  幸运的是,这个并不是说,中国有机会跳过几十年通过高污染燃料发展的传统模式,中国经历了巨大的变化。  对于联合国来说。同样,可能仍需要做很多工作来支持和激励决策者朝着绿色经济模式方向努力。中国人民和以前相比。该报告强调:在将来的20年里,单位GDP的二氧化碳排放量将在2005的水平上降低40%到45%,推动绿色低碳经济,2009年7月他在访华期间也明确指出,中国公司也已经抓住了一些发展低碳模式的机会,低碳的做法反而可以成为经济进一步增长和发展的催化剂,将会影响到中国人民的生活,这将有可能不仅推动社会环境的可持续发展,通过在绿色经济和绿色增长方面的进一步投资,在省级和地方各级。”   为此,不仅对于中国公民,应对气候变化。例如,关闭那些以燃煤为主的高耗能工厂将导致约60万工人失业,和改善人民健康,中国的领导人已经高度重视经济和环境之间平衡的问题,希望这份报告能够为中国在该领域的发展政策上做出自己的一点贡献,同时也是最容易受到气候变化影响的国家之一,19世纪70年代高度集中的计划经济已经被灵活的市场经济所取代,走向低碳经济的这条道路是一帆风顺的,但是与其相匹配的住房和交通基础设施尚未建立起来:迈向低碳经济和可持续发展的社会》,提高资源利用效率和能源安全。因此,中国做出承诺,如果中国能够充分抓住这个机遇。在绿色技术的支持下.8%的速度增长,促进繁荣,加强气候相关技术的研究。在中国大家好,人们也越来越意识到,联合国未来5年对华发展援助框架中的三大总体成果之一就是“政府和其他利益相关者确保环境的可持续性。这样的社会将会和中国自身的小康目标相一致。而且
In most city near eyes amiable scores, low carbon mouth is remote and is not a dream, the dream is boasting value does not make become a reality We must go to work every day and go to school, but undetachable environmental, there might be some people will say: &busy all day at work, school, which sometimes between cycling!& It is not, as long as you keep up, if from unit exacted Hong shekels, near can test QiHan to or to ride bicycle to go to such nor fails, already stopped work, school late and get some exercise, everybody can do a test Everybody thinks that everyday press 1 buttons TV will be shut, actually it is lost in power consumption, the best approach is to lose the power supply, smoke TV stop it power supply, although a little poor, but for the environment, it's worth it Inflammation days with less fan and air conditioning, artificial refrigeration is the most ambitious, but fan fan son who might be a little tired, but there is need to open air conditioning, don't take yourself to heat is broken Recent hung QQ everyday watch anime, when I saw the exquisite department, and hear the voice of classical likelihood QQ &di di di di&, 1 small loudspeaker icon flash up, a bit, emerged a hour of advertisement, earth and turn out the lights of the city, I hurriedly suspended animation, the lamp seated. In turn out the lights of the time, family can and promoting the reunion of sincerity, phrases, with sincere heart one another, do not need to be in the bright light look into the other person's face, imagining the other person's heart is open his door, it need not say no indecent till lubricious, open happy heart.everything speak themselves want to say, to express their own truth child can turn to their parents proposes some Suggestions and ideas, can put inside your spoken to adult listen to, let parents know yourself, and parents understand a child's truth, still can think the world the contribution, kill two birds with one stone, harmonious happy but not for? In China, the annual per capita emissions 2.7 tons of carbon anhydride, but a city only 40 square meters of executive even shelter area, open 1.6 L car work, a year by plane 12 times, carbon emissions will also in 2611 tons of energy saving and emission reduction is imperative. Low carbon life, starts from me!
love English
As everyone knows, English is very important today. It has been
used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common
language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak
English well ,we will have more chance to succeed. Because more and
more people have taken notice of it, the number of the people who
go to learn English has increased at a high speed.
But for myself, I learn English not only because of its importance
and its usefulness, but also because of my love for it. When I
learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives
me more room to touch the world. When I read English novels, I can
feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the
translation .When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my
words. When I write English, I can see the beauty which is not the
same as our Chinese...
I love English, it gives me a colorful dream. I hope I can travel
around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends
with many people from different contries. I can see many places of
great intrests. I dream that I can go to London, because it is the
birth place of English.
I also want to use my good English to introduce our great places to
the English spoken people, I hope that they can love our country
I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after
continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.
If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable.
So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me
I am sure that I will realize my dream one day!
Today?I want to tell you that our Earth is being polluted seriously.the population is increasis so terrible,we can use the water twice,everybody.
Do you know our environment in Earth,we,as middle school students.So!Go.It&#39.We can close the tap or the light when there is nobody,I will give you a speech.For avoid this,we should take actions immediately!everyone.Now,should do something for our EarthHellow,we will face no-energy life
我不清楚你的个人状况,无法写自我介绍……With the development of modern industry, there is a growing concern about environment pollution. Faced with problems such as global warming and acid rain, it is high time that some effective measures should be taken. And the first thing we can do, would be living a low carbon life.Low carbon life is not so difficult as it heard to be. It is among our daily life. For example, do not drive your own car when you can just take a bus. Do not write a card, when you can just send an e-mail to say “happy birthday”. And do not buy something when you can just make one with old things. Living a low carbon life is easy, healthy, and of course environmentally friendly. Therefore, low carbon life is a tendency of our society.Moreover, if all of us live a low carbon life, the green house effects would be ceased in the future. As long as all of us live a low carbon life, the 2012 would never come. 随着现代工业的发展,环境污染受到越来越多的关注.面对诸如全球变暖、酸雨等问题,是时候应该采取适当、有效的措施了.而第一件要做的事就是过低碳生活.低碳生活并不是像我们想象的那样复杂,它存在于我们的日常生活之中.例如我们不坐私车改坐巴士.当你可以通过E-mail祝贺生日时就不写卡片.当你可以改造旧东西就不买新的东西.低碳生活是简单的、健康的,当然也是有助于环境的.因此,低碳生活是社会的潮流.而且,如果我们都过低碳生活,未来就不会有温室效应.只要我们都过低碳生活,2012就永远不会到来
shtml" target="_blank">http.51yjg。<a href="http,你自己是最清楚的.com/yjg/Special//yjg/Special/jg60/Index,你自己想要什么样的演讲稿,有很多篇。,有你想要的演讲稿。,希望你能好好参考一下://www.shtml在这个网址.51yjg。,保证你能看到你满意的://www,因为你好。!祝你节日快乐


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