
Physics 120 Lecture Highlights
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CONTENT:Discuss three of the most important points covered in lecture since the last lecture highlights assignment. Explain these points in detail. You should treat the assignment as a very small paper, using a paper format with an introduction and coherent structure. You should make your explanations complete, assuming your audience does not already know about the topic. The paper should include enough detail so as to demonstrate your understanding of the material. Your grade is based on the choice of topics, the synthesis of the material, correctness, completeness, and clarity of writing. Papers should be brief: one to three pages (double space preferred). Note especially that the topics should come from what is discussed in class, not just in the textbooks. (Though you may certainly supplement your discussion with information that you get from other sources.)
As always, all writing should be legible and clear, and should adhere to good grammatical form. If you feel you need help with the language or structure of a paper, you might like to talk to the folks at the UMass Writing Center. You can find information about them at
Lecture highlights assignments are usually due at 1:25pm on Wednesdays.Late work is graded for half credit only. Work that is later than 1 week beyond the due date will not be accepted.
Grades are given in whole letters only (A, B, C, D, F). A paper that chooses three sensible topics and describes them correctly and more or less clearly with no major errors earns a &B&. An &A& paper should, in addition, have some little gem included: a special insight to one topic or a particularly nice connection to other topics or outside sources. A grade of &C& indicates at least one significant omission or error in the physics discussion, or poor writing at a level that impedes the message of the paper.The Value of a College Degree - The Simple Dollar
Last updated May 21, 2015
So often, when I see advice regarding a college education, people speak of a college degree as some sort of magic ticket that will raise your income level.
“A college degree is worth $500,000 more income over a person’s lifetime” or something to that effect is constantly touted.
This idea often pops up in the questions I get from readers.
A reader will ask me if they should go back to school, not because they want to learn, but because they believe this piece of paper will directly increase their earnings.
I’ll state it right now: the piece of paper you receive at the end of your college career will do nothing to directly increase your earnings.
A college degree will simply help you to get your foot in a few more doors.
It will not get you a job simply because you have that degree.
What will get you that job is what you bring to the table after you get your foot in the door.
Yes, you have that B. A. or B. S. on your resume, but what else do you have that will impress?
What other skills do you have that will make money for your employer or for the business you hope to start?
In the end, it’s about the skills and attributes you bring to the table, not about the piece of paper you hold.
So, what does that mean for a college education?
Does that mean I hold it as being valueless?
On the contrary, I think a college education is incredibly valuable.
However, it’s not valuable for the piece of pape it’s valuable for the experiences you have, the skills and knowledge you actually learn, and the accomplishments you achieve while there.
If you want to come out of college and get a great job, don’t spend your time doing nothing but hitting the books, working a generic service job, and partying.
That’s the recipe that a lot of college students take – and it’s a recipe that ensures that it will be more difficult than it needs to be to find a job when you graduate.
Instead, try these approaches.
Consider attending an online school. Being on a physical campus is not for everyone. Many students find the constant allure of partying distracting and sometimes even destructive. Exploring opportunities to take classes online can allow you the flexibility to have internships and part-time employment. Those experiences are incredibly valuable after graduation. Plus, going to school online is significantly less expensive than attending a traditional college, so student loans are likely to be less burdensome as well. Use this tool to easily search through online education opportunities:
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Build relationships with your professors.
Stay after class to ask questions.
Participate in class.
Hit office hours.
Attend on-campus events, like lectures, that professors might attend.
Ask them for more general advice, like what they did as a student to put themselves in a good position.
Later, don’t be afraid to ask for employment help and reference letters.
Get a job that relates to your major in some way.
The best way to start with this is to do the above – start talking to your professors.
Ask them for suggestions for employment that will match your major and help you learn some basic skills.
Work study jobs are often perfect for this.
Yes, you’ll often find yourself doing repetitive tasks that are boring, but if you keep in mind that mastering these skills will not only impress your boss but give you a great springboard for later on in life and earn you some money and create some very impressive resume fodder and stories to tell during interviews, it’s a lot easier to focus.
Use electives to build transferable skills.
When you have slots for classes that you’re unsure how to fill, look for courses that help you build transferable skills – the things you will be able to use at any job.
Public speaking.
Technical writing.
Time management.
Information management.
Basic IT skills.
Take these classes and focus on the skills you’ll build.
Participate in student activities.
Seek out an activity or two that’s connected to what you’re studying.
Get involved, build relationships with others who are involved, and seek out leadership positions within those groups.
This will not only accentuate your knowledge, but it will build relationships with future professional peers and give you some great resume fodder.
Participate in activities that build transferable skills.
Beyond activities related to your studies, seek out activities that will help you build skills that you can use after school.
Public speaking is always good, as are organizations that focus on leadership and debate.
As always, leadership positions are always a positive.
Take any projects you have to heart.
When you have a class project, don’t just look at it as a path to a good grade.
Look at it as a way to build the skills you’re going to use when you’re in the workplace.
Look at the product of that project as something you might be able to hold onto for a portfolio, or to build into something big.
Look at it as something you’ll want to show to people in a professional environment.
Not only will the grade be easy to achieve, you’ll build some skills and potentially have some great material for a portfolio.
Do something awesome.
Spend a semester or two abroad.
Take a year off to do a major volunteer project.
Anything you can do that will help you stand out from the pack in a positive way and contribute a deep personal value to your life is something you really should consider doing.
These steps not only will build your character, your knowledge, and your relationships, but it will build a resume that will stand out from the pack when you start seeking work.
It isn’t the paper that’s valuable in college.
It’s the actual skills gained and experiences enjoyed.
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“A college degree will simply help you to get your foot in a few more doors.”
I would argue that, in white collar corporate America, a college degree is necessary to get your foot in almost any door.
I think article brought up some really excellent points about maximizing your college experience to maximize future earning potential.
But I disagree with the statement that the piece of paper will do nothing to increase your earnings. If you can’t even get in the door within your chosen industry, you’re not going to be earning anything.
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