
出门在外也不愁急求一篇写物的英语作文 身边的东西 最近的最好 手表啊 什么手机啊 什么闹钟啊 之类的 要高端点的_百度知道
急求一篇写物的英语作文 身边的东西 最近的最好 手表啊 什么手机啊 什么闹钟啊 之类的 要高端点的
特定的物品要写就围绕一个物品来写 写这个东西你哗掸糕赶蕹非革石宫将什么时候得到的 跟着你发生过什么事情
iphone 的可不可以?
everyone has his telephone,so i am。 But i have a special one, iphone! Believe the hype. The iPhone is everything it's touted to be. Sorry to disappoint you haters out there, but there's no Reality Distortion Field here, just a brilliant product in the Apple iPhone. It's a mobile phone, an iPod, and Web browser in your pocket, giving you music, video, e-mail, notes, the Internet, and more. It's a snap to use and syncs right up with my constantly growing iTunes library of MP3s, videos, and podcasts. Oh, yeah, and it's damn sexy.
I guess I should start with a bit of background.
I 've been using mobile devices as long as digital cellular has existed. I had one of the first GSM phones in the States, a Nokia 2190, then moved on to a CDPD 1G phone (Ericsson R280LX) for the first foray into the mobile Net. I had a Palm Vx with an OmniSky digital modem sled. I surfed 2G networks with devices like the Sony Ericsson P900 and the Motorola RAZR V3. Finally, I used 2.5G EDGE networks with the T-Mobile MDA and the Nokia N80. While I've played with 3G devices like the AT&T Tilt, the BlackBerry Curve, and the Moto RAZR哗掸糕赶蕹非革石宫将2, I haven't found that one device that gets me all the functions available on the iPhone, at the competence level of the iPhone.
I've carried Archos, Compaq, and Creative MP3 players, followed by (sometimes concurrent with) two generations of &classic& iPods and all three generations of the iPod nano. While the nanos are nice and compact, they involve a bit of forethought to pull out, use, and put away on my hour-long commute on the train. I have to listen to music and podcasts on this commute, otherwise I'd go crazy bored or sleep through my stop on the way home every evening. With the iPhone, I just have to carry the earphones in a pocket, and I can be listening to music or viewing a video in 15 seconds, whether I'm on the train or anywhere else. Likewise, I can just disconnect the cord and put away the earbuds in 10 seconds when I'm done—no more stowing the iPod someplace safe (or worse, forgetting it). It's always in my pocket or on my hip.Back in the days when I was using both a phone and an iPod, I had problems missing calls: Even with the phone on vibrate, I didn't notice incoming calls. (I use sound-isolating earphones, the Shure SE310, to block the braying of the talkative cell-phone users in the seats next to me.) Now I don't miss those calls: The iPhone automatically mutes the audio, then rings in the headphones to tell me I have a call.
With the MPA-3c adapter on my headphones, I can even talk (briefly) to my family in case they need me to pick up milk on my way home. The MPA-3c adapter lets me use any pair of headphones or earbuds as a mobile headset with voice and iPod control. Whether on the Shure headphones or on the Bluetooth hands-free hookup in my car, calls have been as good as they can be on the mobile networks. (At least as good as the RAZR V3 or Nokia N80, and worlds better than the MDA).
Last but not least, there's the mobile Internet. For that long commute, I can quickly look up the train schedules if I'm not taking my usual train or find out the reason for the latest delay. If I'm in a bar I can use the iPhone to look up a disputed fact on Wikipedia (Guinness book, eat your heart out). Now that Exchange will be supported on the iPhone, I will be able to get my corporate e-mail (though webmail works, too). It's not the fastest Internet, but it is ubiquitous. I've used the iPhone to book last-minute reservations . I've comparison-shopped
to figure out if it's worth the &I want it now& premium in a retail store. Then there's just keeping up on the news on sites
. Most of this content is available on &mobile-optimized& Web sites, but I can view &normal& Web sites, like the NYC subway map, zooming in and out with the multitouch &pinching.&Adobe Flash isn't on the iPhone yet, but I'm willing to wait for a 3G—or, better yet, a 4G—iPhone before Flash becomes a &must have.& I've used Flash on a laptop with a 3G card, and it's nowhere near as useful or entertaining as it is on a home or corporate broadband network. The high-speed networks aren't all there yet: You travel 40 or 50 miles out of the urban areas and you're back to 2.5G EDGE or 1xRTT anyway.
Is there room for improvement? Yes, of course there is, but for early 2008 at least, the Apple iPhone is the perfect mobile information, communication, and entertainment device.
Any way i really love my iphone, like mcdonald word:“ i m loving it!”
My Cell Phone
“I don’t want a cellphone!” This was what I said to my parents when I was in my senior school. I lived in the dormitory at that time and could only be back home once a week. But I did enjoy my life not staying with my parents. However, they kept asking me to buy a cellphone, for it would be more convenient for them to contact me. And that was the main reason why I didn’t want a cellphone. I thought, “If I have one, my parents can find me easily wherever I am, then I won’t be able to keep my private life.” On the other hand, the mobile phone at that time was not in good style and it usually cost a lot of money to buy one. So I...
只因小道近而大道远也:汝未狂奔,二马决定赛跑,写一篇不少于800字的文章。为争第一。  日暮,而白马却遁迹于小径。  黄白二马皆良驹也,目标乃千里之外一古木下一。正得意,比赛伊始,自选角度。  是日晨,古木后白马忽现。黄马大骇,黄马狂奔于大道?白马答曰,黄马疲极而至、根据以下材料,自拟题目,何故先吾而至:无他
出门在外也不愁求一篇英语作文!高中的! 关于在学校该怎样认真学习的!急求! 谢谢_百度知道
求一篇英语作文!高中的! 关于在学校该怎样认真学习的!急求! 谢谢
I think if we have good ways of learning and we spend lots of time on our study. Try to ask and answer questions as many as possible. When we have any difficultiesBeing a student, correct it at once and try not to make the same one next time, we should work hard, we&#39. When it&#39. We should listen to the teacher and take notes break time, ask the teacher or classmates for help, we&#39. Id better have a rest so that our brain can get freshed. We can do well get good grates. Take an active part in the debbates
being a techer, I am sure I have this ability. I just wrote it by myself.
以后请教~ 跟我一个星座 哈哈
we should try to read the book and after class we should go over it .in my opinion .if something can be very hard .now we face a problem that how we should do to study.we are no longer yong any more ,we should learn to be a good man who can achieve his goal .before the class ,when we stay in our schoolwhat we should do is studying hard
,we should ask our teacher for help ,when we study we must learn to do it all by ourselves As a student .the most important is that we must keep it everyday
当人觉得生活平淡,厌倦眼前的一切的时候,就有远行去寻觅风景的冲动,可惜的是有的人一旦身临名山大川,面对自然山水,转身却又生出不过如此的感慨,认为世间难觅真正的风景.风景在哪里呢?为什么一棵小草,一束野花,一片枫叶,一株孤松 ……在诗人与画家的心中却常能激起无数情感涟漪?让他们禁不住忘情地用心歌之咏之,用心描之摹之,入诗的如《春江花月秋月夜》,入画的如白石的虾、悲鸿的马,更有梵高的向日葵,这些虽是最平常的,可一经他们题吟入画,竟成了动人心魄的传世风景图.真所谓:一沙一世界,一花一天堂.看来,大千世界,从不乏风景,唯独只欠缺能欣赏风景的心灵视角.而真要让风景不时闯入我们心灵视角,那我们应该有一颗怎样的心呢﹖ “明月松间照,清泉石上流”,只有心静如水,常见的风物才能催生出这如画的诗句.“云霞出海曙,梅柳渡江春”,诗人内心的画图中不也蕴藏着勃发的生机吗?要让风景常入心灵的视角,实在地说我们就应该有颗富有真挚的情感的心,并在心中常存着对真、善与美的渴求.因为,风景其实是要用心去呼应的.当一个人内心贫乏,情感枯竭,风景是绝不会与他同行的.这时,他登泰山就不会有“一览众山小”的豪情,上长城更不能生出“不到长城非好汉”的快意,看西湖也许只是一潭死水,泊秦淮还不如门前的一弯小溪.相反,当一个人精神富有,情感真挚,风景就会常与他的默然进行心灵的对话,此时,纵“枯藤,老树,昏鸦;小桥,流水,人家”,亦或是“晓风残月”,再平常的风物也会成为令人怦然心动的画图.智者乐水,仁者乐山.读万卷书不如行千里路.人,为亲近自然的山水,为寻觅心中的风景,更为人生内心的精神丰富,所以一直渴望远足,因为仁者与智者相信大千世界,冥冥之中,一定能有与我们会话的山水师友.而在远足寻觅的过程中,别忘了看似你一路读风景,其实风景也在读你,能不能相和相融相欢相知,关键还是在你的内心,精神是否富有,情感是否真挚,只有这样你才能读懂风景,心中常有绝好的风景画卷.


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