
Adobe Photoshop激活码_百度知道
Adobe Photoshop激活码
序列号;1045 - 1830 - 7483 - 3749 - 8386 - 5896激活码:3600 - 6632 - 9399 - 6269 - 4997 - 0698 - 7519
授权码:20- 请不要关闭注册窗口,否则激活号会随机变化,这样原先算出的授权码就会失效,要根据新的激活号重新算,如果变了请把新的激活号追问我
你要去C盘里面改点东西...这样以后你就不用总是安装了···03-38 71-16 99-45 按完CS4后
把内容特换成:# Copyright (c)
Microsoft Corp.## This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.## This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one# space.## Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.## For example:##
# source server#
# x client host127.0.0.1
往 C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\Hosts 中添加127.0.0.1
一行~(hosts 是个隐藏文件,如果你找不到,则需要先修改“文件夹选项”中的相关设定。打开“文件夹选项”,切换到“查看”选项卡,选中“隐藏文件和文件夹”下面的“显示所有文件和文件夹”,然后单击“确定”。)
出门在外也不愁求Adobe CorelDRAW X6 的激活码? 安装代码X34V7WNMTT64W8S5FA3T 序列号DR16R22-PECDSVB-YUJB6JP-8QKJ4D2 激活代码请问是多少?
求Adobe CorelDRAW X6 的激活码? 安装代码X34V7WNMTT64W8S5FA3T 序列号DR16R22-PECDSVB-YUJB6JP-8QKJ4D2 激活代码请问是多少?
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adobe photoshop cs6的序列号多少?
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直接找photoshop cs6破解版
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有关Adobe CS6大师版的激活流程和一些问题!
X-FORCE Activation for dummies
First of all many thanks to X-FORCE and Ir0nboy that have provided the tool and information to activate the Adobe suite.
Hello, you will find below a simple procedure to use the X-FORCE keygen to activate a new or an existing installation of the Adobe CS6 Master Collection. This procedure comes with some scripts that I have writen to help the process as well as some Troubleshooting advices. If this is the wrong place to post this procedure let me know and I will remove it.
Install & Activate Instructions
The following instructions are for a system where the 6 Master Collection has never been installed.
1.& & Disconnect from the Internet
You must disable your Internet network connection during the Adobe installation and activation. There is numerous ways to disconnect from Internet for example from the &Network and Sharing Center&.
2.& & Install the Adobe Master Collection CS6
Install the suite with a serial generated with the X-FORCE keygen. For that matter starts the keygen and click the generate button and copy the serial to the Adobe window (do not close the keygen at this stage).
When the window &Please connect to the internet and retry& appears click &connect later&. Select the programs from the master collection that you want to install as well as the language and click &install&.
3.& & Activate the suite
At the end of the installation starts any Adobe application for example Photoshop. A &Serial Number Validation& windows will popup. Click on &Having Trouble connecting to the Internet?& link and in the new window click on &Offline Activation& button. In the &Offline Activation& Window click &Generate Request Code& button. Copy the &Request Code& to the X-FORCE keygen &Request& line. Click the &Generate& button of the keygen and copy the code from the &Activation field& to the &Response code& of the Adobe &Offline Activation& Window and click the &Activate button&. A new window opens to let you know that the master collection has been activated. Click the &Launch& button to start the application. You should see for a short period of time a &complete activation& message in the notification area. Check that the &Updates...& entry from the &Help& menu is not greyed.
4.& & Offline verification
Now you can terminate the keygen by clicking on the &Quit button&. At this time you should be able to start any application from the suite. Check that any problematic applications like Encore or Premiere are starting correctly and have the complete list of presets.
5.& & Disable the Adobe license checking
For that matter you just need to run the &patch_hosts.bat& batch file that will eventually add one line to the hosts table located in C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. This batch file needs administrator privilege and if not run as an administrator you will be asked permission.
6.& & Online verification & Update
Now you can reconnect the machine to Internet and run several applications from the suite to check that everything is fine. In one of the application click the help menu and click &updates...&. The update window provide a list of available updates leave everything checked so that all the programs will get updated to the latest version and click &update&. At the end of the Update you should verify that you can still execute every program correctly. For example the program Encore should now be in version 6.0.1 and still run correctly.
7.& & Optional verification
You can open the amt3.log file located in the temp user directory (usually C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Temp). Search the last string with “SLCoreService: Query license:” (search up from bottom). The complete line should be &SLCoreService: Query license: type = 2, duration = permanent, remaining = permanent&. The permanent indicates that your license has been activated forever. You should be able to set the clock in the future (for example 2015) to verify that the activation is indeed permanent.
Reset & Activate Instructions
If you have installed the suite in trial mode or if you have been using other cracks you may try to activate the suite with the X-FORCE keygen without reinstalling everything. It is essential that you use ALL the original dlls from Adobe. In particular make sure that the amtlib.dll and the adobe_oobelib.dll that where often modified are restored to Adobe originals.
1.& & Disconnect from the Internet
Same as above
2.& & Reset the Installation
Run the &reset_installation.bat& script. This will remove the license files as well as the license cache. It will also clean the PCD cache for fixing problems with an incomplete list of presets in Premiere, AE, ...
3.& & Activate the suite
Starts any Adobe application for example Photoshop. When the &Master Collection Trial& windows appears click on &License This Software& button then click the &Enter Serial Number& button in the &Internet connection required for subscription& window. Starts the X-FORCE keygen, click the generate button, and copy the serial to the Adobe &Serial Number& window (do not close the keygen at this stage).
When the window &Please connect to the internet and retry& appears click &connect later& the program should starts and you must terminate it. Restart the same program a &Serial Number Validation& windows will popup. Click on &Having Trouble connecting to the Internet?& link and in the new window click on &Offline Activation& button. In the &Offline Activation& Window click &Generate Request Code& button. Copy the &Request Code& to the X-FORCE keygen &Request& line. Click the &Generate& button of the keygen and copy the code from the &Activation field& to the &Response code& of the Adobe &Offline Activation& Window and click the &Activate button&. A new window opens to let you know that the master collection has been activated. Click the &Launch& button to start the application. Restart the same program again and you should see for a short period of time a &complete activation& message in the notification area. Check that the &Updates...& entry from the &Help& menu is not greyed.
4.& & - 7. Offline verification / Disable the Adobe license checking / Online verification & Update / Optional verification
Same as above
1.& & Problem with the license checking.
Each time you start an Adobe program the adobe_licutil.exe located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\P6 directory is spawned to check the serial number. If the program is able to access the Adobe license checking center then a &Serial Number& window will pop up to indicate that the serial number entered has been revoked (if you start the program again you will be required to sign in). This indicates that either your hosts table does not contain the following line lm.
or that for some reason the hosts table is not used (for example if you use a proxy). In that case you should either fix the hosts table (for missing or wrong entry) or block the outbound connection from adobe_licutil.exe program with a firewall
Note 1: Beware that many antivirus disable the modification of the hosts file. In such case it is necessary to temporary disable the real time protection of your antivirus. At the end of this operation it is recommended to verify that the hosts table has been modified by looking at it with notepad (you use the provided hosts_dir link to open an explorer to the right location).
Note 2: don’t be fooled by people throwing at you hosts table with lots of lines (bigger looks better!). The only address coded into the license checker is the one given above and this is the only one necessary for running the CS6 Master Suite.
2.& & Problem with missing presets
In trial mode several programs like Premiere, Media Encoder, etc. do not have all the presets available. If this happen to you this means that the programs have been installed in trial mode or that the serial used is not a valid serial for the CS6 Master collection. In that case you must remove all files from the PCD cache. This cache is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe PCD\cache. In this case you must enter a new valid number and reset all the caches this can be done by using the procedure described above &Activate Instructions&
1. 取消网络连接。安装adobe和激活过程必须断开网络。有几种方式可以断开网络,比如从网络与共享中心取消掉网卡的网络连接,所有能看到的网络全部禁止掉。个人推荐直接拔网线,笔记本或有无线网络的记得看是否无线断开了。(注意,如果你hosts里有adobe的屏蔽项目,要清理掉,最好是临时把整个hosts文件清理干净。)
2. 安装Adobe CS6大师版。用X-Force注册机生成一个大师版的key(注意,知道激活完成前不要关闭注册机)。然后再安装大师版的时候选安装而不是试用。直到安装完需要激活的时候,出现请连接网络或重试的界面的时候,点以后连接。然后选择你要安装的语言和各个软件组件。
3. 激活大师版。 安装adobe大师版结束后。运行任何一个已安装的adobe程序,例如;Photoshop。出现序列号验证窗口。点击无法连接到网络。然后在新出现的窗口点击离线激活按钮。在离线激活窗口点击生成一个请求代码。复制这个出现的请求代码到X-Force注册机的请求代码框里面。点生成,生成一个激活代码,然后把激活代码复制到adobe的响应代码框里。然后点击激活按钮。之后出现一个新的已经激活的窗口,点运行。很快,你应该在通知区域看到一个完全激活的通知。(就是桌面右下角)待Photoshop完全打开后,点帮助,点更新。(应该等到更新按钮变黑后)
4. 离线验证。 现在你能关闭注册机了。并且,这个时候你能运行大师班的任意组件了。点任意有疑问的程序,如Encore或Premiere,看看Encore是否能运行,Premiere是否有完整的16项预设。
5. 取消adobe序列号检测。 这个时候,可以运行patch_hosts.bat,将屏蔽项写入hosts。如果第一步中有自己的hosts屏蔽文件,直接还原。注意:patch_hosts.bat需要AD帐号权限,最好是右键以管理员运行。
6. 离线验证和更新。 现在,你能连上网络了。然后在套装里选几个程序实在运行一下。检测各个组装件是否正常。随便打开一个程序(acrobat例外),acrobat的更新是单独的更新方式。在帮助里点更新,更新窗口应该能提供所有程序的最新更新补丁(acrobat例外)然后点更新。更新结束后,你应该运行每一个程序,检测是否都能正常运行。例如:Encore版本号现在应该是6.0.1了,而且仍然运行正常。预设有16项。
7. 可选验证。 找到C:\Users\(你为你电脑帐号起的名字)\AppData\Local\Temp目录下的amt3.log(如果你没修改系统的temp的话,我自己的是修改到D盘了。),用记事本打开,拖到最下面,鼠标在最后位置点击一下,ctrl+F搜索SLCoreService: Query license:这个,如果看到SLCoreService: Query license: type = 2, duration = permanent, remaining = permanent这个,表示你的adobe已经永久激活啦。这个时候,你应该能任意设置你的系统时间(比如2015年),然后打开任意组件,看看是不是真的永久激活啦。
3.激活套装。 开始任意一个程序,如Photoshop,这个时候会弹窗提示你正在试用。点授权此软件,然后点输入序列号。之后就和上面的一样啦。弹窗请连接到网络或重试的时候,点稍后连接。然后软件打开,然后关闭,然后再打开,之后与上面一致。
1.序列号检测问题。每次你运行adobe的程序,都会引起adobe_licutil.exe(位于C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\P6目录)检测序列号。如果能连接到adobe序列号检测中心,都会弹窗出现序列号已经被废除啦(如果你再次打开程序,你就需要登录adobe帐号啦)。这表明你的hosts文件里没有127.0.0.1 lm.这一条啦。或是其他一些原因导致hosts没有生效,比如你开了代{过}{滤}理。这个时候,你就应该修复你的hosts文件。或是阻止adobe_licutil.exe联网啦,最简单的就是防火墙永久阻止联网。
2.预设丢失问题。 在试用模式,比如Premiere,Media Encoder等,没有完整的预设。如果你碰到啦,表示你是安装的试用版或是你的序列号没有激活。此时,你必须清除PCD 缓存。缓存位于C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe PCD\cache文件夹。最好是直接删除cache文件夹,然后新建一个cache文件夹。这个时候,你就需要输入一个新的可用的序列号,然后重置PCD缓存啦。至于输入新的可用序列号后,序列号激活步骤与上面一致啦。
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不像以前了,之前都是紧跟adobe发布注册机,这个注册机可是最近才发 ...
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Powered by Discuz! X3.1(中文名: Adobe Premiere Pro CS5(附:汉化程序+注册机+激活补丁)英文名: Adobe Premiere Pro CS5资源格式: 光盘镜像版本: 64位 多国语言版发行时间: 日制作发行: 奥多比 Adobe地区: 语言: ,,,,,,简介: Adobe Premiere Pro基本信息  Adobe Premiere Pro是目前最流行的非线性编辑软件,是数码视频编辑的强大工具,它作为功能强大的多媒体视频、音频编辑软件,应用范围不胜枚举,制作效果美不胜收,足以协助用户更加高效地工作。Adobe Premiere Pro以其新的合理化界面和通用高端工具,兼顾了广大视频用户的不同需求,在一个并不昂贵的视频编辑工具箱中,提供了前所未有的生产能力、控制能力和灵活性。Adobe Premiere Pro是一个创新的非线性视频编辑应用程序,也是一个功能强大的实时视频和音频编辑工具,是视频爱好者们使用最多的视频编辑软件之一。系统要求oIntel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo 或 AMD Phenom(R) II 处理器;需要 64 位支持*o需要 64 位操作系统*:Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(R) Home Premium、Business、Ultimate 或 Enterprise(带有 Service Pack 1)或者 Windows(R) 7o2GB 内存(推荐 4GB 或更大内存)o10GB 可用硬盘空间用于安装;安装过程中需要额外的可用空间(无法安装在基于闪存的可移动存储设备上)o编辑压缩视频格式需要 7200 转硬盘驱动器;未压缩视频格式需要 RAID 0o 屏幕,OpenGL 2.0 兼容图形卡oGPU 加速性能需要经 Adobe 认证的 GPU 卡 o为 SD/HD 工作流程捕获并导出到磁带需要经 Adobe 认证的卡o需要 OHCI 兼容型 IEEE 1394 端口进行 DV 和 HDV 捕获、导出到磁带并传输到 DV 设备oASIO 协议或 Microsoft Windows Driver Model 兼容声卡o双层 DVD(DVD+-R 刻录机用于刻录 DVD;Blu-ray 刻录机用于创建 Blu-ray Disc 媒体)兼容 DVD-ROM 驱动器o需要 QuickTime 7.6.2 软件实现 QuickTime 功能o在线服务需要宽带 Internet 连接**为实现 GPU 加速支持的 NVIDIA 图形卡oGeForce GTX 285 (Windows 和 Mac OS)oGeForce GTX 470 (Windows)oQuadro 4000 (Windows)oQuadro 5000 (Windows)oQuadro FX 3800 (Windows)oQuadro FX 4800 (Windows 和 Mac OS)oQuadro FX 5800 (Windows)oQuadro CX (Windows)Adobe Premiere Pro CS5主页:官方下载地址Adobe After Effects CS5 64-bit:Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 64-bit:官方英文帮助文件Adobe Soundbooth CS5:请关注Adobe PremierePro CS5 中文化程序作者网址,以便获取视觉玩偶老师最新汉化成果。代码Adobe(R) Premiere(R) Pro CS5 中文化程序 V1.04(Windows 版)1. 郑重提醒:如果您已经安装过 Premiere Pro CS3 或 CS4,执行本汉化安装时,请注意检查安装路径是否正确,如果安装路径被识别为 CS3 或 CS4,请更改!Premiere Pro CS5 是原生64位程序,因此安装路径只会在 Vista 64 或Windows7 64 的 Program Files 目录下,而不会安装到 Program Files (x86) 中。2. 这只是针对 Windows 版 Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 的中文化组件安装程序,不能应用于其他 Premiere 版本!汉化前请确认您已经安装并激活了未经 Crack 的 Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 原版程序【正式发布版本号:5.0.0(484);升级版 5.0.1(015);升级版 5.0.2(075);最新升级版 5.0.3(005)。在“About Adobe Premiere Pro”内可查看】。3. 本次更新修改了安装方式,并增补了小部分遗漏的语句。本中文化补丁的基本汉化组件支持原始发布版本(5.0.0),也支持官方升级版本5.0.1、5.0.2和最新的5.0.3。安装程序默认仅汉化基本程序组件,因此在汉化时请注意您已经安装的版本,以便正确选择更新版本,让汉化更完善。如果要选择单独列出的已升级汉化组件(5.01、5.02或5.03),必须先以官方升级方式更新到相关版本后才能执行该选项!由于 Premiere Pro CS5 官方更新分别发布了零售版与试用版两种补丁,文件体积过大,因此汉化程序将不再集成升级补丁组件,以免造成问题。程序更新强烈推荐官方在线升级或下载更新包后进行手动升级。4. 5.0.2 到 5.03 更新有如下内容:增加了水银引擎所支持的基于 Windows 或 Mac 的 nVidia GPU 显卡型号添加了 XDCAM-HD 输出,支持输出标清 DV25 和 IMX50,等等广播级 WAV 支持改善了对 RED Rocke 卡的 RED 工作流程及最新色彩技术的支持5.03 增加了 720p25 和 720p30 两个 Canon XF MPEG2 的新预设,部分缺陷进行了修复5. 5.0.3 更新后的水银引擎官方支持显卡列表:GeForce GTX 285GeForce GTX 470Quadro CXQuadro FX 3800Quadro FX 4800Quadro FX 5800Quadro 4000(PC 和 Mac)Quadro 5000Quadro 5000M6. 如果您是首次使用本汉化补丁,请选中前面两个选项:【首选项初始化】不选此项,使用者可保留在先前已定义的部分首选项参数的偏好设置,比如界面亮度,音频设备映射等。但一些地方可能汉化不完整,比如标签色名称会显示为英文。【预置特效初始化】不选中此项,可保留自定义特效预置,但会出现残余英文,比如“Preset”。7. 如果发现本程序组件安装后带来使用上的问题,敬请关注更新版本,并欢迎指正.****** Westvideo @ 视觉玩偶· ******激活:方法一:先用记事本编辑“C:WindowsSystem32Driversetc”目录下的 hosts 文件,在末尾加上: activate. 3dns- 3dns- adobe- adobe-dns- adobe-dns- ereg. activate- wwis-dubc1- activate-保存好Hosts文件后,用Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Keygen.exe生成的序列号激活就行了。方法二:如果方法一中的序列号都失效了,用下载到的amtlib64.dll(需重命名为amtlib.dll)文件覆盖安装目录Adobe Premiere Pro CS5下的相同文件即可。如果选择安装了Adobe Encore CS5和Adobe OnLocation CS5组件,请将下载到的amtlib.dll文件同理覆盖到相应目录。软件已经在Windows 7 64位上测试成功运行,并且完全支持在线更新。更新后如果又回到英文,请选择最新的汉化程序再次汉化!查毒情况:使用金山毒霸2011 SP2(病毒库版本:.10)未发现任何病毒木马网络环境:高校内网 联通4M宽带共享时间:工作日12:00—23:00(星期四9:00-12:00)周末假期9:00-23:00共享服务器: eDonkeyServer No2版权所有:软件版权归Adobe美国所有,光盘资源仅供个人学习研究之用,请勿用于商业用途。请于下载后24小时内删除该资源,由此引发的版权纠纷概与本人无关!


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