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購買 Castle In The Darkness
"A pleasant surprise, Castle In The Darkness is a return to the classic NES style, yet with some welcome modern conventions. Very fun and tons of secrets"
One dark and gloomy night, the kingdom of Alexandria is attacked by an evil sorcerer and his army of darkness! Despite their best efforts to protect their king and their princess, the royal guard falls, one-by-one, to the forces of evil. One knight, unconscious but still alive, awakens on the throne room floor to find that the princess is nowhere to be seen! What's more, the entire city had been overrun by monsters! With sword in hand, he embarks on a death-defying mission to find his princess and to restore peace to the kingdom!
A game by Matt Kap, the lead artist behind The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
A large world heavily inspired by the golden era of video games
Level up your knight with wildly different abilities
An arsenal of over 100 weapons, armor, items and magic to collect and use!
Over 50 bosses to find and slay
More than 100 different enemies
Fast-paced chiptune soundtrack
Castle In The Darkness is a fun and challenging shout out to the early days of video games! It's an action exploration platformer with some RPG elements, much like games from the Castlevania or Metroid series. It's super fast-paced, challenging, and full of secrets!
OS: Windows XP or later
Processor: Pentium 4 or higher
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 256 MB or higher
DirectX: Version 9.0
Hard Drive: 120 MB available space
Sound Card: Any
OS: Windows 7 or 8
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 1 GB
DirectX: Version 10
Hard Drive: 120 MB available space
Sound Card: Any
2.9 記錄時數
Awesome and interesting to pass!!!
3.4 記錄時數
26.8 記錄時數
02.07.2015I haven't finished the game yet, but at almost 8 hours in, I feel I've played enough to share my thoughts. I'll update this if/when I finish the game to update/finalize my thoughts. Here's what I feel right now.This game is fantastic. It really captures NES-style fun, platforming and frustration.- PROS - - G I really like the look of the backgrounds and characters.- Great understanding of contrasting colors. Oftentimes a cool color will be in the background and a warm in the foreground (or vice versa ). Really makes the game pop (so many games get this wrong. It's great to see it done well here).- Gameplay is fun and varied. The jump feels great too (not *fantastic*, but very good).- Wide variety of weapons and items to keep gameplay from becoming bland.- Really good music. When I entered a certain area - I had to pause for a second and just listen to it. It sounded *very* familiar (I'll leave it at that). Once I got the reference, it made me grin from ear to ear.- Lots of cute, interesting nods to other games (Mega Man, Castlevania, etc.). - Interesting, challenging boss battles. I hate boss battles that are *just* long. Here they're challenging and varied - but not too long once you get the pattern down. That's cool.- CONS - - It took me a while to get used to the screen transition. In Super Metroid, The Binding of Issac (or a host of other games
- Shovel Knight, even) when you enter a new screen, the character pauses and slides across the screen as the new area is introduced. It helps to keep everything clear: h here is a new area. In 'Castle in the Darkness' the new screen just kinda pops into existence. Then it takes me a half-second to find where the character is. I have to admit that I found it rather jarring for the first few screens. I got used to it...and this may not affect everyone - but just thought I'd mention it here.- No map system - and the game is HUGE. I may have to break out some graph paper and draw my own...- (As far as I know) No 'current objective' slide to look at. So, if you put this game down for a week and come back you would be COMPLETELY lost. - 'One-hit kill' spikes abound.-NOTES-It has to be mentioned (as I'm sure you've read in other reviews) - this game is *hard*. I think I have over 300 deaths already. It's cool, though - having a blast doing it. What's important to note is that this game uses a design philosophy that some players may not like - what I call &playing from save point to save point&. It reminded me of a saying I hadn't thought of in years - &It's not real until you save.& Beat a boss? Go back and save. Got a new item? Go back and save. Unlocked a secret room that's really cool and you want to explore it? For the love of all that is good GO BACK AND SAVE YOUR GAME. This is not a game where you run carelessly past save points as you vanquish foes with ease. This is a game where you jump for joy at save points, thank them for existing, give them a huge hug and kiss and then step cautiously into the next room. I grew up on games like this, so I understand this design philosophy - but I can see how others could see this as annoying or grindy.Also, as I get further into the game, the amount of 'one-hit kills' (i.e. spikes) seems to be increasing exponentially. I hope the endgame is not just jumping through like thirty rooms filled with spikes - and if you slip up and touch ONE of them - you gotta go all the way back to the beginning. I mean, Super Meat Boy has one-hit kills as well - but that game has a super-fast reload time and no level is more than one screen long. That level of difficulty in this metroidvania structure would NOT work well. I hope that doesn't happen. &_&- OVERALL -So far, I'm really enjoying the game. Great NES-style action and great music. If you love platformers and you're ready for a challenge, I say pick it up (it's less than $5!). If you want something light to beat in a weekend, though...this may not be for you. I, however, am thoroughly enjoying it and look forward to seeing what other craziness the game has to offer (and I've seen some crazy rooms in it already). I hope I'm able to finish it. *fingers crossed*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPDATE - THOUGHTS: 02.08.2015I just beat the game with 90% completion (this took a little over 18 hours) and wanted to share my final thoughts.'Castle in the Darkness' is wonderful. It truly is an engaging, challenging gem of a game. It surprised me how new enemies kept showing up right up until the end of the game. I was like, &This game is STILL introducing new enemies?!& Love it. All of my thoughts above still apply and I was impressed that right through to the end, it's was an incredible experience. Also, Matt Kap (the developer) is still fixing things and making the game the best that it can be. Much respect for that!So, in the end, 'Castle in the Darkness' is VERY much recommended.Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to explore a bit more and see if I can get 100% completion. Cheers! :)------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPDATE - THOUGHTS: 02.17.2015Now I've beaten the game at 100% completion! Hurray! *does a little happy dance*
有 1 位使用者對這則評論感到有趣
7.6 記錄時數
I was born in 1985 and, because of that, I had the chance to play most of the great games that came out during the &Golden Age&. Castle in the Darkess just gives me that well-known feel we old farts love so much — I would totally see myself playing this game for hours back in 1991 on my SEGA Master System II. Savegames didn't even exist back then. Good thing this game has them, because you're going to die quite a lot.Art style is gorgeous (no ????, Matt Kap = Isaac Rebirth visuals); the music is on-point (gotta love dem chiptunes mang), and the game offers good mechanics even by just making use of two buttons. The old times are back!Oh, it's also discounted by 17% 'til February 12th. That's less than 5EUR. Go buy it.
1.3 記錄時數
I think Castle in the Darkness (herein referred to as just &Castle&) is proof of a few things:-You shouldn't judge a book by its cover (or a game by its trailer in this case)-There are certain gaming staples that needed to die long ago-You get what you pay for-A &Neutral& option for reviews would be really niceI'll get this one out of the way first. Yes, Castle IS fun. But it's the kind of fun that needs to come with a few asterisks (more on that later). The game has a very simple charm to it that transcends words. Movement and attacking are quick and fluid. Enemies are nicely varied, if a little arbitrary at times, and fighting them is engaging enough. Bosses are equally varied (and there's quite a few of them!), virtually no boss (from what I've played so far) is remotely like any other, and it's fun trying to figure out their patterns and how to take them down, though I would argue that perhaps they aren't spaced out very well. Sometimes it seems like you're fighting a boss every 5 rooms, other times you're wondering if the area has a boss at all.You start with basic equipment (short sword, basic armor) and gain more as you explore the world. These include various weaponry (of course), better armor, various magic (used by holding Attack to charge), relics which offer passive benefits (break certain blocks, keep traction on ice, etc), and Life increases (dropped by bosses). Some equipment you must buy from various NPC's, requiring you to keep on top of collecting all the coins that enemies drop.It is cool to explore the world and gain an arsenal of equipment, but I can't help but feel that it's also a bit superfluous at the same time. The game seems to be designed so that enemies' strength is pretty much always on par with your own, so why even put in all the stat and weapon upgrades if they never add to your power relative to the enemies'? There
entering Ruth's Hall at the first possible moment is essentially suicide, but then, why even bother letting me enter at all until I'm further along in the game?The story is relatively vague, or perhaps a better word would be loose. What's there isn't bad. But at the same time, it's not really what you're there for. Playing Castle for the story is somewhat akin to playing Mario Bros. or Dota 2 for the story.Now for what I didn't like. While the action is fun, the platforming is not. It's flat out frustrating. Well, the platforming itself isn't strictly bad, it's platforming around all the stuff that instantly kills you that's maddening. There's something about the way the Protagonist jumps that just feels off. It's so close to perfect that it's maddening, but it's not quite there. As I hinted above, the developer seems to have an insatiable crush on spikes that instantly kill you, and traps that instantly kill you. I'm going to reckon the vast majority of any players deaths will be to some form of instant-kill environmental hazard. Actually, there were times I forgot I had a life meter at all. In one room, there's a rugged series of steps with a single spike on one of them, and the spike blends into the background really well. In fact, the first time I passed through that room, being somewhat focused on the enemies, I missed it by chance, and had no idea it was even there. The second time through that room, it killed me (I hadn't even seen it until it did so), and I seriously considered uninstalling the game and never playing it again.But the absolute worst thing about this game are the blocks that break when you step on them. You can (and in most cases MUST) hold Jump to gain extra height as you jump on these blocks to reach whatever destination you're striving for, generally this is &ground that doesn't have instant-kill spikes coming out of it&. Which is fine and all. Except for one tiny detail: these blocks look the exact same as every other block. If a block serves a different function from a standard block, it should look different. I'm no game designer, but that seems like a basic. What we have here results in a very I Wanna Be The Guy-esque trial-and-error experience. And it's not like IWBTG, where it's so absurd it's actually funny, it's straight-up frustrating, unfair, and terribly designed. The game is withholding information from you.The final thing about Castle that bugs the hell out of me is its sense of humor. Before I go any further on that, I have to kinda explain what I mean. See, there's a difference between making a subtle, clever nod or shout-out to something, and just pointing at something, saying it exists, and that by merely confirming its existence branding yourself as a comedic genius. And what Castle seems to love to point at is none other than Zelda 2 (and to a lesser extent Zelda in general, and a few other games), but it's not pointing at it, it's just quoting it verbatim, and at the same time portraying Link as (just to avoid having to ask everyone to pardon my French) a sadistic jerk, and even then it was a one-time joke that added nothing to the game. There comes a point where I'd rather a developer just not make any nods to other video games at all, and Castle has crossed that point and then some.At the end of the day, yes, Castle is fun, but this is coming from someone who had the patience to finish Demon's Souls. My recommendation must come with the caveat that if you're not okay with dying a ton, or just dying unfairly in general, then you probably won't like this game. My recommendation must also come with the caveat that I have not beaten it yet. Perhaps I'll have a more definite stance on the game once I do, but even though there's a simple charm in Castle that keeps pulling me in, there's also the game's unrefined platforming pushing me away.
4.4 記錄時數
Non-linear map designs, fun boss battles and rewarding game play. Heavily influenced by classic games such as the first few Castlevania games and Zelda 2. Lots of secrets to unlock and lots of paths to take. You can unlock new weapons and armour as you progress to increase your attack power and make less health taken when you are hit and like Zelda when you defeat a boss you will recieve a max HP increase.Be warned : This game has a high difficulty and requires a large patience.
15.9 記錄時數
(Don't make this positive review fool you that theres nothing wrong with the game)Castle in the darkness is a really good platformer that you can sink your teeth into.it is inspired by the good old school platformers we played as kids and enjoyed, and this game brings them all to life with references and easter eggs.I can say without any doubt there isn't one thing wrong with the music and the enemy/character design and backgrounds and everything but there are some things that just turns this game OFF completely for some players will get to it in a bit just stay with me here.The Controls do not feel clunky or anything, Movement, Jump, And attack button thats basically itKnow that if you are using a controller like I do, You will need to use the keyboard to pause the game or close it.The music in the game are just some old school awesomeness, The story is lovely and the gameplay is great, A lot of secrets that would take you time to get 100% of them, (And as far as i know good and bad endings)Great Boss battles, Each having its own weakness and unique fighting style.All seems well right ? Well thats a no no because unlike old platformers this is not a platform metroidvania game, Its more like a Trial-And-Error.You will die A LOT, the death counter is set for even 7 digits that's never a good thing, You will get frustrated by all the spikes that will kill you and even more angry at the trolling spikes on the roof that will fall on you once you get right under them, you'd think you can see and dodge that but sometimes they dont even show because the roof is too far to show in the screen and you simply die while trying to figure out where to jump to next.I am sure a lot will vote this review down after reading this but I will never hide anything in a game and show the positive stuff so here
goes.There are some flaws in the level design, In some places its literally impossible to go back through a place, There are other ways around if you want to go back to a warp point but still seeing that gives me an uncomfortable feeling that they didn't do it right, And not only that .. In most places while going back the focus on where enemies are and spikes makes it harder so you can expect to die a lot more when going back than you do going forward.This is why i called this game Trial-And-Error, You will keep dying from spikes and platforms that shatters when you stand on them, And places that you will just have to die at least 5 times to know what you are doing wrong.If you are thinking you would get some challenge from monsters or bosses I can tell you now if you are a &Hardcore& gamer you will get disappointed because.- Enemies look tough at first but after getting a certain sword you can pretty much kill them without sweating.- Boss battles are fun they are but I don't know if its me always finding their weakness by equipping the right skill by luck or just them not being that hard, Hardest boss killed me about 3 times before figuring out what I was doing wrong or figuring out how to kill it.So yeah your main enemy are those spikes ... Spikes SPIKES SPIKES everywhere enjoy dying a lot.So gonna get to the pros and cons to get to my point.PROS : 1 - Old school magic revived in a beautiful game, Music and sounds its all bringing memories.2 - A lot of time to spend to grind for all the hidden items and what not.3 - A lot of secrets to find and secret levels you'd need to play.4 - Very reasonable price for this great game ( and a lot more pros )CONS :1 - At the first 3 days of launch it advertised Full Controller Support and I can assure you thats fake because you cant close the game or even pause it using a controller ( at least they edited it back to partial controller support ), Still not a reason Not to buy this game.2 - A Few flaws in level design that might throw the game for some as you probably saw in some negative reviews, Yes the game is ridiculously hard at some points, you will die and die and die.3 - The game has &fullscreen& but it doesnt cover my entire screen, In my 15.6 inch laptop with
resolution, The game is 960 x 640 Although it doesn't even show in the screenshots I uploaded but its the truth, And the rest of the screen is just annoying black boarders, And the 1-2-3 windowed scaling's at number 3 the game goes out of my screen boarders ( Cant see hp and money .. etc ) 4 - a few bugs here and there and this is what i found so far. A - When the screen transition happens going from a screen to a screen sometimes it feels glitchy. B - When dying or opening menu ( You can only open menu at save points ) it freezes for a few seconds and considering you will die a lot in the game thats bad, BUT the freezing is soo short but thought I should bring it up. C - Most of the time when I kill monsters the gold they drop gets inside a rock and gets stuck there, Although I have an item that gives me the ability to act like a magnet to it, Still they get stuck and most of the time I cant pick them up. D - When killing a boss and taking the Heart ( the victory music starts and character jumps ) SOME times after it ends the character will either do an extra jump or will walk a few steps to the direction I'm facing, Nothing wrong with it right ? wrong .. some bosses have spikes on the floor and after killing a Certain Crab boss I automatically walked left and fell to spikes and had to do the fight all over again. E - After killing a boss if you touch it while its dying you will get damaged, And it killed me once and had to do the fight again, This might not be a bug might be how they wanted it for you to stay away after killing it so just be careful here :).F - Theres also some serious FPS drop issue at the Final boss Spoiler &
the real final boss battle for the 100% ending
it stayed around 36-38 the entire battle was all in slow motion, in both my pc and laptop ( and my pc is pretty tough )and also some usual fps drops every now and then.So after putting all the good and bad you are free to think of this review as you will.You are free to think of me as a (whiny little brat) Like some said that I complain a lotor to think that I just think its reasonable to have stuff like that fixed but to me ? I will still play this game because its good So I recommend this game to anyone who likes old school retro Platformers.But with a BIG warning, Know this game is really hard and most places its right down frustrating and Considered a Trial-And-Error So keep that in mind when you make this purchase.
14.0 記錄時數
In terms of graphics and retro gameplay, Castle in the Darkness sets a high standard of quality that any developers attempting this type of game should strive to achieve. However, I've noticed a lot of people complaining that the one-hit kill spikes are a detriment to the game. I'm here to set the record straight and offer a new opinion. The one-hit kill spikes are integral to keeping Castle in the Darkness engaging and consistently enjoyable. Explanation commence. There are spikes in Super Metroid that don't kill you in one hit should you fall into them from time to time. Therefore, avoiding these spikes offers little sense of acomplishment as they were only a minor obstacle. The same goes for Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. While the spikes in SotN may cause a hefty amount of damage, they still do not kill in one hit. Thus the sense of acomplishment is only marginally greater.In Castle in the Darkness, there are spikes littered throughout every level in sporadic patterns that often challenge you to alter your normal jumping strategy. Every time you jump over a spike, you just traversed something that has such a serious ramification as killing you, and that gives you a sense of acomplishment. If spikes merely chipped away a bit of health, then their weight as a threat would be completely dissipated. Not to mention the challenge of many of the game's rooms would be invalidated. One-hit kill spikes keep you on your toes. They keep you from getting complacent and bored. Thus they keep you engaged and having fun. Dying ten times on a particularly difficult spike room only makes it all the more invigorating when you finally traverse the obstacle that you have been struggling with and claim your reward. If you would like to know all the other reasons this game is amazing and should be purchased at the very low asking price, check out any of the other splendid reviews from fans. I just wanted to take a moment to explain how what many believe is a fault of the game is actually a strength in my opinion.
11.5 記錄時數
For this price this game is a steal.
It feels and plays just like an authentic retro NES adventure platformer and there are plenty of moments that make you want to rip your hair out in frustration (mostly due to spikes).
Also you will see a lot of enemies/scenes that really pay homage to classic games that I won't spoil.
But if you liked the NES Metroid or Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (okay nobody liked that game, I guess rather if you liked the concept of the game but wish it was far less confusing and more fun) then this will be your type of game.
2.8 記錄時數
When I first saw this game I thought it was going to be just another pixel platformer with &OMG ZANY MAYMAYS& and references from here to hell and back.
I was pleasantly surprised when I actually bought it and played it.The controls are really solid, even if it feels the characters moves a bit too fast at times.
Attacking and jumping are simple enough to do and are all you really need in the grand schema of things.The difficulty I feel is just right.
Yeah, it's hard, but it's plenty fair, and while savepoints are the only healing they're spread out nicely -- not too far apart, not so close to make it a cakewalk.
It makes you work to better yourself rather than to let you bulldoze through everything, which I can greatly appreciate.The sound and graphics are right up my alley, as I've always loved the bleeps and bloops of chiptunes since I was a kid, and the pixel art is honestly very pleasant to look at.
Every area has a unique atmosphere as well, which really adds to a game like this.My only problem is that you can't use a controller to pause or exit to the main menu.
This is easily remedied with third-party software, but it'd be nice to see it natively supported.All in all I feel I spent my money well, and have no regrets.
I look forward to playing more in the future and unlocking everything this gem has to offer.
33.0 記錄時數
9/10An amazing but often frustating game that every Metroidvania fan should own.
Took me awhile to get into it. At first I was irritated with the mechanics and over-use of references, but it all grew on me. The thing with this is - it doesn't just have &a lot& of references, it's actually built on them. About 90% of the game is a reference to something, and almost nothing is original. Whether or not you like that is up to you, but it ended up giving the game personality in my opinion, where at first I felt like it made it devoid of any.
It's not -just- difficult, either. The Dev straight up trolls you in some areas, and others the quick jumping and tough jump-height control can cause quite a few extra deaths. Can feel a bit slidey as well. You get more skilled with each death though, to the point where when you need to back-track you'll be thinking &Oh, I thought this was hard? Psh.& It's a nice since of progression that you can't get from just leveling up. (You don't level up in this, just talking about other games.)I think it showed about 5 and a half hours for 100% for me, but it resets the timer if you die. I've spent atleast 18 hours wandering aroung looking for things. At 98%, I finally asked on the forums where to find a couple things. Although it doesn't have quite the depth/scope of SOTN, it's the first game in awhile that's come close to giving me that vibe.Anyway, I'm still wandering around in New Game+ even after 100%ing it. Love it.
14.3 記錄時數
Castlevania meets Mega Man, with a ton of vintage gaming references thrown in for good measure. Expect challenging platforming, a huge number of bosses, various items, relics, weapons and armour hidden in caves, temples, castles and dungeons. If you grew up on classic videogames, you are going to love &Castle In The Darkness&.It is basically an 8bit Metroidvania, however there is a large amount of &NES hard& platforming that will make you RAGE! in no time. We are talking early Mega Man here, with a slightly more agile hero. The rest plays out pretty much like Symphony of the Night and its sequels - meaning you will slowly expand your item-set in order to explore even the darkest corners of the gameworld. Worth mentioning is the emphasis on battles, the game is jam-packed with boss-monsters. There are at least three dozen of 'em, sometimes just blocking your path but more often than not guarding valuable items, abilities or equipment. They have a very NES-like-feel to them and there is a large variety of situations and patterns, so bosses are always special / fun encounters despite your numerous run-ins with 'em.Naturally, a game paying homage to the golden age of videogames game is decidedly straightforward in its design - if you need crafting, random loot & levles and other such nonsense, you are out of luck. There is a set amount of items and equipment to find, and it will always be in the same place, being unlocked by the same techniques. There is some variety in the magic (working pretty much like Mega Man weapons, including weakness against certain types) you can use, though. If you are worried of not getting enough bang for your buck, my first 100% playthrough took me 14 hours and from what I understand there is a NewGame+ and it even offers new secrets and challenges.Not everything is perfect though, in its current state the game has a few quirks - sequence-breaking might be a thing if you are into the whole speedrunning business. Some stuff is even glitchy (and the AI on the ??????? bird is just broken, haha) - good thing there are plenty of checkpoints everywhere so you can safely reset the game or take a break. And you will be taking a break, as some of the platforming-sections-layouts and trap-designs of this game are best described as infuriatingly evil. But I guess this is the very reason this game is so much more motivating than all that AAA crap the big megacorportations of today try to shove down everyones throat.Also, the presentation is top notch, the sprites are great looking and the music which I would describe as chiptune-speedmetal (think Mega Man music turned to 11) is all balls to the wall! Good stuff.Castle In The Darkness is a real gem, could use a bit more polish here and there sure, but it's unique blend of NES-hard action and Metroidvania-exploration and progression are so amazingly fun and addictive ()) that I highly recommend getting it, if you are into oldschool stuff (and even if you are not, hehe).
20.3 記錄時數
I don't play a lot of Boshy style games or difficult death-counting platformers, so I was a little hesitant the first time I died and saw the counter with a whole lot of zeroes available for deaths.
Fortunately, this game has a good mix of difficulty and lots to explore and do.
I did a lot of running around and have finished my first run at 411 deaths and 100%!
Things I love:Lots of upgrades to gatherHidden entrances and optional areas aplentySome difficult sections with a great sense of accomplishment once you get itLoads of easter eggs and homages to other games!Edit:
I forgot to mention - the music is phenomenal! Also, the graphics are very enjoyable for sprite lovers.Things I don't enjoy as much:Later in the game, the save points are a bit sparseGoing through a difficult section and getting the item, only to die on the backtrack...Traveling can be sometimes - not a lot of warp points in sort of weird locationsOverall: Love it and very happy with my purchase. :)
10.4 記錄時數
For what it's worth this is my first review since Steam started this review option. I'm doing it just to tell everyone on the fence that this game is amazing. Fast paced and tight gameplay, awesome music, cool and challenging bosses, it's got everything you could want from a metroidvania like this. Solid 10/10 for sure.
20.2 記錄時數
Castle In The Darkness, developed by Matt Kap, and published by Nicalis of Cave Story fame.
In it, you are the lone surviving royal knight, and it is your quest to find the princess and save the kingdom from the hordes of invading monsters.
Sounds familiar, I’m sure.
The story is minimal, but still manages to throw a few unexpected twists at you.
The writing, such as it is, is funny and incorporates many tropes, gags, and in-jokes from gaming history.
Much of it is conveyed visually and will be recognized immediately by any seasoned gamer.I know it will be compared a lot to Shovel Knight, and they are similar in some ways, but this does not feel like a clone at all. Whereas Shovel Knight leans more toward the Mega Man/Mario 3 end of the platforming spectrum, Castle In The Darkness draws more inspiration from Castlevania:SOTN and Metroid.
There is no map, as NES era games often did not. That might be a problem for some, but I haven’t had much issue with it yet. The music is great and always complements the overall aesthetic of each area.
The art style is great and really captures the NES’ essence.
It is clean and consistent throughout.
I never saw a single out-of-place sprite.There are a ton of bosses. Most of them are pretty varied and interesting. Some I killed in one life fairly easily, but a few required 5+ attempts. When you defeat one, you are rewarded with lots of coins and a heart that increases your total health.During your adventure, you will find Armor, Weapons, Magic, and Relics throughout your quest. Some are needed to proceed, and others are optional.
Killing enemies causes them to explode into coins for you to collect.
These can be used for purchasing new equipment from NPCs.
Mostly though, it seems new gear is found in chests.
Plenty of stuff can only be found in cleverly hidden secret areas.The controls are tight and not the least bit floaty. I used a controller, but keyboard controls worked well for the short time I used them.
I see some people on various forums and websites complaining of cheap, unavoidable deaths. Yes, you will die frequently, but in my experience, each one is my own fault. This isn’t like I Wanna Be The Guy where the goal is to make you rage quit hilariously for YouTube hits. There are crumbling platforms and spikes falling from the ceiling, but you always have a chance to get out of the way if your reflexes are up to the task. And once you’ve seen it, you know. It helps that save points are fairly common and are often placed very near boss fights and difficult platforms.There are a few technical issues holding it back, though. Each time you start the game, it opens in 2X windowed mode regardless of how you had it set previously. It’s a bit of a pain to have to change it to fullscreen when ever I want to play. I’ve only had one crash (right after springing off a crumbling block), but some are reporting more serious bugs. Hopefully these issues will be fixed quickly. In my case, these have only been a minor nuisance.
While writing this, the game was updated, so this complaint might already be moot. For the price, I can hardly believe how good this game is. There is a ton of content. So far, I’ve got 3 hours and 25% complete. New Game+ and 100% completion give it even more longevity.Seriously, just give it a chance if you like Metroidvanias even a little. It’s cheap enough to be a no-brainer in my opinion.
18.1 記錄時數
After two years of tense waiting, I have finally gotten my sweaty paws on Castle in the Darkness.
Does it live up to the lofty expectations we neoretro-lovers had placed on it after playing Matt Kap's surprising 2013 demo?
Most will say yes.
And *I* will say that the full version has exploded my own predictions into smoking confetti with how awesome it is!
CitD takes place in a sprawling 2D kingdom, every corner of which is stuffed with secret bosses, optional weapons and nostalgic cameos, all rendered in some of the most authentically gorgeous 8-bit art I've seen.
The nameless little knight at your command rips joyously across this pixelated wonderland with the the speed of NES Ninja Gaiden's Ryu, vaulting instakill spikes and stabbing his comically huge blade into the game's sizable menagerie of beasties as quickly as you can hammer the X button.Some people call it a &metroidvania,& but I don't think that' CitD feels far too open, too rollicking and venturesome for that (rather stodgy) designation.
It's precisely the kind of game I hoped La-Mulana was before discovering it to be the impossibly esoteric rite of some bizarre cult:
fast-paced and challenging with a million things to look at and secrets that are not too obscure and not required for progress.
CitD's secrets are so compelling, though, that you'll be driven to seek them all out (I 100-percented the game without feeling one iota of weariness)!
Watch the trailer.
If this looks like your type of game, then it definitely IS your kind of game -- and at this immorally low price, you have no excuse not to buy, save dirt-caked poverty.
If incredible games like Castle in the Darkness are still being made when I am 80 years old, then I will sure as hell still be playing them!
18.9 記錄時數
This game is absolutely wonderful, challenging, but plenty of save points give you the motivation to push on through a difficult section.
I'm extremely impressed with the amount of bosses so far in the game as well as the enemy variety.
It's an excellent mix of Metroid, Zelda, Castlevania and even Mario with the tight platforming segments.
The amount of references and homages in the game consistently put a smile on my face.One complaint I've heard often is that people can't get their joypad working.
I personally am using the MotioninJoy DS3 tool with a PS3 controller on the XBox360 setting and it works just fine.
I had to map the jump and attack button in the options menu and was set.
If you're a fan of classic games, a fan of platformers with tight controls and a fan of rewarding gameplay, pick this game up today.
3.3 記錄時數
A lot of things to say about this game, so I'll keep it brief.+ for positive/ for neutral (Varies from person to person)- for negativeSome+ Allows you to play the prologue again (Both endings get you a new screen effect)+ Definitely provides a challenge to even the most avid platformers (Seriously. 2 hours in and I died 50 and I grew up with platformers)+ Great variety of monsters, each with different strategies to defeat (Walking up to them and mashing attack will get you killed, and slaughtered, and murdered, and mutilated....you get the point.)+ Weapons are varied, such as a boomerang instead of a sword. (Boomerang hurts more than your sword!)+ Different magics (Though, you're probably gonna be charging them only to find out the next enemy is melee only)+ Tons of secrets that make you want to pay attention to detail (Every crack in a block might be a secret!)+Chiptune is very catchy (The kind of songs you keep singing the word &Dun& to.)+Very reminicent of old platformers such as castlevaina (Play it with an NES conroller, and you're good.)+ Some glitches still in the game that make you laugh really hard (During the prologue, when the mask smashes down the bridge, you have a splitsecond to jump back, and you'll see him just sitting there not knowing what to do next after you avoided his trap.+Gameplay is addictive/ Tons of instant-deaths, especially while back tracking. I mean- seriously. You jump over those spikes everytime. Kill the boss after 15+ tries, and ba *Stab* you' try again :)/ Many MANY MANY save points that heal you instantly, so dying is 75% of the time instant death, 15% stupidity against enemies, and 5% Still learning the patterns of the enemies.Using a sword means a l prepare for calluses galore- and possibly a new controller.- Too hard if you don't play
however there is an option for Easy Mode in secrets after 50 deaths.- As of writing this review, no modern rock in the game (will change this if it is found later as a secret)- NPCs don't have much variety (recolours mainly)- Bosses seem to come very often, so there's no telling when you get to the area boss.- Gets a little boring during long sessions, so it seems more fun if playing 2 hours max per sitting. (If you're getting bored of it, you should probably take notice that the sun was rising when you started, and it's setting as you stop)- Controls for a gamepad are wrong by default, so beginners may be frustrated figuring out why nothing' unlike the prologue.exe from .- VERY late game, as it was supposed to come out long ago. (Probably because of stuff like the Binding of Issac: Rebirth)Overall, I had a ton of fun with this game so far. The prologue released was incredibly fun and had surprisingly a lot of replay value, especially for the temple of sin. This game has gone past that, and has become a really fun game for a surprisingly low price. If you like old style platformers, this so long as you don't mind dying, getting murdered, burned, and other such things 100+ times.Although, it's weird how a spike to the head hurts you (and popsicles/carrots/apples/cherries will heal that) yet stepping on a spike kills you.
42.8 記錄時數
Totally love playing this game.Its soundtrack is great, the nods and references to classic games are everywhere!There is a ton to explore, secrets all over the place (I can't belive how many I missed after my first play)Love all the weapons, spells and unique items.Gotta get this one!
2.6 記錄時數
Disclosure: There seems to be a fast growing number of people that did not like this game and they are massively downvoting positive reviews just to spite them.
I am not deterred by it at all because I strongly feel that Castle In the Darkness is a gem, and it is as good as videogames like Shovel Knight, if not better.
You will also notice that many people (more than the number of people that have written positive reviews), have downvoted the negative reviews as payback.
Interpret all of this as you will, but ultimately, I hope that you guys make the right decision.This upvote/downvote system could not be any more broken. Review:As a gamer that was around when games like Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, Mega Man, Contra, and Battletoads on the NES kicked my butt to hell and back, I can say that Castle In the Darkness is a homage to classic video games. Castle In the Darkness is challenging, yet fair, and you die because it is your fault.
The challenging part about Castle in The Darkness is not so much the enemies, incredible bosses, and the obstacles in your path, but more so the required amount of patience on the player's behalf.
The game is fair, and it respects the player.
It does not toss cheap enemies and obstacles that lay out poor design.
Instead, it is challenging, but fair by having well placed checkpoints throughout levels for you to save and change/equip weapons, armor, and relics.
This is may be another Shovel Knight to some people, but I feel like there is worthwhile gameplay and content here.
I hope that people will look beyond the surface and employ your critical thinking skills to see beyond the outer glass.
It is a game that is truly worth playing, even for someone like myself.
I am one of the last people you will probably find playing tough games like this, despite growing up playing them in the first place.
Even then, I still enjoy classic games such as Castle in The Darkness from time to time.
I was truly surprised by the number of mini-bosses and bosses in the little time I have played the game.
I may be a bit biased, but I love boss fights.
Well, good boss fights!
Don't you?
The boss fights have their abilities and patterns, but they are so likeable.
If you ever played Mega Man/Mega Man X, you will completely understand how boss fights work.
There will be a certain pattern, that is not entirely scripted, but it can be memorized in such a way where you can defeat the boss.
It is still challenging to an extent, but not merciless to the point where you want to throw your controller at the wall.The Xbox 360 controller, as well as the mouse and keyboard both work on my system.
I am using a wireless Xbox 360 controller (older version, not the new version with the improve D-pad), and I am using the analog sticks--not the D-pad.
You will need to button-map TWO control buttons -- attack and jump.
Set them to whichever buttons you want.
It is a simple and quick setup.
I have read that some players have completed the game in just over 5 hours.
For the asking price of $5, I feel like it is worth it.
I feel like it is worth at least $10.
It's a very good game.There are little things that I would like to mention:
collect coins as quickly as possible as they disappear, save at checkpoints whenever you can to save time, and be patient.
Patience is the key.
The game is not incredibly hard.
It is not extremely hard.
It is plain, challenging, which is a good thing.
Take your time, enjoy the game, and soak it all in.The original soundtrack by Matt Kap is undoubtedly well done.
I noticed hints of Mega Man music flair in it.
Nostalgic or not, it is undeniably a great OST that isn't grating to the ears, but promises you a good time while you play this game.
The Bad:While there are many positive points in Castle In the Darkness, it isn't without issues.
There are some balance issues when it comes to checkpoints.
Sometimes, the game is generous with checkpoints, while sometimes there isn't a checkpoint to be found after defeating a boss, and then having to traverse through a few sections filled with mobs to save.
And if you do not get to that save, alive, you'll have to come back and beat the tough boss all over again.
Another balancing issue is the amount of copper and silver you receive from mobs before the inevitable upgrade.
Even if you collect nearly every coin that the enemies drop, you won't have nearly enough, and often times, half of what you need to buy the upgrade.
There is a solution, however, which is to cheaply farm an enemy, one that hopefully drops at least 2-3 silver coins.
Silver coins count toward five currency, and copper counts as one.
You may need to farm a section before you can move on because you cannot pass up the crucial upgrade.Verdict:Castle In the Darkness would make a great addition to your game library, and a great game to play over the weekend.
I understand that there are so many Indie games out there that are priced variably, with little or a lot of content, and it can be a difficult decision to make at times.
I can reassure you that for the asking price of $4.97, this game is totally worth it.
Early impression rating:
8.5 out of 10
(subject to change)
包含 11 項 Steam 成就
名稱: Castle In The Darkness
類型: , , ,
發售日: 2015 年 02 月 5 日
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