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<![CDATA[中文名:&Channel 4:身份的焦虑英文名:&Channel 4:Status Anxiety别名:&Alain de Botton资源格式:&DVDRip版本:&3集全附英文字幕发行时间:&2004年制作发行:&Diverse ProductionChannel 4地区:&英国语言:&英语简介:&本片为《身份的焦虑》一书的作者阿兰·德波顿所主持的同名纪录片。在《身份的焦虑》中,阿兰·德波顿审视了人们的幸福之路上最大的阻碍:关于他人如何看待自己的焦虑。对许多人来说,快乐意味着在生命中奋斗并取得成功,但成功是相对的,并常常在与自己相似之人的比较中得来。如果我们身边的人或与我们相似的人表现出了更大的财富——一个主要的衡量成功的外在标准——那么我们便会对自身价值与成功的看法趋于悲观。本片分成三部分,阿兰德波顿带观众认识身份焦虑的成因、表现,并寻求解决之道。每晚7:00-23:00供源,细水长流,希望能源远流长。附:TED演讲——阿兰·德波顿:温和的成功哲学(A Kinder Gentler Philosophy of Success) .tr/644x385//fft5_mf86584.Jpeg主持人介绍:阿兰·德波顿(Alain de Botton)作家,1969年生于瑞士苏黎世,毕业于剑桥大学,现居伦敦。其著作关注现代生活各种主题,擅长以富有灵感的、哲学的思辨予以探讨。著有小说《爱情笔记》(1993)、《爱上浪漫》(1994)、《亲吻与诉说》(1995)及随笔作品《拥抱逝水年华》(1997)、《哲学的慰藉》(2000)、《旅行的艺术》(2002)、《身份的焦虑》(2004)、《幸福的建筑》(2006)、《工作颂歌》(2009)和《机场里的小旅行》(2009)等。作品已被译成二十几种文字。曾于2004年访问中国。 http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/thepublicsquare/wp-content/uploads/c4e6db681_b.jpgPart 1: CausesTo try and determine the causes of status anxiety, Alain de Botton travels to America, to see how a meritocratic society works, when everyone is supposed have equality of rights and opportunity. Drawing heavily on the 1831 work by Alexis de Toqueville, “Democracy in America” and under the assumption that “their anxieties are destined to become our anxieties”, de Botton observes that, unlike the feudal, class society of de Toqueville’s Europe, where everyone knew their place within their social milieu, in American society where class has been abolished, the slightest perception of inequality is brought all the more starkly into focus. Not only however is the distinction between rich and poor more evident - when everyone is perceived to have the equal opportunities to succeed - failure is regarded as laziness and weakness. Anyone who works hard will succeed.Returning to the common thread that lies behind much of his work, de Botton then goes on to question whether those who succeed and achieve the riches they desire are happier in proportion to the wealth they accumulate. Evidently they are not – but the question remains why not? And if not, is there another way, as Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed, in returning to a simpler way of life, that of the “noble savage”? And where does Christianity’s promise of rewards in the afterlife fit into all this?In the first part, de Botton chooses well in selecting America and examining a society where status anxiety is endemic, finding the root causes and putting them to a number of philosophical and social contexts. Most crucially, he chooses his interview subjects well, questioning preachers, bums, aspirational businessmen and right-wing fundamentalists, giving each of them an equal say, allowing extreme and valid viewpoints to be aired, without ever going for the cheap shot or attempting to undermine the interviewee with his own cleverness. http://www.dvdtimes.co.uk/protectedimage.php?image=NoelMegahey/statusanxiety3.jpgPart 2: ManifestationsIn the second part of the programme, de Botton looks at how the inequalities shown in the previous episode lead to the anxieties that affect our everyday lives. Observing how people in low-paid jobs are treated with less respect than company executives, he notes how status determines the attention we are given, as are the clothes we wear, the house we live in and the car we drive. The outward display of such status symbols is clearly an indictor to the amount of money you have and the amount of respect you therefore feel you should consequently be accorded. Self-esteem is therefore very much dependent upon the approval and judgement of others, and failure to stand out from our peers often gives rise to feelings of anxiety and unhappiness. However, does consumption and the acquiring of designer goods and status symbols really give us the happiness we seek, or just debt and an increasing need to maintain a lifestyle constantly beyond our reach?Again, de Botton takes a historical outlook on the matter, referencing William James’ view on the desire for status being a search for love, not just from a partner, but from the world. He compares the custom of duelling to the modern equivalent of the celebrity lawsuit, seeking to maintain ones respectability and status in the eyes of the world. Returning to America, he compares Thomas Jefferson’s belief in the perfectibility of every person into a self-made hero and how wealth and happiness are attainable by everyone, to George Orwell’s belief in a true socialist meritocracy, where the working class are more deserving of rewards than the classes of privilege. http://www.dvdtimes.co.uk/protectedimage.php?image=NoelMegahey/statusanxiety2.jpgPart 3: SolutionsHaving identified the causes and manifestations of status anxiety, de Botton goes on to ask whether these ideals of society’s attitude towards the rich and privileged can be overturned. He explains that there is a history of overturning what Karl Marx identified as “ideologies” – ideas that seem to be true and immutable, but are in fact lies. These lies, once dictated by the ruling classes and religion to maintain the status quo, are now disseminated in our modern society by the power of the press, telling us what we should buy, how we can be popular, and mercilessly pouncing on failure. He takes the case of John Ruskin, an opponent of Victorian values, who challenged the desire for the accumulation of wealth and achieved real political changes. Looking at other examples of people who live alternative lifestyles – the Bloomsbury Group, naturists, bohemians and hippies – he shows that living according to your own values and not those dictated by conventional attitudes has given us all the independence and freedoms we have today to make our own choices. http://www.dvdtimes.co.uk/protectedimage.php?image=NoelMegahey/statusanxiety5.jpgDe Botton’s proposals for how we can achieve a simpler, anxiety-free life – citing Marcus Aurelius, Schopenhauer, Dutch Art and a “stimulating” meditation on Death - are perhaps a little esoteric and far removed from popular positive affirmations of self-help books, but consistent with the views expressed in The Art of Travel – it’s all a matter of attitude and putting one’s life into perspective. However, like The Art of Travel, de Botton also lightens proceedings with nice touches of humour, without ever talking down or cheapening the material. To gauge the power of the media to make people feel inadequate and society’s view of failure, for example, he visits the Daily Sport office and gets them to write headlines for famous mythological and literary social transgressors, Madame Bovary, Othello and Oedipus (“Sex With Mum Was Blinding!”). It effectively proves his point in a familiar and humorous way. /files/u4/DeBotton_heathrow.jpg
Wed, 29 Dec :14 +0000
<![CDATA[中文名:&Viva!:生命之食英文名:&Viva!:Food for Life资源格式:&DVDRip发行时间:&1997年制作发行:&VIVA!(Vegetarians International Voice for Animals)Tony Wardle地区:&英国语言:&英语简介:&
非营利组织VIVA!(Vegetarians International Voice for Animals)是由Juliet Gellatley女士创办于1994年英国伦敦,该组织以保护动物、倡导正确饮食观念、环保、避免粮食浪费为主要议题,透过各种活动及倡导广告,鼓励英国民众少肉或是吃素。VIVA!的网址: http://www.viva.org.uk/这段视频是VIVA!精心制作的针对青少年和他们父母的视频。片长25分钟,主持人是英国当红主持人Tina Landini和运动员Emmil Watson。覆盖了健康,动物,环境,美味等各个方面,轻松风趣,老少咸宜,在最短时间内让大家认识到素食的真正涵义。暂时没有中文字幕。英文比较差的朋友,可以先看新加坡素食协会配字幕的视频,先睹为快:/u85/v_Mjg2ODA0MTg.htmlViva! or Vegetarians' International Voice for Animals, is a British animal rights group, which focuses on promoting vegetarianism and veganism. It was founded by Juliet Gellatley in 1994. Viva! carries out undercover investigations to expose the abuse of factory farmed animals and produces information on how to go vegetarian and vegan including recipes and shopping guides.OverviewViva! is based in Bristol, with a branch office in Poland. The group is an active campaigning organisation, working on issues such as factory farming and slaughter. Campaigns include End Factory Farming, Eat Green (the new environment campaign for 2009), Foie-Gras free Britain, Exotic Meat, Ban the Farrowing Crate, Dark Side of Dairy and youth campaigns including The Big Coverup.Viva! organizes the biannual national &Incredible Veggie Roadshow& in London, along with other regional roadshows across the UK designed to help people become vegetarian or vegan. In addition to producing leaflets, guides, reports, websites and other materials, the group publishes a triannual journal entitled Viva! LIFE, which includes recent research and campaign information, as well as vegan recipes. Viva! enjoys the support of numerous well-known entertainers,including Paul McCartney.Viva!’s Vegetarian Video is Food For Lifefrom EVU News, Issue 1 /1998 Vegetarianism is the fastest-growing Lifestyle in Britain, particularly among teenagers.To help the process, the campaigning vegetarian and vegan charity Viva! has produced a new video, Food for Life, aimed specifically at teenagers and their parents. It’s presenters are super-cool vegetarians Tina Landini, from Channel Five TV’s soap Family Affairs, and mega-fit Gladiators’ athlete Emmil Watson.‘The main reason why young people become vegetarian is concern for the way animals are kept’, says Juliet Gellatley, Founder & Director of the vegetarian charity Viva! ‘But there is now overwhelming scientific evidence that a vegetarian diet is one of the healthiest possible so any decision to give up meat should be supported and encouraged. Food for Life covers most of the vegetarian issues and is a superb and reassuring introduction for anyone considering making the change’.Emmil takes Tina on a voyage of discovery to meet different experts in this documentary style video. They include a doctor of nutrition, an environmentalist, a zoologist and veggie cookery writer Rose Elliot.‘The issue which seems to worry people most – quite unnecessarily as it happens – is health and nutrition so we have given both great prominence,’ explains Ms Gellatley.‘The visual imagery of commercial fishing and the way in which animals are kept is so powerful that they speak for themselves’. Food for Life also looks at environmental degradation and developing world issues.The tone of the presenters is light hearted and never preachy while the overall impact of the video is to provide a convincing scientific case for a vegetarian lifestyle. ‘It presents powerful evidence of a failing world but gives young people a truly positive message about the actions they can take to improve things,’ concludes Ms Gellatley.A very convincing and professionally made video by Tony Wardle Productions in Brighton.It is 24 mins and costs ?6.99 (VHS PAL version) or ?7.99 (NTSC ver-sion, p&p rates) from:Viva!, 12 Queen Square, Brighton BN1 3FD, England. Tel: . /images/line.gif 英国将在本世纪内全国茹素新闻来源:国际替动物发声素食联盟(Viva)
日期: http://www.viva.org.uk/mediareleases/displ...epid=177最新的政府文件显示,推动全英国无肉品的努力正前进中。最近英国环境食物农村部门(*注一)公布的数据显示,英国人所吃动物的数目正快速缩减中。虽然政府还未誓言禁肉,可能也不需要--因为英国已经在素食化中,这并不是愚人节的玩笑。根据欧洲最大的动物权益鼓吹团体-国际替动物发声素食联盟(Viva),如果持续目前的趋势,英国将於本世纪下半完全茹素(*注二).最新的官方统计数据显示,英国去年比前年少屠杀了一千三百多万农场养殖动物。而此联盟确信此一趋势正持续中,2008年比2005年要少屠杀近五千万动物。该联盟并补充说明,数字下降并非因为英国从其它国家进口更多肉品。数据显示,去年英国家禽肉的消费大幅下降了六万七千吨(4%);猪肉消费量惊人的下降了七万四千吨(下跌超过5%)。国际替动物发声素食联盟(Viva)相信,越来越多的英国人正欣然接受一种更慈悲健康的生活方式。此官方统计数据发佈的时间更是恰到好处,大大有助於推广该集团的国内展演《不可思议的素食者》-即将於 4月18日伦敦演出。「即使目前政府仍拒绝推动伦理和有益环境的无肉饮食,但有那么多的英国消费者作出自己的决定继续加入素食的行列中,真是太棒了!」该联盟活动推动经理贾斯汀·科斯蔚说。「然而,在英国每年为了肉食,依然有几乎九亿动物被杀害。其中大多数被杀动物寿命短的骇人听闻,生活在骯脏恶劣的环境下,时时面临可怕的死亡。所以我们显然还有很长的路要走,但我们正迈向胜利。对动物的虐待及健康,和这星球近况的关怀正与日俱增;而素食和纯素提供了所有这些问题的解决之道。它被需要极力推广的程度是前所未有的。」《编辑的补充说明》根据Mintel市场调查(2006年),全英国人口的5到6%已持素,而且还正在上升中。 2007年为琳达麦卡特尼食品做的调查,发现约有10%的英国人不吃红肉,少吃肉的人也大为增加,而且有三千一百万人大部分时间吃素。纯素者的数量在过去10年中也增加了十倍,多达百万人。平均英国人一生中吃掉11,047隻动物: 1头鹅,1隻兔,4头牛,18头猪,23隻羊和羔羊,28隻鸭,39隻火鸡,1,158隻鸡,3,593个贝类和6182条鱼。国际替动物发声素食联盟提供援助,给那些愿意放弃或减少肉类的人。任何人都可以在以下网站检查自己的动物屠宰率欲了解更多有关国际替动物发声素食联盟倡导的运动,请浏览http://www.viva.org.uk(*注一) 本新闻稿详细的数字,请参阅http://statistics.defra.gov.uk/esg/publications/auk/2008/excel.asp (注:这些都是英国环境食物农村部门提供的最新数字,下次将於2010年3月更新)。或联繫国际替动物发声素食联盟的媒体代表海伦·罗斯特或贾斯汀·科斯索取细目 (0或justin@viva.org.uk) 。(*注二) 据英国环境食物农村部门的统计,英国在2008年屠杀了八亿八千一百八十万零一千土地动物(鸡,鸭,火鸡,猪,绵羊和牛)。若除以一千三百零三万五千(2008年所减少食用的动物数目)= 依现行趋势持续,英国需要67.64年才能全国茹素。http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fo...964.html国际替动物发声素食联盟演出《不可思议的素食者》-是欧洲此类活动中最盛大的演出 – 时间於 4月18日(週六),英国皇家园艺馆,劳伦斯厅与会议中心,伦敦格雷科特街,从上午10点到下午6时。门票只需4英镑(18岁以下免费)。详情请见www.viva.org.uk/london
Fri, 22 Jan :09 +0000
全集英文名:&Pump It Up别名:&Ministry of Sound 资源格式:&DVDRip发行时间:&2004年电视台:&全球知名的舞厅暨舞曲周边出版大厂英国电子音乐大厂Ministry of Sound (MOS)地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&
最近减肥找了这一整套健身操来练,效果很不错推荐给大家。男女都适合练熟了以后大家就可以换着练了美女多看着养眼第一次发帖不对的地方请指点谢谢来自英国电子音乐大厂MOS所发行的《Pump It Up》系列健身DVD给你完全不同的健身体验动感的舞步+劲辣的音乐让你挥洒出多余的肥油与卡路里赶紧在夏天来临前练成最Fit的身型吧!!全球知名的舞厅暨舞曲周边出版大厂Ministry of Sound (MOS),推出了这张结合运动与娱乐的健身操教学DVD《Pump It Up! The Ultimate Dance Workout》。由知名的Eric Prydz有氧运动系列为基础,以当今最辣的电子舞曲,循序渐进地带领观众进入有氧运动的世界,不论初学者或者是高手都能在里面获得最新的有氧运动知识,轻松地在家里就能运动保健自己的身体,让我们在重节奏的电子舞曲声中愉快的跳舞健身吧!跳有氧健身操须知  一、循序渐进  开始时,应采取步伐走动的方式,以使身体和下肢有充分时间适应。开始不要做太长时间,以10分钟为宜。 步伐走动之前,先做热身和适当的伸展运动,特别是下肢的适度伸展非常重要。天冷时,热身时间要长,并多穿些衣服。步伐走动前后测 一下自己每分钟脉搏数并记录下来供参考。长时间锻炼后,心肺耐力会增加,心率会降低,运动后心跳恢复正常较快。 初学者以每周二、三次,隔日为宜。然后可适当增加次数,直到自己感觉适量为止,绝对不要勉强。  二、女性应注意以下几点I.做操时要戴好胸罩,以承托力较强的为好。   2.经期做操,运动量不宜过大。   3.没有运动习惯的女性,不宜在怀孕期间开始做健身操。即使有健身操训练基础的女性,在这期间也需要请教医生,以决定是否继续健身操训练。三、卫生与健康  健身操运动后,要及时更换汗湿的衣服,避免着凉,尤其是在空调房内。运动后应做些伸展运动再行淋浴。 经常做有氧健身操者,要留心自己的脚部,常修剪脚趾甲,断的脚趾甲会扎破皮肤,使脚趾发炎。热天运动出汗较多,汗留在趾缝中容易让细菌滋生,所以应时常保持脚部皮肤干燥。脚部起水泡时,不应弄破。四、适当的服装  做健身操时,应穿合身透汗的健身操, 要赤脚穿普通皮鞋。健身操应有较厚的护垫,以减缓足部与地面撞击而造成的震荡。鞋身不宜太软,可采用半高筒式,以巩固脚踝。2009 pump it up aeroburn2008[终极热舞健身操]Pump It Up - Dancemix2007[性感搏击风健身操]PumpItUp-BurnIt,LoseIt2006[性感夜店风有氧健身操]Pump It Up - High energy2005[热辣海滩风有氧健身操]Ministry O...ach Body Workout2004[白领女性OFFICE有氧健身操].Ministry.Of.Sound.Pump.It.Up.Workout
Thu, 20 Aug :29 +0000
<![CDATA[中文名:&BBC摩天大楼简史英文名:&Short.History.of.Tall.Buildings资源格式:&DVDRip发行时间:&2005年地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&摩天大楼(skyscraper)又称为超高层大楼,非常高的多层建筑物。起初为一、二十层的建筑,但是现在通常指超过四十层或五十层的高楼大厦。随着高层建筑在各地不同的发展,人们所认知的摩天大楼定义高度也略为不同。在中国大陆,建筑规范规定100米以上高度的属于超高层建筑;日本,法规定义超过60米就属於超高层建筑;在美国,则普遍认为152米(500英呎)以上的建筑为摩天大楼。直到19世纪,超过六层楼的建筑物仍相当罕见。人们不愿爬太多的阶梯,而水压仅能提昇约15米的高度。发达的钢铁技术,钢筋混凝土与抽水帮浦让建筑极高的大楼成为可能,那些极高的建筑物之中有些超过300公尺高。实际上摩天大楼的发展,主要的因素源於电梯的发明。摩天大楼首次兴起於19世纪末美国纽约市与芝加哥地价昂贵用地不足的区域。为了城市商业发展,增加更多营业面积兴建摩天大楼。日美国芝加哥发生大火,灾后重建时为了节约市中心用地,高层建筑应运而生。城市的重建计划广泛地採用新的建筑技术与新的建材,包含电梯的使用。随之诞生的芝加哥学派探讨了新技术在高层建筑上的应用,也探讨了高层建筑的造型问题。威廉·勒巴隆·詹尼设计的的芝加哥家庭保险大楼被世界公认为第一幢摩天建筑。这座十层楼的大楼建造於1884年-1885年,毁於1931年。第一次世界大战之后,世界经济重心从欧洲移转至美国,至1929年经济大恐慌是美国建筑的繁荣期,摩天大楼也随着美国经济而快速发展。层的帝国大厦於纽约落成,此后长达40年的时间帝国大厦雄踞世界第一高楼的地位,帝国大厦成为摩天大楼甚至是纽约的象徵。1974年芝加哥西尔斯大楼竣工,取代纽约世界贸易中心双塔世界最高大楼的地位,也让世界第一的光荣重回芝加哥——这座被称为摩天大楼发源地的城市。近年来,亚洲新兴国家的经济实力逐渐抬头,超高摩天大楼的排行榜,也从原来的美洲独霸,转移到亚美争锋。1998年完工的吉隆坡双峰塔将原来竞逐世界第一高的美洲大陆,转移到亚洲。已於2004年完工啟用的台北101,则是现今世界最高的摩天大楼。高度计算的方式根据高层建筑暨都市集居委员会(CTBUH)在日所宣佈的四种高楼评定标準:结构体或建筑顶部高度、最高的使用楼层高度、屋顶高度、天线高度,一般认为最高的建筑排名是指结构体或建筑顶部高度而言。最高摩天大楼排名这份排名[1]由高层建筑暨都市集居委员会所认可。它包含最高的建筑细节但不纳入不算是建筑结构所带来的高度,譬如天线。 此种排列方式允许看起来比较低的建筑比起一些看起来较高的建筑还要高。许多看起来更为高大的大楼,因顶部的天线或尖顶不被认为是建筑物主体的一部分而被排除计算。若比较最高使用楼层高度与天线高度,西尔斯大楼均超过双峰塔。此外,此列表不包含非大楼的高耸建筑,譬如西恩塔之类的通讯塔,桥梁或钻油平台的独立建筑。这张表是从2004年起排列,并将被毁坏的大厦从表中除名,纽约世界贸易中心在倒塌之前在这张表中的位置是第6名。名次 中文名称 英文名称 高度 楼层 所在城市 1 台北101 Taipei101 508m 101 台北 2 双峰塔 Petronas Tower 1 452m 88 吉隆坡 3 双峰塔 Petronas Tower 2 452m 88 吉隆坡 4 西尔斯大楼 Sears Tower 442m 110 芝加哥 5 金茂大厦 Jin Mao Tower 421m 88 上海 6 国际金融中心二期 Two International Finance Centre 420m 90 香港 7 中信广场 CITIC Plaza 391m 80 广州 8 信兴广场(地王大厦) Shun Hing Square 384m 69 深圳 9 帝国大厦 Empire State Building 381m 102 纽约 10 中环广场 Central Plaza 374m 78 香港 11 中银大厦 Bank of China Tower 367m 72 香港 12 阿联酋大厦 Emirates Office Tower 355m 54 杜拜 13 高雄85大楼 Tuntex & Chien-Tai Tower 348m 85 高雄 14 怡安中心 Aon Center 346m 83 芝加哥 15 中环中心 The Center 346m 73 香港 16 约翰汉考克中心 John Hancock Center 343m 100 芝加哥 17 柳京饭店 Ryugyong Hotel 330m 105 平壤 18 阿拉伯塔 Burj Al Arab 321m 60 杜拜 19 克莱斯勒大厦 Chrysler Building 319m 77 纽约 20 美国银行广场 Bank of America Plaza 312m 55 亚特兰大 21 联邦银行大厦 US Bank Tower 310m 73 洛杉磯 22 Menara电信大厦 Menara Telekom 310m 55 吉隆坡 23 Emirates Hotel Tower Emirates Hotel Tower 309m 56 杜拜 24 美国电话电报企业中心 AT&T Corporate Center 307m 60 芝加哥 25 JP摩尔根大通大厦 JPMorganChase Tower 305m 75 休士顿 26 彩虹中心第二期 Baiyoke Tower II 304m 85 曼谷 27 慎行广场二号大厦 Two Prudential Plaza 303m 64 芝加哥 28 王国中心 Kingdom Centre 302m 41 利雅德 29 第一加拿大广场 First Canadian Place 298m 72 多伦多 30 横滨地标大厦 Yokohama Landmark Tower 296m 70 横滨 31 Wells Fargo Plaza Wells Fargo Plaza 296m 71 休士顿 32 311 South Wacker Drive 311 South Wacker Drive 293m 65 芝加哥 33 赛格广场 SEG Plaza 292m 70 深圳 34 美国国际大厦 American International 290m 66 纽约 35 Key Tower Key Tower 289m 57 克里夫兰 36 恒隆广场一号大厦 Plaza 66 288m 66 上海 37 自由广场一号大厦 One Liberty Place 288m 61 费城 38 美国银行广场 Bank of America Plaza 285m 76 西雅图 39 明天广场 Tomorrow Square 285m 55 上海 40 长江集团中心 Cheung Kong Centre 283m 62 香港 41 川普大楼 The Trump Building 283m 70 纽约 42 美国银行广场 Bank of America Plaza 281m 70 达拉斯 43 华联银行大厦 OUB Centre 280m 63 新加坡 44 共和广场 Republic Plaza 280m 66 新加坡 45 大华银行大厦 UOB Plaza One 280m 66 新加坡 46 花旗集团中心 Citigroup Center 279m 59 纽约 47 香港新世界中心 Hong Kong New World Tower 278m 61 上海 48 Scotia Plaza Scotia Plaza 275m 68 多伦多 49 威廉斯大厦 Williams Tower 275m 64 休士顿 50 武汉世界贸易中心 Wuhan World Trade Tower 273m 58 武汉已通过安全检测:安全检测软件软件:KV2005版本号:9.00.607病毒库日期:常在服务器:YaoiCentral在线时间:7x24
Sat, 25 Mar :58 +0000
<![CDATA[中文名:&傻瓜抢银行英文名:&Take the Money and Run资源格式:&DVDRip发行时间:&2005年地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&活地阿伦的&Take the Money and Run&,你说改个什么名字才适合?夹带私逃?纳钱鬆人?不知此片有没有正式的港译名,但我认为改作&傻瓜抢银行&会很贴切,一来是因为活地阿伦的两套早期作,一齣叫&傻瓜大闹香蕉城&一齣叫&傻瓜大闹科学城&,二来活地的早期作都是这种&傻瓜闯大祸&的疯狂喜剧片,与中期的自传式、中产品味,后期的重故事性,是截然不同的。如果你说《The Office》的手法很新颖、很实验,那么你看过的片肯定不多,首先你少接触高达的电影(扮纪录片、面对观眾说话,可能不是高达的发明,但他在超过十套自己的电影里玩过),而紧贴欧洲电影潮流的活地阿伦自己亦依样新浪潮导演们的葫芦,拍出这套&Take the Money and Run&。活地又一次做傻瓜,一个由小到大偷抢成癖的傻瓜,但往往以束手就擒告终。有多次逃狱纪录,每次都是功败垂成。傻人有艳福,与一美丽女子一见钟情,私订终生。傻瓜想食&大茶饭&,与职业匪帮计划打劫银行,又是失手落网。然而,这个傻瓜把偷抢当成是生活的一部分,多次出入监牢,还是要继续去抢。这齣片就是要纪录这个傻瓜的传奇故事,接受访问的包括他的父母、太太、朋友,与一切与他接触过的人……这个傻瓜当然是虚构的,但此片与真人真事改编,仿纪录片的&Lenny&(连尼传),可谓有异曲同工之妙。当然,早期活地阿伦的技巧没有后者般的灵巧準绳,但密集的笑料能够补救这一缺点。其实本人并不喜欢&傻瓜大闹香蕉城&,觉得是胡闹得过分了,也认为&情慾奇谈&有点闷场,因而对活地早期作有点抗拒,但&Take the Money and Run&令我完全改观,忽然间很想看看&傻瓜大闹科学城&。请留意此片的结尾的一个镜头,那不就是&四百击&的结局?法国新浪潮对他的影响,不由不认吧!已通过安全检测:安全检测软件软件:KV2005版本号:9.00.607病毒库日期:常在服务器:DonkeyServer No1在线时间:7x24
Fri, 24 Mar :52 +0000
<![CDATA[中文名:&魅力自贡英文名:&Glamour of Zigong别名:&Zauber von Zigong,Charme de Zigong,????,自贡の魅力资源格式:&RMVB发行时间:&2005年地区:&大陆语言:&普通话简介:&千年盐都、南国灯城、恐龙之乡,国家历史文化名城、中国优秀旅游城市——自贡自贡市人民政府新闻办公室 Information Office of Zigong Municipal Government自贡电视台 Zigong Televion and Broadcasting Center此片以盐、龙、灯以及大小三绝为主题介绍国家级历史文化名城自贡片源很稀少,我虽然会常常在线,但希望大家下载后帮忙作种,算是为城市宣传片贡献一份力量^^城市介绍:自贡,四川省辖市,1939年建市。地处四川盆地南部,沱江流域釜溪河畔,面积4373平方公里。2002年末总人口320万,城区非农业人口49.1万。现辖自流井区、贡井区、大安区、沿滩区、荣县、富顺县,共96个乡镇、10个街道办事处。她具有两千年的盐业历史和60年建市史,素以“千年盐都”、“恐龙之乡”、“南国灯城”而闻名中外。是国家级历史文化名城、中国优秀旅游城市、对外开放城市、全国卫生城市和四川省级风景名胜区。“半城青山半城楼,名城风光如锦绣”,山水相依的自贡是以盐业、化工业、机械、高新技术材料和化纤纺织为主导产业的综合性工业城市,并形成了以龙、灯、盐为特色的文化旅游城市。根据《四川省城镇体系规划》,自贡市被列入全省2005年率先建设的三个大城市之一。按照新的城市总体规划,到2005年,自贡市区人口将达到50万,城市中心区面积42.1km2。地理位置优越。位于东经104°02′57″━105°15′11″、北纬28°55′37″━29°25′25″之间。地势西北高、东南低。地形复杂,分为低山、丘陵、平坝、沟谷。气候属东亚季风环流控制范围,为亚热带湿润季风气候类型。年平均气温17.5℃━18.0℃,日照小时,降水毫米。江河分属沱江、岷江水系,境内大小河流460余条,沱江为富顺县的过境河流,境内长127公里,属长江一级支流。资源丰富。现有耕地217万亩,成片森林5万公顷,森林覆盖率20%。生物物种繁多,查明植物近800个(系)科,动物70多个(类)目。矿产资源主要有煤、天然气、卤水、岩盐及石灰石。旅游资源丰富,文物古迹和风景名胜众多,尤以盐业遗址、恐龙化石、灯会着称于世。境内有着名的国家级重点文物保护单位西秦会馆、燊海井,省级文物保护单位荣县大佛、荣县军政府旧址、吴玉章故居、富顺文庙、刘光第墓、大山铺恐龙化石及遗址、王爷庙、夏洞寺。桫椤自然保护区、青山岭森林公园、高石梯森林公园等自然风光更是是风景怡人。自贡市人民政府网站 http://www.新华网自贡频道 Zigong, city in southern China, in Sichuan Province. Rich local deposits of salt brine and natural gas support a large and vari other manufactures include electricity, machinery, and fertilizers. The city was formed and named in 1939 with the merger of Gongjing, a great salt-producing center since the 7th century AD, and Tzeliutsing. It was reached by rail in 1958 and developed rapidly as an industrial center in the 1960s and 1970s.Zigong is situated in the south of the province covering an area of 4,373 sq km with a population of 3,070,000.lt has 4 districts and 2counties under its jurisdiction. Zigong is a medium-sized industrial city with salt-making as the leading industry. lt&#39;s home to 1300-odd industrial enterprises and 44 scientific research institutes which empoly over 74,000 engineers and technical personnel. The city possesses well arranged networks of transportation and telecommunication and abounds in natural gas and nas adequate electricity supply.Official Website: http://www.ZG on Xinhuanet: 卡巴斯基杀毒,保证无病毒平时经常在线,周六周日会有一天在线常在Razorback 2.0 服务器
Wed, 22 Feb :37 +0000
<![CDATA[中文名:&History Channel密谋-中情局与纳粹英文名:&Conspiracy-Cia And The Nazis资源格式:&DVDRip发行时间:&2004年地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&
已通过安全检测:安全检测软件软件:KV2005版本号:9.00.607病毒库日期:常在服务器:Razorback 2Editorial Reviews在线时间:7x24在60年前的第二次世界大战中,美国中央情报局(CIA)和纳粹德国本应是交战敌对的关系,但根据去年解密的绝密文件,CIA和纳粹战犯之间的联系远比外界所想象的要更为紧密,连纳粹嫌疑犯及其帮凶都成了CIA招募的对象。而就在美政府工作组日前准备就此进一步展开调查的时候,CIA却不知道是不是心虚,拒绝提供总计数十万页、揭露美国政府和德国纳粹之间关系的秘密文件。  CIA拒绝公布“家丑”文件  国会中共和民主两党官员表示,根据美国1998年通过的《纳粹战争罪行揭露法案》(Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act),CIA必须向政府工作组毫无保留地公布其档案中所有与纳粹战犯有关的秘密文件。  在过去几年里,CIA已经向工作组提供了超过120万页的解密文件,其中绝大多数都是来自CIA的前身“战略情报局”(Office of Strategic Services)。但与此同时,CIA却一直在钻法律的空子,一有机会就拒绝向工作组提供更多的历史记录。  工作组官员抱怨说,CIA的扯皮做法经常是首先满口答应提供关于前纳粹战犯的情报文件,但交接时却拒绝给出CIA和纳粹战犯在二战之后相关联系的文件;而且只要工作组无法给出第一手资料,证明自己需要调查的人员牵涉到战争罪行的话,那CIA对于工作组任何调出相关文件阅读的请求也是一口回绝。  工作组官员表示,他们和CIA之间的摩擦此前一直没有公开,但由于今年3月工作组就将期满撤销,为了届时能向美国人民作出一个满意的交待,现在他们不得不向外界揭示CIA的不合作行径,来迫使CIA收敛自己的行为,与工作组充分合作。工作组成员之一的纽约州前议员伊丽莎白·霍兹曼批评说:“我认为CIA违反了法律,他们的这种做法实际上就是忽视过去的纳粹大屠杀,无视那些大屠杀的幸存者,以及所有那些在二战中为了击败纳粹而付出自己宝贵生命的美国人。”  CIA发言人则表示,该机构已经按照法律要求,解密了多达125万页的文件。他说:“CIA并没有隐瞒任何证明自己和纳粹战犯、间谍或是纳粹合作者之间联系的材料。”对于工作组的指责,这位发言人予以承认,但同时强调,工作组要求查阅的是“和纳粹战犯无关”的其他秘密文件,因此CIA依法不予解密。  为什么CIA不愿公开文件?  《纽约时报》表示,去年5月,工作组在调查之余出版了一本名为《美国情报界和纳粹党人》的书。该书指出,在二战时期,美国政府和纳粹战犯以及纳粹合作者过往甚密,甚至还允许其中部分人在战争结束后前往美国定居。其中比较着名的有主持纳粹V-2火箭研发工作的德国科学家布劳恩,他在战后为美国空间项目的发展做出了巨大贡献。  其他历史学家在研究目前已经解密的历史文件后发现,在纳粹大屠杀政策制订者阿道夫·艾希曼的助手中,至少有5人曾受雇于CIA。其他受雇于CIA的纳粹战犯以及帮凶的人数至少还有24人。  CIA方面曾经辩解说,在二战之后美苏对峙的局面之下,招募前纳粹党人加强美国海外情报力量是非常必要的。  工作组在1999年还公开了一份报告,指出在CIA所提供的超过200万页文件中,有很多记录表明,在1947年到1948年间,有很多与纳粹战犯有关的“秘密行动文件、人员档案、国家和具体项目文件、情报分析结果和消息来源材料”。该工作组估计,从1941年到1947年间,应该还有210万页秘密文件能证明CIA和纳粹政权之间的联系,但现在这些文件可能已经全部被CIA藏了起来。
Fri, 27 Jan :28 +0000
<![CDATA[中文名:&巨塔因何而倒下英文名:&Why the Towers Fell资源格式:&DVDRip发行时间:&2002年地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&
/images/P/B00006ADG4.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg 导 演: Garfield Kennedy
Larry Klein 主 演: Jack Fortune .... Narrator地 区: 英国 美国 对 白: 英语 颜 色: 彩色 声 音: Dolby 时 长: 60 分钟 类 型: 记录IMDB得分: 9.2/10 (13 votes) IMDB链接:/title/tt0381710/剧情简介: 从建筑学角度对双塔进行了详细的解剖,从另一个角度解释了双塔为何为如此快就倒下。In the aftermath of the collapse, the questions came quickly and urgently: was it inevitable that such a severely damaged structure would completely collapse? Or was there something about the building&#39;s design or construction that made it especially susceptible to failure? What exactly caused that failure-fire, heat, internal damage? Was the evacuation plan adequate enough to save the maximum number of lives? And are other tall buildings just as vulnerable to collapse when the blast is great and the fire uncontrolled? In the gray wasteland of smoke and dust and mangled steel that was once the third tallest building in the world, forensic engineers began sifting the wreckage for clues and answers to these and other structural truths. This blue-ribbon team of engineers is nearing the end of its task, and NOVA has been there from the beginning, following its investigation of the causes of the calamity. Why the Towers Fell presents the engineers&#39; conclusions in the most definitive explanation yet of how and why the towers collapsed. But the Twin Towers weren&#39;t the only buildings that collapsed. Standing well over a city block from Trade Center Tower #1, a forty-eight-story glass and steel structure known simply as Building #7 did not seem to suffer structural damage from the collapsing towers but nonetheless crashed to the ground after several hours of severe and uncontrolled fire. Since Building #7 is a typical glass and steel building and seems to have collapsed from fire alone, does this mean that office workers the world over are far more vulnerable than anyone ever imagined? Featuring many of this country&#39;s best structural engineers including Gene Corley, the lead investigator on the Oklahoma C Charles Thornton, the builder of the Petronas Towers (the world&#39;s tallest building); and Mark Loiseaux, the leading expert on the &purposeful& demolition of big buildings, the program takes viewers through the process by which these professionals came to understand the how&#39;s and why&#39;s of one of modern America&#39;s greatest tragedies. Also presented are several of the buildings&#39; survivors, who tell compelling real-life stories of their harrowing journeys to safety, including three firemen who miraculously escaped death as Tower #2 collapsed around them. With rare, video-enhanced footage showing details of the buildings&#39; structural damage never before seen on TV, and detailed animation sequences that let viewers &see through& the buildings to the damage that had occurred inside, this NOVA is one of its most harrowing and memorable hours.NFO:
Wed, 09 Mar :30 +0000


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