
& & [名校联盟]吉林省长春市第一零.
吉林省第一批优秀中医临床人才 研修项目培养对象名单 中省直(19人) 吉林大学第一医院:董宇翔 吉林大学第二医院:薛霁 吉林省肿瘤医院:杨焱 长春中医药大学附属医院:冯...
吉林省第一批优秀教育科学研究所所长名单 序号姓名单位1葛岩长春市教育科学研究所 2 高贤美 长春市朝阳区教育科学研究所 3 陈寿福 长春市德惠市教育科学研究所 4 朱晓东 吉林...
全国小学研究型文化名校联盟 第三届课堂教学观摩研讨会暨专题高峰论坛活动 一、活动... 名师 会课 4.三年级:小数的初步认识 执教者:程燕兰(海南省琼海市第一小学教师,海...
安徽名校联盟2013届高三年级第一次联考 语文试题本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(阅读题)和第Ⅱ卷(表达题)两部分。考试时间150分钟,满分150分。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必在试题...
北京一零一中学年度第二学期校历 - 星期周次一二三四五六日说明 1 25/2 26 27 28 1/3 2 3 1.2月25日开学,并正式上课。 2.3月4至10日社会活动周 ...
2011届吉林省长春市第一学期九年级期末考试 英语试卷 听力部分 (共25分) 一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片,将代表图片的字母填在相应的序号后。每段对话读两遍。...
北京一零一中学2013级高中人文实验班招生报名表 *中考报名号:11位) *电子学籍号:... 姓名 关系 现工作单位任何职 *联系电话 第一联系人 学业表现 学科 语文 数学 英语 物理 化...
北京一零一培训学校小学综合素质培训班 五年级录取结果及缴费安排 缴费方式:请家长... 开课两次后不再办理退费。 春季班共15次课,上课时间段为周六下午1:00~4:00,第一次...
安徽名校联盟 安徽第一卷&2013年安徽高考最后一卷 数学(理科)试题 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共50分) 一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中...
北京一零一培训学校插班考试网上报名办法 登录网站:http://px.。 点击链接:&北京一零一培训学校插班考试网上报名&。 请准确输入学生的身份证号码、预设密码、验...
湘西南名校联盟2009届高三年级第一次联考试卷 历史命题:邵阳市二中 一、选择题:本大题共25题,每题2分,共50分。在每题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的...
附表一: 2013年吉林省普通高校&专升本&教育学校、专业、本科阶段学制 序号 学校专... 汉语言文学 *
2 北华大学 护理学 *
临床医学 *
市场营销 *
3 长春工程学...
名校联盟2010年河南省中考数学模拟试卷 注意事项: 本试卷共8页,三大题,满分120分... 对5.649取近似值的结果是 8.函数中,自变量的取值范围是 .
重庆市三峡名校联盟2013届高三3月联考试题 (考试时间:150分 满分: 300分) 政治部分命题人:李红 审题人:陈永勤 一、单项选择题。(共12小题,每小题4分,共48分) 1....
传真:(95 邮政编码:130021 补疑函(一) 工程名称 吉林省电力有限公司第一批非物资集中...
活动; 2.中国教育学会单位会员暨&历史文化名校联盟&成员校招募活动; 3.中国教育学... 2.通过网媒向社会公布报名学校名单和申报材料,展开第一轮公推活动,由公众点评,根...
浙江省名校新高考研究联盟2012届第一次联考 数学(文科)试题卷 命题人:海宁市高级中学 吴飚陈忠莲 杜丽娟 校审:余姚中学 俞萍 元济高级中学 谈玉琴 参考公式: 球的表面积...
河海大学土木与交通学院10级工程硕士(吉林长春班)第四阶段课程安排 集中时间:... E-mail jgyu@ zhouxf@ 备注 组织单位:吉林省长春市解放大路2382...
二、网络平台:名校联盟网络教学平台。 三、竞赛日期:6月24日-6月28日,每晚19:00-20:20。 四、竞赛地点:名校联盟网络教学平台【安徽省级位赛专区】。 五、参赛人员: 1...
吉林省电力有限公司2013年第一批非物资集中招标(重招部分) 中标候选人公示 (招标... 施工招标 通化市金丰建筑有限责任公司 JNZB-13GNG0015 1 长春地区广宁66kV变电站...
吉林省长春外国语学校08-09学年高一下学期 期末考试数学试卷 一、选择题:(每题4分... ②若是第一象限角,且,则; ③函数是偶函数; ④函数的图象向左平移个单位,得到函...
影响中国&全国高中课改名校卓越课堂大型展示活动 重庆普通高中参培学校听课票预订办... 请于4月4日前将报名表传至或登录&重庆教育品牌联盟&网站,进行在线...
2013美国常春藤名校游学之路 背景介绍 常春藤联盟(The Ivy League) &常春藤学府&... 乘专车经美国古都&&有兄弟之爱之城之称的费城前往美国第一大港纽约。途中,在发表...
2013届高三名校英语试题汇编专题03 介词及介词短语 1.【2013届浙江省十校联合体高三... 考查介词的用法 5.【2013届江西白鹭洲中学第一次月考】32. The money will be paid to ... 为了. . .利益。 【考点定位】考查介词短语的用法 3.【2013届河北省五校联盟高三上学期...
2013届高三名校英语试题汇编第三期专题13 特殊句式 1.【2013届河北省保定市摸底试题... yet 11.【2013届安徽示范高中上学期第一次联考】28.Ever moving to a new country? How... 考查倒装句的用法 4.【2013届河北省五校联盟高三上学期调研】22. & Who is making so...
长春工业大学继教学院&吉林省优秀自考助学单位,全日制自考本科热招中 专业设置 学... 把答案填在题中横线上. (13)不等式&0的解集是 . (14)已知为第一象限的角,sin=,则tan= (...
A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限 答案:C 55、(贵州省贵阳六中、遵义四... A. B. C. D. 答案:D 90、(吉林省吉林市2008届上期末)已知函数,则( ) A.函数最小... 已知为偶函数,则可以取的一个值为( ) A. B.C.D.-
答案:D 4、(四川省巴蜀联盟...
吉林大学07~08学年第一学期2006级《电工学I 》试卷(共4页) 题号 一二三四五六七八总分 得分 一、填空题 (20分) 1. 在图中,方框内代表电源或负载元件,已知U=220V,I=-1A, 则...
中国名师大讲堂、中国教育家大会、中国教育发展联盟、全国课改名校协作体 会员、理事... 19:00-20:00 校长论坛 全国课改名校协作体湖北地区主席团第一次会议 12月27日 上午 8:...
积极推进标准化学校建设,注重城乡教育联盟和紧密型教育共同体建设,推进了城乡教育... 10位学生考入北大清华,绝对数居全市第一;20名学子进入全省文理体艺前100位。名校...
重庆市名校联盟高2014级高一化学上期末试题 参考原子量:H~1;N~14;O~16;Ca~40;Cu~64;S~32;Cl~35.5 Ⅰ 卷(选择题 共52分) 一、选择题(每小题只有一个选项符合题意,每...
2008年吉林省长春市高中毕业班第一次调研测试 历史试题参考答案 第I卷(选择题,共50分) 一、选择题(每小题2分,共50分) 1&5BCCCA 6&10CADCC 11&15DDCBC 16&...
安徽名校联盟安徽第一卷2013届安徽省高三年级第三次联考 语文试题 第I卷阅读题(共66分) 一、(9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成l&3题。 &&中国向何处去&的时代问题给中国哲...
2011年美国&常春藤&名校深度游览 时间 行程 住宿 第1天 7月15日 全国各地/北京/旧金... 成立于1851年。校园崇尚互助互爱,在那里,友谊第一,教师们乐于帮助学生追求成功。... 第7天 7月21日 波士顿 Boston 早餐后安排参观常春藤联盟最知名学府:世界理工大学之...
北京一零一中学年度第二学期期中考试 高二数学(文科) 命题:邹斌 审核:张燕菱 选择题(本大题共12小题,共60分) 设集合A=,B=,则等于( A ) A B C D 若A、B...
08-09学年北京一零一中高一第一学期期末考试-生物(答案) 命题:安军 审核:荆林海 佘建云 选择题:本大题共70小题,共70分。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 D B A C B C A...
北京一零一中学年度第二学期期中考试 高二数学(理科) 命题:邹斌 审核:张燕菱 选择题:本大题共8小题,共40分。 若函数在区间内可导,且则 的值为( B. ) A. B. ...
政治大学社會学系一零一学年度《社會学理论》课程大纲 上课时间:二d56 分组上课时间... 〈均值人与离散人的观念巴贝塔:统计社會学的两个概念基石〉,《台湾社會学》第一期。...
2009年全国名校联盟中考模拟物理试题 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分,合计分值100。 本文档由【中文word文档库】提供,转载...
所以.13分18.【2012年长春市高中毕业班第一次调研测试】 如图,在平面直角坐标系中,... 依题设得 , 6分) 20.【浙江省名校新高考研究联盟2012届第一次联考】 在中,角所对的边分...
北京一零一中学年度第二学期统考四 高三数学(文) 命题人:高三数学备课组 审核人:张燕菱 选择题:本大题共8小题, 每小题5分, 共40分. 在每小题列出的四个选项...
刘书更:一三八-三一八七--四零一零 零三一一---八三八二零零一五 操控方法:全自动 制水方法:全自动 额外电压/频率:220V/50HZ 制水功率:280W 纯水产值:(加仑/24小时)...
北京一零一中学学年度第一学期期中考试 初一年级数学 命题:初一备课组 审核:初一备课组 一、选择题:请将答案写在答题纸的相应位置(每题3分,共24分). 1.的...
安徽名校联盟 安徽第一卷&2013年安徽高考最后一卷 数学(文科)试题 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共50分) 一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中...
北京一零一中学年度第一学期期中考试 高一数学 一、选择题:本大题共8小题,共40分. 1. 的值为( ) A.0 B.1 C.3 D.6 2. 下列叙述: ⑴ 集合中最小的正数是1; ⑵ 若,则...
北京一零一中学年度第一学期期中考试 初二数学 考试时间:100分钟 满分:120分一、选择题:(每题3分,共30分)(下列每小题中有四个备选答案,其中只有一个...
吉林省电力有限公司2009年第一批物资集中规模招标采购分包表 货物名称: 高压计量装... JLSZ-10 10/5、150/5、50/5、20/5各一台 套 磐石市 长春供电公司农电部 农...
北京市一零一中学学年度第一学期第一次统练听力原文 听力测试录音稿: 一、听对话, 选择与对话内容相符的图片。(西城二模)
1. W: What beautiful sunshine we ...
可知当时正值抗战的第一阶段,此时,国民政府坚持抗战,从材料中&一致为国效命&... 38.(湖北省稳派教育名校联盟新课改2012届高三第二次联考)在陕甘宁边区,丁玲在回...
吉林省长春八中学年高一上学期期中考试物理试题 考试时间80分钟 满分110分一.选择题(共14个小题,每小题至少有一个选项正确,全都选对的得6分,选不全的得3分...
安徽名校联盟 安徽第一卷&2013年安徽高考最后一卷 数学(理科)试题 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共50分) 一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中...
乙方: 甲方就乙方成为中学学科网《网校通名校联盟》用户以及乙方为甲方提供校内教学资料事宜,经与乙方友好协商,签订如下协议: 第一条:甲方为乙方提供中学学科网(...
2009届高三第一轮复习平面向量训练题 一、选择题:(带的为近年高考题) 1. 2007&... (1)若,求角α的值; (2)若=1,求的值. 34. 2008年成都名校联盟高考数学冲刺预测卷二 已...
吉林省长春市十一高中学年下学期高一年级期末考试物理试卷 本试卷分第一部分(选择题)和第二部分(非选择题),满分110分,测试时间90分钟。 第I卷(选择题共...
吉林省长春外国语学校学年度第一学期期中考试 八年级历史试卷 一、单项选择题(共30分) 1.英国发动鸦片战争的主要目的是( ) A.报复中国的禁烟运动 B.争取外交礼...
吉林省长春外国语学校学年初二上学期第一次月考 数学试卷出题人:杨媛媛 审题人:王芳芳、杨威 考试时间:100分钟 总分:120分一、精心选一选(每题2分,共30...
吉林省电力有限公司2009年第一批物资集中规模招标采购分包表 货物名称:高压断路器1... 数量 交货时间 交货地点 型号/技术参数 1 长春供电公司农电部 农网 长春双阳区农电有限...
一月一日第一天,二零一一好开年。 从此万事皆如意,不须劳苦愁万端。 亲朋有情又有义,囊中有钱又有闲。 五洲四海周游遍,十全十美家团圆。 乐得自在心常满,心底无忧天地...
235 技术联盟与创新绩效:理论分析与实证检验 周青著 科学出版社 /31 236 ... 北京美术摄影出版社 /6 468 世界艺术百科全书.第一卷,绘画 徐寒 吉林文史... 黄明同 南京大学出版社 /1/209 84 白居易评传.上 蹇长春 南京大学出版社 ...
浙江省名校新高考研究联盟2012届第一次联考 英语试题卷 本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。 第I卷(共80分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填...
从私立高校学生人数的规模来说,美国占第一,印度占第二。与此同时,我们也看到,西... &独立设置的本科层次的民办普通高校&。目前,学院在吉林省省会长春市设有两个校区... 因此,为国家办出一所所能够屹立于中国和世界高校之林的优质的民办名校,应当是我们...
上海交通大学浙江大学等和中国科学院长春应用化学研究所等大院名校,通过创建公共研... 今年组织申报省级新产品试制计划项目88项,列入第一批省级新产品试制计划项目21项,... 同时在今年4月份由中药现代化技术战略联盟与浙江大学药学院、浙江中医药重点实验室...
2013年暑期美国常春藤名校行程 背景介绍 常春藤联盟(The Ivy League) &常春藤学府... 参考行程 日期 行程 住宿 第一天 中国/旧金山 乘坐国际航班抵达环山抱海的黄金之都&&...
所谓的价格联盟也不例外。 7.下列各句中,加点的词语能被括号中的词语替换且符合句意... D比喻点点滴滴地计量,烦琐不切实际。) 吉林长春外国语校2011届高三第一次月考 13.下... &整月&等修饰词语 10.(2010届湖南六大名校高三高考模拟仿真联考(教师版))下列各...
1线--美国常春藤名校深度游14天 时间 日期 行程餐住宿 第1天 7月15日 星期日 北京/香港 ... 在该区域有建于1981年的国家水族馆,是巴尔的摩的第一名胜,顶部成玻璃金字塔状,... 早晚三星级酒店 第7天 7月21日星期六 波士顿 Boston 早餐后安排参观常春藤联盟最知名...
青年领袖联盟 章程第一章 总则 第一条 定位 &&& 青年领袖联盟(Youth Leader ... 名流互动交流 高端学习 1.到世界500强企业考察学习 2.到哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学等名校...
安徽省名校2012届高三第五次联考试题 文科综合能力 本试卷分第I 选择题和第II卷(非选... &生物激光器&,这是一种基因工程处理过的特殊细胞,第一次实现活体产生激光束。... 合作新模式。该组织是 ( ) A.北美自由贸易区问题 B.欧洲联盟 C东南亚国家联盟 D.世界贸...
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教育特色 海纳百川:汇集清华等一流名校的资深专家教授,博采众家之长。 与时俱进:... 咨询方式 地址:长春市委党校6号楼1楼(平阳街912号) 联系电话: 联系... (the Council for Higher Education)认证 (www.chea.org) [2] 美国独立院校联盟(...
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经与乙方友好协商,签订如下协议: 第一条: 甲方为乙方提供中学课程网(www.zxkcw.... 2、在设定ip上登陆的用户,即为提供资源学校身份,可不受点数限制下名校联盟学校资...
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18.5月9日 黑龙江日报第一版转第三版 让高职教育与企业需... 携手共建、战略联盟的协从发展之路。 最后,冯玉龙书记作了总结讲话。冯书记说,黑龙...
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往届回顾 第一届青年峰会于2006年在圣彼得堡召开,以后顺次为柏林(2007)、东京(... 在中国唯一认可的机构,负责中国组委会和联盟的沟通,并组织中国青年参会。本活动为... 只有从领导力出发培养和锻造的申请人才能得到以哈佛为代表的一流名校的垂青。对于那...
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二、申请截止日期: 日(申请第一及第二项奖学金)* 日(申请第三项奖学金)* 注*: 为供本局社工作考虑推荐及覆核所提交证明文件,申请人须於以下...
第一义 (术语)二零零八年十二月二十三日 凡事理最初紧要者,谓之第一义。又无上甚深之妙理为第一义。 胜鬘经云:理极莫过,名为第一。深有所以,目此为义。 第一义空 对小...
1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、(2014o吉林二模)下列说法正确的是(  )A.SO2、SiO2、NO2均为酸性氧化物B.稀豆浆、硅酸、氯化铁溶液均为胶体C.“玉兔”月球车太阳能电池帆板的材料是二氧化硅D.常温下pH=4的NaHC2O_作业帮
(2014o吉林二模)下列说法正确的是(  )A.SO2、SiO2、NO2均为酸性氧化物B.稀豆浆、硅酸、氯化铁溶液均为胶体C.“玉兔”月球车太阳能电池帆板的材料是二氧化硅D.常温下pH=4的NaHC2O
(2014o吉林二模)下列说法正确的是(  )A.SO2、SiO2、NO2均为酸性氧化物B.稀豆浆、硅酸、氯化铁溶液均为胶体C.“玉兔”月球车太阳能电池帆板的材料是二氧化硅D.常温下pH=4的NaHC2O4溶液中:c(H2C2O4)<c(C2O42-)
A.酸性氧化物指与碱反应生成相应盐与水,或与水发生化合反应生成相应的酸的氧化物;B.硅酸属于纯净物,不是胶体;C.Si是半导体材料,能制造太阳能电池帆板;D.溶液显酸性,说明HC2O4-的电离程度大于水解程度.吉林省吉林市2014届高三下学期第二次模拟考试 英语(2014吉林二模)_百度文库
吉林省吉林市2014届高三下学期第二次模拟考试 英语(2014吉林二模)
学年度高中毕业班下学期期中教学质量检测英共 120 分。考试时间 100 分钟。语本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷 1 至 9 页,第二卷 9 至 10 页。 注意事项:请按照题号顺序在答题纸上各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的
答案无 效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。第一卷 (共两部分,85 分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. — Since you can’t find a better job, why don’t you stick to the present one? — Well, ________. A. I believe not B. I might as well C. I don’t care D. never mind 22. _______strong earthquake struck _______ eastern coast of central Japan on March ll, 2011. A. A; a B. T the C. T a D. A; the 23. — _______ made Daisy wild with joy? — Her success in the A-level exam this year. A. How was it that B. When was it that C. Why was it that D. What was it that 24. I can think of many cases ________the media have a strong effect on young men. A. why B. where C. as D. which 25.I’ll take seriously ___________ advice you put forward. A. whatever B. however C. whichever D. whenever 26.It is clear that in modern society high _______ and demands are placed on students. A. motivations B. expectations C. standards D. opportunities 27.— That’s the third time he’s won the award in this field. — Yes. He ________ his maximum potential in the past decade. A. explored B. is exploring C. has been exploring D. has explored 28. We must read not only between the lines, but sometimes ________ the lines so that we can fully understand the writer. A. within B. among C. besides D. beyond 29. Students ________ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected. A. may B. shall C. need D. can 30. We _________ the work on time without your help. A. hadn’t had finished B. didn’t have finished C. couldn’t have finished D. can’t have finished 31. I think it a great honor _________ to visit your country.·1· A. to invite B. inviting C. having invited D. to be invited 32. Mr. Zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils except ________who had already had them. A. ones B. the ones C. some D. the others 33. A cell phone could ___________the energy which could activate your brain. A. give away B. give off C. give back D. give up 34. Mary had to go to a meeting,so she left her children _________ at home. A. playing B. played C. to play D. having played 35. The government has taken some measures to solve the shortage of electricity, but it may be some time _________ the situation improves. A. since B. when C. unless D. before 第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Cheerful Charlie was a very special boy. When he was still in his mother’s tummy (肚子), she had had an accident, which 36 that Charlie couldn’t walk. But that had never been a(n) 37 he had always been happy. When he became older, they had started calling him Cheerful Charlie because of his joyful and 38 nature. He really brightened everything up for those around him. There wasn’t a postman, or a taxi driver who wasn’t 39 to see Charlie. ―Cheer up, Mr. Postman, that way you’ll 40 more letters today!‖ he would say, or ―That was great, Mr. Taxi Driver. You 41 that thing better than anyone else.‖ He also had great ideas and 42 and he shared them so 43 that, just about every day in that town, someone did a great job, or 44 something new, thanks to Charlie’s ideas. One day, though, he came up against a real 45 . A young boy came to town on his holidays. He was known as Waterworks and was a real crybaby. No matter what Charlie said to him, Waterworks would always find some 46 to be sad: ―I don’t have many sweets…my parents didn’t buy me that toy…‖ Everything seemed so bad to him. But Cheerful Charlie wasn’t going to be 47 , and he kept spending more time with Waterworks, 48 trying to cheer him up, just as he did with everyone. Then, one day, when they were together in the street, someone 49 a pie from a window above by chance, and it landed 50 on Charlie’s head. He got such a fright that he couldn’t even move his lips. He was speechless, and 51 Waterworks was just about to cry, he 52 Charlie’s happy words so much that he finally said, ―Wow, Charlie, that’s a nice clown mask (小丑面 具) you just 53 !‖ On saying those words, Waterworks felt so 54 that he finally understood why Charlie was always so happy and cheerful. He realized that he was so used to Charlie’s enthusiasm that he couldn’t help but see the fun 55 of everything. 36. A. reflected B. meant C. told D. predicted 37. A. problem B. mistake C. excuse D. topic 38. A. sensitive B. humorous C. responsible D. enthusiastic 39. A. surprised B. moved C. pleased D. disappointed 40. A. send B. write C. print D. find 41. A. paint B. play C. park D. repair·2· 42. A. theories B. solutions C. comments D. impressions 43. A. eagerly B. carefully C. quickly D. generously 44. A. cleared B. noticed C. enjoyed D. invented 45. A. difficulty B. surprise C. risk D. disaster 46. A. means B. reason C. method D. value 47. A. let down B. taken up C. set free D. driven away 48. A. hardly B. quickly C. constantly D. specially 49. A. aimed B. moved C. threw D. dropped 50. A. ahead B. right C. almost D. even 51. A. because B. but C. therefore D. although 52. A. missed B. loved C. envied D. disliked 53. A. set on B. put on C. build up D. make up 54. A. ordinary B. sorry C. good D. curious 55. A. result B. wonder C. side D. influence 第二部分 阅读理解 (共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 A I consider myself one of the luckiest people I know. I lost my biological mother when I was 9 and when she was alive she was not much of a mother to me. I met my step-mom for the first time when I moved to America to be reunited with my father. From the beginning she made sure to let me know that I was safe and welcome. I remember when I first saw her at the airport. It was different but not uncomfortable. After I was picked up from the airport we went home and she unpacked my luggage. Then she took me shopping for new clothes since the ones I had brought with me from Africa were a bit worn. That night before I went to bed she came to my room, which was the first room I had ever had for my own, with the first bed I didn’t have to share. She told me she was glad to have me and that she would take good care of me. Before she walked out of my new room, she asked me for a hug. I had no idea what she was talking about. I did not know what the word hug meant, not because I didn’t speak English, but I had just never heard the word before, let alone knew what it meant. So, I just looked at her with a questioning expression on my face. But she didn’t give up. She called my father into the room and asked him to explain to me what she meant. When my father was explaining I looked at her and wondered why she wanted to hug me. She then told me it was because she loved me and opened her arms wide. Shyly I opened mine and we hugged. That was my very first hug and I was 11 at that time. I’m 23 now and, thankfully, I have received many hugs since then. I consider her my birth mother because life began when I came to stay with her. For the first time there were no kids for me to take care of and I became a child for the first time. There was no work waiting for me every day other than the occasional chores that she gave me to teach me responsibility. Today I say thank- thank you for giving me my childhood back after it had·3· been taken away from me. I am who I am today because of your love! 56. What was the author’s life in Africa? A. Difficult. B. Amusing. C. Challenging. D. Satisfactory. 57. The author was puzzled at her new mom’s request for a hug because __________ . A. her new mom didn’t open her arms wide in time B. the word‖ hug‖ made no sense to her at that time C. her English wasn’t good enough to understand it D. she didn’t hear what her new mom was talking about 58. We may learn from the passage that the author _________. A. didn’t need to do any work in her second home B. met her new mom when she was nine years old C. felt safe and loved by what her new mom did D. had a very big family to support in Africa 59. What can be the best title for the passage? A. My New Home B. My First Hug C. My Childhood D. My African Memory B Scientists have found that human eyes are more likely to be damaged by UV rays (紫外线) while skiing in the snow-covered areas than sitting on the beach, according to a report by the UK newspaper The Telegraph. The researchers at Kanazawa Medical University, Japan and American company Johnson conducted the study together. They looked at the effects of light reflection on newly fallen snow on a ski trail (a rough path) in Ishikawa District, northern Japan. They compared the results with the levels of UV rays on a sand beach in southern Japan’s Okinawa District. They found that on the beach, eyes are exposed to a daily 260 kilojoules (千焦耳) of UV a square meter compared to 658 kilojoules in snow-covered areas. The findings are supported by the Japan Meteorological Agency. According to the agency, the reflection rate of UV light on beaches is often between 10 and 25 percent, compared to 80 percent in the new snow areas. The amount of light increased 4 percent with a 300-meter rise in height. Most of us know that UV rays can harm the skin. That's why we wear sunscreen on our skin before we get out in the sun. But many of us may not realize that UV rays are also harmful to the eyes. If your eyes are exposed to large amounts of UV radiation over a short period of time, you may experience a kind of sunburn of the eye, which is harmful. Your eyes will become red and feel a strange feeling. They may be sensitive to light. Fortunately, this is usually temporary and seldom causes permanent damage to the eyes. Long-term exposure to UV radiation, however, can be more serious. Scientific studies and researches have shown that exposure to small amounts of UV radiation over a period of many years increases the chance of eye damage, which could lead to total blindness. 60. You would most likely find the article in ________. A. a medical magazine B. a travel journal C. a doctor's diary D. a physics textbook 61. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Too much eye exposure to UV rays may cause total blindness. B. Short-time exposure of the eyes to UV rays doesn't harm them at all.·4· C. Most people know that UV rays harm the eyes as well as the skin. D. The study was conducted by researchers from Japan, the USA and the UK. 62. The underlined word ―sunscreen‖ in Paragraph 4 most probably means ______. A. sunglasses B. sun cream C. sun hat D. sunburn 63. What will the passage most probably talk about next? A. Never ski on newly fallen snow in Japan. B. Take some measures to protect your eyes while skiing in new snow areas. C. Wearing a hat can provide protection while skiing in new snow areas. D. Go to hospital to have your eyes examined. C BEIJING — After a night of wining and dining with 50 of China’s richest people, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates told the journalists on Thursday that the biggest difference between eating with Chinese tycoons (企业界大亨) and Western ones was the food. ―I was amazed last night, really, at how similar the questions and discussions and all that were to those in the dinners we had in the U.S.,‖ said Mr. Buffett. Mr. Buffett and Mr. Gates, two of the best known Westerners here, announced in September, 2010 that they planned to invite 50 wealthy Chinese tycoons to dinner in Beijing to encourage philanthropy (慈善事业) among China’s new rich. On Thursday, the two men pronounced the dinner a great success, saying that two-thirds of those invited had shown up, and that more than half of them had offered their own ideas on how Chinese philanthropy should work. The guest list wasn’t made public, but the Chinese news media reported that it included Jet Li, Niu Gensheng, the founder of a Ch and Pan Shiyi and Zhang Xin, who control the SOHO China real estate (房地产) empire. As with four earlier dinners held in the United States, Mr. Buffett and Mr. Gates said, no one at the Beijing event was asked to donate money or to promise to engage in charity. ―Bill and I won’t be calling anybody. What happens in China will depend on what the Chinese people feel about a project of this sort,‖ said Mr. Buffett. China is widely reported to be second only to the United States in the number of dollar billionaires. Mr. Gates and Mr. Buffett said the nation was unique because its wealthy class had arisen almost wholly in the past 30 years, so the philanthropic practices established among European and American dynasties are new here, and open to change. The two said the dinner wasn’t a long planned matter, but an offshoot (衍生事物) of a trip that Mr. Buffett had already scheduled to Guangdong and Hunan Provinces, where BYD Company, a maker of clean-energy automobiles, has factories. Mr. Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway, holds a 10% stake (股金) in the company. But Mr. Gates suggested that their philanthropic trip wasn’t yet over. ―We may do an event in India,‖ he said. 64. What is the text mainly about? A. A brief analysis of future philanthropy. B. The development of Chinese philanthropy. C. An introduction on Mr. Buffett and Mr. Gates’ trip in China. D. A charity dinner held in Beijing by Mr. Buffett and Mr. Gates. 65. According to the first two paragraphs, Mr. Buffett really wanted to say that _____. A. the dinner was quite a success B. the food in the dinner was very delicious·5· C. Chinese tycoons are similar to Western ones D. it was pleasing to discuss with Chinese tycoons 66. We can learn from the text that __________. A. China has the largest number of dollar billionaires in Asia B. many people have promised to donate money at dinner C. Beijing will be the last stop of their philanthropic trip D. the Chinese news media published the complete guest list of the dinner D No one wants to be tested.We would all like to get a driver' s license without answering questions about rights of way or showing that we can parallel park a car.Many future lawyers and doctors probably wish they could join their profession without taking an exam. But tests and standards are a necessary fact of life. They protect us from unskilled drivers, harmful products and dishonest professionals. In schools too exams play a constructive role.They tell public officials whether new school programs are making a difference and where new investments are likely to pay off. They tell teachers what their students have learned —— and have not.They tell parents how their children are doing compared with others of their age.They encourage students to make more effort. It is important to recall that for most of this century, educators used intelligence tests to decide which children should get a high - quality education.The point of IQ testing was to find out how much children were capable of learning rather than to test what they had actually learned.Based on IQ scores, millions of children were assigned to dumbed-down programs instead of solid courses in science, math, history, literature and foreign language. This history reminds us that tests should be used to improve education.Every child should have access to a high-quality education.Students should have full opportunity to learn otherwise their scores will merely reflect whether they come from an educated family. In the past few years, we have seen the enormous benefits that flow to disadvantaged students because of the information provided by state tests.Those who fall behind are now getting extra instruction in after-school classes and summer programs.In their efforts to improve student performance, states are increasing teachers’ salaries, testing new teachers and insisting on better teacher education. Performance in education means the mastery of both knowledge and skills.This is why it is reasonable to test teachers to make sure they know their subject matter, as well as how to teach it to young children. And this is why it is reasonable to assess whether students are ready to advance to the next grade or graduate from high school. 67. According to the passage, school exams enable ______. A. teachers to understand if their students have made efforts B. parents to compare their kids’ behavior across schools C. students to meet their teachers' requirements D. governments to make right policies 68. ―Dumbed - down programs‖ in Paragraph 3 refer to the programs which . A. lead to high-quality education B. are less academically challenging C. are intended for intelligent students D. enable children to make steady progress 69. Which of the following does the author probably agree with? A. Disadvantaged students can benefit from state tests. B. Tests should focus on what students have actually learned.·6· C. Intelligent tests decide if children should get a high - quality education. D. Intelligent tests are helpful in separating excellent students from poor ones. 70. What is the purpose of the passage? A. To re-assess the value of IQ testing. B. To defend the role of testing in education. C. To explain what high-quality education means. D. To call for thorough and complete reform in education. 第二节(共 5 小题; 每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。 Every day has just 24 hours – and this applies to all people. Some people are constantly pushed for time. This article is about how we can learn to manage our valuable time more effectively. In reality we cannot manage time. We can only manage ourselves and our relationship with time. 71 And habits are not that easy to changes. Below here are tips that can help you manage your time better. Organize your goals. Organize your goals based on two criteria: degree of urgency and importance: a. Should be done today, tomorrow, etc. b. Should be done at ―that date‖. c. Can be put off for so many days. d. Can ask someone else to do it. 72 Clean up your list. Make a list of everything you think that is not helping or benefiting you and do not do them! Focus on one goal. Concentrate only on one goal at a time. Otherwise, if while dealing with something you think about everything you can do later, most likely you will get bored and disappointed. 73 The boredom (厌倦) is guaranteed with this way of thinking. Identify your deadlines. 74 Divide the activities per day / week and long-term goals to get a clear picture of what you have to do and when. Find suitable work environment. 75 Be realistic. Make sure that your goals are realistic and do not try for the impossible. Say ―NO‖. Learn to say ―no‖ to other activities, requests and people who eat your time (unless indeed at that very moment it is necessary for you to help them). A.Allow time to adjust your list if necessary. B.After all, how we use our time is largely a matter of habit. C.Create a suitable environment to work, one that fits your style. D.Check the list of what you should do and when it must be completed. E.After organizing your goals, start with the most important and urgent. F.It is like every time you eat you think all the meals you must eat in your life. G.Do not let boredom discourage you if what you have to complete is boring.第 II 卷·7· 第三部分:写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节: 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 下面文中共有 10 处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号∧,并在此符号下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线\划掉。 修改:在错词下面划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2、只允许修改 10 处,多者从第 11 处不计分。 The teacher I loved her most was my English teacher in my senior high school. She was one ofthose strict teacher but she was very patiently with us and cared about each one of us. Thus we guysall respected for her. She told us many stories about English history and spent a lot of time teach usliterature and how to write. She always writes helpful comments and suggestions for writing,organizing and presented better work. She inspired us to read and write for pleasure, that gave us confidence. She always made us feel happy in his class. She made big difference to our lives. That’swhy I teach now. 第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分) 假设你是李华,你班来自美国的交流生 Arthur 患病住院已有三周,请你用英文给他写封信,主 要内容包括: 1. 询问病情,表示关切; 2. 介绍班级近期活动、学习等情况; 3. 表达祝愿。 注意: 1) 词数 100 左右; 2)可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯; 3)信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Arthur, It has been three weeks since you went to hospital. __________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________·8· ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Best wishes! Yours Li Hua 命题、校对: 郭 轶、周任欣、薛 红李丹明、赵静宜、朱轶男吉林市普通中学
学年度高中毕业班下学期期中教学质量检测英语听力部分本试卷分两部分,满分 30 分,考试时间 20 分钟。 第一节: (共 5 道小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标 在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来阅读有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段 对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. 答案是 B。 1. What do they mainly talk about? A. The rain. B. The jacket. C. The weather. 2. What can we infer from the talk? A. The woman is on vacation now. B. The woman is a little worried. C. The woman is not eager to find a job. 3. What did the woman do just after high school? A. She played in a band. B. She started a new company.·9·B. £9.15.C. £9.18. C. She worked as a saleswoman. 4. How much will the woman lend the man? A. 6 dollars. B. 7 dollars. C. 4 dollars. 5. What does the man offer to do? A. Call her a taxi. B. Telephone Lisa. C. Ride his car. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒 钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。 6. What’s wrong with the woman’s bike? A. The wheels are loose. B. The brake is loose. C. The chain is loose. 7. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In a post office. B. In the street. C. In a garage. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。 8. What will the two speakers have in a Chinese restaurant? A. Breakfast. B. Brunch. C. Lunch. 9. What is the weather like that day? A. Cold. B. Cool. C. Warm. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10. What do the speakers mainly talk about? A. Movie culture. B. Tonight’s plan. C. Literary works. 11. What are the speakers going to see? A. Blue Horizons. B. The Red and Black. C. Gone with the Wind. 12. What does the woman say about Sophia Bellini and Richard Evans? A. They are smart. B. They are an excellent pair. C. They are old but wonderful actors. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 13. Why are the two speakers upset? A. It may snow during their vacation. B. They may not be able to take their vacation. C. They may fail to join the graduation ceremony. 14. What can we learn about their vacation? A. They are going skiing. B. They have made bookings for their plane. C. Their flight has been canceled. 15. What made them miss so many classes? A. The earthquake. B. The bad winter. C. A terrible flu. 16. What are they going to do right now? A. Talk to Professor Hampton. B. Speak to all of the other people. C. Call the travel agency.·10· 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17. On which day can students of the reading club get together? A. On Wednesday. B. on Saturday. C. On Thursday. 18. How many clubs are mentioned in the text? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 19. How long will the bike riding last at least? A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. 20. What does the speaker mainly talk about? A. The school clubs. B. The school history. C. The school website.吉林市普通中学
学年度高中毕业班下学期期中教学质量检测英语试题答案第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30 分) 1—5 BCACA 6—10 ABBCB 11—15 AABBB 16—20 ACBBA 21. B. 考查情景交际。might as well 表示 “也可以”,作为次要选择手段。 22. D. 考查冠词的基本用法。 23. D. 考查强调句式的特殊疑问句形式。 24. B. 考查定语从句。先行词是 case 时,若定语从句中不缺主语或者宾语,则要用 where 引导。 25. A. 考查名词性从句:宾语从句缺定语(无范围)―无论你提出什么样的建议,我 都会当回事。‖ 26. B. 考查名词辨析, high expectations 意为“很高的期望” 。 27. C. 考查时态:―近十年来,我一直在挖掘自己最大潜能,所以又获奖了。‖ 28. D. 考查介词。beyond the lines 意为“言外之意” 。 29. B. 考查情态动词的基本用法:shall ―规定”。 30. C. 考查虚拟语气的基本公式。 31. D. 考查非谓语动词。不定式用作真正的主语,根据句义应为被动。 32. B. 考查不定代词。the ones 代替 the pupils。 33. B. 考查动词短语辨析:give away 捐赠; give off 发出,放出;give back 还回;give up 放弃。 34. A. 考查非谓语动词。现在分词表主动进行。 35. D. It may be +一段时间+before 可能要过一段时间,形势才会有所改变。 36. B.―意味着‖。 37. A. ―尽管不能走,但对 Charlie 来说不是个问题。 38. D. 后线索,倒数第二行。 39. C. 从下面的两个例子可以看出:邮递员和出租车司机看到他没有不开心的。 40. A. 送信。 41. C. 出租车司机停车停得好。 42. B. 从第三段的例子说明他对 everything 有解决的办法。 43. D. 慷慨的分享;上下语境,作者的态度。 44. D. 发明了新的东西。 45. A. 遇到了一个真正的困难。 46. B. Waterworks 总会找出不开心的理由。 47. A. A. 失望; B.占据; C. 释放; D. 赶走。 48. C. 一直想办法使 Waterworks 振作起来。 49. D. 注意后面的 above,从高处落下来。 50. B. 正好。·11· 51. D. 虽然…….但是。 52. A. 想着 Charlie 的快乐的话。 53. B. 戴上面具 build up 建立 make up 弥补 set on 着手,动身。 54. C. feel good 舒服,开心。 55. C. 他意识到他习惯于 Charlie 的热情,所以禁不住想到了所有事情有趣的一面。 56.A. 细节题。倒数第二段。讲述了在非洲的情况。 57.B. 细节题。由第六段可知。 58.C. 细节题。第二段最后一句话。 59.B. 主旨题。根据全文内容可知。 60. A. 推断题。与医学有关。 61. A. 细节题。最后一段。 62. B. 猜词题。根据下文可知为防晒霜。 63. B. 推断题。根据此篇说明文的结构:问题——危害——措施。 64. D. 主旨题。第三段。 65. A. 推断题。第四段第一句。 66. A. 推断题。第七段第一句话。 67. D. 细节题。第二段第四句。 68. B. 推断题。上下语境。 69. A. 细节题。倒数第二段第一句。 70. B. 推断题。根据各段的段首句可以看出文章讲的是考试在教育中的作用。 71—75 BEFDC The teacher I loved her most was my English teacher in my senior high school. She was one of those strict teacher but she was very patiently with us and cared about teachers patient each one of us. Thus we guys all respected for her. She told us many stories about English history and spent a lot of time teach us literature and how to write. She teaching always writes helpful comments and suggestions for writing, organizing and presented wrote presenting better work. She inspired us to read and write for pleasure, that gave us confidence. which She always made us feel happy in his class. She made∧big difference to our lives. her a That’s why I teach now. VI.书面表达: Dear Arthur, It has been three weeks since you went to hospital. How are you feeling now? Hope you will recover soon because all of our classmates miss you very much. As you may know, we have just finished our mid-term exam. I am very happy to say that I made great progress this time. I really appreciate your encouragement. Besides, our school’s sports meeting will be held next Friday and Saturday. Our class did really well last year and I believe we would get more prizes this year if you were to join us. We are looking forward to your coming back. Best wishes, Yours,·12· Li Hua 附:听力部分录音稿 Text 1 W: It’s pouring outside. My new jacket got all wet. M: Take it off and let me hang it up. W: Thanks. I hope the rain didn’t hurt it. It’s a new jacket, you know. M: It’s a nice jacket. I think it’ll be OK when it is dry. Text2 M: You lost your job at the library? Oh, no! What will you do now? W: I think I’ll just take a vacation. M: What will you do then? W: I’ll worry about that later. Text 3. M: What did you do after high school? W: I played in a band for a while. We played for dances around the country. M: Then what did you do? W: I started a recording company. Now I make music and money. Text 4. M: This pen costs 11 dollars, but I’ve only got 7 dollars. W: I’ve got 6 dollars, so I’ll lend you the rest. Text 5. W: If Lisa doesn’t return my car in 15 minutes’ time, I’m afraid we’re going to be late for the baseball game. M: Would you like me to get a taxi for you? Text 6 W: Can you help me, Sir? M: What seems to be the trouble? W: There is something wrong with my bike. Brake, chain or something else? M: Oh, your wheels seem to have become loose. That’s dangerous. Without good wheels, accidents are more likely to happen. You’d better have them repaired as soon as possible. W: Where can I find a repairman? M: There’s one at the corner of the street, just next to the post office. It is about 150 meters away. W: Thank you, Sir. M: You’re welcome. Text7 W: What time is it now? M: Let me look at my watch. Oh, it’s nine-thirty already. W: Though today is Saturday, it’s time for us to get up, or we’ll have a really late breakfast. M: We can have brunch in a Chinese restaurant for a change. W: What is brunch? M: It’s a meal between breakfast and lunch. Many people prefer brunch on Saturdays. W: All right. Come on. You don’t have to wear that much. It’s warm today, much warmer than yesterday. M: How do you know? W: I listened to the weather forecast on TV last night. Text8 W: I feel like doing something tonight. How about going to a movie? M: That’s a good idea. What’s on tonight? W: Which do you prefer? Chinese pictures or foreign ones? M: Well, I think I prefer foreign, especially literary ones such as Gone with the Wind, The Red and Black. W: They are old but wonderful. I like them too. M: But what do you think of the actress and actor in Gone with the Wind ? W: What an excellent pair!·13· M: Yes, I think so. Shall we go to see Blue Horizons? I heard it was wonderful and we shouldn’t miss it. W: Are Sophia Bellini and Richard Evans the leading actress and actor in it? M: Yeah, they are. W: Great! Those two are so smart that it must be worth seeing. M: It’s certain that it is. Let’s go. Text 9 M: Cindy! Have you heard the news? W: No, Steve. What do you mean? M: You know all the classes we’ve missed because of the snow? We’re going to have to make them up and it will have to be during spring break. W: Oh, no! We have our vacation all set! What are we going to do? Do the others know that? M: I don’t know but I certainly can’t afford to miss five days of classes this term. W: But I really don’t want to cancel our trip. All of us have already booked our plane tickets! M: I can try to ca maybe they can return our money. But before we do anything we need to speak with our professors. W: You think they’ll excuse us from class? M: I don’t know. But I think we’re going to have to speak to all of them anyway. W: Why didn’t they add extra days at the end of the term before summer classes? M: Because of the graduation date, which can’t be changed! W: Are other colleges around here doing the same thing? M: I would imagine so! --- It has been such a bad winter and we’ve missed too many classes. We really need to make them up. W: I know, I know. I was just really looking forward to this vacation. The idea of the sun and the beach! M: Oh, look, there’s Professor Hampton right now! W: Come on, let’s go and talk to him. Text 10 Hello, everyone. I’d like to tell you something about the student clubs in our school. Let’s begin with our reading club. It was first started in 1968, and has 90 members now. Every Thursday afternoon, they gather together to exchange their ideas on books. And you may join them to share your views. If you are a music lover, come to our music club. This club has a total of 85 members who usually meet on Saturday. Sometimes they go to the concerts together and sometimes they give performances themselves. For those who enjoy outdoor sports, the bicycle club can be a good choice. Trips are usually organized on Wednesday and last at least two hours. Together with 50 cyclists, you can not only see the beautiful nature, but also make yourself stronger. Of course, there are also many other clubs in our school. For more information, please go to the school website.商业计划书 /syjhs/ 商业计划书范文 /syjhs/ 可行性分析报告 / 市场调查 /·14·
吉林省吉林市2012届高三第二次模拟考试(英语)(2012吉林二模)——为大家提供各种日常写作指导,同时提供范文参考。主要栏目有:范文大全、个人简历、教案下载、课件中心、 优秀作文、考试辅导、试题库、诗词鉴赏。
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