谁投过plos one啊,把它的plos one参考文献格式式发给我吧

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【求助】第一次投PLOS ONE,稿件被退回,原因如下,请高手帮忙解析,跪谢
【求助】第一次投PLOS ONE,稿件被退回,原因如下,请高手帮忙解析,跪谢
“Dear Mr Huang,Thank you for submitting your manuscript entitled &xxxxxxx:Case Reports and Literature Review& to PLOS ONE.
Your manuscript files have been checked in house but before we can proceed, we need you to address the following issues:Please rename your figure and supporting information files so that they comply with PLOS file naming conventions. For figures please use the format &Fig#.file type& and for supporting information files please use the format &S#_Type.file type.& For example, &Fig1.tif& or &S2_Dataset.xls&.Additionally, please ensure that your manuscript meets PLOS ONE's style requirements. The PLOS ONE formatting templates can be found at
Please include in your methods section, and in the ‘ethics’ field in the submission system (via Edit Submission), the name of the ethics committee/institutional review board (or data protection agency/commissioner, if appropriate in your country) that approved this retrospective study. Please indicate whether patient records/information was anonymized and de-identified prior to analysis.2.
Please indicate in your methods section, and in the ‘ethics’ field in the submission system (via Edit Submission) whether written informed consent was given by participants (or next of kin/caregiver in the case of children) for their clinical records to be used in this study. If consent was not obtained please indicate whether patient records/information was anonymized and de-identified prior to analysis. Your manuscript has been returned to your account. Please log on to PLOS Editorial Manager at
to access your manuscript.Your manuscript can be found in the &Submissions Sent Back to Author& link under the New Submissions menu. After you have made the changes requested above, please be sure to view and approve the revised PDF after rebuilding the PDF to complete the resubmission process.Please note that these changes have been requested to comply with submission guidelines and your manuscript will *not* be sent to review until you have fully adhered to our requests.
Once your paper has been seen by an Editor we may return it to you for further information or amendments.Thank you for submitting your work to PLOS ONE.”请问高手们,什么叫“ supporting information files”,我的文章里只有几张CT图和2张真菌PAS染色图,还是就是还有一份病例总结的表格,这个支持信息文件到底指的什么啊???再有,回顾性研究也要通过伦理委员会和被调查者的知情同意吗,
huangnbao0 edited on
【求助】第一次投PLOS ONE,稿件被退回,原因如下,请高手帮忙解析,跪谢
Plos one 也收case report 吗?
回复:【求助】第一次投PLOS ONE,稿件被退回,原因如下,请高手帮忙解析,跪谢
回复:【求助】第一次投PLOS ONE,稿件被退回,原因如下,请高手帮忙解析,跪谢
回复:【求助】第一次投PLOS ONE,稿件被退回,原因如下,请高手帮忙解析,跪谢
huangnbao0 wrote:“Dear Mr Huang,Thank you for submitting your manuscript entitled &xxxxxxx:Case Reports and Literature Review& to PLOS ONE.
Your manuscript files have been checked in house but before we can proceed, we need you to address the following issues:Please rename your figure and supporting information files so that they comply with PLOS file naming conventions. For figures please use the format &Fig#.file type& and for supporting information files please use the format &S#_Type.file type.& For example, &Fig1.tif& or &S2_Dataset.xls&.Additionally, please ensure that your manuscript meets PLOS ONE's style requirements. The PLOS ONE formatting templates can be found at
Please include in your methods section, and in the ‘ethics’ field in the submission system (via Edit Submission), the name of the ethics committee/institutional review board (or data protection agency/commissioner, if appropriate in your country) that approved this retrospective study. Please indicate whether patient records/information was anonymized and de-identified prior to analysis.2.
Please indicate in your methods section, and in the ‘ethics’ field in the submission system (via Edit Submission) whether written informed consent was given by participants (or next of kin/caregiver in the case of children) for their clinical records to be used in this study. If consent was not obtained please indicate whether patient records/information was anonymized and de-identified prior to analysis. Your manuscript has been returned to your account. Please log on to PLOS Editorial Manager at
to access your manuscript.Your manuscript can be found in the &Submissions Sent Back to Author& link under the New Submissions menu. After you have made the changes requested above, please be sure to view and approve the revised PDF after rebuilding the PDF to complete the resubmission process.Please note that these changes have been requested to comply with submission guidelines and your manuscript will *not* be sent to review until you have fully adhered to our requests.
Once your paper has been seen by an Editor we may return it to you for further information or amendments.Thank you for submitting your work to PLOS ONE.”请问高手们,什么叫“ supporting information files”,我的文章里只有几张CT图和2张真菌PAS染色图,还是就是还有一份病例总结的表格,这个支持信息文件到底指的什么啊???再有,回顾性研究也要通过伦理委员会和被调查者的知情同意吗,我的理解是这样的:现在PONE都需要上传原始数据,但是你这个又是一个综述类型的东西。要是我投稿的话,我会把你文章中review的文章制作一个Word文档,其实就是一个参考文献的格式,保存为Table S1,作为 supporting information files上传。此外,按道理说,只要用到患者的资料作为研究对象,就是需要患者知情和伦理批准的。但是,回顾性研究一般杂志社也不会卡的那么严格。我觉得你可以在文章中注明:该研究隐去了患者的具体信息,没有导致患者隐私泄露的可能云云,估计多半是没有问题的。以上这是我的想法,不一定正确啊,供你参考。
回复:【求助】第一次投PLOS ONE,稿件被退回,原因如下,请高手帮忙解析,跪谢
johnyeungkc wrote:我的理解是这样的:现在PONE都需要上传原始数据,但是你这个又是一个综述类型的东西。要是我投稿的话,我会把你文章中review的文章制作一个Word文档,其实就是一个参考文献的格式,保存为Table S1,作为 supporting information files上传。此外,按道理说,只要用到患者的资料作为研究对象,就是需要患者知情和伦理批准的。但是,回顾性研究一般杂志社也不会卡的那么严格。我觉得你可以在文章中注明:该研究隐去了患者的具体信息,没有导致患者隐私泄露的可能云云,估计多半是没有问题的。以上这是我的想法,不一定正确啊,供你参考。感谢您的详细建议,我后来就在文稿的Method部分和稿件上传系统的伦理部分都添加了有关伦理的解释“No consent was given, but all the data were analyzed anonymously”,并且按要求把“Figure”都改成“Fig”,但是没有理会有关“ supporting information files”的要求,结果重新上传稿件和图片后约1周,又收到了如下邮件:“Dear Mr x,Thank you for submitting your manuscript entitled &Five cases of xxx confirmed by pathologic examinations:Case Reports and Literature Review& to PLOS ONE.
Your manuscript files have been checked in house but before we can proceed, we need you to address the following issues:Please rename your figure and supporting information files so that they comply with PLOS file naming conventions. For figures please use the format &Fig#.file type& and for supporting information files please use the format &S#_Type.file type.& For example, &Fig1.tif& or &S2_Dataset.xls&.Additionally, please ensure that your manuscript meets PLOS ONE's style requirements.1. Please include in your methods section, and in the ‘ethics’ field in the submission system (via Edit Submission), the name of the ethics committee/institutional review board (or data protection agency/commissioner, if appropriate in your country) that approved this retrospective study.Please indicate whether patient records/information was anonymized and de-identified prior to analysis.”与上一封邮件相比,少了这一段“2. Please indicate in your methods section, and in the ‘ethics’ field in the submission system (via Edit Submission) whether written informed consent was given by participants (or next of kin/caregiver in the case of children) for their clinical records to be used in this study. If consent was not obtained please indicate whether patient records/information was anonymized and de-identified prior to analysis. ”从这份邮箱来看,需要改正的地方应该是少了一条(第2条),但还是要求“ supporting information files”,而且看第1条的意思,是一定要让我提供伦理委员会的名称,是不是??请大虾们再帮忙解析一下,实在不行的话我就换杂志了,实在是麻烦
回复:【求助】第一次投PLOS ONE,稿件被退回,原因如下,请高手帮忙解析,跪谢
回复:【求助】第一次投PLOS ONE,稿件被退回,原因如下,请高手帮忙解析,跪谢
最近刚投了一篇回顾分析的plos one,回信和你一样。不知道楼主后来是如何解决的。原始病例资料都要做成excel表格传上去吗?
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