求feel so closee伴奏

《我的绯闻女友》拍摄花絮 — 黄小静受人之托带米粒赴求婚之约
第一次只有爸爸的旅行 131011 爸爸去哪儿
[成都]377条威胁短信 司机数次逼停宝马车遭人肉搜索
第04话 越狱的机会只有一次
英雄联盟 - 只有5%的人知道眼可以这样插
微电影:《骑行在路上 》记录一个人的单车旅行
起点:云南泸沽湖,终点:四川亚丁。 这是著名的泸亚公路,全程碎石土路,没有完全通车,但是风景很美丽,称为中国钻石级别的骑行线路。 骑车旅行的路上,除了第一天是阳光,剩下的我面对的都是下雨,大风,冰雹,下雪等恶劣天气。 到达亚丁的时候,我看到了绝美的风景,是蓝天,雪山,黄色的树林…… 电影其实是纪录片,骑行在路上》也是我写的一首歌曲的名字,之所以用这个作为电影的名字,因为有时候人生如同旅行,每个人的一生都是一次旅行。我们一直在路上,如果放弃了,可想而知……
世界军人点击了次的视频 ,,中国人不看你会后悔的
龚海燕:为只有一次的生命 幸福吧 120321 静观财经界
分享快乐足球! 新浪微博:@足球视频网 官方微信号:footballvideo 或接搜索:足球视频网
两人最完美的一次演唱 - 中意双语字幕
日晚上意大利CANALE 5电视台举行的歌曲比赛“IO CANTO”
,演唱:Ludmilla Loglisci 和 Davide Caci
《Kiwi!》生命为梦想而牺牲 人生要有一次为梦想而倾尽全力
【Kiwi!】整部影片从儿童向成人的转变是在kiwi跳下悬崖 那段似八音盒发出的音乐响起 一切仿佛都从外象向内象转化 空气凝结在那些时间中 我们能清晰地体会到kiwi飞翔的心情 它的满足!当kiwi的一颗泪化散在空气中 这种感觉达到了巅峰 音乐的煽情自此完满成功
【简介】无翼鸟 和其他的鸟不一样 正常情况下永远也无法飞翔 于是 飞翔便成为了kiwi最大的梦想 本能的渴望
为了这个dream 为了成为至少能被自己认可的鸟 kiwi牺牲了生命
王刚:每一次转角都是命运 (上)
林志颖方面回应质疑:论人长短等于浪费生命 131202
巴西男因哈韩整容10次 只为看着像亚洲人 140603
碴-给与你第二次生命2014Maserati Ghibli全球碰撞测试惊呆你
Thanks For More!
再一次 为平凡人喝彩 央视励志公益广告[高清]
郭涛遭质疑 只有配角的命?
北京:男子两次冒充警察 勇救170余人 天天网事 131027
歌曲名My Prayer--Devotion
歌词:My Prayer-Devotion
I know that she’s out there...the one I’m suppose to share my whole life with.
And in time...you’ll show her to me.
Will you take care of her, comfort her, and protect her...until that day we Meet.
And let her know...my heart...is beating with hers.
In a dream I hold you close
Embracing you with my hands
You gazed at me with eyes full of love
And made me understand
That I was meant to share it with you
My heart my mind my soul
Then I open my eyes
And all I see reality shows I’m alone
But I know someday that you’ll be by my side
Cause I know god’s just waiting till the time is right
God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm
When the day’s cold will you keep her warm
When the darkness falls will you please shine her the way
God will you let her know that I love her so
When there’s no one there that she’s not alone
Just close her eyes and let her know
My heart is beating with hers
So I prayed until that day (prayed until that day)
When our hearts will beat as one (when our hearts hearts will beat as one)
I will wait so patiently (patiently)
For that day to come (for that day to come)
I know someday that you’ll be by my side
Cause I know god’s just waiting till the time is right
God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm
When the day’s cold will you keep her warm
When the darkness falls will you please shine her the way (shine he the way)
God will you let her know that I love her so
When there’s no one there that she is not alone
Just close her eyes and let her know
My heart is beating with hers
Is beating with hers (ooo)
My heart is beating with hers (oooo)
It’s beating with hers
God will you keep her safe from the thu
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本帖最后由 tjulily 于
12:21 编辑
推荐Trey Songz Feat. Sammie - She Ain't My Girl,我不会放链接哈,用这个在百度就能搜出来
还有黑眼豆豆的where is the love
duoli712 发表于
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既然说到R&B,有一个人的歌也值得推荐,Justin,不过不是Justin Timberlake 或者Justin Bieber,能找到的资料很少,这里推荐的是他的《leaving on a jet plane》,蛮老的歌了,翻唱版本也很多,描述的是恋人面临分别时,男方对爱人许下的承诺。
All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn
The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome I could die
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go
There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I'll tell you now, they don't mean a thing
Every place I go, I think of you
Every song I sing, I sing for you
When I come back I'll wear your wedding ring
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go
Now the time has come to leave you
One more time, oh, let me kiss you
And close your eyes and I'll be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I won't have to leave alone
About the times that I won't have to say ...
Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go
And I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go
But I'm leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
(Leaving) On a jet plane
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本帖最后由 tjulily 于
20:20 编辑
其实除了R&B和hip-hop,我也喜欢摇滚,不是硬摇滚哈,而是相对不那么难下口的流行摇滚。有个乐队,相信大家都不会陌生,那就是Melee,来自美国加州,他们的摇滚非常流畅,大概因为是以钢琴带动摇滚风,因而不生硬,反而清新畅快。在此推荐一首流传最广的《built to last》,这首歌曾作为三星i908的广告曲。当然我还喜欢他们的《stand up》,同样的轻松调调,很能调节心情,有兴趣的亲可以搜来听听。
Built To Last
I've looked for love in stranger places,
but never found someone like you.
Someone whose smile makes me feel I've been holding back,
and now there's nothing I can't do.
'Cause this is real, and this is good.
It warms the inside just like it should,
but most of all it's built to last.
All of our friends saw from the start.
So why didn't we believe it too?
Whoa yeah, now look where you are.
You're in my heart now.
And there's no escaping it for you.
'Cause this is real, and this is good.
It warms the inside just like it should,
正如我期待 温暖我心怀
but most of all it's built to last.
Walking on the hills that night with those fireworks and candlelight
焰火和烛光灿烂的夜晚 行走在山间
You and I were made to get love right
'Cause this is real, and this is good.
It warms the inside just like it should,
正如我期待 温暖我心怀
but most of all it's built to last.
'Cause you are the sun in my universe,
considered the best when we've felt the worst
最坏的时刻 我们也能乐观面对
and most of all it's built to last.
considered the best when we've felt the worst
最坏的时刻 我们也能乐观面对
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清新绿茶 发表于
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blingbling 发表于
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Keyshia Cole《fallin' out》
Been sitting, thinking bout you 我坐在这里 想着你
And I am wondering why were not getting along 不知道我们为什么不能在一起了
So frustrated cause what we had was a happy home 我如此沮丧因为我们曾经那样快乐
I don't know what the situation is 我不知道是什么原因
But I could tell in the way we kiss 可是我可以用我们接吻的方式来说明一切
we don't talk no more it feels better when I’m alone 我们不再说话了 当我一个人时感觉才会好点
Sometimes I feel like there's no getting through to you 有时候我想我已经没有办法接近你了
Like you don't appreciate all that I do 就象你不喜欢我的所作所为一样
You gotta show me that you want me to stay 你已经暗示我你想要留下来
Don't turn and walk away… 那就请不要转身离开....
Baby I’m slowly falling out of love with you 宝贝我太迟爱上你
I don't know what to do 我不知道该怎么办
How did we end up here this way what are we gonna do 我们怎们会这样就结束 我们该怎么做什么
I’m slowly falling out baby I’m tripping on silly things 我总是缠绕在一些傻问题上 太晚才爱上你 宝贝
Boy, I need you to meet me half way if you want me to be with you 宝贝 如果你想让我们在你一起 我真希望你是半道上出现
I remember when I be with my friends you checked on me and made time to call 记得我们是朋友时 你曾检查我 还会给我打电话
But now things have changed 现在一切都变了
Now I don't hear from you at all (yeah, yeah) 我再也听不到你的声音了
Sometimes I feel like there's no getting through to you 有时候我想我已经没有办法接近你了
Like you don't appreciate all that I do 就象你不喜欢我的所作所为一样
You gotta show me that you want me to stay 你已经暗示我你想要留下来
Don't turn and walk away… 那就请不要转身离开....
Baby I’m slowly falling out of love with you 宝贝我太迟爱上你
I don't know what to do 我不知道该怎么办
How did we end up here this way what are we gonna do 我们怎们会这样就结束 我们该怎么做什么
I’m slowly falling out baby I’m tripping on silly things 我总是缠绕在一些傻问题上 太晚才爱上你 宝贝
Boy, I need you to meet me half way if you want me to be with you 宝贝 如果你想让我们在你一起 我真希望你是半道上出现
Don't let your pride get in the way& &不要让你的尊严挡住你的路
On something we worked so hard, don't throw it away 我们曾一起努力工作的东西 请不要把它扔掉
I’ve been trying to make you see everything you need is right here with me 我会努力帮你实现一切 你的一切要求在我这里都会是正确的
Sometimes I feel like there's no getting through to you 有时候我想我已经没有办法接近你了
Like you don't appreciate all that I do 就象你不喜欢我的所作所为一样
You gotta show me that you want me to stay 你已经暗示我你想要留下来
Don't turn and walk away… 那就请不要转身离开....
Baby I’m slowly falling out of love with you 宝贝我太迟爱上你
I don't know what to do 我不知道该怎么办
How did we end up here this way what are we gonna do 我们怎们会这样就结束 我们该怎么做什么
I’m slowly falling out baby I’m tripping on silly things 我总是缠绕在一些傻问题上 太晚才爱上你 宝贝
Boy, I need you to meet me half way if you want me to be with you 宝贝 如果你想让我们在你一起 我真希望你是半道上出现
I’m tired of giving my all 我给了你我的一切,累了
How did we end here this way I just want to know what are we gonna do 我们怎么 会就这样结束 我只是想知道我们该怎么办
How did we end up here this way? 我们怎么会就这样结束?
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本帖最后由 tjulily 于
20:34 编辑
有人喜欢童谣吗?有人喜欢无乐器伴奏的纯人声作品吗?那就请听《Filastrocche E Tiritere》,这首超级可爱的歌来自2008年51届意大利zecchino d’oro世界幼儿歌曲大赛,是一首参赛作品.
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皮娃娃 发表于
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本帖最后由 tjulily 于
20:46 编辑
It was a clear summer day& &那是一个晴朗的夏日
when I saw the tears on your face& &当我看到你脸颊的泪水
I knew that our time was up on us& &我知道,我们的时光来了
Our moment of end was so fast&&我们的每分每秒,结束得如此之快
but the kiss of goodbye always lasts& &但是离别之吻总是持续着
not even time could fade it away 甚至没有时间可以将它褪去
Even though you are no longer here&&尽管你不在这里
there is still something between us 也仍然有些东西羁绊在我们之间
Even though life isn't fair 尽管生活是不公平的
I'll never lose my trust&&但我不会失去我的信任
Just another lesson to be learned 去吸取另一个教训
gotta move on and not lose faith 总得前进 ,不违背诺言
just another obstacle to take&&去跨越另一个障碍
live my life before it gets too late&&在还未太迟之前,好好地生活
I won't give up, I won't stay down&&我不会放弃 我不会停留
this is what life's worth living for&&这就是生命的价值所在
I still believe in love 我仍然相信爱
I'm holding the warmth of your lips& &我留恋你双唇的余温
it feels like the first time we kissed 感觉就像我们初次亲吻
when all of the stars lined up for us&&当所有的星辰为我们排着队
but like the wind you said goodbye& &但是你如风一般地说了再见
and left me alone here to cry&&留我一个人在这里哭泣
we shouldn't have gone our separate ways 我们不应分道扬镳
Even though you are no longer here&&尽管你不在这里
there is still something between us 也仍然有些东西羁绊在我们之间
Even though life isn't fair 尽管生活是不公平的
I'll never lose my trust&&但我不会失去我的信任
Just another lesson to be learned 去吸取另一个教训
gotta move on and not lose faith 总得前进 ,不违背诺言
just another obstacle to take&&去跨越另一个障碍
live my life before it gets too late&&在还未太迟之前,好好地生活
I won't give up, I won't stay down&&我不会放弃 我不会停留
this is what life's worth living for&&这就是生命的价值所在
I still believe in love 我仍然相信爱
Just another lesson to be learned 去吸取另一个教训
gotta move on and not lose faith 总得前进 ,不违背诺言
just another obstacle to take&&去跨越另一个障碍
live my life before it gets too late&&在还未太迟之前,好好地生活
I won't give up, I won't stay down&&我不会放弃 我不会停留
this is what life's worth living for&&这就是生命的价值所在
I still believe in love 我仍然相信爱
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精华0在线时间1257 小时注册时间UID98519
小学六年级, 积分 1516, 距离下一级还需 284 积分
今天的结尾曲,想推荐一首一直珍藏在心里的歌Jon Mclaughlin的《so close》。每当我听到这首歌,我就会想起刻意被忘记的过往。
We are so close to the famous happy ending...
So close but still so far...
You're in my arms
And all the world is gone
The music playing on
For only two
So close togehter
And when I'm with you
So close to feeling alive
A life goes by
Romantic dreams must die
So I bid mine goodbye
And never knew
So close was waiting
Waiting here with you
And now, forever, I know
All that I want is to hold you
So close to reaching
That famous happy and
Almost believing
This one's not pretend
Now you're beside me
And look how far we've come
So close...
Oh, how could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?
We're so close to reaching
That famous hapyp end
Almost believing
This one's not pretend
Let's go on dreaming
Though we know we are
So close, and still
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精华0在线时间1257 小时注册时间UID98519
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威望2 积分1516 BELLE20 ¥家装币0
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支持亲 一会关注
坏坏大毛驴 发表于
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Josh Hoge - Shadow 微带沙哑的声音,悲伤的演绎,触动你的心
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本帖最后由 tjulily 于
21:49 编辑
《Solow》Kate Havnevik,清冷的声音,略带少许颓废,一直很喜欢,推荐给大家。
I know it's late but i wanted to call
No everything is fine
There's nothing wrong
Just needed to talk
I hoped you would answer this time
'Cos I'm so low
Everyone's speeding
but I'm still going slow
And I'm so low
Everyone glows
I see love affairs
But no-one will do
If we could speak
we could have a good row.
which off course I’d win
What I mean is I’m missing you now.
This freedom is wasted on me
'Cos I'm so low
Everyone's speeding
But I'm still going slow
And I'm so low
Everyone glows
I see love affairs
But no-one will do
威望2 积分1516 BELLE20 ¥家装币0
精华0在线时间1257 小时注册时间UID98519
小学六年级, 积分 1516, 距离下一级还需 284 积分
Toi qui me croyait vide et sans coeur
Ton visage je le connais par coeur
Je n’ai pas ose car j'ai eu peur
De le dire m'aurait porte malheur
T'es mon pire et t'es mon meilleur
Notre histoire est poussee amere
Je porte le poids de mes erreurs
Toi ici et moi ailleurs,
Si loin de toi, j'toublie pas
Ou je vais je te vois
C’est comme si, t’etais la
Pres de moi
Je t’ai dans la peau et Dima
Je pense a toi
Dima Dima Dima,
Meme si tu n'es plus la
Ta douleur est mienne
Et c’est elle, c’est elle
Qui m’fait oublier le mal
Colerer me fait mal
Car au fond de moi-meme
Je veux que tu me reviennes
Tous ces sentiments qui m’oppressent
Me trahissent mais c’est tout ce qui me reste
J’cause du tort des que je me sens testee
Et mes caresses finissent en maladresse
T’es le matador et moi le taureau blesse
Je t’adore et je te deteste
C’est un peu tard car le temps presse
Je fais face a ma detresse
Si loin de toi, j'toublie pas
Ou je vais je t
威望2 积分1516 BELLE20 ¥家装币0
精华0在线时间1257 小时注册时间UID98519
小学六年级, 积分 1516, 距离下一级还需 284 积分
威望2 积分1516 BELLE20 ¥家装币0
精华0在线时间1257 小时注册时间UID98519
小学六年级, 积分 1516, 距离下一级还需 284 积分
原谅我,年纪大了容易怀旧,还是一首老歌,一般情绪不好我会听这首,Justin Timberlake的《what goes round》,虽然不是Justin的每首歌我都会喜欢,但我依然认为他的声音很性感(好吧,其实我就是看重皮相,他长得就是那么性感。。。)。这首歌听起来就是很能发泄情绪。
Is he everything you wanted in a man?
You know I gave you the world
You had me in the palm of your hand
So why your love went away
I just can't seem to understand
Thought it was me and you, baby
Me and you until the end
But I guess I was wrong
Don't wanna think about it(uh)
Don't wanna talk about it(uh)
I'm just so sick about it
I can't believe it's ending this way
Just so confused about it(uh)
Feeling the blues about it(yeah)
I just can't do without ya
Tell me is this fate
Is the way it's really going down?
Is this how we say goodbye?
Shoulda known better when you came around
That you were gonna make me cry
It's breaking my heart to watch you run around
Cause I know that you're living a lie
But that's ok, baby, cause in time you will find
What goes around, goes around, goes around, don't go away, back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around, don't go away, back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around, don't go away, back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around, don't go away, back around
I remember everything that you claimed
You said that you were moving on now(on now)
Maybe I should do the same(maybe I should do the same)
The funny thing about that is
I was ready to give you my name
Thought it was me and you baby(baby)
And now, it's all just a shame
That I guess I was wrong
Don't wanna think about it(no)
Don't wanna talk about it(hm)
I'm just so sick about it
I can't believe it's ending this way
Just so confused about it(uh)
Feeling the blues about it(yeah)
I just can't do without ya
Can you tell me is this fate
Is the way it's really going down?
Is this how we say goodbye?
Shoulda known better when you came around
That you were gonna make me cry
Now it's breaking my heart to watch you run around
Cause I know that you're living a lie
But that's ok, baby, cause in time you will find
What goes around, goes around, goes around, don't go away, back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around, don't go away, back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around, don't go away, back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around, don't go away, back around
What goes around comes around
What goes around comes around
You should know that
What goes around comes around
What goes around comes around
You should know that
Don't wanna think about it(no)
Don't wanna talk about it(hm)
I'm just so sick about it
I can't believe it's ending this way
Just so confused about it(uh)
Feeling the blues about it(yeah)
I just can't do without ya
Tell me is this fate
Is the way it's really going down?
Is this how we say goodbye?
Shoulda known better when you came around(shoulda known better)
That you were gonna make me cry
It's breaking my heart to watch you run around(now it's breaking my heart)
Cause I know that you're living a lie
But that's ok, baby, cause in time you will find
What goes around, goes around, goes around, don't go away, back around
(what goes around comes around, baby)
What goes around, goes around, goes around, don't go away, back around
(what goes around comes around, baby)
What goes around, goes around, goes around, don't go away, back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around, don't go away, back around
Yup(let me paint this picture for ya, baby)
You spend your nights alone
And he never comes home
And everytime you call him, all you get is a busy tone
I heard you found out
That he's doing to you
What you did to me
Ain't that the way it goes
When you cheated, girl
My heart bleeded, girl
So it go without saying that should let the feeling hurt
Just a classic case scenario
Tell is always time
Girl, you got what you deserved
And now you want somebody
To cure the lonely nights
You wish you had somebody
That could come and make it right
But girl, I ain't somebody
I'm out of sympathy
What goes around comes back around
I thought I told ya
What goes around comes back around
I thought I told ya
What goes around comes back around
I thought I told ya
What goes around comes back around
I thought I told ya
Take it to em, J
Hey, hey, hey, hey(repeatedly till the end)
You shoulda listened to me, baby
Take it to em, J
What goes around comes back around
威望2 积分1516 BELLE20 ¥家装币0
精华0在线时间1257 小时注册时间UID98519
小学六年级, 积分 1516, 距离下一级还需 284 积分
推荐一个稍微小众的歌,《Calendar girl》,来自加拿大的乐队Stars
If I am lost for a day try and find me
But if I don’t come back then I won’t look behind me
All of the things that I thought were so easy
Just got harder and harder each day
December is the darkest
In June there’s the light
but this empty bedroom won’t make anything right
While out on the landing
a friend I forgot to send home
Who waits up for me all through the night
Calendar girl who’s in love with the world
Stay alive
Calendar Girl who’s in love with the world
Stay alive
I dreamed I was dying as I so often do
And when I awoke I was sure it was true
I ran to the window threw my head to the sky
And said whoever is up there please don’t let me die
But I can’t live forever I can’t always be
One day I’ll be sand on a beach by a sea
The pages keep turning I’ll mark off each day with a cross
And I’ll laugh about all that we’ve lost
Calendar girl who’s in love with the world
Stay alive
Calendar Girl who’s in love with the world
Stay alive
January, February, March, April, May I’m alive
June, July, August, September, October I’m alive
November, December, yah all through the winter
I’m alive
I’m alive
威望2 积分1516 BELLE20 ¥家装币0
精华0在线时间1257 小时注册时间UID98519
小学六年级, 积分 1516, 距离下一级还需 284 积分
liujie 发表于
威望2 积分1516 BELLE20 ¥家装币0
精华0在线时间1257 小时注册时间UID98519
小学六年级, 积分 1516, 距离下一级还需 284 积分
推荐首新歌吧,来自澳洲的13岁小正太Cody Simpson的《dont cry your heart out》,很看好他,有前途。
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