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<h2 id="posttitle_.5后卫?曼联论坛关于阵型的一篇分析文章
In the interest of increasing my knowledge of football I am always looking for articles that present some new aspect or concept that challenges my perceptions. Some prove to be prophetic while others prove to be nonsense.That said here is an article that makes me think and wonder about the shape of formations in the future. From the Guardian, make of it what you will...The Question: Is the 3-1-4-2 formation on the rise? | Jonathan Wilson | Sport | guardian.co.ukThe Question: Is the 3-1-4-2 formation on the rise?From word of mouth to a memorable turning point, a new set of tactics are emerging and, surprisingly, were even on show during Barcelona's latest win over Real Madridreddit this
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Barcelona's Pep Guardiola, left, and Real Madrid's José Mourinho both experimented with 3-1-4-2 on Saturday. Photograph: Lluis Gene/AFPSomething very odd happened at the end of last week. Historical changes in tactics usually happen incrementally over time: there would be rumours of a side doing something unusual (&and they say the centre-forward plays in midfield …&) followed by a pivotal game in which that tactical change proves decisive and is accepted as a new phase in football's development (Nandor Hidegkuti picks England apart while scoring three in Hungary's 6-3 win at Wembley in 1953).More recently, perhaps, with the blanket televisation of football, it's been possible to trace the evolution, but still, there tends to be one moment, one game in which everything snaps into focus (Lionel Messi, for instance, ripping Real Madrid apart from the false nine position).Last Thursday night, we saw something highly unusual: a 3-1-4-2 from Universidad de Chile as they won the first leg of the Copa Sudamericana away to Liga de Quito (they're likely to revert to orthodox 3-4-3 for Wednesday's second leg). We'd seen 3-3-2-2 and 3-3-1-3 before C usually from Marcelo Bielsa sides C but this, with the wing-backs pushed so high up they were midfielders and the deep-lying midfielder such a holder he was effectively an auxiliary centre-back, was new.
Three-and-a-Half Men and the Rwanda ProtocolBut then Tom Legg, whom I'm going to go out on a limb and describe as east Africa's leading tactical analyst, got in touch to say that earlier the same Thursday, Rwanda had switched to a 3-1-4-2 in the second half of their Cecafa Cup semi-final against Sudan. Rwanda had contained a narrow Sudan relatively comfortably in the first half to lead 1-0, but Sudan's half-time switch from a 4-4-2 diamond to 4-2-3-1 gave them more attacking width and led to them equalise after 68 minutes.Rwanda's Serbian coach, Milutin Sredojevic, promptly withdrew the 17-year-old centre-back Emery Bayisenge and replaced him with a 17-year-old midfielder, Andrew Buteera. Buteera is usually thought of as a creator, but here was deployed deep as Rwanda shifted to a 3-1-4-2. As Legg points out, this was counterintuitive: if your opponent is winning the battle on the flanks, making your own team even more narrow seems like the last thing you should do. As it turned out, though, Rwanda retook control of the centre, cutting the supply to Sudan's wide men. Buteera and the two wide men, Jean-Claude Iranzi and Eric Gasana, found space to create attacks and Olivier Karekezi lashed in the winner from a narrow angle with 13 minutes remaining.That was surprising enough C an unexpected formation popping up on the same day in Ecuador and Tanzania. But the biggest surprise came on Saturday as it, in slightly mutated form, appeared again in Spain, and specifically in Madrid, not in a regional African tournament or South America's secondary competition, but in the biggest game of them all: El Clásico. It was as if M Night Shyamalan were directing a documentary on football tactics, the 3-1-4-2 virus sprouting uncontrollably across the globe.As has now been well-documented, El Clásico turned on Pep Guardiola's decision midway through the first half to abandon the slightly odd 4-3-Cesc Fábregas-2 with which he had begun. He pushed Dani Alves from right-back to right midfield, so he could check the runs of Marcelo and cut off the support for Cristiano Ronaldo, a move that also spared him from having to pretend he is a full-back which, as anybody who has seen him play for Brazil will know, he is not.That meant Carles Puyol moving to right-back, with Sergio Busquets dropping in to become a second centre-back. Gerard Piqué became the right-sided centre-back, allowing him to double up on Ronaldo when required, while Alexis Sánchez moved to become a highly mobile centre-forward (a false nine, if you like, but with lateral rather than longitudinal movement). Messi operated as an orthodox 10, with Andrés Iniesta shuttling on the left and Fábregas brought back much closer to Xavi Hernández. At first, the formation looked like a highly fluent 4-2-3-1, as though Bar&a were going to match Real Madrid shape for shape, but then the real benefit of the system became clear.It is often overlooked just how key Busquets is to initiating Bar&a attacks, but he is always there as the get-out: if a player gets into trouble, he can go back to Busquets. Block off the escape route, though, and anxiety can be induced. Attack the metronome and the whole orchestra loses rhythm. José Mourinho surprised many by opting for a 4-2-3-1 rather than a 4-3-3, but what it allowed him to do was press with five men, leaving Lassana Diarra to protect the back four. That brought the opening goal, but it also rattled Bar&a.Moving Busquets back, though, gave him time and space. Withdrawn from the front line, he could begin again to shape the battle. It was a risk, because it left Mesut Ozil free, but he is a slightly old-fashioned playmaker, somebody who is adept at finding time amid the hubbub to measure a pass. Usually that is an asset, but here it gave Busquets time to close him down. We are used to seeing Busquets dropping back from midfield to become a centre- but here he was doing the opposite, stepping out from the back four to become a midfielder. Perhaps this is the logical outcome for a side that flips so often between a back three and a back four: it ends up playing a back three-and-a-half.
First principlesBut there is a deeper logic, and one that could be predicted. When Jack Charlton made his famous comment after the 1994 World Cup about full-backs being the most important position on the field, he was specifically referring to the fact that when two 4-4-2s clash, the full-backs are the players with a direct opponent. They are special not because of anything inherent in being a full-back, but because they are the players with the time and space to shape the game.Football has moved on, though, and the prevalence of 4-2-3-1 and 4-3-3 means that full-backs often do have a direct opponent. That can create fascinating tactical duels C Roberto Carlos v David Beckham as Real Madrid beat Manchester United 3-1 in 2003, Theo Walcott v Danijel Pranjic as England won 4-1 in Croatia in 2008, Michael Essien v Cristiano Ronaldo in the Champions League final in 2008, Gareth Bale v Maicon as Tottenham beat Internazionale last season C but it also means that the space that was once the full-back's birthright is no longer guaranteed.So where is that space? If a team plays a back four against an opponent with a lone central striker (or a false nine), then at least one of its centre-backs should be spare. It's not quite the same as a full-back being free in that it's clearly far easier for a single striker to shuffle 10 yards to close down the other centre-back than it is for him to run 30 yards to close down a full-back, but two centre-backs faced with one forward trying to close them down should be able to work space for one of them to step forward with the ball, at least until a potential presser from the opposing midfield comes into play.Two years ago, I suggested we would increasingly see Piqué start to step forward with the ball to join B actually the reverse has happened and we have seen Busquets drop back to join Piqué (the clue was in the influence of Bielsa on G the Argentinian visionary, also an inspiration for Universidad de Chile's coach Jorge Sampaoli, has a habit of pulling midfielders back into defence, as he has done with Javi Martínez at Athletic Bilbao). The effect is the same, a central defender who steps out from the back, a playmaker from the centre of defence.Of course that is not entirely new. You could go back to Martim Francisco, the coach of Vila Nova, a club from Nova Lima, a town about 20 miles from Belo Horizonte, in the early 1950s. He pushed his left-half, Lito, back to play as the quarto zagueiro C the fourth defender C a term still used in Brazil for a centre-back with a responsibility to step up into the midfield. More obviously, there is Franz Beckenbauer and a whole generation of liberi stretching through the 70s and 80s all the way to the likes of Miodrag Belodedici and Matthias Sammer in the 90s. Sammer, though, was very much the last of his kind, and the libero has not really existed for 15-20 years, squeezed out by the influence of Arrigo Sacchi and the love of the hard press.Germany, generally, was slow to respond to the rise of high pressing with a back four, which was why Volker Finke had such success with Freiburg. Christoph Biermann argued in Der Ball ist Rund that, for all Berti Vogts's faults, he did at least reconcile the Germany national team to the modern world of pressing (Borussia Dortmund, of course, pressed ferociously last season, yet Bayern were clearly unsettled by Augsburg's high line in their defeat there two weeks ago).
An environment of changeAnd that is what makes Busquets's role so fascinating C it facilitates a back three-and-a-half in a system that presses. Again, there is a precedent, and perhaps it is not surprising that it should be found in the heritage of this Bar&a: Johan Cruyff's Barcelona Dream Team of the early 90s, although they also lined up in a 4-3-3 or a 4-4-2, often played a 3-1-3-3, as did the Holland of Guus Hiddink. In Cruyff's variant, Ronaldo Koeman was often the one, although Guardiola himself operate but at Euro 96 Hiddink was playing Clarence Seedorf in the role.So Guardiola, to an extent, has gone back to his roots, although there is a difference between the roles of Koeman and Busquets, if only in how opponents line up against them. Where Cruyff's 3-1-3-3 was rooted in the Rinus Michels belief that you played as many defenders as the opponent had forwards, plus one, and so Koeman was effectively free until there was an attack down the flank at which he had to drop back to become a second centre-back, Guardiola's C on Saturday at least C was predicated on Busquets staying deep (like Koeman deeper than the opposition midfield, but actually deeper than Koeman because the general trend from three-band to four-band systems means the first wave of opposing midfield tends to play higher) and stepping up when the opposing playmaker came into the game.And that brings us to the other recent sighting of the back three-and-a-half, which was in the Spanish Super Cup. Applying first principles to the issue of tackling a false nine, it makes sense to play a back three and track the opposing false nine with the player who would have been the second centre-back, whether a defender or a holding midfielder. That was precisely how Mourinho deployed Ricardo Carvalho against Messi, with some success, even if the result ended up going against Real Madrid C again, the result being a back three with a player who often played in the back line but did not remain there.So that gives us four examples this season, of teams playing a 3-1-4-2. All had different motivations. For Real Madrid, it was to free a player to man-mark. For Universidad de Chile, it was to provide the cover that allowed the wing-backs to engage Liga de Quito's wing-backs high up the pitch. For Rwanda it was to wrest control of the midfield through weight of numbers in the centre. For Barcelona it was to create space for their conductor. If there are four separate routes to a single solution, that suggests there is not a sole cause.So, why now? It comes back, as tactics always do, to space. The prevalence of systems with one or no central strikers means that for much of the last decade, one of the centre-backs has been spare. To an extent, that's quite useful in itself, providing additional defensive cover. But there are more interesting things that can be done with him, and it is that that football is only just beginning
good shit~~ haha
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引用:原帖由 下划线呐下划线 于
14:51 发表
给翻译一下咯~ 太长了,翻起来也太费劲了。大家凑合着看吧。
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15:36 发表
... 多谢你的翻译总结。这活我可做不了。
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[ 本帖最后由 sun 于
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为了照顾小白这种英文盲&&哥已经完整的把这篇文章翻译好了,单开了个贴 有兴趣的去看看吧:
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16:05 发表
谢谢你的转载啊!还想看看其他的comments呢!难道你也是曼联球迷?去redcafe干嘛? &&我有空就会去redcafe、redandwhite、arsenal-mania等不同俱乐部的论坛看看大家的评论,就像老狼说的,看看各个俱乐部球迷从不同的视角讨论一些焦点比赛还是挺有意思的。另外zonalmarking和guardian也有很多讨论分析足球战术的文章,一般都比较靠谱,很少会有诸如贱祥那种鸟胜瓜、影胜武的脑残结论。
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回复 17楼 screwyanhua 的帖子
这文章,很像欧冠官方杂志,World Soccer或者442杂志里面的战术文章一样,非常具有说服力!
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16:05 发表
谢谢你的转载啊!还想看看其他的comments呢!难道你也是曼联球迷?去redcafe干嘛? &&这里有几段ArmchairCritic的评论:I agree with Pete here, the nuances of the game like pressing etc. will vary from team to team depending on how that manager feels his best team is best at doing. The bigger teams tend to have a deep rooted philosophy which means they bring up players to play that specific style or they buy players to suit that style.
I think what people really struggle to grasp is essentially the fundamentals. Players aren't coached to manipulate the space well enough and not enough emphasis is placed upon ball retention and possession. People throw around vague terms like in between the lines. You may have a regimented structure to keep your players in areas where their skill set is best suited but you must always remember they are free to move in this structure and it doesn't matter where they move as long as it doesn't create an imbalance. The Messi example is an interesting one Stack but again it varies from team to team, Koscienly did a cracking man to man job on him at the Emirates, Inter did a cracking job on him as a unit in the Champions League. You can pick either way but essentially the best way is to cut off the supply but that's easier said than done. Formation is only a part of combatting the threat as you said but the finer details will always vary dependant on the coach and players. I'm certain teams will look into such things but obviously outside the clubs such things will be shoe-horned as tactics. For me however doing such things is over-complicating the game. You always should remember football is an easy game.
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回复 20楼 screwyanhua 的帖子
这段的结尾,让我想起了达芬奇的一句话:simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.
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引用:原帖由 sun 于
17:36 发表
温格要不走火如魔的话,多少也有能力达成 如果他们俩跟瓜都是战略家地话,鸟也就是个战术家。不是一个层级的。
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这样的问题:是3-1-4-2形成上升?|乔纳森威尔逊|体育| guardian.co.uk
一些很奇怪的事情发生在上周结束。在战术上的历史变化通常随着时间的推移逐步发生:会&#8203;&#8203;有一个侧面做一些不寻常的谣言(“他们说,在中场的中锋次... ...”),其次举足轻重的比赛,战术变化证明了决定性的和接受作为一个新的阶段,在足球的发展(Nandor Hidegkuti挑选英格兰而得分在匈牙利在1953年温布利6-3击败三)。
上周四晚上,我们看到了极不寻常的东西:一个3-1-4-2从智利大学为他们赢得了首回合客场联赛基多(他们很可能会恢复到正统3-4杯Sudamericana - 周三的次回合3)。我们希望看到的3-3-2-2和3-3-1-3前-通常从贝尔萨双方-但这,与翼后卫推高了他们中场和深埋的中场球员这样的持有人,他 &#8203;&#8203;是一个有效的辅助中心回,是新的
卢旺达的塞尔维亚教练,Milutin Sredojevic,及时撤回了17岁的后卫金刚砂Bayisenge,取代他的17岁的中场球员,安德鲁Buteera。Buteera是通常被认为作为一个创造者,但在这里部署了深卢旺达转移到一个3-1-4-2。由于美指出,这是违反直觉的:如果你的对手是赢得战斗的侧翼,使你自己的团队更窄,就像你应该做的最后一件事似乎。事实证明,尽管,卢旺达再拿控制中心,削减供应苏丹的广泛男子。Buteera和两个宽的男子,让 - 克洛德Iranzi和埃里克加萨纳,发现空间创造攻击和奥利维尔Karekezi赢家从13分钟的窄角度抨击。
这是令人吃惊 - 弹出当天在厄瓜多尔和坦桑尼亚的一个意想不到的形成。但最大的惊喜,因为它是上周六,在轻微变异形式,再次出现在西班牙,并专门在马德里,而不是一个区域性的非洲或南美洲的比赛中学竞争,但在所有这些最大的游戏:EL国家德比。如果M夜沙马兰执导一部纪录片足球战术,发芽的3-1-4-2病毒在全球范围内失控。
由于现在已经得到了很好的记录,厄尔尼诺国家德比转身对瓜迪奥拉的决定中途放弃有点奇怪4 - 3 -法布雷加斯法布雷加斯- 2,他已经开始通过上半年。他推右后卫阿尔维斯右中场,这样他可以检查马塞洛的运行,并切断了克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多的支持,一个也不放过他假装他是一个完整的回,作为人谁见过他玩,巴西将知道,他不是。
这意味着普约尔移动到右后卫,布斯克茨下降成为第二个后卫,。皮克成为右路的中后卫,让他加倍对罗纳尔多在需要时,亚历克桑切斯提出成为一个流动性很强的中锋(虚假九,如果你喜欢,但与横向而不是纵向运动) 。梅西经营作为一个正统的10,穿梭于伊涅斯塔左侧和法布雷加斯带来更接近哈维埃尔南德斯。起初,形成看起来像一个非常流利的4-2-3-1,尽管巴萨皇马形状的形状相匹配,但随后该系统的真正的好处变得清晰。
移动布斯克茨回,虽然给了他时间和空间。从前线撤回,他可以重新开始塑造的战斗。这是一个风险,因为它梅苏特耶尔厄齐尔自由离开,但他是一个稍微老式中场的人是善于发现在一片喧哗来衡量一通时间 。通常认为是一种资产,但在这里它给布斯克茨时间接近他。我们已经习惯于看到布斯克茨中场下降成为中心回,但在这里,他是做相反的,从后面四个加强,成为一名中场。也许,这是合乎逻辑的结果:一个侧面翻起一回三和四名后卫之间经常玩一回的三年
但有一个更深层次的逻辑,和一个可以预见的。当杰克查尔顿左右边后卫上该领域最重要的位置的1994年世界杯后,他的名言,他特别提到的事实,当两个4 - 4 - 2S的交锋中,边后卫球员一个直接的对手。他们是特殊的,因为任何的固有不回一个完整的,而是因为他们的时间和空间来塑造游戏的玩家。
足球已经提出,但是,和4-2-3-1和4-3-3手段,边后卫经常做的患病率有直接的对手。可以创建引人入胜的战术决斗 - 罗伯托卡洛斯v贝克汉姆,皇马在2003年击败曼联3-1,沃尔科特英格兰v Danijel Pranjic在克罗地亚赢得了2008年的4-1,埃辛v克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多在欧洲冠军联赛决赛在2008年,热刺击败Internazionale加雷斯罢了v麦孔上赛季 - 但它也意味着,不再是有保障的空间一度回的名分。
当然不完全是新的。你可以回去Martim旧金山,在20世纪50年代初的一个新利马的俱乐部,一个镇约20英里的贝洛奥里藏特,维拉诺瓦,的教练。他左手半推,利托,发挥四开zagueiro - 第四后卫 - 一个与责任,加强中场的中心回巴西的长期仍然使用。更明显的是,有贝肯鲍尔和整整一代人的liberi通过70年代和80年代一路绵延米奥德拉格Belodedici和萨默尔在90年代的喜欢。萨默尔,虽然很客气最后,在Libero还没有真正存在15-20年,挤压萨基的影响力和爱很难按。
一般来说,德国,响应速度慢的高层,按一回四,这是为什么沃尔克芬克与弗赖堡这样的成功 。克里斯托夫比尔曼认为在明镜球北京时间Rund中,所有的贝尔蒂福格茨的缺点,他至少调和的德国国家队的按下(多特蒙德,当然现代世界,按恶狠狠上个赛季,但拜仁被明确奥格斯堡的悬而未决高线有两个星期前在他们的失败)。
这是布斯克茨的作用是什么使如此着迷 - 它有利于在一个系统中,印刷机一回三和半。同样,有一个先例,也许这并不奇怪,它应该是在这个巴萨的文物发现:90年代初克鲁伊夫的巴塞罗那梦一队,虽然他们也列队在4-3-3或4 -4-2,往往起到了3-1-3-3,就像荷兰的希丁克。罗纳尔多科曼在克鲁伊夫的变种,往往是一个,虽然瓜迪奥拉自己经营场合有,但96欧元,希丁克被打西多夫的作用。
因此,瓜迪奥拉,在一定程度上,已经回到他的根,虽然是科曼和布斯克茨的角色之间的差异,如果只在对手行对他们如何。克鲁伊夫的3-1-3-3 Rinus米歇尔斯相信,许多捍卫演对手前锋,加一,等科曼是有效的,直到有一个向下的侧翼攻击,他植根于降回成为一个第二个中心,回,瓜迪奥拉的 - 上周六至少 - 是布斯克茨留深(像科曼更深比的反对中场,但实际上比科曼更深的前提,因为在三频段一般趋势四频系统这意味着反对中场的第一波往往发挥更高),加紧反对中场时进入游戏的时候。
这给我们带来了其他最近瞄准后面的三个半,这是在西班牙超级杯。应用第一的原则来处理一个虚假的九个问题,是有意义的玩一回三个和跟踪与球员的反对虚假九个已第二中心,是否一个后卫或持有中场。这正是穆里尼奥如何部署卡瓦略对梅西取得了一些成功,即使结果结束了对皇家马德里 - 再次,结果被一个人经常打在后卫线上,但没有留有一个球员3。
帖子197&精华&积分624&资金250 元&在线时间55 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
17:38 发表
这段的结尾,让我想起了达芬奇的一句话:simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.
注重细节不假,但最终还是要化繁为简,靠球员的能力决定比赛。 风清扬的无招胜有招还是张三丰的忘得越多越彻底就越靠普。。。嘿嘿
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帖子197&精华&积分624&资金250 元&在线时间55 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
It’s not a matter of physical attributes being downplayed. It’s just that it doesn’t matter if Madrid is bigger, faster, stronger if those attributes don’t translate into better soccer. And, if it can be proved that Real Madrid is faster, which I doubt they are, it isn’t yielding results. They can’t seem to run past Barcelona. The same goes for any other attribute Real Madrid supposedly has in deference to Barcelona.
Besides, Mourinho can decide to play for a tie, and this doesn’t mean he could make that happen. How many teams have tried this tactic over the past 4 years and failed? Mourinho’s Inter? They played for a tie in the second leg in Barcelona and couldn’t do it. They still gave up a goal and nearly lost playing for a tie against this vastly superior team.
I know you are not disagreeing about Barcelona being the better team, and I am arguing for the concession that the gap between these two teams is much more than slight. I fine to agree to disagree, but I feel the difference is large and feel confident that the results prove this time and time again.
Simply, Madrid is out-matched by a better coach in Guardiola and his loyal followers hate to admit it. Coaching is far more than tactics (anathema to a website dedicated to tactics). Mourinho’s supposed mental preparation of players is in serious doubt. His players have melted down in each of the Clasicos since he took the reins (though today’s match was surprisingly mild, only Pepe getting nasty…which is to be expected). Mourinho’s public meltdowns in the press last year and his continued disrespect of his opponents is showing a serious weakness in his supposed “specialness”.
To be unable to admit (like a classier Ferguson did after the Champions Final) that you were outplayed and out-coached by a superior team and coach shows just how far behind Madrid and Mourinho actually are. Mourinho has no answers to Barcelona and yet feels entitled to trophies and titles…he got too much too fast and bought into his own BS myth. It is tiresome to listen to Mourinho cry about bad luck, poor refereeing, etc.
Guardiola owns Mourinho at his own game: the press! Mourinho goes from spells of putting his foot in his mouth to infantile rants to silent treatments. He tries to prime referees before games. He is a horrible sportsman. On the other hand, when asked why Real Madrid was in first place, Guardiola was confident enough in himself and his team to admit that up to that point in the season they had done things better than them…period! He didn’t have to admit that Real Madrid was better, despite the world press, betting parlors, and even fair-weather Barcelona fans prognosticating a sea-change in La Liga. Guardiola was proud of his work and his believed in his team’s ability to stay focused in the moment and take care of business. Mourinho just is as calm and cool as people falsely believed! He just isn’t as good a coach as Pep.
And then there are the two teams. One has given the world a kind of soccer previously only imagined in Dutch fantasies. Now, it’s a reality. Total Football with Catalan rationalism. What’s perhaps even more stupefying is that they made almost all their players themselves through their youth system. This is not a team of paid mercenaries. As a result, their is a level of buy-in from their players coaches could only dream of having. Finally, the players themselves. Madrid is basically lining up with Portugal, Brazil, Germany and a couple of Spain’s national teams. On the other side is the core of the reigning European and World Champions…add in Messi and now Alexis! Barcelona just has the better and more important players in any formula for success: i.e. midfield! Today’s game was won by Xavi, Iniesta and Busquets. As have the last 10 clasicos.
Until Madrid finds a midfield that can deal with them, it doesn’t matter who they get (coach or players) they just won’t be able to handle Barcelona…just as no other team has over the past 3 years.
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